Lateran Regesta 333: 1435-1436

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 333: 1435-1436', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 333: 1435-1436', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 333: 1435-1436". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXXXIII (fn. 1)

5 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Beneficiis Vacantibus

8 Id. Dec.
(f. 12d.)
To the dean and archdeacon and Thady Obreyn, canon, of Leighlin. Mandate to collate and assign to Patrick Omyllayn, clerk, of the diocese of Leighlin, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, the perpetual vicarage of Balhyn in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, so long void by the death of Donald Omillayn that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing Adam Occurryn, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained possession for eight years under pretext of a collation made by the ordinary after the said lapse. Vite etc. (B. and Anselmus. | B. xx. Quarto Id. Decembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
Id. March.
(f. 50.)
To the archdeacon of Clogher. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Donald Ofedagan, clerk, of the diocese of Clogher, that Martin V, upon being informed by Gillibert Osichigi that John alias Niger Maccerbaill, then perpetual vicar of Rios in the said diocese, had committed divers excesses and crimes [not here named], ordered certain judges, if they found such to be the case, to deprive him, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage to the said Gillibert; that the present dean of Clogher, one of the said judges, acting alone, proceeded short of a conclusion, and, wishing by an amicable agreement to end the cause, ordained, without having any other power, that the vicarage should remain to Gillibert as a title, and that he should pay John a yearly pension on its fruits etc. for a certain period; that the parties consented; that a public instrument was drawn up, fortified by Gillibert's oath; and that thereupon the said dean, under pretext of the said mandate, by a definitive sentence which became a res judicata made the said deprivation, and made collation and provision of the said vicarage, thus void, to Gillibert, who under pretext thereof obtained it, resigned by John in accordance with the said agreement, and has unduly detained possession for about four years, without, however, paying the said pension to John, so that he has committed perjury and, on account of his said simony, has incurred excommunication, in spite of which he has celebrated mass etc., thereby incurring irregularity, and has moreover committed other crimes and excesses [not named]—if Donald will accuse Gillibert before him, to summon Gillibert and others concerned, and if he find that he committed simony as above, to decree the said collation and provision null, and if he find that he committed the said other alleged crimes, to deprive him, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 6 marks, to Donald, whether it be void by such deprivation of Gillibert, or be still void by the above deprivation of John, or be void in any other way. Dignum etc. (An. and Pizolpassus. | An. xxv. Quartodecimo Kal. Aprilis Anno Quinto. de Adria.) [See above, p. 118.]
7 Kal. Feb.
(f. 98d.)
To the abbot of Derr in the diocese of Aberdeen, the archdeacon of Hainaut (Hannonie) in Liége, and the precentor (canton) of Aberdeen. Mandate—recapitulating the pope's rehabilitation this day of John de Kendeloch, perpetual chaplain in the parish church of Aberdeyn in the diocese of Aberdeen, on account of his having exchanged by authority of bishop Henry, without being sufficiently dispensed for the purpose, another chaplaincy in the said church for the one which he now holds, on its voidance by the death of Philip Aberbuthnoth, and having held it for several years with the perpetual vicarage of Dulmayok in the said diocese, resigning which latter he is still holding the said other chaplaincy, the pope requiring him to resign it [as above, p. 554]—to collate and assign to him, who is a priest, the said other chaplaincy (which, and the said chaplaincy which he canonically obtained, can be held by a single person), after he has duly resigned it, and also the perpetual vicarage of Kynnerny (also written Kunerny) in the said diocese, void by the death of Patrick de Meldrum without the Roman court, value not exceeding 1l. and 8l. sterling respectively. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of his illegitimacy [see ibid.] etc., to hold the said other chaplaincy and vicarage. Vite etc. (B. and Ja. Goier. | B. xxviii. Quintodecimo Kal. Martii Anno Quinto. Valven.)
15 Kal. Nov.
(f. 106d.)
To the precentor of Killaloe. Mandate to collate and assign to Patrick Obreassayl, priest, of the diocese of Killaloe, the perpetual vicarage of Kyllnamonad in that diocese, value not exceeding 4 marks, so long void by the death of Gillalactayn Obreassayl that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing Laurence Ogryffa, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained possession for about nine years under pretext of a collation by the ordinary after the said lapse. Dignum etc. (B. and Pizolpassus. | B. xx. Non. Novembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
Prid. Kal. Nov.
(f 142d.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Ragyella, in the diocese of Limerick, and Cornelius Ohiur, canon, and the official of Limerick. Mandate to collate and assign to Donatus Okynnelid, deacon, of the diocese of Ardfert, who has been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried noblewoman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders aud hold a benefice even with cure, after which he was tonsured, the perpetual vicarage of Kylferisa in the diocese of Limerick, value not exceeding 5 marks, so long void, because Thomas Ohalpy contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti and consummated it, that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see, summoning and removing Keruallus Okellaid, clerk, of the said diocese of Limerick, who has unduly detained possession for about eight years under pretext of a collation by the ordinary after the said lapse. Vite etc. (B. and Ja. Goier. | B. xx. Secundo Id. Novembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
Prid. Non. July
(f. 154d.)
To the archdeacon and William Ocorkran and John Odubgilla, canons, of Kilmacduagh. Mandate to collate and assign to Denis Odubgilla, scholar, of the diocese of Kilmacduagh, who was lately dispensed as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as in the preceding, after he has been tonsured, the perpetual benefice with cure called the rectory of Bach and Bercheach alias Kyncul Eda Hyercharach in the said diocese, of the patronage of laymen, value not exceeding 8 marks, so long void, because John Ofathe entered and made his profession in the Carmelite friars’ house of Lochriach in the diocese of Clonfert, that by the Lateran statutes its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing Cornelius Odonchuaga, treasurer of Kilmacduagh, who has unduly detained possession for more than two years under pretext of papal letters, surreptitiously obtained, by which provision was ordered to be made to him thereof, and in which it was untruly expressed that it had been so long void that its collation had by the said statutes lapsed to the said see [above, p. 201]; whether it be void as above, or by the resignation of the said John or in any other way. Laudabilia probitatis. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xx. Duodecimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
4 Non. July.
(f. 157.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's, Astara, in the diocese of Achonry, and the dean and Cormac Macdonnchaid, canon, of Achonry. Mandate to collate and assign to Magonius Oruhan, clerk, of the diocese of Achonry, the perpetual vicarage of Kilmarbuata in the said diocese, value not exceeding 4 marks, void by the death without the Roman court of Patrick Oclinnan; whether it be so void, or by the death without the said court of Donald Ysingaid, or in any other way. Vite etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xx. Quinto Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
Prid. Kal. July.
(f. 157d.)
To the provost, the dean and Philip Machenri, canon, of Achonry. Mandate to collate and assign to Cornelius Omochan, clerk, of the diocese of Achonry (who has been dispensed by authority of the ordinary, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman related in the fourth and fourth degrees of kindred, to be promoted to minor orders and hold a benefice without cure, after which he was tonsured) the perpetual vicarage of Killarachta in the said diocese, value not exceeding 5 marks, void because Odo Ymochan has entered and made his profession as a Cistercian monk of St. Sebastian's without the walls of Rome (Urbis). He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect etc., to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold the said vicarage. Vite etc. (B. and Ja. Goyer. | [B.] x. Residuum pro deo. B. [sic] Abbas. [B.] Tercio Kal Augusti Anno Quinto. Abbas. (fn. 2).) [See Cal. Lett. VII, p. 350.]
5 Id. July.
(f. 158d.)
To the provost of Tuam. Mandate to collate and assign to Patrick Odudagayn, priest, of the diocese of Tuam, the perpetual vicarage of Cluoynberyn in the said diocese, value not exceeding 3 marks, void because Donald Ykeallay held it for more than a year without being ordained priest. Dignum etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xx. Tercio Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
3 Non. Aug.
(f. 162.)
To the archdeacon of Leighlin. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Conn Obruyn, scholar, of the diocese of Ferns, that Odo Ofargyll, priest, rector of Muyacon in the said diocese, gave money to one of the executors of papal letters by which provision was ordered to be made to him of the said church, in order that he might make provision to him thereof, and also gave money to the person whom he had alleged in the said letters to have been and to be in unlawful possession, in order that he might consent to the said provision; after which he, who is also reputed to have committed perjury and other crimes, obtained possession under pretext of the collation and provision thus made to him—if Conn, who has no hope of obtaining justice in the city or diocese of Ferns, will accuse Odo before him, to summon Odo and others concerned, and if he find the above to be true, to declare the said collation and provision to have been and to be null, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 12 marks, after he has been tonsured, to Conn. Dignum etc. (B. and Pizolpassis. | B. xxii. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. Abbas.)

De Exhibitis

8 Id. Dec.
(f. 280d.)
To the abbot of Deyre and the prior of Moymoyse (sic) in the diocese of Aberdeen, and the archdeacon of Hainaut (Hannonie) in Liége. Mandate to collate and assign to Duncan de Lychton, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews, the still void parish church of Logy in the diocese of Aberdeen, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, as he doubts the validity of the collation and provision formerly made to him thereof by Henry, bishop of Aberdeen, on its voidance by Henry Rynde's obtaining, collated to him by authority of the ordinary, the perpetual vicarage of Langforgund in the diocese of St. Andrews; whether it be still void as above, or be void by the resignation of John de Tuloch, or in any other way; notwithstanding that the pope lately granted him provision of a canonry of Moray and another of Dunkeld, with reservation of as many prebends therein, and of a dignity etc., even elective and with cure, in one of them, which grant shall, upon his obtaining Logy, be void as far as regards a dignity etc. with cure. Vite etc. (B. and P. de Casatiis. | B. xviiii. Nono Kal. Februarii Anno Quinto. Valven.)


  • 1. Described on the back of the volume in Italian, as usual, ‘Eugenio IV. 1435, Anno 5, Lib. 68.’ A flyleaf has the usual modern notes Vidi pro R[everenda] C[amera] A[postolica] Hib. Ang.’ and ‘Lib. lxviii, foliorum 318.’ Another flyleaf has the contemporary notes ‘Item Nicolaus rubricauit istum Florentie [die] (worn away, ultima Martii’ and ‘Primus de beneficiis vacantibus et de exhibitis Anno Vto. domini nostri Eugenii pape iiiiii’ (which occurs also. almost effaced, on the bottom edge of the volume.
  • 2. The registrator, ‘B. Abbas,’ has in this case arranged his signature in an unusual, if not wrong manner.