Index of Persons and Places: D, E, F, G

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index of Persons and Places: D, E, F, G', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 2 October 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: D, E, F, G', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 2, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: D, E, F, G". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 2 October 2024.


Dachorand and Muta, Dacorand and Mota. See Corran.

Dacre, St. Andrew, Dacre [co. Cumberland], 35, 66.

Dahe (? Daly), Duchanlx inge, 11.

Dalabere, Dalberd, alias de Labere, John. See Labere.

Daleton, John, canon of Lincoln, rector of Cottingham, 157.

Dalling, Dallyng, Roger, rural dean of Brooke, 188.

-, Simon, rector of Warham and of Broghton, afterwards of Warham and Holywell, 82.

Dalling, Field, Dalling, Feld Dallyng [co. Norfolk], 19, 328.

-, See also Saxlingham.

Dalmeny. See Aldcathie.

Dalrimpil, Dalrimpyl, John de, canon of Dunblane, papal mandatary, 143.

-, -, vicar-general in spirituals of the see of Dunblane during voidance, 143.

Dalry [co. Ayr], parish church of St. Margaret, 575, 576.

Dalton in Furness, Dalton [co. Lancaster], 550.

-, See also Daleton.

Dalyngton, John, prior of St. Nicholas's priory, Exeter, 127.

Daminys. See Devenish.

Damson, William, subchanter of Moray, 414.

Damynis, Damynys. See Devenish.

Dancer, John, of Worcester, priest, 186.

Daneham. See Davenham.

Danghean, Dangyn. See Dingle.

Daniel [Gario alias Scoto alias de Rampi, bishop of Concordia, sometime bishop of Parenzo, vice-chamberlain of Engenius IV], 320 note.

Daniel , papal register rubricated by.See Tries.

-, See also Danyell.

Danvers, John, nobleman, 187.

-, -, Joan his wife, 187.

Dany or Davy, Thomas, layman, 360.

-, -, Alice his wife, 360.

Danyell, Richard, 41.

-, -, Joan his wife, 41.

-, See also Daniel.

Dardanon , A., 302.

Darfeld, Robert, canon of Stoke by Clare, rector of Charwelton, 66.

Darfeld, Derfeld [co. York, W.R.], 127.

-, See also New Hall.

Dargouges, Catherine, noblewoman, 395.

Darleston, Henry, layman, 183.

Darrington, Darthington [co. York, W.R.], 594.

Dartragii alias Gaubalyuin. See Galloon.

Darver, Derver [co. Louth], 68, 112, 113.

Datragy alias Gabalynyn (rectius Gabalyuyn). See Galloon.

Daudison (? rectius Davidson), Hugh, 185.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 185.

Dauglas, John de. See Douglas.

Daukynson, Thomas, donsel, 365.

-, -, Lettice his wife, 365.

Daulbike, Robert de, rector of Cults, 401.

Daunce, Thomas, married clerk, notary public, 165.

Daundevill, Robert, an Augustinian canon, 36.

Daungarvan. See Dungarvan.

Daunttesey, Edward, bishop of Meath, 57, 181.

Davenham, Daneham [co. Chester], 92, 459, 460, 483, 526.

Daventry, Daventre [co. Northants], Benedictine priory of St. Augustine, prior and convent of, 352.

David II, king of Scots, 645.

David, a priest, 360.

David, Eynon ap. See Eynon.

David, Hugh, a Friar Minor, proctor of the order in the Roman court, vicar of the order in England during voidance of the office of minister-provincial, 351.

Davidis, Beanus, canon of Argyll, papal mandatary, 607.

Davidson. See Daudison.

Davidstow, Dewstow St. David's [co. Cornwall], 117.

Davington, Davynton [co. Kent], Benedictine priory, prioress of.See Sorender.

Davy or Dany, Thomas, layman, 360.

-, -, Alice his wife, 360.

Davynton. See Davington.

Dawen, Richard, rector of Tarring Neville, 628.

Day (O'Dea), Denis, bishop of Ossory, 77, 373.

-, See also O'Dea.

Days, John, vicar of Carnbee, 155, 550.

Dearg. See Abbeyderg.

Debelinclayr. See Claregalway.

Debenham [co. Suffolk], John Framlyngham, lord of, 569.

-, -, -, Margery his wife, 569.

Dedwode, John, the younger, clerk, 483.

Deene, Cenne, Dene [co. Northants], 385 (bis).

-, See also Dene.

Deeping, de Ping, John, canon and prior of St. Botolph's, Colchester, afterwards abbot of St. Osyth, 253 (ff. 206d and 207).

-, See also Depyng.

Deer, Der [co. Aberdeen], a prebend in Aberdeen, 410.

-, Old, Deere, Deire, Dere, Derr, Deyre [in Buchan parish, co. Aberdeen], Cistercian abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 396, 413, 562, 563, 565, 583, 645, 646.

-, -, Arthur, abbot of, sometime a monk of Kinloss. See Tulau.

-, -, Andrew (I), abbot of.See Tyry.

-, -, Andrew (II), abbot of.See Symonis.

-, -, monk of, 114, 543.

-, -, convent of, postulation by, 114.

Deerhurst, Durest [co. Gloucester], Benedictine priory, prior of, papal mandatary, 602.

Deinfernyline. See Dunfermline.

Deire. See Deer, Old.

Delabere, John. See Labere.

Delvin, Delvyn [co. Westmeath], 518.

Dene, Philip, layman, 346.

Dene. See Deene.

Denhall, Denwall [in Ness, co. Chester], hospital of, 16.

Denmark, king of. See Eric.

Denston, Clement, archdeacon of Sudbury and rector of Burwell, afterwards archdeacon of Sudbury and canon of Stoke by Clare, 576, 577, 588.

Dent, John, rector of Bryghtwel (q.v.), 601.

Denwall. See Denhall.

Depeden, John, canon of Chichester, Wells and Windsor, rector of Southchurch, 183, 577.

Depyng, John, canon of Lincoln, papal mandatary, 485.

-, See also Deeping.

Der. See Deer.

Derby [co. Derby], archdeacon of. See Bullock.

Dere. See Deer, Old.

Dereham, East, Est Derham [co. Norfolk], parish church of, 128.

Dereham, West, Derham, West Derham [co. Norfolk], Premonstratensian abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 85, 497.

Deren. See Derrane.

Derfeld. See Darfield.

Derham. See Dereham.

Dermach. See Durrow.

Derman, Nicholas, rector of Belton, canon and chancellor of St. Mary's in the Fields, Norwich, 140.

Dernle, Gilbert de, vicar of Lintrathen, 203.

Dernweke, Robert, Robert de, chaplain in the parish church of Holy Trinity, St. Andrews, vicar of Crail in the diocese of St. Andrews, 15.

-, -, vicar of Stobo in the diocese of Glasgow, 104.

Derr. See Deer, Old.

Derrane, Deren, Doeran, Doirean, Dorrean [in Kilbride parish, co. Roscommon], Augustinian priory of St. Mary, prior of, papal mandatary, 8, 15, 21.

-, -, canon of, 520.

Derry [co. Londonderry], bishop of, papal mandatary, 151, 430.

-, -, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 61, 124.

-, Donald, bishop of, afterwards bishop of Connor. See Omeraich.

-, Eugenius, bishop of, sometime bishop of Connor. See O'Donnell.

-, John, bishop of. See Ogubuin.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 15, 16, 46, 61, 114, 124, 558.

-, Catholicus, dean of. See Macgillabridi.

-, Cristinus, dean of. See Olucherean.

-, Dermit, dean of. See Macblossgaydh.

-, Donald, dean of. See Macgillabridi.

-, Donatus, dean of. See Ocearbollan.

-, Eugenius, dean of. See O'Donnell.

-, John, dean of. See Macmolinn.

-, dean and chapter etc. of, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 61, 124.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 452, 453, 596, 611.

-, official of, papal mandatary, 151, 179, 430.

-, Donatus, official of. See Ocearbollan.

-, canons of. See Macblossgaydh (Dermit and Maurice); Ocathan; Offulechan; Ogubuin; Omaelmuchori; Omuirgisan.

-, chapter etc. of, papal letters to, 194.

-, episcopal mensa of, 611.

-, Augustinian abbey of St. Columba, Cella Nigra, Cella Nigra Sancti Columbe, Sella Nigra, abbot of, papal mandatary, 61.

-, -, Dermit, abbot of, 114.

See also Ochegraithaidh.

-, -, Donatus, abbot of, 115.

-, -, Maurice, abbot of. See Macgillabridi.

-, -, Philip, abbot of. See Magrabartaid.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 97.

-, -, sacrist of. see Ochegraithaidh.

-, -, canons of, 114 115.

-, city and diocese of, intimidation in, 97, 418, 424.

Dertragii alias Gaubalyuin. See Galloon.

Derver. See Darver.

Deschamps, Giles, dean of Rouen, nephew of the bishop of Coutances, 235.

Desertegny, Disoartergnidh [co. Donegal], 46.

Desertoconnerie , abbey de. See Kells.

Desertoghill, Dyssert Otuacaill [co. Londonderry], 372.

Desmond [co. Kerry], James, earl of.See Geraldinis.

Devenish, Daminys, Damynis, Damynys [co. Fermanagh], collegiate and parish church of St. Lasrianus, Lassrianus, 9, 10, 48, 67.

-, See also Graan; Magugyr.

Deventer [Holland], collegiate church of St. Lebuinus (St. Leofwine or Lewin), provost of. See Dwerg.

Devereux, de Wros alias de Wrosteth, John, treasurer of Ferns, 623.

Dewne. See Down.

Dewnys, Laurence, prior of the hospital of Holy Cross, Limerick, 566.

Dewstow. See Davidstow.

Deyre. See Deer, Old.

Diano, Gasper de, bishop of Teano, afterwards archbishop of Conza, afterwards of Naples, 260 note.

Dicertenagassa. See Dysert.

Didaci, Rodericus, bishop of Silves, 227 note.

Digne [Basses-Alpes, France], bishop of, 261 note.

Dingle, Danghean, Dangyn [co. Kerry], 48, 417, 450.

Dionisius , papal register rubricated by.See Simonelli.

Dipple, Dupil [in Speymouth parish, co. Elgin], a prebend in Moray, 667.

Dirleton, Dyrlton [co. Haddington], 391.

Disartengasa, Diserrengassa, Disert called Molacale, Disertmaclacala. See Dysert.

Disertfinchilly, Disertfyngely, vicarage of St. Bridget's in the diocese of Kilmore (? Knockbride, co. Cavan), 70, 71, 75.

Disoartergnidh. See Desertegny.

Dittisham, Dydisham [co. Devon], 36.

Dixson, Dixon, de Ixon, Nicholas, canon of Hereford, Lincoln, London, Wells and St. Stephen's, Westminster, rector of Cheshunt and of Gosberton, warden of St. James's hospital by Charing Cross, Westminster and of Shirburn hospital, in the service of Henry VI, 21, 22, 408.

-, -, canon of London, papal mandatary, 44, 45.

Dobeler alias Brinke, John, rector of Shorwell and of Wooton, afterwards of Shorwell and of Hampton Bishop, canon of Alt Sanct Paul's, Münster, and of St. David's, chaplain of Appleford, 302, 303.

Doddington, Dodyngton [Isle of Ely], 80.

Doeran. See Derrane.

Dogmersfield, Dogmersfeld [co. Hants], 243.

Doirean. See Derrane.

Dol [Ille-et-Vilaine, France], canon of. See Ynisan.

Dolas, Elizabeth, 91.

-, Martin, layman, 91.

Domachmore. See Donaghmore.

Dominici, Adam, vicar of Inchkenneth and of St. Ouen's, Raasay, 25.

-, Dominicus, a Benedictine monk, 40.

-, Donald, vicar of Kilchattan in Ghiga and Kilchoman in Islay, to have collation of a canonry and prebend in the church of Kilcolmkill in Kintyre, alias Southend. See Macinnirlegyn.

-, Duncan, rector of St. Columba's, Eye, in the island of Lewis, 469.

-, -, Martin his son, rector of the same, 469.

Dompnacch Glennatacchayr. See Donagh.

Domusdasliuogh (rectius de [Inn[i]sdasliuogh) alias Kayrberislayn. See Caher.

Donagh, Dompnacch Glennatacchayr [co. Donegal], 596.

Donaghcumper [co. Kildare]. See St. Wolstan.

Donaghmore, Donnachmor [co. Kilkenny], 97.

-, Domachmore, Donnachmor [co. Tipperary] with Kiltegan (q.v.), a prebend in Lismore, 77, 138.

Donaghpatrick [co. Galway]. See Killamanagh.

Donald (? Connor McDonough), lord of Shancough, 640.

Donanachta, Dunnanoctha [co. Galway], 542.

Doncani, Geoffrey, 596, 625.

-, -, Geoffrey his son, clerk, to have collation, and afterwards to be deprived, of the vicarage of St. Ferchanus's (q.v.) in Knapdale, 596, 625.

-, Roderick, clerk, to have collation of the vicarage of St. Ferchanus's (q.v.) in Knapdale, 625.

-, See also Duncane.

Doncaster, Doncastre [co. York, W.R.], 351.

Doncaster, William. See Duncastre.

Dondalk. See Dundalk.

Dondounald. See Dundonald.

Donemowe. See Dunmow.

Donington. See Wykes.

Donizat. See Donnyatt.

Donnachmor. See Donaghmore.

Donstaple, John, esquire, 516.

Donster. See Dunster.

Donyatt, Donizat [co. Somerset], 20.

Donyngton. See Wykes.

Dorrean. See Derrane.

Dorward, John, esquire, 362.

-, -, Blanche his wife, 362.

Doryssh, Thomas, 30.

-, -, Eleanor his wife, 30.

Douglas, Archibald, duke of Touraine and earl of Douglas, 458.

-, -, -, chancellor of.See Fowlis.

-, -, -, kinsmen of. See Broun (William); Hamylton (David de).

-, -, and Margaret his widow. See Margaret.

-, Margaret, countess of, presentation by, 493.

-, Duglas, James, rector of Kil colmkill in Kintyre, alias Southend, 375.

-, Duglas, John de, dean of Moray, 411.

-, Dauglas, John, John de, canon of Dunkeld, 204, 398.

Dounwyll, Roger, rector of the second portion of Lymm, 148.

Dowe, Roger, a Friar Minor, minister provincial of the order in England, 351.

Down, Dewne, St. Mary [co. Devon], 330.

- [co. Down], archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 108, 176.

Dowske. See Graiguenamanagh.

Draco, Nicholas, bishop of Toulon, 489, 490.

Draper, Gregory, citizen of Norwich, 128.

-, -, Alice his wife, 128.

Drax, Richard, vicar of Gainford, 492, 508.

Drayton, Richard, nobleman, 128.

Dreged’. See Drogheda.

Dreux [Eure-et-Loir, France], earl of.See Pole.

Drewe, Ralph, rector of St. Matthew's, Friday Street, London, 675.

Dreylond, James, donsel, 431.

-, -, Alice his wife, 431.

Drogheda, Dreged', Drocheda [co. Louth], parish church of St. Mary, confraternity of the altar of St. Catherine in, 39.

-, perpetual vicarage of St. Peter's, 58, 100, 137, 508, 509.

-, Pontana, Friars Minors’ house of, friar of, 142.

Droimleathan. See Drumlane.

Dromineer, Drumyndinyt [co. Tipperary], 73.

Dromod, Inishnosail alias Drummad, Drummaid, Ynisnysuayl, Ynisnysuasyl alias Drumad [co. Kerry], 118, 405.

Dromore [co. Down], David, bishop of.See Chirbury.

-, Mark, bishop of, 114.

-, Thomas, bishop elect of. See Radcliffe.

-, William, bishop of, 358.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 123, 124.

-, canons of. See Macbridyn; Macgillabugi; Obirrynd.

-, chapter etc., papal letters to, 114.

-, episcopal mensa of, impoverishment of, 661, 674.

Drong. See Drung.

Drover, John, vicar of Grellagh, 121.

Druimcliab. See Drumcliff.

Druimleathan. See Drumlane.

Druimrathne alias Druimrath. See Drumraney.

Drumachose, Drumgoasa seu Ros (rectius Roe, the river on which is Drumachose) [co. Londonderry], rectory of, alias the comorbanship of St. Cainnech, St. Kannicius, 418.

Drumad alias Ynisnysuasyl. See Dromod.

Drumcairn, Drumcarne [in Methven parish, co. Perth], 461.

Drumcliff, Drumcleyb, Drumglyeb, Druymcleyb [co. Clare], rectory and vicarage of, 161, 473, 525.

Drumcliff, Druimcliab, Drumcliab, Druymcliab [co. Sligo], 5, 88, 330.

-, townlands of Cailli and Ardnucanlaighin in the parish of, 88.

Drumfres. See Dumfries.

Drumglyeb. See Drumcliff.

Drumgoasa sive Ros (rectius Roe). See Drumachose.

Drumgoon alias Magheranure, Macharynyuair [co. Cavan], 428.

Drumlane, Droimleathan, Druimleathan, Drumleathan, Drumlethan, Druymleathan, Druyntleathan [co. Cavan], Augustinian priory of St. Mary the Virgin, dependent on St. Mary's, Kells, prior of, papal mandatary, 590, 591, 599, 600, 605.

-, -, Cormac, prior of. See Magamrughan.

-, -, Patrick, prior of. See O'Farrelly.

-, -, Peter, prior of. See Magamrughan.

-, -, canons of, 384, 585, 586, 599.

-, -, indulgences for visits and alms to the priory church of, 384, 592.

-, parish church of St. Modocius (Mogue or Moaedhoc i.e. St. Aidan of Ferns), indulgence for visits and alms to, 589.

-, Andrew, rural dean of. See MacBrady.

Drumline, Drumlygayll (Druim-laighean [co. Clare], 123.

Drummad alias Irishnosail. See Dromod.

Drummaelchi. See Drummully.

Drummaid alias Irishnosail. See Dromod.

Drummully, Drummaelchi, Druumlchy [cos. Fermanagh and Monaghan], vicarage of St. Coman's, 12, 429.

Drumoak, Dulmayok [cos. Aberdeen and Kincardine], 554, 555, 563.

Drumraney, Druimrathne alias Druimrath, Druymraine alias Druymrathne [co. Westmeath], parish church of St. Euanus (rectius St. Enanus), 145, 558.

Drumyndinyt. See Dromineer.

Drung, Drong [co. Cavan], 374.

Drurey, Robert, layman, 28.

Druumlchy. See Drummully.

Druymcleyb, Druymcliab. See Drumcliff.

Druymleathan. See Drumlane.

Druymraine alias Druymrathne. See Drumraney.

Druyntleathan. See Drumlane.

Dryden, Henry, an Augustinian canon of Holyrood, de facto vicar of Falkirk, 491.

Drypool, Drypole [co. York, E.R.], parish church of SS. Peter and Paul, 117.

Dublin [co. Dublin, archbishop of, papal mandatary etc., 43, 44, 236, 358, 427.

-, -, resignation to, 112.

-, Richard, archbishop of. See Talbot.

-, John, dean of St. Patrick's.See Preen.

-, Nicholas, dean of St. Patrick's.See Hill.

-, Nicholas, archdeacon of. See Hill.

-, Robert, archdeacon of. See Dyck.

-, precentor of, papal mandatary, 502, 503.

-, John, chancellor of. See Ardagh; Ludington; Ysac.

-, Robert, chancellor of. See Dyck.

-, St. Patrick's, canons of. See Ardagh; Barby; Elyot; FitzLegger; Hadesors; Haket; Hill; Montayn; Norreys; Northorpp; Rossell; Silk; Warley; Yonge (William).

-, -, chapter of, papal letters to, 236.

-, -, -, seal of, 633.

-, -, indulgence for visits and alms to, 663.

-, Augustinian priory (cathedral) church of Holy Trinity, prior and chapter of, 633.

-, Augustinian priory of All Saints, prior of, papal mandatary, 63, 178, 206, 207.

-, Augustinian abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr, abbot of, papal mandatary, 154, 178, 206, 207, 512.

-, Crouched Friars’ priory of St. John Baptist (Kyllmayean, i.e. Kilmainham), James prior of.See Thani.

-, Cistercian abbey of St. Mary the Virgin, abbot of, papal mandatary, 206, 207, 468, 469, 512.

-, parish church of St. Mary de Dammys, i.e. St. Mary's des Dames or del Dam on the south side of Cork Hill, now in St. Werburgh's, 409.

-, city and diocese of, intimidation in the, 559.

-, John Bateman, citizen of, 132.

-, -, -, Cecily his wife, 132.

-, Alice Begge of, 432.

-, Thomas Elys, citizen of, 431.

-, John Haddessors of, donsel, 34.

-, -, Catherine his wife, 34.

-, David Taylour of, priest, 431.

-, David Willet, Wyllet, citizen of, 431, 432.

-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 431, 432.

Duddingston, Dudyngston, Dudynston [co. Edinburgh], 618, 665.

Duffeld, William, archdeacon of Cleveland, 529.

Duffus, Duffoys [co. Elgin], a prebend in Moray, 541.

Dugalli, Morice, canon of the church of Kilcolmkill in Kintyre, alias Southend, 607.

Duglas, James and John de. See Douglas.

Duirinish [Skye]. See Vaternish.

Duleek, Duleke [co. Meath], Augustinian abbey [of St. Kienan], abbot of, papal mandatary, 58.

Dulmayok. See Drumoak.

Dumbar, Elizabeth de. See Dunbar.

Dumbeth. See Dunbeath.

Dumbo. See Dunboe.

Dumfries, Drumfres [co. Dumfries], 334.

-, indulgence in aid of the building of a bridge over the Nith near, and of the enlargement of the bridge chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, 347.

Dunbar, Columba de, bishop of Moray, 154, 372, 379, 380, 412, 541, 612note, 613, 648.

-, Dumbar, Elizabeth de, damsel, 513.

-, James de, archdeacon of Moray, 372.

-, William de, archdeacon of Moray, 372.

Dunbar [co. Haddington], collegiate church, canons of. See Lauder (Thomas); Lindesay (James).

Dunbeath, Dumbeth [in Latheron parish, co. Caithness], 11.

Dunblane [co. Perth], bishop of, papal mandatary, 181, 622, 623.

-, Michael, bishop of. See Ochiltree.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 100, 101, 106, 107, 143, 148.

-, Donald, dean of. See Bute.

-, John, dean of. See Stewart.

-, Michael, dean of. See Ochiltree.

-, Robert, dean of. See Crannach.

-, Adam, chancellor of. See Port.

-, Donald, chancellor of. See Geleson.

-, Gilbert, chancellor of. See Bannory.

-, Laurence, chancellor of. See Piot.

-, William, chancellor of. See Clerk.

-, Malcolm, official of. See Johannis.

-, canons of. See Cardo; Crannach (Robert de); Dalrimpil; Johannis; Macnachtane; Ottirburn; Piot (Laurence); Stewart (Alan).

-, chapter of, 143.

-, John, vicar-general of the spirituals of the see during voidance. See Dalrimpil.

Dunboe, Dumbo, Dunbo [co. Londonderry], 98.

Dunbreke, John de, canon of Aberdeen, 464, 474.

Duncane, Thomas, vicar of Gamrie, 368.

- See also Doncani.

Duncastre, William, dean of Auckland collegiate church, 594.

Dundalk, Dondalk [co. Louth], 468, 469.

Dundaygry. See Duniry.

Dundee, Dunde [co. Forfar], altar of St. James in the parish church of, 474.

Dundonald, Dondounald [co. Ayr], 492, 493.

Dundonall, Gerald, canon of Killala, papal mandatary, 597.

-, Robert, nobleman, 597.

-, Dundonayll, Thomas de, alias Macmicrobut, canon of Killala, 511.

Dunfermline, Deinfernyline, Dunfermelyne, Dunfermlyn, Dunformlyn [co. Fife], Benedictine abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 143, 144, 411, 423, 491.

-, -, abbot and convent of, provision of a benefice in the patronage of, 629.

-, -, monks of, 365, 467, 513.

-, -, dependent priory of.See Urquhart.

Dunfernylyne, Donald de, an Augustinian canon, 132.

Dunformlyn. See Dunfermline.

Dungarvan, Daungarvan [co. Waterford], 494.

Dungiven, Dungemin, Dunghevhin, Duyngeffem [co. Londonderry], Augustinian priory of St. Patrick, alias St. Mary [the Virgin], prior of, papal mandatary, 200, 372, 418.

-, -, John, prior of. See Omurigaid.

-, -, Philip, prior of. See Omurigaid.

Duniry, Dundaygry [co. Galway], 89.

Dunkaeryn. See Dunkerrin.

Dunkeld [co. Perth], bishop of, papal mandatary, 89, 95, 104, 106, 107, 200, 255, 256, 368, 369, 458, 474, 647.

-, -, provisions, etc. of benefices in the patronage of, 336, 441, 442, 492, 579, 621, 622.

-, Alexander, intended by the pope to have provision of the see of. See Lauder.

-, James, bishop of. See Kennedy.

-, Robert, bishop of. See Cardoni.

-, William (rectius Robert) [Cardoni, q.v.], bishop of, 444.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 411, 453, 458, 650 (bis), 667.

-, Donald, dean of. See Macnachtane.

-, dean and chapter etc. of, provisions etc. of benefices in the patronage of, 336, 441, 442, 492, 579, 621, 622.

-, David, subdean of. See Crannach.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 200, 333, 334.

-, Adam, archdeacon of. See Montegomere.

-, Alexander, archdeacon of. See Lauder.

-, John, treasurer of. See Archer.

-, Walter, treasurer of. See Stewart.

-, official of, papal mandatary, 426, 620.

-, William, official of. See Ramsay.

-, canons of. See Bruys; Cardoni; Casteltaris; Crannach (David de, Robert de); Crech; Creffe; Douglas (John); Faukland; Gordon; Kennedy (James); Lauder (Edward); Legati; Leighton (Duncan de); Lindesay; Macgilleguhaillum; Mirton; Ochiltree; Ottirburn; Piot; Sancto Claro; Spalding; Stewart; Tullach (Thomas).

-, chapter etc. of, papal letters to, 654.

-, impoverishment of the episcopal mensa of, 444.

-, See also Inchmagrannoch.

Dunkerrin, Dunkaeryn [King's County], 5.

Dunkeswell [co. Devon], Cistercian abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 117.

Dunkitt, Dunkyt [co. Kilkenny], 452.

Dunmore, Dunmor [co. Galway], rectory of, 207, 651, 652.

Dunmow, Donemowe [co. Essex], 462.

Dunnaman, Valistrostan, Vallistrostan (q.v.) [parish of Croom, co. Limerick], vicarage of, 415.

Dunnanoctha. See Donanachta.

Dunnottar, Dunotter, Dunottar, Dunottir [co. Kincardine], 496, 604, 666.

Dunra, Richard, rector of the parishes of Coolbanagher and Ardea, 202.

Dunsford [co. Devon], 127.

Dunstable, Dunstaple [co. Bedford], Augustinian priory, prior of.See Roxston.

- See also Donstaple.

Dunster, Donster [co. Somerset], 125.

Dupil. See Dipple.

Durbach. See Durrow.

Duremort, Giles de, abbot of Fécamp, 342.

Durest, priory of. See Deerhurst.

Durham [co. Durham], bishop of, faculties to, 146, 518.

-, -, papal letters of dispensation exhibited to, 466.

-, -, papal mandatary, 45, 46, 209, 344, 444, 529, 531, 627, 630.

-, Hugh, bishop of. See Pudsey.

-, Richard, bishop of. See Kellow.

-, Richard (rectius Robert), bishop of, sometime bishop of Salisbury. See Neville.

-, Thomas, bishop of. See Longley.

-, Robert, archdeacon of. See Gilbert; Rolleston.

-, archdeaconry of, houses etc. belonging to the, 44, 45.

-, Thomas, chancellor of. See Hebbeden.

-, official of, papal mandatary, 492.

-, Benedictine priory, prior of, papal mandatary, 506, 567.

-, Irish bishop acting as a suffragan in the diocese of, 175.

Durinish, Glendale in. See Glendale.

Durisdeer, Durisder [co. Dumfries], a prebend in Glasgow, 168.

Durmach. See Durrow.

Durnbule, William. See Turnbul.

Durnford, Durneford [co. Wilts], a prebend in Salisbury, 93.

Durris [co. Kincardine], 430.

Durrow, Dermach, Durbach, Durmach [King's County], Augustinian priory of St. Mary, prior of, papal mandatary, 99, 113, 114, 141, 145, 192, 200, 201, 209, 337, 666.

Durrow, Durmach [Queen's County and co. Kilkenny], 97.

Durward, William, a Benedictine monk of Arbroath, to be prior of Urquhart, 467.

Duybrinis, St. Conganus's de. See Glendale in Durinish.

Duyngeffem. See Dungiven.

Dwerg, Master Herman, provost of St. Lebuinus's, Deventer, papal notary and referendary, etc., 170, 171.

Dyar alias Welles, John, priest, 211.

Dybold, William, priest, 134.

Dyck, Robert, chancellor, afterwards archdeacon, of Dublin, 206.

-, See also Dyk.

Dydisham. See Dittisham.

Dyer, William, of Salisbury, clerk, 33.

Dyk, Hugh, citizen of London, 38.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 38.

-, See also Dyck.

Dyke. See Moy.

Dykes, Robert, canon of St. Clement's, Pontefract, and of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, rector or warden of Denhall hospital, rector of Campsall, 16.

Dyneley, Oliver, canon of Salisbury, rector of St. Sampson's, Cricklade, and of Fittleton, 90.

Dyrlton. See Dirleton.

Dysert, Disert called Molacale, Disertmaclacala, Dysartmolacala, Dyserthmellecalla [co. Clare], rectory of, 402.

-, vicarage of, 417.

-, a prebend in Killaloe, 450, 512.

- See also Aughrim.

Dysert, Dicertenagassa, Disartengasa, Diserrengassa (Disert-Aengusa) [co. Limerick], a prebend in Limerick, 2, 71, 450.

Dyssert Otuacaill. See Desertoghill.


Eachdruymomane. See Aughrim.

Eard, Earde, alias Crayford [co. Kent], 324, 379, 456, 505, 555.

Easby, Esby in Clyveland (i.e. Cleveland) [in Stokesley parish, co. York, N.R.], George Mowbray, lord of, 573.

-, -, his wife, 573.

- See Esby.

Easdara, Easdare. See Ballysadare.

East Riding, Est Ridding, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 195.

-, Richard, archdeacon of. See Tone.

Easter, Good [co. Essex]. See Bowers.

Easton in Gordano, Eston in Gordano [co. Somerset], a prebend in Wells, 150.

Easton St. Mary, Eston [co. Southants], 527.

Eastwood, Estwode [co. Renfrew], 494, 495, 618, 621, 622.

Ecclesfield [co. York, W.R.]. See Cowley.

Eccleston [co. Lancaster], 63.

Eckington, Eckyngton in the county of Derby, 395.

-, Ekynton [co. Worcester], 602.

Edermine, Edirdim [co. Wexford], a prebend in Ferns, 92.

Edinburgh, Edinbrugh, Edinburch, Edinburg, Edymburgh, Edynburg, Edynburgh [co. Edinburgh], Augustinian abbey of Holyrood, abbot of, papal mandatary, 265, 428, 552, 561, 595.

-, -, Patrick, abbot of. See Wyrdirsponne.

-, -, Walter, abbot of Inchcolm, appointed administrator of, 551, 671.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 294.

-, -, -, patronage of, 121, 638, 670.

-, -, -, suit against, 491.

-, -, canons of, 294, 427, 491, 551, 637, 638, 671, 672.

-, -, convent, vassals etc. of, 551, 671.

-, parish church of St. Giles, 155.

- See Edynburch.

Edirdim. See Edermine.

Ednam, Edname [co. Roxburgh], 556.

Edward, king of Portugal and Algarve, 227–229.

Edwardi, Henry, 29.

-, -, Margery his wife, 29.

-, William, bishop, sometime archdeacon and canon, of Kildare, 337, 358, 643, 652, 666.

Edymburgh. See Edinburgh.

Edynburch, John de, an Augustinian canon of Holyrood, de facto vicar of Falkirk, 491.

Edynburg, Edynburgh. See Edinburgh.

Edyngham, Thomas, rector of Upper Hardres, 546.

Edzell, Adzel [co. Forfar], Hugh, rector of, 14.

Eggecombe, Eggdcomb, John, vicar of Ermington, 338, 383.

Eglesfelde, Robert, an Augustinian canon of Carlisle, vicar of Addingham, 586.

Egleston, William, layman, 492.

Egmanton, William, rector of Hackney, 502.

Eilean Fhianain [in Moidart, parish of Ardnamurchan, co. Argyll], Macabeus, rector of St. Finnan's, 624.

Ekeney, Eknoy. See Petsoe.

Ekynton. See Eckington.

Eland, John, priest, 184.

-, Thomas, clerk, 174.

Elfynston, Elfynstan, William de, clerk, litigant about the church of Bonham in Penna in the diocese of Glasgow, 263.

-, -, canon of Glasgow, vicar of Ashkirk, 678.

Elingham, Thomas, sacrist of Ely, 553.

Ellerker, John, 41.

-, -, Isabel his wife, 41.

Ellesworth. See Elsworth.

Elley, St. Peter's supra. See Peterstone super Ely.

Ellon, Ellone, Ellon [co. Aberdeen], vicarage of, 44.

-, a prebend in Aberdeen, 457, 464, 474, 552, 667.

Ellyngtun, William, donsel, 37.

Elmeden, William, lord of Embleton (q.v.), 477.

Elmeswel. See Emswell.

Elne [Pyrénées Orientales, France], canon of. See Cardona.

Elnor, Robert, 172.

-, -, Margaret his relict, 172.

Elon. See Ellon.

Elphin [co. Roscommon], bishop of, papal mandatary, 68, 108, 158, 162, 169, 402, 403, 409, 451, 462, 500, 529, 545, 546.

-, -, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 61, 119, 192.

-, John, bishop of (alive after 1429), 43, 44, 88.

-, -, -, deprived by the pope, 94.

-, the late John, bishop of (dead in 1434). See O'Grada.

-, Laurence, bishop elect of. See Obeolan.

-, Magonius, bishop of, residing in Roman court, 403.

-, Robert, bishop of. See Foston.

-, Thomas, bishop of. See Colbi.

-, William, bishop of, sometime canon of Cloyne See O'Hedian.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 47, 48.

-, dean and chapter etc. of, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 61, 119, 192.

-, Odo, archdeacon of. See Macdiarmada.

-, provost of, papal mandatary, 50, 201, 202, 347, 348, 420, 423, 469, 495, 507.

-, William, provost of. See Oflannagan.

-, official of, papal mandatary, 420, 423.

-, canons of. See Macbranan; Macdiarmada (Thady; Thomas; Tomultheus); Macdonnchaid (Cormac); Macgillaciaran; Macgillaruaig; Macgriabaid; Maccoilith; Obeolan (Laurence and Nemeas); Oflannagan (Charles, Morianus and Odo); O'Gara; Oheadra (Bernard and Cormac); O'Kelly (Nicholas); Omartayn; Omochan (Dermit and Donald).

-, chapter of, reservation of benefices in the patronage of, 15, 60.

-, chapter etc. of, papal letters to, 111.

-, intimidation in the diocese of, 198, 471, 472, 557, 591.

-, cathedral church of St. Mary the Virgin, lands belonging to, 88.

-, -, indulgence for visits and alms to, 458.

Elst, William, lord de Cotis (q.v.), 512.

Elsternwick, Elsteenwyk [co. York, E.R.], chapel, now parish church, of St. Laurence, 388.

Elsworth, Ellesworth [co. Cambridge], 592.

Elten , Elton, G. de, 322 et passim.

Elton, Oliver, rector of Chelmsford, 20.

Ely, John, papal serjeant-at-arms and member of the household and envoy to France, England and Scotland of Eugenius IV, 280, 282, 292.

Ely [co. Cambridge], administrator of the see of. See Luxembourg.

-, bishop of, papal mandatary, 77, 78, 80, 92, 149, 333, 346.

-, Philip, bishop of. See Morgan.

-, Thomas, bishop elect of. See Bourchier.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 310.

-, Benedictine priory (cathedral), prior of, faculty for, 609, 610.

-, -, -, papal mandatary, 497.

-, -, Thomas, sacrist of. See Elingham.

-, chapter of, papal letters to, 612, 625.

-, clergy etc. of the city and diocese of, papal letters to, 612, 625.

-, episcopal mensa of, 80.

- See also Haveringmere.

Elyot, John, canon of Dublin, rector of Clonmore, 178, 325, 326.

-, Elyott, Nicholas, clerk, 599.

Elys, Thomas, citizen of Dublin, 431.

Embleton, Elmeden [co. Durham], William Elmeden, lord of, 477.

Emescote [co. Warwick], 393.

Emlaghfad [co. Sligo]. See Ballymote.

Emley, Emlay [co. York, W.R.], 632.

Emly [co. Tipperary], bishop of, papal mandatary, 2, 81, 105, 118.

-, -, rights of in respect of the blessing of the abbot of a non-exempt religious house, 653.

-, Cornelius, bishop of. See O'Cunlis.

-, Nicholas, bishop of, 111.

-, Robert, bishop elect of. See Portland.

-, Thomas, bishop of. See Burgo.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 81, 108, 118.

-, William, archdeacon of. See Odwirti.

-, canons of. See Byllyan.

-, chapter etc. of, papal letters to, 111.

Emonde, John, layman, 661.

-, -, Joan his wife, 661.

Empingham, Empyngham [co. Rutland], a prebend in Lincoln, 22.

Emswell, Elmeswel [co. York, E.R.], 351.

Endyrby, John, esquire, 184.

-, -, Maud his wife, 184.

Enniskillen [co. Fermanagh]. See Inishkeen.

Erch or Erth, John, vicar of Croft, 141.

Erchedekyn, William. See Erstekin.

Erfordia , Erffordia, Hugo de, papal registers rubricated by, under Martin V, 71 note, 95 note, 107note, 112 note.

-, -, - under Eugenius IV, 321 note.

Eric, king of Denmark, 264, 265, 499.

Ermington, Ermyngton [co. Devon], 338, 383.

Erole. See Errol.

Errigal Keerogue, Ariguldakerog [co. Tyrone], 123.

Errol, Erole, Herole [co. Perth], 336, 411.

Erskine, Erskyn [co. Renfrew], 407, 408, 631.

Erskyn, William de, lord of Kinnoul, 391.

Erstekin, Erchedekyn, William, archdeacon of Kildare, rector of Croom, 199, 413.

Erth or Erch, John, vicar of Croft, 141.

Esby, John, rector of Wem, 636.

Esby in Clyveland. See Easby.

Escars, John de Pérusse d', bishop of Séez, 222 note.

Esdara, Esdra. See Ballysadare.

Espinasse, Philip de l', abbot of la Sauve-Majeure, 498, 521.

Essex, Edward, archdeacon of. See Prentis.

-, John, archdeacon of. See Schirborn.

-, Zanobius, archdeacon of. See Molakin.

Essolavent. See Lavant, East.

Essover alias Asshover. See Ashover.

Essy, Robert de, clerk, 578, 579.

Est Derham. See Dereham.

Est Ridding. See East Riding.

Estbradenham. See Bradenham, East.

Estcourt, William, canon of Salisbury, rector of Witney, a servitor of cardinal Beaufort, 674.

Esthermyngdon. See Horringdon, East.

Estlavent. See Lavant, East.

Estmerdon. See Marden, East.

Estmier alias Bond, John, 175.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 175.

Eston, Edith, a widow, 574.

Eston. See Easton St. Mary.

Eston in Gordano. See Easton in Gordano.

Estwode. See Eastwood.

Esyngwalde, John, prior of Newburgh, 134.

Eton, Robert, prior of Abergavenny, 34.

-, William, priest, 29.

Eton [co. Bucks], William Kyrie, rector of, 41.

-, college of St. Mary, privileges granted by Eugenius IV to, 239241, 246, 271.

Euers, Robert, lord of Bradley Hall, 515.

-, -, -, Elizabeth his wife, 515.

Eugenii, Duncan, vicar of Monkton, 472.

Eugenius IV, arms of, 280 note, 315note.

-, chamberlain of. See Condulmarus; Scarampi.

-, -, locum tenens of. See Cavaciis; Daniel.

-, honorary chamberlains of. See Hamilton (David de); Holes.

-, constitution by, against holding together a major cathedral dignity and a parish church, or two parish churches etc., 247, 273, 311, 505, 522–524, 529, 531, 535, 593, 594, 599, 625, 627–632, 642, 643, 645, 656–663, 673–676, 678.

-, -, in favour of residents at the Roman court, in regard to precedence in the obtaining of benefices, 482, 581, 674, 675.

-, -, requiring the mention in provisions of the name of the detainer of the benefice granted, 355, 418, 496.

-, efforts by, against the antipapal statutes in Scotland, 234, 261, 263.

-, -, for the defence of the East against the Turks, 296–301.

-, -, to make peace in France, 248, 262, 277, 284.

-, -, -, See also Albergati; England (in Index of Subjects).

-, envoys from:—

to England. See Chapman; Ely; Moleyns; Opizis; Zabarella.

to France. See Ely; Liste; Turrecremata; Versailles; Zabarella.

to John, duke of Brittany, 294note.

to Scotland. See Ely.

to divers parts. See Caunton.

-, envoys to:—

from Henry VI. See Henry VI.

from archbishop Stafford, 258.

from cardinal Beaufort. See Moleyns.

from Catherine, queen of England. See Graystok.

from Charles VII of France.See Poitiers.

from the duke of Burgundy.See Jeune; Lille.

from Thomas Bourchier. See Moleyns.

-, legates of:—

against the Turks. See Condulmar is (Francis and Mark).

to negotiate peace between England and France. See Albergati.

to Scotland. See Urbino.

-, major penitentiaries of. See Cardinal bishops (Palestrina and Tusculum).

-, members of the household of.See Bourdonis; Croyser; Ely; FitzHugh; Moleyns; Swan; Turnbul.

-, nephews of. See Cardinal priests (Francis Condulmarus, of St. Clement's); Cardinal deacons (Peter Barbo, of S. Maria Nova).

-, nuncios of:—

to Almain. See Rampini.

to England. See Cavalcantibus; Clement; Padua; Rampini.

to France. See Albergati; Monte.

to Germany. See Padua.

to Holland. See Padua.

to Ireland. See O'Cunlis; Padua.

to Milan. See Rampini.

to Scotland. See Croyser; Monte; Opizis; Padua; Turnbul; Urbino.

-, secretaries of. See Blondus;Cincius; Florencia; Goier (Goyer); Langusto; Luschis;Poggius.

-, vice-chamberlain of. See Cavaciis; Daniel.

-, vice-chancellor of. See Condulmarus.

Euraferayne, in the diocese of Ross, 593.

Eure, Marjory, damsel, 444.

Evesham [co. Worcester], Benedictine abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 194, 257.

Eversham. See Heversham.

Evreux [Eure, France], Peter, bishop of. See Comborn.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 650.

-, canon of. See Clyffe alias Pekoc.

Ewillyngton. See Swillington.

Excetre, William abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 391.

Exeter [co. Devon], bishop of, faculty to, 386.

-, -, mensa of, 159.

-, -, papal mandatary, 172, 196, 332, 333, 388, 523.

-, -, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 257, 312, 313.

-, Edmund, bishop of. See Lacy.

-, dean of, faculties to, 197, 385.

-, -, papal mandatary, 172, 195, 196, 384, 660.

-, dean and chapter of, reservations of benefices in the patronage of, 257, 312–314.

-, archdeacon of, faculty to, 385.

-, -, papal mandatary, 384.

-, James, archdeacon of. See Carslegh.

-, precentor of, papal mandatary, 196.

-, treasurer of, faculties to, 197, 386.

-, -, papal mandatary, 196, 325, 386.

-, chancellor of, papal mandatary, 246, 247.

-, canons of. See Brounyng; Carslegh; Cokeworth; Morton alias Boldi; Sturgeon.

-, cathedral church, vicars-choral etc. of, 158, 159.

-, episcopal court of, 516.

- Benedictine priory of St. Nicholas, prior of. See Dalyngton.

-, parish church of All Hallows on the Walls, 127.

-, parish church of St. Leonard, 164.

-, Michael Froden of, donsel, 183.

- See also Olyver.

Eye, Heyee [co. Suffolk], Benedictine priory, prior of, papal mandatary, 144, 145.

-, Gyrgh [parish of Stornoway, co. Ross], church of St. Columba, 469.

Eynon ap David, priest, 675, 676.

Eyr, Simon, citizen of London, 515.

-, -, -, Alice his wife, 515.


Fabri, Jo., 638.

Fahan, Fathainmura [co. Donegal], 97, 98.

Faidit, Gerald, bishop of Conserans, regent of the papal chancery, 12 note, 65, 99 note, 134, 140 note, 146, 163 note, 178 note, 196, 197, 210.

Fairford, Robert, donsel, 29.

-, -, Juliana his wife, 29.

Fakenham [co. Norfolk], 657.

Fala, Fawlaw [co. Edinburgh and Haddington], 617.

- See also Fawlaw.

Faldown, Faudomayn [? in Kilmeena parish, co. Mayo], a prebend in Tuam, 425.

Falkirk, Varia capella [co. Sterling], 200, 491, 492.

Fallan, William, canon of Orantock, rector of Sible Hedingham, chaplain of Cockington and of St. Mary's, Birmingham, a baron of the Exchequer, 644, 645.

Famenne [Belgium], archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 406, 471, 492.

Fanagrain, lands of. See Graan.

Fare, John, a Friar Preacher, 352.

Fareli Cluayn. See Cloonclare.

Farquhar. See Faychar.

Fartullagh. See Newtown.

Fastolf, John, lord of Oulton, 393.

-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 393.

Fathainmura. See Fahan.

Faudomayn. See Faldown.

Faughanvale, Nuatmail alias Nuadmail Kannid [co. Londonderry], 418.

Fau'har, William. See Faychar.

Faukes, John, rector of St. Clement's, Hastings, master in the royal chancery, 527.

-, Thomas, canon of St. Davids and Heytesbury, rector of St. Bride's, London, 323.

Faukland, Fauklande, John de, de facto canon of Dunkeld, 426, 620, 621.

Faulo, Thomas, layman, 36.

Faunchope. See Fownhope.

Fauorio , priory de. See Fore.

Fawlaw, George de, layman, 614.

-, -, his present wife, 614.

Fawlaw. See Fala.

Fawy. See Fowey.

Faychar (Farquhar), Alexander, rector of the chapel of Culcraggie, 532, 533.

-, Fayrehayre, Fau'har, Fouchar, William, dean of Ross in Scotland, 583, 610, 665.

Fayt, John, vicar of Aycliffe, 533.

Feacle, Fiecall, Fyecall [co. Clare], 4, 74.

Fearn, Feren [co. Forfar], parish church of, 210.

-, Ferne [co. Ross], Premonstratensian abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 604.

Feartulach, Newtown de. See Newtown in Fartullagh.

Fécamp [Seine-Inférieure, France], Benedictine abbey of Holy Trinity, Giles, abbot of. See Duremort.

Feckenham, Fekenham [co. Worcester], 32.

Feden. See Fiddown.

Federesso. See Fetteresso.

Feenagh, Fynath, Fynyd [co. Clare], 6, 87, 501.

Feguh, John, canon of St. Mary's, Antwerp, an abbreviator of papal letters, 113.

Fekenham. See Feckenham.

Feld Dalling. See Saxlingham.

Feldew, John, canon of Brechin and Glasgow, vicar of Inverkeillor, Linlithgow and of Markinch, rector of the hospital of St. Nicholas at St. Andrews, 399, 400, 404, 407, 423, 561.

Felix V, antipope, 223 note, 224, 227, 237.

-, proceedings by Eugenius IV against the adherents of in Scotland etc., 238, 239, 299, 306, 307, 315 note.

Felmingham, Felmyngham [co. Norfolk], Stephen Clerk of, acolyte, 29.

Felter, William, archdeacon of York, 531.

-, -, -, afterwards dean of York, in the service of archbishop Kempe, 626.

Felton, West [co. Salop], 656.

Fenit, Fyennynd [co. Kerry], a prebend in Ardfert, 398.

Fennor, Fyniour, Fynnour [co. Tipperary], a prebend in Cashel, 451.

Fenton, Kirk [co. York, W.R.], a prebend in York, 92.

Fenys, James, esquire, 242.

Feren. See Fearn.

Fergio alias de Clar , abbey de. See Clare.

Fergundeueney. See Forgandenny.

Feri, Gilbert de, vicar of Banff, 397.

Ferne. See Fearn.

Ferness, Forthefas [in Ardclach parish, co. Nairn], 414.

Ferns [co. Wexford], bishop of, papal mandatary, 654.

-, -, rights of in regard to the blessing of the abbot of a non-exempt monastery, 654.

-, Robert, bishop of. See Whitty.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 623.

-, Patrick, dean of. See Maccalluard.

-, Thomas, dean of. See Neville; Petit.

-, dean and chapter of, consent of to an appropriation, 660.

-, Laurence, archdeacon of. See Boscher.

-, John, treasurer of. See Devereux.

-, William, treasurer of. See Ocirdhubayn.

-, precentor of, papal mandatary, 151.

-, canon of. See Broun alias Cordon.

-, Augustinian abbey of St. Mary, Nicholas, abbot of. See Odruffthyn.

-, -, Patrick, abbot of, 654.

-, -, Thomas, abbot of. See Odruffthyn.

-, city and diocese of, intimidation in, 13, 565, 623, 654.

Ferrara [Emilia, Italy], canon of. See Opizis.

-, Benedictine abbey of St. Bartholus, Bartholomew, abbot of.See Bartolomeus.

-, Council of, 224, 225 note, 232note, 238, 264, 265, 299, 306, 315note.

Ferrybridge, Ferybrig [co. York, W.R.], free chapel of, 634.

Ferun Cuning', diocese of St. Andrews, 183.

Ferybrig. See Ferrybridge.

Fettercairne, Fethiekern, Fethirkern, Fethirkerne [co. Kincardine], 159, 160, 589, 590.

Fetteresso, Federesso [co. Kincardine], 396, 397.

Fewldon, Nicholas, a monk, afterwards prior, of Thetford, 144, 145.

Feyre, Seyre, John, a Friar Preacher, bishop of Sodor, 534.

Feyse, William, warden or master of the hospital of SS. John Baptist and Anthony, Lutterworth, 553.

Fiddown, Feden [co. Kilkenny], 419.

Fiecall. See Feacle.

Field Dalling. See Dalling.

Fiizmoris, Patrick son of Gerald. See Fitz Moris.

Fillastre, William, cardinal priest of St. Mark's, 105.

Fingonii, Fingonius, vicar of Coll, 469.

Finhaven alias Oathlaw, Fuchnevin [co. Forfar], 449.

Finlaii, Finlarii, John. See Macpilibh.

Finnure, Fynduyr [in Abbeygormacan parish, co. Galway], a prebend in Clonfert, 546.

Fiocardus , A., 274, 308.

Fishbourne, New, Fyssheborne [co. Sussex], 676.

- See also Fyshburne.

Fishuugh, Robert. See FitzHugh.

Fittleton, Fytylton [co. Wilts], 90.

FitzAdam, Fyzadann, Macadam, Edmund, canon of Limerick, afterwards a Hospitaller and commendatary of the hospital of SS. Mary and Edward alias Holy Cross, Limerick, member of the household of Jordan, cardinal bishop of Albano, 2, 75, 450.

FitzEustace, Fytzeustace, Edward, knight, 361.

-, -, Alice his wife, 361.

FitzGerald, Gerald FitzMaurice, earl of Kildare, 442.

-, -, Elizabeth his daughter, 442, 443.

FitzGerard, Patrick, archdeacon of Kildare, 652.

- See also FitzMoris; Geraldinis.

-, Fitzgerrode, Thomas, clerk, 637.

FitzHenry, John, donsel, 36.

-, John, an Augustinian canon of Newburgh, master of St. Mary's hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, 466, 467.

FitzHugh, Robert, bishop of London, sometime archdeacon of Northampton, member of the household of Eugenius IV, 253 (Corrigenda), 280, 338, 358, 359, 613.

-, -, -, counsellor and steward of. See Morden alias Sottewell.

-, Fishuugh, Robert, canon of St. Martin's-le-Grand, London, rector of Kelshall and St. Michael's, Wood Street, London, 636, 637.

-, William, baron and lord of Ravensworth, 406, 409, 477.

-, -, -, Margery his wife, 477.

FitzJohn, Miles, bishop of Cork and Cloyne, 380.

FitzLegger, Thomas, canon of Dublin, 468.

FitzMartin, Fergallus, bishop of Killala, 371, 388, 500.

FitzMaurice, Nicholas, bishop of Ardfert, 48, 106, 397, 405, 407.

- See also FitzMoris.

FitzMayo, Fytzmayo, Geoffrey, donsel, 125.

-, -, Catherine his wife, 125.

FitzMoris, David, dean of Ardfert, 455.

-, Fitzmoris, John, precentor and canon of Ardfert, canon of Lismore, rector of Killury, 398.

-, Fyzmoris. John son of Gerald, layman, 403.

-, Fiizmoris, Patrick, son of Gerald, vicar of Murher, 397.

-, Fizmorys, Philip son of Gerald, vicar of Dingle, 48.

- See also FitzGerald; FitzMaurice; Geraldinis.

FitzPatrick. See Macgillapadrig.

Fitzrery (FitzRory), John, a Friar Preacher, 364.

FitzWalter. See Fizanter.

FitzWilliam, Thomas, rector of Sock Dennis in the diocese of Bath and Wells, afterwards of Emley in the diocese of York, 149, 632.

Fiychli or Frychli, Thomas, rector of Shorwell, 343.

Fizanter (rectius Fizauter, i.e. FitzWalter) alias Butiler, Thomas, priest, 119.

Fizmorus, David. See FitzMoris.

Fizmorys, Philip son of Gerald. See FitzMoris.

Fladbury [co. Worcester], 480, 481.

Flaketer, John, of Maxey, clerk, notary public, 386.

Flamyhadin, Odo, layman, 18, 19.

Flamyngi, Nicholas, an Augustinian friar, 133.

Fleming, Flemyng, Edmund, dean of Waterford, afterwards to have collation of the vicarage of Clonmel, 560.

-, Flemyng, John, canon of Brechin, rector of Finhaven, chaplain of Kilgarie, 449.

-, Flemming, Maurice, precentor of Limerick, 105.

-, Flemyng, Philip, prior of the hospital of Holy Cross, Limerick, 566.

-, Richard, bishop of Lincoln, 26, 31, 349, 357, 601.

-, Flemyn, Flenym, Stephen, master of Soutra hospital, 543.

-, Thomas, a Friar Minor, bishop elect of Leighlin, 426, 427.

Flint, Foynt [co. Flint], 19, 20.

Flisk [co. Fife], 647.

Floregia alias de Taroneto , Floregio alias de Toroneto, abbey. See Thoronet.

Florence [Tuscany], Bartholomew, archbishop of. See Zabarella.

-, John, archbishop of. See Vitelleschi.

-, canon of. See Reate.

-, General Council of, 225 note, 227, 232, 264, 265, 306.

-, florins of. See Florins in Index of Subjects.

Florencia , Floren, A. de, a secretary of Eugenius IV, 276, 284, 285 et passim.

Florentin ., i.e. John Vitelleschi (q.v.), archbishop of Florence.

Floytare, John, a Cistercian monk of Melrose, afterwards abbot of Kinloss, 295, 356, 366.

Flumine dei , abbey de. See Kilbeggan.

Foghell, Edward, a vicar in Salisbury cathedral church, 30.

Foix (de Fuxo), Gaston de, count of Longueville and Béarn, captal de Buch, 223, 274.

-, -, -, Peter, son of.See Bearnio.

-, -, -, Peter, brother of, cardinal priest of St. Stephen's on the Cœlian, afterwards cardinal bishop of Albano, 274, 287.

Foleford, William. See Fulford.

Folsham. See Foulsham.

Fons Sancti Patricii , abbey of. See Ballintober.

Fons vivus , abbey of. See Carrigillihy.

Fons vivus de Lochra . See Lorrha.

Fontidon, Fontiton. See Funtington.

Fontmell, Fountemell [co. Dorset], a prebend in Shaftesbury, 140.

Forbes, John, archdeacon of Moray, 372.

-, William, knight, 384.

-, -, Malcolm his illegitimate son, 384.

Forcalquier, Gaucher (Gaucherius), rectius Gauthier (Gautherius), bishop of Gap, sometime an apostolic notary, 206, 307.

Ford, Gregory, rector of Dittisham, 36.

- See also Furd.

Fordington, Fordyngton [co. Dorset], and Writhlington (q.v.), a prebend in Salisbury, 140.

Fordoun, Fordon [co. Kincardine], 199.

Fordyngton. See Fordington.

Fordyse, Thomas de, subchanter of Moray, 414.

Fore, de Fauorio [co. Westmeath], Benedictine priory of St. Mary, prior of, papal mandatary, 518, 558.

Forest, Forese, John, dean of Wells, 308, 311, 312 note.

-, -, archdeacon of Surrey, 172.

-, -, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, to be received as a canon and brother of Soutra hospital in that diocese, afterwards to be master thereof, 524, 543.

-, Richard, canon of St. Asaph and Wells, rector of Easton St. Mary, 527.

-, Stephen, vicar of Anwoth, 472.

Foresta, William de, canon of Aberdeen, 663.

Forestarii, Cristiana, 441, 442.

-, John, canon of Glasgow. See Forstar.

-, John, knight. See Forster.

Forester, Ralph layman, 492.

- See also Forstar; Forster; Fosster; Foster.

Forfar, William de, vicar of Hownam, 670.

Forgan, Forgond, Forgrunde [co. Fife], 95, 374.

Forgandenny, Fergundeueney, Forgunddeuynny [co. Perth], a prebend in Dunkeld, 204, 398, 399.

- See also Forgon.

-, Forgon, chapel of St. Mary (at Freeland in the parish of Forgandenny, co. Perth), 391.

Forgond, Forgrunde, Forgunddeuynny.See Forgandenny.

Foristerii, Gilbert. See Forstar.

Forli, Biondo da. See Blondus.

Forstall, Thomas, precentor of Waterford, vicar of Dunkitt, 452.

Forstar, Forstare, Foristerii, Gilbert, archdeacon of Brechin, vicar of Innerleithen, 45, 421.

-, -, -, papal collector and nuncio in Scotland, 308.

-, Forestarii, John, canon of Glasgow, afterwards rector of Kilmany, 336, 337, 622.

- See also Forester; Forster; Fosster; Foster.

Forster, Foster, Hugh, a Benedictine monk of Glastonbury, papal chaplain, a minor penitentiary in St. Peter's Rome and in the Roman court, 320, 514.

-, Forestarii, John, of Corstorphin, knight, 265, 337, 595, 622.

- See also Forester; Forstar; Fosster; Foster.

Forthefas. See Ferness.

Fossard, Forssard, Fossade, John, archdeacon of Connor, rector of Badlesmere, afterwards bishop elect of Connor, 176, 388.

Fosster, Thomas, archdeacon of Glendalough, 177.

- See also Forester; Forstar; Forster; Foster.

Foster, Hugh, a Benedictine monk. See Forster.

-, Richard, layman, 475.

- See also Forester: Forstar; Fosster.

Foston, Robert, a Friar Minor, bishop of Elphin, acting as a suffragan bishop in the diocese of Durham, 94, 175.

Fouchar, William. See Faychar.

Foulani , H., 295.

Foulis, William de. See Fowlis.

Foulsham, Folsham [co. Norfolk], 66.

Fountains [co. York, W.R.], Cistercian abbey of St. Mary, abbot of, papal mandatary, 195, 567.

-, -, John, abbot of. See Ripon.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 352, 353.

-, -, appropriated church of, 352, 353.

-, -, monks of, 178, 390.

-, -, visitation of, 465, 466.

Fountemell. See Fontmell.

Fourbisshour, John, priest, 136.

Fournes. See Furness.

Fowey, Richard, a Benedictine monk, 603.

Fowey, Fawy [co. Cornwall], 127.

Fowler, Richard, rectius John, abbot. afterwards a monk, rectius a canon, of St. Osyth, 253.

-, John, layman, dwelling in London, 432.

-, -, -, Agnes his wife, 432.

Fowlis, Foulis, William de, archdeacon of St. Andrews, rector of Cambuslang and Seaton, chancellor of Archibald, earl of Douglas, 458.

-, -, keeper of the privy seal of James I of Scotland, 234.

Fownhope, Faunchope [co. Hereford], 614.

Fox, Cecily, 190.

Foynt. See Flint.

Framlyngham, John, lord of Debenham, 569.

-, -, -, Margery his wife, 569.

Franchomme , 327, 419 et passim.

Francisci, Peter, canon of Bayeux, a vicar-general in the English part of the diocese of, Evreux, 269.

Franciscus, Honofrius, an apostolic notary, 489.

Frank, Franck, Franke, John, rector of Gussage, afterwards archdeacon of Suffolk and rector of Laugharne, keeper of the rolls and a master in chancery, 68, 578.

-, John, rector of St. Peter's Tavy, in the diocese of Exeter, 115.

-, Richard, 30.

-, -, Anne or Auice his wife, 30.

-, Thomas, citizen of London, donsel, 616.

-, -, -, Elizabeth his wife, 616.

Frant [co. Sussex]. See Bayham.

Fraraibtulach, Newtown de. See Newtown in Fartullagh.

Fraser, Frasser, Patrick, dean of Caithness, canon of Aberdeen, Brechin and Ross, 605, 606.

Fraunceys, Thomas, priest, 29.

Frawusham, Cristina, widow, 28.

Freeland [co. Perth]. See Forgandenny.

Frensch, Stephen, layman, 569.

Fresel, Patrick, clerk, 158.

Fretoy. See Fritton.

Fréjus [Var, France], bishop of, papal mandatary, 647.

-, rights of, in regard to the blessing of a non-exempt abbot, 655.

Friesland [Holland], lady of. See Jacqueline.

Frigento [Campania, Italy], bishop of, papal mandatary, 10.

Friston, William, lord of Altofts, 394.

-, -, -, Isabel his wife, 394.

Fritton, Fretoy [co. Suffolk], 128.

Froden, Michael, of Exeter, donsel, 183.

Frodesham, John, rector of Hethel, 532.

Frome, Nicholas, abbot of Glastonbury, 244, 245, 259.

Frome [co. Somerset], 194.

Frychli or Fiychli, Thomas, rector of Shorwell, 343.

Fryckby, Thomas, priest, notary, 33.

Fryns, Walter, layman, 476.

-, -, his wife, 476.

Fuchnevin. See Finhaven in Oathlaw.

Fulburne, John, abbot of Sawtry, 247.

Fulford, Foleford, William, canon of Wells, 312.

-, -, commissary of bishop Bekynton, 245, 259.

-, -, rector of Norton Fitzwarren in the diocese of Bath, 534.

Fulham [co. Middlesex], 642.

Fulthorp, Fulthrop, Thomas, donsel, of the diocese of Durham, 31.

-, -, his present wife, damsel, 31.

-, -, esquire of the diocese of Durham, 492.

Fulwode, John, esquire, 40.

Funtington, Fontidon, Fontiton [co. Sussex], a prebend in Bosham, 93, 409, 635.

Furd, Thomas de, abbot, afterwards monk, of Cupar, 110, 144.

- See also Ford.

Furnage, Furnaghi. See Urney.

Furness, Fournes [co. Lancaster], Cistercian abbey, Robert, abbot of, 550.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 550, 551.

Fuscus, Angelus (or Angelottus), cardinal priest of St. Mark's, 288.

Futhes, Alan, canon of Ross, afterwards vicar of Banff, 604.

Futtayr in Conmacnecule. See Shrule.

Fuxo, Gaston etc. de. See Foix.

Fyecall. See Feacle.

Fyennynd. See Fenit.

Fyfield, Lampetts in the parish of. See Lampetts.

Fyldyng, John, lord of Newnham Paddox, 393.

Fyn, John, rector of Owning, 397.

Fynan, John, rector of Rosconnell, 97.

Fynath. See Feenagh.

Fyncham, Simon, donsel, 28.

-, -, Elizabeth his wife, 28.

Fynduyr. See Finnure.

Fyniour, Fynnour. See Fennor.

Fynyd. See Feenagh.

Fyshburne, John, a Benedictine monk, 30.

Fyscher, Matthew, a burgess of Shrewsbury, 186.

-, -, -, Catherine his wife, 186.

Fyshed, Lampet in. See Lampetts in Fyfield.

Fyssheborne. See Fishbourne, New.

Fytylton. See Fittleton.

Fytzeustace, Edward. See FitzEustace.

Fytzmayo, Geoffrey. See FitzMayo.

Fyzmoris, John son of Gerald. See FitzMoris.


Gabalynyn (rectius Gabalyuyn) alias Datragy. See Galloon.

Gabriel , 302.

Gaia Minor [in St. Chad's parish, Lichfield], a prebend in Lichfield, 522.

- See also Gaya Major.

Gainford, Gaynford [co. Durham], 492, 508.

Galbally, Nathyrlagh [co. Limerick], 2.

Galbrathe, Gilbert de, notary public etc., secretary of Henry Wardlow, bishop of St. Andrews, 538.

Galdo, Lupus de, major penitentiary of Benedict XIII, 592.

Gallen, Galynd, Galyng [King's County], Augustinian priory, prior of, papal mandatary, 422, 423.

-, -, canon of, 523.

Galloon, Gabalynyn (rectius Gabalyuyn) alias Datragy, Gaubalyuin alias Dartragii, Gaubalyuin alias Dertragii [co. Fermanagh], rectory of St. Comgallus's, 4.

-, vicarage of St. Comgallus's, 115, 138.

Galway, Galluia [co. Galway], Thomas Cradog of, layman, 129.

Galynd, Galyng. See Gallen.

Galyon, Robert, canon of Hastings, rector of Tydd, 515, 538.

Gamell, John, priest. 41.

Gamrie, Gamere [co. Banff], 368.

Gap [Hautes-Alpes, France], Gaucher (Gaucherius), rectius Gauthier (Gautherius), bishop of. See Forcalquier.

Garatoni, Christopher, bishop of Coron, sometime a canon of Padua, registrator of papal letters, 533.

Garboldisham, Garbaldsham [co. Norfolk], 523.

Gardenar, Richard, priest, 629.

Gardiner, George, an Augustinian canon, afterwards intruded abbot, of Scone, 303.

-, Gardinar, John, vicar of Eastwood, 494, 621.

Gare, John, priest, 183.

-, Thomas, of York, donsel, 136.

-, -, -, Ellen his wife, 136.

Gargrofe, John, esquire, 359.

Garillo, Alfonsus. See Carillo.

Gario, Daniel. See Daniel.

Garioch. See Mar and Garioch.

Garner, John, vicar of Crowle, 195.

Garnerii , Guarnerii, Stefanus, Stephanus, 277, 281, 316.

-, Valentine, a Benedictine monk, to have collation of the priory of Pirmil, 464, 465.

Garsiis, Garsis, Lewis de, canon of Bologna, regent of the auditorship of causes of the papal camera, 344, 345, 382, 383.

Gartun. See Warton.

Garviach. See Mar and Garioch.

Garwardby, William, rector of Moorby, 38.

Gateshead, St. Mary, Gatesyde [co. Durham], 677.

Gaubalyuin alias Dartragii, Gaubalyuin alias Dertragii. See Galloon.

Gaushill, Nicholas, of Barlborough, nobleman, 390.

-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 390.

Gaya Major [in St. Chad's parish, Lichfield], a prebend in Lichfield, 205.

- See also Gaia Minor.

Gaynford. See Gainford.

Gayton, Robert, citizen of London, 305.

-, -, -, Isabel his wife, 305.

Gayton Thorpe, Aylswythorp [co. Norfolk], 172.

Geashill. See Killeigh.

Gedding, Geddyng [co. Suffolk], 393.

Gedling, Gedlyng [co. Notts], 573.

Gedney, Thomas, clerk, to be a notary public, 518.

Gedworth, Highworth (?) [co. Wilts], a prebend in Salisbury. 631.

Gele, John, vicar of Harberton, 247.

Geleson, Donald, chancellor of Dunkeld, vicar of the annexed vicarage of Kilmadock, 101.

Genazzano [prov. of Rome, Italy], 498.

Geneva [Switzerland], F. bishop elect of. See Meez.

Geoffrey ap Rys, clerk, notary, 146, 196.

Geraldinis, David Fizmoris de, 19.

-, -, Anora his daughter, 19.

-, Edmund de, donsel, 404.

-, -, Elen his daughter, 404.

-, James de, earl of Desmond, 400.

-, Philip de, archdeacon of Limerick, 525.

-, Philip de, brother and de facto prior of the hospital of Holy Cross, Limerick, 566.

-, Philip de, layman, 403.

-, -, Elina, daughter of, 403.

-, Richard de, layman, 205.

-, Thomas Macmayud, Mecmayud de, layman, 547, 548.

- See also FitzGerald; FitzMoris.

Gerardi, Peter, cardinal priest of St. Peter's ad Vincula, major penitentiary of Benedict XIII, 536.

Gerardus , Gerhardus, registers rubricated by. See Mertzen.

Geratblathan (rectius Stratblathan).See Strathblane.

Gerhardus . See Gerardus.

Gerson, Jarson, John, chancellor of the university of Paris, 158.

Geystweyth. See Guestwick.

Ghele, John, rector of Brixton Deverill, 195.

Ghostendorus , Nicolaus, papal register rubricated by, 367 note.

-, - See also Nicolaus.

Gibson, Thomas, 334.

-, -, Janet Pebillis his wife, 334.

Giffard, Godfrey, bishop of Worcester, 439.

Giffardi, Geoffrey, 278.

Giffart, Nicholas, rector of Aldcathie, 376.

-, Thomas, vicar of Culsamond, 420.

Gigha. See Kilchattan.

Gilberne, John, of Skelton, layman, 632.

-, -, -, Alice his relict, 632.

Gilbert, Robert, dean of York, dean of the chapel of Henry V, afterwards bishop of London, 532, 603, 613.

-, Robert, archdeacon of Durham, 45.

-, Walter, rector of Blackmanstone, 448.

Gildebreda. See Kiltubrid.

Gilling. See Aske.

Gillthacurt. See Kiltoghert.

Gilquhus, Thomas, vicar of Banff and Euraferayne, afterwards a canon of Ross, 397, 592, 593, 604.

Gilys, John, 188.

-, -, Alice his wife, 188.

Glamorgan. See Clamorgan.

Glandonwyn, Simon, layman, 593.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 593.

-, See also Glendoning.

Glascre, Glasey. See Glassary.

Glasford [co. Lanark], 101.

Glasgoro. See Glasgow.

Glasgow [co. Lanark], bishop of, papal mandatary, 101, 165, 168, 177, 370, 371, 375, 411, 412, 423, 441.

-, -, papal letters to be presented to, 334.

-, -, provision of a benefice in the patronage of, 629.

-, John, bishop of. See Cameron.

-, Matthew, bishop of. See Glendoning.

-, William, bishop of. See Lauder.

-, dean of, papal mandatary, 337.

-, Thomas, dean of. See Mirton.

-, dean and chapter of, 161.

-, -, provision of a benefice in the patronage of, 629.

-, subdean of, papal mandatary, 24, 25.

-, archdeacon of, papal mandatary, 100, 370, 371, 472, 492, 493, 667.

-, precentor of, papal mandatary, 9, 14, 24, 25, 100, 168.

-, David, precentor of. See Cadw.

-, John, precentor of. See Hawic.

-, Laurence, precentor of. See Piot.

-, Nicholas, precentor of. See Ottirburn.

-, treasurer of, papal mandatary, 9, 14.

-, Robert, treasurer of. See Moffat.

-, Thomas, treasurer of. See Trayl.

-, official of, papal mandatary, 100, 101, 420, 421, 669, 670.

-, chancellor of, papal mandatary, 9, 14.

-, John, chancellor of. See Gray.

-, canons of. See Borthwic; Buchanane; Elfynston; Feldew; Forstar; Graham (Henry); Gray (John); Grenlaw; Hamylton (David de); Hawic; Heriote; Houston; Lauder (Alexander, Edward and Thomas); Legati; Lindesay (Ingram and James); Moffat; Meffen; Narne (David de); Ogilby (David de); Ottirburn; Piot; Sancto Claro; Scrymegeour (Robert); Stewart (Robert and Walter); Trayl; Turnbul; Wincestre.

-, capitular mensa of, appropriation to, 161.

-, chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr without, 413.

-, prebend de Glasgoro (rectius Glasgow) Primo in the cathedral church of, 413.

Glasney [in Penryn parish, co. Cornwall], collegiate church of St. Thomas the Martyr, provost of, faculty to, 386.

Glassary alias Kilmichael Glassary, Glascre, Glasey, Glasry [co. Argyll], rectory of, 380, 496.

-, a prebend in Argyll, 496.

Glaster, Andrew de, layman, 447.

-, -, Janet his wife, 447.

Glastonbury [co. Somerset], Benedictine abbey of St. Mary, abbot of, 603.

-, -, -, papal mandatary, 116, 660.

-, -, Nicholas, abbot of. See Frome.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 244, 245, 259.

-, -, -, parish church in the patronage of, 497.

-, -, archdeacon of, 244, 245, 259.

-, -, monks of, 189, 320, 362, 514, 603.

Glemethan. See Clonmethan.

Glendalach. See Glendalough.

Glendale in Durinish, St. Conganus's de Duybrinis [Isle of Skye, co. Inverness], 23.

Glendalough, Glendalach [co. Wicklow], dean of, papal mandatary, 559, 623.

-, Cornelius, archdeacon of. See Obruyn.

-, James, archdeacon of. See Symon.

-, Thomas, archdeacon of. See Fosster.

Glendoning, Matthew bishop of Glasgow, 377.

- See also Glandonwyn.

Glenghuarne, a prebend in Moray, 457, 464, 474.

Glenluce, de Vallelucis [co. Wigtown], Cistercian abbey, abbot of, papal mandatary, 533.

Glenogra, Glinnogra, Glyndogra [co. Limerick], 2, 71.

Glodeclyve. See Goldcliff.

Gloucester [co. Gloucester], duke of.See Humphrey.

-, Philip, archdeacon of. See Polton.

-, Benedictine abbey of St. Peter, abbot of, indult to, 528.

-, -, -, papal mandatary, 81.

-, -, monk of, 243.

-, parish church of St. Michael, 673.

Glyndogra. See Glenogra.

Glynmethan. See Clonmethan.

Gnobeg, Gnobes. See Moycullen.

Gnobosale. See Gnosall.

Gnomor [? Kilcummin (q.v.), co. Galway], rectory of, 2, 12, 160.

Gnosall, Gnobosale [co. Stafford], collegiate church, canon of. See Burgh.

-, prebend of Beverlayhaw in, 84.

Godechive. See Goldcliff.

Godford. See Codford.

Godin, Godyn, John, citizen of London, grocer, 125, 179, 180.

-, -, -, Isabel his wife, 179, 180.

Godshill. See Appleford.

Godyn, John. See Godin.

Goffredi, Gofredi, Goffredus, Gofredus.See Doncani (Geoffrey).

Goier , Goyer, Ja[cobus], a secretary of Eugenius IV, 423, 599 et passim.

Goldcliff, Glodeclyve, Godechive, Goldeclive, Goldeclyve [co. Monmouth], Benedictine alien priory, John prior of. See Twenyng.

-, -, prior and convent of, 243.

Goldesburgh, John, an Augustinian canon, afterwards prior, of Marton, 638, 639.

Goldsmyth, John, canon of Aberdeen, 396.

-, Goldsmyith, William, treasurer, afterwards prebendary, of Moray, 314.

Gordon, Gordan, Adam de, canon of Dunkeld and of Moray, vicar of Cramond, 203, 204, 398, 399.

-, Margaret de, 165.

Gorewall, Gorewell, a prebend in Hereford, 480.

Gorty, Tristram de, 461.

Gosberton, Gosberkryck, Gosberkyrk [co. Lincoln], 408.

Gosselyn, Gosseleyn, William, rector of Field Dalling, 19, 328.

Gotelake, John, vicar of Dunsford, 127.

Goupil , Jo. le, 250, 678.

Gournay, Robert, rector of Hethel, 532.

Gower, Thomas, donsel, 34.

-, -, his wife, 34.

Goyer , Ja. See Goier.

Gra, John, of Swillington, knight, 134.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 134.

- See also Gray; Grey.

Graan, Fanagrain [a townland in Devenish parish, co. Fermanagh], 10.

Grado [Görz and Gradisca], Blasius, patriarch of. See Molino.

Graffini, John. See Gruffini.

Graham, Henry, canon of Glasgow, 490.

-, Grahame, Patrick de, lord of Graham, 461.

- See also Grame.

Graiguenamanagh, Dowske [co. Kilkenny], Cistercian abbey of St. Mary [alias St. Saviour, as in Cal. Lett. vii, p. 184], abbot of, papal mandatary, 623, 624, 651, 654.

Grame, Catherine de, 321, 322.

- See also Graham.

Granard [co. Longford], Cistercian abbey of St. Mary the Virgin, abbot of, papal mandatary, 492.

-, -, John, abbot of. See Omail.

-, -, Richard, abbot of. See O'Farrell.

-, -, monk of, 506.

-, -, indulgence for visits etc., to the church of, 505, 506.

Graneren, John, a Friar Preacher, inquisitor of heresy, 342.

Grant, Matilda le, 384.

- See also Graunt.

Gratun. See Warton.

Graunger, Thomas, rector of New Fishbourne, vicar choral and chantry priest in Chichester cathedral church, 676.

Graunt, Thomas, priest, of the diocese of Hereford, M.A., 572.

-, -, canon of Hastings in the diocese of Chichester, rector of Whitstable in the diocese of Canterbury, M.A., 658.

- See also Grant.

Gray, Henry, donsel, 35, 37.

-, -, Emma his wife, 35, 37.

-, John, archdeacon of Whiteherne, chancellor of Glasgow, canon of Aberdeen, Glasgow, Le Mans, Orleans and Marmoutier, rector of Kirkandrews and of Kirkliston, 381–383, 570.

-, -, rector of Mid Calder, litigant about a canonry and prebend of Glasgow and the rectory of Kirkliston, 438, 439.

-, Margaret, damsel, 39.

-, Robert, of Leith, layman, 614.

-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 614.

- See also Gra; Grey.

Graystok, John, canon of Bangor, rector of Caldbeck, envoy to Eugenius IV from Catherine, queen of England, 334, 531.

Greencroft, Grenecroft [co. Durham], a prebend in Lanchester, 285.

Greenwich, East, Est Grenewiche, Est Grenewyche [co. London], Joan Mayw of, widow, 211.

Gregorii , V. (W.), 308, 310.

Grellagh, Grellag [in Templemoyle townland, parish of Clonca, co. Donegal], 121.

Grendale. See Grindall.

Grene, John, vicar of Cannington, 172.

-, Thomas, donsel, 183.

-, -, Isabel his wife, 183.

Grenecroft. See Greencroft.

Grenefilde, John, 69, 341.

-, -, Joan Malett, Malleet his wife, 69, 341.

Grenewiche, Grenewyche, Est. See Greenwich.

Grenham, Thomas, a Benedictine monk, 124.

Grenlaw, Thomas de, canon of Glasgow, rector of Kirkliston, 382, 383.

Gressenhall, Gressenhale [co. Norfolk], 66.

Greuensteyn , Greuensten, Philibertus, papal registers rubricated by, under Martin V, 62 note, 83 note, 147 note.

-, -, -, under Eugenius IV, 335 note, 426 note, 499note.

Grewys, Robert, prior of Great Connell, 44.

Grey, Richard le, knight, 183, 184.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 183, 184.

-, William, bishop of London, afterwards of Lincoln, 56, 91, 136, 333, 357, 358, 532, 612.

- See also Gra; Gray.

Griffin, rector of a portion of Llansannan, 569.

- See Gruffini.

Griffin ap Howel, canon of Llanddewi Brefi, 125.

Grimsby, Grymesby [co. Lincoln], Waltham by, 643.

- See also Wellow.

Grindall, Grendale [co. York, E.R.], a prebend in York, 459, 526.

Gromberg , Conradus. See Ciremberg.

Groyn, Walter, priest, 599.

Groyser, William. See Croyser.

Gruffini, Graffini, John, rector of Llansannan, 329.

- See Griffin.

Gryggys, John, nobleman, 431.

-, -, his wife, 431.

Gryme, Philip, of London, clerk, notary, 197.

Grymesby. See Grimsby.

Guadagnis , M. de, 278.

Guarnerii , Stefanus. See Garnerii.

Guasconibus , P. de, 299.

Gudswan, Henry, a Benedictine monk, 365.

Gudwyne, Andrew, vicar of Inchinnan, 504.

-, Thomas, a Hospitaller, 504.

Guestwick, Geystweyth [co. Norfolk], parish church of St. Peter, 188.

Guidonis, John, layman, 30.

Guillermi, Benedict, a Benedictine monk of St. Columbanus's, Bobbio, to have collation of the priory of St. Martin (q.v.) in the diocese of Bobbio, 609.

Guillim, Howel ap. See Howel.

Guischardi, Master Bartholomew, papal chaplain and auditor, 45, 46.

Gunden, David, rector of Owning, vicar of Fiddown, 397, 419.

Gussage, St. Michael's, St. Michael's in Gussich [co. Dorset], 68.

Guthrey, Henry de. See Guthry.

Guthrie, Guthry [co. Forfar], a prebend in Aberdeen, 404.

Guthry, Guthrey, Henry, Henry de, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews, 14.

-, -, rector of Fettercairne in the diocese of St. Andrews, 159.

Guyenne, duchess of. See Margaret.

Guyppe, Thomas, priest, to be a notary public, 518.

Gwennap [co. Cornwall], 196.

Gybbys, Adam, priest, 29.

Gyl, John, canon of Aberdeen, 490.

Gyrgh in Leows. See Eye.

Gyst, Robert, clerk, notary, 146.