1331. 3 Id. Mar. Avignon. (f. 39.) |
To Itherius de Concoreto, canon of Salisbury. Indult that while engaged in the service of the apostolic see, and studying in a university or elsewhere, he shall enjoy the fruits of his benefices, of which those that have cure of souls must be served by vicars, to whom a fit stipend is to be paid. |
Concurrent mandate to the dean of St. Paul's, London, and two others named. |
1330. 7 Id. Nov. Avignon. (f. 39d.) |
To the king. The pope has heard that on the 19th October about the middle of the night, the king suddenly seized some princes and nobles of the realm, and imprisoned them. He exhorts him to deal justly with these persons and to admit witnesses, so that vengeance may have no place in the proceedings taken. Should any grave matter be proved against them, the pope begs the king to remember that mercy is shown to those that show mercy; and hopes that the accused will return to their fealty. |
Ibid. (f. 40.) |
To the same. The pope heard on the third of this month that the king was not showing signs of filial affection to his mother, queen Isabella. Should she have done anything to justify the king's behaviour to her, the pope exhorts him to remember what his mother has done for him, and what enmity and ill will she has provoked against herself in his service, and begs him to show mercy, so that he himself may find itin the day of judgment. |
Ibid. |
To the same. Duplicate of the letter on (f. 39d.), sent in case the former should be lost. |
Ibid. |
To the same. Since writing the letter (on f. 40) the pope has heard from a merchant of those parts that the king is behaving with humanity and reverence to his mother, and, commending him for this, urges him to acquiesce in the pope's exhortations. |
Ibid. |
To queen Philippa. Touching the king's behaviour to his mother. The pope begs queen Philippa to insist with the king that in consideration of what his mother has done and suffered for him, his goodwill towards her should be restored. |
8 Id. Nov. (f. 40d.) |
To Henry, earl of Lancaster. Touching the imprisonment by the king of certain princes and nobles of the realm, and desiring him, as one of the king's trusted counsellors, to incline the king to clemency. |
Ibid. |
To William, lord of Montacute, to the archbishop of Canterbury, and to John, bishop of Winchester. The like. |
16 Kal. Dec. Avignon. (f. 41.) |
To the king. Touching the bishop of Lincoln, concerning whom the king had written to the pope saying that there was more good in him than in all other prelates of the realm. As this opinion may cause envy, the pope exhorts the king to put down any obloquy the said bishop may incur, inasmuch as the king is not singular in his opinion of that prelate. |
Ibid. |
To William, lord of Montacute. Exhorting him to defend the bishop of Lincoln against envious whisperings, so that he may remain in the king's favour. |
Ibid. |
To John, bishop of Winchester. Desiring him to interpose in the whirlwind excited in the realm touching the bishop of Lincoln, and to check those who are sharpening their tongues against him. |
Non. Sept. (f. 41.) |
To queen Isabella. Thanking her for the news brought by her envoy, John Walweyn, canon of Salisbury. The pope is surprised that that noble could assert that the pope believed so incredible a thing, namely, that he, for whom solemn funerals had been made, was alive. The pope believes and holds firmly that those who were present at the funeral were not deceived, and did not attempt to deceive. If the funeral had been secret there might be some palliation for the report, but as it was public there is none. Had the pope believed such a report he would have dealt, not with that noble, or any other, but with the queen and her son, touching the restoration to liberty and production in public [of the dead man said to be alive]. |
Ibid. (f. 41d.) |
To the king. The like. |
Ibid. |
To the said queen. Touching the peace between the kings of France and England. The pope hears that the king of England's envoy have returned from France without hope of concluding the business. The pope prays the queen to remember the verses—
“Quicquid agas prudenter agas et respice finem.
Ferre minora volo ne graviora feram.”
The pope supposed that peace was secured when he spoke to the king of France at Avignon about the marriage, and exhorts queen Isabella not to allow the treaty to be broken off, but to do whatever she can to promote the security of the realm, and of the king. |
Ibid. |
To the king The like. |
2 Id. Dec. (f. 41d.) |
To the king. Requesting him to assist Anibaldus, cardinal of St. Laurence's in Lucina, in obtaining possession of the church of Haberton, in the diocese of Durham, given to him by the pope, but now occupied by one called ‘Marson,’ or ‘Marster,’ clerk of the bishop of that see, who has been cited to appear before the pope. |
Ibid. |
To the archbishop of York. The like. |
1330. Ibid. (f. 42.) |
To the bishop of Durham. Mandate to desist from opposing the said cardinal in taking possession of his church, and the citation of Marser, and the publication of the papal letters touching this business. |
10 Kal. Nov. (f. 42.) |
To James, bishop of St. Andrews. Thanking him for the help and counsel he has given to the papal nuncios in those parts, and requesting him to continue the same. [Theiner, 250.] |
10 Kal. Nov. (f. 42.) |
To Thomas, earl of Moray. Requesting him to show due reverence to churches and ecclesiastics on his lands, and others, and especially to the church of St. Andrews. [Theiner, 250.] |
1331. 15 Kal. Mar. (f. 42d.) |
To queen Philippa. The pope has received her letters, asking him to give the prebend of Thame, in the church of Lincoln, void by the death of Gilbert de Middelton, to Master William de Colby, royal chancellor. As that prebend was reserved to the pope before the queen's letter reached him, he cannot comply with her request. |
15 Kal. June. (f. 42d.) |
To the king. Commending to him Henry, lord of Sully, who is on his way to the king's court, touching what was granted to him by the king's father. |
Ibid. |
To John, bishop of Winchester. Requesting him to continue the favour shown to the said Henry. |
Kal. July. (f. 42d.) |
To the king. The pope has received his letters by Richard de Burn, canon of York, and Anthony Pessagne, knight. He urges the king to maintain the liberties of churches and ecclesiastics, which have been attacked, and prays him to take such proceedings as shall put a stop to these grievances. As to what the king's envoys asked, namely, whether it was expedient that after the parliament the king should go to Ireland, which much needs reformation, the pope replies that if the state of England is such that the king's absence would not be dangerous to the realm, and that his presence in Ireland would be useful, he can go there; but for the reformation of Ireland the pope suggests that some impartial person or persons should be sent; and as there are in that country two sorts of people, pure Irish, and those of a mixed race, care should be taken to have governors and officers of the same respectively. As to what the king's envoys asked touching his crossing the sea, the pope desires that Christian princes should undertake such an expedition for the exaltation of the faith. The king will find much in the pope's letters, writing to his father, which will be useful to him in the government of the realm. |
Ibid. (f. 43d.) |
To the same. Exhorting him to reverence his mother, and treat her with honour, visiting her, and talking with her familiarly, so that her good fame may remain intact, and evil report be silenced. |
1331. Ibid. |
To John, bishop of Winchester. Exhorting him to induce the king so to govern his realm and protect churches and ecclesiastics in their rights and liberties, that he may attain to the heavenly kingdom. |
Ibid. |
To William, lord of Montacute. Requesting him to counsel and persuade the king so to do good and decline from evil that, this life ended, he may attain the heavenly kingdom. |
Ibid. |
To queen Philippa. Requesting her to assist the king in defending the rights and liberties of churches and ecclesiastics, and while thanking her for the sympathy and consolation she has given to queen Isabella in her tribulation, begging her to aim at the restoration of that queen's good fame, which has been undeservedly injured. |
6 Kal. Aug. (f. 44.) |
To the king. Exhorting him to carry out the appointment made by the pope of Peter, cardinal of St. Stephen's on the Cælian, to be treasurer of York, into which office William de la Mara has thrust himself, and to revoke whatever has been done against the said cardinal. |
Ibid. (f. 44d.) |
To queen Philippa. Touching the same. |
Ibid. |
To Henry, earl of Lancaster. Touching the same. |
Ibid. |
To John, bishop of Winchester, the king's chancellor. Touching the same; and also to William de Monte Acuto. |
Ibid. |
To William archbishop of York. Requiring him to repair his negligence concerning the execution of the appointment of the aforesaid cardinal, and to carry out the pope's mandate touching the same. |
2 Id. Jan. Avignon. (f. 169.) |
To Itherius de Concoreto, canon of Salisbury, papal nuncio. Acknowledging the receipt of 16,326 florins, being the value of 2715l. 3s. 4d. collected in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and paid over at divers times to certain merchants for the papal camera; namely, on the 5th of June last 227l. 10s. to Henry Accorsi of the society of the Perusii of Florence; on the 7th of December last 2487l. 13s. 4d. to Renerius Perini of the said society dwelling in England, which sums respectively were received by Simon Ispilhati of the said society at the Roman court at two times, namely, on the 18th of July 1400 florins, and on the date of this letter 14,726 florins. |
Ibid. (f. 169d.) |
Receipt for the same money to the said Simon Ispilhati. |
Ibid. |
To Itherius de Concoreto. Acknowledging the receipt of 11,152 florins, being the value of sums collected in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and paid over at divers times to members of the society of Bardi of Florence for the papal camera, namely, on the 5th of June last 162l. 10s. to Remigius Remichy
of the said society; on 7 December last 1692l. to Dinus Forseti of the said society, dwelling in England; which sums were received at the Roman court, the first, value 1000 florins, by Nicholas Bindi Ferrucii of the said society on 26th of July, and the second, value 10,152 florins, by Alexander de Bardis, on the date of this letter. |
Ibid. (f. 170.) |
Receipt for the same money to Nicholas Bindi Ferrucii and Alexander de Bardis. |
4 Non. May. Avignon. (f. 172.) |
To Bertrand Cariti and Raymund de Quercu, papal nuncios. Acknowledging the receipt of 4000 florins of the three years’ tenth collected in Scotland, and paid over by Stephen de Forburg, burgess of Berwick, in the diocese of St. Andrews, through Richard de Barlargoso, monk of Cupar, and Cambinus Carini, of the society of the Azayali, of Florence, for the papal camera. |
4 Id. April. (f. 172.) |
To the same. Acknowledging the receipt of 4000 florins of the three years’ tenth collected in Scotland, and paid over by Reginald Mor, the king's chamberlain, through Nicholas Bindi, of the society of Bardi, of Florence, for the papal camera. |
11 Kal. May. (f. 172.) |
To Itherius de Concoreto, papal nuncio. Acknowledging the receipt of 2321l. 7s. 10d. being the sum of 2009l. 9s. 3d. of the tenth, and 111l. 8s. 7d. of Peter's pence, and 200l. of fruits of void benefices collected in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, and paid over on the 21st of March last to Renerius Perini, of the society of the Perusii, of Florence, dwelling in England, for the papal camera, which sum, value 13, 928 florins 14d., at the rate of 3s. 4d. a florin, was paid through Simon Spilhati, of the same society, to the said camera on the date of this letter. |
Ibid. (f. 172d.) |
Receipt for the said money to Renerius Perini and Simon Spilhati. |
Non. May. Avignon. (f. 173.) |
To Itherius de Concoreto. Acknowledging the receipt of 3383l. 7s. 9d. being the sum of 3007l. 19s. 8d. of the tenth, and 375l. 8s. 1d. of the fruits of void benefices collected in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, and paid over on the 22nd of March last to Dinus Forseti and Bartholomew de Bardis, of the society of the Bardi, of Florence, dwelling in England, for the papal camera, which sum, value 20,300 florins 13d. was paid through Nicholas Bindi Ferrucii, of the same society, to the said camera. on the date of this letter. |
Ibid. |
Receipt for the said money to Dinus Forseti and Nicholas Bindi. |
(1330.) Kal. April. (An. 14.) (f. 178.) |
To Peter, cardinal of St. Stephen's on the Cælian. [As above, p. 316.] |
1331. 3 Id. Mar. Avignon. (f. 186d.) |
To Itherius de Concoreto, papal nuncio. Faculty to confer the office of notary public on four persons for Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and the province of York. |