America and West Indies: March 1679

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'America and West Indies: March 1679', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680, ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1679', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1679". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 10, 1677-1680. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury, J W Fortescue (London, 1896), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

March 1679

March 3. 913. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir R. Southwell's report on the despatch of Randolph and an answer to a paper presented by Mr. Randolph to the Lord Treasurer touching the customs in New England read. On the petition of Mr. Randolph for a reward for his attendance on His Majesty's service, the Committee advise that his present salary of 100l. per annum as Collector of the Customs commence from the time of his arrival out of New England and be paid accordingly out of the Customs, and agree to acquaint the Lord Treasurer with the matter of Sir R. Southwell's report, and also of the danger in sending over a Collector of Customs to New England until there be farther progress made for settling that country. Marginal Note.—Mr. Randolph arrived on the 10th of September 1676 and his salary as Collector became due from 12th June 1678, so that the sum proposed is 175l. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CV., p. 316.]
March 3.
914. Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins to [Sir Robert Southwell]. Received his letter of July last very lately, with an order from the King and dispensation of the Admiralty of England, and a command to deliver the ship Asia to the Dutch West India Company. It is four years since she was brought in by the Phænix frigate, Lieutenant How commander, well plundered and so leaky she could not be carried to England, and at last was sold for 300l. and no claim has been made for almost five years. His Admiralty commission is from the Duke of York and he has no dependance as he conceives upon the Admiralty in England. Has acquainted His Royal Highness with this matter and is ready to obey their Lordships. Rec. 6 May. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 26, and Col. Entry Bks., Vol. VI., pp. 254, 255, and Vol. CVI., p. 4.]
March 4.
915. Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins to [Lords of Trade and Plantations]. Sends this by the Constant Warwick returning for England. All well and quiet, intent to our own safety and firm obedience to His Majesty. To express the same the country have made an Act that all officers, both Military and Civil, shall take the oath of allegiance and supremacy according to the construction and penalties of the laws of England. The best intelligence he has of the French squadron is that they have gone home. Has sent all the laws of Barbadoes and hopes they will be speedily considered. Rec. 6 May. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 27, and Col. Entry Bks., Vol. VI., p. 256, and Vol. CVI., p. 4.]
March 4.
916. Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins to William Blathwayt. Has sent by the Constant Warwick the laws the Lords so much insisted upon by Robert Chaplin. Has heard nothing from the Lords a long time. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VI., pp. 256, 257.]
March 4.
917. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Bulkley desiring a further day to make out the title of the Massachusetts to the propriety of lands between the Naumkeck and the Merrimack, since demised to the terre tenants, their Lordships take notice that in a paper presented by them on 18th February they have only pretended Indian purchase and long possession without any legal title held by the inhabitants from the Massachusetts Corporation, but, however, appoint the agents to be heard once more on Friday at three o'clock. Mem.—On the 14th instant, their Lordships order a copy of a paper presented by the Agents of New England on the 12th instant to be given to Mr. Mason
Report prepared by order of the Committee for the despatch of Lord Culpeper is read and approved, whereupon the Earl of Sunderland delivers a paper containing an Instruction to Lord Culpeper for disposal of the Revenue in Virginia, approved by His Majesty and to be added to his Lordship's Instructions. Paper read from the Bishop of London, concerning the Church in Virginia; Lord Culpeper to confer with the Bishop and to agree upon heads fit to be inserted in his Instructions. Petition of Robert Ayleway read touching his patent of the Auditor's place of Virginia, to be postponed until Secretary Coventry be present. Mem.—The letters to Lord Carlisle concerning a mint and the restitution of the Dutch negroes were sent away on the 10th instant; and on the 11th another letter acknowledging his of 10th November and 10th December 1678 and hastening the laws. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CV., pp. 317–319.]
March. 918. Petition of Réné Petit and Jacob Guerard to Lords of Trade and Plantatations. Offering additional reasons to those mentioned in the letter of the proprietors of Carolina for the transport of eighty Protestant families to that province, and praying for despatch of the business. Annexed,
918. i. Table of advantages aforesaid. The said families will be useful (1) in buying and spending yearly a considerable quantity of English commodities; (2) "In receiving yearly a great number of other foreign Protestants their brethren who are daily seen to return into Babylon, not being able to find in England such employments as might be agreeable with their skill and industry; (3) In growing in few years a strong bulwark against the enemies of that young Plantations and being an help and comfort to the rest of His Majesty's dominions by supplying them with silks, oils, wines and such other things which they are forced to purchase of foreign nations." Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., Nos. 28, 28 I.]
March 6. 919. Report of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina on the petition of Réné Petit and Jacob Guerard (ante, Nos. 875, 888), for transporting themselves and about eighty families of foreign Protestants to Carolina. Have been at great expense, some seventeen or eighteen thousand pounds, and have brought the Colony to so prosperous condition that men of estates have for years gone there on their own accounts. Yet cannot say that both their interest and His Majesty's dominions will not receive benefit from the coming of these foreigners, both from their skill in planting vineyards and olive trees and the making of silk, and from the attraction that their success may hold out to other foreigners and Protestants. Did not give the suggestion at first as much encouragement as it deserved, being desirous and having the vanity to do this service to the Crown at their own charge, especially after mastering the difficulty and expense of it. Cannot deny that these poor gentlemen are fit objects for the King's great goodness and charity, and believe that the outlay, far from being misspent, will be profitable. Signed, "Shaftesbury, for myself and Mr. Seth Southel per me," C. Berkeley, Albemarle, G. Carteret, P. Colleton. With the seal of each in good preservation. Endorsed, "Recd from Mr. Petit, 8 March. Read 14 March 1678/9." [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 29.]
March. 920. "Humble proposals for Carolina" (in the handwriting of Réné Petit). Fifty or sixty foreign families are ready to ship themselves in London for Carolina in February 1680, in case the King will lend them two of his ships for transport and consent that the sum of 2,000l., which is to be advanced towards the charges of the undertaking, shall be reimbursed out of the first receipts of the customs from the commodities of the settlement. The proposals are already agreed to by the Proprietors of Carolina. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 30.]
(March 8.) 921. Sir Robert Southwell's report to the Committee for Plantations concerning Randolph's proposals. Thinks Mr. Randolph's business would thrive much better if, on his presenting those orders for reformation which he proposes, there could be any hopes of obedience expected therefrom. But the King's Commissioners, who did never attempt so great reformations, were withstood and defeated in their business. The whole case of New England being in preparation before their Lordships' view, to the end that they may give advice how to steer in all parts of that great concern, humbly conceives Mr. Randolph must leave the points proposed behind him, that they may be maturely weighed as parts of the general report that is in preparation, lest His Majesty's intentions should be foiled for the want of authority in Mr. Randolph to support them. Superscribed, "Read 8 March 1678." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 31.]
March 10. 922. Lords of Trade and Plantations to the Lord Treasurer We have received from Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer intimation that your Lordship desires our consideration of a paper presented by Mr, Randolph concerning the better execution of his employment of Collector, &c., in New England, how the charge thereof might be supported otherwise than from His Majesty's Exchequer, and how he might be armed with authority to execute the same. We find on reflection of what has happened in New England since His Majesty's restoration, not only by the affronts and rejection of the Commissioners in 1665, but by the whole current of their behaviour, that till His Majesty give them to understand that he is solemnly bent on a general reformation of the abuses in their government, no good can be expected from the single endeavours of any officer, but rather contradiction and disrespect in all that shall be endeavoured for His Majesty's service, if they will but call it an infringement of their Charter. We cannot think how any of the charges incident to these employments could be otherwise supported than from His Majesty's Exchequer. Wherefore, as there is now in preparation such a general state of that Colony and such expedients to be offered His Majesty as may bring them to a dependence on his authority equal to that of the other Colonies, we leave it to his consideration whether it be not best to suspend the departure of any such officer until there be a final resolution taken. Signed, Essex, Bridgwater, Northampton, Craven, Sunderland, Clarendon. J. Carteret, J. Ernle, R. Southwell. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LX., p. 343.]
March 10.
St. James'.
923. Sir John Werden to Sir E. Andros. His Royal Highness, not doubting his ability or integrity to judge of his inferior officer, approves of the suspension of Captain Billop. Nevertheless he will give a hearing to Captain Billop or his father if there be any just cause of complaint against Governor Andros. Printed in New York Documents, Vol. III., pp. 276, 277. Encloses
923. i. Commission, dated 1st March, from the Duke of York to Captain Silvester Salisbury to be second Lieutenant to Sir Ed. Andros in the company of foot raised for the defence of New York, in the room of Captain Billopp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXX., p. 27.]
March 10.
924. Mistress Susan Jeffreys to Secretary Coventry. Her most deplorable condition caused by Colonel Spencer, Lord Culpeper's attorney, who lays claim against her for all perquisites since her husband's arrival, notwithstanding the wording of the King's letter. Has offered to give security, but that will not satisfy; therefore 'tis plain they seek her life in malice to her husband. Begs his intercession with the King on her behalf. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 305, 306.]
March 10. 925. [Sir Robert Southwell] to Governor Sir Jonathan Atkins. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of 10th November and 10th December last, with packet of laws made the last two years in Barbadoes, which the Lords of Trade and Plantations have not yet been able to take into consideration for the reasons expressed. This is why their Lordships have continued to insist in the most earnest manner for above three years that he would lay before them the whole body of Barbadoes laws, without omitting one. Their Lordships cannot but extremely admire the concern he expresses for the laws already transmitted, as if the want of His Majesty's confirmation, "which by your default could not have been properly desired," had deprived him of the power of making new ones or re-enacting them. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VI., pp. 251–253.]
March 10.
926. Order of the King in Council on an Act passed in Barbadoes for empowering Benjamin Middleton to sell his late father's estate for the payment of his debts. Approving report of Lords of Trade and Plantations that said Act was fit for His Majesty's confirmation, which is confirmed and ratified accordingly, [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VI., pp. 255, 256.]
March 12. 927. The Massachusetts' Agents to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. Offer exceptions to a clause in their Lordships' report on Mr. Mason's claim, wherein they advise the King to declare, not only that the Massachusetts Government has now no right in the lands claimed (which hath been and still is acknowledged, for that the Massachusetts on the distribution of all lands whatsoever never reserved the least quit-rent to themselves, which is all the disclaimer they have made on their behalf), but also that all grants and titles deriving from them are utterly void and illegal. The Massachusetts do not understand that there is anything at present depending before their Lordships concerning the propriety of the lands claimed by Mr. Mason, the Committee having reported that they do not judge it meet to make any determination in that matter before the terre tenants are heard, who were found on the hearing before the Lords Chief Justices to be the persons immediately concerned. Have consequently no further instructions in the affair. Have not understood that the King hath required Massachusetts to defend separately from the terre tenants (who never yet had any suit commenced against them) any right to the soil, which heretofore they might have and from which those in possession may possibly derive. In what they last presented to their Lordships on Mr. Mason's petition, they did it not as empowered by the Massachusetts or Proprietors, but in observance of the Committee's commands; but now more particularly, though without instructions, they subjoin the following as of weight against the above-said intended declaration:—(1.) The declaration will be not only without answer or defence made by the Massachusetts, but also a determination of a matter of propriety between parties that have no controversy depending, for the Massachusetts detain no lands from Mr. Mason, and the inhabitants may deliver Mr. Mason possession without any obstruction from the Governor and Company. (2.) The determination of the propriety of soil is simply a matter of meum and tuum, of private right between subject and subject, and not of the same nature with that of the bounds of the Massachusetts jurisdiction, which has had its determination. (3.) The temporal estates of a great number of His Majesty's subjects, the terre tenants, are concerned, and not the Massachusetts, who never warranted any lands by them granted. It belongs also to the terre tenants to be at the whole charge of defending their title against Mr. Mason, and they should therefore be left free to plead what they please, and to choose that way in the management of their case and such agents as may seem best, that, whatever the issue, they may rest fully satisfied that they have not been prevented or restrained in the full improvement of any part of their lawful defence. Whereas by such a declaration as that advised to the King they may esteem themselves prejudged and barred in the pleading a title which they may see meet to insist upon. (4.) The lands claimed by Mr. Mason within the bounds of the Massachusetts being expressly mentioned in their charter, the invalidity of their grant will depend on the validity of Mr. Mason's pretended prior grant, which being the title whereby alone he claims against the terre tenants may not be judged before they be heard against it; therefore such a declaration at this time seems to go before that which is to be first determined. (5.) There can be no delay of justice by not declaring void the title of the Massachusetts, for Mr. Mason's business is with the terre tenants, with whom he may begin, as soon as he pleaseth. Are confident that their Lordships are unwilling that any clause should be inserted in their report to the prejudice of any, especially of those that are not present to interpose for themselves, or that any expressions of theirs (the agents') should be construed beyond the true meaning of it. Signed. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 32.]
(March 14.) 928. Petition of John Wampus, alias White, an Indian and inhabitant of Boston. Became by marriage of Anne, daughter of Romanock, late Sachem of Aspaluck and Susquanaugh, on death of the said Sachem, sole proprietor of the land on which Fairfield in Connecticut is built. About 19 years since, his father-in-law having delivered up the possession of the lands to him, he sold part to Captain Dennison and Amos Richardson and others of Stonnington in Connecticut for the sum of about 530l. sterling. Is, by the evil practices of Major Nathan Gold and others of Fairfield, kept out of his rights, and having gone to demand possession according to the King's letter of 22nd August 1676 was imprisoned in May last, whence he made his escape to New York and is forced to come to England destitute to seek relief. Being with other native Indians miserably comprised within the laws made by the English only for their particular advantage, there being no Supreme Court of Judicature whereunto the oppressed may repair for redress, prays for the appointment of impartial persons to hear the matters in difference. Endorsed, "Recd. 14° Marcii 167 8/9." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 33.]
March. 929. The King to the Governor and Council of Connecticut. Commands them to do John Wampus, alias White, such justice as the case may deserve, and for the future to proceed in such manner as that His Majesty's subjects may not be forced to undertake so long and dangerous voyages for obtaining of justice. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Book, Vol. LXI., p. 36.]
March 14.
Council Chamber.
930. Sir Thomas Dolman to Henry Guy. Requesting him to procure an order from the Commissioners of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs to report upon the enclosed petition and state the value of the exports from Carolina for the information of the Lords of Trade and Plantations. Enclosed,
930. i. Petition of Réné Petit and Jacob Guerard, begging the loan of two King's ships to transport the eighty foreign families to Carolina, and that the expenses of the undertaking, 2,000l., may be reimbursed to the adventurers out of the first receipts of the customs levied on the commodities of the settlement.
Minute by Henry Guy, referring the petition to the Commissioners of Customs, in margin of letter. Dated 31st March 1679–80. Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 34.]
March 14. 931. Draft of the foregoing, in the handwriting of Sir Thomas Dolman. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., p. 35.]
March 14.
932. Order of the King in Council on Report of Committee for Trade and Plantations of 18th February last, touching Lord Culpeper's Commission and Instructions as Governor of Virginia. The Lords recommend that His Majesty revoke the grants to the Earls of St. Albans and Arlington, Lord Culpeper and others, according to his gracious promise made to the country, satisfying the patentees for their interests; that the quit-rents be applied to building one considerable fort; that James Town be speedily rebuilt and be the metropolis of Virginia as the most ancient and convenient place; (the Lords cannot advise that displaced Councillors should be incapable of being chosen into the Assembly as in Jamaica); that all persons, of what degree or quality soever, be obliged to take the oath of allegiance; that equipment be sent for 200 dragoons with tents, to enable the Governor to mount foot soldiers to prevent incursions from the Indians; that after Lord Culpeper's departure, a mace and a sword be sent to Virginia with furniture for his Lordship's chapel, also that the presents to the Indian Princes be forthwith delivered to his Lordship; that all writs be issued in His Majesty's Royal name only; that Sir Henry Chicheley, Colonels Nathaniel Bacon, William Cole, Daniel Parks, Thomas Swann, Robert Smith, Nicholas Spencer, Rowland Place, Ralph Wormley, Augustine Warner, Jos. Bridger, Major Richard Lee, Major-General Curtis, and Francis Leigh be continued in the Council; that Colonels Ballard, Bray, and Philip Ludwell, for their unworthy behaviour and demerits, be deprived of that honour and trust; and that Colonel Robert Beverley, Clerk of the Assembly, and Colonel Edward Hill, President of Charles City County, who "have appeared unto us under a character of evil fame and behaviour in their respective offices," be put out of all employment and not admitted to any place of trust until His Majesty's pleasure be further known; and that Lord Culpeper be ordered, on his arrival in Virginia, to signify His Majesty's high resentment of the disloyal and seditious declaration of the Assembly, about His Majesty's Commissioners, calling for their original journals, &c., and find out the authors and abettors thereof, that they may receive the marks of His Majesty's displeasure for this their great presumption. Ordered, that Lord Culpeper's Commission and Instructions be prepared accordingly, and Henry Meese be added to the list of Councillors for Virginia. 7 pp. [Col. Entry Bk. Vol. LXXX., pp. 266–273.]
March 15.
933. Governor Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sends plans of a fort which is to command all ships riding at anchor in the Port. As yet the work is gone little further than the design, the purses of the people being weak. Begs that the necessity of having a good fort may be pressed upon His Majesty, or the Island may fall into the hands of the French who have always a good fleet in those parts. They are now expecting 13 sail, while there is nothing to uphold the honour of England, the Quaker ketch, itself of no credit, being gone home. Will instance nothing further, their Lordships' report of 25th April having so amply represented the Islands necessities. The rampart of the new fort is cast up and nothing wanting but the interior and exterior walls; would be well enough satisfied to erect the second, or that which the French engineers term cordon. Apologises for possible errors in the draft; hopes to send one for Antigua by next letter. "Received 15th May." Endorsed, Concerning a fort in the Island of Nevis. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 36, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 355.]
March 18. 934. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Present, His Excellency Sir Jonathan Atkins, Henry Drax, Samuel Newton, Thomas Wardall, John Peers, Simon Lambert, John Stanfast, John Witham and Richard Howell. Pursuant to an Act for the more effectual putting in execution a statute of England entitled an Act for preventing dangers which may happen from Popish recusants, bearing date 19th February last, his Excellency and Council, with the gentlemen of the Assembly, took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and likewise subscribed the test in the said Act mentioned. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., p. 300.]
March 18. 935. Journal of the Assembly of Barbadoes. The House met about two o'clock and adjourned till to-morrow morning at eight.
March 19. 936. The same. The members present (14) not being a sufficient number to make a House, adjourned to 15th April. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIII., pp. 336–337.]
March 19. 937. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. At a Council the 19th March, on the petition of Thomas Baxter that some subsistence might be given him by New Plymouth, he having lost his fingers in the late Indian War in defence of that town, His Majesty orders a favourable letter to be written on his behalf to the Plymouth Magistrates. On the petition of John Wampus, ordered that the Lords of the Council write a letter to the Connecticut government declaring His Majesty's pleasure that justice be done to the petitioner, and that the Indians who submit themselves be made participant of his royal protection. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CV., p. 320.]
March 19.
938. Order of the King in Council on Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Referring to Lord Carlisle's letter of 31st July (see ante, No. 770) respecting French privateers, and the importance of coming to arrangement with Spain on the logwood trade, we are informed that the Spanish will not at present admit of any accommodation, which is the more reason for making the logwood trade a point in the first treaty negotiated with Spain; meanwhile, there should be no further discouragement to those engaged in the trade who may be permitted to proceed therein at their own perils; of all of which the Earl of Carlisle should be informed. Signed, Sunderland, Ailesbury, Essex, Craven, Clarendon, H. Coventry, J. Ernle. Ordered, by the King in Council, that measures be taken, and Lord Carlisle informed accordingly, also that he be instructed to induce the privateers to plant in Jamaica. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., p. 275.]
March 19.
939. Order of the King in Council on report of the Committee for Trade and Plantations of 10th February last, on petition of Robert Morris, Nicholas Prinn, and John Consett (see ante, No. 764), approving same, and directing the Lord Treasurer to give orders for the payment of the sums awarded to petitioners as of His Majesty's bounty in consideration of their services. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 273–275.]
March 19.
940. Order of the King in Council, directing Mr. Pepys, Secretary of the Admiralty, to cause the names of Robert Morris, Nicholas Prinn, John Consett, (sic) Grantham, and Thomas Gardner, Commanders of ships at Virginia, to be entered in the Admiralty Office in order to their being employed in His Majesty's service, when there shall be occasion to make use of them. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., p. 275.]
March 19.
941. Order of the King in Council, approving report of the Committee for Trade and Plantations, of 10th February last (see ante, No. 887), on the petition of Elizabeth Dudley, widow, and directing Governor Lord Culpeper, on his arrival in Virginia, to cause restitution to be made to the petitioner or her assigns of the 15 hogsheads of tobacco, or the true value thereof. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 276–278.]
March 19.
Council Chamber.
942. [William Blathwayt] to the Master of the Ordnance. The Committee for Trade and Plantations having before them the despatch of Lord Culpeper to his Governmont of Virginia, desires an account of the ordnance and other stores of war delivered out of the Ordnance Office, since His Majesty's happy restoration, for the use of that Government. [Col. Entry Book, Vol. LXXX., p. 279.]
March 20.
St. Jago de la Vega.
943. Governor Lord Carlisle to Secretary Coventry. All is quiet here, but I am impatient to hear from you. One Captain Francis Mingham has lately been in trouble by his improvidence and reservations to elude the officer of His Majesty's Customs. The matter came to a trial in the Court of Admiralty, and his ship was condemned for making a false entry. Notwithstanding my kindness, whereby he was prevented of being sold according to the condemnation, he is still dissatisfied, and I believe will incense his owners to attempt your ears to inform the King. No letters from Whitehall since 5th December. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIX., p. 292.]
March 21.
944. Order of the King in Council. That the Commissioners of the Customs do consider and report on Governor Stapleton's suggestion as to the carriage and sale of arms by ships trading to the Leeward Isles (ante, No. 859). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVI., p. 342.]
March 25.
Port Royal.
945. Account of passengers, servants, and slaves brought to Jamaica, with accounts of goods exported from 25th June 1671 to 25th March 1679—seven years and nine months. Total of Christians arrived 5,396, of slaves 11, 816, of which last nearly three-fourths from Guinea, and the remainder from other plantations. A note adds that of the Christians at least one-fourth are "gone off." The exports consist of sugar 7,637¼ tons, cacao 44¾ tons, indigo 305 tons, ginger 177 tons, fustic 2,357 tons, logwood 5119 tons, tobacco 43¾ tons, pimento 134½ tons, hides 38,587, cotton 866 bags. Last year 47 ships were laden for England in Port Royal; and 80 sail are employed in coasting traffic and trade with the Spanish, the latter to the value of 20,000l. in the last 16 months. The tonnage of Jamaica is so large that every ton of sugar equals at least 3,000 lbs. gross. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 37.]
March 25. 946. Sir E. Andros to Mr. Blathwayt. I have just received yours of 2nd August by Mr. Dorrell. No alteration here since my letter of October, but every thing continues in good condition. I hope I have been a means to stop and prevent (if seconded in time) further Indian mischiefs in Virginia and Maryland, having, upon first notice from Colonel Jeffreys of some mischief by unknown Indians, taken all the care I could to be informed. Hearing in November news of some Christians brought from the southward by Indians over 400 miles northward from hence, I ordered express Christians (if to be had for so bitter and distant ill journey at such a season) or Indians to be sent to demand the Christian captives to be brought to me, and, if possible, to stop the Indians from going out again on the like design. This they were to signify from me to all other Indians above 600 miles from hence by themselves or by Indian messengers as they best could. Two Christians, speaking good Indian, one of them being the usual interpreter, undertook it. On their way, the Mohawks promised readily not to be concerned, and sent a messenger of their own to their neighbours whom they call children. These are the Oneidas, deemed the first nation of the Senecas. Notwithstanding the Mohawks' message, they were for three days very stubborn and insolent, being falsely informed that some of their number were detained at Albany; but afterwards the next nation beyond them, called the Onandaguas, drew ("drowen") in, submitting very much by delivering me a scalp, brought as they say against their will. The Oneidas went so far as to give up one woman out of two, and two children out of four, keeping the rest till they should hear of some of their own people whom they said they had lost in Virginia; whereof also they complain greatly, saying that they were first and without cause fallen upon and killed or taken. They promised, however, to send out no more parties. The Christians, it being midwinter and very hard and sharp weather, could get no further, but sent Indians forward to the other nations with strings of wampum in lieu of letters. They had satisfactory answers from all, and returned the beginning of January; but the Christain captives could not be brought so soon, and, hearing that half of them were detained, I insisted on my former demand, which, after much ado at Albany, they promised to comply with. I hope the captives are there by this time.
I sent to Maryland and Virginia at the same time with a particular account, desiring their result as soon as might be. They have thanked me and begged me to continue my endeavours, but refer me the one to the decision of their Assembly to be held in April or May, the other to a Council that is to be called, and to the answer that they may receive from their neighbours, while our neighbours eastward are rather more unresolved. We may therefore thank God the Indians have not been refractory, we being the smallest colony, and so dispersed and disjointed. Eastward everything is quiet since the establishment of a garrison at Pemaquid. The Massachusetts talk high of their pretended purchase from Mr. Gorges, by which they have scared several of the chiefest men of these parts into compliance with them. There will be no general friendship and safety till the differences of the colonies are adjusted. Some good Commissioners from home could easily settle it, and the Colonies as easily bear the expense. Postscript.—An Indian Sachem reports that the French of Canada intend this year to send a garrison or settlement into one of their towns where these Christian captives were on this side the lake. This being of import I shall endeavour to prevent, for, if effected, it will not only endanger all the Indian trade, but expose all the King's plantations upon this continent when they please, for they pretend [to acknowledge] no bounds that way. 3 pp. Holograph. The margins all filled with writing, and but two full stops from beginning to end. Printed in New York Documents III., 277;8. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIII., No. 38.]
March 25. 947. An Act passed in the Island of Antigua empowering Nathaniel Monk to sell the plantation of Benjamin Steele and of Mary his wife, for maintenance of their children. 1679, March 25. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 110.]
March 26.
948. Warrant to Sir Thomas Chicheley, Master General of the Ordnance, That whereas His Majesty has lent the ship John and Alexander to the Hudson's Bay Company for one voyage, he cause to be delivered to said Company for the defence of said ship the guns following with their carriages, viz., for the forecastle four sakers of 6½ foot and 10 cwt., for the steerage four sakers of 6 foot and 8 cwt., for the gun-room four sakers of 7½ foot and 16 cwt., and for the quarterdeck two falcons of 2½ cwt., the Company giving sufficient security to restore same at the end of the voyage, ¾ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIX., p. 323.]
March 28.
Office of the Ordnance.
949. "A particular accompt of all the ordnance, arms, ammunition, and other stores and provisions of war which have been issued and delivered out of the office of His Majesty's Ordnance since his happy restoration for the use of Virginia, together with the value and time of delivery, also the names of the persons to whom delivered, and how they have been reimbursed or disposed of." The price of each article also given. 14 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 279–293.]
March 29. 950. The King to Governor Lord Carlisle. Care will be taken at the next treaty with Spain to settle the business of the logwood trade on as good terms as can be obtained. Meanwhile discourage logwood-cutting in the Spanish dominions so far as you can, and endeavour to induce the privateers to plant in Jamaica (see ante, No. 938.) [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCV., p. 167.]