Cecil Papers: February 1596, 16-29

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1596, 16-29', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp58-77 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1596, 16-29', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp58-77.

"Cecil Papers: February 1596, 16-29". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp58-77.

February 1596, 16–29

John Ryster, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 16. Being required to furnish from this port one good ship to attend her Majesty's royal navy, the Lords of the Council are well pleased that towards the charge thereof the members of this port and such other places as did contribute in 1588, or which now shall be particularly mentioned by letters from the Lord Admiral, shall concur with us. And whereas we have truly advertised his lordship that the members are of small ability and unwilling to be contributors, supposing the charge of this service doth not concern them, and that the city of York, the only place which did contribute with us in that year, are now willing to join with us in the proportion they then did; we have made humble suit that the three great and rich clothing towns and places belonging, viz, Halifax, and the vicarage, Wakefield, Leeds, and their several parishes, may be drawn into this charge. We pray your help and favour towards this our suit, for that our mariners being now restrained and divers of them to be employed about this service, whose wives and children are in case deeply to charge this poor town if themselves should miscarry in the same, that the said towns and parishes may be appointed to join with us in this charge, for that they are many ways relieved by this port, as by uttering their cloth to a great proportion, and so have their oils, wood, mather, 'brasill,' alum and such like helps for their trade brought in by the shipping of this place and upon their own provisions and adventure; and consequently divers of them are not only clothiers but merchants, to the great hindrance of the merchant here and at York. So we humbly pray you that, for the maintenance of the navigation of this poor town, her Majesty's service being furnished, some of our shipping may be licensed to go to sea, otherwise the merchants will and do freight strangers, to the great discomfort of the mariners and the decay of the shipping in this place, which in our simple opinions in time would be foreseen. Also we pray some order for the levying of such sums as are particularly taxed upon certain persons within the compass of this charge, whereof some have absented themselves, and others we find untoward in satisfying the same; and that such commission as shall be directed for that purpose may be as well to this bearer, Mr. Dodsworth, who hath given us good assistance in this action, as to ourselves or the magistrates of York.—Kingston upon Hull, the 16th February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (171. 98.)
Thomas Longton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 16. As to the suit of Francis Orrell against Margaret Farrington, petitioner's wife, and various cross suits, with respect to houses and lands in Lancashire belonging to his wife.—16 Feb. 1595.
1 p.
Signor Bassadona's Accounts.
1595/6, Feb. 17. 1. There is coming unto Sr Bassadour (sic) for victuals, when she was taken to serve the 17 February 1595, for beef, beer, salt, a cable broken at Calais and an anchor lost [amount not stated]. By Anthony Potts.
2. There has been delivered to me Anthony Potts, for the use of the ship called the Experience, these parcels following, since the 17 February 1595. For timber planks and workmanship, as by the carpenters doth appear; to the smith as by his bill doth appear; three cables, small ropes, bolts of 'Kanwis' brimston, 'rossell, peche and teare,' oars and anchor.
3. [The same as par. 1, but with values.] For 6800 of beef at 18s. the 100, 61l. 4s.; 8 tonnels of beer 23l. 4s.; for salt and cask 7l. 10s.; money disbursed for the victuals of the men 12l. Total, 103l. 18s.
4. [The same as par. 2.] For three great cables, weight seven thousand, one quarter, 19lbs. of which one was lost at Calais, left the weight 4700 at 15s. the 100, 30l. 5s.; 2000 small ropes at 15s. the 100, 15l.; 6 pieces of canvas, 9l.; one hundred and a quarter of brimstone, 10l. 18s.; eight hundred of resin, 2l. 16s.; eight barrels of pitch, 2l. 14s.; a barrel of tar 18s.; twelve oars 1l. 10s. In ready money 45l. An anchor lost at Calais—Total, 113l. 1s.
Endorsed :—“Sr Bassadona's Accounts.”
4 pp. (30. 66.)
Robert Bowes to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 17. This day I came to Berwick in great weakness and pain in my body, purposing nevertheless to enter into Scotland, with God's grace, and to hasten my repair to Edinburgh with the best expedition I can, whereof I shall more certainly and within a few days advertise you. I have received from the Lord Ewrie the notes for demand as well of redresses for the attempts done in the Middle Marches of England by the lairds of Buccleuch, Cessford and other Scottishmen, as also for timely order and resolution to be procured of the King of Scots and his Council in such questionable causes as the Lord Ewrie hath commended to my negotiation, whereof, of my proceedings and success, your lordship and the Lord Ewrie shall be timely informed.
By letters received this day from George Nicolson, my servant, at Edinburgh, I understand that the Provost of Edinburgh and Mr. David Lindsay, ready to have been employed and sent in embassage to Her Majesty by the King, are stayed, and that Mr. David Fowles shall come forwards, both with the report of matters and practices discovered by the King, and also to remain there for the King's Ambassador lieger. Mr. David, as I am informed, hearing of mine approach, doth hasten his departure, as it is looked he shall be entered into journey before mine access to Edinburgh; yet if my health shall serve me, I shall prevent his haste herein. It is thought that the four councillors lately promoted by the Queen shall attain and enjoy the chief offices. Mr. Thomas Hamilton, one of these new councillors, hath compounded with Mr. David Macgill, the King's advocate, and now possesseth that office. Mr. James Elphinstone, another of the councillors, is deemed to be Secretary, and that the office of Chancellor is likely to be given to the Prior of Pluscardyn or Mr. John Lindsay. Yet all these four councillors protest they will not seek these offices, wherein short time will discover their true intentions.
A stranger, lately arrived at Dundee, and suspected to be sent in evil practices, hath been apprehended and examined by the King and the Duke of Lennox. It is thought this examinate hath confessed and opened matters of importance, and which are yet kept secret, that they may be imported to her Majesty by the report of Mr. David Fowles. Three persons, crossing from Ireland, have entered into Scotland on the west, with pretence to confer with the Bishop of Argyle for the right translation of the Bible into the Irish tongue. They resorted to Dumbarton, and there embarked for Spain, as it is thought. It is thought they were sent thither by Tyrone, who is seeking, as some give out, to provide wives in Scotland for himself and for his son.—At Berwick, the 17th February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (30. 73.)
Francis Harvie to William Sterrelle.
1595/6, Feb. 17. Is sending by his “mede” to Flushing, a letter, that this morning came to his hands, for Sterrelle's man to carry with him.—The 17 February, 1595, in Middleburg.
Addressed : “To the worshippe Mr. William Sterrelle in London or at Court.”
Seal. Slip of paper. (30. 74.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 17. Because you told me that [you] would be tomorrow at the Court, I thought good to put you in mind of the perfecting of Sir Francis Vere's despatch, before you go; for he hath taken his leave of the Queen and shall be ready to sail the night tide tomorrow. I know her Majesty's letter of credit is despatched; there is also a draft of a letter to Mr. Bodley, which is to be signed by some of us, very well drawn. But the instructions for Sir Francis are not yet done, for anything I know, and to his relation all is referred. If it please you to communicate with me the minute of it, I will send you word whether I think any necessary circumstances be omitted; for though by speech he might be made conceive what is to be done and asked of them, yet he would be glad to have his errand in writing. And so, sorry to trouble you thus late, when I know you have enough to do otherwise, I rest your most affectionate friend.—This 17 of Feb.
Endorsed :—17 Feb. 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (30. 75.)
Sir Thomas Wilkes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 17. I am so extremely afflicted with a cold, that I am unfit for anything; howbeit, if the service be such as I must, notwithstanding, be used in it, I will hazard health, life and all to obey Her Majesty's and your commandment herein. Therefore if there be any necessity I will upon the least word attend you; otherwise, if I may be excused in regard to my present infirmity, I shall be greatly bounden to you.—At Rickmansworth, this 17th of Feb., 1595.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (30. 76.)
Henry Noel to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 17. His retrograde proceeding gives small comfort of success, but experience of his fortune that brings nothing easily to pass persuades him not to let go yet, though he holds but by a little. Since this that he undertakes is within the circuit of Cecil's employment, entreats his furtherance : his allowance shall be reason to proceed or desist. In the meantime craves his letter to the Dean and Chapter that they neither make nor confirm lease till the interest be determined.
Endorsed :—“17 February, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (171. 99.)
Examination of Diego Quixada.
1595/6, Feb. 17. Don Santio de Liva, Colonel General of Flanders, departed from the Groyne with 38 ships, and 4,000 men in them, the 7th of Feb.
The next day after they came out of harbour they had a storm at north-west, so as they had much ado to double Cape Prior, and so were severed till the 12th day, whenas there met 25 sail of them altogether thwart of Dartmouth, where, by the help of two patachoes which they had with them, they took a small English bark which they carried with them.
The best sailers of their fleet recovered Calais Road the 14th of Feb., the rest came in the 15th, and so landed their companies instantly, many of the ships putting themselves aground in the haven's mouth for want of water to fleet in, and some near by.
One great ship of 400 tons, called the Angel Gabriel, of Hamburgh, being the worst sailer, came last into the road, where this present day she was taken by the Holland fleet, with 200 soldiers in her, some of them being first slain in fight, of which prisoners one Alferes was sent aboard the Tremontana, who giveth these intelligences.
Those which are landed at Calais are presently to march to the Car[din]al, to what special purpose he knoweth not.
They brought money in the ships with them to pay the companies.
They were five weeks shipped before they came out of the Groyne, and had some sickness among them, where they left 40 sail of the King's ships and two companies of soldiers in the town, and 20 companies of Italians within three or four miles of the town, billeted in the country.
He thinketh the other three ships of their fleet, whom they saw not since they were at Cape Prior, are also in the haven at Calais, for that he was in the worst sailer.
Of this fleet 18 sail, being Hamburgers and East country ships, are to return to their own harbour. Seven flyboats, a Scottish ship, and two small patacheoes being the King's ships, he knoweth not whether they shall return to Spain or not.
They have no victuals at the Groyne. Their ships are not in any order to come to sea in a great time.
Of the 12,000 that came out for England in October, here are 4,000, and 2,000 dead, and 2,000 drowned; the rest are part sick, part run away, and on the country.—17 Feb., 1595.
2 pp. (204. 32.)
[Sir H. Unton] to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 18. Letter commencing, “The great joy conceived here for the reducing of Marseilles,” and ending, “From Coussy this day the 18th of February 1595.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, pp. 725 to 726.]
Endorsed : “Doble of my Lord Treasurer's letter.”
Unsigned. 2 pp. (171. 100.)
[Tobias Matthew,] Bishop of Durham to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 20. I have made as diligent inquiry as I possibly can of those priests that your lordship hath been informed to land at Stockton-on-Tees, in this county, and after I had used all the best secret means that I could otherwise, I sent for him that keepeth my house there, and for another that keepeth my boat there, for that lordship and ferry belong to this see, but cannot learn by either of them, or any other neighbour, of any such persons there landed or thereabout. And albeit, no doubt, such may sometimes have passage to and fro that place under such disguise as they are wont to use, yet I am drawn to believe they will less adventure themselves so near that town of mine, for that my men are, by my commandment, more curious and jealous to pry into and call in question such suspicious persons than, I think, any port or passage in the north parts, also for that since my coming into this country, I cannot find so much as any one that upon examination hath been found to have been landed there; whereas there is not one place upon that east coast, saving that, but hath yielded cause at least of greater suspicion, and some, as Hartlepool and Shields, have been carelessly governed in that behalf. Howbeit, for as much as Cleveland on the east side, and Richmondshire on the west, are exceedingly poisoned with Popish recusants, Stockton is more than apt enough to pass and convey such dangerous priests and Jesuits. He that is at Carleton, in Yorkshire, may be apprehended by Sir William Bellasis, or Sir John Dawny, if they will be careful of opportunity. The one that by all likelihood is at Robert Hodgeson's of Hebborne, I did lay a plot for, and if he were there, was in good hope to have taken him; but by certain warrants, now very lately sent into the Bishopric by Mr. Purefie and Mr. Ferne, two of Her Majesty's Council at York, about I wot not what passengers landed at Whitby, the matter hath been so unsecretly carried, I will not say indiscretely directed, but doubtless unfaithfully executed, as all this country over their purpose is discovered, and I, utterly to my grief, disappointed of that service I meant to do. Wherefore it might like you to require them of York to make the Bishop here privy to such their intentions from time to time, to prevent such 'scarring and scaling' of those fellows, which otherwise must needs unawares ensue, by unadvised crossing each of other's travails.
Nicholas Tempest, of Stella, where the priest is supposed to be, dwelleth at Newcastle with his wife, a famous, or infamous, recusant. They come seldom at Stella, yet sometimes they be there. He is a cunning, scoffing merchant, as [much] of a church papist as any in England, a man of a pestilent wit, and, in mine opinion, as dangerous a man as any the worst subject in these parts. If he could be touched to the quick, it were to great purpose, but nothing in Newcastle can prevail against him, being both in affinity and consanguinity with both factions there, and having very lately obtained, the more blameworthy, some to be free among them. That town is of great privilege and small trust in these aflairs, upon my word I am sorry and ashamed to say it, because it is umbilicus inter Tinam et Tesam, as one properly calleth it. It must be a special commission, and the commissioners not numbered but weighed, that there shall do good in the cause of religion. I speak by experience. The while, if the priest be not with Tempest at Stella, but in Newcastle, the corruption that soon will engender and increase would timely be prevented. But I know not how, without your lordship's care and special advice, besides authority to be ministered thereto. For as diocesan, I cannot reach to the height to enquire effectually into persons of that quality. The High Commission, the Papists say in corners, hath here no force, because none now resiant in the Bishopric but myself of the quorum. I am now not I, being in that Commission by the name of Tobie Matthew, Dean of Durham. My title altered the case, and I may not sit, as being Dean I did. Some lawyers whom I consulted think I may, because constat de persona, and a preferment doth not auferre sed potius addere. But some other think it not safe to proceed by that former commission, but suppose a new one were necessary, quia forma dat esse, et quia nomen, etsi non sit de substantia, tamen versatur circa substantiam. And so, quia peccandum in eam partem quœ est cautior, we have ever since Michaelmas forborne to convent any by the High Commission, looking when my lord Archbishop of York would renew it for the whole Province, whose case is there as mine is here. In the mean, mali proficiunt boni deficiunt, especially ever since the thunder of the Spanish intended invasion resoundeth in the ears of the people, which if it should proceed, how short we should be found of sufficiency to make head, or any way to resist the enemy, I am loth and afraid to utter, yet I could not but insinuate thus much to your lordship for some part of mine own discharge and zeal to the truth. Which heretofore I respited to do in honour of him that is gone before to God, a great nobleman of high authority, but over credulous, and consequently subject to sore abuse, as he or they shall find or feel, I pray God not too late, that shall succeed him in that charge of lieutenancy, who certainly would (sic) be a man that hath seen the wars, and that is and will be of more action than contemplation, not only being, but thought to be, not only religious but withal courageous. This I know seemeth more than becometh me to say, but necessity hath no law; it breaketh the bands both of discretion and modesty. But did your lordship see a letter or a libel, an honest admonition or a subtle project, that was lately sent me (which if your lordship require, I will venture to convey it, in hope your lordship will use it honourably and wisely, as you do all other things), all this and more would be the better borne. It toucheth myself deeply, my lord of Huntingdon, deceased, partly, my lord of Lumley and Mr. Watson, Her Majesty's chaplain, greatly, my good friend Sir William Bowes and some others spitefully, the whole state of this country and some places besides particularly, and all this in that degree, that albeit I think I might conceal it safely, yet I think it good to offer it thus bluntly to your lordship's requisition and direction. In the mean, I shall do what I can to find the lion by his paw, the writer by his hand.—At Bishop Auckland, 20 February, 1595.
P.S.—Sir John Forster hopeth shortly to hear of Her Majesty's further pleasure from your lordship, which he is very importune with me to procure him.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (30. 78.)
[William Day,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 20. I am sorry to understand by my cousin Ridley that my case standeth in such hard terms, that either yielding I must needs fall into utter discredit, or denying I must run not only into Her Majesty's displeasure, but also into great poverty, having not wherewith to maintain my family, being taken from my former living and not restored to my present state. So that now I live of the small store I had before, and of my borrowing of my friends, but my trust in Her Majesty will neither urge me to the one, neither deal with me otherwise of her merciful clemency in the other. If it please not Her Highness to grant me my restitution between this and Our Lady day, I shall be driven to greater straits for the maintenance of me and my family than my poor state will bear and were fit a man of that place Her Highness hath called me should be put unto. Surely I must then do that, being Bishop, that I thank God I was never driven unto, being Dean, that is, lessen my household and live at a very low rate. Wherefore, I beseech my good lord and yourself favouring to conceive of me, and as you two alone have brought me to the place I am in, so still aid me and assist, that I neither be an obloquy to the world for wasting my bishopric, neither by my denial in so just a matter be brought to extreme penury; which favour, unless you afford, I shall much repent that ever I was made bishop, and wish that I had rather ended my days in lower estate, with quietness, than now in my old age in higher place, with grief and vexation of mind. I send a perfect note herewith how my brother Wickham's debt hath and shall be discharged.—This 20 February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (30. 81.)
Encloses :
The debts of the late Bishop of Winchester.
The debt of the late Bishop of Winchester unto Her Majesty is 1,933l. 1s. ob. For the payment whereof he left these goods following, some part thereof already being paid into the Receipt, and the other to be paid upon good sureties, bound to Her Highness, whensoever it shall be called for.
22 Feb. 1594[/5]. Paid by Charles Hussey, Esq., Sheriff of Lincoln, by tally 28l. 13s. 0d.
15 July 1595. Paid by William Gardiner, Esq., Sheriff of Surrey, by tally 69l. 4s. 0d.
28 Oct. 1595. Paid by Nicholas Parker, Esq., Sheriff of Sussex 13l. 3s. 4d.
27 Nov. 1595. Paid into the Receipt by Henry Audley, Esq., Receiver of the County of Southampton 431l. 16s. 6d.
More to be paid by the said Mr. Audley, remaining of the rents and knowledge money due unto the Bishop by the tenants of Taunton, the sum of 200l., for 101l. thereof he hath bonds of the tenants in this Hilary term to be paid 200l. 0s. 0d.
There is to be paid by the Sheriffs of Lincoln and Leicester, upon extent of the lands of the Bishop of Lincoln, extended when Bishop Wickham was Bishop of Lincoln 138l. 0s. 0d.
The goods of the said Bishop at St. Mary Overayes in Surrey extend to the sum of 551l. 13s. 5d. and the goods of Hampshire extend to the sum of 222l. 17s. 1d., to be paid both upon good bond wheresoever they be called for by the Lord Treasurer or the Chancellor of the Exchequer 774l. 10s. 6d.
In debts due unto the Bishop, and by his deed assigned unto Her Majesty towards the satisfaction of her debt the 16 June in the 32nd of her reign, and by another assignment of the 4th of August the 34th of her reign, found by the Jury at the seizure by the Commissioners 492l. 19s. 10d.
The total of these goods of the Bishop is 2,149l. 17s. 2d.
which exceedeth the debt 218l. 16s. 1d. ob.
Beside of good debt unto the Bishop in pensions and procurations not received by him, but remaining due of divers persons, and parcel of the value of the Bishopric, to the sum at least of 400l. or 500l.
1 p. (30. 80.)
Philip Corsini to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 20/March 1. Informs him that ships of the Duke of Tuscany parted from Dantzig, Hamburg, and lastly from Holland, with her Majesty's passports. No ship has been arrested on the English coast except one, called The Fortune, at Plymouth, which was afterwards released, but 200 quarters [of wheat] were taken for the service of the place. Assures him he has not written to the Grand Duke that her Majesty has stopped or wished to stop other ships, as his prince could testify; moreover, he wrote on November 17 last that no ship would be stopped. Burghley had promised that the vessels should be released, and this had been quite contrary to expectation.—London, 1 March, 1596.
Signed. Italian. Seal. ¼ p. (38. 75.)
Same to Same.
1595/6, Feb. 20. Sends the certificate he desired in Italian, praying him to peruse the letter he this morning gave Mr. Windebank, in which her Majesty herself hath written to the Grand Duke she would retain the corn; as the Duke hereafter may certify the truth if need require.—London, 1 March, 1596.
Signed. ¼ p. (38. 76.)
Captain Ed. Wilton to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 21/Mar. 2. This is the third time that we have been in readiness to march to the surprise of Hedan, and as oft have been countermanded by reason of the enemy's intelligence. Little Gwin, a man sometimes noted in England for his strange escape out of the Spanish galleys, hath been employed by Mons. St. Luc in this affair. His and the general openness of the French hath without doubt been the cause why it was not effected. The King hath been long expected at Abbeville, but it is said he is now upon the way to Tours to finish the negotiation of Brittany with the Duke Mercure. He seeketh as much as he can to break the greatness of his governors by calling them out of their settled governments into places where neither their friends nor credits can do much. St. Luc is sent into Picardy, the Constable and (they say) Deguieres into Brittany (if Mercure compound not). The Marechal de Byron, with the Guise, shall make the war upon Savoy. Mons. de Maine hath no command but where the King is in person. The Prince Condy and Conty are both under tutors; the Count Soissons beset with spies. The Duke Montpensier upon good terms whilst he is opposite to this latter. The Count St. Pol is as the Prince Conty. And this is the course the King holdeth for the peace of France. For the war, many speak strangely touching the person of the King; they say they are without hope to see him ever any more armed in the field, so violent are his affections to his mistress. As for ourselves, we are thrust up into a miserable corner of France, where we understand little and do less, not having the commodity to eat for money, and yet a hand carried over us as if the pays of England were correspondent to the rates of France. I have no other means to live but by holding this poor company; I beseech you if there be any purpose to recall us out of France, be a means to place me in some of the garrisons. I hear there are captains of the Brill that desire to quit their garrison to follow my lord Burgh into Ireland : by your means I think I might easily have place there.—“Cratoy,” 2 March, 1596, stilo novo.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (38. 82.)
Cavalier Pietro Duodo, Venetian Ambassador at Paris, to the English Ambassador there.
1595/6, Feb. 12/March 2. Would have written sooner, according to his promise, but has been prostrated by fever ever since his arrival in Paris. Is glad of the King's success at Marseilles and hopes that province will soon be peaceful and obedient. The duke of Savoy announces that he has concluded peace with the King and retains Saluzzo on payment of 500,000 ducats, and that there is a difficulty about Geneva. Secret couriers have been passing to Milan, Naples, and Sicily; the cause is thought to be the health of the King of Spain. The Pope has been long ill of the gout. The Cardinal of Florence is likely to come hither as legate. News of the Turk, the Persian, the Waywode, and the succession of Poland. They write from Prague that an Englishman has left there on a mission to treat of peace between the Queen of England and the King of Spain. Begs favour for Giovanni Basadonna in his suit to the Queen.—Paris, 2 March, 1596.
Italian. Copy. 2 pp. (38. 81.)
Antony Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 22. I hear that you are informed by one Mytton, who is a stranger to me, of sundry offences committed in my office; his author therein is one Hewett of Hull, my ancient enemy, and one who of record is proved a notable defrauder of Her Majesty's customs 1,500l. or 1,600l. per annum, which Her Highness hath had ever since I was her officer; and for any offences that is committed by my consent against Her Majesty, I trust neither friend nor foe shall detect me. And yet faults may be in my office practised, and I not able to reform the same if I had 500 men under me; but if Hewett were out of that port, Her Majesty would have better service done than is, for both he and his companions practice nothing but my vexation, and how to deceive Her Majesty, whose abuses are not tolerable and yet his friends are many. In advancing Her Highness' customs from 1,200l. unto 2,800l. ever since the 27th year of her reign, hath cost me above 900l., and other services I have done, as partly your Honour knows, and have had no recompense but continual troubles, maliciously invented against me, only to undo me, which forceth me to complain to Her Majesty.
My humble petition is that it will please you to censure the best of me, and let not the malicious complaints of my mortal enemies prevail without just occasion, for I shall prove myself a true and faithful subject, and as profitable an officer as Her Highness has in any of her custom houses, or else I will pray her to hang me. My business is so I cannot attend on you as yet, Mr. Stanhope partly knows thereof, but shortly I trust to effect the same, and then I trust to satisfy you in anything objected.—London, 22 Feb., 1595.
P.S.—Mytton hath given out speeches that he hath gotten a commission against me, to four gentlemen, whereof he named one that is cousin german to David Engelby and Joseph Constable. If that course be taken against me, my life and office and all is gone, for they shoot all at that mark. I require law and justice.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Atkinson of Hull to my master.”
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 82.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 22. Being arrived at Margate, I met with Captain Lambert, who it seemeth hath some matter of moment to impart, concerning the discovery of mischief intended against Her Majesty's person. I am glad that he cometh on so good an errand, and in a tone so fit to offer his service unto you, which, for that I know you may have very good use of, I assure myself you will accept and employ, according to his worth and experience. He telleth me that since my coming over it hath been rife in the Low Countries that your lordship had a great action in hand, and to expect the withdrawing of some troops hence, which I hope shall make my business the easier, wherein I doubt no hindrance but the fresh rumour of the siege of Ostend, which may prove a bruit only to cover some other purpose of the enemy's. The wind is very contrary, so that I shall have much to do in persuading the captain to go to sea, wherein I will use all my eloquence, and omit nothing that may serve for the advancing of the service committed to my charge.—Margate, this 22 Feb.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (30. 83.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 22. Your letters of the 19th inst. I received the same day about three o'clock in the afternoon, and presently after attended on my Lord Keeper; but before I came thither, amongst infinite other writs, the same was sealed. Then forthwith I signified to my lord Chief Baron her Majesty's express commandment that the writ should receive no allowance before her further pleasure were known, and for the more surety thereof he was acquainted with your letters; and so now it is stayed (for he had the writ in his hands). My Lord Treasurer also wrote to me to know by what warrant I had dealt herein, unto whom I signified both what warrant I had and the proceeding abovesaid. In this matter I have done nothing without good warrant, nor any thing hastily.—This 22 of February, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Concerning the Lord Berkly's writ of error.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (171. 101.)
Sir Edward Stanley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 23. I hear of an employment of men for Ireland, the which I rather believe for that I think there will be cause enough to use them, for certainly the Earl hath not entered into this open rebellion without a consent of the greater part of the great men of Ireland, who, if they help him not, at least will not hurt him, in my opinion. But I will forbear to speak any more of this matter, leaving it to them that hath charge thereof; humbly beseeching you to make it known to Her Majesty, that I neither care for life nor goods in respect of her service, as hitherto I have shewed some testimony, with often loss of my blood, whereof I hope she and the lords of the Council will consider, and give me some employment, that I be not driven after twenty years' service upon my friends for my very diet. How grievous a thing this is to me, God knows, and I hope Her Majesty will consider thereof.—From my lodging, the 23 of February, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 84.)
Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 24. If it lay as much in my power to conduct you to the end of your desires, as it abideth with me to satisfy you in this portion of your liking to a musician, I would make you as sensible of being beholden to me, as I am feeling of a great obligation to you for kind favours. Daniel you shall have; three other boys with him are 'mishapned' to me, one of them both plays and sings an excellent treble, but his conditions are not stayed, and one other hath a voice for a very high mean; the last is Jack, of whom I think you have taken best notice. Of these, and whatsoever else is with me, command what you will. The four, with all his instruments, were all by my worthy companion bequeathed me; choose as freely as where your commandments have most interest.
Endorsed :—“24 February, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (30. 85.)
John Harmar to Dr. Bilson.
1595/6, Feb. 24. Understanding by Dr. Warden that the Earl of Essex has moved Her Majesty for his preferment to Worcester, and obtained a promise, Harmar is not slack in putting him in mind of his suit which has, on the expectancy of his remove, so long depended.—24 February, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 86.)
Thomas Ferrers, H.M. Agent at Stoade, to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 25. At my coming out of Denmark, the right honourable Henrick Ransome, who is lieutenant to the King of Denmark in that country of Holst land, in secret did move and made offer to me to disburse unto Her Majesty at interest at least 20,000 dollars, upon such conditions as his father, Sir John Ransome, and he delivered the last unto Sir Thomas Gresham in 1548 in Antwerp, for and to the use of King Edward VI. Of this he willed me to advertise Her Majesty, so I have thought good to advise so much unto you, desiring you to signify so much unto Her Highness, that I may write answer unto this gentleman, who I perceive doth bear great good will unto Her Majesty and her land. By this means I doubt not but to procure Her Majesty great sums of money from time to time, if she shall desire any.
I was upon my journey in Denmark forty-six days; my charge was four persons beside myself, with a coach and four horses, and very hardly could pass with the same, the ways and weather were so foul. I do not know what Her Majesty's allowance will be for my charge and expense; I crave your favour for the enlarging of the same, as also that I may have my 50l. sterling that I delivered to Mr. Robert Smith for Her Majesty's affairs, and I pray that such moneys as you do appoint be paid to this bringer, Mr. William Cokayne. Robert Smith is at the Duke of Brunswick's Court; what his affairs are there, I know not, but if I can procure him hither, I will follow your commission and send him to you by sea. I have sent for Roloffe Petterson, and do attend him daily; even at this instant he is come to town, so that to-morrow I will go forward with him.—Stod, 25 February, 1595. Signed i Tho. Ferrers, Her Majesty's agent here.
Marginal notes in Burghley's hand. Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (30. 87.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 25. This day we have received to Her Majesty's use, of Mr. Wayneman, 2,000l., by the attainder of Sir Henry Danvers for felony and murder, and the same is paid to the Receipt at Westminster. There came to receive the same, as attorneys for Sir Henry Danvers, Thomas Drurie, his servant, and Jeffrey Leathe, Lady Danver's servant, and they said they had a letter of attorney, but refused to show any, but they affirm that Gilbert Hudspeth, servant to Sir Charles Danvers, who came out of France since Christmas last, brought over a letter of attorney from Sir Henry Danvers for the receipt of the money, and so much did Hudspeth, there present, affirm. But I informed them that Sir Henry Danvers was duly attainted by outlawry of murder, and shewed forth a copy of the record, and read Her Majesty's letters patent authorising the seizure and receipt of the money, whereof they seemed to be ignorant, and so the money was quietly carried away to Her Majesty's use.
In these cases it is my care, according to my duty, not to trouble Her Majesty too often, and therefore I have included within one warrant authority to receive all the money due by his attainder, so as Her Highness is no more to be troubled but with one signature.—25 February 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 88.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1695/6, Feb. 25. Since the departure of Captain Lambert hence, though the winds were very contrary, hoping with shipping and tides to have gotten passage, I persuaded the captain to put to sea, but were driven back again. I will not fail, so soon as I shall see any likelihood, to attempt still. It falleth out very unluckily, the time appointed me to be at the rendezvous being very short, yet if I can get over in six or eight days, I make no doubt to make a good despatch. The provision of the shipping and victual, which [is] of most trouble and asks longest time, it may please you therefore to give present order, according to your resolution taken at my lord admiral's, that Sir Thomas Sherley's deputy may have warning to deliver the money.—Margate, 25 February, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 89.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
[1595/6], Feb. 25/March 6 . Desiring him to command him freely if occasion offer. The bearer will give him the news.—Dieppe, 6 March.
Endorsed :—“6 March, 1595.”
Holograph. (30. 102.)
Lord Burghley to Archibald Douglas.
1595/6, Feb. 26. I thank you heartily for your letters containing matters worthy of knowledge, whereof her Majesty hath knowledge by her own reading of your letters, which she alloweth to come of your goodwill. And for the party Patrick Crany, she can be content that he shall deliver his intelligence to Mr. Bowes, our ambassador, and as the same shall be of value so he shall he be rewarded accordingly; but her Majesty liketh not to be indented withal, or to look for wages in the morning before the work begun. I do send you back both the included letters, and wish you ease of your late travail.—26 February, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (171. 103.)
M. La Fontaine to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 26/March 7. Is much importuned to pay the subsidy by the head, called fifteenth, for all his servants. Prays him to send word to the constable of Blackfriars to cease from such importunity for the present.—London, 7 March.
French. Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (38. 104.)
A. Douglas to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 27. There is a Scottish ship come from Bordeaux, whereof one John Lowry, of Leith, is master. He hath shewn to me that, about eight days since, he met a Flemish ship on the seas near to Portland, wherein was a Scottishman that was come from Lisbon about the 26 February, who told him that the King of Spain was making ready in those parts of an army of 30,000 men will all diligence to be in readiness; and that there was divers masters of ships stayed there to serve for pilots of the Scottish, of the Irish and Flemish nations. Albeit I believe you do understand so much of before, yet have I thought it my duty to make you acquainted therewith.—27th February.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 90.)
[1595/6, Feb. 27.] (1.) Articles objected by the inhabitants of Hoddesdon, Herts, against the farmers of my Lord [Burghley's] woods; with their answers.
The inhabitants complain of the unreasonable price asked for the wood, and of the scarcity and manner of supply. The answers contain a list of certain inmates of new erected tenements, of victuallers, of persons who are worth 100l. a year at least, and of men of trade well able to live by the stock and trade. Thirty of the inhabitants keep victualling, and by that live in good estate; but by that means they consume in brewing ale, and by continually keeping of fires to entertain unthrifty guests, twice as much wood as might conveniently serve.—Undated.
pp. (2330.)
(2.) Answer of John Thorowgood and William Kelinge, farmer of Lord [Burghley's] woods, to the petition exhibited by the inhabitants of Hoddesdon.—27 Feb. 1595.
1 p. (2332.)
(3.) On the same subject.
Endorsed :—“Feb. 1595. Thurgood and Keling's answer to certain objections which the Hoddesdon men used to object, and which be not in their petition exhibited to your Lordship, concerning the woods there.”
1 p. (2331.)
Andreas Hoffman, Agent of the Duke of Holstein, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 27/March 8. It pleased you, upon perusing my lord's late letters to you, to command Mr. Rogers, then my solicitor, to signify unto me that you would procure of her Majesty all such matters as then my lord had requested of you; the which answer, knowing it would be very acceptable unto my lord, I the next day despatched by the ordinary post of Hamburgh unto him. Since which time, soliciting you for answer of the 12 iron pieces, parcel of my lord's request, you signified unto me by Mr. Rogers that you could not obtain them of her Majesty; asking further if I were of opinion that you could procure everything of her Majesty. At which answer, I protest, I was justly amazed, not knowing which way to turn myself, chiefly for that I had not long before certified his grace of your first answer, viz., that you would procure of her Majesty all such matters as my lord had then requested of you, as also for that, his grace minding to importune her Highness for the 12 pieces in these his last letters, I persuaded him (having had sufficient experience of your great credit the year before with her Majesty) to forbear to molest her Highness, and to commit the care thereof unto you; whereunto, to my unspeakable grief, the cause standing in such doubtful terms, he willingly condescended. If therefore her Majesty should, which God forbid, deny to gratify my lord in this small request, I leave to your grave consideration what discredit I shall reap of him, who may justly say I have advertised him mere fables and untruths. Again, I persuade myself her Majesty will not deny my lord this poor suit, for that his letters of last year making intercession for 24 iron and 4 brass pieces received a gracious answer from her Highness, desiring him to take some better opportunity for that suit; which moved my lord the rather to satisfy himself at this present with these 12 pieces, which he only keepeth for an ornament to his armoury, as he hath already signified unto you. Wherefore, I beseech you, the premises ripely considered, that you will vouchsafe either to importune her Majesty once again in this behalf, or give me free leave to solicit some other for the same purpose : for, under correction be it spoken, I dare not return without them.
Concerning the falconer and the falcons requested by my lord of your honour, it may please you only to remember them, the charges whereof I am commanded to defray whatever they cost. For the two horses promised you last summer, if it please you to put me in trust, I will see they be fair and young and of what hair or colour you shall desire; beseeching you to give commandment to the governor of the English house at Stode that upon their delivery to him by me he will speedily see them conveyed unto you.—London, 8 March, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (38. 105.)
Beer for the King of Scotland.
1595/6, Feb. 28. Warrant to Lord Burghley to give order to the customer and other officers in the port of London to allow 30 tons of beer to be shipped and transported, without custom or other duty, by George Smith, for the use of the King of Scots—At the manor of Richmond, 28 February, 38 Eliz., 1595.
Sign manuaì. Privy Signet. (30. 91.)
[Tobias Matthew,] Bishop of Durham to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 28. May it please you to give me leave to make answer to the other branches of your letter of the 23rd of this present, and so to come afterwards to that writing, which I now send you, and mentioned in my last. I shall, God willing, speedily advertise such as are likeliest to be trusted with the search of such offenders about Shields and Hartlepool, as well now as hereafter. I stay only for Mr. Sanderson, of Newcastle, who is by his office of searchership and his fidelity otherwise, to make one among and above the rest in those ports, and will also forthwith write to Sir John Dawney only, Sir William Bellasis having utterly, as I now hear, lost his sight through age and infirmities, to do his diligence for the apprehension of him that is supposed to be at Carleton, in Yorkshire.
The wife of Nicholas Tempest now standeth indicted, but cannot well be committed or convented, by reason of a letter written by certain of the Privy Council inhibiting the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to call her before them, or the schoolmaster there dwelling, who, as I am credibly given to understand, useth to play the clerk in helping the priests to say mass in that family. In my poor opinion, when the ecclesiastical commission shall be next renewed, if not before, a letter from their Honours, or some other of that Honourable Board, would be written to revoke the former, since that, having found so great favour so long, they have rather obstinated than conformed themselves. But why her husband hath not been fined for her recusancy hitherto, was partly for that we can get no resolution from above, that the husbands are finable for their wives [“Mr. Attorney . . .” marginal note in Burghley's hand] by 20l. the month, and partly that it hath been questioned whether the said fine be leviable to Her Majesty's use, and to be estreated into the Exchequer at Westminster, or whether it should accrue to the Bishop inter cœtera regalia, fines et amerciamenta; whereof I could wish Her Majesty's counsel learned, as your good lordship, would vouchsafe to set down some present determination for the better direction to the Commissioners. For God shield I should offer my hand to take or accept any benefit thereby due to her Majesty, howbeit I know that in sundry my predecessors' times it hath been counted disputable, and the uncertainly thereof hath bred great neglect of the punishment the one way or the other to be inflicted. But in the very drawing of the next commission some such clause might be inserted as should clear that doubt, which I refer to your wisdom wholly. The while we shall refrain, as your lordship doth advise, from the execution of the former, and will expect the renewing thereof, yet not bewraying the weakness of our authority to the people.
If your lordship do not perceive, as it seemeth, that Her Majesty will speedily appoint a lieutenant in these parts, nor a President of the Council, then, under reformation, I would humbly project unto you, whether it might be expedient to grant a commission for the musters of horsemen and footmen in this county, as in the days of Bishop Pilkington and Bishop Barnes two several commissions are extant to be seen, to the end that if any re-invasion be doubted of the Spaniard, or any troubles from the North, both the customary and the extraordinary provisions, such as they are, may be viewed, and all decays and wants supplied; and the rather for that it is thought dangerous in high degree to levy a muster or arm any number of men without a sufficient commission to warrant the same.
Sir John Forster I shall certify, as your Lorpship doth require. And as to my Lord Eure, I am very glad you do so well and honourably approve his service to Her Majesty, and do conceive of him, as he is in deed, a forward nobleman and of many good parts. I have very good and friendly correspondence with him, and shall be right glad to concur with him in the best furtherance of justice and religion, and the rather at this your lordship's provocation, which I humbly thank you for, will do all in me lieth to nourish and increase amity, familiarity and mutual intelligence with his lordship upon all just occasion.
I have ventured herewith to send you many papers, how discreetly I know not, but I trust your lordship will pardon me. The pasquil, as I think best to term it, in some respects shall, I think, seem to you, as it doth to me, of a counterfeit hand, and not to have been written by any student of Cambridge, as by these words repeated in it, “here” and “there,” may easily appear, wherein oportuit mendacem esse memorem. I have travailed all I could to decipher the writer, but I have no certain proof or persuasion. Yet methinks it should be either one Dr. Favour, Vicar of Halifax, Chaplain to my late Lord President, or one Sampson Lever, son to old Mr. Thomas Lever, the preacher, his lordship's servant. These were two his lordship made secret account of, and used them as referendaries, etc. Lever is poor, but zealous non secundum scientiam, and dwelleth a mile from Durham upon a small farm; yet will I not charge either of them, nor can I. But, for that your lordship would needs have mine opinion of the forge, I have not concealed my very thought thereof, hoping you will handle it accordingly. And although the other loose schedules may haply seem frivolous at the first to your lordship, yet in case you should the rather at my humble motion peruse them in order as they are dated, or commit the view of them to Mr. Maynard or any other, it is in mine opinion pertinent to the more full understanding of the Clause, page 2, at this mark νως. But the Lord President had the more material papers, which, it may be, now are perished. Well, whosoever composed that pasquil, he had a shrewd head, mala mens, malus animus. “Testis meus in cœlis est,” I say for myself with Job; whatsoever suspicious suggestion the author hath cast out against me, yet your lordship, I hope, are and will be the same you were towards me, neither shall I ever by God's grace deserve the contrary.—At Bishop Auckland, 28 of Feb., 1595.
Holograph. Seals. 2½ pp. (30. 92.)
The Bailiffs of Colchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 29. We render unto you most humble thanks for your late kindness to this corporation. We are requested by a gentleman of our town, one Mr. John Stevens, who is Steward of the Readers' feast in Lincoln's Inn, to become earnest suitors to you to be present at the same feast, being upon Tuesday the 9th day of March. So desiring your Honour to accept in good part this small remembrance of two firkins of our Colchester oysters, we humbly take our leaves.—From Colchester, this last of February, 1595.
Signed : Tho. Haselwood, Henry Osborne, bailiffs.
½ p. (30. 94).
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 29. By Captain Lambert I wrote unto your Honour, since which no great matter is chanced. The States have since been assembled, and dealt at times about Mr. Bodley's business, which we hope to be brought unto that pass that by all likelihood their answer will be good, as your lordship shall understand by the next, if himself be not the messenger, for we look daily when they will bring their resolution, and then will hasten his departure. In the meantime I send a letter, sent unto me from my lord of Rutland, and if you shall please at any time to return an answer, I will have a care of the safe conveyance.
Of late we had an alarm, as if the Cardinal meant to begin his first wars against Breda, to which end he seemed he gathered forces about Maestricht, and had besides filled the towns of Lyre, Herenthals, Diest and other frontiers in Brabant with men. But to prevent his design and make them more afraid than hurt, there are sent into Breda as many men as will be sufficient to defend the place, though he came with all his forces, which, it seems, he will not do in haste, because La Fere is first to be rescued, and hath appointed the 20th of this month, new style, the day of rendezvous at Cambray, meaning to be at it himself. But if they that were within these three days at Brussels say truly, then will he not be soon ready, nor strong enough, for money groweth low, for all the bruits of great quantity, and most of the old soldiers look for their arrearages, in hope whereof they have lived a long time, and at the Cardinal's coming made full account of. And the new come men are weak and bare, so as they spoil the country wonderfully where they pass, to the discontentment of those of Artois and Hainault, who also fear the French invasions if La Fere be taken; which they would have to be succoured, but the appearance is yet slender to do it by force, so as in the judgment of most it is thought he will try what may be done by diversion, and on the sudden go to Calais or some other place. The mutinied Italians continue in former terms, the Cardinal having sent unto them for deputies, with the which if he agree not, or content them, they shall be suffered to return. The sum they demand is very great, and if they should be paid, all the rest would follow their steps, more ready to enter into terms of mutiny than to march to any service without satisfaction. To attempt by force any thing against the Italians, they find not fit, fearing lest they should chose another side, and by means of the Duke of Florence, to be drawn away into the King of France his service. Besides, their number being strong, both of horse and foot, and the best men in the country, they could not be so beset in Tillemont, which is great in compass, but they might get out by night, and go whither they would. The Cardinal himself travaileth and laboureth in all business, using to be at their Council meetings. He hath made choice of a new council of war, consisting, of the greater part, of natural Spaniards. Fuentes, for certain, is to depart this day for Italy, there to be Governor of Milan.
What the States will do this summer is yet uncertain, their forces being weak to attempt any thing in field, but yet if Alberty be occupied in France, the opportunity would serve to do some good exploit. This am I sure, that the Count Maurice would gladly be set awork, and in all the discourses I have had with any of them here, I perceive their eye and mind is to Flanders, where somewhat could be done if they were seconded, but alone they are unable. In Langhey their garrison mutined, and no other was looked for of all their other men in those quarters, so as Alberty to prevent all inconveniences sent thither two months' pay, but whether that will content them is doubtful. We hear that the Turk will be strong this summer, so as the Emperor will have his hands full. Of peace, no more speech in Brussels, but all of wars, so as this summer there will be stirring on all sides.—Hague, this last of February 1595.
P.S.—Sir Francis Vere's arrival, whereof men have understood, may chance to make them defer their resolution about Mr. Bodley's matter, until they hear the others message.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (30. 95).
Captain Henry Swann to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 29. I understand by Sir Francis Vere what honourable good speeches you use in my behalf unto him; I have found by your good means he hath used me better since than he did before. I understand her Majesty doth set out a great fleet which I am very desirous to join the action; I have desired Sir Francis Vere very earnestly to give me leave to come over to go, but he will by no means give me leave without it would please you to write in my behalf unto him.—From the Hague, 29 February.
Signed. 1 p. (38. 65).
Lady Riche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. I know your mind to be honourably constant towards your friends, among which number I desire to hold place as one that doth make great estimation of your affection. I must now entreat you to favour this bearer so much as to procure him either your father's letter, or my lord admiral's, to my lord of Hertford, in a very reasonable cause, wherein I pray you to further him all you may, since it concerns him as much as he is worth.
Signed :—Penelope Riche.
P.S.—I desire to be commended to my lady, and to be continued in her fair friendship.
Endorsed :—“Feb. 1595. Lady Riche to my master : in favour of her servant, Mericke.”
1 p. (30. 90.)
Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster.
1595/6, Feb. If there be a Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, it hath been used that there hath been also a Vice-Chancellor, who is deputy of the Chancellor at the assizes holden at Lancaster for receiving of writs out of superior courts, to be made new under the seal of the County Palatine, and for sealing of writs returnable before the justices at Lancaster. The Vice-Chancellor hath been a man learned, and Justice Carus and Sir Gilbert Gerrard, being both of that country, were Vice-Chancellors the one after the other. If there be no Chancellor before the assizes, it is thought there must be one special for the purpose. Mr. Manners is required to move that Justice Walmysley, being of that country, may, by the favour of the Lord Treasurer or Sir Robert Cecil, supply the place of Vice-Chancellor to be appointed by the Chancellor, if there be one before the Assizes and if not, that he may supply the place for keeping the seal for the time of the assizes only. If there be a Chancellor, none but he can appoint the Vice-Chancellor.
Endorsed :—“Feb. 1595.” 1 p. (30. 98.)
Sir Henry Unton to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. Letter beginning—“This my servant departeth in all haste,” and ending, “From Coussy this—of February, 1595.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, p. 729, but read “retire” for “reyre.”]
Holograph. 2 Seals. 1 p. (171. 104.)
The Treizieme in Guernsey.
1595/6, Feb. Articles for a Commission from Her Majesty touching the isle of Guernsey.
1. That there shall be appointed five or six commissioners, whereof two to be, the one a Doctor of the Civil Law, and the other a common lawyer, or one of these, and the other commissioners to be chosen out of Jersey and Guernsey, as the Governor of Jersey, the Bailiff of Jersey, Sir Amias Cartwright and the Bailiff of Guernsey.
2. That they be authorised to judge of the matter in controversy between the Queen's officers and William Beauvoir, concerning the treizième, the campart and other royalties.
3. That they examine by the book of the Extent what royalties at the making thereof did belong unto the King, and what royalties did appertain unto any Seigneur of the isle, and of whom they hold. And whereas it shall be found that any person hath intruded upon Her Majesty's royalties, or usurped anything more than at the making of the extent was allowed them, that the same be taken from them, except they be able to shew grant from some of Her Majesty's progenitors to warrant the same.
4. To enquire what concealed land there is, and what decayed rents or waste ground, and to let the same for a fine and yearly rent, to Her Majesty's best profit.
5. That these commissioners be authorised to enquire of all defects and errors committed either in the new extent, or other, and to amend the same, be it concerning treizièmes, customs of merchants' goods, or other whatsoever, whereby Her Highness's right is impaired.
6. That, forasmuch as the corrupt dealing of the Jurats is the cause that for the preservation of her right and royalties this chargeable commission is to be brought, that William Beauvoir, with those Jurats which in his favour had judged against Her Highness' right, shall pay the charges of the commissioners, if so be it appear, that they have given their voices against Her Majesty unjustly.
½ p. (30. 71.)
[Undated, but see Sir T. Leighton's letter of Feb. 8.]