America and West Indies: October 1679

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'America and West Indies: October 1679', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680, ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: October 1679', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: October 1679". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

October 1679

Oct. 1. 1135. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Read, Colonel Stapleton's letters of 1st and 18th June (ante, Nos. 1013, 1024), the latter complaining of the insolent behaviour of a French man-of-war. Their Lordships agree to commend Colonel Stapleton and to encourage him to do the like for the future; and, in view of other injuries inflicted by the French, to advise demand of satisfaction from the French Ambassador and French Court. They recommend further that, in compliance with Colonel Stapleton's suggestion, an able frigate be appointed to attend the government of the Leeward Isles instead of the Quaker ketch. Also that the 4½ per cent. duty of the Leeward Islands be applied for one year to the construction of a fort in each of the Islands and that the Commissioners of the Treasury be directed to adjust the matter with the present farmers of that revenue.
Lord Culpeper called in, and the new clause of his instructions referred for consideration by Order in Council of 24th September (see ante, No. 1127) approved. [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. CVI., pp. 70–72, and Vol. LXXX., p. 365.]
Oct. 4. 1136. Muster roll of Captain Augustine Gavell's company of Colonel Thomas Fuller's regiment:—1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 2 sergeants, 54 privates. Copy. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 131.]
Oct. 6.
1137. Governor Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Nothing new since letter of 15th July, but the seizure and condemnation of an English ship, the Edward and William of London, which did in no manner transgress any known law. She rode at the great Salt Ponds upon St. Christopher's, which is as much His Majesty's property as any part of the Island, though not yet restored, notwithstanding frequent demands for possession. The seizure was made at sea after she weighed anchor. Her confiscation is contrary to the law of nations, to all articles of peace, and all ancient and recent agreements between the two nations in these parts. The judgment is grounded only on an order of the French King prohibiting all strangers' ships to approach his roads, a copy of which order was sent to their Lordships in the answer to their inquiries. Has sent an express to the French General to demand the vessel and goods, and to desire a meeting with him amicably to settle that and several other grievances. Would be glad to know whether, in case of denial, he would be justified in issuing letters of reprisal to the owners. 1 p. Read, 4 Jan. 1679. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 132, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 404.]
Oct. 8.
1138. Order of the Privy Council. Lord Culpeper informed the Board that the Oxford frigate is ordered to return from Virginia immediately after his landing, and is only victualled for that period; whereas the frigate, if it is to be of any profit to the Colony according to a promise made by the King, should convoy back the Virginia fleet in April. Ordered therefore, that the Admiralty be recommended to victual the Oxford for two months longer, that she may convoy the Virginia fleet to England. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 366, 367.]
[Oct. 8.] 1139. Memorandum from Lord Culpeper in reference to the return of the Oxford frigate from Virginia (which sailed from the Downs 13th February 16 79/80), which it is requested on behalf of the merchants may convoy home the Virginia fleet by April at the farthest. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 133.]
Oct. 9.
1140. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Carlisle's letter of 10th June read, reporting the refusal of the Jamaica Assembly to pass the laws which he took out with him. Agreed, that the matter rest until the last Orders, of 28th May 1679 (ante, No. 1008), shall have reached Jamaica. Lord Carlisle's request for stores and munitions of war (ante, No. 1059) read, and on inquiry for an account of the particular stores required, Sir Francis Watson produced it. Their Lordships ordered the information as to the French menace against Havanna to be brought to the notice of the King in Council. Ordered, that as Lord Carlisle mentions that he has suddenly called an Assembly (which he has no power to do without special direction), Mr. Secretary Coventry be asked if any such power has been transmitted to him within his knowledge. Mem—. Mr. Secretary, on being asked, said he knew of no powers entrusted to Lord Carlisle herein beyond those in his Commission and Instructions. 2½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 73–75.]
(Oct. 9 ?) 1141. Objections made by the Assembly of Jamaica to the laws transmitted by the King. The Militia Bill ought not to be passed, because—(1) The word fusees, known to be much more serviceable arms than muskets, is omitted. (2) The new proviso for settling satisfaction for losses caused by invasion are illegal. (3) The last proviso subverts the whole Government. Should it once pass no further laws need be made, for whatever the King instructs the Governor to do becomes by this clause lawful. (4) There being 10 companies now at Port Royal the general exercise must be appointed to be once in 10 weeks. (5) The power of the Court Martial is too arbitrary, and the power of fining a man is too exorbitant.
The Revenue Bill ought not to pass—(1) Because no money was ever raised in Jamaica by order of the Governor and Council except when Councillors were elected and hence representatives of the people. (2) The impost on Madeira is too high, and will both diminish the revenue and cause the Island to be ill supplied. (3) The contingencies to which the impost is appropriated should be named, or the money may be diverted from its true purpose. (4) It was never before provided that the Receiver General should take bond with sureties from merchants. A stranger might not be able to find securities and be ruined; and the matter is provided for by other statutes. (6 and 7) Verbal alterations on small points. (8) The salaries of the Captain General, Lieutenant General, etc. should be named in the bill. (9) The perpetuity of the Bill is not according to the practice of this Island and against the interest of any young Colony. Copy. Inscribed, Recd. from Colonel Watson 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 134.]
Oct. 9. 1142. Address of the Governor and General Assembly of Connecticut to the King. Acknowledge His Majesty's great goodness to them in their charter bounds and privileges, which have been no small engagement and encouragement by their arms against the enemy to stand in defence of those parts; cannot choose but reflect upon themselves that in so many halcyon days of great immunities under his gracious shadow they have not with bended knees testified their utmost thankfulness; but such have been the 'overtures" by the death of their former Governor, Winthrop, and of late by the breaking forth of the war with the barbarous Indians, as hath hitherto retarded them. Have now a hopeful issue of that war, for although much impoverished in their estates, yet God has given them their lives for a prey, while many of their neighbours round about have been made a desolation. Acknowledge themselves debtors to the King for the greatness of his name and power, with the aspect thereof towards being a terror to their heathen adversaries. These troubles have been some hindrance to their duty of "timeous" acknowledging their thankfulness. Being summoned by the King's letter of 12th February 167 8/9 to appear by agents to make good their claim to the Narragansett country, can say nothing but to beg that they may be admitted humbly to prostrate themselves at his feet, with earnest beseeching that they may be continued in the full enjoyment of all their limits and privileges, and that the messenger whom they have empowered, Mr. William Harris, may find favour, who can inform fully the expenses they have been at in the last Indian war, both as to money and men, and the advantages obtained, which have been certified to the Earl of Sunderland by the Commissioners of the United Colonies from Boston August last. Signed William Leete, Gov., John Allyn, Secy. Endorsed, Recd. from the E. of Sunderland 27 Nov. 1680. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 135.]
Oct. 11.
1143. Heer Du Leyden de Leeuwen, Ambassador Extraordinary to the United Provinces, to the King. Is charged with an express command to represent that the English still retain the Islands of St. Eustatius and Saba, captured from the Dutch, contrary to the tenor of the 6th Article of the peace concluded 10th February 1674; begs therefore that His Majesty will order the restitution thereof. Signed Du Leyden de Leeuwen. ¾ p. French. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 136., and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 389.]
1144. Translation of the foregoing. Read in Council 17th October, at the Committee 30th October 1679. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 137, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 389.]
[Oct. 13.] 1145. Memorandum by [Sir Francis Watson]. "The Earl of Carlisle desires 100 barrels of powder, 30 guns for the new fort, 50 men for recruits of the two companies, and a good fourth-rate frigate to defend the harbour." Recd. from Sir Francis Watson. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 138.]
Oct. 16.
1146. Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Received their commands in a letter of 25th July last (see ante, No. 1079), which came not to his hands till the 12th instant; also another from His Majesty "whereby I find that in some measure I lie under his displeasure for an Act passed by me complained of by the farmers of the 4½ per cent. His Majesty's disfavour is more grievous to me than the deprivation of any government his Majesty hath to give can be. I will not take upon me to justify all the actions I have done since I came to this employment, especially at this distance, although were I nearer to you I doubt not to give your Lordships such reasons for what I have done as might at least mitigate those heavy censures if not fully satisfy you." Answers in detail the particulars of the farmers' petition with some reflexions upon the reasons inducing him to pass the Acts complained of. When he found there were several actions brought against the farmers he reflected upon his error, and gave order to the judges to stop all proceedings thereon till he should have His Majesty's commands. "And the truth is I was sensible of my own weakness, which I was not willing should appear before your Lordships; and well knowing that the Act would shortly fall of itself or was otherwise ineffectual I did forbear to send them to you with the rest." Knows of no other Acts withheld unless temporary for three or six months, and some others obsolete and out of use. Hopes to give their Lordships satisfaction in what they want, although there will be great difficulties, and it cannot be done in a short time. Finds they are somewhat offended at some expressions of his, as if intended to cast reflexions upon their Lordships, which was far from his thoughts, and he hopes he shall never be guilty of such imprudence. Explains why he wrote as he did "wherefore I hope those words upon a favourable interpretation may pass for harmless, since they were not ill meant." The church is in good order and supplied with good ministers, the magistrates the same, the courts of justice regularly prosecuted, the clamour of debts stopped, and a very ready way to recover them, the island well fortified, no parts of America better, the militia in very good order and well disciplined, ammunition of all sorts, arms of several sorts, and this without charge to the King. "I may fail in my judgment, but I hope shall never fail in my integrity. My Lords, I must finish with a request that you will please to consider me as the King's Governor here; and that you are pleased to put the opinion of merchants or people that are concerned in this Island in balance with me—'tis something hard to bear as your letter expresses; they tell you their own interests, and it may be not the Kings, which, when 'tis required, I shall faithfully do." Will provide an answer to all their commands the first opportunity. The new Assembly have repeated that formidable Act as will appear by the copy. Enclosed,
1146. i. An Act repealing an Act for allowing of a second free entry of the dead productions of this Island lost or taken relating to the 4½ per cent., Barbadoes, 1679, 22nd October. Signed by John Higinbotham, Clerk of the Assembly. Certified copy by Edwyn Stede, Deputy Secretary. Together, 4 pp. "Rec. 5 Jan. 1679–80. Read, 13 Jan. 1679–1680." [Col. Papers, Vol. 139, 139 I., Nos. 139, 139 I., and Col. Entry Bk., Col. VI., pp. 293–297.]
Oct. 17.
1147. Order of the King in Council in reference to the representation of the Dutch Ambassador (see ante, No. 1143). The Lords of Trade and Plantations to examine the business, report and advise thereon. Signed John Nicholas. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 140, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 389.]
Oct. 17.
1148. Memorandum of Council. Upon hearing the pretensions of Mr. Ayleway to be admitted Auditor of Virginia, together with the allegations of Lord Culpeper to the contrary, petition of said Ayleway was dismissed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 75, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., p. 367.]
(Oct. 17.) 1149. Petition of Réné Petit, the King's Agent at Rouen, and Jacob Guérard, Gentleman, of Normandy. Pray that a certain number of the Protestant families which have already arrived in England may be shipped on board the Richmond frigate, said to be bound to Barbadoes in a few weeks, and that the said frigate may sail first to Carolina with the emigrants, and thence to Barbadoes; also that a warrant may be prepared for the grant to the petitioners of 2,000l., whereof one moiety to be received on arrival of the first batch of emigrants, and the remaining moiety on arrival of the rest. Annexed.
1149. i. Copy of Order in Council of 28th May 1679 (see ante, No. 1006.)
1149. ii. "Copy of the Subscription List for the advancing of money." After a brief preamble setting forth the object, "We whose names are underwritten do hereby promise and engage every one for himself to advance and lend until the said Réné Petit and Jacob Guérard the sums hereinafter mentioned, amounting in all to the said 1,400l., in case the said 2,000l. be wholly made over unto us, and the payment thereof secured by a Privy Seal or such other way as lays in His Majesty's power to grant to be received as it is expressed in the order aforesaid,—
"I will lend 400 pounds, Albermarle.
"I will lend 200 pounds, P. Colleton.
"I will lend 50 pounds, Francis Tysson.
"I will lend 50 pounds, P. Ward.
"I will lend 100 pounds, John Ward."
[The total is thus only 800l.]
Endorsed, Recd. 17 Oct. 79. Read in Council the 22nd and to be read again when His Majesty shall be present. Read in Council 24 Oct. 1679. Together, 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 141, 141, i., ii.]
Oct. 18.
1150. [Letter of Intelligence ?] "There has been lately taken from the Spaniards by Coxon, Batharpe, Bothing, and Hawkins, with their crew, 500 chests of indigo, a great quantity of cacao, cochineal, tortoiseshell, money, and plate. Much is brought into this country already, and the rest expected. Those that pay custom for their goods land it at noonday and share it. And besides those before mentioned Captain Cook, on the coast of Cuba, perceiving some Spaniards, left his vessel, and he and his men went on shore there in their boats, where in a small time came a Spanish bark with cacao and money, on which they seized and brought her away, and the cacao was brought in by shallops and paid custom, and was landed and shared. This I write, not out of any prejudice I have to anyone, but believing, as most others do, that these things will be laid on the back of the country, as most miscarriages are, when in truth they are exceedingly against it, knowing that His Majesty had commanded a peace with the Spaniards; and besides it hinders and discourages the manufacture of this place, for those that can buy privateer goods cheap will not lay out their money on such unless they can have them much under the usual price. The Success arrived here the next day after Captain Swan (see ante, No. 1129) and in five days the Commander, Captain Tyte, died, and his Lieutenant, Johnson, is Captain. She is now sent out to seize on all the goods they can find which do not appear to be intended hither for the payment of duty. Hawkins was not with those that took the indigo, but at Santa Martha, which he and other privateers took not long since and plundered. So long as they see they can bring in their goods, paying custom, they will daily increase, and great depredations will be made on the Spaniards.—Don Pedro." [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 142.]
Oct. 18.
1151. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Conference on the Treaty of Neutrality with the French in the West Indies. The French ambassador, replying to Secretary Coventry on the project delivered to him on 25th July last, said he had received that project perhaps too hastily from them, his first orders being to adjust the ratification of the Treaty concluded by the two Governors, with the inclusion of Jamaica and Barbadoes. He had had no answer from the Ministers in France, except that there being peace between the two Crowns there was no occasion for a new treaty. His Master did not, therefore, think it convenient to enter into it, though willing to ratify the first treaty with the inclusion of Jamaica and Barbadoes.
Their Lordships replied that the treaty was begun at the solicitation of the French Governor and altered according to his Excellency's desires; a ratification could but settle and confirm what had been first agreed; but the ambassador repeating in substance what he had already said, their Lordships say they would take this for an answer. And so they parted. 1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 75, 76.]
Oct. 20. 1152. Colonel Francis Moryson to Mrs. Jeffreys. According to her wish, writes all that he knows of what passed between Sir W. Berkeley and her late husband about his salary. Sir W. Berkeley, on receiving his orders of recall from Colonel Jeffreys and the other Commissioners, told Jeffreys in Moryson's hearing that he should have his 100l. per month from the date of his arrival, and that for the time while Berkeley stayed he would give him bills of exchange, but warned him that at the year's end he would find the place so "expenseful" that 100l. a month would not give him salt to his bread. Jeffreys asked Berkeley how he should come to his salary, who answered "Before God, you must look to that as I have done." Not many days before his departure Sir William sent Colonel Jeffreys bills of exchange for a considerable sum, but these were returned by Jeffreys, for Sir William told him that he must owe the money to his (Berkeley's) kindness and not to any right of his own, which expressions Jeffreys did not relish. Endorsed with a certificate from Sir John Berry that he was present at the conversation between Jeffreys and Berkeley about the salary, knows the contents of the letter to be true, and can give further instances if need be. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 143.]
Oct. 21. 1153. [William Blathwayt] to the Commissary of the Musters. Lord Carlisle having signified to the Lords of Trade and Plantations the want of recruits for the two Jamaica Companies under his command, their Lordships, not having received any particular account of the state of those companies, are desirous that you, who have doubtless full particulars from your deputy in that Island, will acquaint them, by to-morrow morning at nine, with the state of the muster rolls and any further information respecting the said companies. 1 p. Draft. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 144.]
Oct. 21.
1154. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The business of the Bermuda Company. Minutes of 30th July read and approved. Both parties argued again on the first article, and the complainants produced an order of Court showing the intention of the Company to give sentence in the case of Mr. Sands and Mr. Righton; but their Lordships seeing no reason to alter their previous opinion on the subject, the parties proceeded to the second article. The Company at length confessing that they levied shipping dues of 12d. per ton, their Lordships think that some such dues are reasonable, but will think further if 12d. a ton be too burdensome. On the fifth article of complaint their Lordships agree to report that all the King's subjects should have absolute liberty to present their petitions to His Majesty. On the seventh article of complaint the complainants produce copy of a warrant (see below), signed by the Governor of Bermuda to levy distress on those who should refuse to pay taxes for support of Government. The Company allege that any imposition of taxation without the consent of the inhabitants by the Governor, is against their order. The eighth charge was ruled frivolous, and two material points alone remaining undecided were adjourned till the 23rd instant. 4 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 77–80.]
[Oct. 21.] 1155. Warrant of Sir John Heydon, Governor of Bermuda, addressed to the "Constable or Hedborrough of Hamilton tribe," authorising him to collect the general levy for defraying the public charge in the Islands and to distrain upon the goods and chattels of any person who should refuse to pay his assessment in tobacco according to the value of 7½ lbs. of tobacco per share (25 acres). "Given under my hand at St. George's, 8th November 1677." True copy certified by Stephen Righton, constable, and attested by James Farmer, witness, and Thomas Ontorbrid (?), the latter adding "I heard Stephen Righton say that this is a true copy of the Governor's warrant." Endorsed, Read at the Committee 21st October 1679. [Col Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 145].
Oct. 21. 1156. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. The Members of the Assembly elected by virtue of the new writs were presented as follow, viz.:—
For St. Michael's—Colonel William Bate, Colonel Richard Guy, returned by Richard Howell.
For St. John's—Colonel Christopher Codrington, Colonel Thomas Colleton, returned by Henry Walrond.
For St. Joseph's—William Sharpe, Edward Binney, returned by Thomas Wardall.
For St. Phillip's—William Goodall, Richard Pocock, returned by John Witham.
For St. James'—Edward Littleton, James Walwyn, returned by John Stanfast.
For St. George's—Major Rowland Bulkley, Samuel Husband, returned by William Bulkley.
For St. Lucy's—Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Tidcomb, Captain Thomas Maycock, returned by Symon Lambert.
For St. Peter's—Colonel Richard Bayley, Major William Foster. returned by Alexander Riddock.
For St. Thomas'—Lieutenant-Colonel James Carter, John Davies, returned by said Davies.
For Christchurch—Richard Seawell, Major Richard Williams, returned by Samuel Newton.
For St. Andrew's—Captain John Merricke, Captain John Gibbs, returned by said Gibbs.
The Assembly presented Colonel Richard Guy for their Speaker. Ordered, that Colonel Henry Walrond, John Witham, and Richard Howell meet some members of the Assembly to prepare a letter in answer to one from Sir Peter Colleton and Colonel Henry Drax against the next meeting of this Board. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., p. 303–304.]
Oct. 21. 1157. Journal of Assembly of Barbadoes. Returns of the election for the several parishes. Being met at the Roebuck in St. Michael's Town, Colonel Richard Guy was elected Speaker, John Higinbotham their Clerk, and John Forbes Marshal.
Oct. 22. Edwyn Stede, of the Council, administered the oaths to their Clerk and Marshal. Rules and Orders for governing the proceedings of the Assembly passed unanimously; also an Act to revive and continue the several Acts of the militia. Letter read from Sir Peter Colleton and Colonel Henry Drax to the Council and Assembly dated London, 19th July 1679, in answer to theirs of 16th April (see ante, No. 969). Upon Lord Carlisle's going to Jamaica the late Council thought fit to make alterations in the powers and instructions granted to the Governors of the English plantations, which are described. That the farmers of the 4½ per cent. have made a complaint against the law of Barbadoes to ship in case of loss the same quantity of sugars free of duty, Were summoned before Lords of Trade and Plantations on 4th July and recite what took place (see ante, No. 1048). While discussing these laws, the Lord President said he wished he could see a proposition from the Island for taking the duty of 4½ per cent. from the King; to which they replied the Island was willing to farm it from the King, and Joseph Crispe, who was present, said he was also prepared to treat for the Leeward Islands, but the discussion was postponed. Hitherto have received no sugar or advice from their Treasurer. Committee appointed to prepare an answer to the above letter. Then was communicated by his Excellency a letter from His Majesty to him of 27th July 1679, with Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations against the Act to ship in case of loss the same quantity of sugars free of duty, declaring His Majesty's disapprobation and disallowance of said Act, and that it be forth with repealed and declared void. Whereupon an Act was passed unanimously "in obedience to His Majesty's royal pleasure," repealing said Act. Adjourned to 25th November. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII., pp. 354–367.]
Oct. 22.
1158. Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations to the King. On the subject of the behaviour of the French man-of-war commanded by the Comte de Sourdis (see ante, No. 1024), the violent and unjust seizure of sugars passing from one English district to another, and the demand of an entry on all English goods (see ante, No. 963). Recommend that complaint be made by the King's Minister in France and to the French Ambassador in England of the wrong suffered by His Majesty's subjects, in order that, besides satisfaction for past injuries, they may have liberty to use the high roads in St. Christopher's without disturbance or making any entry; and that friendly correspondence may be maintained between the two nations. Recommend also that in accordance with Governor Stapleton's past suggestions, a frigate is necessary to carry him from place to place and generally encourage His Majesty's subjects. The strong squadrons, efficient companies of soldiers and strong fortifications maintained by the French in the Leeward Islands at the expense of the French King, greatly harass English subjects, and His Majesty is therefore advised to encourage them by allowing the expense of a small fort in each of the Islands, the more for that the British have shewn every disposition to help themselves, and to comply with the King's commands. Again, the 4½ per cent. duty levied on export of dead commodities from the Leeward Islands for the expenses of Government is farmed in England for 700l. annually. The King has derived little advantage from it, while the inconvenience and detriment to the planters far exceeds that sum. Both this duty and that of Barbadoes are included in the farm, and since both are considerably decreased from their true valuation and agreement, it is recommended for the preservaof these Islands and the safety of the plantations at large, that the Governor be permitted to levy this duty, and that the proceeds be applied to the finishing of one good fort in each of the Leeward Islands for the space of one year, and such time longer as the Islanders may need and deserve the King's bounty herein. This is the easiest and most reasonable method for the support of the King's interest in the West Indies; it can easily be made agreeable to the contract for the farm and will make but a small increase of charge, very disproportionate to the extraordinary outlay of the French King in the Leeward Islands. The Lords would press the King the more strongly on this point, inasmuch as those of them that were appointed to negotiate a treaty of neutrality with France in the West Indies, plainly find that the French Ambassador refuses to agree to the project placed in his hands in July last. Looking to the apprehension that will be caused in the Leeward Islands by this refusal, and to the former suspicions set forth to His Majesty in the Report of 25th April 1678 (ante, No. 679), wherein also a suggestion was made as to the force, naval and military, that was thought necessary, and estimates prepared to lie by till further occasion, the Lords now consider the present to be a fitting occasion for presenting those estimates for the expense of 1,000 soldiers and six frigates (see ante, No. 862). Pending decision on this matter, the Lords insist again on the necessity of applying the 4½ per cent. duty to the construction of forts. Signed Finch, Worcester, Bridgewater, J. Ernle, H. Powle, H. Coventry. 6 pp. Read 24th Oct., and referred by His Majesty's order to the Commissioners of the Treasury for their opinion thereon. Signed, Robert Southwell. Annexed,
1158. i. Report of Commissioners of the Treasury on the above. Do not see how, in view of the contract made with the farmers of the 4½ per cent. duty, that of Barbadoes can be separated from that of the Leeward Islands. The farmers, however, are willing to allow the sums of money collected in the Islands on account of the rent payable by them to the King to be applied to such purposes as the King shall think fit, on condition that such sums be allowed them as if they had been paid into the Exchequer according to the reservation in their lease. Signed Essex, L. Hyde, J. Ernle, Ed. Dering, S. Godolphin. Dated, Whitehall, Treasury Chamber, 10 Nov. 1679. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 146, 146 I., and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., pp. 372–379 and 395.]
Oct. 23.
1159. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The business of the Bermuda Company. Argued on both sides whether the Company have any right to receive Appeals for the Court of Judicature within the Islands, and whether the Company have power to raise taxes except by consent of the inhabitants, and both points at length waved by the complainants. Their Lordships determine to report the minutes of their first meeting of 30th July, and on the right of every subject to present petition to the King. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 81.]
Oct. 24.
1160. Memorandum of Committee of Plantations. That on this day Lord Radnor was appointed Lord President of the Council. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 81.]
Oct. 24.
1161. Order of the King in Council referring to the Lords of Trade and Plantations for their report the petition of Bartholomew Price, administrator to Colonel Herbert Jeffreys, late Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 147, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., p. 369.] Annexed,
1161. i. Petition of Bartholomew Price, administrator to Colonel Herbert Jeffreys, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, to the King. That, by His Majesty's instructions of 11th November 1676, said Jeffreys was allowed the duties formerly paid to Sir William Berkeley for support of the Government. That by His Majesty's letters of 27th December 1677 he was appointed the yearly salary of 1,200l. until 25th March 1678, after which time it was to be paid in England. That on said 25th March 1678 there remained three months' salary due (being the sum now in dispute between Lady Berkeley and the relict of Colonel Jeffreys), and 900l. from said 25th March to 17th December 1678, when the Colonel died. Prays, in consideration of the premises and of the calamitous condition of said Colonel's wife and child, for speedy payment of said arrears. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 147 i.]
Oct. 28. 1162. Sir Stephen Fox, Paymaster-General, to the King. That there remains due to Thomas Lord Culpeper, for his pay as Governor of Virginia, and to the Lieutenant-Governor, MajorGeneral, and the Commissary of the Musters in said Colony, for one year and two months, from 30th April 1678 to 1st July 1679, the sum of 3,024l. 7s., whereof 1,600l. hath been paid to Lord Culpeper. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. L., p. 45.]
Oct. 28.
1163. The King's warrant to Sir Stephen Fox to pay to Lord Culpeper and others as above the sum of 1,424l. 7s. out of moneys for the pay of His Majesty's guards and garrisons. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. L., p. 44.]
Oct. 28.
1164. Warrant to Sir Stephen Fox, Paymaster-General of the King's Guards and Garrisons, to pay to Thomas Lord Culpeper the sum of 92l. 5s. due to the officers of his company in Virginia from 30th April to 31st August 1678, with the certificate annexed. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. LIX., p. 5.]
Oct. 28.
1165. Similar warrant for payment of 1,684l. 3s. due to a company of foot in Virginia, under the command of Lord Culpeper, from 3rd August 1678 to 1st July 1679. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. LIX., p. 6.]
Oct. 28.
1166. Warrant for payment of 2,320l. 9s. to Captain Herbert Jeffreys', now Sir Henry Chicheley's, company of foot in Virginia, from 30th April to 1st July 1678, with certificate annexed. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. LIX., p. 8.]
Oct. 29. 1167. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Minute granting the petition of Réné Petit (ante, No. 1149) for the transport of several Protestant families to Carolina on board the Richmond frigate. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., p. 82.]
Oct. 30.
1168. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Read, pursuant to Order in Council of 24th October, the petition of Colonel Herbert Jeffreys, late Governor of Virginia, for the arrears of salary due to him as Commander-in-Chief of Virginia, three hundred pounds whereof is said to be payable out of the fund of 2s. a hogshead in Virginia and the remainder out of the Exchequer in England. No one appearing on behalf of Lady Berkeley who claims the 300l. in right of her husband, ordered that her attorney be summoned to appear next Thursday.
Report concerning the Bermuda Company ordered on the 23rd October approved and signed. Ordered, that the Company be required to furnish the Committee with all their laws and constitutions and the commission and instructions of their governor in the Somers Islands.
A letter from the general Court of New Plymouth, touching Mounthope and the Narragansett country, lying before the Committee, the petition of Mr. John Crown for the lands of Mounthope in compensation for his losses in Nova Scotia was considered. The answer of the Agents of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, together with the report of the Committee and the King's letter of 12th February last to the four Colonies of New England, as also the answer of New Plymouth, were read. Resolved to recommend that in consideration of the Colony's sufferings during its late wars with the Indians, the lands of Mounthope be continued in its possession.
Read, the Memorial of the Dutch Ambassador of 11/21 October (see ante, No. 1143) for restoration of St. Eustatius and Saba. Resolved to recommend that full report be made by Colonel Stapleton as to the condition of the Islands when he took them over, and that the Ambassador be informed that the King on receiving the said report will forthwith order restitution of the Islands. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVI., pp. 81–85.]
Oct. 1169. List of all ships that have laden any of the enumerated plantation commodities in the Island of Barbadoes from 14th April 1678 to 14th October 1679. Total 51 ships, 39 English built, and 12 foreign built, with names of the masters. Endorsed, "Rec, 3 June 1680." [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. IX., No. 1.]
Oct. ? 1170. Petition of the Council and Assembly of Jamaica to the Duke of York. Begging him to intercede with the Royal African Company, to furnish the Island annually with a plentiful supply of negroes at moderate rates, whereby His Majesty's Customs will be increased and the country accordingly strengthened and improved. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 148.]