Cecil Papers: October 1597, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1597, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp411-433 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1597, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1899), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp411-433.

"Cecil Papers: October 1597, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1899), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol7/pp411-433.

October 1597, 1–15

Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 2. My wish to please your father and yourself has made me find out an honest way to pass over the difficulties alleged in my former letter. Sir Thomas [Cecil] and I have met and are perfectly reconciled. The love I bear to Lord Willoughby made me careful of him, and I wished we might all three have concurred at once in the resolution of friendship. But when I found that could not be done, after acquainting my Lord of my purpose, I delayed no longer, thinking that when I was reconciled to Sir Thomas Cecil, I could more easily meditate. Sir Thomas is very ready, but requires some ceremony, which I hope he will not stand upon, and I think a good conclusion will soon follow between them. They are now near neighbours, and have been friends. Their unkindness is grounded upon too weak a cause to take away such respects utterly. Perhaps your father might show some kindness to Lord Willoughby wherein he would greatly joy.—Apthorpe, 2 October, 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (55. 89.)
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 2. I, having received your letter by Mr. Shillingfleet, a Queen's messenger, delivered to Mr. J. Parker, keeper of the Gatehouse, Mr. Wright to be kept as commanded by the warrant, in the presence of Mr. Dr. Grant and Mr. Camden.—Westminster College, 2 October, 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (55. 90.)
John Huet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 2. Certificate that the sum of 241l. 8s. 9d. is due to Sir Henry Duke, knight, of Dublin, deceased, upon two accounts, for the pay of soldiers, &c., over and before all imprests; which sum is due to John Brise, of Dublin, in discharge of a debt of the said Sir Henry.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (55. 91.)
Michael Stanhope to Mr. Perceval.
1597, Oct. 2. I pray you let these things be kept with you till Mr. Counsellor's further pleasure be known, and if any be suitors for them I know his honour will deliver further as soon as he hath received from her Ma[jesty]. (1) the manor of Melbourne; (2) the Ramse Wood; (3) a meadow in Melbourne and Newton called the Deer Piece; (4) a cottage in Derby, now occupied by Richard Turner.
Addressed:—“To Mr. Persevall attending upon Mr. Secretary .”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 119.)
Proceedings at the Election of Members of Parliament for the county of York.
1597, Oct. 3. The manner and form of the election of the knights of the Shire for the next Parliament, made at the Castle of York in open county, holden there the third day of October in the 39th year of Her Majesty's reign.
Imprimis, that Sir John Savyle, knight, being sent for by a pursuivant the second day of October in the evening, before the L. Archbishop's grace and the Council established in the North parts, to give his attendance upon them the next day by 6 of the clock in the morning, for and about Her Majesty's service, the said Sir John repaired to the said L. Archbishop and Council accordingly, when and where it was agreed between them and the said Sir John Savyle, by the motion of the said Lord and Council, that the said election should be made and proceed in form following, viz., that the Sheriff at the hour appointed by the statute should in full county read as well her Majesty's writ for the summons of the Parliament, as also a proclamation made and set forth by the said L. Archbishop and Council, the effect whereof was that no person thither assembled, except he were a freeholder of forty shillings per annum above all charges and reprises, should presume to give voice in the said election.
Item, that after the reading of her Majesty's writ the undersheriff did read unto the whole assembly a letter written by the Lords and others of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council for the better direction of the said election. And after the reading of the same the said undersheriff was, by divers gent. and other freeholders then and there present, required to read the statutes touching the election of the knights of the shire for the Parliament, which he did openly read accordingly. And thereupon it was agreed by the said Sir John Savyle, Edward Stanhope, Esq., and the rest of the best sort of knights, esquires, and gent., being then and there in full county assembled, that certain names of such as would or should stand for the said election should be named and delivered in writing into the said Court, which was done accordingly, viz., John Savyle, knight, William Fairefax, knight, John Stanhope, knight, Richard Mawliverer, knight, and Thomas Hobby, knight.
Item, it was then and there agreed that five gent. of the best quality of either side, viz., for Sir John Savyle and Sir William Fairefax, William Wentworth of Woodhowse, Esq., Richard Gargrave, Esq., Thomas Wentworth of Eimsall, Esq., John Lacie, Esq., and Thomas Bland, Esq,; and for Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbye, Sir Robert Stappleton and Sir Henry Constable, knights, Richard Wortley, Esq., William Inglebee, Esq. and Marmaduke Grimstone, Esq., should be appointed to join with the undersheriff for a division of both parts to be made for a perfect view by them of the number of freeholders of either party. All which was effectuated accordingly.
Item, after full view had and taken by the said gentlemen for either of the said parties, it was by the said sheriff and all the said gent. agreed and confessed that the said people assembled and divided for Sir John Savyle and Sir Wiliam Fairfax's part were the greater number by many, and confessed by Mr. Wortley and the rest, which were appointed viewers of Sir John Stanhope's side and Sir Thomas Hobbie's, that they were more in number by 300 or 200 at the least. Whereupon some challenge or “acception” was taken by the said Mr. Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbye and others of that party, that all persons for Sir John Savyle and Sir William Fairefax their party were not freeholders of forty shillings per annum ultra repriss.; whereupon this offer was made by the said Sir John Savyle and Sir William Fairefax : that if the said Mr. Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby would appoint 16 or 20 of the best men of knowledge of the country, to take view of the freeholders then and there assembled, if any person there present could be excepted unto, that he should have an oath ministered unto him by the said undersheriff according to the statute in that case provided, to which offer the said undersheriff did then and there agree, and did publish the same to the said Mr. Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby and others of that party; yet did they refuse the same, and the said Sir Robert Stapleton and Mr. Wortley did shut the castle gates, and said they would have a particular examination man by man, which Mr. Undersheriff refused to do for lack of time convenient, by reason the day was so far spent and the number so exceeding great yet. He then offered and said that if any man would take exception to any person as he should go forth at the castle yard gate, that he would take him sworn according to the statute, which they likewise refused. And so shortly after Launcelote Lake, a bailiff of that county, did with the key open the great gate after Mr. Wortley had opened the lower or lesser gate; whereupon the said undersheriff did at the said castle gates, before the departure of any man, publish and declare that the election of the said Sir John Savyle and Sir William Fairefax was made. And so then it was by the said sheriff's direction appointed that three hours after, the said sheriff and electors should meet at the said Castle in open county for the sealing of the indentures between the said sheriff and the said electors, according to the statute in that case provided. At which time (for the sealing of the said indentures) so agreed upon, the said undersheriff and electors did meet at the said Castle, and then and there in open county by proclamation did publish, in formal and peaceable manner, that the election aforesaid was made and performed for the said Sir John Savyle and Sir William Fairefax to be knights of and for the said shire or county of York for the next Parliament. And thereupon were the said indentures openly read, and then and there sealed accordingly by the said sheriff, and divers the electors aforesaid. And then the Court was adjourned by Mr. Undersheriff.
The matter[s] herein-before expressed and set down are to be proved and justified by these persons whose names are hereunder written, and will upon their oaths (if need require) testify and depose the same :—Rich. Gargrave, Willm. Wentworthe, R. Beeston, Micha. Wentworth, Ro. Kaye, Jo. Lacey, Audray Coplay, Tho. Wentworthe, J. Jacksonn, Tho. Bland, and John Armytage.
3 pp. (141. 190.)
1597, Oct. 3. Certified copy of a petition to be brought before the Privy Council, being “A declaration of the manner of proceeding at the election for the Knights of the shire of the county of York the day and year aforesaid in the castle yard of the same county (delivered by the gentlemen whose names are subscribed) to her Majesty's Council; being sent by the Lord Archbishop to the Castle of York upon complaint of some disorder there committed in the election of the Knights of the shire, and which the said gent. do desire may be by his lordship and the said council certified to the Lords of her Majesty's Privy Council .”
On the evening of Sunday the 2nd of October, the undersheriff came to the Archbishop and Council with a message from Sir John Savile, asking that he might adjourn his county court to be holden the day following from the York Castle yard to a place called Heworthe Moor because the number that Sir John brought with him were so great that the Castle yard would not hold half of them, which if true his number would have amounted to 10,000 at the least. On the 3rd, the County day, about 8 o'clock, the writ of summons for electing the Knights being read, and Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbey and Sir John Savile being first nominated, Sir John Savile caused the sheriff to read certain statutes to all the freeholders, purporting that none should be chosen to that place but such as were resident in the county at the teste of the writ, and thereupon Sir John Savile took upon him, forthwith rising, to propound unto the people, “Will you have a Malleverer or a Fayrefax?” meaning to make Knights at his will, as is thought, or otherwise by several nominations to distract the voices of freeholders from others before named. After which the cries and voices of the people continued confused and divers by the space of two hours and more, for Sir John Stanhope, Sir Thomas Hobbey, Sir John Saville and Sir William Fayrefax : but for some good space after the first cries the number for Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbey seemed to be more in show than the other by 6 or 700. Afterwards the greater number seemed doubtful, and it was agreed that some indifferent gent. should be assigned to make trial of the same and to discern and distinguish the companies and voices of each part, first by view and then by trial of the polls for their freehold or residency, viz.: for and on the part of Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbey, Sir Robert Stapleton, Sir Henry Constable, Knts., Richard Wortley, Robert Swift, Marmaduke Grimston, William Ingleby, Hugh Bethell, Esquires; and on the part of Sir John Saville, William Wentworth of Woodhouse, Richard Gargrave, Averie Copley, John Lacye, Robert Keye, Thomas Blande, and Raffe Beiston, Esquires. Whereupon the companies on each part being severed and divided, the undersheriff with the said gent. went up into a chamber where they might reasonably see or discern the companies and reasonably esteem of the great number of persons, with the result that they did esteem those that stood on the hillside for Sir William Fairfax and Sir John Savile (being next to the gate) to be more in number than the side for Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobbey by about 200 persons, but the said gent. did then think that there were on that side in number, citizens and inhabitants of York, women and children and other strangers not having lawful voices, to the number of 500 or 600. Whereupon it was further agreed by the undersheriff and the gentlemen triers that the companies should be further examined by polls upon their corporal oaths. The undersheriff and the gentlemen triers then proceeded to the gate, and the sheriff went thither and took paper with him, and the gentlemen sticks to take the number of them by scotches or marks, it being thereupon agreed that the company of Sir John Savile being nearest the gate should first be tried. The gentlemen and the undersheriff being come to the gate, it was agreed that the gate should be shut and no more let in on any side; then that two of the gentlemen triers on either side should note or nick every score, and that all should be sworn and examined against whom any exceptions should be taken, and the undersheriff and his man John Perrington, and Nicholas Hall, clerk of the county, were all there for that purpose; and Mr. Wortley did take a knife and stick to nick on the scores on the one side. Thereupon the undersheriff commanded the people back from out of the gatestead. Presently thereupon came Sir John Savile on horseback and called the undersheriff and demanded what he was about. He told him, to proceed to trial by poll according to agreement and law. He replied, “Though they would make you an ass they shall not make me a fool,” and said he would no such trial, he would hold that he had, and after other more words commanded the gate to be opened. The undersheriff replying that it might not be so for he must do that the law requireth and which was agreed upon, reply was made by him, “Open the door or break it open,” and himself pressed forward, and thereupon Sir Robert Stapleton and other gentlemen at the gate shifted themselves away as well as they could. But he and his company pressed on so forward that Sir Henry Constable and Mr. Mansfield were endangered of their lives, and then also the undersheriff went out with Sir John Saville without staying to proceed, whereby we knew not whether they accounted of any election made, which if it had been was not spoken of but for the first. After which, by the space of two hours or more, the Knights, esquires, gent. and freeholders on the part of Sir John Stanhope continued in the castle hall and yard expecting the return of the sheriff, to the end he should proceed to made trial of the polls upon oath as aforesaid, and sent for him, but he would not be found, being with Sir John Savile at dinner, till Sir John Saville and Sir William Fairfax returned together with the undersheriff who, first making proclamation of silence, immediately and without any further proceeding did pronounce Sir John Savile and Sir William Fairfax to be the Knights lawfully elected, which thing was denied by the other part of Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby; the rather that howsoever the trial had gone for the first, the second place should come for a second nomination and voices. But notwithstanding all that, he read the indenture of the return of the said Knights and adjourned the court.
The petition is signed by Edward Talbot, Robert Stapleton, Henry Constable, Richard Wortley, Robert Swifte, Heughe Bethell, Tho. Lascelles, Jo. Mansfield, Fra. Clifford, Tho. Fayrefaxe, Ed. Stanhope, Philip Constable, Marmaduke Grimston, Henry Cholmley, Jo. Mallorye, Ralphe Bubthorpe.
Dated, 3 October, 1597.
3 pp. (139. 74–5.)
Yorkshire Election.
1597, [Oct. 3.] The reasons used by the gentlemen of Yorkshire to prove that the election of Sir John Savile is unlawful and unorderly.
1 p. (139. 76.)
1597, Oct. 3. Provisions remaining at Cobham, Lowell and St. Mary's.
3 pp. (145. 189.)
Thomas Humphrey.
1597, Oct. 3. Petition to the Queen for a lease in reversion on certain terms, for his services.—Undated.
Note by Sir Julius Caesar that the Queen grants the petition.—3 Oct. 1597.
½ p. (741.)
Thomas Reynoldes and William Turner, Bailiffs of Colchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 4. We received your letters requesting the nomination of one of our burgesses in the parliament, which we would willingly have moved the election of the town unto. But election of the burgesses was passed and return made to the sheriff before our bailiwick, and therefore we can do nothing.—Colchester, 4 October 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (55. 92.)
The Justices of the Peace of Yorkshire to Sir John Stanhope.
1597, Oct. 5. The love, that the gentlemen of this country bear to you, brought us with eighty-six knights, justices and esquires and many more gentlemen and freeholders, numbering about 3,000, to choose you at the election to be our first knight of the Shire. But Sir John Savill, a little before the election, instigated by the Earl of Shrewsbury's followers in this county, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, opposed himself to you, and drew over Sir William Fairfax on the morning of the election to stand for the other place, although only the night before he had promised you his vote and interest. On the day of election Sir John Savill came with only eight other gentlemen of any reckoning, but with a great number of clothiers and artificers, among them above three hundred that had no freehold and many more that had not even copyhold; but refused to take the trial agreed upon and appointed by law, that the under-sheriff with six or seven of us of either side should swear the electors for their freehold, and number which side was the greater. For, when the sheriff and we were entering upon this at the gate, Sir John Savill, accompanied with a great troop of his followers, came to the gate and said he would abide no such trial. He then burst out of the gate, throwing over divers gentlemen with his followers, and took the undersheriff with him to his lodging (it is clear that the two were in agreement). Sir William Fairfax followed him out of the gate aloof; and the sheriff and they agreed to make an indenture and return them two as elected. Two hours later the sheriff came with the two knights to the castle to declare them lawfully chosen. Against this we protested, knowing that in the number of freeholders we were three hundred more than they, and probably more. Moreover we count this an indignity to you and a disgrace not only to us, whose names were in the note sent to you to stand, but also to those who, being absent from sickness or age, sent their heirs and officers with their assent and their freeholders, as did Sir William Mallory, Sir Christofer Hildyard, old Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir John Dawnay, and Sir Richard Mallyyerer; and also to the noblemen of the shire, the Earl of Cumberland, Lord Scrope and Lord Darcy, who likewise sent up their freeholders to vote for you and then for Sir Thomas Hobby. And therefore we beg you to solicit the Queen and the Lords that we may not by violence and practice have our free election taken from us, but that there may be a new election, when we doubt not to carry both of you by above 300 votes. We have also requested the council here to lay our complaints before the Lords; and may add that Sir John Savill would cry to the people, “Fie, fie, you shame your country to choose strangers, turn to us,” and told your brother of this council, that his pied horse nor no devices could carry it to you, nor to never a Stanhope in England from him, with other abuses.—York, 5 October, 1597.
Signed by Edward Talbot, Richard Mydylton, Francis Clifford, Thomas Fairfax, Mar. Grimeston, Richard Wortley, Philip Constable, R. Swyft, William Hyldyard, John Mallory, John Redmayne, Hugh Bethell, Henry Jenkins, Thomas Preston, Thomas Wombewell.
Addressed :—“To the right honourable their very good friend Sir John Stanhope, knight, Treasurer of her Majesty's chamber, and Master of all her Highness' posts, at the Court .”
2 pp. (55. 94.)
Matthew [Hutton], Archbishop of York, John [Thornburgh], Bishop of Limerick, Charles Hales, and John Ferne to the Privy Council.
1597, Oct. 5. Some time after the notification of the meeting of parliament received in this country on the 8th of September last, as no gentleman of this country seemed to wish to be elected, Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Posthumus Hobby were nominated for the two seats. About that time Sir John Savill, being then at York, was asked by me the Archbishop, if he desired to stand for either of the places. He answered that he did not, and in that mind he continued until about 14 days before the county day, being the 3rd of October. On the 2nd of October many gentlemen of honour, knights and squires, and Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby came to York, and the chief of them repaired to us to show their respect for the Queen's authority, and to arrange for the peaceable conduct of the election. The same night Sir John Savill came to York with a few gentlemen, and a great multitude of clothiers, woolmen, and other freeholders of the West Riding; whereupon we, fearing disorder, caused a proclamation to be made that all persons during the election should behave peaceably; and we enforced the same orally on all the gentlemen who visited us. We also sent for Sir John Savill to advise him of the same, who answered that if it was on the Queen's business he would come, but otherwise desired to be forborne. On the morning, being come before us, and then advised by us, he answered, “Is this the Queen's business?”, and said he knew his duty, and was as near the Queen as some of us. The circumstances of the election we cannot speak of as eye witnesses, but we inclose a copy of certain articles of complaint presented to us, and certain examinations, from which it appears that the supporters of Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby did obey our instructions, and that had they been as willing to take offence as Sir John Savill and his party were to give it, there would have been great hurt and outrage done. We are much grieved that Sir John Savill should think to prefer himself and others in this way, and still more that he should express publicly against Sir John Stanhope, born in this country, Custos Rotulorum of the North Riding, and a large landowner, that he is uncapable to election. We are also aware that the undersheriff, in spite of our express warning, has “dealt very affectionately against Sir John Stanhope and Sir Thomas Hobby .”—York. 5 October, 1597.
Endorsed :—“The Lord Archbishop and Council of York to your Lordships.” Signed. 2 pp. (55. 95.)
Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, to the Privy Council.
1597, Oct. 5. This night there are escaped two prisoners out of the Tower, viz., John Arden and John Garret. Their escape was made very little before day, for on going to Arden's chamber in the morning, I found the ink in his pen very fresh. The manner of their escape was thus. The gaoler, one Bonner, conveyed Garret into Arden's chamber when he brought up the keys, and out of Arden's chamber by a long rope tied over the ditch to a post they slid down upon the Tower wharf. This Bonner is also gone this morning at the opening of the gates. Mr. Beling, the attendant in the council chamber, is his brother and assured me of his honesty. One Chambers, a gaoler at my coming, finding him negligent in his office and knowing Anies (whom he kept) to be a dangerous prisoner, after the recovery of my sickness I displaced. But not having time to discern the condition of this Bonner, being generally commended, I let him continue. I have sent hue and cry to. Gravesend, and to the Mayor of London for a search to be made in London and all the liberties.—The Tower, 5 Oct. 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (55. 96.)
Sir Thomas Hobby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 5. Whereas there has been some wrong offered unto Sir John Stanhope and myself by the insolency of Sir John Savill, the particulars of which have been already certified to you, I would ask for a condnuance of your former favour to me in this matter; only craving your letter of thanks to Mr. Edward Talbot to be published in the West Riding, and to Mr. Francis Clifford to be published in the East Riding, and to the Archbishop and the rest of the Council.—York, 5 Oct., 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (55. 97.)
Mons. Villeroy to Mons. de la Fontaine.
1597, Oct. 5/15. Le Roy a esté constraint de changer de dessein. Il avoit delibéré d'assieger et prendre ceste place de Dourlens s'y estant acheminé a ceste fin, mais Dieu ne l'a pas voulu. Car il a tant pleu despuis que nous sommes icy, et pleut tant encores, que force nous est de nous retirer et mettre a couvert, car nous perdons tous noz gens de maladies, et par desbandement, et si nous ne pouvons rien faire, et est fort a craindre nous y opiniastrant que nous y fussions batus, ayant comme nous avons l'armée de nostre ennemy tousjours sur pied, bien que diminuée, a sept lieues de nous. Partant sa Majesté a esté forcée de ceder au mauvais temps, et qui pourroit contredire et resister a ceste puissance celeste et souveraine? Sa Majesté logera dedans ses places ses gens de guerre, et croy que nostre ennemy s'il n'a aultant de besoin de repos que nous, n'en a pas moindre envie, de sorte que j'estime que nous ne nous ferons pas grand mal. Le reste de ceste année sa Majesté envoie les Anglois à St. Valery au Crotoy et a Montreuil. Elle renforce aussy grandement la garnison de Bouloigne et des aultres places de la frontiere, car elle y loge quasi toute son armée, et s'en va a Paris, en deliberation de s'acheminer bien tost en Bretaigne pour fairesentir ses armées à Monsr. de Mercure (qui a jusques a present abusé de sa bonté) comme elle a faict aux aultres. De Paris sa Majesté despeschera quelqu'un devers la Roine, tant pour la remercier du service et de l'assistance qu'elle a receu de ses gens que pour luy rendre conte par le menu, et au vray de tout ce qui se passe tant pour la guerre que pour la paix, et de ses deliberations : resolue (comme elle a tousjours esté) de ne rien conclurre en l'une et en l'aultre sans l'en advertir et luy rendre le respect qui luy est deu. Cependant nous pourrons voir Monsr. Edmondes, qu'on nous a dit estre en chemin, et n'avons veu icy personne qui se soit presenté de la part de la Royne, pour traicter avec le Roy ny luy parler d'affaire, car il eust esté receu comme l'honneur qui est deu a la dicte Dame le merite. Nostre general de Cordelier continue a poursuivre sa pointe, mais il ne s'y fera rien que la Royne n'en soit advertie, et ne nous en ait mandé son advis. Je vous envoye un extraict d'une lettre que nous avons receue de Renes. Ceste nouvelle nous a esté encores confirmée par aultre voye, dont nous avons fait part a noz voisins, affin qu'ilz sachent que l'armée de la Royne n'a esté inutile comme ilz publioyent non plus que les aultres. Nous en attendions la certitude de vostre costé, et jouirons cependant de la douceur du dict advis, et si nous allons en Bretaigne (comme je voy le Roy tout resolu) nous vous en advertirons plus particulierement par celuy qui vous sera envoyé. Cependant il sera à propos que vous faiez entendre à la Royne la deliberation de sa Majesté affin qu'il luy plaise nous en mander son advis. Et si vous oyez parler de trefves ou d'accord de ce costé-la, n'en croyez que ce que je vous en manderay non plus que du reste, et tenez pour certain que je ne vous tromperay pas.—Du Camp de Beauval le 15lesme d'Octobre, 1597.
Endorsed by Essex's secretary : “Copy of Mr. Villeroy's letter to Mr. De la Fontaine.”
pp. (56. 22.)
Francis Gell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 6. Men must hold me unfortunate that after suing so long for a third reversion of a clerkship of the Privy Seal, I am now commanded by you to proceed no further therein, your honour being minded to effect the same for Mr. Reynolds, secretary to the Earl of Essex. Yet I may give some reasons why he should prefer the place in the Signet. First, that place requires a knowledge of languages, and he knows both English and French; it is also more esteemed, and more valuable; the clerks of the Signet often obtain some suit of the Queen, the clerks of the Privy Seal seldom; no reversions are granted of the clerkships of the Signet; there are already two of the Privy Seal. For 14 years I have sued for this and received promises and encouragement from Mr. Secretary Walsingham, the Earl of Essex, Mr. Windebank, your honourable father and yourself. About a year since I understood that you agreed that Lord Cobham should undertake this suit for me, and that on his father's death he recommended the same to Mr. Dr. Caesar to put it before the Queen as a thing already granted. Mr. Reynolds should consider that I have all this year kept off all other competitors, and that I have told to him as a friend my proceedings, my suit, and my means. Yet I will willingly and readily obey your pleasure. For your offer to obtain for me a reversion of a clerkship of the Signet I am very grateful; yet I fear, that the Queen will not consent to this, for which there is no precedent in any time save that of Mr. Clyff, especially as I am untravelled and unlanguaged. Yet have I good cause to embrace your offer, knowing your kindness to me and your power to effect the same.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Gaule to my Master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (55. 98.)
William Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 6. The liking I hope you have for me and the love you bare to my noble cousin your late wife emboldens me to make my suit to you. While my master the Earl of Leicester lived I spent more money [among] these citizens than I got by following his lordship, which indeed was nothing or nearly so. But his untimely death cut off him and my reward with him; yet I do not repent my time spent with so worthy a gentleman. Among the strict citizens of London I owe some two hundred pounds. Sir, my will and my wrath hold no friendly correspondence, therefore I cannot so soon pay them as I would; and I fear if I go in their streets, they will tie me up in their monastery in Wood Street, wherefore I must needs entreat you to write to the sheriffs of London that their catchpolls molest me not for six months, within which time I will take order to pay them their due. Nor will I use your protection to cheat them of it, or to get more into debt, or to run out of England.—London, 6 Oct. 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (55. 99.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 6. Yesterday, when we sent away the prisoner, I forgot to deliver the three books I mentioned to you, found by Mr. Throgmorton in Shalton, the prisoner's house, in the county of Buckingham; but now this my footman hath brought them up. Upon Harcourt's farther speech with Mr. Throgmorton (who I entreated to go to Shire to see if more might be gotten from him upon his sending up) he gave him some farther understanding that there should be in a box in his house, fearing he had before found it, a pamphlet written to Sir Christopher Hatton at his being at the Spa. He went again thither, he found it, and that is sent to my lord your father.—From Quarington the 6th October.
[P.S.] Sir, the bruits abroad make me most desirous to hear what is truly known of that noble gentleman the Earl of Essex.
Holograph. ½ p. (56. 78.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 6. This evening this French pamphlet was brought me out of France; it is in the justification of the Duke of Bouillon, who is much blamed for the war made on the frontiers of Hainault and Artois, which is suggested hath been the cause of the war in Picardy, the loss of Dourlens and Amiens, though Amiens be lately recovered, yet to the great charge of the King and the realm. I am likewise advertised that the King is retired to Paris, constrained to leave the siege of Dourlens, which he pretended in respect of the foul weather. The most part of his army is dispersed in towns and villages about Amiens; our English forces are put into Montreuil and thereabouts, which the King doth hope to carry with him into Brittany, for thither he is now determined to go in person. Since the last advertisements Villeroy hath been with the Cardinal. Nothing is agreed upon in respect the Cardinal would have Duke Mercury comprised in the treaty, which the King doth utterly refuse and will in no sort hearken unto it. The Legate is now gone to the Cardinal to reconcile these controversies, who, it seems, affecteth the peace greatly. The King doth mind to send presently M. De Frenes, who heretofore hath been here, to acquaint her Majesty with what hath passed, and defers all determinations to his return. Challenye, who lately was with her Majesty from those of the Religion assembled at Chateaulrault, his true name the King hath discovered, who besides his general mislike for their sending unto her Majesty, makes a particular challenge unto him, being one whom the King is pleased to say he greatly esteemed of and extraordinarily respected him : whose name is truly St. Germain, a gentleman of good account, and hath his dwelling and estate not far from Rochelle.
The commissioners lately come from those of the Religion to the King, who for a time were in hope to have their request yielded unto, suddenly are broken off, they greatly discontented gone from the Court; the King much amazed, and would help it if he could : at this instant he is more jealous of them than of his openest enemy. If that happen which is to be feared it will breed great alteration in the estate of France. Those of the Religion intend to follow the course of the States of the Low Countries and to govern themselves after their manner, which is to possess themselves of as many towns as they can, to detain the revenue of those provinces which they command, to banish all Catholics out of their towns and provinces, and to send, out of all parts of France, or in other places, for all those that be of the Religion, and will bestow on them the goods and houses of those Catholics whom they have banished. This amongst them is determined except the King give better satisfaction, which is not hoped for. That hath happened lately which is likely to forward their determination. Chatelraut, the place of their assembly, doth appertain to the Duke de Mayenne by the right of his wife : this Duke hath oftentimes moved the King to give him possession of this place as his right. The King hath assured him if he could he would willingly give him possession, but he saw it was not in his power. Then farther he moved the King that if by any practice he could possess himself neither the King would mislike of it. The King assured him that what course soever he took to get it, either by surprise or otherwise, he would wink at it and wish him good success. This surprise the Duke de Mayenne hath taken in hand, not so secretly carried but it was discovered, the practisers apprehended and executed. By good means I am advertised of all this which I have written; I pray you, Sir, find time to impart it to her Majesty.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 6th of 8-ber.
Holograph. 2 pp. (56. 33.)
George Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 7. I have sent the parties lately sent over by the Mayor of Rochelle, and with them a boy apprehended at the same time. I have willed William Norrys of Dartmouth, who brought them over to England, to attend you, and purpose also to attend you myself.—Exeter 7 Oct. 1597.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Carew of Cockington.”
Holograph. (55. 100.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct 7. I perceive by your letter of the second that you have dealt with my Lord Admiral who has ordered Mr. Quarreles to pay for the victuals supplied by me. I have received a letter from Sir John Gilbert requiring me to send money for 7 days' victuals to Dartmouth, and have refused to do so, seeing not reason why I should be troubled therewith. There is no certain news of the fleet since Mr. Osborne's coming. Two days ago a Flemish ship was brought unto this port by a bark of Fowey running from St. Lucar with salt, ginger, and other merchandizes. The Fleming was kept out in the sound, and is now carried—as is thought—to Fowey. Whether she is a prize or not, her cargo will soon be dispersed, and little left to satisfy complaints. It would be well if the chief officers of every port were ordered to detain doubtful prizes until due process can be made.
Francis Deazuvedo wishes much to know what shall be done with him, and has written herewith. He is still in my house, but I would willingly place him elsewhere; for I have no convenient place for him.—Plymouth, 7 Oct. 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (55. 101.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 7. This morning arrived two Dutch ships from our fleet, one of them the admiral of the ships of war, who left the Lord General, with Sir Walter Ralegh and the rest, in good health about 20 days past near the islands of Flores and Corva. They had met with none of the Spanish fleet, and believed them to be still in Ferrol. They intend to remain at the islands until the 28th and then return to England. The Carricks from the East Indies were arrived at Lisbon, and it was supposed that the West India fleet would not touch at the Islands, but go straight to Spain.—Plymouth, 7 Oct. 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (55. 102.)
John Trelawny, Mayor of Plymouth, and his Brethren to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1597, Oct. 8. Here arrived yesterday from the fleet the Queen's pinnace “Moon,” captain Edward Wychelborne, with sick men, for whom we have given help, and requiring victuals for the rest of his crew. For a small portion we will willingly supply him, trusting to be repaid; but more we are not able to do. But we would ask that a general order may be given to some here to supply this company and others as they may arrive.—Plymouth, Oct. 8, 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (55. 103.)
The Dean and Chapter of Exeter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 8. We regret that our former answer has not satisfied the Queen or you. Yet it is clear that bonds are not a sufficient caution, and these will not prevent our livings being sequestered, if the money be not paid, as has happened at Bristol. As for Mr. Locke's assign, he that was last under my Lord B. refuses to deal under him, and we therefore pray to be allowed to keep the collection in our own hands, without granting a patent of collectorship to anyone.—The Chapterhouse, in Exeter. 8 Oct. 1597.
No Signatures. ½ p. (55. 104.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 8. I do send herewith unto you two letters, the one from the Bishop of Durham, whereby he requires to understand her Majesty's pleasure, either for his coming up to the Parliament or to stay there for the perfecting of their border service; wherein I pray you to understand her Majesty's pleasure, mine own opinion being that he may do her Majesty better service by his stay there, while this business were past, then he can by his attendance at the Parliament. And therefore if her Majesty shall like of his stay there, her own letters of dispensation would be written and forthwith sent to him; and the like would be to the Lord Eure, who although he be desirous to come up, yet as the time and occasion fall out, it were much better in mine opinion that he stay there, and therein you are also to understand her Majesty's pleasure, and thereof to give knowledge to the Lord Eure, with like letters from her Majesty of dispensation. So save you well.—From my house in the Strand. 8 Oct, 1597.
P.S.—When you have procured her Majesty's letters, I pray you to send them to me, that I may send them by post, and likewise to return to me these two letters.
Signed. 1 p. (55. 105.)
Henry Cuffe to [? Edward Reynolds.]
1597, Oct. 9. The public avisi of these parts are at this present very few and of small importance. From Rome we hear weekly of the Pope's extraordinary pains (forsooth) in looking to the weight of bread, in visiting the churches, in weeping and praying devoutly for that peace betwixt the two great monarchs which neither himself (simple though he be) nor any other prince in Italy doth much desire. From Hungary, of a tedious siege about Javorine, joined with notable disorder and want of discipline in the Christian army. From Savoy, of divers encounters betwixt Ladiguere and the Duke's forces, wherein the Duke hath ever the worse. But these things serve only for entertaining of time : especially with this jealous prince, who hath his eyes wholly bent towards the actions of England and France; the success whereof will undoubtedly govern him from time to time. I need not tell you that his declaring himself some years past for France against Spain was not in show only but real ενδια Θετος, for his brother Don Piedro (who hath given evident proof that if haply this man die during the minority of the children, he will usurp on this state either in whole or in part) finding every day in Spain more and more favour with that King, who hath the very keys of Tuscany in his hands to give him entrance at the best opportunity, he cannot but fear and hate him in the highest degree. Notwithstanding, those late losses in Picardy and our forsaking of “Caliz” the last year have much affected him, and caused him likewise to alter his outward course of proceeding. Of the French he said openly that if they attended principally on their pleasures and their enemies on business, the event of things might easily be foreseen; of us likewise (and that in the hearing of some English) that they had very much to answer who were authors of our abandoning that place. Hereupon he hath of late endeavoured to give the Spaniard far greater satisfaction than in former times, often and earnestly protesting his zeal and affection towards . . . so much that the King's ambassadors resiant in Rome urged the Florentine agent that if his M . . . so affected as he made show, he should really join with him (as his brother D. Francis did before) and assist him against France and other enemies of that crown. This year he sent the Spaniard a ship laden with powder, pretending to sell it; but men think it was a gift. At this time he hath given order for the making of a great quantity of rich tissue with the arms of Spain to present the young prince withal. His holding likewise of that isle and fort against the Duke of Guise and those of “Marsiles” doth greatly increase this opinion in the common sort. And some here have noised that the King of Spain and he are upon terms of agreement to exchange it for “Port Hercole,” but others who are better acquired with the Duke's intentions are of opinion that this his vexing and bridling of Marseilles is not without good intelligence between the French King and himself. For the Marsilians, though in courtesy they have been contented to acknowledge the King their master, yet pretending ancient privileges, they would never receive either governor or garrison of his appointing. Now by this hard dealing of the Duke's it is thought that they will be forced within short time to yield themselves absolutely into the King's hands. This opinion I think hath reason; and therefore I doubt not but notwithstanding these late shows of difference, yet betwixt him and France matters are as heretofore. Her Majesty he accounts the only opposite likely in short time to break the proud spirits of the Spaniard, and to force him to equal conditions . . . . . . ff . . . . peace. This he well hoped (as his principal secretary Cavalier Vinto reports) should have been by holding Caliz; now that being left he would gladly that some attempt were made upon the Havanna, and to this purpose (as I understand by very good means) he discourseth very often and earnestly. In any case he desireth that we had footing in the King's dominions, for without that he thinks we may annoy his subjects but shall never impeach his purposes. And for the effecting hereof (if his secretary may be believed) he will not shirk to contribute very largely.
Thus have you the effects of that little which during these few days' abode in this town I have observed. Touching myself in particular I can only say thus much; my first coming (which was at the end of September) being signified by Mr. Guicciardin to the Grand Duke, he sent me a kind message, promising all possible favours, and willed him, if I were desirous, to bring me to him. I returned answer to Mr. Guicciardin, that if it pleased his highness to use my service in sending any thing into England I would presently give attendance; otherwise if it were but to kiss his hand, I would, if he thought fit, expect some time when I might acquaint him with some matter of consequence from home. I am appointed to repair to his secretary Cav. Vinto, as I shall have occasion. My little knowledge in the Greek tongue hath stood me in very good stead. For one day in a bookseller's shop by occasion of Demetrius Phalereus, which lay thereupon, I fell in talk with a gentleman of this town, one Marcello Adriani, son to John Baptista Adriani, who wrote the story. What he reported to others, I know not. But the next day two of the chief of our Academia Crusca sent unto me, and I am now admitted to be a disciple of that blessed corporation; and to make up the number a friar, confessor to the Duchess, and of very great reckoning here, desired to speak with me, and in conclusion we are grown to very strict acquaintance. If I gain nothing else yet I hope by this means I shall the better conceal my principal design, which I see I am the more carefully to do, as well in regard of the Duke's jealousy, as also for the folly of some of our nation, who have in divers places reported me to be my Lord's secretary. At his Lordship's coming home (whose safe and honourable return I do infinitely desire) I hope you will take order that I may be furnished with occasions of moment, otherwise I shall hardly draw from the Secretary anything of importance; and to send weekly the news of the Osteria (as a Cavalier of ours is said to do to Mr. Bacon) I hold it more than folly. And in the mean time I pray you heartily bestow a little time in finding me whatsoever you think fit to be imparted.—The 9th of October.
Yours, ολοκληρως.
Signed with an initial.
Endorsed :—“Cuffe. 8 Oct. 1597 at Florence.”
1 large p. (55. 106.)
Amyas Cottell to Lady Ralegh.
1597, Oct. 10. At Dartmouth this very day arrived a ship of Poole, captain Nathanael Harrison, direct from the fleet, with letters from my Lord Warden to Mr. Secretary. I heard from him that my Lord Warden was in excellent good health, had with his little fleet taken Fayal before the coming of the Lord General, and that the fire kindled between them by the separation was much appeased, if not extinguished. On the day Captain Harrison left, last Saturday fortnight, they all made for St. Michael's, having taken several of the smaller Isles.—Dartmouth, 10th Oct., near night.
P.S.—As the messenger is negligent in the delivery of my Lord's letter, I have sent them to you by your ancient servant Robin Sheerman.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (55. 108.)
The Lord High Admiral (Howard) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 10. Being over the water as far as Twickenham and going to Hampton place with my Lord Sheffield and my Lord Chamberlain to see your hawks fly, your footman came unto me with your letter and my lord your father's. After I had read your letter on horseback I gave them the slip and came back. Her Majesty was on the green side, I went to her and delivered my lord your father's letter. I have made her Majesty's answer to him with a caution of pardon, for by the Lord I am not able to express in writing those gracious words and the manner she willed me to write to him, but I trust you will use your friendly excuses for me, and that when you come to her Majesty's presence to amend my gross writing to your father with those good and wise conceits that you are full enough of. Her Majesty laughed well and so did I at my lord's term of her slender servant; but what she said in her favour to you I will keep till you come, to have some talk with you. Well, father and son are blessed of God, for her love to you, and the Lord continue it to the end, and that wheresoever I become I may never hear the contrary. [P.S.] Her Majesty giveth you many thanks that you letted my lord your father from coming.—The Court, past five.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (56. 4.) See Ellis's Original Letters.
3rd Series, Letter ccccxliv.
Lord Keeper Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil, Principal Secretary and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
1597, Oct. 10. This proceeding in Yorkshire, as it is certified, hath been tumultuous and unlawful and the contempt very meet to be punished; but for the manner of proceeding I would willingly confer with my lord Treasurer and you if you so think good, for which purpose I will attend my lord in the afternoon if he shall be so pleased, For Lancashire I think you have resolved upon the best course. If upon conference with Mr. Attorney of the Duchy and Mr. Hesketh I shall find anything meet to be done, I will acquaint you with it. When you send the writ I pray you let the messenger call upon me, that I may trouble him with a private letter to my brother Brereton.—At York House, 10 October 1597.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (56. 5.)
W. Kyrkham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 10. Upon Probye's unjust information I have been committed to the Gatehouse, and all my goods and living have been extended, leaving nothing to maintain me or my poor wife, to whom your Honour would never have given those hard speeches you did had my innocency been known to you. I am worse off than when first I had a grant from Her Majesty by three thousand pounds. I have a plan for my country's good. Whensoever it may be please your Honour to send for me I will plot out the whole form thereof. I send this by Mr. Eden.—From the Gatehouse at Westminster, the xth of October 1597.
Holograph. 1¾ pp. (175. 114.)
Sir Edmund Uvedale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 11. In regard I have been long sick at Flushing it hath pleased Sir Robert Sidney, both for the recovery of my health and following of some business I have, to give me leave to come into England, and I am now arrived at London and would this day have come to have done my duty to you and brought Sir Robert Sidney's letter, which I have sent enclosed, but that an ague which takes me every day hath brought me so weak as I am not able to attend you.—St. Clement's, 11 October, 1597.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (56. 6.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil, his master.
1597, Oct. 11. Mr. Maynard prayeth you to send away his letter to Mr. Meredith before your coming to London.—From your honour's house, this present 11 October 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (56. 7.)
The Privy Council to the Archbishop and Council of York.
1597, Oct. 11. We have perceived by your letters bearing date the — of September in what contemptuous sort Sir John Savyll, knight, hath carried himself towards your lordship and that Council, when in your discreet admonitions you did only seek to prevent any outrages likely to happen at such meeting of multitudes, especially for such like occasions. For this his undutiful behaviour towards you and that Council we have found it convenient to require you in her Majesty's name to send for him immediately, and upon your charging him with his offence to commit him to prison, thereby to notify to the world, that howsoever her Majesty's meaning nor any of ours is to mislike any man to use that freedom for his election which the law doth warrant and discretion requireth, yet where her Majesty hath established authority in such a nature as yourself and that Council have by her royal power, she will not suffer any such precedent of contempt to go unpunished, for warning others in like case. And for the other point, in his behaving himself at the time of the election by forcing the sheriff contrary to order and using outrageous words and manner, as is informed by these principal gentlemen, that being a matter de facto and further inquirable, and to be proved upon hearing, we do suspend to give any further censure of the same until further trial; the matter being such and so disorderly carried as if it be found true it deserves punishment in another kind. But because we have not therein heard him, we do leave it till we shall understand by your lordship that he is punished there for example's sake, and that done, we do wish you to deliver him some such space before the Parliament begins as if the sheriff do return him he may not be absent at the beginning of the sessions. Wherein this further we think good to move you, to call the under-sheriff and admonish him to be well advised in doing nothing contrary to the law, for that we mean that it shall be further examined, seeing so many of the principal gentlemen do testify so notorious abuses. Otherwise if he do his duty we have no meaning to trouble the election any way. And thus, desirous to hear by the next post how you have proceeded, we commit you to God.
Endorsed :—“11 Octobor 1597. Minute of the Council's letters to the lord Archbishop and Council of York, concerning Sir George (sic) Savyll.”
Holograph by Cecil. 2 pp. (56. 8.)
William Roe to the Lord Admiral.
1597, Oct. 11. One William Loccoram, my brother-in-law, is lately come from Lisbon unto me, whose confession I have taken, the tenour whereof is as followeth. Loccoram is of Lyme Regis, in Dorset, mariner, and coming homeward in a ship of Colchester from the Islands of “Surreys” which was laden with “oade,” and being pilot of her, the 10th of May in 1596 near the Lizard was taken by a man of war of the King of Spain, and carried thence to St. Anderoes in Biscay, and there committed to the galleys wherein he was kept eight months, and after sent to Lisbon and there imprisoned, and about six weeks past, having the aid of a Portugale, did go into a ship of St. Malos where they arrived the 2nd of this October, and from thence had passage to Plymouth, and came from thence the 9th of this October to Dartmouth. Loccoram reporteth that in the beginning of August last 30 sail of ships were laden at Lisbon with victuals, and 30 more at Seville and St. Lucas were laden with victuals for the Spanish fleet which lay at Ferrol, and were sent from thence, and that our English navy is and was greatly looked for at Lisbon. And at that time there were 16 or 17 thousand soldiers there kept in garrison expecting the coming of the English navy, which were sent to Ferrol to serve in the Spanish navy. And on Sunday last was seven weeks there was at Lisbon a general muster, and that about 10 or 12 thousand of Portugale soldiers re-delivered up their armour again, and no speeches used of the English navy. He saith that at Ferrol there is 26 or 27 thousand of soldiers to serve in the Spanish fleet, and all report is there that they are bound and fully intend to arrive either at Milford Haven or at Falmouth. Also he saith that at Lisbon there were lately 16 sail of Spanish ships, 4 argosies, and 70 sail of hulks and flyboats which are but small, and that there were but 8 good Spanish ships, and that 70 galleys are gathered together, some at Seville, the rest at St. Mary Port, Lisbon, and Ferrol, pretending all to come to England, and that at Ferrol are 100 sail of ships one with the other, and in September last a straight command was given from the King and Council of Spain unto the admiral of the Spanish navy that he with the navy should be in full readiness by the fine of the same month to depart from Ferrol and to go speedily for England, and to arrive either at Milford or Falmouth, which place the wind best served them, and that the King after that day would not be at further charge. Also he saith that about ten days before his coming from Lisbon four great carricks arrived from the East Indies at Lisbon richly laden. As yesterday in Dartmouth haven arrived the Castle of London, whereof the company reporteth of truth that Sir Walter Ralegh with his company hath taken and sacked Fyall, both town and fort, with loss of 200 men; and after, the whole navy coming together are gone for the Isles of St. Michael, which are distant from Fyall 42 leagues, and of no great force. And for verifying of the premisses before by Loccoram told me he hath here subscribed his name.
I have sent you three several sorts of tobacco, and if you like of either of them or all, of which you like best, I will send it as speedily as I may; and if I might receive some order from you to the post of Exeter for the speedy transporting of your letters, I would send more oftener than I do. There is arrived within this sennight two prizes, the one taken by the Handmaid of Dartmouth, laden with Mulvedro wines, alum and almonds, and the other taken by a ship of Hampton, laden with Farnando buck and Indies hides.—Dartmouth, 11 October, 1597.
Signed : “William Roe, mariscall.”
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (56. 9.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 11. This day here arrived a man of St. John de Luce whose name is Martin Orgarsabal, who reporteth that eleven days since being in Bayonne in Galesey [Galicia], there came a Spanish soldier from Ferrol, whose news was that their fleet, consisting of 120 sail great and small, were gone from thence to the Groyne where they remain all ready to set sail; but whither to go no man knoweth. Some report to seek our fleet, some for Ireland, others for England. In the fleet there is many land soldiers, but what number he likewise knoweth not. They have made great provision of lime that they carry with them; also he reporteth that they have many horses and oxen with them. The cause, as the soldier reporteth, why they come into the Groyne was for that they could not get out of Ferrol with a southerly wind. How true this is or what likelihood it hath I refer unto your wisdom and better knowledge, knowing that you know it is better not to say what they will do, but what they may do, and to prevent what is possible rather than to leave it at “had I wist.” Pardon me, I beseech you; my meaning is good and my heart's prayer is that all may be well.—From the fort by Plymouth, 11 October, 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (56. 10.)
Anne, Lady Arundel to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 11. Having understood this day, good Mr. Secretary, that you are made Chancellor of the Duchy [of Lancaster] by her Majesty's gracious favour, by occasion whereof you have a house more convenient than before, I would willingly become a suitor to you that, with your favour, I might now be restored to mine own. The reason is that where you promised to free the other house that I should have from all encumbrance, I am given to understand that Mr. Edward Devreux will not resign his private lodging, which to me that live a widow and unwilling to converse with any stranger whom I do not know, is a very great encumbrance. I was desirous, in respect of your necessity, to have pleasured you for a while with that house, which is all that I have, and the rather because it seemed more convenient for the service of the Queen's Majesty. But since the other house that is incident to your office may serve as well in all respects I am the more bold to desire the enjoying of my own, for which I shall think myself as much beholden to you as before you thought yourself to me for tendering your ease; hoping that you will not take in evil part my earnest request for that house which as things fall out you may better spare now than I, and that you will bear with my evil writing caused by my evil head, and a great deal worse by watching with my poor boy lately tormented with the stone in dangerous extremity.—This 11th of October.
Holograph. Signed :—“Anne Arundell.” 1 p. (56. 15.)
Robert Lord Rich to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 12. Give me leave in my lord of Essex's absence to presume of your good favour as heretofore. I am informed by my servants that in my absence my Lord Mayor of London hath made complaint unto my lords of the Council against certain tenants of mine in my liberty of St. Bartholomew's for building upon my own ground in such sort as the laws permit me, and is free for every common subject, us upon just information shall be shewed you. My suit is that you will defer the hearing of that cause till I may myself answer it, and that my poor tenants may be discharged their further attendance, seeing I shall be able to answer the matter at what time my lords shall direct me.—From Bellhouse, 12 October, 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (56. 11.)
Sir Thomas Lucy and W. Combe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 12. In accordance with her Majesty's commandment that we should send for one John Smith of Stratford-upon-Avon, a tenant to Sir George Carew, who soweth “oade” of Sir George his inheritance, contrary to her Majesty's commandment, and upon examination of the cause to take such order as shall be convenient; we did send for him, who confesseth his sowing of “oade,” and justifieth the same by a licence granted by two of her Majesty's guard, and would not be persuaded to forbear to sow “oade” there, by us, choosing rather to be found to answer the same before you, promising to satisfy you therein. Wherefore we did bind him to appear before you accordingly.—From Warwick, 12 October, 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (56. 12.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil, his master.
1597, Oct 12. Reminding him of a letter to which he had sent no reply.—From your house 12 October 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (56. 13.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 12. The town of Romney hath bestowed on me the nomination of one of their burgesses, which I bestow on you, praying you to send me his name that you do give it unto, that I may make certificate thereof to the town. Sir Henry Palmer is gone down to Dover, I have written unto my lieutenant for the delivery unto him [of] the governor of Dunkirk as my lord Admiral and you have commanded me. F. la Fontaine came yesterday from the Queen greatly discontented as he conceives the Queen disdaineth his employment to her from the [French] King; and he assureth me oftentimes she did repeat unto him the scorn that the King offered unto her in not having an Ambassador resident here. The poor man is much perplexed and will procure his discharge with as much speed as he may. I think you have the proclamation which the Emperor hath proclaimed in all Germany forbidding absolutely the trade of Englishmen, and that they are within certain days to avoid the country, both they and their goods. If you have it not it deserveth your sight; acquaint me and I will send it unto you. Such fruits as my garden of Cobham yields I send you; if you like of them you shall have more. We call them melacotons (?).—From my house in the Blackfriars, 12 October, 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (56. 14.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 13. I have received yours of the 11th of this October by Sir Edward Hobby touching a suit by him moved to her Majesty for the forfeiture of the transportation of iron, a trade not long used but very lately, and more lately by us her Majesty's officers observed; and by us fully pretended to acquaint my Lord Treasurer therewith, but now prevented by your letters. Yet upon our very late observation we have not suffered them to pass but upon bands to the Queen's Majesty not to transport the same to any the King of Spain's dominions; but in truth do now find by the statute, upon receipt of your letters, the same to be utterly forbidden to be transported out of the realm : and therefore a matter that her Majesty may grant without any prejudice to any other her customs, and a matter that myself and other officers think very fit to be by her Majesty new restrained. But what value the same may grow unto for this year and a half passed we can not so readily deliver, for that our books are delivered up into the Exchequer; and, therefore, if your pleasure be to have it the same, will ask sometime to peruse over the merchants' several bills of entries, where perchance he shall find some strangers and gone, and some not in the realm, or decayed, and do verily think the same will prove little worth unto him.—London, the 13th of October 1597.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (56. 16.)
Sir Edward Fitton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 14. Although my lady desired me not to write, yet I hold it my part to signify you that upon my lady's perusal of my letters from you and your kind cares she acknowledgeth this as a most kindness and taketh as one of your wonted favours, and therefore hath sent this bearer of purpose to alter her other resolution; which not knowing of any better or other counsel she was forced to embrace. Her ladyship, by her sickness at Knowsley, and not taking the air but thus suddenly, hath taken some cold, which enforced her to keep chamber. But I hope to have her here shortly where she shall rest during her pleasure.—From my poor house Ganford, this 14th of October 1597. [P.S.] What house you best please to appoint for my lady and least trouble to you she hath directed this bearer to furnish for her.
Holograph. 1 p. (56. 18.)
William Purevey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 14. I have sent you my Barbary falcon which I understood from Flint you desire to have. I cannot commend her to you because I never saw her fly; hearing she proved upward I wrote to your servant Booles at Theobalds to present her to you, thinking her fitter for your pleasure than mine own. I am now a very joyful man that I shall spend my time in serving under you; it is the greatest comfort hath in my lifetime befallen me.—Higham Ferrers, 14 October.
Holograph. 1 p. (56. 19.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 14. I beseech you not to blame me if I be desirous to strike while the iron is hot, the rather for that by your means you shall, I hope, “enhappy” me, who this 19 years before yourself can say that but of yourself I have been void of any friend. It may please you that your letter to Mr. Attorney may contain, that whereas I have been an humble suitor to her Majesty for the forfeiture of iron transported, whether (1) there be such a forfeiture or no by the law of 28 Edward 3; (2) any information may be made by me in the Queen's name except she first give it under her broad seal : (3) any information already made by any in that kind. Any licence to his knowledge granted to any other, other than the 'ordonance,' which is not meant. (4) If her Majesty must not necessarily grant it before the Parliament, or it will be pardoned : (5) Whether it be a forfeiture already or no, to her Majesty's Exchequer due. For the unfitness of the transportation you are already satisfied yesternight. I am tedious, but by this tediousness you shall make me ever serviceable. I will tarry in town to effect this. If your conveniency may be, I beseech this bearer may bring back your letter to me. It may please you to mention that you had first sent me for my credit sake.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (56. 20.)
William Chaderton, Bishop of Lincoln, to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1597, Oct, 15. By my late letters I acquainted you with my long and grievous sickness, with my weakness and danger, by reason whereof I am not able to travel the space of a mile, all my body and bones are so bruised and broken. I desired your Grace to signify my estate unto her Majesty and to procure her pardon to be absent from the Parliament, from the which the Lord God of heaven hath already given me an exemption as Mr. Archdeacon of Lincoln, my chaplain Mr. Parker (in whose behalf I render thanks for your favour in obtaining the benefice of Tempsford) and others who have visited me in my sickness can report. I have sent your Grace my proxy by this bearer, referring the use thereof to your wisdom, and shall heartily pray that good and godly laws may be established, and duly executed, for better no law than no execution. Beseeching to remember my request in the end of my former letters in behalf of my wife and daughter (for it is the last I am like to make unto you) if occasion so require.—Halliwell, this 15th of October, 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (56. 21.)
The Queen's Records.
1597, Oct. 15. Estimate for making certain presses and shelves in three rooms under the Banqueting House at Whitehall in such form as Mr. Dr. James and Mr. Lake have appointed, for the bestowing of her Majesty's records, and for the making of a ground floor which is wanting in one of the rooms : which will cost by estimation, stuff and workmanship, 25l.
p. (56. 24.)
William Shafleyn, Deputy Bailiff, John Wendover, William Bellchamber, and others of Stockbridge, to Sir R. Cecil.
1597, Oct. 15. Having received the 14th of October your request unto us for the nominating of the burgesses of our borough in the Parliament House, these may be to let you understand that the first of September last we received a letter from Lord Sandes for the nominating of Mr. Myles Sandes to be one of our burgesses for our borough, in our conceit a very sufficient man for the place, whereunto we agreed. Also his lordship writing that we should have good regard for the choice of the other with the consent of the Duchy Court, we made stay for the choice of the other till the 1st of this present October; and not hearing anything from the said Court made election of one Markes Styward, Esq., a justice of the peace for this county, to be the other : and the bailiff of our borough delivered his indenture according to the statute the 4th of October, wherein we hope you will not be displeased with us, being very sorry that at this time we cannot pleasure you. But hereafter you shall not only request but shall command anything which we may do.—Stockbridge, 15 October 1597.
Two seals. 1 p. (56. 25.)
William Skynner to Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 15. The jewels of the States reposed in one of the Tellers' offices, remain as a dead gage for a sum of 20,000l. issued out the Receipt in the time of Mr. Davison's service in the Low Countries; whereof an inventory remaineth with my lord [Burghley], and it is like some double thereof with Mr. Davison.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (56. 26.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Oct. 15. I have received your letters of the 14th of this month, containing six questions.
(1.) There is such a forfeiture to the Queen by 28 Ed. 3. c. 5. as in your first question is mentioned.
(2.) There can be no information made by him but in the Queen's name, unless she grant it him under the great seal.
(3.) I do not remember any information made by any heretofore upon that statute.
(4.) Since I served her Majesty there was not any grant made of the penalty of that statute, nor any licence made to dispense therewith. What was done before my time, I know not.
(5.) If it be not granted before the Parliament, all offences past shall be pardoned but not offences to come.
(6.) I have not known nor read to my remembrance any information upon that statute in any court.
Two things are to be considered, (1) An possit; (2) An conveniat. (For the 2) I refer to you.
I have examined Mr. Harcourt, and I think his late servant's accusation, after he was charged with felony and denied to be holpen towards his delivery by his master, is not in all points true. If it were, yet can he not be touched therefor. There is but singularis testis and the law requireth two at least.
Within a day or two I shall be provided to satisfy you concerning Michelotte's case.—At the Temple, this 15 of Oct. 1597.
Endorsed :—“Concerning Sir Edward Hobbie's suit.” 1 p. (175. 115.)