Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson, Captain, 206, 361.

Jak, Andrew, 496.

James, Dr., 117, 195, 197.

Janissaries, 4.

Jaques, —, lieutenant-colonel to Sir William Stanley, 420.

Jarnet, —, 413.

Jarningam, Mr., 198.

Java (Giava), king of, 129.

Jaxao, in Portugal, 316.

Jayna, Jeronimo, 308.

Jeames (Jeams, Jeanes) :

D., 444.

William, 317, 367.

Jefferson, Nicholas, 177.

Jeffreys (Jeffrys) :

Frances, wife of John, 267.

Thomas, 183, 184, 188, 209, 236.

Jegon, Dr. John, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 446.

— letters from, 472, 478.

Jellingham water, 390.

Jenison (Jennyson, Jenyson, Jeneson) :

auditor, 356, 555.

Ralph (Rayf), mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 286, 339, 447.

Thomas, 412, 413.

W., 447.

Jenney, Edmund, 136, 487, 503.

— letter from, 245.

Jennings, —, of Dunmow, 561.

Jermyn, Sir Robert, letter from, 556.

Jerriss, Mr., 358.

Jersey, Isle of, 76, 452, 479 ter.

letters dated from, 116, 267, 479.

bailiff and lieutenant of. See Poulett, G.

governor of. See Poulett, Sir Anthony.

the new fort in, 267.

Jesuits (and Seminaries), 79, 100, 225, 423, 431, 460, 463, 486, 500, 573.

a note of all such as are in the prisons in the city of London, etc., 311–313.

Jobson, Simon, 463.

Johnson :

—, a priest, 431.

—, the widow of, 273.

Dr., 136, 142.

Mr., justice of the peace in Ripon, 252.

Richard, 220.

Johnston, of Twysel, 179.

Johnstone (Johnstoune) :

the laird of, 9, 220.

Edward, 540.

Thomas, 299.

Jolles, John, 501.

Jones :

Captain Ellys, 206.

Mr., 368.

Mr., the Lord Keeper's man, 559.

W., letter from, 244.

Jourdayne, Richard, mayor of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 293, 314.

Joyeuse (Joyosa), duke of, 57, 82, 383, 415, 462, 472, 521.

Juanes. See Yuañes.

Juliers (Giulick), 78.

(Gullycke), countess of, 485.

Justice in oyer on this side Trent, fee of, 304.

Justices of assize of the west, 547.


Kavans, the, 262.

Keeper, Lord, 68, 101, 104, 153, 207, 214, 301, 311, 335, 399, 402, 422, 426, 427, 445, 533, 546, 547, 559 bis.

— letter from, 98. See also Egerton, Sir Thomas.

Keling (Kelinge), William, 71.

Kells, in Ireland, 544.

Kelsterne, John, letter from, 37.

Kemish (Kemyshe), Captain, 256, 559.

Kemp, —, 431.

Kempton, Mr., 427.

Kennedy (Kennedie) :

Hugh, 274.

William, 303.

Kennell, Mr., 116.

Kenneth, Mr., 539.

Kent, 177, 206, 449, 551.

the camp in, 34.

captains and ordinary retinue of the forts in, 216.

lord lieutenant of. See Cobham, Lord.

lord lieutenant of, warrant to, for the levy of men in, 419.

receiver of, 216.

trained bands of, 419.

Kent :

earl of, 31, 365.

Susan, countess of, letter from, 365.

Keppes, John, 223.

Key, Thomas, 137.

Keylway (Kilway), Thomas, letter from, 559.

— his aunt Horsey, 560.

Keynell, Christopher, letter from, 294.

Kilburn (Kylbourne), co. Midd., letter dated at, 419.

Kilconnell, in Ireland, 543, 544.

Kildare, Frances, countess of, letter from, 213.

Kilkenny, 539.

letter dated at, 262.

county of, 542 bis.

Killigrew (Kellegrewe, Kyllygrewe) :

Sir Henry, 388.

Sir H., letter from, 335.

William, 164, 255, 264, 265, 281, 282, 322, 329, 340, 341.

— letters from, 326, 327 bis, 343.

— letter to, 333.

Kilmainham, in Ireland, letters dated at, 186, 231, 299, 352.

Kilvington, co. York, 141.

King, —, 292.

King's Bench, the. See Queen's Bench.

King's Lynn, Lynn, or Lynn Regis, 273.

letters dated at, 272, 273, 377.

burgesses of, letter from, 272.

ustomer of. See Owen, John.

mayor of. See Howe, Thomas.

officers of the port of, letter from, 377.

ship supplied for the Queen's service by the port of, 272, 273.

Kingsmill (Kingsmell, Kyngsmyll) :

Captain, 544.

Captain Francis, 558.

Richard, surveyor of the Court of Wards, letter from, 398.

Kingston upon Hull. See Hull.

Kippling, Nicholas, 187.

Knaresborough, forest of, 167.

Knighton, Mr., 96.

Knockfergus, in Ireland, 545.

Knollys :

Sir Thomas, 544, 570.

— letters from, 186, 204.

Sir William, 377, 475, 570.

— letters from, 287, 453.

Knott, —, 560.

Knowles (Knowlis) :

Sir Francis, 149.

Henry, letter from, 295.

Sir Thomas, 135.

W., 562.

Knyvett (Knevytt) :

Sir Henry, 506, 507, 560.

Sir Harry, letters from, 208, 291, 404.

Königsberg (Connickesberghe), 350.

Krix, Ægidius, herald of the Empire, 240.

Kyffin, Maurice, petition of, 569.

Kylbourne. See Kilburn.

Kyllygrew. See Killigrew.

Kyngsmyll. See Kingsmill.

Kynmouth, Will, 84, 85.