America and West Indies: September 1680

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'America and West Indies: September 1680', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680, ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1680', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1680". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1680

Sept. 1. Debate on an import duty on liquors deferred till next sitting. Orders for payment of salaries, gunners of James Fort, Charles Fort, Willoughby Fort, Fontabell Battery, Carlisle Bay Breastwork, Holetown Fort and Forts at Speight's Bay. Adjourned to 28th September. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII., pp. 393–397.]
Sept. 2. to Sept. 9. 1494. Proceedings of the General Court at Boston. (1.) Proposition of Randolph to have the tobacco and other goods that was seized on 17th August, brought to trial and a day appointed for Hutchinson, Mitchell and others to make their defence. (2.) 2nd September 1680. Permission given Randolph by the Council to prosecute on 9th September at 9 a.m. (3.) Warrant of the General Court summoning Jonathan Jackson and Nathaniel Ballard summoning them before the Court of Assistants on 9th September. (4.) 7th September 1680. Proceedings of the Court of Assistants on the trial of 50 hogsheads and 4 bags of tobacco and other plantation commodities; after the pleas and evidences of the plaintiff, Edward Randolph and of George Hutchinson (who acknowledged the goods as his), the jury found for the defendant with costs of court, to which verdict they adhered after having been twice sent out of Court. (5.) Information of Edward Randolph demanding the forfeiture of the goods for breach of the Navigation Acts. (6.) Deposition of Daniel Mathews giving an account of the seizure of Ballard's sloop, Jackson's sloop, and of Captain Lawrence. Attested by Gerrard Francks, 26th August 1680. (7.) Deposition of Jonathan Jackson disclaiming any interest in the goods save only for freight. (8.) Deposition of Nathaniel Ballard and Timothy Bread giving an account of the way in which the tobacco, &c., came on board their vessel. 9th September 1680. (9.) Deposition of Thomas Standford with an account of a conversation with Jonathan Jackson. 9th September 1680. (10.) Deposition of Gerrard Francks concerning his lading and unlading of some tobacco. (11.) The boatswain's receipt for tobacco. Copies. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 1.]
Sept. 3. 1495. The Attorney-General to William Blathwayt. Recommending Richard Chamberlain, barrister-at-law, to be Secretary of New Hampshire (see ante, No. 1478). Signed, Creswell Lewins. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 80, and Col Papers, Vol., XLVI., No. 2.]
Sept. 4.
Rhode Island.
1496. Governor Peleg Sanford to William Blathwayt. Acknowledges letter of 8th April 1680 directed to Governor Cranston (who deceased in March last). Encloses humble remonstrance and address to His Majesty with a copy of the agreement of the two agents in England and of the Commissioners. The intrusion of Connecticut notwithstanding the King's commands is prosecuted with much violence and fury to the disturbance of the loyal subjects of that colony; Connecticut presuming on their strength to force obedience, as if they were assured the King's arm would never be stretched forth, for the relief of his poor (and by them almost ruinated) subjects. Endorsed, "Recd. 12th Nov. 1680." 1 p. Enclosed,
Sept. 4. 1496. i. Governor and Council of Rhode Island to the King. Several of His Majesty's subjects, coming to New England to enjoy liberty in matters of religion were, after their first settlement in Boston, forced by their neighbours' persecution, to adventure among the wild and most populous body of the natives for habitation, which they accomplished by purchasing lands of the chief sachems, the government of which, with all others of the Narragansett and Niantick lands, was granted by a patent of 14th March, 19 Chas. I. His Majesty, in the 15th year of his reign, gave them a charter bounded W. with Pauquatuck or Narragansett River (10 miles E. of their first charter), which bounds, after a long debate between John Clarke, their agent, and John Winthrop, agent for Connecticut, were fully agreed upon on John Clarke consenting to part with some of their former claims for a peaceable issue. It was also agreed that Pauquatuck should be called Narragansett River. Petitioners have been informed that Mr. Richard Smith and others lately settled in the Narragansett country (the greater number being not so ripe in years to give a certain information of the settlement), have in a petition to the King, complained of being wronged and oppressed by the Rhode Island government (which assertion is altogether a deception) under which they expect a confirmation of what His Majesty's Commissioners made null and void. The said Mr. Smith with others is a maintainer of discord, sometimes yielding obedience to the government as by his accepting and executing the place of an Assistant, and then at other times denying obedience. Providence (according to the information of the ancient English inhabiters and the records of each town), being the first town settled by Roger Williams and others in 1635/6, Pawtuxett and Rhode Island were settled in 1637/8, and some time after, at Narragansett (eight miles from Rhode Island) Mr. Wilcocks and Roger Williams obtained leave of the Indians to set up a trading house for commerce with the Indians there, and some years afterwards Mr. Richard Smith, senior, of Portsmouth, and a freeman of the colony, removed to this trading house, as it was said a partner to Mr. Wilcocks, the trade with the natives being then the most profitable employment in those parts. Warwick was settled in 1642/3, Pettacomscutt in 1657 by Samuel Wilbore and partners of Rhode Island, and in 1659 Major Atherton and accomplices (of which Mr. Richard Smith was one), most of them of Rhode Island, settled some parts of the Narragansett country, the place they settled on being now called Kingstown. In 1661 Misscommacutt or Westerly on the E. of Pauquatuck, and in 1677 East Greenwich were settled, both by inhabitants of Rhode Island. In 1664, at Pettacomscutt, after a long debate and "adjetation," His Majesty's Commissioners, in the presence of the Governors and Agents of the two colonies, determined the Rhode Island Government to extend to Pauquatuck River, and went in their own persons and stated the bounds thereof, a determination confirmed by His Majesty's letters, Rhode Island enjoyed the government till 1672, and then was (and still is) molested by Connecticut, who assert government on the E. side of the Pauquatuck, assessing, fining, imprisoning, and oppressing His Majesty's subjects, they having lately in July, in violent manner, broke open the door of one Joseph Clarke, of Westerly, and carried him away a prisoner. Petitioners ask for protection from the furious oppositions and oppressions of their neighbours, and for a confirmation of their charter. Signed, Peleg Sanford. Endorsed, Recd. 12 Nov. 1680. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 2.]
Sept. 6.
1497. Don Pedro de Ronquillos, Spanish ambassador to the King. The Governor of the province of Carthagena reports that a barque arrived at that port sent by the Governor of Jamaica, with a letter from himself and the Governor of Tortue, whereby he was informed from Vincent Sebastian, Governor of the province of Santa Martha, and the other persons who were taken in the invasion made by pirates upon that province and are still in the island of Tortue, that those governors demand a Frenchman, a great pirate, who is a prisoner at Carthagena, and also 4,000 pieces of eight for the liberty of Vincent Sebastian and the other prisoners of Santa Martha. Now nothing can be more contrary to the treaty than to demand a ransom for prisoners that are subjects, especially after an invasion made against all reason such as that of Santa Martha. For though it be said that Frenchmen did it, yet it is certain that English were with them, and that they sailed with their prisoners to the port of Jamaica, where the Governor ought to have chastised your Majesty's subjects and not consented to demand a ransom for them. The ambassador, therefore, hopes that your Majesty will order the liberation of Vincent Sebastian and his fellow prisoners without any ransom.
Further, Don Francisco de la Guerra de la Vega, Governor of Santiago, in Cuba, reports that about September 1678 a bilander of the Isle of Jamaica arrived in that port on pretence of delivering a packet of letters to the Governor; but the ship being searched was found to contain five slaves, and other things brought with the intention of trading with them. The Governor thereupon ordered him to depart immediately (having first delivered an answer and allowed the ship to be victualled), without suffering anything to be landed, recommending the Governor of Jamaica at the same time that he would take care to prevent such exorbitances on the part of Jamaican subjects on those coasts, as prejudicial to the service of the King of Spain, and fraught with ill consequences. The ambassador, therefore, begs your Majesty to enjoin on the Governor of Jamaica to be very careful that the inhabitants forbear to carry on this unlawful trade. Translation. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 3, and Col. Entry Bks., Vol. XXIX., pp. 423–425.]
Sept. 6.
1498. Don Pedro Ronquillos, Spanish Ambassador, to the King. Sir Henry Goodrick, your Majesty's envoy to my master, has delivered a memorial complaining of a breach of the Treaty between the two Crowns concerning America, and alleging that the Admiral of Carthagena seized by force some English vessels belonging to Jamaica, took away their cargo, imprisoned the master, obliged them by torture and threats to deliver bills of sale, and in case of refusal detained them until with hunger, irons, and other ill-usage, he had obtained it; adding that this has been verified on oaths before Lord Carlisle who reported it to your Majesty, particularly the losses and sufferings of Paul Abney—how the Admiral seized him, confiscated his vessel with her cargo of cacao, and obliged him by threats and cruelties to sign a bill of sale, and how Paul Abney saw at the same time six other masters of English ships on board the Admiral treated by him in the same manner. All this Sir Henry Goodrick has represented by your Majesty's order, and prayed that the Admiral might be punished, the injured English subjects indemnified, and the Spanish Governors instructed to subject the English to no more such treatment. His Catholic Majesty ordered the Council of the Indies to examine the matter, from whose report it appears as follows:—In September—October 1679 the Governors of Havana and Caracas, and Don Antonio Quintana of the Armado of Barlavento (styled by your envoy Admiral of Carthagena), gave an account of the prizes they had taken, sending likewise authentic instruments of the hostilities committed in the Spanish dominions by different privateers. By these instruments it does not appear that the prize demanded in your Majesty name was taken by the Armado, while of the three taken, one was French, one Dutch, and the third a derelict, judged by her cargo to be English. This derelict proves that the English deal not sincerely in sailing along the coast of Santa Catalina (where she was found), for such a course leads to none of your Majesty's possessions, and lies to leeward of the Colonies to which they are permitted to go; nor is there any place on that coast for some distance where a ship may refit, whereas they had before them islands and havens proper for it. As to the captain and crew detained by the Admiral, it appears that the ship was not that alluded to by your envoy. Presumably they made use of this supposition on behalf of the prize taken by the French, as your Majesty's subjects made use of the commission of the Governor of Tortue in their piracy, which is clearly proved by the declaration of an inhabitant of the Isle of Margarita whom they carried prisoner with them for several days. Your Majesty will perceive hereby how little ground there is for this complaint, and look upon it as a captious information of the real facts. The Captain of the Armado of Barlovento, having given notice of his intention to winter in the Havana, reports no capture of an English prize on his voyage, but only that he met two English ships, and, though finding by their course and cargo that they were engaged on unlawful trade, suffered them to pass freely; and this, notwithstanding that he had experimented the infraction of the peace, in that a small vessel under his charge was taken by him in company of an English frigate, a bark and a flat bottomed boat (piragua). This is affirmed in the declaration of the inhabitant of Margarita aforesaid, who says that the captain of one ship was called Thomas Pem, and of the other Heohapireray, both English, and that the men were also English, with a commission from the French Governor of Tortue, and that they had both made the invasion on the Colonies on the coast of Caracas and Rio de la Hacha.
By these attempts it is likely that these were the same people who were so bold as to capture the city of Santa Martha, and, not content with plundering it, to carry away the Governor and other prisoners. These same and some other pirates also landed in Honduras, and after many insolencies plundered the King's magazine, and, among other things, carried off a thousand chests of indigo which they are known to have sold in Jamaica as they do the rest of their booty and prizes. These are not the only insolencies of these pirates; they infest the Isles of Barlovento, and have plundered Porto Bello, the most important city on the coast. We understand by certain advices that in Jamaica the pirates thereof met with others of Tortue and Guavos to the number of three hundred, provided themselves with victuals, arms and ammunition, embarked on five ships of middle size (two whereof were said to be lost in a storm), and sailed about March last, with one Cook for their captain. They coasted along, anchored in Porto Bello, landed their men and plundered the suburbs. Each man's share amounted to 30l. sterling, but the affair not succeeding according to their full satisfaction they retired to Jamaica to replenish with supplies, and be ready either for new insolencies on that coast or to sail to Vera Cruz. Thus their invasions already amount to hostilities, to the great damage alike of the King of Spain and of your Majesty, since the advantages of production are lost when the labourers leave cultivation and take to piracy. The Ambassador hopes your Majesty on receiving this information will order satisfaction to be given to the King of Spain and compensation to his subjects, and give effectual commands for the extirpation of these pirates, forbidding them to remain in Jamaica, or to be provided with arms and victuals, or to dispose of their booty therein, or to accept commissions from the Governor of Tortue, and ordering that no pardon be extended to them. Translation. 6 pp. Inscribed, Read 18 Sept. 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 4, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., pp. 425–431.]
Sept. 6.
St. Christopher.
1499. Deputy-Governor Abednego Mathew to William Blathwayt. Yesterday came a French shallop belonging to a ship just out from France, and now lying at Martinique, which reports that on the 8/13 August last there was a more violent storm than ever was known before among the French Islands. All houses, churches, and forts are blown down; in Martinique hardly a tree or a plant left growing; the citadel which Count de Blenac has been so long a building is all ruined; over twenty sail of ships, laid up in a famous harbour called the "Coulesack" (cul-de-sac) to secure against the approaching danger, were all scattered and wrecked; not one can be again repaired. She reports also that two English ships being at sea in the hurricane sought shelter there and were also lost with most of their men. Whence these English ships came or what are their names I know not, but I fear they are some blown out of Barbadoes roads, where, it is to be feared, the storm was also. I have lately heard from most of the English Windward Islands under Sir William Stapleton's government, and God be thanked, no such violence hath been there. We had stormy weather here the same day, which forced the ships in the roadstead to go to sea and wrecked two of the shallops in the harbour, but more sea than wind. Count d'Estrées is expected with his squadron every day, and eight men-of-war from Europe to join with him, which puts us to the trouble of securing our fortifications against a surprise. Copy. 1½ pp. Unsigned. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 5.]
Sept. 6. 1500. Warrant from the Duke of York to Sir J. Churchill or Sir George Jeffreys, his Counsel, to prepare a release to Sir George Carteret of his moiety of East New Jersey. See ante No. 1479. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXX., p. 33.]
Sept. 7. 1501. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Secretary Jenkins reported that Colonel Long of Jamaica had some days before surrendered himself to him on a bond of 10,000l. given to Lord Carlisle, and that he had taken his security for the like sum to attend the first Council. Ordered, that Colonel Long appear on the 10th instant.
Draft Commission to Sir R. Dutton read. Ordered, that Sir P. Colleton and Colonel Drax be asked when they propose to return to Barbadoes, and what assurance they can give their Lordships of the time of their return. Their Lordships will consider whether Colonel Codrington and Francis Bond be not well qualified to be put into the Council, the former being recommended by the Marquis of Worcester. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 193–194.]
Sept. 7. 1502. The Clerk of the Assembly of Barbadoes to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding copies of the votes and proceedings of the Assembly. Signed, John Higinbotham. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 55.]
Sept. 10. 1503. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations That Lord Carlisle attended a Council this day with Colonel Long and stated the grounds why he had brought him over. Referred to the Lords of Trade and Plantations to examine Lord Carlisle's charge against Colonel Long. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 194.]
Sept 10. 1504. General Account of the commodities imported to Barbadoes from 10th June to 10th September 1680. Signed by Abraham Langford, Clerk of the Naval Office. Endorsed, "Recd. 24 Jany. 1681." [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. X., No. 2.]
[Sept. 11.] 1505. Sir Richard Dutton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Suggestions on the draft of his commission as Governor of Barbadoes. He contends for the insertion of an article formerly found in the Commissions of Francis and William, Lords Willoughby, empowering him on urgent occasions to pass ordinances by the authority of the Governor and Council only, without the Assembly. He asks also for special powers to deal with refractory members of Council; that suspended members may not be eligible to the Assembly; that Councillors be not appointed without the Governor's recommendation; that no further officers may be appointed by patent under the Great Seal to offices in Barbadoes, nor Deputies be permitted to act for patentees without the Governor's certificate: and that no persons employed by the Island of Barbadoes be noticed by the King, unless themselves duly accredited and their propositions duly endorsed by the Governor and Council. Unsigned. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 6.]
Sept. 15.
Council Chamber.
1506. Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations to the King. We have read the letter from the Governor and Council of Massachusetts of 22nd May last (ante, No. 1363), wherein they report the several measures that they have taken in obedience to your Majesty's letter of 24th July 1679; but we find therein not the least notice taken of certain material parts of your letter desiring them to permit freedom of conscience to members of the Church of England, and admit them to a share in the government, as also to all your Majesty's subjects (except Papists) whether they dissent from the "Congregational way" or not. Nor do we find that they have repealed the Acts specified by the Crown Law Officers nor obeyed other of your directions, for we hear that they still carry on their mint without permission, and obstruct the working of the Acts of Trade and Navigation in every possible way, nor have they sent over new agents as directed. We have also read the petition of Robert Mason for the confirmation of his right to a certain tract of land within that government, and by all these particulars we are made the more sensible of the small regard they have for you, and offer the following draft of a letter to be sent to them. Draft.—By our letter of 24th July we signified our willingness to forget all past errors, and showed you the means by which you might deserve our pardon, and desired your ready obedience to certain commands, all of which we intimated to your agents. We little thought then that our favour would have found so little acceptance with you; but we learn by a letter from you of 22nd May last that few of our directions have been pursued, and the rest put off on insufficient pretences. You have not even sent us the new agents that we ordered to be sent over within six months after receipt of our letter, though the petition of Mr. Robert Mason was left undecided at the request of your former agents until their successors should arrive. Nevertheless we continue our clemency towards you, and we therefore require you seriously to reflect upon our commands already intimated to you, and within three months of the receipt hereof to send us such person or persons as you think fit as your fully qualified agent or agents, who shall bring us such evidences of right as you may have to the land claimed by Robert Mason. You will also warn the inhabitants and tenants on that land to produce their titles, that they may not complain that they have been deprived of their lawful defence. You will further call a General Court on receipt of this letter, read our letters and see to the execution of the commands therein, in default whereof we shall take the most effectual means to enforce the same. Dated 15th September 1680.
Further, we have received two addresses from New Hampshire (ante Nos. 1413, 1414) acknowledging your Majesty's favour in granting them a separate government, but no intimation of their proceedings thereupon nor of the laws, methods of government, &c., agreed upon by them, which by your Royal Commission were to be submitted to your approbation. For the better provision of such means we think it well that a Secretary should be appointed, competent to help them in framing their laws and settlement, and at the recommendation of the Attorney-General, we suggest Mr. Richard Chamberlain for the post. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 87–94.]
Sept. 15. 1507. Petition of the General Court of New Plymouth to the King. Thank His Majesty for his grace to them for the granting of Mounthope, and for the invitation to apply for a confirmation of their privileges. Pray for the continuance of their civil privileges and religious liberties, the exercise of which was the known end of the first comers in 1620. Pray for an incorporation into a body politic with the privileges that have been granted to Connecticut; are confident of His Majesty's favour as they bore the brunt of the first English colony there settled, and were forced to sit down in the barrenest part thereof and destitute of any convenient place for beaver trade or fishing, especially since Penobscot and other of those eastern parts fit for trade granted in their patent were forcibly taken from them by the French and have since been granted to the Duke of York. Intended to have sent one of their members to have waited on His Majesty with this address, but considering their paucity of fit men to stand before His Majesty, and Lord Culpeper condescending to give his favour to so low a service for them, hope no neglect will be charged to them. Have betrusted and entreated Mr. William Blathwayt to give himself the trouble of managing this weighty concern. Give an abstract of the Charter they would desire, defining the government, jurisdiction, limits, &c. Signed Josiah Winslow. Endorsed, Recd. 26 March 1680. Read 27 October 1681. Read 17 Nov. 1684. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 7.]
[Sept. 15.
1508. Warrant for payment of 2,245l. 2s. 8d. to the Colony of Virginia for six months from 1st July 1679 to 1st January 1680, viz., to the Governor 500l., the Lieutenant-Governor 300l., the MajorGeneral 150l., incidental charges 300l., the Commissary of the Musters 46l., and to Sir Henry Chicheley's company 949l. 2s. 8d. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. LIX., p. 52.]
Sept. 16. 1509. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Carlisle delivers a paper with his charges against Colonel Long which is read (see No. 1512). His Lordship declaring that he had nothing against him except what was contained in the paper though reserving the right to explain the same. Colonel Long is called in and the paper is read to him. He denies the erasure of the King's name from the Bill of Revenue, and gives an explanation which is confirmed by the letters of four gentlemen of Jamaica and the Clerk of Assembly. As to the habeas corpus he declares that he did not know the person was condemned and that it is usual for Judges to sign blank habeas corpus which the Clerk gives out in due course. He had never opposed the King's order except by expressing his opinion that they were not for His Majesty's service or the good of the country. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 194–196.]
Sept. 16.
H.M.S. Assistance, Bay of Bulls (Newfoundland).
1510. Captain Sir Robert Robinson, R.N., to William Blathwayt. I send you answers to your heads of inquiry which I have collected out of each harbour belonging to the English. I give an account of 200 ships and vessels now in these parts of the island; but daily several ships and vessels come in and out from New England, which may, in the whole year, amount to 100 sail, and which it is impossible for the men-of-war to take account of. Again, we give you an account of but 170 and 180 quintals to a boat, but this is what the planters and fishers gave us this year, and they always speak of the least; but their general voyages are from 250 to 300 to a boat, which in the whole will amount to 100,000 quintals more [than named in my returns]. Further, I would desire their Lordships should be acquainted how grossly he is abused by the New England men that come to this place, who, contrary to the Royal Command, annually carry away from here several of his subjects, seamen and others, who never return to England. When therefore occasion calls for seamen, His Majesty must want them, as was done this year, as I understand by the complaints of several masters of merchantmen and even more of the fishermen. Signed. 1 p. Annexed.
1510. i. Names of the fishing ships in St. John's harbour, with other particulars. In all 24 ships, of 2,425 aggregate tonnage, carrying 619 men, 77 guns, 121 boats. They catch annually 19,290 quintals of fish, make 173½ hogsheads of train, and use 23 hogsheads of "fats."
1510. ii. List of the by-boat keepers in St. John's, who each keep stages, 42 in all, with 97 boats, employing 455 men, catching 16,680 quintals of fish. (N.B.—Every vessel in these two lists, with one or two exceptions, is from a South Devon port.)
1510. iii. An account of the stages, rooms, trainfats, ships, and men employed in St. John's and Bay of Bulls, with number of horses and planters—35 inhabitants in all.
1510. iv. Account of the inhabitants in St. John's and Queue de Vide, 39 men, 18 wives, 17 sons, 14 daughters, 6 women servants, men servants, 200 in winter, and 93 in summer. (N.B.—A large proportion of the names are Devonshire names).
1510. v. A list of fishing ships in Newfoundland— 24 in all, with the exception of one or two Spanish vessels, exclusively from Plymouth, Teignmouth, Topsham, and Dartmouth.
1510. vi. Account of the sackships in St. John's harbour, 30 ships from divers ports, 2,410 tons, 331 men, and 122 guns.
1510. vii. "A list of the harbours and fishing coves between Cape de Race and Backelive, which is the nether part of Bay of Consumtion."
1510. viii. Copy of a letter from Rennooes, dated 29 July 1680, giving particulars of fishing at Trepassy, average catch of the ships, movements of the Admiral, damage done in St. Mary's by the English last winter. ½ p.
1510. ix. Declaration signed by six men of St. John's harbour that they had seen the master of the ship Katherine cast his press stones out of his ship into the harbour contrary to His Majesty's orders and to the damage of the port. Dated 9th August 1680.
1510. x. Inquiries made by Sir Robert Robinson, Commander of Her Majesty's frigate Assistance in answer to the heads given to him by the Lords of Trade and Plantations:—
(1.) Numbers of population given above. The people live from 1st May to 1st November by fishing, and in the winter by sawing, board-making, fowling, and furring.
(2.) They are not able to support themselves, but obtain their provisions from England, Ireland, France, and New England.
(3.) The inhabitants make no destruction of wood, but last year some new settlers spoiled the stages. Timber abounds except at St. John's, where, owing to the number that resort thither, it must be brought from a distance.
(4.) The planters take their fishing places, good or bad, as the Adventurers do, and desire not maliciously to obstruct the Adventurers anywhere.
(5.) The byboat-keepers make little or no spoil of the Adventurers' stages, but generally the fishermen themselves first and the planters afterwards, but this does not force them to come two months earlier to repair them, as represented. They could not come a month earlier than they do, and generally they come later and later every year.
(6.) The boat-keepers have a supply of provisions, clothing and fishing necessaries from England, Ireland, France, and New England.
(7.) Planters cannot live far from the waterside because of their employment in fishing. There is a little arable and pasture but fishing is more profitable. The French monopolise the fur trade.
(8.) There is trade with New England, sugar, bread, tobacco, and rum.
(9.) The boats and catch of the inhabitants is given above. They cannot afford to sell their fish cheaper than the Adventurers, for they pay more for their materials, &c.
(10.) The New England men fish on their own coast but not in Newfoundland; and their fishing decays owing to French interference.
(11 and 12.) Are answered by the returns.
(13.) Masters allow their men to stay behind, and more stay every year, some of whom are taken to New England.
(14.) The Western Charter is little regarded and its rules neglected till the men-of-war arrive.
(15.) The French far exceed us in the land and on the sea in ships. They are fortified and have a government, have better fishing grounds, and better organisation than the English.
(16.) There may be 80 families in Placentia and several families in each of the many harbours in Fortune Bay. No inhabitants in St. Mary's.
(17.) The French have few plantations and live like the English in the winter.
(18.) The French carry on their trade with less expense and therefore with greater gain.
(19.) About Placentia ships come far earlier, 1st Feb ruary. and leave sooner, elsewhere the French season is the same as ours.
(20.) The French rather increase than decrease, making better voyages than we do.
(21). There is a fort at Placentia and one at St. Peter's which is supplied annually by a French man-ofwar.
(22.) Several English live among the French and in good accord, but there is no correspondence between the planters of the two nations.
(23.) There is no such thing on the coast.
(24.) The French trade increases greatly on the bank of Canada, but an account of their ships must be sought at the ports of France.
(25.) The Biscayans fish to north of Bonavista, and with the French, but not with us.
pp. Endorsed, Recd. 11 October 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., Nos. 8, 8 I.–X.]
Sept. 16. 1511. [Secretary Sir Leoline Jenkins ?] to Mr. Godolphin. Lord Carlisle gave in his charge this day at the Committee against Colonel Long, charging him with having razed the King's name out of the Act of Revenue; 2ndly, with having granted a habeas corpus for a private convict; 3rdly, with having opposed the new model with seditious insinuations among the people. Colonel Long denies the razure, pretends that the habeas corpus could be of no ill consequence because the trial was illegal, and justifies his opposing the new model, but with such arguments as mutinies and seditions use to be maintained withal. He has some skill in law (he was Chief Justice in Jamaica), but seems to have little affection for the Government. Their Lordships will report to-morrow to the Council that Long and his bail are to be discharged of their recognizances, which he fears may be of some disadvantage to Lord Carlisle, and matter of great triumph to this man when he returns to the Island. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. LXII., pp. 72, 73.]
[Sept. 16.] 1512. Lord Carlisle's charge against Colonel Long. At my arrival in Jamaica I met Colonel Long, being Chief Justice and a member of Council, which induced me to believe him a fit man to help me to put the new model into execution, but upon discourse with him found him utterly averse. He urged that it was against law and justice to alter the constitution Jamaica had so long lived under, or subject her to any form but that of England, which is an Englishman's birthright. I tried hard to convince him of his error but found him obstinate, yet thought it prudent to do no more than oblige him not to report his opinions publicly, lest he should pervert others, which with some difficulty I persuaded him to promise me. This promise he observed not. I then warned him how pernicious his opinion and his obstinacy therein might prove to himself, in respect of his high station and thwarting of the King's authority. Soon after, upon the perusal of the Acts made in Lord Vaughan's government, I found the King's name which had been inserted in the Act of Revenue razed out and interlined. Colonel Long was Speaker of that Assembly, with whom I discoursed that affair. He owned the interlineation to be in his own hand, but denied the erasure. After much discourse I argued that it was most rational to conclude that he that did the one did the other. He replied that if it were so, he knew of no crime there was in it. I referred the matter to the Council in his presence, and he said that what was done had been done by himself as Speaker and in the Assembly. Thereon several of the Council said that, as to the alteration, it was plain that the King's name had been in, but had been razed out; the Council book contained a fair entry of the passing of that Revenue Act and of several amendments thereon, but not a syllable of this, and they desired that the Assembly's journal might be searched, wherein the alteration or razing, with the words interlined, must needs appear by a vote. The journal was perused (a true copy thereof is to be produced) and there is no such thing. The Council in their address disown all knowledge of the alteration, and did all but one, the said Colonel Long, affirm that the Act was passed by them with His Majesty's name in and not otherwise, as appears by the Council Journal.
Colonel Long was Chief Justice when he signed a habeas corpus on behalf of one Brown, a condemned pirate, the Marshal having then in his hand a warrant for his execution, and brought the Assembly to espouse his cause so warmly that by vote of the majority the Speaker, Lieutenant-Colonel Beeston, signed a warrant to the Marshal to suspend the execution of Brown and obey the habeas corpus, in so disorderly a manner that Lord Vaughan was forced to dissolve the Assembly.
On the debate on the address from the Council to the King, Colonel Long with a most unbecoming heat opposed it. In the course of debate one member said that by humility and obedience they might prevail with His Majesty to grant at any rate a part of their wishes, and that they ought to be content with one concession at a time. Whereupon Colonel Long replied that he desired nothing but his rights as an Englishman, and that he would not be contented with less, he wanted no half measures, but to be governed as formerly and the new model to be laid aside.
When the Assembly's address was read, I dissapproved of great part of the matter and altogether of the manner. Colonel Long pleaded for its justice, truth, and regularity. I replied that by his zeal and as well as the matter and manner and it was likely he helped the Assembly to draw it. He replied that he had. I told him that in this as in other matters he had forgotten his station. He answered that he believed he might answer the discoursing and assisting of the Assembly men for the parish he belonged (sic) by whom and under whom he was concluded. Finally, notwithstanding my great and often pains with him to cause him to alter his opinion or at least not to poison others, I met with nothing but undutifulness and obstinacy. So evilly did he practice with all that he had credit with that I was forced to divest him of all public authority. Unsigned. Endorsed, Read 16 Sept. 1680. 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 9, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., pp. 418–422.]
Sept. 18. 1513. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Answers received from Sir Peter Colleton and Colonel Drax as to their return to Barbadoes. Sir Peter will return as soon as he has ended a vexatious lawsuit against him, Colonel Drax as soon as his business permits. Their names are therefore retained on the list of the Council, which, except the insertion of Francis Bond in lieu of Benjamin Knight, is left unaltered. Sir Ralph Dutton's commission and instructions resumed. A clause added making the senior resident member of Council President in case of the Governor's death. Sir Richard Dutton's paper of proposals read, and a clause added to the Commission, empowering him to administer the oath of allegiance. Agreed to advise the King to insert a clause voiding the patents of non-resident patentees of offices, and leave the gift of offices with the Governor. The test, as well as the oath prescribed for Councillors.
Memorials of the Spanish Ambassador, dated 6th September (see Nos. 1497, 1498), respecting piracies in Jamaica, read and referred to Lord Carlisle. Letter from the Council of Jamaica of 20th May read. Their Lordships think it very necessary that the law therein mentioned, making it felony without benefit of clergy to serve a foreign prince, be revived. As to sending four frigates their Lordships will confer with Lord Carlisle. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 196–198.]
Sept. 18. 1514. Extract from a letter from [Secretary Sir Leoline Jenkins ?] to Mr. Godolphin. The Committee for Jamaica did nothing in Lord Carlisle's business; he himself could not attend being very ill with the gout. Their Lordships went over the instructions for Sir Richard Dutton. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II, Vol. LXII., p. 76.]
Sept. 20. 1515. Lords of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carlisle. Transmitting copies of the memorials of the Spanish Ambassador and ordering his attendance (see ante No. 1513). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., p. 423.]
[Sept. 21.] 1516. Lord Carlisle to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Answer to the memorials of the Spanish Ambassador (ante Nos. 1497, 1498). The representation made by Sir Henry Goodrick as to the arrest and plunder of Paul Abney by Don Antonio Quintano is truth, being founded not on Abney's deposition only but confirmed to me by three masters of vessels, William Beartree, John Tood, and Thomas Read, all of whom were prisoners on board Don Antonio Quintano at the time. While Don Antonio continues to deal so roughly with these English, to make prize of their ships and goods, and prisoners of their men, no good understanding is possible between the two nations.
The depredations and injuries of the privateers are committed by a sort of men without the reach of Government; but the injuries that we suffer from them are from men in office and public employ. It is true that at my first arrival in Jamaica I invited the privateers in, but it was out of kindness to the Spaniard, to endeavour to reclaim them from evil courses. Finding them persevere I presently sent out the frigates whenever I heard of them about Jamaica, and I do believe I have taken while there more of their vessels than Don Antonio in the whole time of his being Admiral, though I could not proceed to punishment of any particular person, having no complaint of the Spaniards against them. It is true that I heard, as news, of the taking of several chests of indigo in the Bay of Honduras; but no complaint was made. There were some chests of foreign indigo brought into the remote parts of the Island, and these I caused to be searched for, and captured a small quantity. The rest escaped, and some was brought into Port Royal, but in lawful ships and by lawful men (no privateer ever brings any such thing thither) and was therefore admitted to entry by the Customs. As to Vincent Sebastiano, Governor of Santa Martha, and the allegation that I demanded ransom from him, I know so little of the matter that I never heard his name till now nor of any ransom required. I have always shown all kindness and civility to Spaniards arriving at Port Royal, and having even set at liberty Spanish negroes who could prove that they were freeborn in their own country. As to the derelict vessel, she belonged to Cook. Though at anchor under British colours and under the command of a Dutch Island near Curacoa, the men stood ashore and looked on, preferring to sacrifice their ship rather than fall into the hands of the Spaniards by whom they knew so many to have been ill-treated and undone. This caused Cook to turn privateer, he having never been so before. I heard of the capture of Porto Bello before my departure, but none of the privateers returned to Jamaica, but sailed straight to the river Darien, and by that King's assistance passed through to the South Seas, where for all I know, two and three hundred of them still remain. Coxon alone, who went with them as their Captain, with five and fifty more, left them in consequence of some drunken quarrel; and these I met with off Point Negril on my passage home. We gave chase with the Hunter frigate in company for twenty-four hours, but he outsailed us and we could not come up with him, but we took two vessels belonging to him forsaken by their crews who were all aboard his vessel. 2½ pp. Signed. Inscribed, Read 21 Sept. 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 10, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., pp. 431–434.]
Sept. 21. 1517. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Carlisle's answer to the Spanish Ambassador's memorial (see preceding abstract) read, his Lordship being unable to attend through sickness. Lord Sunderland directed to send a copy to the Spanish Ambassador, and to move the King at Newmarket about sending frigates to restrain privateers.
Mr. Chaplin delivered a box from Sir Jonathan Atkins, with a map of Barbadoes, and several laws and bills mentioned in his letter of 21st May.
Sept. 22. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Colonel Long called in, asks to be freed from his bond and security, and to be furnished with a copy of Lord Carlisle's charges; all of which is granted him. [Col Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 199.]
Sept. 23.
1518. The Governor and Council of Barbadoes to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Transmitting quarterly returns of the proceedings of the Council, of Acts passed, and of imports, with an excuse for not sending the return of the exports. Signed by the Governor and nine members of Council. Duplicate copy. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 11.]
Sept. 27. 1519. Sir Richard Lloyd, Judge Surrogate of the Admiralty, to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Hastens to answer a letter from Mr. Blathwayt, dated 22nd May 1679, but brought to him for the first time last Wednesday by Mr. John Wachtendonck, which letter contained two questions. (1.) Is the Dutch West India Company liable to pay the necessary expenses incurred by the officers at Barbadoes in looking after and preserving the ship Asia ? (see ante, Nos. 999, 1000). (2.) If such charges be paid, what sum should be allowed ? In answer to 1, Lloyd thinks the charges should be paid. By Sir Jonathan Atkins's account the ship was brought to Barbadoes derelict and leaky and was sold for 300l., before any one laid claim to her or any order for her delivery had been received from the King. As to 2, the amount cannot well be determined till the demands be known. If Sir Jonathan ask unreasonably, their Lordships or the Court of Admiralty can fix the sum. 2 pp. [Col Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 12.]
Sept. 28. 1520. Minute of Council of Barbadoes. Message from the Assembly as to the fate of bills sent to the Council. Answer that some had been dealt with and that the rest were under consideration. Bill for prohibiting negroes to be artificers thrown out. Orders for payment of sundry salaries to gunners and mattrosses returned to the Assembly with amendments. Two payments passed. Message from the Assembly that they were adjourning for a fortnight, and bringing up a bill for continuance of expiring laws. Order that the first quarterly returns required by the Lords of Trade and Plantations be sent by next ship. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 321–324.]
Sept. 28. 1521. Journal of Assembly of Barbadoes. Debate on the imposition of an import duty on liquors, adjourned.
Sept. 29. Bill to continue expiring Acts passed. Orders for payment of several accounts for material for the fortifications. Adjourned to 19th October. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII., pp. 398–400].
Sept. 30. 1522. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir William Stapleton's letter of 27th July read. Their Lordships think it very necessary that a frigate should be maintained in the Leeward Isles, and noticing that the King has received no account of late years of the revenue arising from the duty of 4½ per cent., will recommend to the Commissioners of the Treasury the improvement of that revenue for the support of Government there. Letter of 10th July from the Clerk of the Assembly of Nevis read.
Paper delivered by the Bishop of London for insertion in Sir R. Dutton's Instructions (see ante, No. 1488). On No. 3, it is thought fit to instruct the Governor to inquire and report to the Bishop whether there be any persons that preach and administer the sacraments in Barbadoes not being in orders. On No. 4 the Lords will ask the merchants when they attend next week, and also on No. 5. An Instruction to be inserted whereby the Governor shall express disapprobation of all laws which hinder or restrain the liberty of appeal to the King in Council, except in criminal cases and civil causes where the sum in question does not exceed 100l. Sir Richard Dutton called in, who proposes (1) that he be not obliged to show all his Instructions to the Council, (2) that a trade may be permitted with the Spaniard for gold and silver (which their Lordships do not approve of), (3) that the building of a house for the Governor be recommended.
Petition from some of the inhabitants of Maine read, complaining of the hardships put upon them by the Government of Massachusetts, but their Lordships do not think fit to give any order therein. Letters to the President and Council and Secretary of New Hampshire to send quarterly accounts, read and signed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 200–204.]
Sept. 30. 1523. [William Blathwayt] to the merchants of Barbadoes. The Lords of Trade and Plantations noticing the unhappy state of the negroes and other slaves in Barbadoes by their not being admitted to the Christian religion, wish to discover some means whereby they might be admitted and encouraged thereto without prejudice to the freeholders; and planters have ordered me to send you a copy of the law concerning negroes, and to request you to attend their meeting on Friday 8th October. Copies sent to Sir Peter Colleton, Mr. Eyles, Mr. Bawden, Colonel Thornburgh, Mr. Scott, Mr. Davers, and others. ½ p. [Col Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 23.]
Sept. 30. 1524. Lords of Trade and Plantations to the President and Council of New Hampshire. Require them to transmit quarterly accounts of matters of importance relating to the province, debates in Council, passing of laws, state of trade inwards and outwards, observations on the state of the province, &c., signed by the President and Council; duplicates to be sent by the next succeeding conveyance. This letter to be registered in the Council Book. Signed, Anglesey, Radnor, Worcester, Essex, Halifax, Clarendon, H. London, L. Jenkins. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 101–103.]
Sept. 30. 1525. The same to the Secretary and Clerk of the Council of New Hampshire, requiring him to send accounts of all things transacted in his office and of all orders and papers registered there. 2 pp. [Col Entry Bk., Vol. XLI., pp. 103, 104.]
Sept. 30. 1526. Commission appointing Richard Chamberlaine Secretary and Clerk of the Council of New Hampshire. Endorsed, Entered among the Patents. 2 pp. [Col Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 13, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., p. 3.]
Sept. 30. 1527. Petition of Inhabitants of Maine to the King. Describe the encroachments of the Massachusetts, and the heavy taxes (to the amount of 3,000l. and upwards) to be paid by the inhabitants of York, Wells, and Kittery. Pray that such whose names they represent may be empowered to govern till His Majesty's pleasure be farther known. 136 signatures. Inscribed, Read 30 Sept. 1680. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVI., No. 14.]