Cecil Papers: May 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp77-80 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp77-80.

"Cecil Papers: May 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp77-80.

May 1606

The Clothiers to [the Privy Council].
[? Before May 7, 1606]. The Council has listened to the case debated between the counsels representing the clothiers, aulnagers and searchers. The matter is of great importance to the kingdom at large, since the future of the clothiers and their employees is deeply affected and "the lawe inforceth such greate penalties uppon impossibilityes which cannott be avoyded". Petitioners ask that a conference be arranged with certain members of the House of Commons on the matter.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2096.)
[See The Journals of the House of Commons, Vol. I, p. 306.]
Sir Thomas Southwell to Lord Ellesmere.
1606, May 8. Sir Charles Cornwallis and Sir William Cornwallis were bound, under pain of forfeiture of the bonds, to pay certain moneys to the petitioner. They have failed to do so, and he is faced with ruin because he has no other means of discharging his own debts and those which he has undertaken on their behalf. He prays that the bond under which they are committed to the payment of £5000, in case of default in meeting their obligation, be now enforced.—May 8, 1606.
½ p. (P. 41.)
Sir Thomas Southwell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? After May 8, 1606]. Petitioner was imprisoned by order of the Privy Council for arresting a surety of Sir Charles Cornwallis, now Ambassador in Spain. He asks to be pardoned for that offence. Since the surety, Sir William Cornwallis, proposes to answer petitioner by process of law, he requests to be discharged from prison or sureties taken on his behalf for his appearance and himself set at liberty.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 308.)
Richard Richardson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 12, 1606]. He is a poor and maimed soldier, who a year ago obtained Salisbury's letters to the Deputy-Lieutenants of Hertfordshire for the payment of £10, namely the arrears of his annual pension of £6:13:4. Some of it was paid immediately, and the remainder arranged to be discharged by Sir Walter Mildmay. Soon after, Sir Walter died (fn. 1) and the arrears have not been paid. He asks for a further letter from Salisbury for the payment of the sum still due to him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 896.)
Richard Richardson to the Privy Council.
[After May 12, 1606]. In regard of his service under the late Earl of Essex and the wounds he received in the wars, petitioner was granted a yearly pension of £6:13:4 in Hertfordshire, where he was pressed as a soldier. There is due to him as arrears the sum of £5, and he requests that letters be directed to the DeputyLieutenants and Justices of the Peace of the shire for the payment of the money.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 956.)
Richard Foulsham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 16. About six months previously Thomas Sothaby died seised of a small quantity of land in Yorkshire, leaving an heir who is still a minor. The tenure of the land has been concealed, and petitioner asks that the wardship be bestowed upon him, he undertaking to prove the King's title to it.—May 16, 1606.
½ p. (P. 1330.)
Philip Cotton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 17, 1606]. He asks to be given the wardship of the heir of Sir Bassingborne Gawdy, lately deceased. (fn. 2)Undated.
½ p. (P. 932.)
Nicholas Ward to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 20, 1606]. He is one of the King's trumpeters, and begs the favour of being allowed to attend on Salisbury with his trumpet at his installation. (fn. 3)Undated.
1 p. (P. 763.)
Jasper Strich to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 31, 1606]. He is Master-Gunner in five of the parishes of the Island of Guernsey, and for the last two years he has been trying to persuade their inhabitants to pay him arrears of pay amounting to £38:10. Owing to the obstinacy of some people, he has failed to do so, partly because they are on better terms with Sir Thomas Smith than he is. His only hope of redress lies in obtaining an order from the King to the five parishes for his payment, and he prays Salisbury to move Sir Daniel Donne to procure such an order for him.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1174a.)
1606, May 31. The Privy Council to the Governor of the Island of Guernsey. They refer to the appointment of Jasper Strich as gunner in five parishes, the diligence with which he has performed his duties, and the malice of those inhabitants who have detained his wages. They authorize and command him to deal severely with them so that Strich may receive the money due to him and a little more to cover the expenses of his suit. If the inhabitants prove refractory, he is to summon two of the ringleaders and take a bond from them for their appearance before the Council.— Greenwich, 21 May, 1606.
Signed by: Lord Chancellor; Lord Treasurer; Lord Chamberlain; Earl of Salisbury; Lord Stanhope; Master of the Rolls; Sir John Fortescue; Lord Chief Justice; Mr Secretary Herbert.
¾ p. (P. 1174b.)
Leonard Worall to the King.
[? May, 1606]. He resides at Fleet Bridge, and complains that he has on four occasions attached a person guilty of treason and slander, but the latter has been allowed to escape trial every time. This has convinced him that there are many in authority who are equally guilty of treason to the King. The person against whom he has preferred charges recently declared his intention of passing over to the Pope.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 743.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 319.]
Order of the Garter.
[c. May, 1606]. "The Statutes and Ordenances of the most noble Order of Sainct George named the Garter, reformed, explaned, declared and renewed by the most high, most excellent and moste puissant Prince Henry theight, by the grace of God King of England, Ffrance and Ireland, defendor of the faith, etc."
54 pp. Vellum. (356.)
[This copy of the Statutes was presented to Robert, Earl of Salisbury, when he was created Knight of the Garter on May 20, 1606. His arms are emblazoned on the first leaf of the MS.]
John St. Leger to the Privy Council.
[After May, 1606]. He asks them to consider the case between him and Lord Darcy, Lord Rich and others who have purchased lands, formerly in the possession of his ancestor the Earl of Ormond, from Henry, late Lord Hunsdon. Last May the Council ordered them to arrive at a reasonable settlement for petitioner's relief, which they could easily have done inasmuch as they had bought the lands for considerably less than their value. They have preferred to ignore the Council's letter, and to challenge petitioner to go to law against them, which he cannot do because of his poverty. He requests that either the differences between him and the above mentioned parties be examined by the Council, or be heard by the Lord Chief Justices of England or other impartial legal experts selected by the Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 624.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVII, pp. 499–500.]


  • 1. He was buried at Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, on May 12, 1606. [See The Visitations of Hertfordshire, 1572 and 1634, p. 153.]
  • 2. Died on May 17, 1606. [See PRO, Inq. P.M., 293/9.]
  • 3. The Earl of Salisbury was installed as Knight of the Garter on May 20, 1606.