Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Tailbois, Mr., 26.

Tailer. See Taylor.

Talant castle, beside Dijon, 263, 269.

Talbot :

Mr., 269, 270.

Edward, son of George, earl of Shrewsbury, 75, 276.

Henry, son of George, earl of Shrewsbury, 75.

Tamar, the river, 467, 468.

Tamworth, —, 488.

Tancred. See Tankard.

Tanfield :

John. See Gerard.

Lawrence, 481.

Tankard or Tanckard (Tancred) :

Father Charles, minister at Valladolid, 185, 489.

William, 395, 488, 489.

Tannat, David, 385.

Tartars, the, 190, 195, 262, 269 bis.

Tasborogh, Mr., a case against, 62, 198, 236.

Mrs., wife of the preceding, 61, 198.

— her daughters, 61.

Thomas, 523.

Tasso, Antonio, master of the posts to the King of Spain, in Italy, 259.

Tassy, Charles de, post master of Antwerp, 26, 145, 473.

— letter from, 112.

Tattershall, 516, 517.

Taunton, 217.

Taunton Dean manor, 123.

Tavannes (Tavanes), Jean de Saulx, vicomte de, commander in Dijon for the League, 217, 263, 269, 280.

Tavistock (Tawestock), letter dated at, 262.

Taxis, John Baptiste, his letters to Philip II., 36, 471, 491.

Taylor :

—, tin merchant, 162.

Thomas, petition of 176.

(Tailer) Ursula, of Shields, 204.

Taymon, —, witness to an examination at Middelburg, 226.

Temeis. See Thames.

Tenant, Francis, 199.

Teneriffe, 474.

Tenham manor, in Kent, 176.

Tennet. See Thanet.

Terill, Mr., 189.

Terry (Tirrie, Terreye), John, goldsmith, 33, 38, 94, 280.

Tervere. See Veere.

Tethrington, Peter, 507.

Tevat Bassa, Turkish general, 194.

Teviotdale, 459.

Thacker :

—, servant to the Earl of Shrewsbury. See Hacker.

Thomas, letter to, 23.

Thames (Temeis), the river, 49, 358.

Thanet (Tennet), Isle of, 341, 448.

Theaker, John, 507.

Theckell, Henry, a Papist at Calais, 178.

Theobalds, Burghley's place, 69, 70, 71, 370.

letter dated at, 192, 381.

Theological notes, 71.

Theology, articles of, approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury and others, 478.

Thevenyn, captain of Rochelle, q. v.

Thiel (Tiel), in Holland, 102.

the Amon of, 275.

Thistlethwait, demesnes of, 66.

Thomas, my lord, 355, 370.

Thomas, James, Chester Herald, 518.

Thompson, Samuel, painter stainer, petition of, 63.

Thomson alias Blackborne, priest, executed ten years past, 25.

Thomson (Thomssen), George, alias Herbert, q. v.

Thoresby, George, commissary, 240.

Thorndon, letter dated at, 360.

Thorney manor, in the I. of Wight, 393.

Thornhill, letter dated at, 382.

Thornton, in Lincolnshire, 517.

Thornton, letter dated at, 220.

Thornton, George, 266.

Thorold :

Sir Anthony, 187.

Mr. Edmund, 517.

Thoulouse. See Toulouse.

Threell, John, made sub-warden of the Fleet, 29, 127.

Throgmorton or Throckmorton :

Arthur, letter from, 99.

— proposes to perform a mask to the Queen, 99.

Francis (executed in 1584), 498.

— a brother of, 498.

(Frogmorton), Thomas, an Englishman at Rome, 313, 498.

Throwghton, Captain, 523.

Thurland, Edmond, account of his parentage, (mother, sister, &c.), 238.

— his nephew, 239.

Thurscross, Luke, 440.

Tichfield and Tichfield House, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90.

Great park, 89.

Tickhill, Yorks, 68.

Tiduna, Hans, a Flemish shipmaster, 207.

Tiel. See Thiel.

Tienen, in the Low Countries, Italian mutineers at, 140.

Tifenbache, —, a general against the Turks, 45.

Tilbury Camp, 15.

Tilford, letter dated at, 323.

Tilmont or Tilemont, in the Low Countries, 97, 103, 140, 512.

Italian mutineers at. See under Flanders.

Tin from Cornwall :

export of, 137, 138, 150, 169, 175.

revenues and customs from, 136, 137, 149, 150, 152, 154, 157, 158, 160, 162, 166, 168, 175.

suit for a monopoly in, 136, 149, 157, 158, 160, 162, 166, 168, 174, 175, 176.

price of at the mines and in London, 137, 160.

reasons against monopoly, 160.

list of merchants, 162.

suit of the merchants, 175, 176.

from Germany, 160.

Tindale. See Tynedale.

Tirrell, Thomas, imprisoned in Spain, 504.

Tirrie. See Terry.

Tinteville. See Dinteville.

Toby, Edward, 440.

Toledo, 57.

archbishop of, 258. See Albert, Card. Archduke.

archbishop of, dec., money left by, 186, 208, 259.

Toledo :

— de, general in Sicily, 189.

(Toleto), Francisco de, Cardinal, 336, 377, 386, 529.

Tollesburye manor, in Essex, 310.

Tomson, William, 433.

Tongres, (Tungerey), in the Low Countries, 163.

Topcliffe, Richard, 233, 234, 238, 239, 353.

— letters from, 91, 107, 238, 248.

— letter to, 39.

Topham, the Queen's title to, 492.

Torbay, 467.

Torner, Captain, 438, 486.

Torrington, 93.

Torrington, —, 'plattes' made by, 360.

Torture, use of, 222, 353.

Totten, James, 366.

Tottenham (Totnam), letter dated at, 400.

Toullemer, Robert, his daughter's marriage, 479.

Toulouse (Thoulouse), 190, 402.

Towers, Roland, 507.

Townsend, Lady Jane, letter from, 214.

Trained Bands, the, 8, 188, 295.

Tramlicort. See Tremblecourt.

Transylvania, 194, 195, 268, 453.

Vayvode or Prince of, 95, 105, 190, 194, 259, 262, 263, 264, 269, 453.

— defeats the Turks, 190, 262, 263.

— his marriage. See Bortkay, S.

— his wife. See Charles, Archduke.

Traverse, near La Fere, 435.

Treasurer, Lord, 274. See Burghley, lord.

Treasurer, the, 94.

of the Chamber, 500.

of the Household. See Knowles, Sir F.

Treaves, Mr., 19.

Treddermayne, 66.

Treffry, Thomas, letters from, 322, 366.

Tregoyd, Carnarvonshire, 100.

Tremblecourt (Tramlicort), French general, 190, 217.

Tremouille (Tremolie), M, de, 308.

Treswell, Robert, Blue Mantle Pursuivant, 518.

Trewardreth, in Cornwall, 468.

Trewrow. See Truro,

Tristram, Dick, alias Rawlyn, 520.

Trott, Martin, letter from, 114.

Troyes (Troys), in France, 231, 232.

letters dated at, 217, 232.

Truro (Thewrow), 322, 468.

Trussell, George, 362.

— statement by, 362–3.

Tucker, Mr., 62, 265, 313.

Tungerey. See Tongres.

Turin, 46, 259, 461, 499, 529.

Turin, Count, 308.

Turkey, 501.

demand for tin in, 160.

Company, the, 166.

Turks and the Turk (for personal references to the Grand Seigneur see Amurath III. and Mahomet III.), 11, 26, 45, 95, 120, 121, 182, 184, 190, 194, 195, 216, 259, 260, 262, 263, 269, 271, 280, 332, 333, 348, 358, 359, 401, 452, 453, 507, 521, 522.

letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Moslem Emperor, 105.

armadas or fleets of, 19, 45 bis, 189, 190, 263, 348, 506, 507.

Christian army against, 95, 189, 190, 262, 269.

new admiral of, 190.

Turnhout, in Flanders, 266, 271, 491, 512.

Turnor, Captain Richard, letter from, 529.

Tusmore, 146.

Tuxford in the Clay, 239.

Tweedmouth, 4.

Twent in the Low Countries, 118.

Twitty, captain, 523.

Twysell, 18.

Tybalkes, James, 139.

Tyboute, Peter, a spy, 6.

Tyndall :

Humphrey, president of Queen's College in Cambridge, 465.

— signature of, 268, 448.

— letter to, 460.

Tynedale (Tindale), 415, 431, 458, 459.

keeper of, 65. See Fenwick, W.

Tynoco, Emanuel Louis (Manoell Lowys), 2, 54.

Tyrie (Tyrius) :

James, a Jesuit, 122, 125, 126, 130, 329.

— letters to, 122.

Thomas, nephew of James and cousin of Lord Hume, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129.

Tyrol, the governor of, 190.

Tyrone, Earl of, 80, 81, 91, 368, 440, 449, 482, 515.

— to be detained at Dublin, 80, 81.

— an Irish bishop sent to, from Spain, 186, 209.

— his son, 449.

Tyrwhit (Thirwhitt) :

Mr. Philip, 517.

Tristram, 392.