America and West Indies: November 1681

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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'America and West Indies: November 1681', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1681', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1681". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

November 1681

Nov. 1. 279. Return of Imports from the American Colonies to the Port of London from 1st October to 1st November 1681, abstracted from the account of the Commissioners of Customs. White sugar 830 cwt., brown sugar 24,650 cwt., ginger 122 ½ cwt., molasses 91½ cwt., aloes 35 lbs., casticorum 49 Ibs., indigo 10,360 Ibs., annetto 350 Ibs., tobacco 109,550 Ibs., cow hides 69, catskins 141, buff hides 768, bearskins 3, vizer skins (sic) 1,246, tortoise shell 632 lbs., elephants' teeth 28 cwt., old shruff (sic) 18½ cwt., cacao 52 cwt., logwood 725 cwt., brazelette 459 cwt., pimento 7,357 lbs., tustic 60 cwt., Nicargua wood 14 tons, lignum vitae 63 cwt., hand baskets 100 dozen, bast hats (sic) 4 dozen, aqua vitae 944 gallons, lime juice 1,512 gallons, cotton wool 221 bags.
Account of Exports from the Port of London to the Colonies in the same period. Thirty ships, sixteen of them bound to Virginia. The goods exported are signified by numbers. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., pp. 78–80.]
Nov. 1. 280. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The complaint of Mr. John Witham against Michael Figges heard (see ante, No. 221). On hearing the evidence of Mr. Richard Pococke, whereby it was proved that Figges accused Mr. Witham of embezzlement, His Excellency bound Figges over, himself in 200l. and two sureties each in 100l., to good behaviour in future. Adjourned to 15th November. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 456–458.]
Nov. 1.
281. Sir Thomas Lynch to [Sir Leoline Jenkins]. As the honour to be in the province makes me support the danger and hardships of my present employment, so the happiness to be under the conduct and discretion of so prudent and just a Minister makes me hope I may acquit myself with reputation. I therefore beg your permission to make my frequent application to you, and that you will give me your advice and commands in everything that may occur. I wish particularly to know how I am to receive, or the King's frigates to treat, the French that pretend to have commissions of war from the Governor of Tortugas and the coast of Hispaniola. To me it seems they are lawful, if the King of France authorise that Governor to grant commissions of war against the Spaniards. If he declares to the Spanish ambassador, or to ours at Paris that he does not, I suppose they are then frank pirates and ought to be treated as such; so our rogues will lose their subterfuge. However, it is a point that must be cautiously managed, for (like hornets) they must not be provoked unless they can be extinguished. A small frigate and no soldiers will render us incapable of doing anything towards it. I wish we may be able to defend our coasts and property against their rapine and insults. We came hither yesterday, and this foul weather may make us wait some time for the ships, so you will have time enough, if your great affairs permit you, to honour me with your commands. Holograph. 2 pp. Endorsed with a précis. Recd. 4 Nov. 1681. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 84.]
Nov. 2. 282. Copy of the proceedings of the Governor, Council, and Assembly at a Court held at Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, from 19th October to 2nd November 1681. The story of a long wrangle between the Governor and Council and the House of Deputies as to the foundation of the Government, the end being that the Governor and Council dissolved the Deputies, and that the Deputies protested against the dissolution. 10 pp. Printed in New York Documents, Vol. III., pp. 293–300. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 85.]
Nov. 2.
283. Order of the King in Council. That the complaints against Sir John Heydon and his defence having been heard, the matter is hereby dismissed, and Sir John Heydon discharged from further attendance touching the same. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XVII., pp. 96, 97.]
Nov. 4.
284. Sir Thomas Lynch to [Sir Leoline Jenkins]. I have your Honour's of 31st ultimo. Mr. Banckes may be assured of what favour I can do his brother, and Mr. Hearne's friends of all the right I can do him. If I had inclination to be neither civil nor just yet your commands would make it a duty (see No. 272). Holograph. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 86.]
Nov. 6.
St. Jago
de la Vega.
285. Sir Henry Morgan to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I have at last, after seven months holding of the Assembly (though I must needs say with much difficulty, cost, and charge), got the Act of Revenue passed for seven years. But tbe Assembly, to secure the country from what I intimated in my last to be the grounds of their fears and jealousies, have annexed to it all other Acts passed since their first sitting and have enacted that they shall be of equal duration with it. Also, remembering that during the Governments of Sir Thomas Modyford and Lord Vaughan the King had for nine or ten years granted 600l. a year towards the making and maintenance of fortifications here, and that no part thereof was applied to that purpose, they have settled 1,000l. a year out of the impost for that use; and that they may be sure that it shall be duly employed as intended, they oblige all Governors during the term of seven years to call annually an assembly, which is to sit for at least ten days, to take an account of the disposal of that money, and in case of misapplication the more regularly and legally to beg redress, and represent that, or any other grievance, to the King. The clause in the Militia Act I could not get passed without a mitigation to the following purport, viz., that it shall not be in the power of any Governor to force any inhabitant of Jamaica to service or do any other thing contrary to the laws of England. I heartily hope my well-intended endeavours may prove to His Majesty's satisfaction. I shall think all my time, pains, and expenses happily employed if they have that good success. You will, I hope, believe that I had no motive thereunto but zeal in the King's service; I can hardly be suspected of any other, being on the point of surrendering the Government. I am well pleased that the tediousness in passing the Revenue Bill proceeded not from any animosities or heats among the Assembly or any disobedience to the King's commands. Never Assembly appeared to submit more cheerfully to His Majesty's will, nor hold more unanimously together. It was their anxiety to secure the country against foreign powers, and guard private interests from being impaired by the expense of fortifications in case the King's money were misapplied, that caused the difficulties and the cautions and the length of the session. The ships sail so suddenly that I cannot possibly send the Acts now: they shall be sent by first opportunity. I doubt not that when you have perused them you will excuse the cautiousness of the Assembly and represent it favourably to the King. 2 pp. Signed. Endorsed. Recd. 28 March '82. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 68.]
Nov. 6.
St. Jago,
de la Vega.
286. Sir Henry Morgan to Sir Leoline Jenkins. After all our difficulties and uncertainties, things are now, I hope, brought to a lucky conclusion. The Revenue Bill is passed for seven years, so the King gives his consent within a year and a day. I gave my assent on 28th October last, and prorogued the Assembly till 12th July. The long delay was due to the Assembly's fear that the country would be charged with the expense of the fortifications if a certain sum were not secured for the purpose, and that they would be forced to purchase laws of Governors, who well know the cost of assemblies, and none better than I. Having secured themselves by making the Acts indefinite and appointing a thousand pounds a year to the fortifications they passed the Bill for seven years. I hope that their proceedings may be pleasing to the King. It is only with great difficulty that I have got things done as they are; and I fear that if they be rejected it will be hard for any Governor ever again to obtain the like. I am sure the revenue will answer all expectations of the Governor and Government; if the King should keep his captain-general, lieutenant-general, and major-general, the greatest difficulty will be between this and March. Afterwards all will be easy and pleasant. I wish I had found the colony in the position wherein I leave it. Signed, Hen. Morgan. 1 p. Endorsed. Rec. 28 March 1682. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 87.]
Nov. 10.
287. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Petition of Robert Mason against the proceedings of the Council of New Hampshire read, together with a letter from Mr. Chamberlain justifying his complaints. An address from the Council to the King concerning Mr. Mason read. Agreed to report that the Council has exceeded the direction of the King's commission, that the persons who have been active in promoting these abuses be put out of the Council, and that Mr. Richard Waldern in particular who, since the death of Mr. Cutt, has been President, be removed. Also, that the law lately passed in the Assembly concerning the propriety of lands be repealed as contrary to the King's commission, whereby the Council is only empowered to interpose their endeavour in accommodation of the differences between Mr. Mason and the inhabitants. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 301.]
[Nov. 10.]
288. Petition of Robert Mason to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. Petitioner's rights in New Hampshire, derived from a grant of King James I., were confirmed by the King by his commission of 18th September 1679, in consideration whereof petitioner entered into an agreement with him for the protection of the inhabitants (see previous Vol., No. 1041). On petitioner's arrival in New Hampshire last December, confident after twenty years soliciting of the King of enjoying his just rights, he was opposed by the Council. They had already given petitioner's lands to each other and sold them to purchasers at dear rates, and their first act, contrary to the King's commission, was to confirm this arbitrary disposal, expressly repudiating all charges consequent on the King's decision with reference to the petitioner. He nevertheless declared his right to the inhabitants and expressed his willingness to confirm their rights and give them more land on very reasonable terms. He made the same offer to every member of the Council individually. John Cutt accepted the offer and expressed his dislike of the Council's proceedings; and through his influence half the inhabitants, and of the better sort, came to petitioner to have their lands confirmed. Richard Waldern and Richard Martyn of the Council, with Joshua Moody, a preacher, excited the people against any such agreements. Seditious sermons are preached and scandalous libels scattered abroad for the purpose. Some were upbraided and others threatened for owning petitioner's title; and the Council made it its business in the several towns to go from house to house and dissuade the people. Yet most of those who stood out said openly that if the Council ordered them to pay their quit-rents they would do it. After the death of John Cutt, Richard Waldern, the new president, summoned petitioner's stewards before him, took away their deputations, threatened to punish them for demanding his quit-rents, and forbade his servants to fell in his woods without first obtaining leave (which petitioner granted to all that asked it) requiring them in the King's name and at their peril to desist. To bring matters to a head, petitioner summoned Richard Waldern, Richard Martyn, and others to appear, personally or by attorney, before the King in Council within three months, to set out the titles to their pretensions, failing which he would seek the King's final judgment against them. Meanwhile he cautioned the Council against using the King's name for private ends, or interrupting petitioner in the prosecution of the Royal authority. Hereupon Waldern, Martyn, and others issued a warrant for arrest of petitioner (see ante, No. 113), and Richard Martyn told him that if they could handsomely meet with him they would stop his voyage to England, and, indeed, they solicited the master of the ship not to receive him on board. Petitioner begs that the arbitrary and illegal proceedings of the Council may be annulled, that the inhabitants may be required to receive him as lawful proprietor, that the persons who have so persistently defied the royal authority may be summoned before the King in Council to set forth their titles if they can, that persons who refuse to come to terms with the petitioner as sanctioned by the King may be inhibited from felling timber except for such firewood as they need, and that the royal authority may be endorsed in petitioner's favour. Two closely written pages. Endorsed. Read 10 Nov. 1681. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 88.]
Nov. 11.
289. [Sir Leoline Jenkins] to Sir Richard Dutton. A letter of recommendation in favour of Mr. Samuel Feny, merchant of Barbados, suggesting that he should be made a Justice of the Peace or one of the Assistants to the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIX., p. 92.]
Nov. 11.
290. Order of the King in Council. Report of the Lords of Trade and Plantations. In obedience to Order in Council of 12th October (see ante, No. 255), we have examined the case of Charles Binckes, and have heard Counsel on behalf of the complainant. We report that we see no reason why the said Binckes should not be admitted to the place of Clerk Register and Examiner of the Chancery of Barbados, according to the deputation given to him by Henry Ball, provided that the Clerk Register and Examiner be one office. But if they be several offices, the deputy may declare which he desires to execute and shall be admitted to that and to no other, in pursuance of your Majesty's instructions to Sir Richard Dutton to that end. As regards the information of Sir Richard touching the scandalous reports attributed to Charles Binckes, we recommend that it may be signified to him that he has sufficient authority to prosecute the said Binckes at law (if he see cause) for any misdemeanour committed by him. And we propose further that your Majesty will declare that you never intended the said duty on liquors to be otherwise disposed of than as appointed by the Act and will never consent that it shall be diverted in any manner whatsoever. Dated 10th November 1681. Signed, Anglesey, Clarendon, J. Ernle, L. Jenkins, Worcester. Ordered in Council accordingly. Sir Leoline Jenkins to prepare a letter for the Royal signature to Sir Richard Dutton. Signed, Francis Gwyn. 2 pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 89, and Col. Entry Bk. (report only), Vol. VII., p. 103.]
Nov. 12.
291. Sir William Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. This is most humbly to pray your Lordships to procure the arrears of the two Companies (see ante, No. 188), and of my own salary, now running in the fourth year, besides my arrears in Sir Tobias Bridges' regiment. Necessity compels me to this oft-repeated importunity, the soldiers as well as the planters being in a starving condition after two hurricanes, which have destoryed all manner of Indian provisions by which they might subsist until the European came. The French Governor of St. Christophers, Chevalier Saint Laurens, is come out with more soldiers for the Island; but he calls first at Cayenne on the Main, where he leaves some soldiers. He is daily expected. The French soldiers do not want for flour, meat, or brandy, while ours are naked and starving. It were much more honourable to disband them than to famish them. I am ashamed to trouble you so often with this "to be pitied subject." I have now intelligence of the Indians preparing forty periagos at Dominica, from St. Vincent and the Main to come against some of these islands (see ante, No. 190). I have ordered guards to be doubled. Holograph. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Rec. 4 Nov. 1681. Presented in Council, February 1681. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 90, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 26–27.]
[Nov. 13.] 292. Articles against Richard Waldern and Richard Martyn of the Council of New Hampshire. 1. They have taken upon themselves to be of the Council without taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. 2. They have opposed to the uttermost the settling of the royal authority and excited others to the like. 3. Waldern has spoken dangerous words against the King. 4. Martyn has said several times that the King has no more to do in New Hampshire than Robin Hood. 5. Waldern has caused many Indians to be barbarously and perfidiously slain in time of peace, whereby many English were killed. Rough draft. 1 p. Endorsed. Presented by Mr. Mason, 13th November 1681. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 91.]
Nov. 15. 293. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The Speaker of Assembly delivered a bill to continue the Act of Public Accounts which was returned for amendment; he delivered also an address praying for the grant of warrants for payment of several creditors. His Excellency informed the Assembly that the forts were nearly finished and that they must consider how to provide them with guns.
Nov. 16. The Assembly brought up the Bill for Public Accounts which was read thrice and passed. A Bill appointing red coats to be worn by all the foot militia read thrice and passed. Order for payment of Colonel John Codrington passed. His Excellency consented to issue the warrants requested by the Assembly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 459–464.]
Nov. 15. 294. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. In the absence of Edward Littleton, William Sharpe elected Speaker. The Governor and Council returned to the House several orders presented at their last sitting for the payment of Edward Rownton and several gunners, &c., with the following direction, that the payment be restricted to such funds as were in the Treasurer's lands or whereof the levies were passed before his Excellency's arrival, the funds raised since being appropriated to certain uses by the several acts. Address from the House praying the Governor to issue warrants accordingly. Bill for Committee of Public Accounts passed.
Nov. 16. Bill for Committee of Public Accounts returned for amendment by the Governor and Council, and with amendments passed. Bill appointing red coats to be worn by all the foot militia. On the petition of Colonel John Codrington ordered that John Hallett pay him 30,000 lbs. of sugar or the value thereof in money at 10s. per 100 lbs. for his care of the magazines. On the petition of Ambrose Taylor, the House recommends the Governor to grant him payment of 1,200 lbs. of sugar; and on that of John Jephson to grant him 2,990 lbs. Ordered that next sitting the Clerk lay before the House all such Acts as impose fines or penalties on any offenders, and appoint the same to the use of the country. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII., pp. 454–458.]
Nov. 16.
295. The King to Sir William Stapleton. The officers in our Colonies having been remiss in their duty of giving us an exact account of the course of trade therein, you will direct the Naval officer of your Government to keep particular accounts of all exports and imports, and of shipping, giving the names, burden and guns, and transmit them to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. If fit officers for the duty be wanting you will appoint them. Signed, Sunderland. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 461.]
Nov. 18.
296. The King to Sir Richard Dutton. Charles Binckes has complained to us that you refused to admit him to his office of Examiner in Chancery of Barbados. The Lords of Trade and Plantations report that they see no reason why he should not be admitted thereto, and you will therefore admit him. As to the offence that you charge against him you have sufficient authority to prosecute him. 1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIX., pp. 93, 94.]
Nov. 19.
297. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Culpeper being in attendance on the affairs of Virginia, the petition of the owners of the ship Planter's Adventure (see next abstract), was presented by him and read. The Lords, however, are of opinion that, there being an Act of Assembly of 1677 which dissallows this exception of Virginian owners, as well as an Order in Council of 14th October 1680 which vetoes an enactment conferring it on them, the petitioners have no claim to the exemption for which they ask. The Virginian Assembly, however, is at liberty to submit the draft of a Bill legalising such exemption. Lord Culpeper represented the great abuses committed in Virginia by masters of ships who make false entries to avoid the duty of two shillings a hogshead, and that the same cannot be discovered otherwise than at the unloading of the ships in England; for which he desires that orders may be given. The matter was referred to the Commissioners of the Treasury. Agreed to recommend that the King send three hundred pounds worth of flax seed to Virginia. Lord Culpeper's new Commission considered. List of the Council to be inserted in the Instructions instead of the Commission. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 305–307.]
[Nov. 19.] 298. Petition of Nathaniel Bacon, John Page, Thomas Thorp, and George Poindexter, owners of the ship Planter's Adventure, to Lord Culpeper. Petitioners purchased the said ship on the encouragement given to Virginian owners of by particular order of the Assembly (see previous Vol., No. 447). Since then they have learned that the King and the Lords of Trade and Plantations have made an objection to the Order in favour of Virginian owners; therefore beg you to intercede with the King to permit them to preserve their privilege to them for so long as the ship be fit to go to sea. She is now over nine years old and never carries above four hundred and forty or fifty hogsheads a year. The loss to the King would be small and the relief to petitioners great (see ante, No. 150). 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 19 Nov. 1681. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 93.]
Nov. 22.
299. Order of the King in Council. That the payments for the two foot companies in Virginia and for their staff cease at Christmas; and that the companies be disbanded by Lord Culpeper unless the Governor and Council and Assembly of Virginia be willing to pay them. The Lords of the Treasury are to see that all arrears due to them up to Christmas are paid at that date. The Lords of Trade and Plantations are to inspect the revenue of Virginia to prevent abuses in the management and disposal thereof. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., pp. 2, 3.]
Nov. 22.
300. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Several Acts of Antigua read.
Draft of new Instructions for Lord Culpeper ordered on the model of Sir Thomas Lynch's. His Majesty coming into the Council, the report of the Lords on the two foot companies in Virginia was read, recommending that they be continued and well paid. Ordered, that the payment to them from the Exchequer shall cease, and the companies be disbanded unless Virginia is willing to pay for them. The Commissioners of the Treasury ordered to pay their arrears. The Lords of Trade and Plantations also are directed to examine the revenue of Virginia and check abuses therein.
Letter from Barbados of 1st October with the proceedings of the Council concerning an exchequer read. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 307–309.]
Nov. 22. 301. Memorandum.—A letter, dated 28th September 1681, was this day sent to Sir Thomas Lynch, being to the same effect as the circular letter, and letter touching the Act of Navigation sent to Lord Carlisle (see previous volume, No. 628). A postscript from Sir L. Jenkins impressed on the Governor the duty of regular reports to the Principal Secretary of State. Also were sent on the same day two letters dated 11th October 1681 to the Governor and Council and to the Secretary for quarterly accounts; that to the Secretary rebuking him for his remissness in observation of former orders. All three letters were signed, Anglesey, Conway, Hyde, L. Jenkins, E. Seymour. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., p. 46.]
[Nov 23.]
302. Form for a return of all goods exported from one of the Plantations to another. Endorsed, "Sent to the officers of the Customs, 15 and 23 Nov. 1681. Sent 14 Feb. 1681[2] to Mr. Guy for the Commissioners of Customs. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 94.]
Nov. 23–24. 303. "Journal and narrative of Jonas Clough, an Englishman, lately prisoner with the Spaniards, containing a true and just account of his own and many more Englishmen's sufferings under the Spaniards, being a true relation of their unchristian and inhuman usage to them in those parts, put into writing by order of the Honourable Sir Martin Westcombe, Knight, Consul and Agent to his most Serene Majesty of Great Britain in Cadiz." The narrative opens with the arrival of the ketch Susan of London, Ralph Morris, master, at the Island of Trist, for logwood, having a pass from the Earl of Carlisle. In the following month she, with three other English ships, was captured by the Spaniards, together with all the men on board. Some who were ashore at Campeachy escaped, but were forced to remain where they were and feed on "monkeys, guyanas, and other loathsome reptiles" that the place afforded, being unable to get back to Jamaica for want of shipping. After a time, however, they obtained canoes, and as many as could be embarked sailed in them to Trist. There they found two New England sloops and another, and were intending to sail to Jamaica, when, on the 8th April 1680, the Spaniards came, took two of the sloops and forced the third ashore on Beef Island, called by the Spaniards Jica Lanoga, to which the men that remained untaken removed themselves, some eighty in all. The Spaniards followed them up with five hundred men, routed them, killed and wounded a few, and took all their canoes but one. All through May the Spaniards attacked and took several other English ships, though they were beaten off by Captain Robert Oxe in the Laurel of Boston. In the middle of the month the English on Beef Island being helpless surrendered on terms, being promised security for their lives, persons, and wearing apparel, and that they should be conducted to Jamaica or Caymanos. The number that thus surrendered was between eighty and ninety. The Spaniards having burnt the English houses, sailed with their captives for Campeachy, where they committed them to a dark dungeon, and allowed them daily a pint of "loblolly" made of Indian corn or "mayez." In June the whole of the prisoners were embarked and carried, contrary to treaty, to Vera Cruz. Here the English were landed and packed into "a close and stinking tan-house" where they were almost poisoned by the stench of raw and putrid hides. They were for three days given nothing to eat, and were then employed in carrying away sand in handbarrows. Appealing to the terms of their surrender they were told that when they had made a bridge of sand to Europe they would be allowed to go. Finally, after much hard usage they were shackled together two and two and marched up to Mexico, where they were paraded through the streets in their chains with trumpets sounding before them. After a fortnight in prison they were distributed among different houses to work with smiths and other laborious artificers. After three months they were again remanded to prison and sent up some leagues from the city to work with weavers. Here they were crowded a hundred in a room, almost eaten up with lice, given bad food and little of it, and compelled to card ten pounds of wool a day. Their masters told them that they were slaves, and that they had bought them of the Government of Mexico for six pieces of eight a head. Many fell sick and were put into the hospital where they were most barbarously used. One who died was dragged through the city by Indians, obscenely mutilated by the scholars of the free school by order of the clergy, and left to the dogs; nor were his countrymen allowed to bury him. Meanwhile some were drafted for the pearl fishery whence there is no hope that they will ever return. Many attempted to escape but were recaptured. Jonas Clough after several failures at last managed to escape, first to Havana in the Armada of Barlovento, and then to Cadiz in a Portuguese ship—the only man that escaped of a hundred and thirty-six souls that marched from Vera Cruz to Mexico. On the voyage he learned from a franciscan friar of other English prisoners at Lima. He also heard of over seventy-five more at Saint Angelo, and others on the Armada of Barlovento. List of prisoners, men and women, is appended, numbering a hundred and fifty names. Sworn depositions of several other escaped prisoners also appended, confirming and supplementing Clough's statement. The whole, 22 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 20 Dec. 1682. Read at the Committee, 18 Jan. 1682–83. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 95.]
Nov. 24. 304. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Copies of warrants for payment of salaries approved on 15th November. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XL., pp. 465–472.]
Nov. 26.
305. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Culpeper's old Instructions with his answer to the several particulars read (see No. 320). Ordered, that Colonel Philip Ludwell and Colonel Wormley be put into the Council. Lord Culpeper called attention to complaints which are often made by Indians against the English, and desired instructions how to act thereon. The Lords think that on the notoriety of the fact, through statement of the Indians or otherwise, the offenders be punished by the Governor and Council or by the General Court, though no oath intervene. The Indians also are to be admonished to punish such of their own people as have been found to have made false complaints. The Governor also is to be instructed to devise, with the half of his Council, some effective means for administering justice between Indians and English. Lord Culpeper informs the Lords that there is but one papist in Virginia, and about one hundred and fifty dissenters who call themselves "Sweet Singers." Ordered, that the instruction to Lord Culpeper about religion be verbatim the same as that to Sir Thomas Lynch. An instruction also is to be prepared, that the Governor recommend to the Assembly the substitution for the poll-tax of an impost on imported liquors, and endeavour to get it passed for a long time, to which end he may offer that it be appropriated to the public use of the Colony. Agreed that the musters of the militia be settled so as to be most easy to the Colony. Lord Culpeper ordered to send lists of every troop and company that the King may know what force can, in case of need, be brought together; also to deliver a survey of the stores in Virginia, for which Captain Morris will furnish him with an account of the arms left in Virginia. Accounts of stores and public powder to be furnished regularly in future. The Surveyor to furnish surveys of the land set out and patented to the inhabitants. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 309–311.]
Nov. 29. 306. Extracts from letters to the Royal African Company from their factors in Barbados. 30th May 1681.—We must acquaint the Company that whilst we were selling negroes on board their ships, an interloper arrived at the leeward end of the Island with about a hundred negroes, which were then put on shore without interruption. Nor is it in our power, do what we can, to prevent it without the assistance of the man of-war, which has not cruized since the arrival of our new Governor. We have addressed ourselves to him on the subject, and he replies that he would willingly give the Company all the assistance that he safely could, but complains of the want of effectual orders to do all he would. We beg the Company's further assistance herein, for without it the interlopers will spoil the trade and do what they please, for they carry their heads very high. 2nd July.—We heard with great satisfaction of the capture of the Vyner, an interloper, by the Norwich frigate in Jamaica. We should have been as satisfied if the Richmond had taken some of the many that come here, but for the reason formerly given she has not been ordered out since Sir R. Dutton's arrival. About ten days since she was ordered to cruise round the island, but returned in three or four days, being, as the captain and officers affirmed, unable to keep the sea till she is careened, the sheatning being loose and the ship very leaky. It is said she will sail in a few days to Jamaica to refit, so we presume it will be six months before we see her again, if then, when, unless more stores and provisions be not sent hither, she must go to England. So that we look upon the island as, in effect, without a frigate for more than twelve months, at which the interlopers much rejoice, not caring to have a ship of war here. The Vyner did some damage to the Norwich when taken, and they bemoan the misfortune that she did not sink the King's ship by striking her amidships with her stern, as was designed. 9th November 1681.—Unless the King support the Company and discountenance those in places of trust who ought to support his rights, but instead thereof not only are breakers thereof themselves but encourage others, we shall never see the Company established in full enjoyment of its grant. Colonel Henry Drax and Mr. John Peers of the Council of Barbados are such men, and also, as we are informed, Colonel Christopher Codrington, Lieutenaut-Colonel John Codrington, and Mr. Samuel Husbands; it would be well if the King displaced them from the honour and trust which they so much abuse. Two interlopers have lately landed their negroes at the usual point to leeward; one carried ninety, the other a hundred and ten. We could not prevent it. No one will help us now the man-of-war is gone. If she were here the Governor would not let her meddle with interlopers without the King's further order. Copies. 2 pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 96.]
[Nov. ?] 307. "Draft of a memorial to be delivered to Don Pedro Ronquillo touching injuries done to the English in America." The King, hearing of the spoils and oppression sustained by divers of his subjects in America by the subjects of the King of Spain, has commanded the following abstract of the facts to be given in to the Spanish ambassador. In January 1680 Captain Bockingham's ship the John, of London, 300 tons, 20 guns and 7 men, the Loyal Farmers, pink, of Boston, New England, the Susan, ketch, Ralph Morris master, and a ship belonging to Hugh Pering of New England, together with other vessels, were seized by the Spaniards at Triste and carried to Campeachy. In May 1680 John Whitehead, master of the barque Expectation, who had no Spanish commodity on board, and Captain Oxe, of the Laurel, were violently seized by the Spaniards. In August 1680 the ship Bear, William Diggins, master, and the Fortune, John Smith master, were also taken, and their men sent prisoners to Vera Cruz. All this contrary to the Treaty of 8/18th July 1670, wherein it is provided by the 3rd, 10th, and 15th Articles that both parties shall abstain from depredations, and that subjects of either nation, if forced by stress of weather or other cause into the ports of the other, shall be treated with kindness and humanity, and allowed the means of refreshing themselves and repairing their ships. Notwithstanding this, the Anne of Bristol, Thomas Shellam master, being forced in July 1680 into Vera Cruz by sickness and want of provisions, was seized by the Spaniards, the crew imprisoned, the cargo ruined, and the vessel itself, after much hardship had been used to the crew to induce them to make such a confession as would lead to its confiscation, was finally sold for the benefit of the owners. It is also proved, by undeniable testimony, that in April 1680 the Spaniards seized several English subjects in the Isle of Trist, took two sloops, and forced a third on shore. Some of the English having escaped were attacked by the Spaniards, who killed one and wounded three. The rest surrendered on terms which were broken. (Recapitulation of the story in No. 303). The number of English subjects now prisoners in and about the city of Mexico, the Armada de Barlovento, Havana, and elsewhere is between three and four hundred souls, who, notwithstanding their appeals for justice, can never obtain redress from the Spanish Governors. There are several other complaints of injuries done by Spaniards, which will be represented in due time when the evidence has been collected. The King hopes that His Catholic Majesty will immediately give orders for the liberation of the imprisoned English, and the repairing of those who were despoiled at Trist, in pursuance of their capitulation, which the King insists may be duly observed; also that His Catholic Majesty will instruct his Governors to observe the Treaty of 1670. Draft on half margin, with corrections. Endorsed as here headed. 20 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVII., No. 97.]