Cecil Papers: February 1597, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1597, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp52-63 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1597, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp52-63.

"Cecil Papers: February 1597, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1899), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp52-63.

February 1597, 1–15

Robert White, Mayor, and the Citizens of Limerick to the Queen.
1596-7, Feb. 1. It may please your most excellent Majesty to be advertised of the thankful and faithful hearts which we your true subjects the mayor and citizens of your city of Limerick within your realm of Ireland, do bear unto you our true, natural, and magnificent Empress. The benefits which we and our ancestors have found by the bounty of your Majesty and your progenitors have been so infinite and excellent as we cannot express nor conceive, for the which upon the knees of our hearts we most humbly yield all the thanks we are able, and for the manifestation of our faithfulness and true subjection to your Highness we do here most willingly, before the face of Almighty God, vow and promise that no threats of foreign invasion, no fear of death or bondage, nor terror of torture or trouble, shall move us to any disloyal offices; but will according to our most bounden duty discharge the parts of faithful subjects. And although our substance be already consumed and our poverty discovered, yet we will not spare to spend the uttermost penny of our patrimony before we slake any whit in furtherance of your service, as lately we have (upon notice given by the Lord Deputy of a journey into Ulster) furnished out a hundred men of our citizens at our own charges without respecting our disability or regarding our privileges whereby we are freed from any such service. For this ground we have laid and concluded upon, that we hold them not only unworthy of franchise but also of life that would plead privilege in time of need against her service by whom we have all our liberties. And forasmuch [as] we see shows that we shall be driven shortly to make proof by deeds of that we now promise by words for the keeping and defending of this city for your Highness, that it may stand with your princely pleasure for our better help to give order that this bearer William Stridek, one of our citizens, may have for our use 100 armours, 100 murions, 100 muskets, 2,000 weight of powder and 1,000 weight of match of your store, and for lack of money, to accept for the payment thereof so many bills and tickets as the price of them shall amount unto, which we will deliver here to your Highness's Treasurer or to any other as we shall be commanded. Live for ever, most dear Sovereign, that God of His goodness confound all your enemies without exception of any.—At your Highness's city of Limerick, this first day of February, 1596.
1 p. (38. 14.)
Humfrey Founes, Mayor of Plymouth, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and William Stallenge to the Privy Council.
1596-7, Feb. 1. This last day here arrived the bark Pearce wherein Capt. Crofts went forth, having lost seven of her men which were overthrown with their boat in the boarding of a Spanish carvell, and left over five aboard a Biscayan ship laden with iron, wherein the said bark Pearce and their company are to have their shares with a ship of Hampton and a Frenchman of Rochelle, but, as we suppose, the Frenchmen being the greater number in the prize have carried her for Rochelle, where there will be small hope to recover any part thereof. We will forthwith discharge the bark and company that are come home in her, and satisfy what shall be due unto them, although as yet we have not sold any part of the goods brought home by Captain Crofts whereby to defray the charges, neither can we receive of the customer that which is owing for the victualling of her and the carvell at their going forth. By the master of this bark, as by others lately arrived which departed from the coast of Galicia about 14 days past, we understand that of the King's fleet there remained at Ferroll 140 sail, whereof 30 galleys, and that their soldiers remained lodged abroad in the country within 30 leagues of Ferroll, where they have caused a great dearth of victuals and especially of bread : that the sickness continueth still among those at Ferroll; that the Adelantado had been sent for by the King, but excused his going by reason of his sickness; that the King hath caused to be prepared at Lisbon 20 small carvells to join the rest of his fleet, and as it was generally reported, the army would be ready to depart in April next. We daily expect the coming of Captain Harper, by whom we hope to receive more certain intelligence, whereof your lordship shall be advertised. We have made stay of a Frenchman, supposing him to be a spy, but as yet can find nothing to prove the same. He is about 30 years, and departed from his dwelling place, being, as he said, near unto Marseilles in France, about four years past; whence he went to Geneva, thence into Hungary and so through Germany into the Low Countries, and thence to London, where he arrived about thirteen months past, since which time he hath travelled the most part of England and Wales along the sea coast, and is now come to this town from Dartmouth to seek passage for his country. His apparel is very bare, and money he hath not but what is given him. If upon further examination we find any matter in him you shall be advertised, but as yet he seemeth unto us not to be of capacity fit for any such service. We are daily called on by those which pretend interest in the goods brought home by Capt. Crofts, and the ship and company of Spaniards lie here at great charges, wherefore we pray your pleasures what further course shall be taken therein.—Plymouth, 1 February, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Received at Whitehall the 3rd of the same.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (38. 15.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 1. I must renew my suit unto you that I may bestow the 50 men of Sir Coniers Clifford's company upon Sir Edmund Uvedal. He is my lieutenant governor and to follow the service here doth forsake all other fortunes. And indeed, if I had not thought upon the resignation of Sir Coniers Clifford that the said 50 would have been cashed as I have seen done in divers other companies before, ere I had passed my promise to you for Sir John Shelton I would have disposed of them to Sir Ed. Uvedal. You may herein make two gentlemen beholden to you; Sir John Shelton for the company of 150, and Sir Ed. Uvedal for the rest, and me for a third man, who would be glad to gratify my lieutenant.—At Flushing, 1 February, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (38. 16.)
Anne, Lady Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil, her Nephew.
1596-7, Feb. 1. Understands there are some who go about to obtain a suit which she is in good hope is already obtained, or by his furtherance very shortly to be obtained, for her son John, who is employed in her Majesty's service and cannot attend his own cause. It cannot well pass without his grace of Canterbury's consent or by Cecil's procurement; his grace has promised as he hath already set to his hand her son's bill for the obtaining thereof, so he will not give his consent to any other. Prays that if any such matter be by any other intended he will not only be a hinderer of the same, but as soon as convenient will obtain it for her son, if not already obtained. The urgent necessity of the occasion excuses her rash writing to him in his heaviness.—“From my house in Holborn,” 1 February, 1596.
Signed. ¾ p. (38. 17.)
Robert Strachey.
1596-7, Feb. 1. Order of the Lord Mayor, Billingsley, that Sir John Spencer, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Holliday, aldermen, calling unto them the late Master and Wardens of the Company of Minstrels, shall have consideration of the petition of Robert Strachey, minstrel, and report thereof.—1 Feb. 1596.
½ p. Contemporary copy. (209. 7a.)
Monsieur de Caron to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 2. Has obtained of the Queen leave to depart. She would have detained him three or four days longer, not having yet come to an absolute resolution in the matter (whereof Essex is informed); but, on his showing her the great desire he had to start and the great loss which delay would cause him, she has agreed that her resolution shall follow him, May God direct it to her glory and honour!
His duty was to have come once more to Essex to receive his commands, but being anxious not to lose this morning's tide, he has been bold to take leave by this little word.—London, 2 February, 1596.
Signed :—Noel de Caron.
French. 1 p. (173. 35.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596-7?] Feb. 2. Sir, If my news be stale it cost me but the labour to write it. A townsman's son of Sherborne hath been in Spain in a French bottom, and is now returned. He departed Lisbon the 15 of January (which is late) and reporteth for certain that the fleet of treasure is returned; all but one great ship, which is doubted of. They had by common fame seventeen million.
He spake with divers soldiers at Cascales, where there are assembled 2,000 ready to be embarked in thirty sail of ships. Those soldiers knew no other but they were bound for Flanders, it may be for Ireland or for some other purpose. They take up our small men-of-war very fast, not only with the good sailing Dunkirks, but “cussen” them with French bottoms, which the English suspect not. This that I write you you may assure yourself to be true. Yours as your servant W. Raleigh.—Candlemas day.
P.S.—I never received one word from my Lord Cobham, neither of his suit, or of his coming or other matter, this three weeks.
You have many letters of mine, pray return some answer.
Holograph. Part of Seal. 1 p. (173, 36.)
Sir John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 3. I left the Queen at six very quiet, and as I guess will not stir till it be very late, but I will attend the time and present it if she do but breathe a little while afore her going to bed. It may please you this night or in the morning to give order for your letter to the Bishop of Carlisle for admitting, inducting, and instituting of Mr. Lowther, minister, to the parsonage of Greystock according to the tenor of her Majesty's advowson, granted to him heretofore under the great seal. Likewise remember the poor prisoner Sir Griffin Markham; I hope it will do good towards this charitable time of Lent.—3 February.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (38. 18.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 3. Immediately after it pleased her Majesty by letters patent to grant him 40l. pension by the year, he was forced to pawn the same for 120l. to pay some of his creditors. Since which time has received no part of his pension but the 20l. Cecil made good to him, is farther indebted, wanting apparel, and stands secure only by his means from imprisonment. Beseeches him to entertain his enclosed suit to her Majesty—which draweth nothing out of her coffers—and to procure her command according to its tenor, in hope that he may thereby quit his pension, pay his debt and do her Majesty service. Once he may receive his pension and be out of debt will leave his letters patent in Cecil's hands and will into France to spend it in her Majesty's service; seeing he cannot go into Spain, will procure instruments, with little charge to her Highness, to travel into Spain and the Low Countries and send the occurrents of those places, which he will continually send him Meanwhile here is a young man of his country whom he kept at his charges these twelve days, who has been in the most places of service in Spain, France and the enemy's Low Countries and can speak Spanish, some French, and can write and read English. If Cecil has any occasion to employ him will bring him, and will undertake he will perform his directions; he must be contented with reasonable allowance, and as he shall deserve so to receive his reward.—3 February, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (38. 19.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 3. This bearer was in the [Spanish] fleet when it was cast away, wherefore I thought good to address him to you, because he knows many particulars of it. He was also upon the galleys when you fought with them at Cales. Of the remnant of the fleet a friend of mine, a merchant, had letters of the 15 of Jan., stilo novo, that all the hulks were set free and that the galleons were this next March to go into the Indies to convoy the treasure. From Lisbon there is writing also that confirms the discharge of the said hulks. How true this is I know not, but if I had better I would write it.—At Flushing, 3 February, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (38. 20.)
Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596-7] Feb. 3. What by the comfort of true friends sufficeth not to counterpoise your greatest loss, or what in your private estate and fortune is unsuitable to your former contentment, is yet supplied in some measure from the High Disposer of all things, who hath constituted you a member for your country, raised you to public use, made you an instrument of His providence in matters of State, and enabled you to these cases which to you must be chariora uxore et liberis. Deject not then your own mind ordained to a worthier scope than to be mated with the private disasters of a family. The sense of a natural man (whereof none I must say could have a greater attainte) must give place to the reason of a judicial distinguisher between those things which be irrecoverable and those which, by more thinking of them, we may anyways alter. This is the case, to the due consideration whereof I summon you in your wisdom.
You have made me happy in the grave and worthy writing of my lord, your father, directed to me. It is a special argument of his favour, which I hold so precious as I will in no industry be wanting to preserve it. As for many commodities which your love hath given me I can but now protest, so for my faith to God, he believing and your commandments shall never be deceived.—February 3, your true friend to do you service, T. Burgh.
Endorsed :—“1596.”
Holograph. Seal broken. ½ p. (173. 37.)
Mons. Desdiguieres to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 4/14. Thanks Essex for writing to him, of which honour he was unworthy; is entirely at his service. Prays to be allowed to continue to communicate their affairs to him, as Essex has promised on his part to do; has given the means and the address to Edmondes to be communicated to Essex. “I leave this Court to return to the Alps; it is reported that our enemies make a shew of wishing to stir, but I think they have as little desire as I find in many of our pilots little willingness to make in that direction a diversion such as would be both honourable and necessary, if we are to learn experience from past injuries, to avoid those that we shall suffer in the present or future if we do not foresee them.”—Paris, 14 February, new style, 1597.
Signed. French. 1 p. (38. 32.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 4. I cannot now advertise your Lordship of any great preparations as I was wont to do, nor of any brags or boasts of the enemy. It seems that the state of things are altered, for now I hear nothing but complaints of want of men and money and all other means to make wars; for misery lighting on a discontented person is made greater and all hope turned to prognostications of worse, so now these people cry out against the Cardinal. They say he will move away and abandon them—that the French will overcome them, and the States of Holland and Zeland become their masters, for they have no army left, and those few soldiers which have escaped the sword and the plague die for hunger; their garrisons instead of pay light at discretion upon the burghers, so that the general distress is likely to breed some great alteration. Time hath not yet wrought any particularities, for everything must have his ripeness, but I am persuaded that, as soon as they shall be driven to make head either against the French or the States and so forced, for lack of old soldiers, to draw out the garrisons, then will the effects of those discontents break out; which, as soon as I shall have any inkling of, I will not fail to advertise your Lordship.—Ostend this 4th Feb. 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2¼ pp. (173. 38.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 5. Mr. Wedal should be warned that Waring is not imprisoned by the magistrate of Middleburg, as he presupposes, but has a safe conduct from his creditors, and the magistrate has no interest in the matter; so that he should not carry out the orders of Cecil and his father upon untrue grounds. Van Nispen, whom Mr. Wedal mentions as one of the four deputies, is my friend and presented your letter, which he would not have done had the matter been as Mr. Wedal presupposes. The true way to help me “is Mr. Scerley, who has great accounts with M. Bicher which can no longer be hid.” Mr. Cecester too could help me, as he has a little ground near Baburham which he will sell me, taking the debt in payment, but the price he asks is too high.—From my house, 5 Feb. 1596.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 41.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 6. Upon Sir Conyers Clifford's nomination to the government of Connaught he moved her Majesty and Sir Robert Sydney for the preferring of Sir John Shelton to his company; which being agreed to by her Majesty and Sir Robert (who had the gift of the company by his patent) he acquainted Sir John Shelton with it. Hears since that Sir Edm. Udall laboureth to draw 50 of the company from him. Prays Cecil take knowledge how far his poor credit is interested in this cause; neither in standing nor merit in the wars is there that difference betwixt Sir Edm. Udall and Sir John Shelton that anything should be taken from the one to be added to the other.—6 February.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (38. 21.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 6. According to command the reporter of the news, departed towards London ten days since, to make suit for his entertainment for his voyage into the Indies with Sir Francis Drake, in the which action he was taken, as Mr. Middleton will be best able to satisfy him. By his last Cecil gave him notice of leave granted him to repair unto the Court, but to this present he has not seen it.—“From the foarte” [Plymouth], 6 February 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (39. 22.)
Rogier Bellegarde to the Earl of Essex.
[1596-7], February 6/16. His Majesty writing to the Queen in favour of the captain Isaac Portou, dwelling in Haurequartville, brother of the bearer, he takes this opportunity of commending him to Essex, and signifying his own desire to serve him.—Paris, 16 February.
Endorsed :—“M. le Grand.”
Holograph. French. ½ p. (49. 47.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 7. Of late there is arrived in Portsmouth a fly-boat taken by three men-of-war on the coast of Spain bound for Lisbon, laden with wheat, copper, and cables; and one of these three was the bark of Capt. Legat, sent out by us with order from you for matter of intelligence at the charge of the owner himself, Capt. Sanders, Mr. Stallenge and myself. We pray your favour towards the bringer hereof, Capt. Legat, whom we have appointed to solicit the whole (sic) for an indifferent course to be held so as we may have that which belongeth unto us. It is reason, if you think well, that Capt. Legat should be permitted to have some privilege before the rest, since he was sent forth in her Majesty's service, and performed it according to direction.—From the Fort, 7 February, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (38. 24.)
P. Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 8. It is more than a fortnight since I acquainted you with the apprehension of a servant of mine for papistry and of the taking of a trunk with 100l. of mine from him; whereto I besought your favour to be restored. And albeit I troubled you then, through constraint, at an unseasonable time, yet it pleased you to answer that if I would resort to Mr. Wade I should be dealt with as were fit. But notwithstanding that I was accordingly with Mr. Wade, who used me courteously and promised me friendly, there is nothing done to this hour as I expected. The cause alleged is an information that the said money was a collection for the relief of the seminaries and such cattle; which I suppose (not without cause) to be a mere surmise to “entange” my goods thereby, for I take God to witness that neither myself nor any that I know did ever suspect my said servant of such dealing, who by education was a bad cook, and is in condition very plain and simple, and being now forty years old could never write nor read, until of late he learned to scrape a few letters to keep his accounts. Censure me rightly according [to] the wont of my lord your good father, and believe that I would not expose my poor credit only to the danger of so foul a blemish as to be convinced of so shameful an untruth; much less would I endanger my life that fashion, accounting it no better than treason to take upon me to own the goods of priests and such traitors. Therefore I desire you to give direction that I may have my money, which I do with the greater earnestness to avoid the obloquy whereunto I may fall by their longer detaining thereof; for the vulgar is apt to speak the worst, specially of any of my country, which I shall hardly avoid except I be shielded by your judgment.—This 8 February.
Holograph. 1 p. (38. 25.)
The Lord Admiral (Howard) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 10. Upon receipt of your letter I have presently sent that the Vanguard and the hoys which kept at Queensborough shall go to Sir Henry Palmer; the Tremontane is with him already. I have also written earnestly to Sir H. Palmer that if they be not already passed there he shall stay them or lay some of them in the sea; but if they be passed, as the Earl reported unto her Majesty, it was before Sir H. Palmer received order, for he said that they passed the Narrow Seas yester sennight, and Sir H. Palmer's letter went but on Saturday last from hence. But I marvel that Sir Ro. Sydney would suffer them to pass by Flushing and the Ramkyns, for I know not to what end they shall serve the Queen if they be not able to command the shipping that shall go in and come out. But I think, as you do, that they be not yet passed. But this is the fruit of their friendship, in such a time to betray her Majesty and themselves with serving the enemy's turns. I would all were as it was when we began with them, for I see what will come of this; for either we must suffer them to strengthen our enemy or fall out with them. For the States themselves be traders and will not forbear their gain, and so to colour all and to serve their own turns will little care what becometh of us. But, Sir, this should be my counsel, that if they be passed, whensoever they return they should pay dearly for it, and it will be easily discerned if they come from Spain or Rochelle by their lading. I will be at the Court to-morrow early.
Endorsed :—“10 February, 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (38. 26.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 10. I perceive by yours how much it disquieteth you to see the folly committed by Le Forte, which he would lay upon you and Sir Walter Ralegh. But he is a man that knoweth where to load and unload merchandise without danger of law, and [I] am heartily sorry you have to do with such cunning persons. For he that had the goods in his own house and might by your authorities or in your names have shipped it at an appointed place, what needed he to have sent it from his own house to ship it at Durham House, a place well known to him prohibited, as all above the bridge are? My men under me appointed, I confess, took it as goods forfeited, and I think have informed of it. If not, if order may be taken for the discharge of them and me from the Exchequer, you shall command me and them in all things.—Mark Lane, 10 February, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (38. 28.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 12. Since the despatch of my last, bearing date the 27 January, here is arrived from the King of France a porte-manteau, who brought the ratification under the great seal of the agreements and treaty here made by the Duke of Buillon at his last being in these parts, whereat the States do the more rejoice because the King by his letter assureth them he will keep promise, and in no wise agree with the Spaniard, although divers labour it, but will be ready and do all endeavour to be first in field; encouraging them unto the like while the occasions are offered so fair, which his ambassador, Buzenvall, should open further to them : and he being now in France will stay his return or abide the time until the King send hither some other, or by pen do manifest the same further. In the mean while this message and dealing of the King's doth revive their declining hope with an encouragement to take matters in hand the more roundly so to bring the two Kings to blows and fasten their enmity with a resolution of revengement, heartily wishing that it might please her Majesty to join forces, and with joint advices to resolve the taking in hand of some great and especial enterprize. Monsieur Caron they have expected, and look for still, with devotion to understand by him what her Majesty's desire is, fearing much lest the troops should be drawn away again with Sir Fr. Vere towards summer, when they shall here most need them, and so to be unprovided : which they could wish to know in time to make their account accordingly, having therefore, of late, moved and asked Sir Fr. whether he knew not what they might trust unto, and if they might be sure of him and his regiment. To which he said, to be a subject and servant of Her Majesty's and consequently in duty to obey all her commandments : that whilst he had lived in these countries he had endeavoured himself to do them good service and continued still no less affected, so long as he should be here, yet with that dutiful respect to her Majesty and his own country that became him. And so the matter rested without reply, all staying (as I think) until Caron his arrival, to hear what he bringeth and can say of her Majesty's pleasure. The worst is that in the mean [time] (I doubt) they will not appoint any certain repartition of payment on the provinces, but will pay the regiment as hitherto out of the extraordinary, and that is uncertain and some hindrance to the soldiers and trouble to the captains to have a new soliciting monthly. There are also some amongst these men which in private communication have told me that, if they could make sure account of Sir Francis' stay, there would ere this have been some special charge committed to him, knowing his worth every ways whereof the country hath had trial, which I thought good to certify your Lordship of, because I know you favour the gentleman and hold a singular opinion of him, wishing his good and advancement.
They have resolved and appointed that he shall forthwith go into the Zutphen quarters to command over those garrisons and, seeing any time or means to attempt somewhat on the enemy, to draw out and employ the men thereto : to which end a great number shall be sent into those parts, and within a while, when the meeting of the States of Gelderland is, the Count Maurice will go thither and attempt some service (as I touched in my former) upon the enemy. The Cardinal lieth still in Bruxels, where there is a very great court, but can do nothing for want of means; the Spaniards refusing to stir out of the places they lie in unless they be satisfied. It is thought by those of best judgement here with us that if matters be well handled and followed against the King of Spain this summer he will be brought very low and put to a plunge, having too many irons at once in the fire to make good work of them.—From the Haeghe this 12th of February 1596.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (173. 42.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 12. Some time ago he invited a nephew who was at the Court of France to come and see him before returning to Italy. His nephew, however, in attempting to do so has been driven back to France by contrary winds and has now decided not to embark again. Hoped through him to have found some one who could do the Queen service in Spain, for he is an enemy of the Spaniards, and his brother is a prelate and a person of consideration in the court of Rome. Sends his letter to let Cecil see what kind of a man he is, and also to let him see what an Italian in Paris writes to him about one Rizza Casa, whom the writer knew in Germany. If what he writes about the Queen is only by conjecture of the stars it is of little moment, but if it has a better foundation nothing in a matter of such importance should be overlooked. Asks for these letters back to-morrow that he may answer them by a messenger who leaves the day after.—Saturday night.
Endorsed :—“12 Feb. 1596.”
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 43.)
Francis Cherry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 13. Vouchsafe the despatch of our so important suit, that this privy seal now to be obtained from her Majesty may give warrant that all our money due for cordage may be presently paid us; for else we shall not be able to proceed in providing the cordage bespoken, nor uphold our credit, strained to the uttermost by this long forbearance.—From London, 13 February 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (38. 29.)
Humfrey Founes, Mayor of Plymouth, Sir Ferd. Gorges, and William Stallenge, to the Privy Council.
1596-7, Feb. 13. This last day we received your letters of the third hereof, whereby we are commanded to send up the pipe boards and iron plates for hoops unto Mr. Quarles and Mr. Dorell, which we mean to do so soon as convenient shipping may be had. The rest of the goods shall be sold to the most value that can be made of them, which we think will not exceed the rates already set down, but rather less, by reason of another Biscayan ship brought in here of late with good store of the like commodities. Her Majesty's third part of the prize sent in by Captain Harper is sold according to the schedule we sent you; except the planks we valued at 18d. are sold for 2s. the plank. In the Biscayan ship we have placed English mariners and allow them for keeping her 14s. every week. Whereas we are commanded to send away the mariners of the said ship into France and to send up the Spaniards taken in her, it may please you there were brought home in the said prize 19 men and one boy, of which there is one Frenchman and 17 Biscayans all mariners. The other two were passengers, one a merchant and owner of the most part of the goods, and the other a boy that went for Seville to seek service. We pray further directions; as also what shall be done with the Spanish mariners sent home by Capt. Harper and Capt. Leggatt.—Plymouth, 13 February 1596.
Signed. Portion of seal. 1 p. (38. 30.)
John Ferne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 14. His letters of the 9th inst. were delivered to him the 13th at 8 in the night, with two several letters from the Council to Mr. Scudamore, collector of the loan in co. York, and Mr. Clopton, collector in the bishopric of Durham. Is informed they are now at London to make up their accounts, so returns the letters. Craves pardon for not in person attending him when at London in January; Cecil's sorrowful accident gave him just cause to deny all access of suitors for the time.—At York, 14 February, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (38. 31.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596-7, Feb. 14. I beseech you not to be displeased with the letters I wrote unto you in behalf of Sir Edmund Uvedale. He is my lieutenant governor and kinsman, and urged me to do so much as I did. But Sir John Shelton hath the company as fully as Sir Coniers Clifford had it with all consent from me; and in this as in everything else be assured I will very faithfully perform whatsoever I shall say unto you. And for writing to anybody else but unto you about the 50 men, I did refuse to do it, though I were much requested to. I give you very humble thanks for your favourable report of the last action of Turnholt, wherein it was my fortune to be. If you think I did deserve anything in it, I would it would make you think me the abler to do you service. The Queen hath in a letter of hers given me thanks for it, wherein I rejoice very much; but withal hath given me also a caveat of not venturing myself, considering the charge I have of this place. Truly, my lord, I will not idly hazard myself nor her men; but I must think it a hard fortune unto me if at those times that I know there is no danger of this town I may not go forth when I am sent for, somewhat to increase my experience and reputation. I see my lord Burrow, who is in equal charge with me, can be sent for many years many hundred miles off to the greatest commandment the Queen can give, and yet retain his government here. And if I may not be suffered for some few days to go abroad where in three days I shall ever be able to be at home again, I must think it is not the place but myself who am too near looked unto. If any mishap fall unto me her Majesty hath a great many more able to discharge this place; and I will never leave it but in such sort that no accident of mine shall do her Majesty any disservice.
Touching my leave her Majesty writes that after some short time is overblown (for so be the words of the letter) she will have care of my request; and in the said letter toucheth some practices upon this town which are known, she saith, unto her, in respect of which it seems she cannot dispense with my absence hence. But to me her Majesty doth leave them unknown, and in so doing it is all one almost where I be, if I may not know what to fear and how to prevent. If it cannot be attained I will lay it up among my other crosses; only I must complain that I am suffered to be eaten up with interests, and of mine own may not be allowed to deliver myself.
I shall be glad to hear the certainty of your sea journey because here we are blown up and down now with one report then with another. I will pray that both the setting forth and the return may be to your safety, honour and contentment; and, for myself, offer what I am unto you rather to employ my hands with you than mine ears to hear what you have done.—At Flushing, the 14th of February, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp: (38. 33.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596-7, Feb. 14. The letter to the ambassador is to contain only that if, to facilitate the repayments of the Queen's money, there is need of any private person, Tomasio Chauvini of Roano, bearer of the letter, is a fit person, and is to be furnished with particulars of the debt and with assistance. Will write to him to be careful to commence the practice as of himself without introduction from our Court. Asks for the letter before midday, because there is a messenger leaving. Desires to know whether the Duke of Bouillon and M. de Sancy are bound in their own names for the 20,000 crs. As for Rizza Casa, Cecil has not said whether he is to be invited to come or dissuaded—From my house, 14 Feb., 1596.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (173. 44.)