The office of notary is conferred, or faculty is given to confer it, on the following persons. The incipit is, as usual, Ne contractuum. |
4 Non. Sept. Vicovaro. (f. 210.) |
Thomas Hore, priest, of the diocese of Lincoln, bachelor of canon law, who has been examined by Francis, Benedictine abbot of St. Oyan de Joux (Sancti Eugendi Juren.), in the diocese of Lyons, ruling the office of the chancery of the holy Roman church in the absence of John, bishop of Ostia, vicechancellor. |
9 Kal. Sept. Vicovaro. (f. 240d.) |
John Chapman, clerk, not married and not in holy orders, of the diocese of Norwich, under faculty hereby to the archdeacon of Huntingdon. |
1421. 12 Kal. Jan. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 242d.) |
Thomas Bewle, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Carlisle, under faculty to Marcellus, abbot of St. Augustine's without the walls of Canterbury, immediately subject. |
2 Non. Dec. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 263.) |
Richard Olyver, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Salisbury, under faculty to the bishop of Salisbury. |
Ibid. |
John Harnham, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the same diocese, under faculty to the same. |
15 Kal. Jan. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 264.) |
Philip Mason, clerk, of the diocese of Hereford, not married etc. as above, under faculty to the archdeacon of Hereford. |
1422. 4 Id. Jan. St. Peter s. Rome. (f. 264d.) |
John Harewell'. clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Wells, under faculty to the prior of St. John's, Wells. |
Ibid. (f. 265.) |
John Derlynge, married clerk, of the diocese of Worcester, under faculty to the prior of Worcester. |
5 Kal. March. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 268.) |
John Walpool, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Norwich, under faculty to the prior of St. Mary's, Thetford. |
4 Non. March. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 268d.) |
John Buk alias Alsy, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Norwich, under faculty to the bishop of Norwich. |
Ibid. |
John Holdernitze, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Norwich, under faculty to the bishop of Norwich. |
15 Kal. April. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 269.) |
James Burbaych, I.U.B., priest, of the diocese of Canterbury, under faculty to the abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. |
15 Kal. May. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 272d) |
William Stiropp alias Hill, clerk, not married etc. as above, of the diocese of Lincoln, under faculty to the abbot of St. Mary's Graces in the diocese of London. |
15 Kal. June. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 276d.) |
Gruffin Gossalin, priest, of the diocese of St. Davids, who has been examined by John, bishop of Ostia, vice-chancellor of the holy Roman Church. |