Cecil Papers: July 1596, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1596, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp239-255 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1596, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp239-255.

"Cecil Papers: July 1596, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp239-255.

July 1596, 1–10

Robert Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 1. Has had a very sore fit of the stone and came hither two days since for “refreshing;” but will be at London on Monday next and “enquire who of the Mynes Royall be there to be had, and so advertise and attend upon your honour accordingly.”—My house at Barnes, 1 July.
Endorsed :—“1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 111.)
W. [Chaderton,] Bishop of Lincoln, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 1. Yesterday, at Court, the lord Chamberlain told him he was to embark at Harwich, which is contrary to his resolution with Mr. Palmer and Cecil, and, as he has made his provision for Yarmouth, will be to his own cost and the hindrance of the Queen's service. Gives eight reasons to prove this, showing that Yarmouth is a better haven and nearer Flushing than Harwich, that there are there several good ships of the Hollanders which will waft them over “for thanks,” and that it is nearer his own house by two or three days' journey, and his years and sickness require consideration. Asks that the letters to the Lansgrave and other his despatches and instructions may not be deferred till the last day.
Endorsed :—1 July 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 112.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 1. Being unable to speak with you for the greatness of your affairs, I write to desire “that the copy of my patent which I sent to yourself, written and witnessed by ægidius Krix, herald of the Empire, may be returned unto me, together with the copy of the Emperor's letter to her Majesty;” also, “whereas my father is willing enough to receive my wife and myself home unto him, but is only stayed by the fear he hath of her Majesty's displeasure for so doing, and seeing I have been told by more months than one that her Majesty doth not greatly like my living here in London, thinking the country more fit for me, that it may please you to signify so much unto him by letter, that it is neither unfit for a father to receive his son nor that my case in her Majesty's dislike is so desperate as that therefore he ought to refuse me. This letter I desire may be despatched at your soonest leisure : this bearer shall stay for it.”
Endorsed :—“Primo Julii, 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 114.)
Sir Richard Fenys to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 1. My suit is that “before Sir Robert Sicille's return to the Court, your lordship will do me this great favour, to move his honour to procure me a passport, so as I fail not to attend my lord ambassador ij or iij days before his arrival at the Lantgrave's and all the time of his abode until the christening be past, that both before and after it may be lawful for me to repair to the courts of all such princes as are in amity with her Majesty; which when I besought her Majesty to give me leave to do her Highness, being well pleased to allow of, she told me she would write to the Palsgrave and send a token to his wife by me. And therefore, since my lord will hasten home immediately after the christening and myself, as I am most willing, must go after that to the Palsgrave, that in my passport I might have leave to stay but until the last of November, for that from the Palsgrave's court I might see the universities and the duke of Wirtenberdge his court, and all other princes and places thereabouts that are in amity with her. And as a special suit I crave your lordship's favour in this, that I may the more enable myself hereafter to do her service, as also the better, a year hence, send my son into those universities best affected.” Will entirely follow Sir Robert's direction in this journey. Has desired Mr. Weeinbanck to help to the despatch of the passport.—1 July, 1596. Signed.
Endorsed by Sir Robert Cecil's clerk : “Sir Rich. Fynes to my master;” and by Cecil himself : “Sir R. Fyne : Sir H. Croft : Sir Tho. Gorg : Mr. Stanhop : Mr. Tho. Arondell : Sir Tho. Gresham : Stalleng : Stapers (?): Cherry : Honniman (?).”
1 p. (41. 115.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 1. “Sir, this letter shall carry to you my best wishes and shall assure you that I desire to give you all satisfaction, since by your industry and assistance we have had the means to do her Majesty and our country service; but Mr. Ashleye's sufficiency and my travail how to leave this place and to embark our army shall be th' excuses of my sending no particular relation. I will from sea, when I shall have some free time, make a fuller despatch.”—Cales, 1 July.
Seal. Endorsed :—“Received 1 August.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 116.)
James Anderton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 1. The Queen granted to him, being receiver of Furness, the constableship of Lancaster castle and stewardship of Londisdaile, during pleasure. Hears that his known adversary, Mr. William Farington, of Werdeyne, intends now in the vacation time to sue to her Majesty for these offices by bill assigned and so frustrate his grant, being his only recompense for 20 years' service in the Duchy Court. Begs that if any such suit is made in his absensce it may be deferred until next term.—Grays Inn, 1 July, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 117.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino.
1596, July 1. Account of debts owing by the Crown to Sir Horatio Palavicino, to July 1, 1596.
pp. (173. 93.)
William Button to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 1. Asks for 100 trees from the forest of Blackmore or elsewhere, for the repair of the manor house and tenements of Alton Priors, Wilts, of which he is tenant.
Endorsed :—“1 July, 1596.”
Note by Burghley that he thinks it not reason to relieve the party, having so many years to come.
½ p. (1028.)
[Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham] to the Duke Medina Sidonia.
1596, July 3. Learns from certain Spaniards that he is at Port St. Mary; and having been general against him in 1588, thinks himself not wholly unknown to him. Considering how gently he has treated the populace here at this time, and how often in the past he has released prisoners of war even without ransom, he is sure that the duke will release and send to him 31 English subjects who, he finds, are in the duke's galleys. Will give in return for them as many prisoners of this place, of better rank than they. If this is denied, a different style of war must be followed in future.—From the Royal English fleet at Cadiz, 1596, 30 June stilo antiquo. C. H. [Charles Howard.]
Subscribed :—“Illustrissimo principi, Duci Medeniæ de Sidonia.”
II.—[The English Generals to the Same.]
Have to-day received his letters, their answer to which the gentlemen who brought them will declare. As to the English prisoners, whom they expect to receive from him to-morrow, they promise to give in return such as Dominus Mendoza, and the other gentlemen sent by D. John de Porte Cariero in that behalf, shall approve. If there is any other prisoner, or hereafter shall be, the duke shall name his ransom.—From the Royal English fleet, 3 July old style, 1596.
Begins :—“Illustrissime princeps.”
Latin. Copies. 2 pp. (41. 98.)
Captain Henry Bellingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 3. At my last being with you you promised to deal with your father in my behalf. I beseech you have some care of me for my wants are very great, insomuch as I have been driven to let my house to Lady Scudamore for seven years, and now my creditors call so on me for any debts as I must be enforced to sell my land outright to satisfy them; and when that is gone how I and my poor wife shall live God knoweth. Beg I neither can nor will, by God's grace. Let my lord [Burghley] consider how he had from me those things that between two brothers were well worth 2,000l. for 600l., and then I have no doubt he will see me satisfied one way or other. As for the office that her Majesty hath already given me, God is my judge how all manner of ways [it] stood me in above 3,000l.; besides, I have been her Majesty's man in ordinary this three and twenty years, in which time I have been employed to my very great charge and never had one penny in recompense but this office; the which hath been and will be my utter overthrow for ever unless your father and you be good to me. I had long ere this attended you but did see you were troubled with matters of far greater importance, but now my necessity is such as I am enforced to be troublesome to you; hoping you will be a mean to your father for the settling of my office and quiet enjoying of it also according to her Majesty's grant, or else that I may have some other good thing in lieu thereof.—Eastbury, 3 July, 1596.
Holograph. 1⅓ pp. (42. 2.)
Thomas Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 4. If the letters that I sent you enclosed seem, as indeed they are, too empty of matter and too naked of good words to be sent from her Majesty, let the hasty scribbling of them serve for their excuse. A bad excuse, you will say; why should they be so hastily scribbled? I signified to you the necessity of my riding into the country and therefore this evening, as soon as I was come from the Court, I was fain all at once to make me ready to take horse and to write these letters : let your favour toward me supply the defects of them, and amend their faults with such additions, abatements, alterations as shall seem meet, unless (which perhaps shall be more meet, and they deserve no better) you let some other man quite cast them new. I leave them to be addressed as you shall please, and the styles added. I have written to Mr. Reynolds, my lord's secretary, to attend you concerning the business to Mons. Fontaigne and doubt not to-morrow he will wait on you.—From my lodging in London, 4 July.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (42. 3.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, July 5. My last was of June 24, since the despatch whereof the Cardinal lay hovering in the land of Waes, making shew of an intent to attempt somewhat upon Hulst, and yet on the sudden passed the greater part of his forces into Brabant so high as Hoogstraet and Turnhout; which made us vigilant in looking to the frontiers, not thinking other but that he would have had a saying to Breda or the islands of Tertole. Unto the one the Count Hohenlo had regard, and his Excellency (after he had understood the enemy's passage over) departed presently from Hulst towards Bargnes with men to guard and defend those quarters; which to effect the better it chanced very luckily that the Scots and others that had been in France were arrived and sent forthwith into the island of Tertole. But so soon as his Excellency was departed from Hulst the Cardinal sent for his troops to return out of Brabant with all possible haste, which they performed with that secrecy and speed as they got the vauntage, and as it afterwards appeared, being returned and joined with the rest, did the 27th of June in the night pass at an ebb-tide the drowned land about Hulst, and with two or three boats made a small bridge over the creeks or deep, and so got so many of their men through that they forced a small, sconce, possessed it, and so under the favour thereof came to the dykes or banks into the land, where presently they entrenched themselves in certain orchards so as our forts could not harm them with the cannon. The Count of Solmes, whom his Excellency had left to look to the keeping of those quarters, having had the news after midnight, did forthwith give order in the town and forts; and with so many men as he could draw forth and leave the places guarded, marched towards and assaulted the enemy with that resolution as he put them to the worst, so as divers ran into the water and there were slain and drowned. The rest kept together, seeing the Count but weak, who also durst not venture further but retired into his holds with the loss of divers of his. In the mean time the enemy at low water continued his passing of men, so as by that time his Excellency came again from Bargnes with all the forces he could draw away, he found three regiments of the enemy's passed, one of Italians, another of Dutches, and the third of Wallons, well intrenched, so as with so few as his Excellency had there was no attempting on them; but under the favour of one of the forts he cast up a half moon which he maketh strong against the cannon, and thence intendeth so to beat and annoy the enemy that he shall hinder their passing over at least by day, and put those already gotten over in danger if they can be taken on the least advantage, wanting nothing but men to do the Cardinal a great scorn, to the hazard of his reputation and glory. There is sent to his Excellency all the men can be anywhere spared, the Count Hohenlo being gone unto him with six companies. And because no soldiers can be levied on the sudden in these parts, they of Holland have taken order to entertain 3,000 mariners to be used to guard the frontiers and serve in those watery lands as occasion shall be offered. Besides, the States have written their earnest letters and charged Mons. Caron to become suitor to her Majesty for an aid of 2,000 or 3,000 only for three or four months while this opportunity is offered to have the vauntage on the Cardinal if they can be seconded. All kind of provisions and money is sent to his Excellency, and the Council of State appointed to be at hand to give and take order for all necessaries. Breda and other places are now free for a while, but if the Spaniards' braggs can take place, then will the Cardinal, ere summer pass, get Hulst and have a saying to Tergoes and Tertole land, making in Antwerp preparation of galleys, boats, and other devices to pass the rivers. But his Excellency hopeth to be able to hinder them and that it will cost them dear ere they shall possess. Hulst, having no way to bring over their cannon than through the drowned land, and that is full of difficulties and troubles, the Spaniards by report having refused to pass over with the other. They incamp most on the other side near certain forts the Count Fuentes caused to be made, from whence by their artillery they have greatly annoyed our men, and beaten down all the parapet of one of our forts; but his Excellency crieth quittance and hath done as much unto theirs. All other quarters remain quiet as yet, and the States proceed after their wonted fashion. As yet the deputies to be sent over unto her Majesty are not despatched; sundry of those thereto nominated having made their excuses, and few willing to take the charge of such business, which are thought cannot be pleasant to the Provinces, and uncertain of her Majesty's liking. Here we have the news out of France that the Duke of Bouillon is to return into England the 15th of this month, to bring the King his confirmation of the Treaty, and they will thence come hither to deal with these men; and the whilest do they write from Antwerp that there is a truce towards between France and Spain, which nothing liketh these men.—From the Hague, this 5th of July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (42. 5.)
Nicholas Saunder to the Privy Council.
1596, July 5. Complains of his arrest by the Mayor of Plymouth, James Bagg, in a suit respecting sugars sold by him to Bagg. Prays for liberty, in order to carry out the Lord General's command to him to follow the fleet with his ship.—The Common Gaol at Plymouth, 5 July 1596.
1 p. (141. 172.)
W. Jones to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 6. Is left to God and to the world, destitute of friends and means. His bringing up is not unknown to Cecil; his crosses himself best knows. Offers him all the service the remainder of his life shall be able to afford.
Endorsed :—6 July 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 6.)
Lord J. St. John to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 6. Desiring Cecil to obtain from her Majesty licence for him to travel into Germany to use the baths about Strasborough.
Although by the skilful practice of Doctor Gyfford he has found great redress of his palsy, to the preservation of his life, yet the decrepit state of his limbs (disabling him to perform his desired service to her Majesty) urges him to try all such further means whereby any hope may grow of amendment of his lameness.—St. Bartholomew's this vjth July, 1596.
Signed :—Your loving friend assured J. Saint John.
Seal. ½ p. (173. 87.)
Edmond Jenney and other Customs Officers at Ipswich to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 7. In September last there was seized by the deputy searcher at Maldon a small crayer, with butter and cheese, neither the bark entered as it ought, neither band entered norcocket taken from the office. The searcher informed for her Majesty, and sued out a writ of prisement and apprised the goods; and they were sold to the poor in those parts and the money left with one Mr. Rich, a justice of peace, with the merchant's consent, until the law determine the cause. The searcher referred this proceeding to his attorney's care; whose negligence has given such advantage to his adversaries as they have sued out a nisi prius and do mind to bring it to the assizes in Essex : and it appeareth they have packed a jury of their own chapmen, who more respect their own private commodity than his order or her Majesty's profit. Entreat his letter to the justices of Assize in Essex forbidding the cause betwixt Clere the searcher or Frend his deputy for the Queen, and Harris the merchant, to have any hearing there, but to receive trial next term at the Exchequer bar, where the searcher will not only maintain the seizure but also lay open such cunning conveyance of the merchants of that kind of victual as they shall receive that they have long deserved. Otherwise, if in this cause they should prevail, her Majesty's laws in this point shall be broken, his lordship's orders set down not kept, and her Majesty's poor officers not regarded.—Ipswich, 7 July 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (42. 8.)
Sir Francis Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 7. I never received any letter of this news; I heard it of my nephew, Nicholas Throckmorton, who one day being in the Brusse heard such a speech there, that Sir Walter Ralegh should be drowned and meeting with one of my men at London, told him this news, but said he did not believe it. Nor did I when I heard it, but surely in a manner it was a general speech throughout London, which maketh me much to marvel that you heard not of it before Mr. Howard told you of it.—From Bedington, this 7th of July, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (42. 9.)
Dr. Fletcher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 7. Congratulates him on the title of that whereof he had the employment and substance before; prays God to give him the direction of the Holy Spirit that it may ever sort with his own comfort, the good of this realm and the high satisfaction of her Majesty. There is great expectation of his proceedings who has given such experiment in his younger years of so great sufficiency to discharge the duties of so honourable a calling.—From London, 7 July, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (42. 12.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 7. This woman is wife to one Ridley, a soldier of the garrison at Flushing, who coming hither by passport hath been arrested and laid in prison. If her Majesty's men of war may not be free, her service will find it when any necessity shall be.
Begs that Cecil will grant his warrant that Ridley may be delivered and sent to his garrison.—London, the 7 of July, 1596.
Endorsed :—“There was a letter written by my Mr. to the party that arrested him.”
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 88.)
Sir R. Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 7. If either for her Majesty's service or your own, you shall have cause to use me, I am but gone to my house at Penshurst, where I will be ready to receive your commandments. My absence shall not be long, and in the meantime I will have so good a confidence in the assurance of your favour towards me, as I will not fear to be forgotten if there be any occasion of doing me good. I humbly beseech you that it will please you to remember the matter of Otford to my Lord, your father, because I greatly desire that your Honour had spoken with him in it before his going into the country. Your Honour shall ever find me desirous to deserve your favours and to be commanded by you as one that ever will be, your Ho. most affectionate to do you Service, R. Sydney.—At the Court, the 7 of July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 89.)
Sir Henry Cocke to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 8. In all the hard courses touching our poor country we are driven to fly unto you for aid and relief, which we are the bolder to do that by many proofs we have found you forward to help us, for which all our countrymen account themselves very greatly bound unto you. Last year, understanding the hard estate of our shire for the great scarcity of corn, you did then entreat her Majesty's officers to forbear three parts of the composition wheat (being 300 quarters then required by them) until harvest were inned, whereby with the more ease they might pay the same; which our countrymen took exceeding thankfully. Yet, notwithstanding, some officers, being therewith much discontented, did send out their warrants for it, and thereby, expressing her Majesty's great want of corn, did very earnestly require the same; all which or the greatest part thereof (as I was informed at my return out of Hampshire) they, contrary to your request, were driven at very hard and dear prices to provide and deliver before harvest was inned. We are in this kind of provision and composition very hardly used by her Majesty's purveyor of wheat, which is exceeding grievous unto our country; for whereas by our ancient composition we are to deliver yearly 400 quarters of wheat for 6s. 8d. a quarter, whereof 200 quarters are to be delivered at Ilstry (Elstree) the 15th of October, and the other 200 quarters at Hoddesdon the 20th of October; although men, according to their duties, do bring their corn thither, neither the purveyor nor any deputy for him will be there to receive it, whereby they are driven to carry it home again. If it prove to be very cheap we shall not hear of the purveyor that year; if it prove dear, he will not receive it at his appointed day, but stayeth until the latter end of the year near harvest, when most men being unfurnished are driven at very great prices to provide the same : as at this present they have sent forth their precepts into this country, commanding them to send in their wheat upon Wednesday next, which under your good favour is a very hard course, for now generally every man's store is greatly wasted, and the markets very meanly furnished, in respect that upon reasonable prices they delivered out of the same towards the victualling of her Majesty's navy 200 quarters of wheat and 200 quarters of malt. I have had some speeches with the purveyor about this matter, remembering unto him the appointed days of the delivery of our composition corn; at which time it is plentiful and commonly also at the easiest rate of any time of the year. His answer was that her Majesty's garners were not able at one time to receive all the corn of every compounding shire, which I think to be true; yet, I trust, he dealeth not so with that shire wherein he dwelleth, at whose ease I envy not. Notwithstanding, I wish that as for want of favour we are none of the first shires which do pay in their corn, so would I wish that we should not be the last, as now I am sure we are. But since her Majesty's garners are not able to receive all composition wheat at one time, under your good favour, it were very right and convenient that the quantities of wheat of all those shires might be well considered of, and then by an equal and indifferent division they might at several times of the year be appointed what portions every of them should send in, whereby every shire might indifferently taste of her Majesty's favour, and not to stand upon the partial favour of the purveyor who, as some do report, doth lose nothing by it. I am bold to beseech you that you would send for the principal officers of her Majesty's greencloth and be a means unto them not only to forbear, if it may be, the whole 400 quarters of wheat or the greater part thereof until the next harvest shall be inned, but also to persuade them to take some care in the reforming of this hard measure offered by the purveyor, whereby a more indifferent course may hereafter be taken therein. If you extend this great favour unto our poor country it shall, God willing, be openly published at our next quarter sessions at Hertford upon Monday next.—From Broxborne, the 8th of July, 1596.
[P.S.] The prices of corn in Hoddesdon market this eighth day of July, 1596:
Wheat, the best, at 6s. 8d. the bushel;
Myslyn at 5s. 8d. the bushel;
Danske rye at 4s. 4d. the bushel;
As it is judged by very wise men and of good experience the fourth man which was wont to pay corn towards the composition hath not now sufficient to serve his house until harvest, and very many also do want money to buy it.
Signed. 2¼ pp. (42. 13.)
The Borders.
1596, July 8. Warrant to Lord Burghley to give an increase of 4d. a day extra pay to 20 men of the band of horsemen serving at Berwick, who are now to be employed on special service for three months. Order to be given to the receiver of Northumberland to allow the said increase.—Manor of Greenwich, 8 July, 1596, 38 Eliz.
Sign manual. Signet. 1 p. (42. 15.)
R., Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. I heartily thank God, good Mr. Secretary, that her Majesty hath graced you with this title, which your painful service hath long sithence deserved, and which will encourage you to undergo the great burden you are charged withal. The Lord God bless you in all your counsels and actions, and assist you with His Holy Spirit. I would sooner have congratulated this your dignity if sooner I had known it : Harrow Hill hath late news or none at all.—At Harrow Hill, 9 July 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 16.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. After seven years' service having in her Majesty's dominions no other benefit of living but only 100 marks yearly, which I bestow upon my servants kept for occasions of her Majesty's service, it may seem good time to seek some place with better enabling me to serve and some consideration of my desert. There are void the office of Requests and Latin Secretary. Dr. Awbry in his death bed wished his place to me, as in his opinion most fit for it. Sir John Woolly declared the same of his office, judging me of all the men he knew, for skill and experience, most fit; and I have laboured not a little with them both. Mr. Lambert, I hear, hath refused the offer; and though he had not, in Dr. Awbry's time there were four of the Requests, neither is her Majesty's authority less at this time. So that if it please her Majesty I have both the Requests and Latin letters with the fees, and Carlisle or somewhat equivalent, as St. Cross's, &c, I shall be able exactly to perform the charge as well as other; if not, in regard of her Majesty's clemency, my desert, and for honesty, learning and experience no less deficiency than other, I must hope her Majesty meaneth some other better thing toward me. I send the writing I have conceived for her Majesty in my behalf, desiring your pleasure for the delivery of it by yourself or by some other means.—9 July, 1596.
Signed. 2/3 p. (42. 17.)
The Earl of Essex and Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Anthony Ashley and Sir Gelly Merrick.
1596, July 9. Warrant to arrest and examine all ships which, having been employed in this service [on the coast of Spain], shall arrive in any of the western ports, and if they come without passports to commit their captains and masters to prison; to search the said ships, and if any treasure or munition appear to have been embezzled by any private person, to make stay thereof until further direction : requiring them to take unto them for assistance in the port of Plymouth the Mayor and Sir Ferdinando Gorges; in Dartmouth and those parts, Sir John Gilbert, Mr. Carew of Cockington, and Mr. Richard Blackwoller; and in the ports of Cornwall, Sir Francis Godolphin, and Lionel Sharpe, D.D.—Given on the coast of Andaluzia, this 9th of July.
Copy. 2/3 p. (42. 18.)
John Proctor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. The errors of his course deserved that he should be dismissed from Cecil's protection, whose employments being increased by his worthy succession in his honourable office, he prays him to command his service, that leaving all other courses, he may grow old in Cecil's service.
Signed. ½ p. (42. 19.)
Griffith Lewis, Dean of Gloucester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. I have served her Highness these 12 or 13 years as ordinary chaplain and obtained all that while no preferment but the poor deanery of Gloucester, and whereas now the see of West Chester is void, my suit unto you is to become my patron and only principal mean for the obtaining of it. And yet I desire it not so much for commodity as for love and good liking to that people and country that lieth next adjoining to my native soil there; for as that whole bishopric is not esteemed above 500l. or 600l. by year, so my present preferments (I thank God) do come within 100l. of it. Motives to move you to deal with the Queen for this preferment I have none but that I did always honour your most honourable father and mother; that I am her Majesty's servant so many years; that I am a poor prebendary in Westminster; that Sir Thomas Cecil is our tenant of Wymbleton; and that you have often heard my simple sermons at Court. To conclude, you shall never have dishonour for speaking for me, whom Court and country (I thank God) do take for an honest true man. I long to hear by this bearer whether or no it pleaseth you to undertake alone this my preferment, who can easily effect the same if it stand with your good pleasure.—Gloucester, Julii nono, 1596.
Signed. 2/3 p. (42. 20.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. A small man of war of Plymouth that departed thence three days after the fleet's departure the 17th of July [sic : June] last, took a prize laden with rice, wines, &c. She saw the fleet the same day she took the prize, either before or after she took her, near the bay of Lagust, and sending home the prize she bare with the fleet; which prize arrived at Plymouth the first of this present. She came out of the river of Seville and was bound for Lisbon. This is the report of one Weeks which this day came hither from Plymouth. I enquired if he heard any report by them of what shipping was in the river of Seville, but he saith he enquired not. By others I have heard there were 25 sail laden and ready to depart for the West Indies. I have a roll of all the rents appertaining to the crown of Spain, with a large declaration how they come in, and also the rents of each duke, earl, lord, baron, archbishop, bishop, &c. It is in Spanish; if I wist you would see it, I would English the same and send to you.—From London, 9 July, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (42. 21.)
Henry Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. It may please you herewith to receive back all those letters I received from you of the Lord Deputy's last despatch, with your two minutes and a warrant for the messenger that should be sent. My lord's [Burghley's] own letter to the Lord Deputy I do also send unsealed, to be sealed (after you have read it) with my lord's seal that is in his standish. One letter more I return of Mr. Sanders which my lord gave me to send you upon the perusing your minutes; as [to] this of Mr. Sanders (who I perceive is going forth to find our army) my lord made no other answer but willed me to return them all to you. His lordship hath been a little touched with the gout this night, but is able to ride into his walks, where he at this present is.—From Theobalds, 9 July, 1596.
Holograph. 2/3 p. Seal. (42. 22.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. In my last letters to your father, sent by Sir Anthony Ashley, I discoursed at large such actions as had formerly happened; since which time divers consultations were held whether the city of Cales were to be held or not. By the opinion of every man it was thought that the keeping of it was very needful as a perpetual bridle upon the King of Spain, and so assuredly it would have proved; for, as you know, in all south Spain there is no secure port for a rendezvous for his fleet to be in safety but Cales, for the bar of St. Lucar is so dangerous as the great ships either inward or outward bound until they be unloaden dare not pass it either to or from Seville, but resort to Cales to disburden and take in their lading. Yet, notwithstanding, when the state of our victuals was looked into, an impossibility was found to leave a strong garrison in it, and therefore agreed upon to be abandoned and burn the town, which was effected, That the town was rich may not be denied, but rich towns taken in fury and not by composition run all to spoil, as well appeared in this city, which was pillaged to a farthing, yet many nothing the better by it, amongst which number myself is one, not having—God is my judge—one piece of coin, any jewel, or more than one piece of plate not worth 50s. Some other that you love well are in the same case, but others are more happy, whose coffers are full. I mean it not by the generals but of those of my own rank. The brass ordinance already taken are about 100 pieces; I hope the number will be shortly increased. The victories by land and sea which in one day were obtained will mightily advance her Majesty's glory amongst other princes, and the annoyance to the enemy such as in haste he will not be able to recover it, for his best ships of war are burnt and taken, his Indian fleet, the richest that ever was outward bound, consumed with fire, his galleys beaten and by experience found to be but bubbles, his city of Cales, esteemed by the Spaniards to be the strongest town in his kingdom, converted into ashes, his people proved to be infamous cowards that in all the time that we were possessed of the town, which was fourteen days at least, albeit the Duke of Medina had a great army in his hand, durst not once give an alarm, which was in his power to have done without danger at his pleasure either by land or sea. Our English captives that were in his galleys, a precedent at no time formerly seen, for mere fear, as we have reason to conjecture, were released and sent unto us; and that which will be most grievous unto him is to have his weakness so much discovered, which heretofore was so fearful to all the nations of Europe. The wiser sort of the Spaniards that are prisoners with us, do confess in one voice that a greater grievance could not have been done unto him, in so much as they are of opinion that his people with their clamour will enforce him to seek for peace from her Majesty. Before this victory his want of money was such as his soldiers in the galleys have been unpaid these three years. The loss of this Indian fleet, which is esteemed in loss to him upon his return 24 millions of ducats, will keep him so bare in crowns as a revolt amongst his garrisons in the Low Countries may be well expected, and that the rather if the Turk or King of Morocco do anything upon him, which is infinitely feared by the Spaniards. Moreover, he must be enforced to keep a strong garrison of soldiers in Cales until it be re-edified and peopled, for otherwise the Moors will disquiet those inhabiting in that place, being above all other places in his kingdom most desired by them. In my letters to your father I do somewhat err in the report of the enemy's ships of war, naming the most of them to be Biscayans, which was not so, but in matter I err nothing, for I am persuaded that the Spanish fleet was stronger than I report it to be. I beseech you to excuse my ill hand which will put to trouble to decipher; at best leisure my hand is naught, but in haste, as now I write, I know not a worse.—From her Majesty's good ship the Mary Rose, this 9th of July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (42. 23.)
[Dr. Bilson,] Bishop of Worcester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. The fellows of Winchester College have some intimation, as well by letters from London as by secret threats from some near about Mr. Cotton, that a pursuivant shall be sent suddenly for two or three of the chiefest and stoutest of them, and that in their absence, the rest being fearful of themselves and the more terrified by that example, will easily yield to Mr. Cotton's admittance, which he meaneth to require in their absence by virtue of his former patent. I would think this unlikely but that by experience of mine own election to be Warden, I saw eight of my chiefest voices sent for away by a pursuivant, and the election questionless had been overthrown had I not beforehand procured a discharge for them from Sir Francis Walsingham, then Secretary to her Majesty. Now, because the fellows of that house had never any meaning but by supplication to acquaint her Majesty with the state of their foundation and the strictuess of their oaths already taken, from which if by her Highness's laws they may be freed, they are most willing in all things to obey her commandment and pleasure, may it like you to extend so much favour unto college and students that, submitting themselves to her Majesty's princely consideration of their oaths and statutes, they may not by any indirect means be molested or terrified by pursuivants till her Majesty's farther pleasure be signified unto them. They make the more haste because they find he is gone down, and as they doubt to some such purpose; from which stratagem they beseech you their college may be preserved, and I as always bred and brought up there cannot so much forget them, though I be now departed from them, but that in their behalf I likewise beseech you they may rather be certified of her Majesty's pleasure by your letters than be posted up by pursuivants, they know neither whither nor why.—London, 9 July 1596.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (42. 25.)
Gio. Battista Giustiniano to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 9. On 1 August the annuity of the Signor Horatio falling due, I presented to the magistrate of this city a petition for payment of the portion of Signor Fabritio, in the same way as I have done for five years before, and in the same way was referred to Mr. Fortescue. As it will be a matter for the Council, asks Cecils favour in it. The Signor Horatio has for a week past suffered much from gout, but begins to amend, and intends to come hither at the coming of the Commissioners, as Cecil advises; especially as the lord Treasurer has deferred the practice, which the Signor Horatio wrote of, until then. Has sent him word of the new charge the Queen has conferred upon Cecil and doubtless he and all his will be delighted.—London, 9 July, 1596.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (42. 26.)
The Archbishop and the Council at York to the Privy Council.
1596, July 10. Relative to the contemptuous proceedings of one Richard Atkinson, of Ripon, as by a declaration, here enclosed, the whole cause and the proceedings thereof will appear. Upon complaint by us last term it pleased you to direct your letters, bearing date June 20, to me the Archbishop to convent Atkinson before me, and take order for his appearance before your lordships, which is done accordingly; he is to appear at the Court before you the 18th day of this month. Most humbly praying you that his presumptuous and bold attempts may receive such punishment as you shall think most fit.—At York, 10 July, 1576.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Earl of Oxford not to be touched. Atkinson submitteth, accuseth Elson and Cawley” (42. 27.)
The Enclosure :
A declaration of the proceedings by her Majesty's Council in the North against Richard Atkinson, of Ripon, in the county of York, for his misdemeanours and contempts, exhibited to the right honourable the Lords of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.”
Atkinson being convented before Sir William Mallory, knight, William Hildyard, Robert Waterhouse, Robert Briges, William Staveley and Edward Coppinger, esquires, justices of peace and gaol delivery within the liberties of Ripon, by warrant from them to appear at their sessions of peace and gaol delivery the 6th June, 1593, was in open sessions by them committed to prison for his contemptuous speeches against the said warrant; he affirming that the same was fit to stop mustard pots, with other scornful and lewd behaviour in open court.
Being set at liberty within eight days after by Sir William Mallory, one Mr. Johnson, a justice within that liberty, not knowing how he was enlarged, commanded Richard Rounder the gaoler there to bring Atkinson before him to know the cause of his enlargement. Upon which whole matter Atkinson commenced two suits of false imprisonment in the Common Pleas against Rounder, which are still there depending.
Upon complaint hereof by Rounder to the late Earl of Huntingdon, Lord President, order was taken by his lordship, with Atkinson's free consent, to surcease all suits at the common law in respect that such suits did tend to the disgrace of the justices and their lawful proceedings by examining their judicial acts, and that Atkinson should exhibit his bill before his lordship and this Council, declaring his grief if he thought good; which he did accordingly, and Rounder made answer in this Court, justifying the detaining of him in prison by the commandment of the justices for the causes before alledged, and so the matter depended here without any further prosecution by Atkinson. But presently after the Earl's death, Atkinson did revive his former suits against Rounder at the common law in Hilary term last for further vexation of the poor man, intending to become non suit in this Court.
Sir William Mallory and the rest of those justices giving information hereof in March last to this Council, Atkinson was convented to York before the Archbishop and the Council to treat some order in those suits, and upon his appearance at the Council table was required to prosecute his former suit here against Rounder, according to the Earl's order and his own consent and promise; who answered in scornful sort that his promise and that order were void, the Earl being dead, neither did he care for that order.
Notwithstanding which scornful answer time was given him to be better advised by his counsel, and shortly after being called into open Court in Lent sitting last to understand his answer, he persisted in his former purpose, and his own counsel then affirmed that they found him very wilful and void of conformity; whereupon the bill and answer between him and Rounder was read in open Court, and Rounder's answer, with Atkinson's contemptuous words against the justices, and their warrant was then avouched by two justices, Mr. Hildyard and Mr. Waterhouse, men learned in the laws, to be true, and that the cause of his imprisonment at their sessions was his said contempt. Upon consideration whereof, as well for his scornful answer and behaviour at the Council table, as that his suit before the Council against Rounder was mere vexation and to call in question the judicial act of the justice, (whereby their doings might be drawn into disgrace and contempt among the people) knowing him to be of a wilful and stubborn disposition and to make small account of authority, it was thought good by this Council for example's sake and the better countenancing of the justices in their lawful proceedings against him, to commit him to York Castle, where he remained about four days and was then delivered. For which imprisonment he did in Easter term last prosecute an especial attachment of contempt out of the Common Pleas against Rounder, the gaolor of Ripon, returnable last term, upon a false surmise that he was imprisoned here at the suit of Rounder for prosecuting his actions at the common law; and he did prosecute an action of false imprisonment against Mr. Robert Readhead, keeper of York Castle, and John Stock, a poor tipstaff attendant upon this Council, and procured Readhead, her Majesty's ordinary servant, to be arrested by James Hutchinson, sergeant to the sheriffs of York, albeit that Atkinson and the sergeant had notice that Readhead was her Majesty's ordinary servant.
Atkinson doth bring down at these assizes at York his nisi prius against Rounder for detaining him in prison at Ripon by the justices' commandment in their sessions; and being now convented before this Council to enter bond for his appearance before your lordships according to your letters, said that he would proceed at the assizes with his action against Rounder and would see the end of it at the common law whatsoever befell him, and for his appearance before your lordships said he weighed it not the weight of a point to answer the matter. In consideration whereof it would please you to stay all actions of false imprisonment against Mr. Roundhead, Stock the tipstaff, and Rounder the gaoler at Ripon, and to stay all proceedings upon the special attachment, and to inflict such punishment upon Atkinson for his presumptions as you think most convenient.
Signed by the Archbishop of York, and other members of the Council at York. 3 pp. (42. 10.)
The Archbishop and Council at York to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 10. According to the letters of 20 June from the Lords of the Privy Council, order is taken for the appearance of Richard Atkinson of Ripon before their lordships, at the Court, upon the 17th of this month. The causes of his several imprisonments, with his scornful and contemptuous words and behaviour and the proceedings thereupon are declared in a schedule enclosed. They pray that Atkinson may receive such punishments as shall be for the advancement of the authority of this Council and the credit of the Justices in the liberty of Ripon.—At York this 10th of July 1596.
Signed :—Matth. Ebor; W. Malorye; Willm. Rocolf; E. Stanhope; Wm. Cardynall; Jo. Ferne.
Part of Seal. 1 p. (173. 93.)
The Archbishop and Council at York to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 10. Enclosing the preceding letters; with hearty thanks for the care they understand his Honour hath of the credit of this Council.—From York, the 10th of July 1596.
Signed. Seal. (173. 92.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
1596, July 10. For that I can neither be provided of horse, nor carriages readily without commission I pray you heartily it may be sent forthwith, for I shall lose this day for lack of it, and be troubled by the way, as I have been and am in this town. I am ashamed to tell you how often both I and this bearer, Mr. Wroth, have spoken and sent for it. Be not weary with my often troubling of you, for I have no ease nor help of any other. Amongst other overthwarts I am cosened by a physician's son called Nattye, who being preferred by his father to go with me for that he understood the languages and had travelled, hath gotten me to apparel him, and hideth himself till I be gone. So likewise do some others, of whom I should have received some round sums of money. These things shall not stay me one hour, but if you will so much favour me as to write to Mr. Attorney, or to some other justices whom you think fit, to examine the cause, and to send a pursuivant to bring before the said justices such [as] I shall give you the names of, it will be a means that the like dealing shall not be offered me by others when I am in her Majesty's service.—Saturday, the tenth day of July, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (42. 28.)
Dr. William Tooker (or Tucker) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 10. It now appeareth to you what impediment was from the beginning to Mr. Cotton's suit. It remaineth that her Majesty's prerogative may take place and the foundation [of Winchester College] also be observed in bestowing it upon me; for you well know that unless her Majesty will remit her prerogative, the house cannot proceed to an ordinary election. Your honour, I hope, standeth assured of my thankfulness toward you, and my two kinsmen, Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Drake, will undertake for me that no man shall be more at your disposition than myself. I shall not need to put you in mind how much the Earl of Essex affected this suit, as my lord grace knoweth, and Mr. Killigrew. If you stand my honourable procurer in this preferment, I shall make my dutiful repair; and for any collateral calumniations I will answer them, which usually grow out of every suit nowadays.—From Westdean, 10 July.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (42. 29.)
John Cooke to —.
1596, July 10. Yesterday, about five of the clock in the afternoon, the sconce having received some 300 shot from the enemy's battery, they came to a parley, and so yielded to it upon composition. The town, I am persuaded, will not hold out long. His Excellency and Count Hollock are gone malcontent, without leaving any discretion what should be done. The Count Solmes tarries here, but hath a kind of fever that keeps him within door. The parapet of the town wall, for the most part, is not two foot high, the moat in many places of no greater depth; the counterscarf is made fit to lodge the enemy; the commanders show themselves to be coldly disposed; the soldiers are poor silly grooms and better acquainted (for anything I see) to cast away their arms than to fight; the inhabitants are for the most part gone with their baggage, and now the event of all these defects I refer to your discretion to censure of.—Hulst, 10 July, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 30.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 10. Our late alarum may cause me to receive some blame if it be not favourably construed by you and the rest [of the Council]; but before I undertook it, I acquainted my Lord Lieutenant and the deputy lieutenants of the shire with my intent, the which made me the more bolder, besides the fitness of the opportunity, the enemy being upon the coast to the number of 30 sail of shipping, as they themselves know, who having not long since taken off our fishermen in the mouth of the harbour, and the unwillingness of some of the inhabitants to furnish themselves with such furniture as is meet for their own defence,—the one being a means to cause it more certainly to be believed, the other plainly demonstrating unto them the want of those things which they may reasonably provide themselves of. And now, by mine own experience, I find they are neither armed according as from time to time they persuaded me they were, nor will they be easily drawn to any good order; but what may be done you shall hear. I will do to the utmost of my power, and they assuredly promised me to amend all that is in their powers to help. Other news here is not any save that I had a small prize of rice sent me in by a pinnace of mine which I sent after the fleet, taken some 40 leagues off the cape, bound for Lisbon, who doth report that two days before she was taken (which was the 17th of June) she saw the fleet bearing for Cales.—Plymouth, 10 July, 1596.
Signed. 2/3 p. (42. 31.)