Lateran Regesta 322: 1433-1434

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 322: 1433-1434', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 322: 1433-1434', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 322: 1433-1434". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXXII (fn. 1)

3 Eugenius IV (cont.)

[De Diversis Formis] (fn. 2)

3 Non. March.
St. Chrysogonus's,
(f. 11.)
To Christopher Knollys, (fn. 3) precentor of Lichfield, licentiate of theology. Dispensation to hold for life with the said precentorship, which is a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 27l., any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. (fn. 4)Litterarum etc. (An. (fn. 5) | xxxx. de Adria.)
4 Non. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 12d.)
To Thomas Sottewell alias Morden, treasurer of London, B.C.L. Dispensation to him—who was dispensed by Martin V to hold for seven years with his parish church of Marnhull in the diocese of Salisbury one other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased [Cal.Lett. VII, p. 223]; obtained thereafter, as his recent petition contained, and held together for some time, as he still does, having meanwhile resigned Marnhull, the parish church of Fladbury in the diocese of Worcester and the above treasurership, a non-major [non-elective] dignity with cure; is principal counsellor of Robert, bishop of London, and high steward of his household; has followed the Roman court for a long time; has spent much on the repair of the buildings of the said two parish churches; and holds the canonry and prebend of Gorewell in Hereford, value not exceeding 8 marks, that of Fladbury and the said treasurership not exceeding 100 marks and 60l. respectively—to continue to hold together Fladbury and the said treasurership even after the approaching end of the said seven years, and to do so for life, and resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
5 Kal. March.
St. Chrysogonus's, Rome.
(f. 14d.)
To the same (here ‘Mordon’). Dispensation to him—who was lately dispensed by papal authority [viz. by Martin V, as in the preceding] to hold for seven years with his parish church of Marnhill …….. pleased, as ibid.; in virtue of which he thereafter, as his recent petition contained, obtained the parish church of Fladbury in the diocese of Worcester, and held together it and Marnhyll; and subsequently, having resigned Marnhyll, held together, as he still does, Fladbury and the treasurership of London, a non-major non-elective dignity with cure; who is of noble race, and is a member of the household and counsellor of Robert, bishop of London—the end of the said period being at hand, to retain for life the said treasurership and church, value not exceeding 47l. (cf. the preceding) and 100 marks respectively, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxxxii. de Adria.)
15 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 27d.)
To William Croucheston, rector of Overton in the diocese of Winchester, D.C.L. Dispensation to him—who was lately dispensed by papal authority, (i) to hold for seven years with Overton any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 246], (ii) after he had, in virtue of the preceding dispensation, obtained and was holding with Overton the precentorship called parish church of the church of St. Mary, Suthampton, in the said diocese, to hold them together for five years from the end of the said not yet expired period of seven; who is still holding Overton and the said precentorship and the prebend called of Midelton, wont to be assigned to secular clerks, in the church of the Benedictine nuns’ monastery of Werwell in the said diocese, value not exceeding 40 marks, 40l. and 42 marks respectively—to hold, after the lapse of the said five years, Overton and the said precentorship together for life, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases.Litterarum etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
7 Id. March.
St. Chrysogonus's, Rome. (fn. 6)
(f. 28d.)
To John Norton, archdeacon of Barkes (fn. 7) in the church of Salisbury, doctor of canon law. Dispensation to him—who holds the said archdeaconry, a non-major dignity, and the canonry and prebend of Horton in Salisbury, value not exceeding 100l. and 60l. respectively—to hold together for life the said archdeaconry and any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxxx. de Adria.) [Cancelled by strokes, with note in the margin: Cassata et alibi (see below p. 527) registrata propter mutationem date et correcturam nimiam, An. de Adria.]
5 Id. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 35d.)
Decree as below. On 8 Kal. May anno 1 [1431] the pope made provision to William Turnbul, rector of Hawick in the diocese of Glasgow, M.A., of a canonry of Glasgow and another of Aberdeen, with reservation of as many prebends and of an elective dignity, not major etc., with or without cure, of one of those churches. Subsequently the pope made a constitution giving priority, in the obtaining of benefices in virtue of grants similar to the above, to persons residing in the Roman court over those absent [see Ottenthal, Regulœ Cancellariœ Apostolicœ p. 254, i.e. Reg. Eug. IV, no. 107; cf. p. 217, i.e. Reg. Mart. V, no. 125]. Afterwards the pope sent William from the said court, on business of the pope and the Roman church, to James, king of Scotland and his realm [see above, p. 281], and during his absence a canonry and prebend of Glasgow becoming void by the death of Walter Stuart, he accepted them within the due time in virtue of the said grant, and caused provision to be made to him thereof. At his petition (stating that a number of other clerks, to whom the pope had granted expectative graces under the above date, but who were absent from the said court, have in virtue thereof accepted and caused provision to be made to them of the said canonry and prebend, and even perhaps obtained possession) in order that he may benefit by the said constitution and not suffer by his being sent from the said court by the pope, the pope decrees that he, who is also a bachelor of canon law and of noble race by both parents, should have been and shall be deemed and reputed to have been present in the said court during his said absence. Ad fut. rei mem. Apostolice sedis providencia. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxxx. Undecimo Kal. Aprilis Anno Adria.) [See below, Reg. CCCXXIII, f. 148d.]
3 Id. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 36d.)
To Peter Magugyr, archdeacon of Clogher. Dispensation to him, to whom the pope intends to make this day provision of the said church, to administer it etc., notwithstanding his illegitimacy as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman related in the double fourth degree of kindred. Multiplicium virtutum. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
4 Non. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 71d.)
Relaxation, to be valid during twenty years, of seven years and seven quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the principal feasts of the year and those of St. Eadburga and the dedication, and on All Saints and the second Sunday in Lent, the usual octaves and days, and of a hundred days to those who during the said octaves and days, visit and give alms for the repair and conservation of the church, dedicated to St. Mary and SS. Peter and Paul and St. Eadburga the Virgin, of the Benedictine monastery of Pershore in the diocese of Worcester, in which church God works many miracles, which is old and ruinous, and for whose repair the means of the said monastery are insufficient, it having been impoverished by unwonted taxes and tenths and by great hospitality and other burdens. Univ. etc. Licet is. (An. and Poggius. | An. Adria.)
4 Non. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 72.)
To Thomas Taylarde, rector of Lythorne in the diocese of Worcester. Dispensation to him, who is a B.A., to hold for life with Lythorne, value not exceeding 10 marks, any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
(f. 73.)
To Thomas Hanwell, rector of the free chapel of Crombe Abytot in the diocese of Worcester, I.U.B. Dispensation to hold for life with the said chapel, without cure, and value not exceeding 6 marks, any two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible etc., as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis. Litterarum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
6 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 108.)
To Andrew Holes, archdeacon of Anglesey in Bangor, licentiate of canon law, a papal chamberlain. Faculty for life to hear, whenever opportune, the confessions of all parishioners etc. of his parish church of Daneham and of his other benefices with cure, and to grant absolution, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see, and enjoin a salutary penance; and moreover to commute all their vows of pilgrimage and abstinence, except only those of the Holy Land, SS. Peter and Paul [Rome] and St. James [Compostela]. Grata devotionis obsequia. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
Prid. Non. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 125d.)
To John Dedwode, the younger, clerk, of the diocese of Lichfield. Dispensation to him—who is B.A., and was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, (i), to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii), after he had been made a clerk, to hold a benefice compatible with the aforesaid, even if with cure, and to resign both, simply or for exchange, once only—to hold any other benefices, of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the said two, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (An. (fn. 8) | An. Adria.)
4 Non. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 126d.)
To John Verney, dean of Lichfield. Indult for five years to take and to rent etc. to any persons, even laymen, the fruits, etc., except only the daily distributions, of the said deanery, a major dignity with cure, on account of which he has taken an oath of personal residence, and of the parish church of Bredon in the diocese of Worcester, with cure of souls and spiritual jurisdiction, which he holds together by papal dispensation, and of any other his benefices, whilst residing in one of them. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the abbots of Pershore and St. Werburgh's, Chester, in the dioceses of Worcester and Lichfield, and the archdeacon of Worcester. Vite etc. (An. and Cyprianus. Ja. Goyer. | An. xx. xxii. de Adria.)
7 Id. March.
St. Chrysogonus's, Rome.
(f. 135.)
To John, duke of Norfolk, and Eleanor, damsel, daughter of the late William de Bourgchier, knight, of the dioceses of York and London. Decree—Martin V having granted a faculty to Henry, cardinal priest of St. Eusebius's, then bishop of Winchester, to dispense to marry thirty persons of both sexes dwelling in England, related in the third or more remote degrees of kindred or affinity, and the said cardinal having in virtue thereof dispensed them, dwelling in England and related in the third and fourth and in the double fourth and fourth degrees of kindred on divers sides, to marry—that they may remain in the marriage which they contracted in virtue of the said faculty and dispensation, and that the offspring thereof is and shall be legitimate. Ad ea ex apostolice servitutis. (An. and Jo. de Reate. | An. l. de Adria.)
14 Kal. Oct. (fn. 9)
St. Laurence's in Damaso, Rome.
(f. 143)
Confirmation as below. The masters, doctors, and scholars of the university of Cambridge set forth to Martin V that Honorius I, by letters dated at St. Peter's, Rome, in the year of the Incarnation 624[5], Feb. 7, (fn. 10) amongst other things inhibited, under pain of ipso facto excommunication, any archbishop, bishop, archdeacon, or their officials, from suspending, excommunicating or interdicting any of the said doctors and scholars, or molesting them or their servants, their correction being entrusted to the rector of the said doctors and scholars, with the counsel of the older and sounder members of the university; that Sergius I, by letters dated at the Lateran, in the year of the Incarnation, 699, May 3, (fn. 11) amongst other things decreed that it should be lawful for no archbishop or bishop to suspend, excommunicate or interdict the said university or any of the said doctors and scholars, without the assent or special mandate of the pope; that in the matter of the said inhibition and decree certain ancient university statutes were ordained; that the chancellor, who under the name of ‘chancellor’ held the place of a ‘rector,’ was wont to exercise all ecclesiastical and spiritual jurisdiction in the correction and punishment of excesses of the members of the university, and in the cognisance and decision of causes and matters concerning the said members; and that the originals of the said letters had been lost, either by reason of the lapse of time, more than seven hundred years, or the negligence of their keepers, or otherwise, but that very many copies, of very ancient writing, existed in the archives of the university. (fn. 12) Pope Martin therefore ordered [on July 6, 1430] the prior of Barnwell in the diocese of Ely and John Depyng, canon of Lincoln, residing in the said diocese, or one of them, after the copies of the said letters had been legally exhibited to them, if they found that the said masters, doctors and scholars and the university had been from time immemorial in peaceful possession of the use and exercise of the said ecclesiastical and spiritual jurisdiction, and of the observance of the said inhibition and decree, to confirm to them the same. At the recent petition of the said masters, doctors and scholars—containing that the said prior (the said John having been unable to take part in the execution of the said mandate) found that the said masters etc. and university had been from time immemorial in the said possession, without molestation of any archbishops bishops, archdeacons, and their officials, and that the said archbishops etc. had wholly abstained from the said jurisdiction; and that he confirmed to the said masters, etc. the observance of the said inhibition and decree and the use and exercise of the said jurisdiction—the pope hereby confirms the said prior's confirmation and its consequences. Ad fut. rei mem. Dum attente consideracionis. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
[Cambridge University Registry contains the present confirmation by pope Eugenius, Martin V's mandate to the prior of Barnwell and John Depyng, the prior's ‘process’ and two fifteenth century copies of the spurious letters of Honorius I and Sergius I (see Luard, in Cambridge Antiquarian Society, vol. III, p. 388, where the date of the letter of Sergius is given as ‘A.D. 689’). Of these documents the letters of Honorius and Sergius are printed in Twyne, Ant. Oxon. p. 60 and p. 77 respectively, and in Caius, De Antiq. Cant. (1574), p. 58 and p. 60 respectively; and the letters of popes Eugenius and Martin, and the prior of Barnwell's ‘process’ are printed in [John Nichols], History and Antiquities of Barnwell Abbey (in his Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica). Appendix, p. 31. See Rashdall, Universities of Europe, II, ii, p. 550, from which the above references are borrowed.]
16 Kal. Oct.
St. Laurence's in Damaso, Rome.
(f. 156.)
To John Ogubuin, canon of Derry, bachelor of canon law. Dispensation to him, to whom the pope intends to make this day provision of the said church, to exercise the administration etc. thereof, notwithstanding his illegitimacy as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman. Divina supereminens largitas. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. Gratis de mandato d. n. p. (fn. 13) de Adria.)
17 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 156d.)
To John [Ogubuin], elect of Derry. Faculty to him, to whom the pope has recently made provision of the said church, and who has taken to Lucidus, cardinal deacon of St. Mary's in Cosmedin, the usual oath of fealty, to be consecrated by any catholic bishop, assisted by two or three others; without prejudice to the archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, as metropolitan. Cum nos nuper. (Subscribed as in the preceding.)
4 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 160.)
To Catherine, queen of England. Indult that twenty-five of her chaplains or members of her household, to be named by her, may whilst in her service take and let to farm etc., even to laymen, the fruits etc. of their benefices, except only the daily distributions, and not be bound meanwhile to reside. Ad preclara (sic) devocionis et fidei merita. (An. and Poggius. | An. cl. de Adria.)
(f. 161.)
To the same. Indult that the dean of her chapel, or other fit. priest of her choice, even of any order, may hear the confessions of any persons in her service, of either sex, and grant absolution, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see, enjoining penance; and may administer to them the sacraments of Eucharist and Holy Oil and all other sacraments and all sacramentals; and that she may, whenever expedient, cause the said Oil and the Holy Chrism to be made in the said chapel by any catholic bishop, and chalices, crosses, paraments (paramenta) and other jewels and ornaments (ornamenta) kept therein for divine worship, to be consecrated [and blessed] by the same. Ad preclare (sic) devocionis et sinceritatis merita. (An. and Poggius. | An. clx. de Adria.)

De Regularibus

Id. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 211.)
To Roland, abbot of the Cluniac monastery of St. Mary, Corfragiuer (sic), in the diocese of Glasgow. Grant at his recent petition—containing that on the voidance of St. Mary's because John, abbot thereof, had, by provision made by papal authority, obtained possession of the Cluniac abbey of Paisley in the said diocese, provision was made to him by the same authority, and that he obtained possession, and had himself consecrated (tibique consecrationis munus obtinuisti impendi); and adding that it is asserted that St. Mary's became void otherwise than as above, and is still void—that his said provision etc. shall hold good from the date of these presents in whatsoever way St. Mary's be void, and from whatsoever cause the disposal thereof belongs specially or generally to the apostolic see. Apostolice sollicitudinis officium. (fn. 14) (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
Kal. March.
St. Chrysogonus's, Rome.
(f. 268d.)
To Agnes Allesley, nun of the Cistercian monastery of Catesby (fn. 15) in the diocese of Lincoln. Dispensation to her, who is in or about her twenty-third year and of a great race of nobles, after attaining her twenty-fifth year to receive and hold any dignities etc. of her order, even conventual and elective, even if such dignities be abbatial and conventual priories. Precellens apostolice sedis. (B. and [A. de] Camporegali. | B. xl. Abb[as].)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description: ‘Eugenio IV. 1433. Anno 3. Lib. 49.’ A flyleaf has a number of modern notes, e.g. ‘Vidipro R[everenda] C[amera] A[postolica] Hib. Ang.’ A contemporary fragment of paper has ‘Secundus de diuersis formis et,’ ‘Rubricatus e[st]’ and ‘Johannes.’ On the bottom edge of the volume is the contemporary description ‘Secundus de diuersis formis et regularibus anno iiio Eugenii pape iiiiti .’
  • 2. The top portions of the first few leaves have been torn off.
  • 3. Le Neve—Hardy, Fasti, I, p. 579, has ‘Christopher Knott.’
  • 4. The clause ‘provided that he do not hold together two parish churches, or two perpetual vicarages, or a parish church and a perpetual vicarage.’ and clauses to the like effect which occur passim in dispensations similar to the above are omitted here, as elsewhere, in the Calendar.
  • 5. The subscription in the right hand margin is torn off.
  • 6. Archidiacano Barkes. The word ‘Barkes’ is cancelled twice, and corrected in the margin to ‘Barkecerie,’ without note.
  • 7. In the date, ‘Rome apud Sanctum Grisogonum is cancelled, but not corrected in the margin.
  • 8. The other usual subscription in the margin is wanting.
  • 9. Corrected from ‘Aprilis’ by A[ndrea]s [de Adria].
  • 10. 'sub data Rome apud Sanctum Petrum Anno ab Incarnatione domini Sexcentesimo vicesimo quarto, die septima mensis Februarii,’ i.e. before the death of Pope Honorius's predecessor, Boniface V, who was buried Oct. 25, 625, Honorius being consecrated pope on the following Nov. 3 (Jaffé, Regesta, ed. Wattenbach etc. I. p. 223). The year of the Incarnation did not begin to be an element in the date of papal privileges before the latter part of the tenth century (Giry, Diplomatique, p. 672), nor did the place whence they emanated begin to be mentioned until after the middle of the eleventh (ibid., p. 675).
  • 11. ‘Sub data Laterani anno ab (this word is added in the margin by An[dreas de Adria]) Incarnatione huiusmodi sexcentesimo nonagesimo nono die tercia mensis Maii.’ The year is this time better chosen, Sergius I having in fact been pope from 687 to 701 (Jaffé, op. cit. I, p. 244).
  • 12. The above petition of the university, granted by Martin V under date SS. Apostoli, Rome, Prid. Non. Julii anno, 13 (July 6, 1430) is registered in vol. 253 of the Registers of Petitions, f. 53. It adds nothing to what is related above.
  • 13. domini nostri papé, as usual.
  • 14. Corrected in the margin from ‘Apostolice sedis officium’ by A[ndrea]s [de Adria].
  • 15. Substituted in the margin for ‘Ascheby,’ with the note: Cassatum et correctum de mandato domini Jo. Morinen. (i.e. John le Jeune, bishop of Térouane) [Cancellariam] Regentis, An. de Adria.