April 1. Barbadoes. |
1336. Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins to Mr. Blathwayt, I
enclose in a box all the particulars requested by their Lordships'
last letter. I hope that they are correct; if mistakes be pointed
out I will take pains to rectify them. We have no muster-masters
here not will they allow any, so the rolls may seem a little confused,
but I think they are intelligible enough, as also the other papers
though coming from several parishes they are drawn up in several
methods. (See ante, pages 502–3.) [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV.,
No. 47, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 1.] Annexed, |
1336. i. A list of the inhabitants in and about the town of
St. Michael's with their children, hired servants,
prentices, bought servants, and negroes; arranged in
five columns, the householder and his wife forming the
first, children, hired servants, bought servants, and
slaves forming the other four Total population;
men 404, children, 402, white servants 412; Total; 1,220.
Negroes 1,325. Jews are placed under a separate
heading and appear to have been numerous. The
names are mostly Spanish and Portuguese,—Navarro,
Rodriguez, Lopes, Pereira, Gomez, &c. 10 pp. |
1336. ii. Alphabetical list of owners and possessors of land in
the parish of St. Michael's, with the acreage, servants
and slaves of each. Total of owners 225; of servants
300; of negroes 3,746. Total acreage of the parish
3,746 acres. |
1336. iii. Table of Baptisms in St. Michael's parish from
31st March 1678 to the end of September 1679.
7 pp. |
1336. iv. Burials in St. Michael's parish, same period. 16 pp. |
1336. v. Return of owners, acreage, and servants, &c., for parish
of St. George's. 111 white servants, 4,316 negroes. 9,569
acres. 1 sheet. |
1336. vi. Baptisms and burials in the parish of St. George's,
25th March 1678–29th September 1679. 36 baptisms,
66 burials. 4 pp. |
1336. vii. Alphabetical return of owners, &c., for parish of
Christchurch, same period, 173 white servants, 4,723
negroes. 12,978 ¾ acres. 6 pp. |
1336. viii. Baptisms in parish of Christchurch, same period.
Total 93. 4 pp. |
1336. ix. Burials in parish of Christchurch. Total 42. 4 pp. |
1336. x. Alphabetical list of owners, &c., in parish of St. Philip.
115 white servants, 4,702 negroes. 12,158 acres. 18 pp. |
1336. xi. Baptisms and burials in parish of St. Philip, same
period. 61 baptisms and 126 burials. 8 pp. |
1336. xii. Alphabetical list of landowners, &c., for parish of
St. James. 183 householders, 113 white servants, 2,895
negroes. 6,742 acres. (Some of the landowners are noted
as "very pore.") |
1636. xiii. Baptisms and burials in parish of St. James, same
period. 23 baptisms, 44 burials. 4 pp. |
1336. xiv. List of landowners, &c., in parish of St. Joseph. 72
white servants, 104 freemen, 2,072 negroes, 4868 acres.
2 pp. |
1336. xv. Baptisms and burials in parish of St. Joseph, same
period. 20 baptisms, 35 burials. (The baptisms are written
on a scrap of waste paper.) |
1336. xvi. Alphabetical list of landowners for parish of St. Lucy.
437 parishioners, 118 white servants, 1,965 negroes. 6,800
acres. 24 pp. |
1336.xvii. Baptisms and burials for parish of St. Lucy, same
period. 94 baptisms, 72 burials. 8 pp. |
1336. xviii. Alphabetical list of landowners, &c., for parish of
St. Thomas. 93 bought servants, 133 hired servants,
3,396 negroes. 7,485 acres. (This return is tattered and
ill-preserved.) |
1336. xix. Baptisms and burials of St. Thomas. Baptism 35,
burials 34. 2 pp. |
1336.xx. Baptisms and burials for same period, and alphabetical
list of landowners, &c., for parish of St. John. 28 baptisms,
72 burials, 71 hired servants, 85 bought servants, 3,303
negroes. 7,659 acres. 6 pp. |
1336. xxi. List of landowners, &c., baptisms, and burials, during
same period, for parish of St. Peter. 208 landowners, 375
white servants, 3,977 negroes. 6,651 acres. Baptisms 71,
burials 146. A long certificate from the Minister and
Churchwardens. 10 pp. |
1336.xxii. List of landowners, &c., baptisms and burials during
same period for parish of St. Andrew. 47 white servants,
2,248 negroes. 7,476 acres of which 1,260 are owned by
dwellers in other parishes, and 719 "in dispute between
the Lady Yeamans, Madam Farmer, and Madam Sparks."
Baptisms 18, burials 44. 1 sheet. |
1336. xxiii. Summary of all the lands and negroes in the Island
"according to what the same was given in by the
inhabitants upon a levy of 2 lbs. of sugar for every acre
and 5 lbs. of sugar per head for every negro." (This
return differs somewhat from the figures given above. |
Parish. |
Acres. |
Negroes. |
Levy of Sugarin the Towns for Trade. |
St. Philip |
13,506 |
4,610 |
Christchurch |
14,136 |
4,758 |
Oistin's Town, the merchants for their trade |
2,000 |
St. John's |
7,637 |
3,276 |
St. George's |
9,540 |
5,318 |
St. Michael's |
7,427 |
3,608 |
Town negroes |
1,360 |
Levied by merchants |
40,000 |
St. Joseph's |
4,907 |
2,191 |
St. Thomas's |
7,787 |
3,272 |
St. James's |
6,779 |
2,934 |
Levied by merchants,
Holetown |
2,440 |
St. Peter's |
7,855 |
2,646 |
Levied by Merchants,
Speightstown |
6,000 |
St. Andrew's |
7,258 |
2,162 |
St. Lucy's |
6,685 |
2,217 |
Levied from the Jews in
the whole Island |
10,000 |
Total |
92,717 |
38,352 |
60,440 |
1336. xxiv. Summary of acreage, white servants, negroes
baptisms and burials in the eleven parishes of Barbadoes.
Total for the eleven parishes 84,233 acres, 2,193 white
servants, 37,315 negroes, 3,311 "housekeepers," 630
baptisms, 1,058 burials. (This return seems to be made
up from the detailed returns given above.) 2 pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 2.] |
1336.xxv. Certificate of negroes received from the Royal
African Company between 1st December 1678 and 1st
December 1679. 1,425 negroes received and sold "to
sundry persons for money and sugar at sundry prices,"
amounting in all (valuing sugar at 10 per cent.) to
20,520l. On 5th January 1679–80 were received 484
more negroes which were disposed of for 7,050l. Signed,
Edwyn Stede, Stephen Gascoigne. 10th March 1679–80.
1 p. |
1336.xxvi. Alphabetical list of persons to whom tickets were
granted to depart from Barbadoes from 1st January to
31st December 1679. In all 523 men and 60 women.
40 pp. |
1336. xxvii. List of the forces of Barbadoes:— |
Colonel Lyne's regiment of foot |
891 |
Colonel Colleton's regiment of foot |
766 |
Colonel Richard Bayly's regiment of foot |
766 |
Colonel Timothy Thornhill's regiment of
foot |
655 |
Colonel Standfast's regiment of foot |
506 |
Colonel William Bate's regiment of foot |
1,194 |
Total foot |
4,810 |
Colonel Samuel Newton's regiment of horse |
434 |
Colonel Simon Lambert's regiment of horse |
344 |
Total horse |
778 |
Total horse and foot |
5,588 |
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 3.] |
1336. xxviii. Nominal Rolls of the Companies of Colonel
Christopher Lyne's Regiment of Foot:— |
A. Colonel Lyne's Company, officers not named, 121
men. |
B. Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 96 men. |
C. Major Williams's (late) Company, officers not named,
81 men. |
D.Captain Dent's Company, officers not named,
78 men. |
E. Captain Browne's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
105 men. |
F. Captain Pinket's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
72 men. |
G. Captain Bowcher's Company, officers not named,
83 men. |
H. Captain Adams' Company, officers not named,
83 men. |
J. Captain Richard Elliott's Company, officers not
named, 90 men. |
K. Captain Rawlins's Company, 2 commissioned officers,
82 men. |
[In many of these rolls there is no clue except the date
to show to what regiment the company belonged. Some
of them contain lists of the householders, &c., as in Colonel
Standfast's rolls, see No. XXXII.] |
1336. xxix. Nominal Rolls of Companies in Colonel Thomas
Colleton's Regiment of Foot:— |
A. Colonel Colleton's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
108 men. |
B. Lieutenant Colonel Jelley's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 79 men. |
C. Major Samuel Smith's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 82 men. |
D. Captain Parke's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
95 men. |
E. Captain Binney's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
133 men. |
F. Captain Cleaver's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
102 men. |
G. Captain Hacket's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
120 men. |
H. Captain Bound's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
57 men. |
[There is nothing except the date to show to what regiment
these companies belong, and the date itself is
sometimes missing. Many of the rolls are simply names
of the persons whose duty it was to supply a quota of
men.] |
1336. xxx. Nominal Rolls of Companies in Colonel Richard
Bayly's Regiment of Foot:— |
A. Colonel Bayly's Company, officers not named, 75
men. |
B. Lieutenant-Colonel Tidcombe's Company, officers not
named, 118 men. |
C. Major Foster's Company, officers not named, 85 men. |
D. Captain Hall's Company, officers not named, 83 men. |
E. Captain Whalley's Company, officers not named,
80 men. |
F. Captain William Lewgar's Company, officers not
named, 82 men. |
G. Captain Thurburne's Company, officers not named,
86 men. |
H. Captain Harrison's Company, officers not named,
103 men. |
J. Captain Liston's Company, officers not named,
93 men. |
K. Captain John Lewgar's Company, officers not named,
73 men. |
[Some of these rolls are marked off into files of six men
apiece; some contain simply the names of the persons
bound to supply men, as in Standfast's regiment.] |
1336. xxxi. Nominal Rolls of Companies of Colonel Timothy
Thornhill's Regiment of Foot, viz.:— |
A. Colonel Thornhill's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 104 men. |
B. Lieutenant-Colonel Afflick's Company, 1 commissioned officer, 42 men. |
C. Major Holmes's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
55 men. |
D. Captain Sampson's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
69 men. |
E. Captain Thornhill's Company, 1 commissioned
officer, 83 men. |
F. Captain Morrell's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
65 men. |
G. Captain Holms's Company, 3 commissioned
officer, 27 men.
Captain Lillington's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 51 men.
(Lillington's roll is made up like those of
Standfast's regiment.) |
H. Captain Allamby's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
74 men. |
K. Captain Woodward's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 67 men. |
1336. xxxii. Nominal Rolls of Companies in Colonel Standfast's
Regiment of Foot. These differ somewhat from the other
rolls, as the following heading shows:—"Lists containing
the Masters and Mistresses of Plantations, quantities of
acres, number of householders serving for themselves,
tenants, freemen, and servants within the Division of
Captain—'s Company"):— |
A. Colonel Standfast's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
54 rank and file. |
B. Lieutenant-Colonel Ruddock's Company, 3 commissioned officers, 61 rank and file. |
C. Major John Waterman's Company, 2 commissioned
officers, 73 rank and file. |
D. Captain Sandeford's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 48 rank and file. |
E. Captain Abel Alleyne's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 57 rank and file. |
F. Captain Archibald Johnstone's Company, 1 commissioned officer, 61 rank and file. |
G. Captain John Davies's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 73 rank and file. |
H. Captain Waterman's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 79 rank and file. |
Also 24 sergeants and 16 drummers. |
1336. xxxiii. Abstract of Colonel William Bate's Regiment of
Foot, His Majesty's Regiment of Guards for his Excellency.—1 colonel, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 9 captains, 12 lieutenants, 12 ensigns, 39 sergeants, 24 drummers, 12 clerks,
12 armourers, 12 adjutants, 12 chirurgeons, 1 marshal
and 1,046 privates, of whom 804 present at muster.
Total, officers and men, 1,194. |
A. Abstract of the strength of the 12 companies of
Colonel Bate's regiment, from the following nominal rolls,
viz.:— |
B. Colonel Bate's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
124 rank and file. |
C. Lieutenant-Colonel John Codrington's Company,
3 commissioned officers, 120 rank and file. |
D. Captain Lyte's (the Majors') Company, 3 commissioned officers, 121 rank and file. |
E. Captain Ely's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
102 rank and file. |
F. Captain Morris's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
95 rank and file. |
G. Captain Burrows' Company, 3 commissioned officers,
104 rank and file. |
H. Captain Burton's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
89 rank and file. |
J. Captain Salter's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
91 rank and file. |
K. Captain Lancaster's Company, 3 commissioned
officers, 75 rank and file. |
L. Captain Elliott's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
77 rank and file. |
M. Captain Scott's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
84 rank and file. |
N. Captain Masson's Company, 3 commissioned officers,
86 rank and file. |
1336. xxxiv. Nominal Rolls of the several troops in the two
Regiments of Horse commanded by Colonels Samuel
Newton and Simon Lambert. (There is nothing to show
to which Regiment the majority of troops belonged). |
A. Colonel Newton's Troop, officers not named, 81
men. |
B. Major Rowland Bulkeley's Troop, 3 commissioned
officers, 79 men. |
C. Colonel Simon Lambert's (the late) Troop, officers
not named, 67 men. |
D. Major John Farmer's Troop, 3 commissioned officers,
56 men. |
E. Lieutenant-Colonel James Carter's Troop, 3 commissioned officers, 55 men. |
F. Captain Robinson's Troop, 3 commissioned officers,
85 men. |
G. Captain Meyricke's Troop, officers not named, 56
men. |
H. Captain Vinter's Troop, 3 commissioned officers,
81 men. |
J. Captain Dempster's Troop, 3 commissioned officers,
73 men. |
K. Captain Leslie's Troop, officers not named, 69 men. |
L. Major Steart's (late) Troop, 1 commissioned officer,
58 men. |
M. Lieutenant Maxwell's Troop, officers not named, 59
men and 41 absent. |
1336. xxxv. Return of the Artillery mounted in the Forts of
Barbadoes:— |
Fort at Oistin's |
36 guns. |
Charles Fort |
36 " |
Battery in middle of bay |
9 " |
Between it and Willoughby Fort |
5 " |
Willoughby Fort |
13 " |
James Fort |
13 " |
New Battery "before my house" |
9 " |
" " to leeward |
3 " |
" " at Black Rock |
3 " |
New Fort at Hole and York Fort |
16 " |
At Reade's Bay |
9 " |
Fort at Speight's Bay |
16 " |
" Thomson's Bay |
9 " |
" Nanking Bay |
5 " |
" " " |
3 " |
185 " |
Subscribed, "All those I call forts I have enclosed. In
them are erected Courts of Guard, lodging for soldiers, and
places for ammunition and necessaries for the work.
They are all built of stone and the batteries made of
stone, which has cost the country a great deal of money
Those I call batteries are open behind." Unsigned.
2 pp. |
1336. xxxvi. Names of the Judges and their Assistants in the
Five Courts of Common Pleas in Barbadoes:— |
Oistin's Court.—Henry Quintaine, Judge; William
Goodall, Richard Pocock, John Beale, Ferdinand
Bushell, Assistants. |
St. Michael's Court.—Henry Walrond, junr., Judge;
John Hallett, Thomas Colleton, Robert Meade,
Francis Bond, Assistants. |
Hole Court.—Edward Littleton, Judge; James Walwyn,—Evans, John Daniell, Benjamin Knight, Assistants. |
Speight's Court.—John Reid, Judge; Samuel Tidcombe,
William How, John Madox, Assistants. |
Scotland Court.—Alexander Ruddock, Judge; John
Meyricke, John Ford,—Waterman, Assistants. |
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 3.] |
1336. xxxvii. Names of the King's Council in Barbadoes. |
Sir Peter Colleton, Bart.
Colonel Henry Drax.
Lieutenant-General Henry Walrond.
Colonel Samuel Newton.
Thomas Wordall.
John Pearse.
Colonel John Standfast.
John Witham.
Richard Howell.
Edwyn Stede. |
Names of the Assembly,— |
St. Michael's Parish |
Colonel William Bate. |
Colonel Richard Guy. |
St. George's Parish |
Major Rowland Bulkeley. |
Samuel Husbands. |
Christchurch Parish |
Richard Seawell. |
Major Richard Williams. |
St. Philip's Parish |
Major Richard Pocock. |
William Goodall. |
St. John's Parish |
Colonel Christopher Codrington. |
Colonel Thomas Colleton. |
St. Joseph's Parish |
Colonel William Sharpe. |
Captain Edward Binney. |
St. Andrew's Parish |
Captain Meyricke. |
Captain Gibbs. |
St. Lucy's Parish |
Lieut.-Col. Sam. Tidcombe. |
Captain Meacock. |
St. Peter's Parish |
Major William Foster. |
Colonel Richard Bayly. |
St. John's Parish |
Edward Littleton. |
James Walwyn. |
St. Thomas' Parish |
Lieut.-Col. James Carter. |
John Davies. |
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., pp. 4, 5; [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV.,
No. 47 I.–XXXVII.] |
April 1. Nevis. |
1337. Governor Sir William Stapleton to Lords of Trade and
Plantations. I am sending home the ketch Deptford, Captain James
Aire, her provisions being spent except such as suffices for the
homeward voyage. She came out with but ten barrels of powder,
her allowance at home for three or four months, which is long since
expended, so I furnished her with three barrels, of which he has
about one-half remaining. It is a sad thing that we who have so
little store must lessen it. We know not how to supply ourselves,
nor how soon we may have occasion to use what we have bought
at a dear rate. Pray order as many barrels to be sent to us or even
more, for it costs us more than twice the home price; we paid
6l. 5s. per barrel for freight. The French expect men-of-war
daily. I hope that if any English men-of-war be sent here the
Admiralty will see them provided for a West Indian instead of a
channel voyage as was the Deptford. Provisions have not been
scarcer here these twelve years than they now are. I humbly put
it to your Lordships' consideration what credit can redound to the
King from a ketch, when the French receive annually a squadron
of good ships. "But this has been so often represented and
reiterated to your Lordships that for fear of being importunate I
must commit it to silence."Holograph. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XLIV., No. 48, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., pp. 425,
426.] |
April 4. |
1338. Petition of Weeounkhass, Queen in the Niaotick country,
to the King. Is the daughter of Nonograt, chiefest sachem of the
Niantick country, who, though much sought after to join the rest of
the Indians in their rebellion, remained faithful to his allegiance, and
was on his death left chief in his room till her younger brother
should come to age. Complains of the endeavours of Connecticut
to bring in one Catopeci to make him equal with her in the
Niantick country; had it not been for the King's letter with special
order to Connecticut to withdraw from his province would with her
people have been brought very low if not to nothing. There are
others who lay claim to the province, some by mortgage, some by
purchase; there are so many struggling for it that in the meantime
the poor suffer for want of land. Desire to be continued under
Rhode island, where they can expect equal justice, and that the
1and be settled in peace by orders to all unjust pretenders to
withdraw. The mark of the Queen is affixed. Underneath is an
attestation signed Job Babcock, interpreter. Endorsed, Reed.
30 June 1680. 1 p. N. B.—This petition seems to have been sent
by way of Rhode Island, Governor Cranston's writing appearing
on it. The statements therein should therefore be received with
caution. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV., No. 49.] |
April 5. |
1339. Captain Sir Robert Robinson, R. N. [to William Blathwayt?].
"Do humbly advise touching the security of Newfoundland or St.
John's in particular, that he that commands the convoy this
summer may have directions for the employing part of his men in
the men-of-war, and perhaps others of the planters and sacks that
will be willing, to raise up such works and fortifications as shall be
thought necessary against any opposition, which shall be done
with no charge to His Majesty except some small gratuity to the
seamen in time of labouring, in brandy or the like. These humbly.
Signed, Robt. Robinson." 1 p. Holograph. Endorsed, Recd.
6 May 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV., No. 50.] |
April 8. Whitehall. |
1340. Lords of Trade and Plantations to Governor Lord Carlisle.
With reference to your letter of 9th October last reporting all to be in
readiness for the delivery of a bond for restitution of certain negroes
belonging to the Dutch West India Company, application has been
made in consequence of the death of Sir Thomas Modyford for Sir
Charles Modyford, Francis Hanson, and Hender Molesworth, to be
permitted to act in his room, and that the executors of Balthazar
de la Rue, deceased, be also admitted to act on his behalf (see
ante, No. 1331). You will therefore on the production of evidence
by Sir Charles Modyford and Messrs. Hanson and Molesworth, cause
the bond to be delivered them. Signed, J. Bridgewater, Essex,
J. Ernle, Finch, L. Jenkins, Radnor, Worcester. 2 pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., pp. 378–380.] |
April 14. |
1341. Minutes of Council of Barbadoes. Thomas Walrond
took the oath and his place as a Councillor. Henry Walrond, John
Witham, John Stanfast, and Mr. Knight, appointed a Committee to
compare the Militia Act with the draft sent to the Assembly and
report the difference between them to-morrow morning. [Col. Entry
Bk., Vol. XL, p. 313.] |
April 14. |
1342. Journal of Assembly of Barbadoes. Christopher Codrington chosen Speaker, Colonel Guy being absent through sickness.
Debate as to the means of supplementing the levy of 2 lbs. of
sugar per acre. Voted that it be by a tax on negroes of 5 lbs.
of sugar per head, the assessment on towns and Jews to be double.
Bill for the purpose passed. Order for payment of gunners and
mattrosses passed. Addition to the above Bill for a levy passed. |
April 15. |
Militia Bill as amended by the Council passed. Carried nem.
con. that the Assembly by themselves (the Council not being
willing to join them) send an answer to the recent letter of Sir P.
Colleton and Colonel Drax relating to some public draft of the
letter passed, and ordered that the Speaker sign it. Abstract of
the letter, dated 15th April. We have received yours of 19th
July informing us of the fatal alterations designed for our government, and your reasonable interposition to prevent the same, which
convince us that we did well to employ you. We now improve the
occasion to ask you to use your best means to acquit us from the
vast troubles brought on us by the collection of the 4½ per cent.
duty, which we presume may be done by commuting some other
duty in its stead; and we propose, in lieu of the 4½ per cent. duty,
to impose a new impost on goods imported, to the value of at least
500l. per annum more than our proportion of the 4½ per cent., the
Act authorising the same to contain a clause empowering the
Governor to levy on our land, for the King's use, 1 lb. of sugar
for every penny that shall fall short of the stipulated sum in case
the duty should fail to produce it. We have no law to impose
duty on imports at present, but we are ready to establish one.
We hope that this hope of a better revenue will be satisfactory to
the King, and save us from the intolerable burden of the farmers,
but, if you cannot effect this, then we desire you to take the farm
yourselves upon the best terms that you can, with which we
promise faithfully to comply, and then, if we can agree among
ourselves, we can drop the collection of the 4½ per cent. and impose
the other. It was greatly to our satisfaction that the King filled
the vacancies in our Council and Magistracy from our freeholders;
we depend upon your care to keep out unqualified persons, if any
attempt be made to put them in. You know our difficulties
through want of both blacks and whites, and rely upon your
ingenuity to take the best measures to meet them. The insecurity
of the Island, the decay of trade, and the fall in the King's revenue
are your best arguments. We can truly represent to you that,
while you are thus purchasing to yourselves the highest honour
by serving your country, you are also in the way of conferring a
lasting obligation on us. Order for payment of the salaries of the
Clerk of Assembly and Provost Marshal passed. Ordered, on
petition of the Treasurer, that his accounts be accepted, with his
proposed alterations. Order for payment of gunners and mattrosses. Adjourned to 12th May. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII.,
pp. 380–387.] |
April 15. |
1343. Commissioners of Customs to Lords Proprietors of
Carolina. Proposals (1) for the recovery of the arrears of Customs
in Albemarle County, Carolina; (2) for restitution or reparation of
the estates lost by the Deputies during the rebellion; (3) for
future collection of Customs. (1.) A commission to be appointed
to trace the payers of the tobacco and duties received by Thomas
Miller and taken from him by the rebels, and also those who have
evaded payment. (2.) Miller and the rest to receive back their
estates, and a commission to be appointed to assess the compensation due to them. (3.) Enforcement of existing laws. Signed,
Richard Temple, Fr. Millington, John Upton. Copy. Endorsed,
Reed. 20 Nov. 1680. 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV.,
No. 51.] |
April 23. St. Jago de la Vega. |
1344. Governor Lord Carlisle to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Your Lordships' letter of 16th January last received (ante,
No. 1269). As to the short term, six months, of the Revenue
Bill, it was inevitable from the indigence of the Government. I
was expecting fresh orders from your Lordships also since the
Assembly had rejected the indefinite Revenue Bill presented
to them. My giving the King's thanks was obedience to my
instructions, and with regard rather for form than for their
benevolence. The reason of the clauses exempting Jamaica ships
from all impositions, and continuing impositions on French
wines, was the stubbornness of the Assembly which would not pass
them otherwise. I was the rather inclined thereto because they
were only exempted from powder money and not otherwise. I
issued a commission about 14 months ago for the inspection of
stores in His Majesty's forts. The account was returned to the
Master of the Ordnance by one Mr. Chester, late his agent here,
who was unfortunately captured on his return voyage by the Turk.
I have since issued another commission, whose report shall be at
once forwarded to you. I cannot but thank your Lordships for
being sensible of my great straits in relation to the subsistence of
the two foot companies and the arrears of the Government. Your
Lordships' orders forbidding me to raise any money except in case
of invasion is easily complied with, for I have no power to call
an Assembly without the Royal approbation, and without fresh
powers, which I have long desired to enable the Council to raise
money, that body is unwilling to take the responsibility. So that
in the main the Government is so crippled that it is difficult to act
without endangering the King's best friends, or giving his enemies
opportunity to cavil. The answers to your Lordships' inquiries I
have entrusted to the officers whose departments are concerned,
with orders to have their returns ready for the departure of the
next ships, which are ready to return upon receipt of your Lordships', for to detain them would be an injury to the merchants.
Postscript.—Since writing the above I have, by the advice of the
King's best friends here and by the King's verbal permission conveyed by Sir Thomas Watson, resolved to embark for England at
the end of May, bringing with me Colonel Samuel Long and Lieutenant-Colonel Beeston, late Speaker, whose private affairs partly
call them home. This, I hope, will expedite the despatch of the
Island's business. I am well assured of the peaceable Government
thereof in my absence, and shall be ready to return at the King's
command. Endorsed, Reed. 21 July 1680. 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XLIV., No. 52, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., pp. 400–403.] |
(April.) |
1345. Petition of Colonel Samuel Long to Governor Lord
Carlisle. The petitioner has lived in Jamaica almost twenty years,
and held several positions of trust under divers Governors. When
your Excellency came he was Chief Justice, Colonel of a regiment of
foot and a member of Council, and was continued as such until
November last when, for reasons known to your Excellency only,
he was discharged, though he had fulfilled his duties therein justly
and honestly, not only to the great comfort of his own conscience,
but, as he verily believes, without complaint of any person, whether
of your Excellency or any of your predecessors. And whereas
your Excellency on the 22nd of this instant April told your
petitioner that you intend to make him go for England very
speedily (when your Excellency goeth), and that by force, although
you admit that you have no mandamus from the King for that
purpose, and have not (though desired by your petitioner) informed
him of any cause or reason to which he can answer; and whereas
in our Act of 31 Charles II, for the better securing of the liberty of
of the subject, are words [quoted at length] subjecting any person
who shall commit or imprison any person contrary to that Act to
disability to hold any office of trust and to the penalties laid down in
the Statute of Praemunire, without hope of pardon; and whereas
your petitioner (by God's blessing) is one of the most considerable
planters of the Island and has for fourteen years made a livelihood
out of it, and has never been an encourager, but rather the contrary,
of privateering, and his violent exile or imprisonment will not only
be a particular injury to himself but a terror to His Majesty's
subjects in the Island: Therefore your petitioner prays that he
may be furnished with a copy of the charges against him and with
the names of his accusers as by law he ought, and receive legal
trial without any violent or irregular proceedings. Copy. 1 p.
Copied below:— |
1345. i. Warrant issued by Lord Carlisle for the arrest of
Colonel Samuel Long on a charge of misprision of
treason; addressed to Edward Yeamans, Provost Marshal,
and ordering him to deliver the prisoner to the custody of
Captain Tosier on board H.M.S. Hunter, dated 17th
May 1680. Certified by Edmond Duck, P. Beckford,
Tho. Cooper. |
1345. ii. Bond of Samuel Long, Hender Molesworth, and Peter
Beckford, giving bail in 4,000l. for the surrender of
Samuel Long on the 24th May 1680 or earlier. |
1345. iii. Samuel Long's prayer to Robert Byndloss, Chief
Justice, for a writ of Habeas Corpus to be returnable
immediately. |
1345. iv. Memorandum. The above prayer was written and
showed to the Chief Justice on 19th May 1680. The
Chief Justice answered that according to the copy of the
warrant the charge was misprision of treason and the
accused therefore not bailable. Together, 3 pp. Endorsed,
Mr. Long, his paper complaining of his hard usage from
the Earl of Carlisle. [Col. Papers, Vol. XL V., Nos. 53,
53 I.–IV.] |
April 27. Council Chamber. |
1346. William Blathwayt to the Judges. Referring to them
questions (1) and (2) of those formerly submitted to the Crown
Law Officers (see ante, No. 1323). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX.,
p. 380.] |
April 27. |
1347. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir William
Stapleton's letter of 7th February last (ante, No. 1291), respecting
the English in Surinam read, together with the report of the
Committee of 28th May last. Report of this day's date on the
subject agreed to. |
Petition of Kiauh de Mercado, Solomon Mendez, and other Jews,
for liberty to transport themselves to the plantations, which was
referred to the Committee on 5th inst., considered. Agreed that
the Lords see no reason why the clause which the petitioners
desire should be omitted from the letter of denizenation, that,
namely, obliging the persons who receive them to reside in England,
should be left out at present. |
The Attorney and Solicitor General having reported that the
four questions submitted to them respecting Jamaica (ante,
No. 1323) were of such difficulty as to deserve the opinion
of the Judges, Mr. Attorney delivered his opinion that the people
of Jamaica have no right to be governed by the laws of England
but by such laws as are made there and established by the King's
authority; but whereas Mr. Solicitor opines that the word Dominion
in the Act of Tonnage and Poundage seems not to include the
plantations, agreed that the first two questions only be submitted
to the Judges. |
Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General on the questions
put to them concerning the boundaries of the King's province
(ante, No. 1330) read. The Lords approve the report of the
Commissioners, and will at the next meeting consider the further
regulation of the country. On reading an abstract of letters from
Mr. Randolph from New England (ante, No. 1305), wherein it is
proposed that all the Colonies be obliged to take the oath of
allegiance, ordered that the charters be examined to see if the
King may lawfully impose that oath upon them. |
Draft of a letter to the Western towns concerning Newfoundland,
pursuant to Order in Council of 14th inst., read and approved.
Ordered, that letters be sent to St. Ives, Penzance, and Truro in
Cornwall, besides the towns to which letters were formerly sent
(see No. 1306). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 164–169.] |
April 27. Council Chamber. |
1348. Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations to the King.
On Sir William Stapleton's letter of 7th February (ante, No. 1291)
respecting the condition of the English kept at Surinam by the
Dutch Governor, we have reviewed the case of these people, but
do not find that the Dutch are obliged to permit them to depart
on your Majesty's order. Yet, looking to the miserable state in
which they are, we recommend that application may be made to
the States General through your Majesty's envoy in Holland and
their ambassador here for permission for these English to transport
themselves to some other of the English Plantations. Signed, J.
Bridgwater, Radnor, L. Hyde. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Read in Council
and approved, 5th May 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIV., No. 54,
and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., pp. 423, 424] |