Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Nadalino, John Maria di, 22.

Namur (Namurcium), 97, 107, 124, 392.

Nantes, 15, 62, 378.

Naples, 45, 57, 114, 123, 264, 271, 305, 313, 449, 499.

galleys from, 189, 269.

soldiers from, 46, 189, 190, 401, 512.

Narbonne, 190.

Narrow, Seas, the, 172, 173, 300, 492.

list of the Queen's ships in, 307.

Nash, Richard, 89.

Nassau :

House of, 491.

Emilia of, sister of Count Maurice, to marry the Earl of Orkney, 110, 111, 129, 167.

— to marry Count Amovall d'Egmont, 258.

Count Ernest of, brother of Count Philip taken prisoner and ransomed, 344, 345, 346, 351, 352, 358, 364, 373, 375, 380, 389.

Isabella of, daughter of the Prince of Orange, to marry the Duke of Bouillon, 11.

Count John of, 491.

Count Ludovic of, natural son of Maurice, 156, 283 (young Count Nassau).

Count Ludovic of, brother of Count Philip, 345.

Count or Grave Maurice of, stadt-holder of Holland and captain general of the United Provinces (“his Excellency”), 11, 78, 102, 110, 111, 121, 129, 132, 133, 155, 163, 165, 167, 168, 169, 182, 212, 245, 257, 258, 259, 266, 269, 271, 282, 283, 303, 304, 308, 314, 316, 321, 327, 328, 329, 331, 333, 345, 346, 351, 352, 353, 360, 363, 364, 372, 373, 374, 376, 379, 380, 382, 383, 388, 389, 405, 420, 424, 439, 443, 466, 472, 478, 491, 527.

— letters from, 39, 154, 196.

— plot to assassinate, 11, 382, 383.

— his sister and the Earl of Orkney. See Nassau, Emilia of.

Count Philip of, son of John, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, in the Dutch service, 212, 283, 344, 345 bis, 346, 360, 364, 376, 420.

— his expedition to France and Laxembourg, 11, 19, 20, 107, 212.

— capture and death of, 344, 346, 352.

Count William of, 163, 212, 271, 283, 327, 466, 513.

Naur, in Brittany, 367.

Navarre, 386.

edict of (i.e. of Henry IV. of France), 258.

title to, 51.

(Navarra), King of. See France, King Henry IV. of.

Anthony, king of, father of the preceding (died 1562), 134.

— mistrusted by the Huguenots, 134.

Naworth, 69, 443.

Neale, John, a murderer, 469.

Nealle. See Nesle.

Neapolitan soldiers. See Naples.

Necasious, Mr., his two offices, 189.

Negro :

Ottavio. See Vincenzo.

Vincent, 22.

Nemours :

Charles, duke of (Denmowers), died July 1595, 46, 190, 317, 383, 349, 378.

— leagues with Mayenne, 44.

Henry, duke of, brother of Charles, 378.

Nero, —, 79.

Nesle (Nealle), in France, 429.

Netherclyffe, William, 211.

Neufchâtel, in Normandy, governor of, 306.

Nevers, in France, 366, 371.

(Denvares, Danvers), Duc de, 269, 289, 292, 300, 401, 402, 429, 536.

— letter from, 293.

Nevill or Nevell :

—, 508, 509.

Edward, de Latymer, prisoner in the Tower, 25, 59, 492.

— letter from, 103.

John, 71.

Lady Margaret, the Queen's clemency to, 176, 226.

— letter from, 220.

(Nevile), Dr. Thomas, master of Trinity College, Cambridge, letter from, 417.

Newark (Nuarke), 71, 255.

letter dated at, 297.

Newark, —, skinner, 359.

Newbridge, upon the Tamar, 467, 468.

Newburk, Duke of, 474.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 203, 204, 207, 236, 256, 267, 356, 476, 493, 494, 495.

customs return, 393.

letter from officers of the port, 92.

examination taken at, 220.

mayor of. See Anderson.

petition from the mayor and burgesses, 267.

searcher of. See Sanderson, H.

Newce, William, to be collector of the fifteenth in Hertfordshire, 283, 291.

Newcom, Robert, 128.

Newfoundland (Neweland), fish of, 387, 418, 519.

Newhall, letter dated at, 4.

Newhaven. See Havre.

Newington, letters dated at, 509, 510.

Newlyn (Newland) near Penzance, burnt by Spaniards, 290.

Newman :

John, sergeant, 341, 343.

— examination of, 345.

— his wife, 343.

— — her former husband, 343.

Newmarket, 357.

Newport, in Flanders. See Nieuport.

Newport, Thomas, dec., 218, 267.

Newry, in Ireland, 379.

New Spain. See West Indies.

Newton, William, 362.

Nice (Nyza), in Savoy, 529.

Nicholas :

Adr., of the Admiralty of Zealand, 274.

Jean, fiscal of the Admiralty of Zealand, letter from, 279.

Nicœa, Council of, summoned by the Emperor Constantine, 64.

Nicols, W., letter from, 97.

Nieuport (Newport), in Flanders, 133, 484.

intended surprise of, 132.

Nimeguen (Nimmeghen), in Holland, 118, 466, 512.

Noel, Henry, letter from, 514.

Nombre de Dios, in America, 402.

Nonsuch, 71, 219, 322, 393, 402, 498.

letters dated at, 1, 227, 250, 388, 400.

Norfolk, 84, 366.

lieutenant and muster masters of (named), 523.

Norfolk, Duke of (beheaded 1572), 70, 136, 310, 492.

— his 2nd son. See Howard, lord Thomas.

Normandy, 134, 150, 151, 300, 301, 332, 429, 430, 434.

governor of. See Montpensier, Duke, religion in, 506.

troops from, 23.

transport of lead to, 301.

Norrenburg. See Nürnberg.

Norreys or Norris :

Sir Edward, governor of Ostend, commander of the English forces in the Low Countries, 132, 133, 241, 420, 464, 502.

— letters from, 104, 121, 169, 195, 260, 273, 297, 382, 500.

Henry, first lord Norreys of Rycott, 368, 523 bis.

Sir Henry, 241, 367, 368.

Sir John, president of Munster, 1, 2, 6, 44, 321, 367, 444, 514, 520.

— letter from, 414.

— letters to, 413, 414.

— grants to, 63, 64.

Margery, lady, wife of Henry, lord Norreys, letters from, 222, 367, 398.

— her sons, 222, 367, 398.

Sir Thomas, 209, 444.

William, vicar general to the bishop of Sodor and Man, 426.

Norroy, King of Arms, 518.

North :

Council of the, 204, 236, 499, 505, 506.

— letter from, 505.

— list of members, 395.

— Lord President. See Huntingdon, Earl of.

— secretary, 505, 508. See Farne, John.

— warrant for fees, 395.

rebellion in the (1569), 239.

North :

H., Lord, 365, 366, 523.

— letters from, 188, 357, 380, 417.

— letter to, 366.

Roger, Lord, letter from, 497.

North, —, a gamekeeper, 37, 101.

Captain Thomas, an Englishman at Rome and in Spain, 184, 185, 313, 357.

Northampton, 91.

letter dated at, 91.

mayor of, 91.

— certificate by, 83.

George Inn, 83.

Northamptonshire, 239, 381.

Commissioners for musters in, 381.

soldiers from, 381.

sheriff's assistants (named), 524.

Northaye, Ralph, 433.

Northumberland, 204, 415, 493, 494.

disorders in, 493.

want of preachers in, 493.

Northumberland :

Thomas Percy, earl of (executed 1572), 70 bis, 449.

Earl of, letter from, 524.

Norton, Notts, 75.

Norton, co. Radnor, 488.

Norton, —, the rebel, 238.

Norwich, 30.

bishopric of, 18, 31, 177.

bishop of. See Redman, W.

Norwood Park, 121, 287.

Nott, James, 214.

— examination of, 211.

Nottingham, 229, 255, 276.

mayor of, 135.

sheriff's assistants (named), 524.

Nottinghamshire, 239.

musters in, 297.

Novar, the benediction of the, i.e., of Henry (of Navarre), King of France, q.v.

Novigratt or Novigrad, in Upper Hungary, 260.

Nowell, Alexander, dean of St. Paul's, 167, 192, 193, 205, 216, 235, 533, 534, 535, 536.

— letters from, 172, 203.

Noyon, governor of, 402.

Nuarke. See Newark.

Nuehaven. See Havre de Grace.

Nürnberg (Norrenburg, Nuremberg), 95, 416, 474.

letter dated at, 447.

Nyza. See Nice.


O., François d', French finance minister (died 1594), 20, 21.

O'Brien, Aulon, 444.

O'Byrne, Feagh McHugh, an Irish rebel, 203.

— his wife captured, 203.

O'Cullin. See Cullen.

O'Donnell, the Irish chief, 81, 413, 444.

Offerton, 526.

Offices vacant, list, 515.

Ogilviy, John, second son to Lord Ogilviy, his house razed, 6, 14.

Okenden Wood, 530.

Oldenburg, the Emperor's troops at, 260.

Oldenzaal, in Overyssel, attempted surprise of, 257.

Oliver, John, 312.

Oltrana, Antonio, servant to the margrave of Ansbach, 416.

Ommelandes, the, in the Low Countries, 118.

O'Mulrian :

Cornelius, bishop of Killaloe, 444.

Henry, 444.

O'Neill (O'Neal) :

the Irish chief, 81.

Shane, his insurrection, 266.

Onions, importation of, 365.

Oran, Father, a Jesuit, 124.

Orange, Prince of, 10, 11, 272, 376, 383, 392, 405, 416, 423, 424, 438, 439, 452, 472, 478, 479, 491.

— his daughter. See Nassau, Isabella of.

— his son the Admiral, 10, 11.

— proposed marriage of, 439.

— his father's murder, 491.

Ordham, in Flanders, 225.

Ordnance :

brass pieces, 345.

Office of, 347, 377.

— lieutenant of. See Carew, Sir G.

Orkney (the Orcades), claimed by Denmark, 111.

Orkney, Earl of, his ship and goods seized, 96.

— his suit for Count Maurice of Nassau's sister, 110, 111, 129, 167.

Ormond, Earl of, 346, 353, 481, 482.

O'Rourke, the Irish chief, 81, 440.

Orsini, —, 498.

Osborne :

Captain, 523.

Henry, of Colchester, 433.

Osberne, Richard, letter from, 264.

Ossa, on the Mar Maggiore, captured by Cossacks, 269.

Ossat, Arnaud d', 337.

— letter from, 334(?).

Ossonville (Ausonville), Baron d', 217.

Ostend, 6, 27, 79, 132, 420, 461, 484, 492, 495, 500, 515.

letters dated at, 104, 121, 133, 171, 196, 261, 273, 298, 382, 464, 484, 500.

sea-breaches at, 6.

fortifications of, 104, 297, 412.

governor of. See Norris, Sir Edward.

governorship of, 132, 133, 169, 298.

bailly, commissary and burgomaster, 297.

garrison of, 179.

— mustered, 166.

— bad courses in, 169, 170.

threatened by the Spaniards, 79, 195.

Oswestry, petition of the parishioners, 267.

Outlawe, Richard, pursuivant to the Council of the North, 81, 83, 91, 395.

Overall, Dr., 478.

Over Yssel (Overeisel), one of the United Provinces, 118 bis, 131, 142, 212.

Owen :

Bartholomew, 440.

Edward, 521.

(Hoen), Hugh, a Spanish pensioner, 35 bis, 63, 225, 252, 515.

John, prisoner in the Gatehouse, letter from, 368.

(Owine), John, customer of Lynn, 393.

Oxford (Oxenford), 139, 148, 207, 347.

letter dated at, 347.

University, 400.

University, Brasenose College, 172, 193,

203, 207, 236, 533, 534, 535, 536.

— letter from the college, 533.

— Harris, principal of, 216.

Oxford :

Anna, Countess of. See Cecil, A.

Edward, Earl of, 69, 70, 137.

— letters from, 149, 152, 154, 157, 158, 162, 166, 168, 174, 181, 426, 427.

— his daughter Elizabeth, Countess of Derby. See Derby.

— his daughter's marriage, 150.

Oxfordshire, 80.

lieutenant and muster master of (named), 523.

Oyse, Chevalier d' (Doyes, Doysse), brother of Admiral de Villars, 288, 292, 301, 317, 332.