Lateran Regesta 346: 1436-1437

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 346: 1436-1437', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 346: 1436-1437', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 346: 1436-1437". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXLVI (fn. 1)

6 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Dignitatibus Vacantibus

16 Kal. Dec.
(f. 16d.)
To Laurence Pyot, dean of Ross, M.A. Collation and provision to him, who is a kinsman of divers nobles and barons of the realm of Scotland, of the deanery of Ross, a major elective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 30l. sterling, void by the death without the Roman court of William Fayrehayre, and ipso facto reserved under the pope's late general reservation of all major cathedral dignities; notwithstanding that he holds the perpetual vicarage of Killarchane (also written Kylbarchane) in the diocese of Glasgow, value not exceeding 16l., and the canonries and prebends of Moya in Moray and Buffrode in Dunblane, value together likewise not exceeding 16l., and that the pope recently granted him provision of a canonry of Ross with the prebend of Logy, value also not exceeding 16l. [above, p. 605] and made him provision of a canonry of Glasgow, with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc., and of a benefice with or without cure in the gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews. He is hereby dispensed to hold for life the said vicarage with the said deanery, or, if he resign the vicarage, another benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold for life instead two other incompatible benefices, not being two major or principal dignities, or two parish churches or perpetual vicarages. As soon as, by vigour of these presents, he obtains possession of the said deanery he is to resign the said vicarage of Kylbarchane, if he has not then done so; if not, the above letters shall be null as far as regards an incompatible benefice only. Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of Aberdeen and Moray and the dean of St. Mary's, Utrecht (Traiecten.). Litterarum etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xxv. xxvii.Terciodecimo Kal. Januarii Anno Sexto. Aprutin.)
14 Kal. March.
(f. 23d.)
To the archdeacon of Derry. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Patrick Obrayn, an expressly professed monk of the Cistercian monastery of St. Mary, Assaroe (de Sameria), in the diocese of Raphoe (who asserts that he was deputed by Emundus, abbot of the said monastery, to govern the grange of Cillifori, commonly called the monastery of St. Mary, of the said order, in the diocese of Derry, and dependent on the said monastery) contained that John, bishop of Derry, recently remitted and gave in perpetuity the payment to him, by the monk holding the said grange, of the third part, yearly due to the bishop of Derry and not exceeding one mark sterling in yearly value, of the tithe of the said grange. The above archdeacon is hereby ordered to summon the said bishop John and others concerned, and if he find the episcopal mensa of Derry not to be too much burdened on account thereof, to confirm the said remission and gift. Pastoralis officii. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xxii. de Adria.)

[De] Provisionibus [Prelatorum.]

6 Kal. Sept.
(f. 53.)
To Peter de Schoet. Provision to him, a priest and an Augustinian canon of St. Peter's de I’ Isle (de Insula), in the diocese of Bordeaux, of that monastery, to which the convent elected him abbot on the death of abbot John, perhaps in ignorance that the pope had reserved it during the lifetime of John, to which election Peter, likewise ignorant, consented, but afterwards, on learning the said reservation, caused it to be set forth to the pope in consistory. Inter solicitudines.
Concurrent letters to the convent and the vassals of St. Peter's, and to the archbishop of Bordeaux—Inter etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xviii. viiii. viiii. viiii. viiii. de Adria.)
6 Kal. Sept.
(f. 54d.)
To Thomas [Bourchier]. Translation from the see of Worcester to that of Ely, to which he has been postulated by the chapter, it being void by the death of Philip [Morgan], during whose life the pope specially reserved it. (fn. 2) Quam sit onusta.
Concurrent letters to the chapter of Ely, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of Ely—Quam etc.; to the archbishop of Canterbury—Ad cumulum; and to king Henry—Gracie etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis, pro A. de Camporegali. | An. xxii. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 520, 580.]
13 Kal. Oct.
(f. 64.)
To William [Alnewick]. Translation from the see of Norwich to that of Lincoln, void by the death of William [Grey], during whose life the pope specially reserved it. Before receiving possession of the administration of the goods, he is to take to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London the usual oath of fealty. Quam sit onusta.
Concurrent letters as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis. (B. and A. de Camporegali. | B. xxii. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi.Valven.) [See above, p. 582.]
(f. 65d.)
To William [Wells]. Provision to him, Benedictine abbot of St. Mary's without the walls of York, priest, of the see of Rochester, void and ipso facto reserved by the translation thence made this day by the pope of bishop Thomas [Brouns] to Norwich. (fn. 2) Apostolatus officium. [See above, p. 582.]
Concurrent letters, as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
(f. 67.)
To Thomas [Brouns]. Translation from the see of Rochester to that of Norwich, void by the translation made thence [this day] by the pope of bishop William [Alnewick] to Lincoln. Before receiving possession of the administration of the goods he is to take to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London the usual oath of fealty. Romani pontificis.
Concurrent letters, as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxii. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. Adria.)
10 Kal. April. (fn. 3)
(f. 76d.)
To John [Wincestre]. Provision to him, provost of Lyncloudane in the diocese of Glasgow, of the see of Moray, void by the death of Columba [de Dunbar], during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Divina disponente.
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals—Divina etc.; and to James, king of Scots—Gracie divine. [The letter to the king ends, like the preceding concurrent letters, with the words ‘Datum ut supra,’ immediately after which is wrongly entered, under the form ‘Simili modo,’ like the preceding concurrent letters, as if it were also concurrent, the next following letter.] (The usual subscription occurs at the beginning, viz. An. and Cyprianus. | For the terminal subscription see the next letter.)

[De Diversis Formis.]

6 Kal. April.
(f. 78.)
To the same. Faculty to him, to whom the pope has recently made provision of the above church, to be consecrated by any catholic bishop of his choice, assisted by two or three others. The consecrator is thereafter to send to the pope the usual oath of fealty. Cum nos nuper. (This letter is cancelled with strokes, with marginal note: Cassata et in libro de diuersis formis registrata, An. de Adria [viz. above, p. 602]. It is here printed separately, but in the Register it is linked on to the preceding concurrent letters, as if it were one of them. It is without subscription at the beginning, and has at the end of it the subscription for the preceding six letters only, viz. An.xx. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
12 Kal. June.
(f. 107.)
To Robert [Gilbert]. Provision to him, dean of York, S.T.M., priest, of the see of London, void by the death of Robert [Fitz Hugh], during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Dirina disponente.
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals—Divina etc.; to the archbishop of Canterbury—Ad cumulum; and to king Henry—Gracie divine premium etc. (fn. 4) (B. and Cyprianus. | B. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. Valven.) [See above, p. 603.]
8 Kal. June.
(f. 170d.)
To Laurence. Provision to him, a professed monk of Balmorinach, of the Cistercian order, in the diocese of St. Andrews, a priest, a minor penitentiary and a chaplain of the pope and the Roman church, of the Cistercian abbey of Culros in the diocese of Dunblane, void by the death of John, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Inter solicitudines.
Concurrent letters to the convent and vassals of Culros and the abbot of Kynlos, of the said order, in the diocese of Moray—Inter etc.; and to James, king of Scotland—Gracie divine. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. Gratis de mandato domini nostri pape.Aprutin.)

De Officio Tabellionatus

4 Kal. Feb.
(f. 229d.)
To the bishop of Clogher. Faculty to confer the office of notary public on Bartholomew Omoluye, clerk, of his diocese, provided that he be not married nor in holy orders, and if he have completed his twenty-fifth year; first receiving his oath of fealty according to the form enclosed. Ne contractuum. (An. and Blondus. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
5 Kal. June.
(f. 247d.)
To the prior of Holy Trinity, York. The like in regard to Thomas Uldale, B.C.L., clerk, married to one wife, a virgin, of the diocese of Carlisle, if he have …Adria.) as in the preceding.

[De Plenaria Remissione.]

3 Id. April.
(f. 269d.)
To Robert Judy, layman, of the diocese of Norwich, and Joan his wife. Indult of plenary indulgence. Registered briefly, as usual, with Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.

De Plenaria [Remissione.]

4 Kal. April.
(f. 273.)
To George de Fawlaw, layman, of the diocese of St. Andrews, and his present wife. The like. Provenit
Ibid. To Adam de Hepburne, donsel, nobleman, of the same diocese, and Janet (Jenete) his wife, noblewoman. The like. Provenit….
Ibid. To Robert Gray of Leth, layman, of the same diocese, and Margaret his wife. The like. Provenit….
Prid. Kal. April.
(f. 273d.)
To Robert Logan, donsel, nobleman, of the same diocese, and Catherine his wife, noblewoman. The like. Provenit

De Confessionalibus

Prid. Kal. May.
(f. 275d.)
To John Brawby, Augustinian prior of Hexham in the diocese of York. Indult to choose his confessor. Registered briefly, as usual, with the incipitBenigno etc.’

[De Plenaria Remissione.]

6 Kal. April.
(f. 276d.)
To John Cornwayll, nobleman, baron of Milborke and lord of Faunchope, of the diocese of Lincoln. ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.’, as also the next following.
11 Kal. June.
(f. 277.)
To Richard Belyngtham, esquire, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Ellen his wife, noblewoman.

De Altaribus [Portatilibus.]

Indults to the following to have a portable altar. Registered briefly, as usual, with the incipitSincere etc.’
Kal. March.
(f. 280.)
Thomas Bokke, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Norwich, holding a lordship (dominium habente [sic]) in Lyne, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman. [With the fuller incipitSincere devocionis affectus etc.’]
3 Kal. May.
(f. 280.)
Thomas Moonie, provost of the church of Wingham in the diocese of Canterbury.
3 Non. May.
(f. 281.)
Roger Wentworth, nobleman, donsel, lord of the town of Parlyngton, of the diocese of York, and Margery, lady de Roos, his wife, noblewoman.

[De Confessionalibus] (cont.)

5 Non. July.
(f. 284.)
To John de Bellomonte, baron, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Elisabet his wife. ‘Benigno etc.’, i.e. indult to choose their confessor, as above, f. 275d.

De Litteris Ante Diem

Id. Feb.
(f. 293.)
To George Nevile, nobleman, lord de Latymer, of the realm of England, and Elizabeth his wife, noblewoman … ‘Sincere etc.’, i.e. the usual briefly registered indult to have mass celebrated before daybreak.

De Altaribus (cont.)

Ibid. To the same. Indult to have a portable altar. ‘Sincere etc.Hinc est quod nos vestris devotis supplicationibus inclinati, ut liceat cuilibet vestrum habere altare portatile etc. Datum…’

De Confessionalibus (cont.)

Ibid. To William Bernyll, a Benedictine monk of St. Peter's, Westminster, in the diocese (fn. 5) of London. ‘Benigno etc.’, i.e. indult to choose his confessor etc. as above, f. 275d.

De Plenaria [Remissione] (cont.)

12 Kal. Feb.
(f. 302d.)
To Alice Andrewe, lady de Quaranis in the town of Stutton, of the diocese of Norwich. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc.Porro etc., i.e. indult of plenary remission, as above, f. 269d.

[De Litteris] Ante Diem

Indults to the following to celebrate or cause to be celebrated mass before daybreak. Registered briefly, as above, f. 293, with the incipitSincere etc.’
17 Kal. Nov.
(f. 306.)
Richard Nordon, citizen of London, nobleman, and Isabel his wife, noblewoman.
17 Kal. Nov.
(f. 306.)
Thomas Franck, donsel, citizen of London, [nobleman], and Elizabeth his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Guy de Boys, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Winchester.
Id. Oct.
(f. 306d.)
William Warwyk, citizen of Salisbury, and Joan his wife.
Ibid. Richard Wyche, rector of the collegiate church of St. Michael, North Cadebury, [priest], of the diocese of Bath. [See below, f. 310d.)
12 Kal. Feb.
(f. 307.)
Alice Andrewe, lady de Quaranis in the town of Stutton, of the diocese of Norwich.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

Id. Oct.
(f. 310d.)
To William Warwyk, citizen of Salisbury and Joan his wife.Provenit etc. Quodque per unum annum etc. Porro etc., as also the next following, i.e. indults of plenary remission.
Ibid. Richard Wyche, rector of the collegiate church of St. Michael, North Cadebury, priest, of the diocese of Bath. [See above, f. 306d.)

De Locis Interdictis (cont.)

Indults to the following to have mass and other divine offices celebrated in places under interdict.
Kal. Dec.
(f. 316d.)
Roger Selowe, donsel, [nobleman], and his present wife, of the diocese of York. Sincere etc. as also the next following.
Ibid. Robert Marschall, citizen of London, and Elizabet his wife.


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description: ‘Eugenio IV. 1437 (corrected in pencil to 1436). Anno 6. Lib. 81.’ A flyleaf has, in contemporary hands: ‘Primus de dignitatibus, de (cancelled) provisionibus prelatorum, de (cancelled) litteris dominorum cardinalium, et (cancelled) tabellionatus officio, et plenaria remissione Anno vi Eugenii pape iiii’ (the same contemporary description occurs also on the bottom edge of the volume), ‘Jo.Theoderici die 17 Augusti’ and ‘Rubricatus est per me Johannem Theoderici die xxiii Augusti, 1437.’ Another flyleaf has the usual modern ‘Vidi pro R. C. A. Hib.Ang.’ ‘Liber lxxxi, foliorum 317,’ etc.
  • 2. Without the oath of fealty clause.
  • 3. The date in the Register is 1435, 10 Kal. April ‘anno sexto,’ i.e. March 23, 1436. Eubel, Hierarchia, vol. II, underMoravien,’ hasob, Columbæ, Joannes Wincestre, can. Moravien., 1435 Mart. 23’ following the Obligationes, Vol. 66, f. 24, which has, in fact, ‘die Veneris, x Kal. Aprilis Anno Quinto (sic) … prouisum fuit ecclesie Morauien. vacan. per obitum quondam domini Columbe ultimi episcopi … defuncti, de persona Johannis Wincestre, canonici Morauien., ad ipsam ecclesiam promoti.’ John Wincestre has occurred as a canon of Moray above, p. 423, but not hitherto as provost of Lincluden.
  • 4. This longer form of the incipit is unusual.
  • 5. The word ‘diocesis’ has been added in the margin by An[dreas de Adria]