Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1899), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Babeloun, 377.

Babington :

Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, letter from, 296.

Richard, merchant, 162.

Mr., supplying soldiers' apparel, 447, 448.

Baburham, letters dated at, 5, 10, 17, 24, 213, 96, 297, 308, 367, 377, 463, 488, 511.

Bacon :

Anthony, letters from; 71, 470, 530.

— letters to, 188, 395, 449.

— desire for a house at Bishopsgate, 361.

— a debt of, 559.

Francis, letters from, 355, 359, 360, 419, 505, 540.

Mr. or Monseigneur de, 40, 331.

— the footman of, used as a messenger, 554.

Sir Nicholas, 464.

Robert, 470.

Badburham. See Baburham.

Badsell, letter dated at, 449.

Bagdatte, 377.

Bagnall (Baggenhall, Bagenall) :

Sir Henry, 506.

Sir Samuel, 260, 350, 363, 412.

— resigns his company, 318.

— command of troops in Ireland, 381.

Bagshawe, Dr., a Jesuit, a prisoner in Wisbech Castle, 382 (2), 384.

Baker :

Henry, Queen's ward, 244.

Mr., the Queen's surgeon, 277.

one, 426.

Thomas, 244.

Balam, Alex., letter from, 382.

Balenvohir, in the co. of Kerry, 375.

Balimpiers in the co. of Kerry, 375.

Balladyne, William, servitor to the Bishop of Glasgow, sent on a mission from Scotland, 329, 330, 365, 366.

Ballard :

James, a Prebendary of Hereford, 82.

William, letters from, 463, 464.

Ballymote, lands of, 276.

Bampfylde, J., Justice of the Peaces of Devon, letter from, 388.

Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, letter from, 192.

and the election of Master of Trinity Hall, 231.

holding a book written by Thomas Wright, 395.

Bangor, bishopric of, value of, 470.

Banninge, Mrs., distressed and disgraced, 317.

Baptist, John, groom of the Privy Chamber, letter from 549.

Barbanson, Sieur de, in the Spanish service, 102.

Barbary, great mortality in, 174.

able to help Spain with food, an unusual event, 210.

King of, a debt due from, &c., 566.

Barcelona, 531.

Barcke. See Berg.

Bardall, tenant in Conesbie, a Papist, 311.

Barich. See Burik.

Barkar, Richard, of Coventry, 486.

Barckley, Barkeley, Barkley :

Sir Maurice, 16.

— letter from, 323.

Maurice, H.M., farmer of manor of Birton, 240.

Barley, 509.

Barlow, Edward, beer-brewer of Southampton, 509.

Barnard, Mr., 328, 329.

Barn Elms; 557.

letter dated at, 317.

Barnes :

Edward, steward of H.M. manor of Soham, 163, 164.

— petition from, 164.

Robert, letter from, as to his imprisonment, &c., 273.

letter dated at, 366.

Barneveldt (Barnefielde), Jan Van Olden, Sieur de Tempel, Advocate of Holland, 10, 17, 60, 301, 305, 371.

one of the Dutch Deputies in France, 84, 109, 111, 250.

devotion of, to the King of France, 96, 98.

his character, 124.

return to the Hague, &c., 178.

his credit and vogue increased, 194.

his part in the English negotiations with the States General, 443, 444.

Barnstaple (Barnestable), 466.

Barnwell alias Roffotte, a Jesuit, 59.

Barons, George, of Plymouth, 341.

Barrett, Deveroux, of Pembroke, 469.

Barrington, Francis, 36.

Barrowe, E., letter from, 376.

Barsam, Mr., 486.

Barssanes, the, a monopoly granted to, 248.

Barwell, Edmund, of Cambridge University, 486

Basinge, 483.

Basing House, 465.

Basingstoke, 137.

Baskerville family pedigrees, 288, 553.

Baskervyle, Thomas, groom of the Queen's stud, 392.

Bassadonna, Giovanni, letters from, 369, 389.

Bassano, Don Alvero de, admiral for the ports of Andalusia, 549.

Basse, Homffry, letter from, 37.

Bassett, Edward, commanding a company at the Brill, 343.

letter from, 355.

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier.

Bath, the. letter dated from, 163.

Batkors, the, in Poland, 167.

Bawtree, Leonard, 244.

Baxter, servant to Lord Sheffield, 324.

Baymaking, 206.

Baynards Castle, letter dated at, 523.

Bayonne (Bayoun), in France, 370, 402, 450.

Beakesborne, letter dated at, 332.

Beauchamp's Court, compared with Theobalds and Chelsea, 367.

Beaufort, Duchesse de, 267.

Beaulieu, Mons. de, 193, 474.

Becher, Beecher, William, letters from, 447, 448, 502.

his claim on Sir R. Sydney explained, 522.

Bedford :

Bridget Countess Dowager of, letters from, 10, 27, 33.

— an old servant of, 209.

Earl of. See Russell.

Bedingham, Sussex, 179.

Bedini, Fabritio, of Lucca, 17.

Bedminster, manor of, 197.

Beer exported to France, 415.

Beeston (Beiston), Mr., 16, 24.

marriage mentioned, 261.

Bellievre (Bellieure, Bellieurs, Bellevir), Monsieur de, 193, 537.

letter from, 42.

one of the French Peace Commissioners, 46.

speeches of, referred to, 120.

Bellingly, Lieutenant, 52.

Bellisle, Madame, 93.

Bellott, Thomas, letters from, 138, 175, 450.

Bembridge, Richard, of Cambridge, 551.

Benerstone, letter dated at, 505.

Bene, Masino del, “that good old man,” 10.

Beningfield the prisoner, 406.

Bennett (Benett, Bennet, Benet) :

Dr., Chancellor of the Archbishop of York, 279.

Jo, letter from, 419.

one, a youth, taken to the Seminary at Douay, 408.

Thomas, of London, 481.

Berg, Berk, Berke, Berck, Barcke, in Guelderland, 248, 369.

siege of, threatened, 130.

restored to the Elector, 263.

the loss of, 380, 393, 445.

Bergavenny, Mr., letter from, 449.

Bergelone, a term connected with exports to Holland, 69.

Berington in Dorset, 152.

Berisford, George, 172, 221.

Berkshire, land in, 158.

Berlemont (Barlemen), Comte de, 102.

Ambassador from the Archduke in France, 327, 328.

a banquet given to, 327.

a remark made by, when he heard of Lord Burghley's death, 328.

Berne, Mons. de, Governor of Boulogne, in the Queen's interest, 139.

Bertondona (Burtondony, Bretendero, Pretendono), Martin de, Spanish commander, 57, 59, 63.

Berwick, 160, 261.

letters dated at, 24, 158, 316, 523.

the platform of, 89.

officers of the port of, letter from, on loss of custom, 180.

league concluded in, in 1580, 323.

Bery Castle, letter dated at, 304.

Besancon, Archbishop of, brother of Marquis du Duremberg, 207.

Betancor, Frdo. de, letter to, 43.

Betoun, of Westhall, a cousin of the Bishop of Glasgow, 181.

Betuwe (Bettowe, Bettew), the, a division of the duchy of Gueldres, 400, 445, 467, 527.

Bevans, Fr., of Oxford University, 201.

Beverley, 495.

Mayor of, 550.

sergeant at the mace for town of, 550.

Bevill, Sir William, 427.

Bicton, letter dated at, 430.

Bigar, the bog-hole in, 143.

Bilboa, 186.

Billet, Mr., 462.

Billingsley, Sir Henry, 7, 40, 41.

Billins or Billinges, Capt., at the battle and retreat near Armagh, 410, 411.

Bilson, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, letters from, 14, 281, 419.

concerning Captain Shute's stipend, 33.

Bingham :

Sir —, 387.

Sir George, 276.

Captain John, 348.

Sir Richard, 343, 407, 463.

— letter from, 348.

— petition of, 546.

— brother of, 546.

Thomas, vice-constable of Athlone, 546.

Birch, Am., a mariner, services of, 33.

Bird, John, 27.

Biron (Byron), Marechal or Duc de, 219, 266, 569, 489.

movements of, 281.

letter from, 321.

gains at play. 359.

Biron, Anthony, of Cambridge, 551.

Birton, manor of, Leicester, 240.

Biscay, the plague in, 63.

Spanish ships building in, 350.

Bishop, the savagery of a, 546.

Bislick on the Rhine, 403.

Biston, Bartholomew, letter from, 137.

Blacar, an Englishman named, 392.

Blackall, William, the younger, of Totnes, 286.

Blackaller, William, of Totnes, brought before the Council, 162, 163, 232.

Blackmore, —, 18.

Blackness, the, commanding the approach to Calais, 112, 113.

Blackwater, the, losses of men at, 528.

Blany or Blaney, Captain, 349 (3).

Blavet (Bluet, Blauet, Bleuett), 65, 111, 118.

question of restitution of, 45.

siege of, &c., 81, 82, 100, 101, 127.

composition of the garrison of, 127.

Blewbury (Bluberye), parsonage of, diocese of Sarum, 374.

Blewet, a priest, prisoner in Wisbech Castle, 384.

Blois, 49.

Blomfield, John, a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 192.

Blount, Blunt :

Sir Charles, 16, 168.

— quarrel with Sir Melgar Leven, 224–231.

Sir Christopher, 284, 556.

Blunsden, letter dated at, 352.

Blytheman, John, Mayor of Plymouth, letters from, 503 (2).

Boats, charges for hire of, 64.

Bocholt, Bockholt, Buckholt, in Westphalia, 389, 403.

Bodley :

Thomas, letters from, 139, 141, 143, 502.

—, brother of, mentioned, 139.

William, of Devon, 502.

Bodman, one, conveying letters from Spain into Flanders, 185.

Bodmin, 144, 386.

Bodwell [Earl Bothwell ?], arrival in Scotland, 115.

Bohemian Diet, proceedings of, 166.

Boile, Richard, 560.

Bois Dauphin (Boisdolphyn), Marshal, 90.

Boissise, (Boyiessise, Boyssyse), Mons. de, French Ambassador in England, 326, 328.

reason of his delay, 351, 358, 359.

his departure, 352, 362.

recommendation of, 355.

letter from, 407.

Bole, in Dorset, 152.

Boldinglif, 218.

Bolt, Henry, an English Jesuit, a dangerous man, 532.

Bommelre Weerdt, island of, in Guelderland, 214.

Boniton, Cardinal of, 366.

Bonitonn, the Laird of, an excommunicate person, 331.

Book seized in the port of London, mentioned, 53.

Boord, —, servant of Sir R. Sydney, 29.

Boors, the, of the Low Countries, 239, 527.

Bordeaux, traffic to, stayed, 298.

scarcity of corn in, 368.

fleet from, to London, 507.

Borders of Scotland, the, 261.

pledges delivered, &c., 73, 77, 87.

Warden of the Marches [Lord Eure]. letters from; 73, 87.

Warden and Deputy Warden of the Middle March, 77, 87.

a testimony to the Deputy Warden of the West Marches, 115.

relative strength of the forces on, 145.

negotiations on, &c., 253.

slaughter of certain Scottishmen on the Borders, 287, 314, 315, 316.

Commissioners to treat about Border causes, allowances, &c., 361.

depredations of the Scots, 446.

Scottish Warden of the West Marches, 485.

the people of the West Marches and their circumstances, described, 562–564.

Borgen, Captain. See Burgon.

Borough or Burgh :

Francis Lady, letters from, 3, 338, 378, 379.

— her five children, their poverty, etc., 338.

— port corn to be delivered to, 541.

Thomas, Lord, 251.

— captain of his company, 343.

— a follower and kinsman of, 355.

Borough, W., 162.

letter from, 9.

Borrell (Burrell), John, story of his adventures in Spain, &c., 182–186.

Borris Pheoderwich Goodenove, Master of the Horse to King of Russia, &c., 80.

Bosome, Captain, of Norfolk, 471.

Bossevile, Raffe, letter from, 19.

Boston Haven, blightes lying below Dockedyke, 289.

Bothwell, Earl, 129, 182, 365.

question of his reconciliation, 88, 89.

movements of, 112, 115, 136, 145, 146, 532.

cipher for, 180, 182.

his character described, 331.

his financial condition, &c., 568.

Bouillon, Duchess de, 122.

Bouillon, Duc de, 90, 98, 104, 105, 108, 109, 227, 326, 391.

interview with Cecil at his lodging, 122.

a letter taken to, 246.

known to be Essex's friend, 474.

Boulogne (Bullen), 459, 460, 481.

denuded of soldiers, 22.

letters dated at, 46, 47, 48, 174, 176, 195, 246, 292.

in great danger, 127.

a necessity that chanced at, alluded to, 144.

Colville's cipher for, 175.

tour of Ordre and the Esperon, its fortification, &c., 473.

governor and town of, scheme for inclining them to embrace her Majesty's protection rather than any other foreign prince's, 139.

Mayor of, in the Queen's service, 139, 174.

— cipher standing for, 176.

— his services to Lord Essex, 176.

— letters from, 291, 293, 300, 319 (2), 396, 515, 516, 555 (2).

— able to give good intelligence, 474.

— a suggested present for, 474.

— his brother desires to be page to Essex or one of his friends, 515.

Bourbon, Catherine de, Madame of France, letter from, 73.

proposal for marriage of, 98.

Bourchier :

John, 236.

Lady, 236.

William, Earl of Bath, lieutenant general of county of, 27, 349.

— letters from, 416, 466 (2).

William, lunatic, 236.

Bourke, Lord, Baron of Castle Y-connyll, letter to, 380.

Boushawe, the house of one Urwens, 145.

Bowes :

Henry, keeper of Tindale, 244.

Raphe, letter from, 366.

Robert, 141.

Sir William, H.M. Ambassador in Scotland, 4, 23, 44, 72, 73, 141, 261, 361.

— letter from, 314.

Bowl of white marble, a, 550.

Bowser, Mr., of Cambridge, 551.

Box, Mr., a Warden of the Grocer's Company, 220.

Boyd :

Adam, calling himself a servant of Archibald Douglas, 135.

Alex., letter from, 464.

Geordie, 142.

Boyle, Abbey of, 55, 56.

Brabant, Duc de, 362.

Brabant, college for English Catholics in, 186.

peace proclaimed in towns of, 190.

to furnish a new aid, 207.

mutiny among the Spanish soldiers in, 400.

Bracher, Richard, of Cambridge, 551.

Bradburye, Thomas, letter from, 301.

Bradshaw (Bradshawe) :

John, of Presteign or Radnor, 233, 469.

Mr. Serjeant, 263.

Thomas, letters from, 263, 265.

Braganza, the House of, pedigree of, 553.

Brakenbury, R., letter from, 195.

a nephew of, 195.

Braken Hill upon Esk, letter dated at, 146.

Brampton, 171.

letters dated at, 89, 253.

Brandon, one, 300, 375.

Branton upon the frontier, letters dated at, 151, 168.

Braye, John, an informer, 546.

Braynford, letters dated at, 525.

Braynhurst, hundred of, 32.

Brazilman, a prize, 523.

Brecknockshire, the Earl of Essex's influence in, 423.

Breda, 214, 248.

treachery in, 401.

Bredegued, Captain, 357.

Bremanfanye, Monsieur de, governor of Chatillon, 82.

Brembhill, 244.

Bremen, 536.

letter dated at, 312.

Breres, Henry, of Coventry, 486.

Brest, 82, 127.

Governor of, 178.

ordnance sent from England to, 178.

Breton Dona, Biscayen, General of the Spanish fleet at sea, 53.

Breton, a, taken by Sir R. Crosse, 36.

Brett :

Mr., named for a post about the Queen's horses, 366.

Gregory, complaint against, 566.

Brevoort (Brefort), garrison driven out from, 102.

Brian Borgh slain, &c., 429.

Brickhill, 205.

Bridewell, letters written from, 394, 395, 449.

Bridges, Briges :

Capt., taken prisoner in the Indies, return of, 450.

Sir Thomas, a prisoner in Spain, 506.

Bridlington (Birlington), 479, 480, 500, 501.

Bridport, 152.

division of Dorset, 149.

Brighouse, Mr., wardship of son of, 187.

Brill, the, 37, 235, 355, 455.

letters dated at, 55, 56, 343.

burghers of, petition that it may be made a staple town, 55, 253.

— their character, 56.

letter from the Queen to the Burgomaster, &c., 117.

its value, the bad condition of its fortifications, &c., 138.

footbands in, reduction of the numbers, 312.

— weekly payment for a company in, 348.

governorship of, 117, 378, 305, 547.

— rumoured cause of its surrender by Lord Sheffield, 408.

Brissac (Brissac, Brysacke, Brissack), Marshal, Marshal of France, 148, 350.

English Steward to, 81.

commanding a French force in Brittany, operations of, 100, 101, 117, 127.

Bristol (Bristow), 305, 554.

letters dated at, 220, 426.

exports from, 248, 300.

embarkation of troops at, 487, 492, 524.

justices of, and the starch patent, 565.

Brittany, 90, 148.

progress of the campaign. &c., in, 22, 25, 30, 44, 65, 76, 100, 117, 118, 121, 127.

state of the country, 51, 81.

Spanish soldiers on the way to, drowned, 180.

vice-admiral of, 219.

a letter to the Privy Council brought from, 466.

Brochero, Don Diego de, 53, 63.

Bromley, Robert, merchant, 162, 447, 448.

Brommall, Charles, 200.

Brooke :

Sir Calisthenes, 554.

— letter from, 393.

Captain, 503.

George, letters from, 38, 554.

— claim to a Spanish prisoner, 38.

— an advowson for, 390.

— his desire to have the bestowal of the archdeaconry of York, 414.

Henry, 10th Lord Cobham, 127, 159, 163, 262, 294.

— letters from, 289, 355, 406, 407, 437.

— letters to, 18, 269, 357.

— an adversary of Sir R. Sydney, 90.

— household accounts of, 116, 426, 428.

— estate business, &c., 371.

John, 399.

Robert, Alderman of York, letter from, 362.

Samuel, Master of Arts of Cambridge, 362.

William, 9th Lord Cobham, 433.

Broughton, Richard, letter from, 478.

Brown family, pedigree of, 288.

Brown, Browne, Broun, Brunne :

Is, or John, of Burnt Island, captain of a ship, 39, 46.

Nicholas, Ireland, 280, 375, 376.

Peter, the “post,” 426.

Pierre, 391.

Thomas, in Holland, 196.

Thomas, letter from, 325.

Sir William, 458.

— letters from, 363, 487.

Brownsey, defence of Poole Haven, its state, 152.

Broxbourne, Herts, a tenant of lands at, 322.

Bruce :

Edward (Aduard), 217.

Edward, Scottish Ambassador in London, 143.

— his return, 160.

Robert, the chief Spanish negotiator in Scotland, 140.

— his “proud speeches” and policy, 141.

Bruges, 40, 41, 45.

Bruges :

Thomas, letter from, 63.

William, Lord Chandos (of Sudeley), 33.

— letter from, 352.

Brumley, Sir Henry, 524.

Brunne, John, of Burntisland. See Brown.

Bruske, Mic., letter from, 468.

Brussels, 29, 39, 45, 174, 195, 219, 270, 398, 460, 467, 513, 515, 555, 568.

letters dated at, 20.

the Cardinal's Court at, 59.

English seminary priests from, arrested in Paris, 71.

conveyance of letters from, 115.

street called La Berckstrate in, 131.

letters from, intercepted, 156.

word standing for, 181.

a dumb show acted at, 190.

intelligence from, 207.

the Infanta expected at, 248.

persons coming to, from Scotland, 331.

Brust, John, 488.

Buccleuch (Bauclughe), Sir Walter Scott, laird of, custody of, 23.

reconciliation with others, &c., 129 (2).

Buckestones, letter dated at, 310.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville.

Budden, Mr., feodary of Dorsetshire, 518.

Bulie, Count de, in the Spanish service, 102.

Bullingham, Mrs., wife of the late Bishop of Gloucester, 451.

Buquoy, Count of, in the Spanish service, 103.

Buren, 178.

Burghley, Lady, alluded to, 302.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil.

Burgon, Borgen, Captain, fellow prisoner of Richard Hawkins in Spain, 212, 290.

Burgos, an Irish bishop in, 186.

Burgundy, Duchy of, part of the marriage portion of the Infanta, 400.

Burgundy, Duke Philip of, mentioned, 67.

Burik, Barik, in the duchy of Cleves, 380, 400.

Burleigh House, letter dated at, 329.

Burrowes, Lord, 337.

Burton, in Dorset, 152.

Busshopston, manor of, Glamorgan, 552.

Buttler, Hughe, of Pembroke, 469.

Butts, Jo., a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 192.

Buzanval, Sieur de, French Ambassador to the States General, 25, 84.

Byng, Dr. Thomas, letter from, 475.

Byngeley, Captain, 260.

Byrde, Henry, a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 192.