Cecil Papers: August 1596, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1596, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp338-362 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1596, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp338-362.

"Cecil Papers: August 1596, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp338-362.

August 1596, 16–31

Tobias [Matthew], Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, August 16. According to a letter from the Privy Council for a strait charge to be given to the Mayor and merchants of Newcastle to see the shipping belonging to that town, and to advise others frequenting that port, hereafter to furnish themselves better with men, ordnance, powder and such like requisites, for defence in their trade against the enemy, he did both earnestly write to them and send his servant to debate the matter with them, receiving the enclosed answer.
By virtue of other letters from the Council to him, there are appointed and sent 200 horsemen, as well furnished as the time of year and other circumstances would permit, to attend Lord Eure at the day of Truce upon the border, albeit with some difficulty, for that the service in that kind hath not been heretofore required of this county, no more than was that other levy of 10 horsemen to reside in Northumberland for a “partie” supply of the decays grown in the Middle Marches.
Whereas by letters from their Lordships heretofore, and of late again from the Lord Treasurer of England, he has been required to deal in a money matter between Mr. Robert Bowes, the younger, and Mr. Thomas Fowles, Scottishman, he desires to be spared any further intermeddling in any cause of Mr. Fowles, as he cannot so soon forget how he was traduced by him to the Queen, even as he does and will with all thankfulness remember the special favour which Cecil shews him therein.
Thus having as much cause as any man to congratulate the late access of Cecil's dignity and trust with the Queen and the Estate, and beseeching God long to prosper him in the noble and virtuous steps of his most wise and worthy father, the true Cato (and more) of this commonwealth, he betakes Cecil to the blessing of Almighty God.—At B. Aucklands, 16 of August 1596.
Signed, Tobie Duresm.
Holograph. 1 p. (43. 95.)
The enclosure :
Letter from the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs.
Having perused the letter of the Lords of the Privy Council, &c., they called before them so many of the owners and masters of ships appertaining to their town now at home as have used to transport sea coals. By their relation, it is found their belongeth not above tivo hoys in this place and very few other ships without reasonable furniture and ordnance, which do carry coals, any of which as yet (God be praised!.have not been taken by the enemy. On hearing the contents of the foregoing letters read to them, they answered that they travelled in that trade with so many men and munition as the gain and profit thereof would afford; nevertheless they would endeavour to do their best for their safeguard in the trade.
Such masters of ships as are now at Newcastle or shall hereafter repair thither, shall receive warning of their Lordships' pleasure.
The letter from the Privy Council is returned.—Newcastle, this 14th day of August 1596.
Signed : William Riddell, Mayor; William Selby, H. Anderson, H. Shapman, Robert Atkinson, George Farnebie, Lyonell Maddyson, Ralph Jenyson, William Grenewell, Thomas Lyddell and one other.
Endorsed :—“The Maior & Aldermen of Newcastle, touching their ships to be better furnished. 14 Aug., 1596.”
(43. 58.)
The Council of the North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 16. Received letters dated 1 Aug., from him and others of the Privy Council, to search for “one Greene, a tall black man, dwelling in the city of York, a great harbourer of jesuits and seminary priests, and a dealer for fugitives and evil affected persons.” As the letters did not give his name of baptism, they searched the houses of four persons, the only persons of that surname inhabiting York, but found no suspicious writings, “these men with their wives and families being all of good fame, well affected in religion, and very conformable to her Majesty's laws.” Dawson, the seminary priest lately apprehended, has conformed himself, goes to church and has taken oath to her Majesty, and is doing his best “to convert an obstinate recusant, his fellow prisoner, that never came to the church in his life till within these four days.” Hopes Cecil will favour Dawson's pardon and they have good faith in his unfeigned conversion.—York, 16 Aug., 1596.
Signed. Matth. Ebor. : E. Stanhope : Ch. Hales : Jo. Ferne.
Endorsed : “Council at York.” 1 p. (173. 117.)
John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 17. Having had promise by some of Cecil's letters of his kindness in what he might prefer him, takes hold of this promise which may now stand him in stead. The Queen being moved in a suit for the renewal of a lease already in Carey's possession, has answered that she will confer with Cecil both in it and other things. If it will please him to bestow his good word, he shall do a deed of charity to help a poor friendless man who will be ever ready to acknowledge himself bound to requite the same by any means in his power, and shall win honours in helping him than can do himself little good.—Berwick, this 17th of August, 1596.
Seal. 1 p. (43. 96.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1596, Aug. 17. I perceive by your last letter that the only thing you stickle at concerning Buccleugh's attempt is, that your honour may only be repaired therein, and for all other questionable matters you are content that, with all expedition, they may be handled by commisiouers. Surely, madame, my mistaking your meaning until now in that matter hath been the cause of my so long delay to satisfy you therein, for in respect of your ambassador's first complaint in that matter, craving first filing and then delivery, I could not but think that, according to the custom over observed in border causes, an ordinary form of trial behoved to precede an ordinary punishment. But since I do now find it is only your honour you respect herein, hurt by the breach of your castle, surely, as I would be loth to grant to any iniquity in the form of equal justice or mutual redress betwixt our two realms, so will I be also loth on the other part to give you cause to think that any prince in Europe would be so careful to preserve your honour from all blemish as I, without regard to the appetite of whatsumever the best subject in my land. Both nearness of blood and thankfulness binds me so to do; and, since I have never been actor or consenter to your harm or dishonour in any sort, I would be sorry to begin so badly at this time. And to give you some proof thereof I have without (yea rather, against the advice of any) commanded in word the party whom with you are offended (that it may be seen I will not allow of anything that you might interpret to be an offence unto you) until I may be further informed of your mind herein; which I pray you to haste, together with some speedly and undelayed order for commissioners, as I wrote to you in my last. For I doubt not it grieves your conscience to hear the smart that the poor ones daily receive of all hands, and this insolence of borderers can never be stayed but by commissioners. Wherefore I once again pray you to hasten them, with as few ceremonies as may be, that all delay may be eschewed. And thus praying you to excuse and take in good part my long delay of satisfying your honour, which I heartily pray you to impute to my mistaking, as I have already declared, I commit you to the protection of the Almighty.—Dumfermline, 17 August 1596.
Holograph. [Camden Society, Ed. Bruce. p. 118.] 1½ pp. (133. 150.)
Andreas Martingho to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596, Aug. 18.] Whereas I have been detained prisoner in England this ten years, being taken in the King of Spain's affairs, in which long time I have seen the good conversation of the people of this religion, that I have wholly embraced it, as partly your Honour may perceive by my petition, I trust by your Honour's means to have my liberty, and if it please you to accept of ray poor and dutiful service as touching Spain, or elsewhere you will employ me, I am ready to spend my dear heart blood at your commandment. The good remembrance of Sir Francis Walsingham would fain [have] employed me in time past but my conscience was not so inclined as it is now. I can speak all languages and have travelled almost the world over in the King of Spain's affairs.
Endorsed :—“18 Aug. 1596. Andreas Martiningo to My Mr. From the prison in Newgate; his offer of service.”
Undated. Seal. 1 p. (43. 98.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 18. Upon Saturday last, in the evening, I received your Honour's letter of the 13th, together with the enclosed to Mr. Killagrewe, whereupon I speedily repaired to the Downs, and not finding Mr. Killagrewe there, I went aboard Sir Francis Veare, and did impart unto him the tenour of your letters, who answering affirmed that Mr. Killagrewe (who as he thought was yet at Sandwich) had already a note under his hand of all things of value remaining in his ship. With which answer, forasmuch as it was then past 9 at night, I departed, leaving notwithstanding some of my servants aboard to see that nothing might be conveyed away in the night. And the next day being Sunday, for that I was myself to attend the Duke of Bollen's present arrival and provisions for him, I sent the chief searcher of Dover with some of mine own men to execute the tenour of your letters, but before their coming thither all the ships of the Low Countries, as well those under Sir F. Vear's regiment as the Flemish squadron, were setting sail, so as nothing could be done therein; and as I am credibly informed by men expert in such searches, it is not possible to make search in any ship to good purpose except the ship may first be cleared of all the mariners and company therein—a matter not feasible in this instant case and service. And the searcher demanding the copy of such note as Mr. Killagrewe had taken, Sir F. Vere delivered to him this enclosed, and further promised also to repair speedily to the Court, trusting to satisfy Her Majesty in all that hath or may be objected against him.—Dover Castle, this 18th of August, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (43. 99.)
The Enclosure :
Sir Francis Vere.
I have received of certain Spaniards taken in Cales for their ransoms the sum of 12,570 ducats at 5s. 6d. the piece. Moreover 50 or 60d. worth of plate, and I have a suit of 'bottones' which cost me 40 shillings the piece of Sir Oliver Lambert. And this is all that I set down to the Commissioners at Plymouth, and now, being pressed by Mr. Lieutenant and Mr. Searcher of Dover, in virtue of a letter to that effect received from Mr. Secretary, I do in testimony of my obedience certify the same once again under my hand.—Aboard the Raynbow, this 15 August, 1596.
I being further urged by Mr. Searcher of Dover, being sent the second day by Mr. Lieutenant of Dover to grant him furtherance and assistance for the visiting of these ships which transport my regiment, I gave him a guide to the same ships. What he found I leave to his own report.
Cecil's endorsement :—“Readde.”
1 p. (43. 92.)
The States General of the United Provinces to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 18/28 Asking him to favour and assist the bearers, whom they are sending to the Queen upon matters of great importance.—La Haye, 28 Aug., 1596, new style.
Countersigned, C. Aerssenz (?).
French. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Readde.” 1 p. (44. 26.)
The States General of the United Provinces to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 18/28. Congratulate him upon him upon the success of his enterprise against the King of Spain, as certified to them by the Sieur de Reguemortes. Will consider the points proposed to them on his part by the said sieur; and thank him for his continued goodwill to their state.—La Haye, 28 Aug., 1596, new style.
Countersigned, C. Aerssenz (?).
Endorsed :—“From the General States, 18/28 Aug. 1596, novo stilo.”
French. 1 p. (44. 27.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 19. I rest assured of my deeds and thoughts that I have no way given offence, but your late proceedings with me makes me fear some evil disposed hath informed you amiss of me, else could it not be having occasion ministered by the Queen, as by two letters sent by your Honour to my brother doth appear, that you would use a second means to acquaint me withal, and not to write to myself thereof. I have twice written to your Honour since my father's death desiring your favour, and I have greatly longed to hear from you again, but my fortune hath not been so good; which confirms my opinion of my former fear : wherein resolve me, good Sir, for I shall live much displeased till I hear from you.
Touching Her Majesty's pleasure for Cutberd Armorer's remove from Norham, I promised to displace him from thence, and so I did shortly after my coming down. He has nothing to do under me there, but of necessity I must till Michaelmas suffer him to remain within the old walls, for his corn is not yet reaped that was sown in my father's time. I should do him great wrong to take it from him, having paid my Lord rent for it, but for my authority or to meddle with anything belonging to my office, upon my credit he neither doth nor shall. Though I mean not any way to employ him in my service, because Her Majesty mislikes him, yet let me say thus much for the poor man, he was a true servant to my father, for whose sake I know he hath gotten many enemies in this country who think now to oppress him. I will no way seek to excuse him, but I would he had a trial, and I think it be the poor man's desire, and as his deserts are so I wish it might come to him. If any have informed Her Majesty or yourself that he hath anything to do under me at Norham, truly they have done me wrong, for, upon my credit, he is no more to me than what I have already written, and so you may from me assure Her Majesty.—Barwicke, this 19 of August, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Received at the Court at Grreeawich the 24th of the same.”
Holograph. 1 p. (43. 100.)
John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 19. Acknowledging Cecil's letter of August 12, with the Queen's most gracious and favourable letter for his using and executing the place of governorship of Berwick for the present, wherein he thinks himself highly bound unto Her Majesty, and will endeavour to discharge that great trust for both the safety of the town and the preserving of Her Majesty's honour.
Touching Her Majesty's great mislike of the Armorer's having such freedom there, does not know what this means, for he hath no other freedom than others of the garrison, unless it be her pleasure that Armorer should be put out of the place which he has long had in the town, that is to be one of the constables of the horse garrison in Berwick. And touching Norham, his brother, Sir Robert Carey's, answer will shew that he hath little authority therein and is like shortly to have less. If anything Armorer does is disliking to the Queen, upon certificate Carey will soon displace him, and make him know his duty in better sort. Requests Cecil's favourable assistance as occasion shall fall out.—Barwicke, this xixth of August, 1596.
Seal. 1 p. (43. 101.)
William Killigrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 20. Is sorry there hath not happened so much profit to Her Majesty by this action as they hath done honour, and doubts not, when all circumstances are examined, it shall be found there is no fault with the Commissioners. Craves pardon for not waiting upon Cecil, but is yet unfit to come into Her Majesty's presence, the surgeons having laid such unsavoury medicine unto his knee, which must be kept on for two or three days more. They do assure him that then he may be told to go upon it. The straining of his knee going in and out into ships, was the cause of this flux to come down to it, and therefore he desires to be spared from being any more employed in this Commission lest the like should happen again.—London, this 20 of August, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (43. 102.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 20. By Monsieur Regemorter, the fourth of this present, I received your letter dated 7 July, of the happy success and great victory the Almighty Lord hath vouchsafed to send 3 ou in this last expedition upon Cadiz, for which I most humbly pray Him to make us all thankful. The report of the particularities was also told to me, and I did what I could to second and further that your Lordship had given him in charge and desired. Whereunto what the States' answer hath been for the present, by him you shall understand at large, having in his dealing carried himself very well and discreetly. Mr. Bodley did also send me a relation of the service passed at Cadiz, with copy of your letter unto him, which I have here communicated unto those he appointed me, and was very well tasted and liked. At the first upon the news of abandoning the place after it was spoiled, here was great discoursing, every one speaking as he was affected and censured those actions, which little became or appertained unto them; but all that overpassed within a few days, and now begin to speak and conceive better thereof, yet wish that the place had been held to have served for a staple or magazine in those parts for these countries, whence all things necessary should have been sent very plentifully, and divers of Amsterdam and Middleborgh, besides other places, were already preparing to have loaded and come thither : which forwardness will serve another time to draw them on to join in any like action and follow your Honour, in which good mind and devotion I will seek and use all endeavours to keep and entertain them. And whereas their merchants (besides the Joss sustained in Cadiz) do complain wonderfully of certain bags of money taken out of their ships which were met at sea, whereof I think the General States will write over unto you, please let me understand somewhat thereof, and what hath or shall be done herein, to the end I may answer and speak therein according as may be most agreeable with your honour and pleasure.
The States' deputies are in a manner despatched, Walke being returned into Zeland to prepare himself and set his business in order, where the others shall find him, to take passage together, and mean to set forward on Tuesday or Wednesday next. They propose to rely on your honourable favour, in hope thereby to work some good, but if their commission be so strict that they cannot go further than the content of those articles Mr. Bodley had given him and carried over, then have I cause to fear of their speeding. It is looked for here that the Duke of Bouillon, after he shall have done there, will come over hither about like business, and how to deal for the most annoying and troubling of the King of Spain, being also put in hope that the said Duke will do what he can that the States may be accepted and comprehended in the League which is now in terms of conclusion between their Majesties, whereof it seems (as is given forth by the French) that the King makes no difficulty, but proceedeth from Her Majesty's behalf, which troubleth them here more than they do make shew of. I dare not presume to intermeddle in so high matters, but in my opinion (under humble correction), if they be desirous to be admitted and joined, I see no reason but that they should endeavour themselves to entreat and seek for it at her hands unto whom they are so much bound and beholding.
They are sending of deputies for Denmark to be there against the coronation and the same passed to request the confirmation of former league, amity and privileges, which after the late King's decease they had required, but was then till this time deferred, and hope of their speeding.
Of the surrender of Hulst I am sure your Lordship hath heard. The Count Solms was since here, and made large report how all was past, affirming that the enemy had gotten such vantage and was come so far that it was impossible to have held the same longer. He was willed to deliver by writing so much as he had said, which, after some difficulties moved, he promised to do, and then will be seen what the States mean to say further unto him, or to let it rest, their most heat being overpassed, and the murmuring of the people quieted. The Count Maurice is still at Ervyninghen in Tergoesland attending to see what course the enemy will take, who hath been quiet since he possessed Hulst. An intent he had to Axele and Ternuesen, but the Count Maurice's cutting of the dykes and letting in the water sundered the same, and now the bruits are divers : some of Lyeffkenshoock, others of Steenbarghen, Breda and Nimeghen, which the Count Harman Van den Barghe insists very hard upon. There is levying of men here, entertained with half pays, to be placed and used in the garrison towns when upon occasions the others are drawn thence about some service. Out of Germany the news are confirmed of the Turk's great preparation by sea and land, so as it is feared that both Transilvania and Sicily will be attempted ere winter, and not without danger. From the Haghe, this 20th of August, 1596.
P.S.—If it be purposed to set any discourse forth in print of the service in Cadiz, and that I may have one of the first copies, I will translate it in this tongue, and somewhat pleasing unto the humour of the people who love to read any thing come forth in their own language.
Holograph. Seals. 3 pp. (43. 103.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 22. Le seigneur Bodley a prins sur soy mes congratulations de vostre retour, et aussi de vous declarer mes devotions, car tout ainsy que devant vostre venue je concevois que tout ce qui avoit estè execute en vostre voiage vous estoit deu, et tout ce qui a estè omis attribué aux empechements et liens dont esties environe, aussi je l'ay maintenu es occasions qui se sont presentées, comme il vous pourra dire.
Maintenant que vous estes en repos, ayant rejeté de vous ce que la malice humaine avoit controuvé et basti, je vous supplie de vous souvenir des choses ensuivantes;—
Que l'entreprinse de Cales, appartenante a un aultre du commencement, est devenue vostre, et que le Roy d'Espagne la recognoit de vous seul.
Que l'Espagnol estant implacable de son naturel la recognoistra de vous en perpetuité et le jeune prince, heritier apparent de cette monarquie, heritera aussy bien la revange particuliere que la publique.
Qu'il n'a perdu que quartre de ses propres navires de guerre, et qu'il luy en demeurent ancores plus de cinquante, le dommage de ses subjects ne luy touchant point directement, mais il auroit plustost le desir de revange de ce qu'il diminue les forces.
Que par votre valeur sublime aves encomencé un ouvrage eccellent, mais que n'estant point poursuivy, il sera cause d'un plus grand mal qu'il n'y a place prennable en toute l'Espagne tant commode pour endommager l'ennemy en mer et en terre comme l'isle de Cales et en faire notre proffit.
Que s'on luy donne temps, seulement six mois, de la fortifier, il vous sera impossible d'y mettre jamais le pied.
Finalement, qu'il est mieulx par nostre sovraine faire la guerre a l'ennemy en sa maison, on elle se peut faire à ses despences, que de l'attendre en nostre mer avec incommodité et danger.
Monsieur, tout ce que dessus se pouvoit amplifier en grande facon, mais il n'est point necessaire devant vostre entendement qui est si clair. Vous me pardonneres, s'il vous plait, la hardiesse d'en avoir traité quelque chose Au demeurant, il vous plaira d'entendre que j'ay obtenu le consentement du personage qui a ma maison de Crambrook et qu'elle est a vostre commandements pour y [mettre] voz prisoniers.—Londresr, le 22 d'Aoust, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (43. 105.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 22. Wrote on the 15th how far the Commissioners had then proceeded. Little has since been done, owing to the sickness of Sir Fardinando Gorges, who is now “upon recovery,” but very weak, and has appointed Mr. Tristram Gorges, in his place, to join with Messrs. Strowde, Harris and Howe (one of the London Commissioners) for the searching of this town. “What they shall find that hath been had in the voyage they mean either to take into their custody or charge the parties therewith.”—Plymouth, 22 Aug., 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (44. 1.)
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 22. Considering the benefits he has received from Cecil's father and mother, is glad to find the same favour in him. “I do understand that it hath pleased God to move my Lord and your honour to be a special means for the procuring of the bishopric of Chester unto me. I pray God make me thankful unto Him and able to discharge the duty required. I have heretofore had my livings by your father's means; so, if you both shall like thereof, I will accept the same with all thankfulness and dutiful service to you both.” Recommends as his sucessor in his place Dr. Webster, one of the College and my lord Admiral's chaplain.—Chiswick, 22 Aug., 1596.
Endorsed :—“The dean of Westminster.”
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 2.)
Jehan van Oldenbarnvelt to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 22/Sept 1. Thanks him for his letter and the report of the Chevalier Reghemorres of the sucess of his heroic design and the damage done to the King of Spain and his subjects. Trusts he will continue his efforts against that King's ambition.—La Haye, 1 Sept. 1596.
Endorsed :—“Mons. Barnvelt, 2 Sept., 1596, novo stilo.”
French. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 128.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir John Fortescue.
1596, Aug. 23. Was constrained to depart suddenly, by reason of an extreme headache, and is yet unable to stir. “If I be now disgraced (my father-in-law being in the town and ready to confer on me much good) I am uterly undone. I do expect your comfortable answer hereunto in writing, acknowledging myself for ever most bounden to you, for the particularities of this matter are not yet well known to your Honour, which I refer to the next, and will undertake to do Her Majesty acceptable service.”—23 Aug., 1596.
Signed, A. Ashley. 1 p. (44. 3.)
Dr. Richard Webster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 23. Begs favour in his suit to succeed Mr. Dean of Westminster. Moved the Earl of Essex for his; and he replied that he had given his word for another (most probably Dr. Reynolds, Dean of Lincoln, or the Dean of Winchester, Dr. Eyton), but he would willingly prefer the writer to the place the other vacated. “So that my hope now lieth wholly upon the right honourable my lord and master and your honour; and my trust is, if your honour please to do for me herein, his lordship will be but an easy adversary. I may not with any modesty importune your honour (as often I have), but if your honour please to deal for me, I shall make an end of all like suits hereafter, and shall be at hand ready ever to be commanded by your honour and my lady daily, and my lord's house, as a perpetual faithful and thankful poor servant.”—23 Aug., 1596.
Endorsed :—Mr. Dr. Webster. 1 p. (44. 4.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596 Aug. 23. Was constrained through extreme sudden indisposition to leave the Court, or must have betaken himself “to some unfit house there.” Confesses that he has been too faulty and forward of tongue, and that, with Sir Gilly Merrick's consent and suggestion and by his delivery, he took to his own use “some of the monies that were not her Majesty's nor the generals', but certain merchants' of Amsterdam.” Though taken without his generals' leave, this could be no fraud, for repayment was guaranteed by charter parties. “Sir Gilly Merrick has prevailed herein against me to his own benefit, to make me unapt to receive the reward of a prisoner called Pedro Castillo, now in his custody, for whom I am presently an humble suitor to my lords generals.” I beg you to look upon this matter with a favourable eye; “I stand at this present upon making and marring, and once you promised a special good turn, when I steaded you in your desire of the 'hough,' though it proved not so beneficial unto you as I wished.” Marvels “whence this extreme alteration should come; for from so slender a cause as the diamond, knew you once the truth, it eould never grow.” Is sure that he has wronged none that are Cecil's “well affected” in this journey.—My poor house, 23 Aug. 1596.
Signed :—A. Ashley.
2 pp. Seal. (44. 5.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 23. Wrote last on the 20th, answering the letter brought by Monsieur Regenmorter, whom he cannot now suffer to return without these few lines. Regenmorter has fulfilled his charge well, and can report “what his Excellency saith to the world, and doth think that will be done by the Cardinal, who yet is not resolved what to attempt next, keeping these men the whilst doubtful, and afraid of all their weaker places. The Princes and Monsieur Buzenval depart to-morrow towards Zealand, there to attend the Duke of Bouillon's coming. I have in my last presumed to tell your Lordship what I understood of these men's intent to be comprehended in the league, and what methought was fit. I could wish matters handled so that they might find and acknowledged that without your Lordship's favour their causes would not have gone so currently as they may wish; for I know their nature and humours, which is such as cannot abide to be too much extolled or suppressed.”—The Hague, 23 Aug. 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (44. 6.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 23 Congratulations on his safe return. “Our soldiers are not yet returned, having been driven by storms into Zeland. The enemy as far as I am advertised hath broken up his camp, not minded to attempt any other thing this season, chiefly, as I hear, by reason of this league which the French King maketh with her Majesty, and a bruit that he will besiege Dorlens.”—Ostend, 23 Aug. 1596.
Holograph. 2 pp. (173. 118.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 24 Was, with Mr. Moore, appointed by Mr. Thomas Drake, by virtue of Cecil's letters, to receive from Messrs. Anthony Rowse, William Strowde, and Chr. Harris such things as remained in their hands of Sir Francis Drake, deceased. After many meetings, they promised to deliver certain plate and money, which Stallenge and Moore would have sent up towards the payment of the 2,000l. required by the Queen for men's wages; but now Serjeant Standfild has advised them that Mr. Drake has no more to do in the executorship than themselves and they refuse to deliver it unless upon an unreasonable bond. Cecil should send for them and not licence Mr. Drake to come down, for which they have written. Mr. Drake “hath promised my lady Drake and the gentlemen to discharge his brother's debts, so far as the goods will stretch which he shall receive, and so far to assure my lady's jointure and legacies,” which seems as much as can be required of him. Protests that he himself has no intention to wrong lady Drake.—Plymouth, 24 Aug., 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 7.)
Jane Yetzweirt to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 24. The bills signed by the Queen in the month of Mr. Yetzweirt, her late husband's, waiting, have since his death been in custody of her brother Hall. Has sent to him in London to give direction that they may be brought to Cecil.—Sonbury, 24 Aug., 1596.
Signed, Jan Yetsweirt.
1 p. (44. 8.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 24. “Sir, I hope your honour will accept it for no compliment that I presume in all these great French ceremonies (with which in unripe years I was too soon and over familiarly acquainted) to tire your eyes with the peruse of these lines.”
Could not permit the bearer to pass without sending some word. Has been comforted by a letter from my lord, Cecil's father, since coming hither. Wishes he were, nearer him, “and with your favour, that honourable lady (my Lady), by whom my wife (poor wife) in this her affliction hath been comforted more than by any, and to whom myself resteth more tied than my pen can express, or I will write, lest I make your Honour jealous. With duty remembered to both, I rest, at her Majesty's prison of Queneburgh Castle, 24 Aug. 1596.” Signed.
“Methinketh out of the grates of this castle I behold how patiently Sir W. R. carryeth his attending hope and how gravely G. Car standeth before your Lordships, but neither of them with much hair on their heads to be able to bear out so great a storm.”
Not Addressed.
Endorsed by Cecil's Clerk :—“To my master.”
1 p. (44. 9.)
Robert Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 25. “I have spoken with the bearer hereof touching his intention to repair into Yorkshire about the mine; and, seeing he mindeth only to go thither to bring some proofs of that which he hath informed unto your Honour, and saith that the place lieth in a common far from any house and that he needeth not the help of any others than of himself alone, I think your Honour's private letter unto the lord Archbishop will suffice.” Sends a draft of such a letter; also of one of the officers of the mines of Cheswyke in answer to that which Beale lately received from Leeds, and mentioned to Cecil on Sunday last. It should be sent in the next packet to lord Scroope.—London, 25 Aug. 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (44. 14.)
Allan Carr.
1596, Aug. 25. Certificates (that Mr. Allan Carr, preacher of Braintford, Midd., has been very diligent in reading a divinity lecture there for kve years and has been of honest and Godly life) by William Hickman and Francis Darey, which latter has dwelt in Brentford “these two years.”—25 Aug. 1596.
1 p. (44. 17.)
The Expedition to Cadiz.
Deposition of Sir Arthur Savage.
1596, Aug. 25. On Tuesday, 22 June, the second day after we entered Cales, I was sent, late in the afternoon, by the lords generals, into the cassell with my lord of Essex's company of foot, of which I was lieutenant, “to see no violence or wrong offered by the soldiers or other to any of the gentlewomen or the rest, and withal to see such of them dismissed as were not appointed hostages for the general ransom.” He and the company were forbidden to enter any house. Remained at that service till 9 p.m. when he shut the “port.” “I entreated then the chiefs of the cassell to appoint me some house for my rest, not having taken any the night before or in both the days; and because I had received small blows with stones to which I had applied nothing and they began to grieve me, I entreated to be lodged in either a physician's or surgeon's house. Which being granted, I went thitherward, and on the way I met Sir George Caroe, complaining the want of his boy to bring him to his lodging, when, because it was late, I offered him to take such part as myself of what they had allotted for me. And so we went together to a physician's house, and not long after set us down to supper; when there came one to speak with me that would neither deliver me the name of the party from whom he came or the business—only I must go to a gentleman for mine own good. Whereupon I sent a soldier with him to understand the matter and to find out the man; who brought me word that it was Mr. Topley, to whom I must either go or send for such treasure as was in his house, which was, as he said, of good quantity. This message was privately delivered unto me, but I publicly told Sir George Caroe of it, and entreated him to take care thereon; who importuned mine own going with him but, seeing my extremity, was contented at last to go himself with one of my men and a soldier of my lord's whose service I used. Myself not long after went to rest and waked not till break of the day that Sir George Caroe came in, who told me of the money he had brought, and how he had been troubled with it.” Two hours later arose and rode about the cassell and met Mr. Merrick, with whom he returned, and they waked Sir George Caroe and asked him of the money. He said there were some bags and a small chest, each such as a man might lift but not carry far. “This money, as it was taken out of the tower, as both those have sworn unto me many times that attended Sir George, was delivered unto Mr. Merrick, who sealed it up.” Touched none of it.
“And whereas it is reported to her Majesty, and spread else abroad, of the abundance of the King's treasure that was within the cassell, I am sure they that most inforce this matter, if they were there, can tell that the most that was ever named to be there was 44,000 ducats whereof part was impressed to (sic) Sunday before to such soldiers as went aboard the King's ships, as the pagadore there confessed.”
Endorsed :—25 Aug. 1596. Holograph. 3 pp. (44. 18.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 25. Since he last wrote, the companies are arrived; but of the 600 sent, not past the half are returned, and of the companies whose captains remained here almost none. They will be at great charge to levy new soldiers unless Essex relieve them. Hears there is a great quantity of ordnance. Begs that part of it may be sent hither where the ramparts are now made fit to hold great store of cannon.—Ostend, 25 Aug., 1596.
Holograph. 2 pp. (173. 120.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 26./Sept. 5. Takes advantage of the sending to him by the Estates General of the Chevalier de Regemortes to congratulate him on the successful termination of his enterprise in Spain and his happy return.—Tholen, 5 September 1596.—Signed.
French. Seal. 1 p. (147. 125.)
1596, Aug. 27. Charterparty made 24 Aug. 1596, before John Hendrickes, notary public, in Middelborough, between James Maertens, merchant, now in Middelborough, and John Willemson, mariner, of Connickesberghe, master of the ship Black Eagle, of 100 tons. The latter agrees to be ready to sail within eight days for the Great Canaries, and there discharge the said merchant's freight and lade with such goods as the said freighter's assignee shall deliver him : if these be not a full lading, he shall sail to the islands of Palma and Garrechico and complete lading there. Three score days to be occupied in this unlading and relading. He shall then return direct to Rouen, in France, where he shall be paid for as much of the freight as shall be unladen, he shall come direct to Middelborough and deliver the rest. 3,650 Carolus gildrens, of 20 stuyvers each, and 40 gildrens for a cloak cloth, with the usual average pilotage, &c., is to be paid by the freightor; 600 gildrens of it in advance, towards the setting out of the ship. A young man on behalf of the freightor to go in the ship, and be well treated, and the ship to carry sixteen men (including cook and boy), “six cast pieces, weapons, munitions, victuals and also a new ship's boat,” and all necessaries. Witnesses, James Van Dale and and Jacob Willemson.
On 27 Aug. the said John Willemson appeared before the said notary and confessed to have received the said 100l. Flemish towards the setting out of the ship.
Translation from the Dutch attested by Cornelius Spirink.
7 pp. (44. 10.)
1596, Aug. 27. Privy Signet to Lord Burghley, lieutenant of Lincolnshire, directing him to levy 100 footmen in Lincolnshire for service in Ireland, the captain to be named by the Council, who will send instructions as to coats, conduct money, &c.—Greenwich, 27 Aug. 38 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Seal. 1 p. (44. 20.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 28. Expresses his grief at “this increase of disgrace,” and contrition for his sins. Hoped for some favour upon repayment of the money. “Woe worth the time that ever I meddled with the diamond, that I went this journey, or did return untimely before the Generals, and that I have offended (so God help me in greatest distress) whom I never so much as thought ill of; and am most of all perplexed for Her Majesty's heavy indignation, with conceipt of little trust or confidence in me.” Begs to be confined in his own house, for his health's sake and the “comfort of such as (had not this been) intended my great good.” Disgrace could not come at a worse time and his prison is the more hateful as he must be daily in company with Phillips, the decipherer, who deeply wronged him in his absense this journey and who lately hired spies to procure letters from traitors beyond sea to draw him in question. Begs to be imprisoned in the Marshalsea.—From the Fleet, 28 Aug. 1596.
Signed :—A. Ashley.
1 p. (44. 21.)
Sir William Russell, Deputy of Ireland, to the Queen.
1596, Aug. 28. “It may please your most sacred Majesty, these three months your Majesty's Council here, being all become of my opinion that this kingdom is not otherwise to be kept than by force, have joined with me in divers letters to lay down unto your Highness' Council there, the distressed and most dangerous estate of this your Majesty's realm; and yet to this day we have received thence no manner of comfort or relief, but that we still remain destitute both of treasure and victuals, the grounds and very sinews of a war, and have not so much as directions to alter these courses of pacifications and cessations from arms which we have plainly showed in our judgements to have given disadvantage to your Majesty's service, with as great 'expense of your Highness' treasure as if a war all this while had been maintained, and yet with such commodity to the rebels as their strength thereby is much increased, and their combination so enlarged that, if it be not speedily altered and prevented by the better supplying of our wants, I protest unto your most sacred Majesty your kingdom is no small deal endangered. For, upon confidence of the Spaniards' coming hither, which yet they do undoubtedly expect, and that very speedily, as may appear by letters from Sir Thomas Norreys and Sir Edward Moore now sent unto your Highness' Council there, they are grown to such a height of pride and so strongly combined amongst themselves as the whole kingdom is in rebellion or conspiracy, and of themselves both able to do much to the hazarding of this your Highness' realm, and will surely this winter out into action, I fear me, to the very walls of Dublin. I have been most unwilling to trouble your Majesty with these things, knowing them to be both uncomfortable and unpleasing, but unto your Highness' Council there I have so often imparted the particulars, showing plainly that this would be the issue, as, seeing myself not credited therein, I have been disabled to do your Majesty that service here that otherwise I was in hope I should have done, and so remained, as still I do, most desirous to be revoked from this government, if it might stand with your Majesty's good pleasure and liking; or at the least my most humble suit is that your Highness would be pleased to vouchsafe me licence for a month or six weeks, to impart some things to your Majesty which highly concern your service and I dare not commit to writing.”—Kilmainham, 28 Aug. 1596.
3 pp. (44. 22.)
Filippo Corsini to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 28. Encloses a letter received from Florence. Has sent my lord, his father, a letter from the Grand Duke to the Queen, desiring besides the ten passes already granted, five more for five ships, to be laden with corn.—London, 28 Aug. 1596.
Endorsed :—Mr. Corcino.
1 p. (44. 24.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Thomas West.
1596, Aug. 28. Sundry parcels of rich merchandise gotten at the sacking of Cales, have been brought into “that town of Southampton, and contrary to the will of the generals, are very secretly stowed in a house of Sir Oliver Lambart, and in sundry other cellars and warehouses of the town.” Doubtless Sir Oliver will give a good account, but there is a danger that “his inferior officers that have followed him in the voyage” may purloin things of value. Commands him in the Queen's name to call the assistance of the officers of the port, and seize to the Queen's use all goods “that may be taken as gross merchandise, treasure, or things of value and not ordinary pillage as apparel, old hangings, carpets and other household stuff.” Chests which cannot well be opened, to be sealed up.—The Court, 28 Aug. 1596.
Begs him to see that nothing is embezzled after it is known that he will make a search; “for the world is full of such devices. And because the mayor being a townsman may happen to 'doble' in the matter I have sent his letter enclosed in yours, to deliver him when you see cause and are ready.”
Draft corrected by Cecil.
Endorsed by Cecil's clerk :—“My master's letter to Sir Thomas West.”
2 pp. (44. 25.)
Roger Walton to John Stanhope, Treasurer of Her Majesty's Chamber.
1596, Aug. 28. I beseech your worship be a means for my enlargement that hath never offended my prince or country, although it hath pleased that slanderous and malicious tongue wrongfully to give some hard speeches unto your worship against me, who hath not been contented by his injurious suggestions, made me suffer one and thirty months' close imprisonment within less space than three years, and doth not leave to pursue me still maliciously, although I have endured torture three times upon the rack, and set at liberty by the general council of a state in Holland and Seland, as I have under their hands to shew. And now recovering a little health, and assuring myself upon good and true grounds to do Her Majesty some especial service, made me bold to offer myself unto your worship and there attended your worship's pleasure 16 or 17 days; now lying committed in the Marshalsea have neither money or means to relieve me, like to perish, unless it please you to be a means for my enlargement.
P.S.—I have been ready, to go unto any place whither it shall please Her Majesty and your worship to have sent me.
Addressed :—“To the Right Worshipful Mr John Stanopp, Esquier, Treasurer of Her Majesty's Chamber.” &c.
Endorsed :—28 Aug. 1596. Walton, prisoner in the Marshalsea, to my Mr”.
Seal. 1 p. (43. 97.)
Roger Walton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 28. To the same effect as the preceding.
Having recovered a little health since his enlargement, he offered service (desiring Cecil's warrant by the month of Treherone, the porter) for the apprehension of certain coiners, and has travailed therein these two months, “as shall appear by the lord Chamberlain late deceased his letter and by Sir Richard Martyhe, and is at this present to be effected.” Begs to be enlarged and for employment.
Endorsed :—“28 Aug. 1596. Prisoner in the Marshalsea.”
1 p. (173. 121.)
Cobham Hall.
1596, Aug. 28. List of servants at Cobham Hall this week, and expenses.
1 p. (145. 185.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. 29. Takes the opportunity to write by bearer, captain of a ship of war going into England, but the little time he has been here has not let him see much; and, indeed, since the capture of Hulst there is nothing important. “The deputies of the States which are to go into England are come to Midleborrow, and only now to stay a good wind to carry them over. There are four of them, as I understand, Longoluit for Gelderland, Lorem for Holland, Valck for this province, and one out of Friesland. If I can learn what their negociation shall be I will advertise your Lordship by the first. The Count of Solms is extremely cried out upon for the giving over of Hulst in that sort as he did. I know not how he hath satisfied the States, who had him put down his reasons in writing. But howsoever they may mislike with the matter I think they will say little unto him in it, but swallow it up as they have done many other errors. From myself I have a complaint unto your Lordship, that our men have not been brought back in that sort as I am sure your Lordship did give order. For neither have we our number : and a great part of them we have without any arms or clothes, truly almost as if they had come out of a spital; wherein especially an ancient of Sir Ri. Wingfeld's is complained of, (his name is Sheffeld), who had some 80 men to send over and, as they say, spoiled them of all they had, arms, clothes and all. Truly if it be so, he is very well worthy to [be] punished; for it was a very foul part and a great dishonesty in him towards your Lordship. But of this I will write more to your Lordship by my next. Your Lordship's tokens to the sea men shall be delivered. Corneiles Levison is here in town, and will be with me to-morrow, and then shall have that which you send him. The Admiral and Vice-Admiral are in Holland, but they shall have theirs as soon as I can hear where they be.”—Flushing, 29 Aug. 1596.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“readde.”
3 pp. (44. 28.)
Sir Richard Bulkley to the Queen.
1596, Aug. 29. Has, as commanded, made secret enquiry, in the seven shires entrusted to him, how much money was cessed in each towards the charges of the soldiers appointed out of them in the last expedition by sea. Has so dealt that there is no “suspicion of any such intention.” Lancashire, being large and divided into many townships, has been diversely cessed according to the partialities of the deputy lieutenants and justices, and, for the 200 soldiers furnished, some paid at the rate of 7l. for each man, some 6l. and some 5l. Encloses schedule of the amounts.—Bewmares, Aug. 29, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p.
Schedule enclosed.
Lancashire, 1,200l. Cheshire, 960l. Flintshire, 280l. Denbighshire, 400l. Carnarvonshire, 400l. Anglesey, 400l. Merionethshire, 400 mks.
(44. 30–31.)
Sir Thomas West and Francis Cotton to the Privy Council.
1596, Aug. 29. On the Council's letters of the 19th inst. to stay all goods landed at Portsmouth or thereabouts out of ships which followed the Queen's navy this summer for private gain, have made enquiry, but can learn only of one such bark arriving in Portsmouth harbour, and she had discharged all goods she took in at Cales at Lyme, Dorset, as appears by the examination of the master and gunner, which, with a note of all the ships which have come into Portsmouth, they here enclose.—Testwoode, 29 Aug, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (44. 32.)
Enclosing :
Certificate made at Portsmouth, 25 Aug. 1596, by Sir Thomas West and Francis Cotton, of all ships which have come to that harbour from the fleet lately employed at Cales, made in pursuance of letters from the Council of 19 Aug.
First came the Swiftsure, 30 July, and landed the earl of Sussex and his company. Then, 31 July, the Red Lion of Ankeson, a flyboat, who landed 14 horses for the lord Admiral, 3 tons of broken wine, with divers kinds of pillage, as 8 packs of wrapping papers, 2 packs of white coarse paper, 2 gilt bedsteads, chairs, brass pans, old kettles, linen and trifles. On 2 Aug. came the William and John of London, John Reynolds master, and landed 7 geldings for the earl of Sussex, 8 chests of sugar, 9 barrels of green ginger, 5 cwt. of “olivantes tethe,” some white paper, and about a ton of old iron, brass pans, &c., could not learn who received these, as the ship had sailed for London. On 8 Aug. came the Charles, the Queen's pinnace, but left next day without landing goods. On 10 Aug. came the Darling of Portsmouth, Sir Wm, Harvy captain and owner, and remains in the harbour, with 7 or 8 tons of brimstone on board. On 12 Aug. came the Black Swan of Southampton, the Hound of Rotterdam and Richard Hall's ship of Rye (which landed soldiers), all which left next day without landing goods. On 13 Aug. came the Exchange of Bristol and landed soldiers and 8 chests of sugar, which were bought by merchants of London, and remain in custody of the officers of Portsmouth. On 20 Aug. came the bark Diamond of Portsmouth which had followed the fleet.
II. Examination of John Seyt, master, and John Constable master gunner of the Diamond :—Left Portsmouth 10 May with wood and beer consigned by William Basset of Portsmouth to Thomas Basset of Plymouth. At Plymouth was victualled by Captain Lancaster of the Alcedre of London, and appointed to attend her in the intended voyage, on an agreement to have one third of the goods they could get. Reached Cales after the town was “gotten,” and Captain Lancaster sent no goods on board them; but Sir William Monson sent 40 chests of sugar, which were landed at Lyme and sold by Anthony Barly, captain of the said bark, the captain and crew, 13 in all, getting the third part. Had little other pillage except some wool beds and coverlets which they sold at Plymouth “to find them spending money there.” Did not reach Cales till after it was “sacked and pillaged,” as they were employed in sea service.
Signed : Thomas West, Fr. Cotton.
Endorsed with a note of the sugar, &c., landed, 3 pp. (44. 15.)
Thomas Drake to the Privy Council.
1596, Aug. 30. Their letters of 23 July for the delivery to him of his late brother's goods, were delivered to Messrs. Rowse, Strowde and Harris by Robert Moore and Wm. Stalleng whom the writer had authorised to receive the goods. After debate the delivery was agreed upon, but when Moore and Stalleng came to the place of delivery the others refused to deliver the goods unless Moore and Stalleng would be bound each in 2,000l. to see them discharged. They have signified to the Council their wish to have the writer perform his agreement with them and the lady Drake. Never made any agreement with them, but only with lady Drake, and has hitherto performed it, making good her legacy and jointure, and so will do as long as any of his brother's goods remain in his hands if she will perform her part. Is sick and cannot repair to them; but begs they will again write to Rowse, Strowde, and Harris to deliver the said goods to Moore and Stalling, or else appear before the Council and bring the goods up with them that the Queen and the other creditors may be paid. What title the writer has in the same, Mr. Dr. Herbert, one of the masters of the Requests, and the Queen's Solicitor have already certified—London, 30 Aug., 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (44. 33.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 30. Would do anything to recover Cecil's favour “holding it also impossible to procure good conceipt from Her Majesty without your honourable mediation.” Laments that misery should fall upon him at this unfortunate time, and begs to be confined in his own house for the recovery of health, and comfort of those who depend upon him.—From the Fleet, 30 Aug., 1596. Signed.
1 p. (44. 34.)
Sir Edw. Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 30. “Sir, though I have nothing to write worthy of your Honour, yet I please myself to think I have you to write unto, being resolved to become such an other evil spirit unto you in haunting you with tediousness as Sir M. Arondel was wont to be. I have no news to write to your Honour but that this castle is a true prison, for it hath Sir G. Carew (coming at the first but for one night to ease himself because the St. Matthew lay near) spite of his teeth, prisoner these four days past, not able to stir out neither to take passage to Rochester nor to ferry to the main. It showeth what he deserveth if he had his right and how your Honour should use him, the heavens having concluded him worthy of a gaol. This proved a double prison unto him, both for his fast as that he was in domo luctus with a comfortless lady. I humbly beseech your Honour to let me presume to wish myself with your Honour and my best lady, and to have will to serve you, though without expectation of ever having the honour to have means; and with resolution ever rest your Honour's to dispose of, Edw. Hoby.”—Queneburgh Castle, 30th Aug. 1596.
No address.
Endorsed by Cecil's Clerk :—“To my master.”
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 122.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 30. The bearer, Mr. Anthony Cole, one of their aldermen, is sent up about certain affairs of the town, and especially touching the ship they lately fitted out in the Queen's service. Were commanded, by letters from the Privy Council and the lord Admiral, to fit out the best ship in their port for five months, at the charge of the members of their port and the port towns of Yorkshire. This they did, but only themselves and the city of York contributed. Now that the ship is safely returned the mariners demand wages, the owners ask an extravagant freight for their ship, and the captain demands all the stores that remain unspent. Ask that the mariners' wages may be paid by the Queen or by the other port towns which would not contribute at the first, and that the remaining stores be returned to those who furnished them (the captain is not the man they appointed but one put in, as he says, by the lord Admiral). As they cannot bear such great charges, ask that the clothing towns of Halifax, Wakefield, and Leeds may contribute. Send his fee as high steward of the town.—Kingston-upon-Hull, 30 Aug. 1596.
Signed :—John Lyster, mayor : Wm. Gee : Wyllym Smyth : Leonard Wyllun : Luke Thurscros : Wm. Braye : Wm. Richardson : Jno. Chapman; Edward Cooke.
Endorsed :—“Desiring to be eased in the setting out of a ship for the service of Cales.”
Slightly injured. 2 pp. (173. 123.)
Sir William Fitzwilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 31. “This bearer, Chapman, is one that hath served xxty years and upwards under the Auditors Jenison and Peyton in Ireland, and of that exquisite sufficiency in that faculty as the skilfuller of them both might ill have missed him in that employment, specially for foreign accounts wherein he is most perfect and ready. In respect whereof, to him chiefly (and in a manner only) the casting up of Jacques Wingfeild's reckonings (the one for 9 years, th' other for 3, for his charge there of the Ordnance) was committed. Besides his skill I cannot but specially recommend unto you his religious disposition, honesty and sincerity, as well in those affairs as in all things else wherewith he was put in trust; and accordingly was he reported of unto me, at my coming to my last government by all that Council and many other of good credit that he had had to deal with. And myself found good proof and trial of him that way in the last vj years of my service there.” Begs Cecil to favour his (Chapman's) suits soon, for his “haviour” is insufficient to bear the charges of a long attendance.—My house near Aldersgate, 31 Aug. 1596.
Since waiting on him yesterday has a letter from his wife desiring his return as she is not in “so good state of limbs” as he could wish. Has therefore appointed his servant Chichester to attend Cecil upon his cousin Rachel Hall's suit.
Signed :—W. Fitzwylliam.
1 p. (44. 35.)
Sir Thomas West to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. 31. On receipt of his letters of the 28th made search, with the mayor and officers, at Sir Oliver Lambert's house in Hampton, in occupation of a kinsman of Sir Oliver's, but found nothing. The mayor and officers knew of no wares landed there but two great chests and two packs of arras hangings, landed from the Elsabeth, of Hampton, which had been in the voyage, and conveyed to a house near Hampton where Sir Oliver then lay. Went presently thither and showed Cecil's letter to Sir Oliver, who very willingly showed the contents of the chests and packages, of which an inventory is enclosed. Can hear of no other goods of value. Has stayed the pillage mentioned in this inventory till further directions.—Terstwood, 31 Aug., 1596.
Signed. 2 pp. (44. 37.)
The Enclosure :
Inventory taken, 31 Aug. 1596, by Sir Thomas West, Paul Elliot, mayor of Southampton, Thomas Heaton, gentleman, Robert Foell, James Courtney and John Longe, the Queen's officers of the town and county of Southampton, of goods found at Wimson, Hants, in custody of Sir Oliver Lambert.
“In the black barred chest” :—Two whole pieces of Indian stuff like cloth of gold, four pieces of the same made in hangings, three pieces of hangings of branched silk, a bed of crimson taffeta, with one great and three small curtains, a green silk quilt, &c. (similar items). “In the great barred chest” :—A petticoat of purple silk and gold embroidered with silver, nine crimson velvet cushions, &c. (32 items mostly of gowns, kirtles and articles of dress). Two canvas packs of arras hangings.
2 pp. (44. 36.)
1596, Aug. 31. “Names of the roots that John Cornelyous brought to Cobham.
They consist of the root of Constantinople of divers colours, white and yellow iris, white double peony, and “tillopases.”
½ p. (145. 182.)
Chevalier de la Chatte, Governor of Dieppe, to the Earl of Essex.
[1596,] Aug. Monsieur de Morezes des Rosiers and he, with some other gentlemen of Monsieur de Boulhon, have bought twelve or fifteen hackneys (agenees). Asks for a passport.—London, Thursday night.
Endorsed :—“Governor, Diepe. Aug. '96.”
French. 1 p. (44. 38.)
Dr. Edward Grante to Sir Robert Cecil, Secretary.
1596, Aug. Petition to be recommended by the Queen for the “small dignity of Bristol.” The Queen, “as her manner is to all her own chaplains, deferreth long to promote them and heareth many objections against them,” that they may be the more glad of them and diligent. Understands that the Archbishop of Canterbury has written both to the Queen and to Cecil in his favour. Has served the Queen 26 years—21 in her school and 10 in court. Signed, Ed. Grante.
Endorsed :—“Aug. 1596. Dr. Grannte.” 1 p. (44. 41.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. Ex plenitudine cordis os loquitur. With this authority warranted, my mind (full fraught with the sorrow of unkindness) opens itself to him by whom this sorrow was unkindly caused. Nature made me your kinsman, the knowledge of your virtues bred in me a respective love towards you, and your courtesy did, in times past, promise me a requital of that love in some good measure. But let us see the effects. Mr. Garter was extremely chidden, yourself known by whom, upon a suspicion of giving me some examples of the like honour, though I protest I neither saw nor spake with him. Mr. Jerriss and one Taulbutt, two of the best antiquaries of this realm, were solicited, yourself know by whom, to set down whatsoever they were able to produce again my cause. I required your letter not long since to my father; a letter I had, little making for my purpose, but full stuff with narrations of her Majesty's anger and my disgrace, which as they were too true so were they smally pertaining to what I desired. And of late (for what unworth of mine I know not) even the name of cousin is banished, I omit those forms of speeches and superscriptions now different from what they were before my last travail, which truly I had never marked had they not fallen at this time and thus consorted. Sir Robert Cecill, honourable in all things, but in this unkind, give me leave to ask you, Quorsum hæc? If you take me for an enemy, why do you not proclaim your anger and the cause? If for a friend, why do you use me thus? Have I not already suffered crosses enough, my shipwreck, my imprisonment, my disgrace, known to all men, my father's disinheriting of me and the general malice that is borne me, but that yourself (the only person of honour by whom I hoped to receive comfort) must not only forsake but persecute me? Miseries I perceive come not alone, and the sole quiet of a man altogether hopeless is nullam sperare salutem.” [Proceeds in similar strain.] If Cecil's anger is meant to make him humble himself to the Queen, it is unnecessary, for he is always ready to prostrate himself at her feet.
Had scant finished his other letter when Mr. Beeston came with a message that Cecil was rebuked by the Queen for upholding him. Leaves Mr. Beeston to report his answer to the three points of his accusation. Has never disobeyed the Queen's command to him not to assume this forbidden title.
Endorsed :—Aug. 1596.
Holograph. 4 pp. (44. 42.)
1596, August. Charges of setting forth the Endeavour of Toppisham, by the Mayor and citizens of Exeter, for the Queen's service under the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral.
1 p. (141. 176.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. Sir, I most humbly thank you for these letters which I will safely return in the morning to you; and so, for fear of troubling your eyes with an ill hand, I humbly recommend my love and service to you.—From the lodge in Saint James Park not yet well, this Friday.
P.S.—If the Queen speak of me, let her know my absence is due to sickness.
Endorsed :—“Aug. 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 124.)
Henri de Bourbon to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Aug. “Monsieur, depuis le partement de Monsieur de Boullon, j'ay sceu votre retour en Angleterre, et aussi tost ay despesche vers luy pour le suplier vous faire tenir cette lettre qui servira seulement de ratification aux protestations que mondit sieur de Boullon vous fera de mon amitye et service. C'est un ciment si digne pour lier nos affections puis qu'il luy plust en prendre la peyne que nous en devons estimer le bastiment bien fort solide ou, pour mieux dire, une constance bien assumée. Puis que nous nous devons tous trois servir de caution fort certaine les uns aux autres, sa vifve voix, Monsieur, est plus digne de vous le representer que mes simples lettres. Je finiré done cette cy, Monsieur, par mes promisses ordinayres d'estre du tout votre serviteur fort affectionné, Henri de Bourb[on].
Endorsed :—“Duke of Montpensier, Aug. 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. (173. 125.)
E. Reynoldes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. “My lord at his departure commended unto your honourable care such causes as, in his absence, might concern him; and myself to your good favour.” Now a bad brother of mine has dishonestly employed money collected for the impost of sweet wines upon prohibited goods, “by which occasion the commodities returned are forfeited.” We can only secure his lordship's money by these goods, which I assured on the bourse and, upon their arrival, arrested. Begs him to move his father that the matter may not prejudice his lord. Shame and grief forbid him to solicit in person.
Endorsed :—“August 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 126.)
E. Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Aug. “Mr. Secretary, to which name no man doth give greater congratulation, I hear of my lord Chamberlain's death and withal am made acquainted by my mother how honourably and kindly you answered her motion she made to you in my behalf, of the which your kindness as I have ever held myself most assured so have I in regard thereof devoted myself to be very deeply commanded by you. Touching the place I greatly affect it and do immensely (“yemenesly”) desire your favour therein, assuring you that no man shall be placed there in whom you have more interest. My quartan continues which hath enforced me to presume to write to the Queen herein, not being as yet able to attend on her myself, as in duty I ought. I pray you Sir excuse me therein. Thus being ever ready by you to be commanded I leave to trouble you, desiring, if not to your trouble, to hear from you.”
Endorsed :—Aug. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 40.)
“Extract of a letter from Antwerp.”
1596, [About Aug.] The Cardinal makes great preparations and levy of men and hath 8,000 about Bruges [by Cecil : “see below”], and there are 200 barks [by Cecil : “I note those 200 boats”] made ready here, whereof every one will hold 40 soldiers, which are prepared to besiege Ostend, which they intend with all expedition. It is thought they have intelligence with some of the city. Captain Smyth doth manage this matter with Father Holt. The Marquis of Malaspina, Guaston la Barlotts, and the Duke of Aerschott are already sent away before the Prince of Semno is sent from the Cardinal into Spain, and comes first to Callis (Calais) where all matters of importance are ordered. The King of Spain hath sworn by his crown that he will have a revenge for the action at Cales.
Underwritten by Cecil : “By my cipher it is Bruges [see above], but I fear the alphabet is mistaken, for the letter of yesterday was about Calis and both cannot be true.” (47. 67.)
The Taking of Cadiz.
1596, [about Aug.] Things especially considerable in the taking of the town of Cales.
There was a town, a city, and within it a castle.
Town.—The town contained many houses of merchandise but especially, as Sir Anthony Ashley affirmed, it had in it 3 places of stores, one called a Munition house, another called a Custom house, and a third a Sugar house.
City.—In the city all houses with the riches were quietly entered.
The Castle.—In it was the money reserved for the pay of soldiers. Munition house to be answered by Sir Matthew Morgan and Sir G. Carew; Custom house to be answered by Sir John Aldrich and Sir G. Carew, who both had dealing in it.
Poley to be sent for Savage and his men. The soldier of the Earl's guard, Sir G. Carew. Borrell to be sent for.
In Cecil's hand. 1 p. (47. 84.)
The Expedition to Cadiz.
1596, [Aug.] “Names of the Captains that served at Calez” :—
The Regiment of the Earl of Essex, L. General :
Capt. Aldridge, captain of my lord's horse; Capt. Savage, 200 men; Sir Matthew Morgan, Lieutenant Colonel, Sir George Carew, Master of the Ordinance, and Capt. Lambert, Quarter-Master-General, 150 men each; Captains Medkerke, Sergeant Major, Sir Clement Higham, Goring, and Hambridge, 100 men each.
The regiment of the Lord Admiral, L. General :
Capt. Dutton, 200; Sir William Woodhouse, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captains Baynard, Sergeant Major, Cottrell, Bacon, Digges, Gilbert, Waynman, Haynes, Roberts, and Gifford, 100 each.
The regiment of Sir Francis Vere, Lord Marshal :
Captain Dacres, 150; Captains Bagnall, Heydon, Constable, Daniel Vere, Upcher and Cary, 100 each.
The Earl of Sussex's regiment :
His own company, 150; Captains Edward Conway, Fulk Conway, Wm. Harvy, Tyrrell, Wm. Williams and Rushe, 100 each.
Sir John Wingfield, camp master, his regiment :
His own company, 150; Captains Horace Vere, Lawrence, Richard Mansfield, Gerard Harvy, Charles Morgan and Ap Richard, 100 each.
Sir Conyers Clifford, Sergeant Major general, his regiment :
His own company, 150; Captains Meyrick, Davyes, Pooley, Dauntsey, Wilson, Talkerne, 100 each.
Sir Christopher Blount's regiment :
His own company, 150; Captains Charles Blount, Brett, Thomas Williams, Harcourt, Folliett, Bolstred, 100 each.
Sir Richard Wingfield's regiment :
His own company, 150; Captains Cuny, Jackson, Smith, Hopton, Fleming and Pawlett, 100 each.
Sir Thomas Gerrard's regiment :
His own company, Captains Throgmorton, Floud, Billings, Collyer, Salisbury and Molyneux, 100 each.
pp. (47. 94.)
The Expedition to Cadiz.
1596, [about Aug.]. A list of some of the rich inhabitants of Cadiz, showing what was taken from them. The property of the comptroller, Martin de Uzquiano, is most minutely described, and of that Captain Simans took a great part. Others had large sums of money in the castle and arsenal, and the were 28 pieces of bronze artillery on the walls. Again Captain Simans despoiled the wife of Pedro de Medina and other ladies, in the house of Francesco de Angulo, of 2,000 ducats worth of jewels. Pedro de Medina, who is in London, will verify this.
Santifantoni, Captain Juan de Soto, Dr. Arias, the president of the house of commerce of Seville, Don Pedro Rodriguez de Herrera, and others were ransomed for large sums.
Endorsed :—1596. Spanish. 2 pp. (48. 52.)
Statement by Fra. Chambers.
[1596, Aug.]. “The likelihood of the speech used by me to Mr. Waad touching the pearls, which is supposed to be but a suggestion to get a warrant for my own lucre.” States that at Erith on August 22, 1596, he met a gentleman who, amongst other talk of the late voyage, said he had heard divers complain that their pillage was taken from them by the Commissioners; and that a Cheshire man named Egerton, belonging to a ship supposed to be the Golden Dragon of London, complained that if any of the commissioners should take away his pillage he would die upon him; and that he had gold and plate and so much pearl between three of them as his hat would hold thrice. Particulars of Egerton's endeavours to get the pearl out of the ship, of Chambers meeting him, &c. Thinks these are presumptions enough to draw interrogatories to examine him upon. Besides this, Egerton declared how he came by the valuables in a cloister by means of a friar.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“This will discover the pearl or the man, and free me of suspicion.” 1 p. (204. 38.)