Cecil Papers: November 1596, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1596, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp479-499 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1596, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp479-499.

"Cecil Papers: November 1596, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp479-499.

November 1596, 16–30

Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 16. Learning, by letters from the Council, “of a pretended invasion and attempt of the Spaniard in this unseasonable time of the year,” would have immediately repaired to Court to learn Cecil's commands touching the Isle of Jersey, but is unable from illness to undertake the journey, and therefore sends the bearer. Sends, too, a supplication to the Council to continue their favour towards that poor isle, copy enclosed.—My poor house, 16 Nov. 1596.
Signed :—Ant. Poulett.
Endorsed :—From Jersey.
Seal. 1 p. (46. 52.)
2. [The Same to the Council.]
To the same effect. Had come into “these parts,” for the ordering of his poor estate after his long absence, when by their letters to the lord lieutenant of the shire he heard of the pretended invasion of the Spaniards. Despatched a messenger forthwith to his uncle, his deputy in the Isle of Jersey, to sec to its defence. The poor people there, never having seen an enemy, need the encouragement of some English soldiers. Encloses a bill of things requisite.
Copy. 2 pp. (46. 53.)
3. “Requests of Anthony Poulet, knight, unto the lords of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, of things seeming needful for her Highness' service and the conservation of the Isle of Jersey in these doubtful times.” Viz.:—Considering the near neighbourhood of the Spaniards in Brittany, two or three companies of English soldiers should lie there in garrison, with a “proportion” of victuals for them laid in. Requests a warrant to the lieutenant of the Ordnance for guns, armour, powder &c. (detailed). Defers speaking of the completion of the fort lately begun at the Islet until he can speak with them.
Endorsed :—“Sir Anthony Pawlet to the Lords. With a note of necessary, &c.”
2 pp. (46. 54.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 16. According to his letter of the 13th inst. has enquired the market price of corn and finds it 14s. or 15s. a bushel, which will rise to 29s. if this be not sold according to the former order. There is 166 tons and the ships burthen is 200; “so as it is supposed that there is munition as well as wheat.” It is hard to persuade people that it goes not to the Spaniards who let no man pass their coasts till they have served their own turns, and but for your warrant of stay the poor would have offered some outrage on the ship. Received other letters of the 13th, for raising of 50 men to make his number 100, one from the Council, the other from Cecil's father. The pinnace and carvell only wait for wind. Although no money can be got from the customer, does all he can to furnish the fort and island, but his means are quite exhausted. Desires an order to be taken for a regular supply of money.—The fort at Plymouth, 16 Nov. 1596.
As to the price of corn, refers to the mayor and others who know the difference between market corn and ships' corn.
Signed. 1 p. (46. 55.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 16. On Saturday last Sir Ferd. Gorges and he received Cecil's letters of the 9th, for staying of the ship with corn, which, considered the want thereof, gave great satisfaction; and though Gorges has doubtless sufficiently answered Cecil's letters of the 13th, received this morning, the writer feels bound to add that “the ship, being of ijc tons, hath in her, by the master's confession, but iiijxxiij last of corn, and no other merchants' goods, which breedeth a general suspicion that she hath laden under her wheat some quantity of powder and other provisions, wherewith, under colour of the Duke of Florence's pass, she will go directly for Lisbon, where corn doth bear a greater price than in any part of Italy.
“By letters from Genoa of the xxvjth of September last it is here understood that there, and in other places thereabouts, there is order given to take up two thousand mariners for the furnishing of such shipping as is to be brought from thence for the King of Spain's service. It is also reported that the Adelantado of Castile lieth about the Souther Cape with l. sail of ships, and taketh up all that cometh in his sight, of what nation soever, and sendeth them to Lisbon; so that, although there were never so good a will in the master and company, I cannot see how they can pass from the hands of our enemies, but shall be constrained to help to furnish them, to our great hindrance.” Wheat is 15s. a bushel and will be much dearer if this be suffered to go. The carvel with Captain Harper for the North Cape, and the pinnace with Captain Crofts for Scilly, will take the first wind, victualled each for three months.—Plymouth, 16 Nov. 1596.
Endorsed by Cecil's clerk :—Received at Whitehall, 19 Nov.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 56.)
Thomas Edmonds to the Council.
1596, Nov. 16. The stay of the Flemish hulk laden with wheat did much to stop the price of corn, but the dismissing of it (seeing that the want of corn in these parts cannot be supplied for any other place of England) will breed a mutiny in the country. His experience, being 70 years of age, urges him to be earnest, “for if any should want it were better the foreign nation should feel it than our own native country people.” It is generally thought that in the end this corn shall come to the King of Spain, and the vehemency of the owners and merchants for its discharge suggests that he has prohibited things in his ship, indeed the skipper “hath confessed that there is cask under the corn, as hogsheads and barrels, in the hogsheads being his beer and in the barrels water; an absurd thing in merchants' opinions that such things will be laden under a huge quantity of corn, who think it rather to be powder and copper, the certainty whereof cannot be discerned without unlading the corn.” Asks that the corn may be put to sale here.—Plymouth, 16 Nov. 1596.
Signs as deputy to the mayor of Plymouth who is absent.
1 p. (46. 57.)
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 18. Being now “plunged over the ears by that mastering disease of affection,” he presumes to ask Cecil, among other his noble friends, to accord him the favour which men commonly afford to the dead—that is a good word. “If I had relied upon any hopes or haps in the place where I served I might no doubt have taken a course more worldly wise and behooful for myself than this marriage; but when I saw, even in very base and bare requests, myself often refused and my success fruitless, and that, by the tie of my pensioner's place, I was ever restrained from all foreign adventure for honour and good hap, which many inferior persons attained unto, it strake flat the sails of all my poor ambition, and converted in me all those frail desires of hap and honour unto the lowly humour of quiet and content.” If he has done what is justifiable he hopes to receive the measure of a good subject, and he can allege twenty years of his youth faithfully spent in the Queen's service “without any manner of advancement or recompense.” God himself (“whose image our divine princess amongst us doth so graciously represent”) is slow to conceive a wrath and ready to forgive; and, at the worst, what he has done is but a love matter, and that of the truest kind, which is marriage; “but Truth is said to cut the throat of him that carries her, and so perhaps your Honour will think this hath done mine, which if it do, so it be not with a dull knife but that I may quickly know whether my part be comical or tragical, I care not.”—18 Nov.
Endorsed :—1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 59.)
Thomas Nicols to Peter Halyns.
1596, Nov. 19. “My good friend, your wool cometh slower than Mr. Hodges desireth. The last note that came from you touching it was dated 16 Oct. Stilo veteri.” Often the mariners “play the jackes” before delivering wares committed to their charge, and wind and weather do not always serve. “My host sent the Holland cheese by such shipping and mariners as ye gave direction. It could not be done so convenient by Mr. Cosby as I thought. I trust it will arrive safe as it is sent. If that way prove good, the other cheese shall pass in like manner. I have in my hands now,” &c. [continued as on p. 491, with this addition, before the last sentence but one, “The season of the year is so foul as all soldiers are retired to garrisons. They prepare men for the spring. For that purpose is come hither one of the dukes of Saxe who hath served this king sundry times with regiments of horse and foot. Here are come (but not to the Cardinal, as I hear, as yet) good news of an overthrow given to the Turk of late in Hungary. If it be confirmed or the contrary ye shall know it either in this letter or from my host.”) Adien 19 Nov. 1596.
Addressed in Dutch : “at London.”
Seal broken. Holograph. 2 pp. (46. 62.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 19. I have spoken at length to the person you sent me. He is a man who has seen the world but has not engaged in matters of state. He has, however, good wit and understanding and can serve in a private capacity as well as another, provided he prove willing and faithful. Considering the scarcity of capable men I think a few months' trial might be made of him; for in things of this kind much money is thrown away, but one service done pays for all. I approve his returning by way of France and going to Brussels by way of Lorraine, but the way is long and expensive. He must be given a horse, and if yours are too good, I have a gelding which he may take. For the journey 150 crs. is too little; it will need 200 crs., that is 60l., and other fifteen for a dress when he arrives in Brussels. He can then begin at a crown a day, that is 6s.; which would be little enough where living is so dear, if he were not diligent in introducing himself so that the tables of others might maintain him. The chief point is fidelity, and of that no one can judge, it must be proved. Please tell me if I should despatch him on Monday that he may go with the ambassador.
Asks remembrance of his own payment in the instructions of Mr. Bodley and Mr. Thomas Wilcks—London, 19 Nov. 1596.
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (174. 32.)
Jehan De Duvenvoirde Et Alroude to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 19. Thanks him for the chain of gold and diamond ring received “pour ma compagne.” Expresses his desire to serve the Queen under the leadership of Essex. Remembering Essex's experience, dexterity and conduct in matters of war, he will be happy to chance fortune against their common enemy.—La Haye, 19 Nov. 1596.
Endorsed :—Admiral Duverworne.
Signed. French. 1 p. (174. 33.)
Naval Precautions.
1596, Nov. 19. Sir John Luson to be sent for.
Sergeant of the Admiral to take up 3 hoys of 100 tons.
Sir George to provide demi culv., and whole culveryns to be in the three.
3 ships to lie ag(ainst) Cockanwood.
To Mr. Burrow. The great black galley to be made able to lie in the river of Medway only, to carry good ordnance and to be well manned, and to certify by what time she may be ready for the service, and how many men may serve for the same.
For the Thames.
Sir Edward Norrice and Caron to be required that the engineer of Ostend might be licensed to come over.—Undated.
Endorsed :—Memorial, 19 Nov. 1596.
In Burghley's hand. 1 p. (174. 34.)
Sir Gr. Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov 20. Offers services, but has no news to write as his stay here has been so short, and he does not mean it to be long.—Paris, 20 Nov.
Endorsed :—1596.
Signed. 1 p. (46. 63.)
The Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 21. Your letters delivered the 20th of this present, concerning one Clement Corbett, scholar of our College, I published the very next morning to my company, now come home, but proceeded not then to make trial of any joint election, for that the Fellows by their own voluntary default of over long absence have lost all right of choice pro hac vice, and the full interest, by lapse of time, now devolved unto myself. What comfort may accrue herewith, I dare not conjecture, being mightily perplexed betwixt Her Majesty's gracious pleasure, iterate and made known now this second time by your letters, and my duty on the other side towards our Founder's statutes. Election is an act religious, heedfully to be undertaken, medio juramento, and your father being made acquainted even with this particular, by a few lines in June last, hath always been pleased most tenderly to respect University men in this business, to solicit seldom, ever to leave us to the freedom of our own consciences, which memorable dealing will justly eternize his Lordship to deserved fame with all posterity among the ages to come. Your Honour representing, both in sustentation of this Commonwealth and other renowned virtues, the lively image of your worthy father, I cannot but conceive much hope of your like respective favour. If ever obsequiousness hath or shall be found wanting in any my poor services towards the least of Her Highness' commands, let me be mulcted with loss of reputation and life, nay, if that have not been my whole meditation and practice. True it is, Her Majesty recommended Corbett in April last to be chosen into the next voided room, but exceeding untrue is the ancient man's suggestion of our Society that Corbett was the fittest. Mr. Beache was then admitted by warrant of Her Majesty's former letters, surpassing infinitely this youth in any requisite that belongeth a scholar. Divers others of our own breed are yet remaining unprovided and in expectance, some bachelors of laws, some very poor and far more toward scholars than Corbett is, towards whom I beseech you to extend compassion, and upon me also in sparing my travel up this foul season, being unfurnished of my gelding, which were unkindly stolen out of the College stable. Three I have elected into fellowships of Trinity Hall within a short space and in our small number upon Her Highness' mandates, whose indignation I devotedly deprecate as the insupportablest punishment of this world, and trust she will not take offence with me for due observance of her statutes. Corbett is but a bare triennial, sundry others have served an apprenticeship, it were far more commodious for his exercise and profiting in study to stay a longer time.—Trinity Hall in Cambridge, 21 Nov. 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (136. 45.)
Probably enclosing :
Statement by the Master and Fellows as to the reasons why they do not consider Corbett eligible for a fellowship. Signed :—Thomas Preston, William Barlow, Martin Berye, John Butts, Thomas Beech.
1 p. (136. 46.)
Confraternity of Priests.
1596, Nov. 21. A document endorsed, “A writing found in Mr. Swyfte's house in Yorkshire,” consisting of a scheme for a confraternity of Catholic priests. “Among other things which in these unfortuate days of heresies hath been wished by many good zealous persons, as convenient for better promoting our country's salvation and setting forward God's holy work, the Catholic cause, within this realm, it hath been much desired before all other that Catholic priests sent into this harvest of God would unite themselves and agree upon some sweet course and order such as their own wisdom might judge expedient.” With this object in view, the persons whose names were subscribed had, “upon mature deliberation,” agreed to the orders following,” in which enterprise, as we condemn nor dislike none that upon reasonable causes known to themselves join not with us, so we hope again none will uncharitably judge or condemn us herein. Unusquisque in suo sensu abundat modo pax et fraternitatis charitas sollicite retineatur. For ourselves, we wish and intend no other thing hereby but God's honour, the furtherance of His church's cause with perfect unity and concord among ourselves, by mutual offices of love, comfort and concord one towards another.”
The rules are set out in detail under various heads.—Dated, Die Presentacionis B. V. M. 1596.
[It appears to be a copy of the original, no names being appended.]
6 closely written pages. (139. 61.)
John Gyles to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 21./Dec. 1. I was encouraged to write my letter of the 10th of October by Mr. Holmes, preacher to the merchants in this town. Though I might stay till I heard answer, yet the occurrences are such that I thought it my duty to write this present, purposing not to trouble you farther, if I receive no answer. First, out of Italy they write that the Indian fleet is arrived. The Adelantado of Castilia has embarked at Lisbon 6,000 Spaniards and 2,000 Portingals, in 80 men of war, and is to join with the General of Biscay, who has 3,000 old soldiers fetched out of Bretaine, where he left as many new soldiers : besides, there are on the fleet a great many of voluntary gentlemen out of all parts of Spain : by which preparation it is thought there is some damage intended towards the Queen of England, and first towards Ireland, by reason of the intelligence which the Spaniards have there with the papists of those parts, and Scotland. The India fleet arrived with 12 millions of gold and silver at St. Lucars, whereof five are for the King, the rest particular men. Besides, there is 20 millions in merchandise, a thing which hath not been known in many years.
From Antwerp I have writings that the Cardinal is at Brussels, and all his forces sent to Slues, Newport, Dunkirk, and Calais. The men of war at Dunkirk are in readiness, and as yet none may go to sea until further advertisement from the Cardinal. At Decmound and all Flanders over still as many boats made ready as they can get together.
For the news of Germany, from the camp by Rombo Hurbo they write that after the Turk had besieged the strong fort and castle of Erlaw, and in 14 places undermined the fort, the soldiers, seeing the great danger, did stand in terms, and constrained their generals to agree with the Turk : notwithstanding the generals, falling on their knees, prayed their soldiers to continue constant. But all would not help, and the 14th October they abandoned the fort and town, the Turks having promised them free passage. Notwithstanding, when they were past the town half a mile they were all slain by the Turks, We look for the Sevenburg de [blank] and for the Lord of Deesenburg to take order what were best to be done. The great Turk is marching towards Offen and then means to besiege Gray.
From Prague the 21st Oct. we have the bad news of the loss of Erlaw, but must be content, accounting that we have lost a far greater matter than Raab, which those of the land of Meerheren and Sevenbergen will feel to their sorrow, and our grief. At the meeting of the States of Germany at Breslau the nobility and commons have bound themselves to prayer and penance. If Ween be besieged they are content to give, above their former agreement, 20 1/m rixdollars to the furnishing of horsemen and footmen.
From Collen [Cologne] the 9th Nov., we hear that 400 horsemen of the States lay hereabout, but do no harm. The Prince of Orange is returned again towards Brussels, after he had spoke with his sister and Count Hollack, and had been in their company 5 days. He was met at Arenbergh and at Acon upon his journey to Brussels. It is reported and accounted true that he shall marry the Countess of Gullycke.
Middleboro', 27 Nov. 1596, “still novo.”—Through Lorraine there passed 8,000 Switzers levied for the service of the French King. It is written out of Spain by way of Geneva that by means of the arrival of the King's treasure, he has made a party of 3 or 4 millions with Ambrosio Spinola, to be paid in the Low Countries in the term of 15 months. The Marquis of Warranbone taken prisoner not long since by the French, ransomed at 10,000 ducats, and most paid. The Queen of England, in the confederacy between her and the French King, has promised to send him 8,000 Englishmen, paid, and the rest of the confederates have promised as much.
By letters of Oct. 2 out of Spain, the Adelantado of Castilia lay ready at Lisbon to put out with 120 galleons and other ships, with 20,000 footmen and 400 horse, 2,000 saddles and as many more bridles, the opinion being that he is intended to invade Ireland. The Great Master of Malta has sent a precept to 150 knights of that order, all Italians, warning them to be at Malta within 6 months. They say that they are to go into Spain for the service of the King against England.
Written out of the camp before Wannoch in Hungary, 18 Oct. 1596.
The servant of Marry Paulli, who is come hither, certifies that the Turk on Friday last gave a great assault upon Wanoche, and although they were beaten back with our folks, yet on Saturday they brought store of powder to the walls, meaning to blow them up : but after our folks perceived the intent, and that they were not to be resisted, they came to a parle with the Turk to depart with wife and children. But the genissaries, perceiving the contract, fell on the Christians, and smothered and drowned in the town ditches 400 people. Those that were not put to the sword fled to Villeg and to Budnack, but what is become of the general of the soldiers is not known. Yesterday is the noble Sevenberg come to the camp. So as we lay but 3 miles from the Turk's main camp, the Turk has put great garrison into Erlaw.
From Prague, 28 Oct. 1596.—Eight days past we sent you the bad tidings of Erlaw. The Emperor has received more bad news : that our people, being come together of some good force, the Turk has set on them and separated them.
From Coullen, 16 Nov. 1596.—The States' horsemen are come again into these parts, and above 300 horsemen are gone towards the Effell. Two days past 40 horsemen showed themselves near this city. About the Mousell is a new gathering of soldiers for the Cardinal, which M. de Barbanson gathers, and are not above 800, so it is thought the States' horsemen are gone to overthrow them. The Marshal is not yet departed for Holland. The money for the Lady Nives is not yet ready.
From Brussels, 20 Nov. 1596.—Mr. Moody is banished out of the K. Low Countries, and the Frenchman that accused him was condemned to die, but by means of “Lades” he hath pardon, and is sent to the galleys, where money can redeem him. Father Holt of Brussels is in disgrace, and complaint made to the Pope. So that all our Englishmen are at strife, and cannot agree. So as the Cardinal must hear the matter. By order from the Pope one Jno. Udall is fast in prison and none dare speak for him, seeing the matter is before the privy council. There is a new book made to be sent for England, and much ado about the last book, that it is so disclosed. The Marquis de Cywasto [Cuasto] his brother is departed for Italy to levy horse and foot. The Duke of Luenborghe is at Brussels, and hath “westeling” for 4,000 horse. About Lucke are 3 new regiments, and reinforced all the old. It seems the Cardinal has a meaning to Ostend and the instruments made to stop the haven. By a letter out of Spain from Sir Francis Ingelfeld, that 12,000 men are embarked, some to land in Ireland and in Scotland and some for Calles. If Scotland lack money the Jesuits will furnish a hundred thousand crowns for the enterprise. The 16th Nov. the Lord Dackers returned from Luck to Brussels and promised his old pension. Anglese(a) in England a good place to fortify, and so propounded in the council at Brussels.
Mydleboro, 1 Dec. 1596, styll novo. From Eashthaw in Hungary 30 Oct. 1596.—After the Christian camp had parted their army in 3 squadrons and were marched within 1 ½ miles of Earlaw, about the half way hath the enemy showed himself in battle array, in good order and great force, meaning to cut off the Christians from that passage, which our people maintained. Till after midday the 2 camps skirmished very fiercely, and at the last is our camp got through the passage, and forced the Turks to flee and took their great artillery. The Christians being earnestly hot of the spoil, fell to ransacking the Turk's camp, and their generals could not cause them to come in order and to follow the enemy. The Turks, seeing this, gave a new charge, and the Christians fled, with loss of all their carriage waggons and artillery, and loss of a great number of noblemen, and good leaders, whereof two young lords, sons to the Duke of Holstein, the chiefest Marshal Dittmaer of Conigsbergh, Wensell Poepell, the Lord Pietersey, the Baywische and the Swabishe lieutenants, and in effect all the Christian noblemen and leaders, with doubt of Duke Mathias and other, all slain. There is accounted of our people to be slain 6,000 and of the Turks 9 or 10 1/m. The Turk's chief lieutenant taken prisoner, and Mary Paull, who was governor of Erlaw, being prisoner in the Turk's camp, is in the battle broken out, and it is found that he was in no fault of the loss of Erlaw. We understood out of Sevenberge that many thousand Tartars were arrived, which meant to march to Offen and Temswors : but as soon as Michel Weeda understood thereof, he marched to encounter them, and hath taken and slain 800, and in fleeing at least 200 drowned in the Donnau.
From Coullen, 23 Nov. 1596.—Not long since were here about 300 States horsemen which were marched towards Busdorp, 3 miles hence, but the Spaniards met and slew all, saving 26 which are taken. It is said they were of the garrison of Breda.
Out of Italy.—Matters of the Pope's court, as entertaining of cardinals, creating of new bishops, and of ammunition sent into Poland and Transylvania : and that the Great Turk is returned to Constantinople; his sea fleet, by reason of want, not able to effect anything.
1 Dec. 1596, styll novo, in Midleboro. By a Spanish bark arrived yesterday laden with bastards and raisins which came from St. Lucas in 13 days, and being demanded of the Spanish fleet, says he could not tell where it was. But at St. Lucas the report went that the 22 Oct. there departed from Lisbon 72 ships, and to them went from St. Lucas 25 sail, and the presumption was that they went for the Groyne and for Froyolle, from which place it is easy known how soon they may be in these parts. From letters out of Spain, the 24 Oct. the Armado was departed from Lisbon to the sea, and with them is embarked an Irish bishop, whereby they presume that they are bound for Ireland. Also that the navy was so badly provided of victuals, that they had want before their departure. Divers of this town have writings out of Spain and Portugal that the 4 Nov. the Spanish fleet, with the forces that were at Lisbon, were departed towards Biscay and the Groyne; and the news is come that they are in the sea and making their course for Ireland; but I hope it is not true. God grant them to find good encounter, and defend all good Christians from their tyranny, for I have felt the smart of their tyranny. News by a Dieppe boat that Mottrell is taken by the Spaniards and surprised by force, and all put to the sword : but I hope it is not true.—Mydedew, 24 Nov. 1596, styll novo.
Holograph. 6 ½ pp. (174. 35.)
Port Officers of Ipswich to the Lord Treasurer.
1596, Nov. 22. Mr. Cleere, their searcher, 10 Nov., seized in three small barks laden with butter and cheese for London, 300 firkins of butter and 180 weys of cheese “unentered and uncocketed,” For his energy in this and other cases he is threatened to be carried to sea, or beaten and thrown overboard, with like intolerable threatenings; and the owners of these goods say they will procure their return, which would be a great discredit to the searcher. Beg that his lordship will give the searcher warrant to keep the goods until the matter be determined, all other warrants notwithstanding. As the charge for entry of a large quantity is the same as for a small, there is in this case “an apparent intent of other meaning, which we leave to your Lordship's grave consideration.”—Ipswich, 22 Nov. 1596.
Signed by Edmond Jenney, collector, He. Goldingham, comptroller, Arthur Worliche, surveyor, and Benjamin Clere, searcher.
1 p. (46. 65.)
Certain Fellows of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 22. Their answer to his letters is that, for their part, before and since the receipt of Her Majesty's letters and before, they held Corbett very eligible, but by lapse of time, the places which have fallen void were devolved to the Master, who by himself has placed two fellows since the Queen's letters for Corbett, and reserves two other fellowships, at this present vacant, to be disposed of by his own authority.—22 November 1596.
Signed :—Go. Bellis, Robert Turner, Edward Catcher, John Bloomfield, Christopher Wyrell.
Seal. 1 p. (136. 47.)
M. de Reau to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 22/Dec. 2. Recommending “ce petit homme,” of whom he spoke to Essex yesterday, to Essex's protection : that he may be guaranteed from the hindrances which he may meet with in the exercise of his calling, while awaiting Reau's return.—[? Londr]es, 2 Dec. 1596.
Endorsed :—“Recommending a Frenchman.”
Signed. French. 1 p. (174. 42.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 23. “Sir, the flush of our island business, by the time of my having been here, now over shuffled (overshooffeled), and all courses thoroughly resolved how to entertain to our greatest honour the Spaniard, give me leave in my own particular to solicit you, in my behalf, humbly to beseech her Majesty to confirm by her hand what by her word she hath been pleased to grant,—my bill, whereof if it shall please you to present, I cannot be persuaded her Majesty will either reject or think unworthily bestowed on me. For it is neither new nor unusual for princes to yield more plentiful sap to the small twigs of their own branches than ever my hopes shall aspire unto, my ambition reaching but not to be thought unworthy to succeed my father in the office of justice en oyer, which I hold shall be honour for her Majesty to give and disgrace for me not to receive, being so with a general allowance named to it, that none was held so little respecting her Majesty and hers (amongst the noble born) that would either oppose themselves against me or stand competitors with me.” Has always esteemed an ounce of honour more than a pound of profit, and his full age of 50 years and long administration of justice qualify him to succeed his father.—Carisbrook Castle, 23 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 66.)
2. Copy of the preceding. Signed by lord Hunsdon.
Endorsed :—“The copy of mine to Sir Robert Cecil.”
1 p. (46. 64.)
William Lillé to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 23. We left Arques, 6 Nov., and have since lain between Faux and St. Valery, and joined the other troops which landed a week before us. The bands are very full, and there are many others not in charge maintained by captains. The plague was here very great last summer, but has ceased and we have no sickness. 3000 Swiss have come to the King. His French regiments march towards Picardy, and he will come to Abbeville and probably besiege Dorlens. They have put men in La Rue for fear of a surprise, the enemy having made ladders and other provision for war. On the 16th, we lodged at Osemount, where, the troops being strailly lodged by the marshal (being French) and the houses thatched, the town caught fire and a third part of it was burnt, though the general and we all did what we could to save it, as Mons. Fouqueralles will testify. Next day we came near to Aumall and the day after entered Aumall, where we remain. Every day we see the men of war marching towards Picardy, and 30 pieces of cannon are already at Amiens, and Count Lodovick, with his 2,000, presently expected. Mons. de Fouqueralles desires infinitely to speak to your Lordship about the ease of taking Calais and how the Religion think it the only means to assure themselves. He says he knows it best of any Frenchman. Doubtless your lordship has seen how glorious a thing it would be. I thought to have mentioned the “Discourse of your lordship's voyage to Caliz, but my good hap was not to be there, nor was not therefore able particularly to answer it in all points, but left the same to Captain Wilton to answer, who did it more fully than I could, and therefore, as a right to him, leave the same to his own relation.” The two Davers have suddenly gone towards Italy. The elder is a most excellent man. Would have ere this returned to Court but waited to perfect his muster books, and to have a convoy through this dangerous country, where the peasants are the greatest thieves.
The Cardinal has burnt all the mills near Dorlens, up to the gates of Abbeville and Amiens, and the King thinks it will be easy to win it or “put the Cardinal to some hard accident in the winter after this wearisome summer.” Certain artillery is also sent from Rouen to Abbeville by water. The King thinks it some four days' work. At this assembly are almost all the nobility except the duke of Guise, who stays in Provence to guard against a descent out of Spain, which was feared until this army naval was found to be for Ireland. The treaty with Savoy, broken off because the duke would only give little towns on the borders of Dauphiné for the marquisate, is renewed, and favoured by the Constable and Digueres, the one a near kinsman and the other desirous to increase his estate and assure it with the Catholics.—Aumall, 23 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 3 pp. (46. 67.) [Murdin's State Papers, p. 743.]
1596, Nov. 24. Note by Benjamin Clere, searcher of Ipswich, that the cheese he hath seized is in all 178 weys and the butter 309 firkins, the Queen's part of which, being one half, shall be safely kept, in good order “until it shall please your honour further to command.”—24 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 70.)
Lord Compton.
1596, Nov. 25. Warrant granting to William, Lord Compton the reversion of the manors of Scotton and Brereton, Yorks : of the manor of Deancourt, Bucks : of the custody of the place called Pottells, alias Longford Place, parish of Chikwell, forest of Waltham, Essex : of the manors of Chobham and Risshams, Essex : of the manor and castle of Maxstock, Warwick, which were granted by Henry VIII. to Sir William Compton : the whole being of the yearly value of 132l. 6s. 10 ½d. In consideration of which Lord Compton assures to the Queen the reversion of the manors of Compton Windyates alias Vynyats, Warwick : of the manor of Whattcote, Warwick, for default of heirs of Henry Lord Compton, deceased : also of the manor of Tyshooe, Warwick, for the same default : the whole being of the yearly value of 132l. 19s. 3d.—Palace of Westminster, 25 Nov. 1596.
Signed by the Queen.
1 p. (174. 39.)
Abstract of the above.
Signed :—Windebank.
1 p. (174. 38.)
Lady Mary Willoughbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 26. In behalf of her servant, “who is persecuted by the greatest devices and practices the enemies can devise, to take away his life.” The Queen has promised that the matter shall be duly examined. Begs him to call and examine the coroner, and then write to the lord Chief Justice the state of the case, that it is the Queen's pleasure that her said servant “shall be used with all the indifferency the case will afford.”—Barbican, 26 Nov. 1596.
Signed. (46. 71.)
Thomas Nichols' letters.
1596, Nov. 26. An explanation of Thomas Nichols' letters as follows :—
“After long writing to and fro they fell into the Byas at last on this fashion and wrote vj Octob. 1596 in cypher :—You shall have a pension procured you and good payment always aforehand. Write often. Send your letters as you have used, till you have a direction to one that shall go to remain at Middelburg for that purpose. When the direction is sent you then use it. Some, your illwillers, have given out that Wade should say how you had promised to find Father Garnett and deliver him to Wade's hands; but let not that trouble you. If you answer my expectation as you have promised, and that our affairs speed, you are sure to do well. Advertise me, as you know, how the nobility and people are resolved for the succession, and who, as you think, would be for us, et contra. Trust me, the Cardinal is a rare prince. Let me have your opinion how we were best to proceed when they go about it. If there be any noblemen that would be for the party Catholic, and would be contented to treat, they shall have money given them aforehand; so assurance be given that there is no treachery nor cozenage meant, &c.
“Upon receipt hereof I thought fit to seek more light of their proceeding. Occasion was taken upon the general report here of so many ships in readiness, to challenge them that a matter so handled as it was come to the Council's knowledge should be kept from their friends, thereby disabled to advance the business. It fell out well that before these came, the party, the better to sound them, had written that the Cardinal was held in great admiration here. For the rest he hath taken day. In the meanwhile arrived that ensues :—
Inter cetera, 31 Octob. 1596.—I would gladly know your opinion where rawhides (ships) will be best tanned, and whether is the best workman Peter (Milford), Roger (Thames), or Christopher (Hull). So you promise me to be secret I will show you somewhat of Fr. Yonges (K. of Scots) trade, whereby you may make some profit to yourself and credit with Harry Jobson or his brokers (the Q. or her Council); but you let none know you have it from me. Make you your commodity of it without making mention of me. For my part, to be plain with you, I have no fancy at all to meddle with shoemakers (Scots). It is an occupation I like not and Fr. Yonge (K. of Scots) is far so little and unable as he will never be good chapman (king). He is so hard (Protestant) as he will never be made soft (Catholic). Some have been dealing for him with Mathy Harris (the Pope). The particulars you shall know, I mean for what kind of wares, by my next. If you had rather trade with shoemakers (Scots) and Fr. Yonge (K. of Scots) than with Peter Dobs (K. of Spain) and Mr. Hodges (the Cardinal) then I take my mark amiss and am in a wrong box; but in hope that you like better of the Adventurers (Spanish) you shall have part of such ware as is come to my hands. Howsoever you be affected to one ware or other, I desire but that you be true to me and so make me no author of it. By so doing the shoemakers (Scots) would persecute me in secula seculorum. You know it is an old proverb, one can never make a straight bolt of a pig's tail, nor find a shoemaker to have a soft hand. Withal the knaves are miserable poor, over hard (protestant) and yet would presume to be trim (puritan). With the next you shall have good stuff with the Adventurers (Spanish). There is store of Holland cheese (money): with the shoemakers hunger and cold; and some pitch will stick to such as touch them.
“In cipher at the same time.—I have in my last to you sent a note in cipher for points you should have care to advertise, as to write often after the direction is sent you. To be diligent in learning the harms intended against us. The circumstances, how, in what manner, where and when to be attempted; and to be done in such time as it may be prevented, otherwise it profiteth not nor deserveth thanks. Therefore you must have a friend to let you know when things are first propounded in or to the Council. Next, when they be concluded and determined to be put in execution. All these things must be advertised, with circumstances, from time to time. Also their practises with France and the States. Fail not to write Irish and Scottish affairs. To discover some of their spies. You should attain to great credit and gain, if once you could discover a point of importance to be prevented, and that it fell out just as you had given notice. Send, I pray, a note of the muster roll of all shires and towns in England.
“For answer hereof he hath promised all secrecy and that he is Spanish for life, what, &c. For other matters, that he will do his endeavour to deserve, as time and means will permit. But for answer of his demand touching the havens, it was thought fit to sound their intention and so hold being taken thereof for the present service, answered thus in substance :—That it cannot be said which of the three, Milford, Thames and Hull, are best, unless it were known in what manner and with what force they would assail. If the preparation be royal and sufficient, the Thames is best as nearest the heart. Otherwise, and if they depend upon English assistance, the other two are fitter. But Milford seemeth far from the Cardinal. The other, that is Hull, though it be in a Catholic country is hard to be gotten. And so their further advice is required. In the meanwhile that ensues cometh :—
“xix Novemb., from Nichols.—I have now in my hands the things I promised to send touching Mr. Yong (K. of Scots), which shall go alone by itself with the next post. If you be acknown to any brokers (Councillors) to deal with Mr. Potters (Low Countries), or with any that dwelleth with Mathy Harris, then you may be bold to say it was sent you, not by Guillaume de Boys (Owen), but the party you shall think good to name; for De Boys would not meddle in those things for nothing. (fn. 1) If you have given over the traffic with some brokers then let it be given or left by an unknown person in Jenkin Werd (my 1. Treasurer) or Rafe Jones (Sir Rob. Cecill) house, so you must use your discretion as Guillaume de Boys be made no author, who trusteth you much as you may perceive. If you think not good to be a doer or dealer therein yourself then give it a single cover over to either of the last named. Truly I do not know Mr. Hodges (the Cardinal) mind, whether he could find it in his heart to be a chapman with John Eston (K. of England) or not. He never dealt so far with me nor I with him. No doubt but any of Paolo Sochi (the Emperor) sons can be contented to be a chapman (king). That is their profession as being brought up in it. You know John Eston (England) to be a good companion as any man may be contented to join with him. Of one thing I can assure you, and pray you to believe it, Mr. Hodges is one of the honestest men that ever I knew. Withal is very sufficient to understand well what belongeth to his trade. Further, I know he would adventure all he is worth, and himself, to do good to clothiers that make good soft cloth (Catholic English) and the contrary to all workmen that are hard (Protestants), but would make nor enter no suit in law (conquest) for it against clothiers (English); yet can be contented to make an especial adventure against (overthrow) such hard fellows as are niggards and would do soft clothiers (English Catholics) nor no man good, nor suffer it to be done by others. Of my faith I showed Mr. Hodges what you wrote of him, and he willed me to send you thanks from him, and promiseth well if you send good wool (intelligence) or other wares whereby John Eston (England) may again be restored to former credit, and so use the old trade of ginger (religion) and leave his traffic in sugar (heresy), for that in this [ill] (fn. 2) world no gain can be made thereof to any purpose. And for the better helping of John Eston desireth to know Peter Hallin's (the intelligencer's) opinion where the best tan fats (havens) are to tan bare hides (land soldiers) withal, to know what store of bark and lime (horse and foot) were necessary for those tan fats. Desireth also to know his conceipt whether chanlor (earl), copeman (lord), the haberdashers (gentry) and the felt makers (commons) will venture aught in the bargain, and who hath the better stock of them, for with him will Mr. Hodges join. Wherein I pray you to do your best, and so we will put all our stocks together. It is here much talked and disliked that in England a picture of this Cardinal is made and publicly sold, with horns and the devil behind. Some intend to make one of her Majesty in a dishonest sort as they say.
“xxvj Novemb. 1596, from Nicols :—I promise you of my faith that I know nothing of those raw hides (ships) that came from Mr. Steward (Spain), nor what suit in law (enterprise) is intended about it, nor whether it (fn. 3) belong to John Eston (England) or Franklin (Ireland). Withal I assure you I think Mr. Hodges is not acquainted with that suit in law. If he were he would have better provision of lime and limestone (footmen and small shot), green hides and bark (pikemen and horsemen), whereof he will have better store the next year. If they had meant to enter a suit in law (a conquest) Mr. Potters (the Low Countries) would have furnished his purse better to bear the suit.
“In cipher at the same time :—I hope of no good for John Eston (England) and soft clothiers (English Catholics) by Fr. Yong (K. of Scots) nor from Powell (Scotland), therefore discover this thing to put debate and distrust amongst them. Trust you me it is true, the manner of Ogilbye's going from Steward (Spain). Sir Fr. Englefeld wrote to me, not to Baynes as is laid down in my letters. If you like not to meddle with the matter as not profitable or secure, then I pray you to write it out in some unknown hand, saving the beginning, and give to all a cover and find means it be left in Rafe Jones (Sir Rob. Cecill) house, for if this be not delivered the like shall be sent another way. If the Q or the brokers (Council) be privy to Pury Ogylbye's proceedings for Fr. Yong (K. of Scots) the matter will be the less esteemed; if not, it is worth thanks and more. I deal with you confidently, therefore doubt not you will answer my expectation or say plainly you may or cannot, &c.
Two leaves bound in wrong order.
[The symbolic names in italics, and the original explanations in parentheses.] (46. 60.)
Thomas Nichols to Peter Halyns.
1596, Nov. 26. “I received this packet for you out of Italy, which I thought good to send, as well for that it concerneth her Majesty's service, as my friend writeth to me, as also to please you and him. Here are news come that the Christians have lost a battle against the Turk, and a town called Agria.
“Mr. Cosby's friends will deliver no wares but to the parties it appertaineth. It seemeth the brokers, for their gain, have made the bargain so. If you can find some trusty friend to receive your wares and cheeses for you from some of Mr. Cosby's friends it shall be delivered him, so you send his right name. The other cheeses promised are sent already as you appointed, which is for wool. In the latter end of January we will knit up all accounts, and what ye have laid out shall be answered. If you take great travail I hope to get for (sic) a pot of wine for the recompence.” [Continues as in the preceding paper, with the differences noted.] Middelburgh, 26 Nov. 1596.
Addressed in Dutch :—At London.
Seal broken. Holograph. 1 p. (46. 72.)
Wm. Stallenge to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1596, before Nov. 27]. There is in the harbour a bark of St. Jean de Luce which some of this town wish to send to Avero in Portugal with “corefyshe,” to return with salt and such intelligence as may be had. Sends a note of the master's name, who is of a town near St. Jean de Luce, where Mr. Pallmer dwells. Asks him to signify his pleasure to Sir Ferd. Gorges and the writer.
Holograph. Fly leaf, with address, gone. 1 p.
ii. Note, in Spanish, enclosed :—Martin de Marsanals (?) de Cubibura. Ship of 30 tons named the Maria de St. Vencente (?), 10 men. (46. 75.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 27. “Sir, I thought good to give you knowledge of such things as passed betwixt the French ambassador and me, because if there be not some care taken there may be some mal entendu, and when you shall know what it is that troubles him you can easily help it. I find by him he hath not received the Queen's letter to the King. He is out of countenance, jealous and discontented with it. I did excuse it, that I knew it was written and durst undertake it was sent, but these waters were so great as the messenger might be either staid or miscarried, which if you once heard of you would quickly renew. I could wish you would examine it, for I find the man well affected and amazed he should go thus away, because it is undesirable in these cases. I find also that he did expect to have heard somewhat of those things which her Majesty had understood from the princes of Germany; for, as he saith, the Queen promised to send one to him to declare it. I refer this also to your consideration, whether you will write anything to him of those matters. News I can send you none, but that I have had hitherto the miserablest journey that ever I went.”—Hyde, 27 Nov.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 73.)
B. Countess Of Bedford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 27. In favour of a poor man, John Wheatley, the bearer, to receive some reward for his service done “in the discovering of divers seminaries.” Staying in the writer's house (though not as her servant) he governed himself well and religiously.—Cheynis, 27 Nov. 1596
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 74.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 27. Learns by Cecil's of the 13th inst. the hard success of Captain Legate's voyage, and that Cecil has given his servant 3l. towards his charges. Captains Croftes and Harper are ready, waiting only for wind, and victualled for three months, Harper from the 8th inst. and Croftes from the 14th. Certifies my lord of it herewith, and will by the next send particulars signed by the commissioners. The customer of Plymouth, whom Cecil wrote to to defray expenses, says he has not enough money of the Queen's; so that Stallenge has had to supply most of the victuals. The captains desire their victuals made up so that they may sail with three months'. Dare not grant this without authority unless they are delayed much longer than he hopes they will be. The pinnace for Scilly may be supplied at all times, and if the carvell have victual for two months it will be as much as she can spend. Divers small barks are arrived from the coast of Spain, but can tell only that the king of Spain's fleet has left Lisbon. They say Spanish ships of war are lying about the North Cape to intercept such as pass that way. “In my last I certified your honour something concerning a Frenchman of St. John Deluce, wherein I humbly pray your honour's pleasure, for that the merchants desire to understand the same.”
Letters have just come “from your honours” for the landing of 100 qrs. of wheat out of the Dutch ship, which Mr. Bagge's servant will see done. The master refuses to deliver any till he be satisfied for the freight, which should be done by the merchant or his factors that receive the corn. Concerning this ship I verily believe the duke of Florence's name is but a cloak for others.—Plymouth, 27 Nov. 1596.
Signed. Seal broken 1 p. (46. 76.)
Captain Edmond Morgan to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 27. Of his lifelong services to Essex. Prays for advancement.—27 Nov.
Endorsed :—“96.”
1 p. (174. 40.)
Bal de Moucheron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 27/Dec. 7. Jay receu celle qu'il a pleu a V. S. m'escrire par mon nepveu, de laquelle je n'ay peu tirer aulcune intelligence sans ayde d'amis, daultant quelle estoyt escripte en lange a moy non intelligible; tellement que j'ay este contraint de apeller a mon secours Mons. de Sydene, gouverneur de Flessing, lequel certes m'a fayt ceste faveur, de me dire la substance et la translater. Or, respondant a icelle je diray a V. S. que veu que ainsy est quil a pleu a icelle de en partie advertir a mon dit nepveu nos dessains, que ainsy j'ay trouve bon de changer mes resolutions, et ainsy luy ay adverty et declare houvertement ce que en partie il suspetchoyt, et come je l'ay trouve plus covingieux que je nestimois moy mesmes, et entierement delibere de se employer au service de sa Mag., il m'a senble convenir de lenvoyer a Monsr. Gilpin, pour et afin que il prenne entiere instruction de luy de come il se devera gouverner, et qu'ils prennent piedt p ensenble pour le courespondance; car, veu le susdit, il la poura tenir avesques le dt Sr. Gilpin mieux que avesques moy. Il est doncq party passe deux jours, a son retour je le depetcheray le plus tost quil me sera possible.
Et conbin que jestime que par la voye de France V. S. aura les nouvelles du succes de larmee espaign, si este que je ne puis lesser dadvertir a V. S. ce que nous avons perdeca. Cest que par lettres de Bayonne et de Bilbau du 14, 15, et 16 du mois passe on escript que entre le 25 et 26 du mois doctobre partie de larmee cest perdue a la coste de Biscaye par la tourmente que il fyt alors. Aulcuns escrivent de 47 navires et 30 aultres de moins, entire icelles 17 galions et 30 aultres, mais uneniment escrivent que le plus part des gens se sont perdues, tellement que ma presuposition de laquelle je faysois mention par ma derniere senble aulcunement estre veritable. Du despuis, sont arives pardesa 7 maistres de navires, Hollandois enfuis de la dicte armee et abandonnes leurs navires a St. Lucar, lesquelles jay particulierement examines, et m'ent asertene que ladicte armee estoyst conposee de plus de 120 navires, et que les 17 dicelles preparies en St. Lucar estoyt munies chascun de environ de 150 a 200 hommes, la plus part bisoingues, sans armes et fort mal en ordre, et que sur chascune dicelles il ny avoyt que environ de 8 a 10 maronniers, voire sur touttes les 17 navires que 5 pilottes, et point munies daultre arteliere que celle que ils estoyt costume de mener, sans ladmirael qui avoyt 4 pieces de fonte verte, brief peu de vivres ny amonitions; adjoustant cela que deux navires de sa Mageste les ussent tous deffayt, tellement quil est bien croyable que, veu le mauvais esquipage, que en la susdicte tourmente ils se sont perdus. Et despuis, sommes advertis par la voye de Lions par lettres du 28 de Novembre et de Madril du 20, que 15 gallions et aultres navires se sont perdues en la susdicte tourmente, et que toutte larmee estoyt disipee, tellement que nous ne doubtons point que le choyse ne soyt veritable, dequoy louuons Dieu, et a la veritte cest choyse de consideration de ce que nous voyons que par deux fois Dieu a abisme telles armees par la foudre de sa tenpeste.
Et conbin que je ne soye point sufisant asses de conseillier le prudent conseil de sa Mageste, je diray cecy en passant, que cest ungue choyse fasible de aschevier a ruiner la reste de larmee qui est en la Corring, car elle est en povre estat et fort descouragee, et ayant fayt celle lon fera en Espaingne ce que lon voudrai.
En oultre sommes certayn advertis de come le Roy a lesse protester touttes les lettres de changes du Cardinal enportant ung milion et demy, tellement que il y a grande alteration en Brabant et Flandres, tant entre la noblesse que marchants et general tout le pais, disant que ces estats despanes ont declare au Roy de vouloir plus contribuer aux gerres foraines, et que ils se trouvent asses enpesches, a garder leurs pays.
Plussieurs conjecturent par ceste protestation le desses du Roy, mais il ny a nulle certidude. Si nous en entendons quelque choyse nous vous en ferons part.—De Midel(boro), 7 Dec. 1596.
Endorsed :—“New style.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (174. 48.)
Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 28. This day after 12 p.m. received Cecil's letters, with an enclosure for the French King's ambassador, which he forthwith caused to be delivered to his own hands, who is like to be at Dover so long as the winds continue in the south, “where it hath blown so long as we expect no alteration until we shall see it something settled.” Has delayed some few hours to give the ambassador time to write.—Dover Castle, 28 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 77.)
Jacome Marenco to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 28/Dec. 8. Whilst I was in Genoa I kept Dr. Henry Ocinz, in Venice, informed once a week of the news of Spain and elsewhere, to be forwarded to Essex, according to agreement. On leaving left that duty to a trusted friend Gio. Girolamo Giustiniano, who writes that he has done it but has never received any reply from Venice and is therefore anxious. Begs that if the service is acceptable his friend may have his letters acknowledged. In proof of his own devotion to the Earl's service, refers to Antonio Perez. Since William left there are no letters from Italy or Spain, and no news but of the defeat of the Imperial Army in Germany and of the Spanish Armada off Brittany, with the loss of fourteen large vessels and over 3,000 Spaniards, among them ever so many bishops and many Theatines (Teatini) whom they were taking to plant in other realms.
P.S.—News has since come from Lyons of the 3rd of letters from Spain which confirm the defeat of the Armada, but report nothing more except great preparations of money.—Roano, 8 Dec. 1596.
Endorsed :—“Novo stilo.”
Signed. Italian. 1 p. (174. 50.)
The Queen to Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer.
1596, Nov. 29. Has licensed the export to Scotland, for the use of the King of Scots, of 20 tons of beer, 4 hampers with pewter, 2 hampers with glasses, 2 chests of sugar, 2 barrels with boxes of all sorts of comfits, confections, and banquetting stuff, and pack of rugs and upholsters' ware, and 2 trunks of kerseys; to be carried in a ship of Disert, master Andrew Jak. Directs him to give order that the stuff may pass free of custom.—Westminster Palace, 29 Nov. 39 Eliz.
Endorsed with a note of the stuff.
Sign Manual. Seal. 1 p. (46. 78.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 29. “Sir, though my hand be so weak that I am scarce able to write, yet, this matter touching a man that I honour and love so much, and my nephew, though rash and young yet whom blood maketh to have care of, I have done what I can to procure him to know his fault.” I have drawn a letter, copy enclosed, to be sent, if you like it to my lord. On hearing your pleasure, I will cause him to write it, and will send it to you to deliver, but would first know from your honour that in doing this, “which I think is as much as can be desired,” he may be assured that my lord will hold him as before and forbid any followers of his to renew the matter.
Endorsed :—29 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 79.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 30. Thanks him for his willingness to “deal in this.” Returns, written with “his” own hand, what Cecil sent. Trusts that by Cecil's means “he” may again find “my lord's” favour and be saved from danger of my lord's followers and friends. “The fact was very rash; but seeing he had once entered into it, he should by my advice have swallowed any pill rather than have made this satisfaction to any that I know but him that it is done unto, who is a man I love and honour as much as I can do a man.”
Endorsed :—30 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 80.)
Lord Henry Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 30. I have this morning “perused your judicious and and grave writing to the Western knight,” and hold that person blessed that has such a friend and that prince that has such a counsellor. Your judgment has “confirmed that to him which was before assured by my love. God make his son as wary as the father is sensible. I have heard much of the person whose indiscretion causeth all this stir, and of his humours since I saw you yesterday, and am sorry with my soul for his idle habit invested by singularity. If this letter of yours written to the father teach not a wiser course, consisting wholly upon arteries and sinews without any idle word, I will despair of the son's discretion.” They are much bound to Cecil for his trouble taken.—Tuesday at 7.
Endorsed :—30 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 81.)
Port of London.
1596, Nov. 30. A note of the number (129) of ships which arrived in the port of London in November 1596; with the amount of grain (wheat, rye, meal and oats) and wine (330 tons). “Entered by Plumton.”
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 82.)
Robert Vernon to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 30. Of the duty and service he owes Essex, and the latter's encouragments delivered to him when he was at the University, and especially Essex's last speech to him at his departure out of England.
Our arrival hath been so lately here in France and my French is yet so small, I can yet learn but little news. There is a common speech in the French Court, that the King will send the Duke of Bullin presently to command his army, which if he do, it is thought that he which is yet with it will find himself very much grieved at it. The Cardinal that is here Leager for the Pope is at this instant greatly expected here in the Court. I make no doubt but Mr. Nanton will have certified you better of his affairs than I can. I find the Duke of a most honourable disposition towards me in regard of your Lordship. But I perceive by the speeches of some of his gentlemen that he will think much to horse me, especially when I shall go upon any service. You well know what sudden alarms often fall out here, and it would grieve me to be left behind for want of a good horse. The Duke has asked me twice or thrice if I should have horses come from you.—Roan, 30 Nov.
Signed. 2 pp. (174. 41.)
The Earl of Essex to Mr. Secretary.
1596, Nov. The bearer, Captain Cuny, comes to sue for money taken from him by your warrant. If his cause be not very ill he deserves favour. “He was now lieutenant-colonel of a regiment, and in the last encounter with the rebels in Ireland he was wounded almost to the death. He is as honest a tall man as followeth the wars.”
Endorsed :—“Nov. 1596. My lord of Essex to my master touching Captain Cunye. At London.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (46. 83.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. Captain Nicholas Baskervile has delivered Essex's second letter in his favour. Begs him to accept the answer made before; “for truly if either my promise sundry times made within these three years (for so long it is since I did pass my word), and confirmed by divers letters, or desert of a friend must have any force, I must strive what I may to make good what I have said to Captain Brown.” Baskervile is himself content, if it be Essex's pleasure, and the writer promises to show him such kindnesses while “here” that he shall see the value of Essex's recommendation.
Endorsed :—Nov. '96.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 84.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. “Sir, it is true when a man is at charge he would such were present to grace his charge as he doth most esteem. So was I desirous of your presence Sir, not of your present I assure you, a thing that might methinks be as well left as new year's gifts, though, Sir, I take your bounty now to both my daughters as an assured argument of your favour to me.” Has made an end of feasting for seven years.
Endorsed :—Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 85.)
Spanish Advertisements.
[1596, Nov.] Gio. Girolamo Giustiniano writes from Genoa, 29 Oct., that twelve Neapolitan galleys, under Don Pietro di Toledo, and eight Genoese left on the 26th, having on board Don Pietro de Medici, the Count of Fuentes, the Dukes of Feria and Pastrana and the Vice-roy of Sardinia with part of the Spaniards of Naples, for Flanders. Letters from Naples of 28 Sept. report that the Governor has 100 vessels ready in which to embark 10,000 foot and 600 horse to join the other vessels of Biscay, in which should be other 3,000 foot. They are only waiting for money from the Court, and as they have provisions for two months it is thought they may be for Ireland. They have taken up 3,600,000 crs. to be paid to the Cardinal in Flanders at 300,000 a month.
Endorsed :—“Por vie del amigo.”
Italian. 1 p. (174. 8.)


  • 1. In the original (see succeeding paper) this reads, “for not going to law with Francis Yong.”
  • 2. In the original.
  • 3. “they” in the original.