Regesta 51: 1303-1304

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'Regesta 51: 1303-1304', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304, ed. W H Bliss (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Regesta 51: 1303-1304', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Edited by W H Bliss (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"Regesta 51: 1303-1304". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Ed. W H Bliss (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.

In this section

Regesta, Vol. LI.

1 Benedict XI.

9 Kal. Jan.
(f. 27d.)
Faculty to Maurice, archbishop of Cashel, to contract a loan of 300 marks to meet his expenses at Rome, with the usual safeguards against usury.
Ibid. The like to the same for a like sum.
15 Kal. Dec.
(f. 30.)
Confirmation of the election of archdeacon Maurice, to be archbishop of Cashel, that see being void by the death of Stephen, the election made with Masters Richard de Sam, chancellor, Philip Ossegda and Nicholas Florentii, canons, as scrutineers, the minority voting for the bishop of Killaloe, having been presented to the pope and examined by three cardinals.
Concurrent letters to the dean and chapter of Cashel, to the clergy of the diocese, to the suffragans of the see, and to Edward I. [Theiner, 173.]
9 Kal. Jan.
(f. 41.)
Provision to Laurence, son of the late Processus Capocius, of the Capocini of Rome, of a canonry and prebend of Lincoln.
Concurrent mandate to the cardinal of St. Laurence's without the Walls, and the abbots of St. Albans and Peterborough.
16 Kal. Feb.
(f. 41.)
Mandate to the archdeacons of Orleans and Tivoli, and Gerard de Pecoraria, canon of the same, to warn Maurice, archbishop of Cashel, to pay to the firm of Clarentes 600 marks borrowed from them to meet his expenses at Rome; if he does not do this, he is to be suspended and excommunicated, and summoned to Rome, and if he dies in the meantime his substitute is to be treated in the like manner, or if no substitute is appointed, the administrators of the archbishop's goods are to make satisfaction to the said merchants.
15 Kal. Jan.
(f. 42d.)
Provision to John. son of Matthew Visconti, of Milan of a canonry and prebend of Lincoln.
Concurrent mandate to the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury, and two others named.
8 Id. Feb.
(f. 67d.)
Provision to Master Anthony de Laveca, of a canonry and prebend of Wells.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Lucca, the dean of Salisbury, and the archdeacon of Buckingham.
3 Kal. Feb.
(f. 70d.)
Power to Leonard [de Flisco], bishop elect of Caithness [sic], provost of Bruges, in the diocese of Tournay, to appoint two fit persons to the canonries and prebends of Bruges, the collation of which belongs to him.
10 Kal. Feb.
(f. 75d.)
Faculty to John, bishop of Lincoln, to reconcile by deputy, churches and cemeteries when necessary.
6 Id. Feb.
(f. 82.)
Provision to Geoffrey, son of Grimerius de Pecoraria, citizen of Piacenza, of a canonry and prebend of Salisbury.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Fermo, and Master B. de Ferentino, and Henry Sarraceni, canons of London.
15 Kal. Mar.
(f. 86d.)
Mandate to the provost of St. Angelo's, Rieti, Bartholomew de Florentia, canon of London, and another named, to cause to be paid to Berard de Podio Bastonis, canon of Rieti, papal chaplain the fruits of his prebends of Rieti and Narni and of the church of Rutham in the diocese of Norwich, which is to be served by a vicar, Berard being licensed for five years to pursue the study of theology at an university.
18 Kal. Jan.
(f. 93d.)
Mandate to the archbishop of York, the bishop of Lincoln, and the archdeacon of Coventry, not to suffer the prioress and convent of St. Sixtus, Rome, to be molested contrary to the grant made to them of a yearly sum of 50 marks free of tithe to be paid by the prior and convent of St. Oswald's, Nostle.
12 Kal. Mar.
(f. 95.)
Concession to Master James de Ispania, nephew of the late queen Eleanor, canon of London, that he shall not be obliged to appear or produce to the archbishop of Canterbury, as visitor, the papal dispeneation and privileges he has for illegitimacy and plurality of benefices, which were with some of his friends in Rome and Spain; and which, on the archbishop demanding them, he has placed in the pope's hands, the archbishop's commissaries having extended the time for their production to the first lawful day after the quinzaine of Easter.
14 Kal. April.
(f. 112d.)
Provision to George de Salutiis, of a canonry and prebend of York, with dispensation to him as being under age and in minor orders only, and permission to hold the precentorship of Salisbury to which a canonry and prebend are annexed, and the church of Wilmersele, in the diocese of York.
Concurrent mandate to the abbot of Missenden, in the diocese of Lincoln, and two others named.
Ibid. Indult to Boniface de Salutiis, archdeacon of Buckingham, to visit his archdeaconry by deputy for three years.
Concurrent mandate to the prior of Spalding and two others named.
3 Kal. Feb.
(f. 113.)
Faculty to Maurice, archbishop of Cashel, to induct fit persons into possession of void benefices in his diocese, the collation to which belongs for this turn to the apostolic see.
Ibid. Faculty to the same to bestow the office of notary public on two fit persons.
(3 Non. April.)
St. Peter's.
(f. 117d.)
Licence to Anthony, bishop of Durham, to contract a loan of 4000 florins to meet his expenses at Rome.
2 Kal. April.
St. Peter's.
(f. 118.)
Dispensation to Roger de Waltham, rector of Langeneuton, in the diocese of Durham, to hold an additional benefice with cure of souls; and on resigning either of these, to accept another, to be retained together with the canonry and prebend of Derlington which he now holds.
3 Non. April.
St. Peter's.
(f. 123.)
Faculty to the bishop of Durham to bestow on the bishop of Byblus, who has been despoiled of his see by the Saracens, the cell or priory of Goldingham, in the diocese of St. Andrews, which belongs to Durham, to the administration of which the prior of the said church deputes one of the monks, who is now to be removed. The said bishop is to hold the cell until he recovers his see.
3 Kal. Feb.
(f. 127d.)
Faculty to Maurice, archbishop of Cashel, to absolve for this turn those who have incurred sentences of excommunication for burning churches and laying violent hands on clerks during the war now going on in those parts; a salutary penance is to be imposed, and grave cases are to be referred to the pope.
18 Kal. May.
(f. 130.)
Mandate to the bishop of Durham to tax at their true value the fruits, rents, and profits of the church of St. Andrew, Chesterton in the diocese of Ely, appropriated to the Augustinian monastery of St. Andrew's, Vercelli, they having been, as is asserted, hitherto taxed above their value.
Id. May.
(f. 135d.)
Mandate to the abbot of Holy Trinity, Florence, and two others named, to warn the bishop of Durham to repay the 4000 florins be has borrowed to Advocatus Nerii of the Advocati, citizen and merchant of Florence.
5 Non. Mar.
(f. 139.)
Dispensation to Walter de Radragia, who being in the service of the late Edmund, the king's brother, did not receive priest's orders within a year of obtaining successively the rectories of Bradefield and Raundes, in the dioceses of Salisbury and Lincoln, to retain the same, together with fruits received, testimonials in his favour having been given by Neapoleo, cardinal of St. Adrian's.
3 Id. May.
(f. 145.)
Dispensation to Master Hugh Sampson, D.C.L., already dispensed as the son of a subdeacon so as to be ordained and hold a benefice, and having without further dispensation successively obtained the churches of Eton and Acolt, in the dioceses of York and Norwich, and on resigning these, those of Birkin and Cranfield, in the dioceses of York and Lincoln, to retain the same, and on resigning either to accept another.
(5 Id. May.)
(f. 145d.)
Indult to Aymo, son of A. count of Savoy, archdeacon of York, to hold that benefice for five years while engaged in his studies at a university, and to visit his archdeaconry by a vicar.
Concurrent mandate to the deans of St. Martin's, London, and of Hereford, and another named.
2 Kal. Feb.
(f. 146d.)
Confirmation to Stephen de Malolacu, canon of Aukeland, the fruits of his prebend being too small to support him, of the annexation made to it by the bishop of Durham, with his chapter's consent, of the church of Halveton, then void, the collation of which belongs to the said bishop.
17 Kal. April.
(f. 148.)
Concession to Robert, archbishop of Canterbury to institute to churches and vicarages, void for twelve months, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's. In the course of litigation between the said archbishop and monastery, Boniface VIII. gave sentence that the abbot and convent should have the right of presenting rectors and clerks in churches of their patronage in the diocese, and that the archbishop and his successors should have that of institution in the same; but as such churches and vicarages were left void for six months, and the archbishop made no appointment to them for another six months, a doubt has arisen whether they have not lapsed to the apostolic see, which the pope resolves by this concession.
Ibid. Commission to the prior of Canterbury to grant dispensations to rectors, vicars, and clerks, who during litigation between the archbishop and the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, received institution from the latter, and have been subjected to sentences of excommunication and suspension, but have nevertheless in ignorance celebrated divine offices or joined in them.
15 Kal. April.
(f. 150d.)
Dispensation to John, son of the late Reginald Petri, of noble origin, already dispensed on account of illegitimacy, so as to be ordained and hold a benefice, who on obtaining the rectory of Haningdon, in the diocese of Salisbury, was ordained priest, to hold also one other benefice with cure of souls.
(f. 151.)
Dispensation to John de Trillowe, who, being dispensed as the son of a subdeacon, was ordained priest and obtained the church of Torteberi, in the diocese of Worcester, which he resigned, and then accepted that of Tywa, in the diocese of Lincoln, to retain the same.
13 Kal. Mar.
(f. 155.)
Grant to the prior and convent of St. Mary's, Bridlington, in the diocese of York, of the church of Gousla, in the diocese of Lincoln, of their patronage, the fruits of which had been given them by popes Clement III. and Celestine III. with consent of bishops Robert and Hugh, to take effect on the death or resignation of the rector, the church is to be served by their chaplains and clerks.
2Non. June.
(f. 157d.)
Mandate to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Lincoln and Worcester to go to Durham and there take steps for the reformation of the priory, which by the neglect of prior Richard de Hoton has suffered from dilapidations, the prior being accused of perjury, simony, and other excesses. Faculties are given them to remove the prior and carry out necessary reforms.
11 Kal. May.
(f. 158.)
Dispensation, at the king's request, to his clerk, Peter de Colingeburn, to retain the rectory of Kemeseye, in the diocese of Worcester, value 30 marks, held by him without being ordained priest. He must now be ordained.
4 Non. Mar.
(f. 159d.)
Confirmation to the abbot and convent of Shrewsbury of the appropriation made to them by bishop R. of Hereford, with consent of his chapter, of the church of Stotoresden, in that diocese, to take effect on the death or resignation of Ralph, then rector, who resigned, and was succeeded by a vicar appointed by the abbot and convent and instituted by the said bishop.
6 Id. Mar.
(f. 163.)
Mandate to Gerard de Pecoraria, canon of Rheims, papal chaplain, to cause those in England who owe money to the firm of Ammanati of Pistoia to pay it, with losses, interest, and expenses.
3 Non. June.
(f. 169.)
Faculty to Anthony, bishop of Durham, to bestow the office of notary public on two fit persons.
2 Kal. June.
(f. 169d.)
Dispensation to John [son of] William Servat, clerk, of London, of illegitimate birth, to be ordained and hold a benefice.
13 Kal. April.
(f. 170.)
Faculty to Henry de Hertelyngton, in the diocese of York, to have a portable altar.
2 Id. June.
(f. 180.)
Mandate to the abbot of St. Saviour's, Scandriglia, in the diocese of Sabina, and two others named, to warn the bishop of Worcester to pay to Francis, cardinal of St. Lucy's, the pension of 100 marks, which he promised to pay half-yearly by his proctor Henry de Luceby, under pain of suspension.
6 Id. June.
(f. 182.)
Licence to Gualuan de Gueng, of the diocese of York, who, being under age and not in orders, obtained the church of Lithom, on which he was ordained, and on resigning it was presented to the bishop for institution, and then that of Warton in Kendal, of the archdeaconry of Richmond, without papal dispensation, to retain the same; with the necessary dispensation and remission of fruits received.
Non. June.
(f. 184.)
Faculty to Anthony, bishop of Durham, to grant dispensation to eight of his clerks, who with himself have taken the cross, to enjoy the fruits of their benefices while absent on the crusade.
Ibid. Faculty to the same to grant dispensation to four of his clerks to hold parish churches, they having not been ordained. They must now be ordained.
Kal. April.
St. Peter's.
(f. 188.)
Dispensation to John called ‘Loterel,’ already dispensed on account of illegitimacy, so as to be ordained and hold a benefice, to retain the rectory of Holm, in the diocese of York, together with one other benefice.
Ibid. Indult to the same, while engaged at a university in the study of theology, to enjoy the fruits of the above benefices for five years, being non-resident.
Concurrent mandate to the abbot of Croxton, in the diocese of Lincoln, and the archdeacons of Nottingham and Leicester.

Curial Letters.

Kal. Jan.
(f. 210.)
Mandate to the bishops of London, Lichfield and Coventry, and the provost of St. Saviour's in Lavania, in the diocese of Genoa, to cause the pension of 40 marks due each year at Easter from the prior and chapter of Winchester, to Leonard de Flisco, provost of Bruges, in the diocese of Tournay, who has resigned his right, to be paid to Luke, cardinal of St. Mary's in Via Lata.
15 Kal. Mar.
(f. 215d.)
Mandate to Gerard de Pecoraria, canon of Rheims, papal chaplain and nuncio, to collect the balance of the Holy Land tenths and Peter's pence and other cess imposed by Gregory X. Nicholas IV. and other popes, in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, as also money fines granted for the Holy Land subsidy, legacies, and redemptions of vows, with faculty to make due enquiries and force payment, and to cause those with whom money already collected has been deposited to render account of the same, citing those who refuse, and granting such relaxations and dispensations as may be necessary.
(f. 216.)
Grant to the same of 3s. a day for his expenses.
Ibid. Faculty to the same to absolve persons of those parts who have laid violent hands on clerks, on condition that they take the cross and contribute to the Holy Land subsidy.
(f. 216d.)
Mandate to the same to warn and induce archbishops, bishops, and prelates to carry out the orders issued by Nicholas IV. touching the collection of Peter's pence sent by the late G. bishop of Parma, which have not had their effect, and to cause the money collected to be assigned to himself in the name of the Roman church. If necessary, the aid of the secular arm is to be called in.
Ibid. Indult to the same that during the execution of his office he shall not be obliged to attend to any other business when summoned by papal letters which do not make mention of this indult.
Ibid. Faculty to the same to exercise his discretion in giving acquittance to the king or his proctor for the cess due from him in the past or future to the Roman church.
Ibid. To Edward I. recommending to his favour Gerard de Pecoraria, sent to collect the cess due from him to the Roman church.
Ibid. Monition and mandate to archbishops, bishops, abbots, friars, heads of the Templars and Hospitallers and others to receive Gerard de Pecoraria as sent by the pope, and to assist him in his mission.
Ibid. Order to the same to furnish him with 3 florins a day and a safe conduct.
7 Id. Feb.
(f. 217.)
Indult to Gerard de Pecoraria to enjoy the fruits of his benefices while absent on his mission to England.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Fermo and Master John de Escantia, canon of Lyons, and Henry Sarraceni, of Rome, canon of London.
Ibid. Indult to the same Gerard, that one of his clerks shall enjoy the fruits of his benefices while absent with him in England.
Concurrent mandate as above.
12 Kal. Mar.
(f. 218.)
Mandate to the same to consign all moneys received by him or his agents during his mission as collector to the firms of Circuli, Clarentes, and Bardi, taking duplicate receipts, and sending one of them with the account to the pope.