Cecil Papers: March 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp61-72 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp61-72.

"Cecil Papers: March 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp61-72.

March 1606

Ralph Cox to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After March 3, 1605–6]. He requests to be given the benefit of the wardship and marriage of the heir of Laurence Haddock, late of Horton, co. Yorks., deceased.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 432.)
[Commission for Inq. P.M. issued on March 3, 1605–6. See PRO, Wards 9, Vol. 170, fo. 59b.]
The foreign curriers to the Privy Council.
[Before March 14, 1605–6]. They refer to the action of the freemen curriers in procuring an act in the late Parliament which curtailed the trade and livelihood of the foreign curriers. In response to a petition from the latter, the Privy Council referred the matter to the Lord Mayor of London with the object of either affiliating the foreign to the freemen curriers, or achieving some modus vivendi between them. The Lord Mayor failed in his mediation and matters have been allowed to drift, with the result that petitioners and their families face ruin and starvation. Since it appears that the freemen curriers "are of an ungodlye disposition" petitioners beg the Council to issue an order that they be not interfered with, nor the shoemakers who employ them molested, until their case be raised again in Parliament.—Undated.
¾ p. (196. 114.)
[See The Journals of the House of Commons, Vol. I, p. 352.]
The same to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before March 14, 1605–6]. In the late Parliament an act was passed which declared that, "noe artifecers usinge, workinge or cuttinge of leather dwelling within the saide Citty [of London] and three miles compas of the same shoulde putt anye leather to be corried to anye person but onlie to suche as were fremen of the saide Companie of Corriors of London". This prohibition has threatened all curriers living within that radius with complete ruin and the consequent starvation of their families. They beg Salisbury to take the necessary measures in the Parliament, which has now assembled, to rescind the act, so that they may be allowed to earn their living at their old trade which they and their predecessors have practised since time immemorial. They appeal for his assistance in respect that they are too poor to prefer a bill in Parliament themselves, so much so "that they can scarce gett breade to feede themselves withall nor att the weeks end to paie the debts they owe for their victualls".—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of the forreine corriors inhabyting neare unto the Cittye of London." ½ p. (196. 115.)
[See Statutes at Large, Vol. II, Cap. XXII (1602), pp. 975–983.]
The Royal Household.
[Before March 18, 1605–6].—
The King's Servants
Lord Haddington 200l
Francis Stewart 1001
Sir John Shaw 1001
Sir Mich. Balfoure 1001
Sir Henry Balfoure 100l
Thomas Lamsden 1001
John Levingston 1001
Sir James Ffullerton 1001
Bernard Lyndsey 1001
John Gibbe 1001
John Murray 1001
John Auchmutie 1001
Archibald Napper 1001
Sir John Gryme 501
Isaac Casaubon 751
Sir Peter Younge 751
Sir Roger Aston 501
Sir James Atherlony 501
Robert Amstruther 401
Sir Edw. Bushell 331 6s 8d
Sir William Constable 401
James Hudson 30l
Alex. Levingston 251
John Howme 251
James Hetley 251
Sir Alex. Hay 581 6s 8d
— Welles
Sir James Himlton 251
Sir Patricke Murray 751
Geo. Murray 501
William Rider 371 10s
Sir Peeter Saltonstall 501
Sir Geo. Reynell 251
Marmaduke Wyvell 251
Thomas Ffootes 401 12s 6d
Patricke Maule 651
William Belon 251
Sir William Woodhouse 251
Sir John Brooke 251
More to him 501
William Bellendon 251
Sir Charles Howard 501
Sir Geo. Keere 50l
William Ramsey 651
James Marroth 121 10s
William Grimsditch 501
Robert Gordon 501
John Barkeley 501
Humfrey May 731
More to him 331 6s 8d
Sir Geo. Carew 501
Sir Henry Wotton 501
Geo. Wood 451 12s
Sir Robert Maxwell 1001
Geo. Marshall 661 13s 4d
Sir Richard Coningsby 661 13s 4d
James Maxwell 661 13s 4d
Sir Edw. Zouche 111 13s 4d
Robert Browne 201
Bevis Theloall 131 6s 8d
Walter Toddericke 131 6s 8d
John Carse 131 6s 8d
Ellis Rothwell 131 6s 8d
James Bowey 251
Rafe Holland 201
Patricke Young 251
Robert Hay 501
Archibald Armstrong 91 2s 6d
James Buchannon 201
The Prince's Servants
Sir David Murray 401
Adam Newton 501
Lo. of St Anthony 901
Walter Alexander 251
Anthoine Abington 161 13s 4d
Alphonso Fferabosco 121 10s
Sir David Ffowles 291 13s 4d
Rich. Connocke 251
John Harrison 331 6s 8d
Thomas Giles 161 13s 4d
John Garrett 61 13s 4d
Thomas Birchmore 121 10s
Eustace Norton 121 15s
Lewes Rogers 221 10s
Alex. Wilson & Blake 131 13s 9d
Rowland Wynne 121 10s
William Tallard 41 11s 3d
Peeter de la Costa 121 10s
Tho. Parker 100s
Rob. Jameson 100s
Tho. Younge 100s
Attendants upon Ambassadors
Sir Lewis Lewkenor 501
Sir William Button 301 8s 4d
Sir Edw. Prynne 121 10s
Sir Steven Leizure 121 10s
Riders of the King's Horses
Andrew Zinzan 161 13s 4d
Henry Zinzan 251
Andrew Zinzan 121 10s
Dor Craigg 251
Dor Atkins 251
Dor Poe 121 10s
Dor Hamond 251
Dor Mayerne 1001
Gilbert Primrose 251
Jo. Nesmith 201
More 151
Sergeant Gudderous 161 13s 4d
Geo. Baker 101
James Harvey 101
Abraham Allen 121 10s
Jo. Wolf Rumler 201
Geo. Sheires 281 6s 8d
Rafe Cleyton 100s
Gedeon de Lawne 100s
Queenes Servants
John Elphinston 501
Peeter Ffranke 501
Jo. Chalke 251
Jo. Seringius 401
William Murkey, cooke 121 10s
Jaques Bochan 151
Jane Dromond 2501
William Hay 301 8s 4d
Eliz. Shawe 1001
Wm. Edgeley 41 11s 3d
Dor Bull 101
Arthur Bassano 141 13s d
Andrew Bassano 111 12s d
Edw. Bassano 111 12s d
Jerome Bassano 111 12s d
Scipio Bassano 111 12s d
Robert Baker 161 10s d
Jerome Lanier 111 12s d
Alphonso Lanier 111 12s d
Peeter Edney 151 0 d
Peeter Guy 101 2s d
Tho. Mason 111 12s d
Samuel Garshe 111 12s d
Henry Troches 111 12s d
Cormocke M'Dermott 111 12s d
Jo. Phelpes 171 13s d
Wm. Gosson 8l 11s 10½d
Jeffrey Crewse 8l 11s 10½d
Jo. Lanier 12l 10s
Tho. Cardall 351
Nath. Giles 101
Peeter Pulliard 81 11s 10½d
Rich. Thorne 41 11s 3d
Sergeants at Arms
Tho. Bradshaw 41 11s 3d
Geo. Burrell 41 11s 3d
Wm. Goodfellow 41 11s 3d
Mich. Cobbe 41 11s 3d
Jo. Cotton 41 11s 3d
Tho. Dixon 41 11s 3d
Hen. Batten 41 11s 3d
Jo. Bennet 41 11s 3d
Wm. Ffountaine 41 11s 3d
Rich. Hale 111 8s d
Jo. Rolles 41 11s 3d
Jo. Neve 41 11s 3d
Hen. Snelgar 41 11s 3d
Edw. Grimeston 91 2s 6d
Jo. Freed 41 11s 3d
Lancaster Gibbons 41 11s 3d
Rich. Wydmer 41 11s 3d
Wm. Cambden 101
Rich. St George 101
Rafe Brooke 61 13s 4d
Samuel Tomson 61 13s 4d
Jo. Raven 61 13s 4d
Wm. Penson 61 13s 4d
Rob. Treswell 61 13s 4d
Thomas Knight 100s
Wm. Smith 100s
Phillip Holland 100s
Mercury Patten 100s
Rich. Charles 61 13s 4d
The Duke's Servants
Sir Robert Cary 50l
La. Cary 50l
More to her 200l
Tho. Murray 331 6s 8d
Julian Ffoster 100s
Anne Ffortune 100s
Geo. Kirke 100s
Jo. Lysle 9l
James Young & his brother 30l
James Elliott 12l 10s
Wm. Clowes 101
Norman Lisle 100s
Sir James Ffullerton 331 6s 8d
Tho. Trevor 101
Jane Swarlen 91 2s 6d
Ladie Elizabeths Servants
Eliz. Piggott 100s
Blanche Swanstead 91 2s 6d
Eliz. Hay 151
Ladie Maries Servants
Marie Tomson 251
Eliz. Townsend 66s 8d
Mabell Lynley 70s
Anne Bartie 75s
Katherine Paddee 75s
Margaret George 75s
Anne Progers 75s
Anth. Knyvett 50s
Arthur Bodren 25s
Mary London 25s
Late Queenes ffootemen
John London 121 10s
George Stone 121 10s
Anthoine Bennett 121 10s
Ambrose Jenney 121 10s
Hugh Miller 121 10s
Rich. Miller 121 10s
Rich. Stringer 12l 10s
John Thorne 121 10s
Geo. Symonds 121 10s
The Queenes Matie 32001
La. Arbella 4001
Countesse of Nottingham 1501
Countesse of Kildare 501
Countesse of Oxon. 501
La. Burgh 1001
La. Lumley 751
La. Woodroe 121 10s
La. Adelm 121 10s
La. Edmondes 251
La. Hill 121 10s
La. Southwell 501
La. Vavasor 161 13s 4d
Mrs Bridges 101
2 daughters of the Erle of Westm'landes 661 13s 4d
Mrs Ratcliff 501
Mrs Stapleton 501
Mrs Kirton 501
Mrs Higgins 101
Mrs Somervile 101
La. Bartlett 201
La. Dorothie 501
La. Borlas 831 6s 8d
Mistris Ffortescu 121 10s
Anne Barkeley 151
Huntsmen and Ffalconers
Sir Patricke Howme 551
4 yeomen prickers 361
Rich. Lazonby 101
Alex. Mongreife 901
Geo. Mongreife 221 16s 3d
Tho. Mongreife 91 2s 6d
Jo. Waters 41 11s 3d
Wm. Gatacre 161 13s 4d
Geo. Colmer 501
Lawrence Weekes 45s 711/24
Wm. Risbrooke 201 10s d
Tho. Pott 711 16s 3d
Hen. Halfheid 121 3s d
Rich. Gwynne 103s 10d
Jo. Wood 111 8s d
Tho. Cockeyn 91
Rob. Rayne 121 10s
John St Leger 101
Sir Rich. Perry 451 12s 6d
Knights of Windsor 591 6s 3d
Sir Hen. Ffowkes 251
Sir Wm. Dethicke 501
Geo. Kirkham 191 6s 10½d
Reignold Bye 101
Discoverers of ye Traitors
Th. Banister 41 11s 3d
Jo. Ffynwood 61 13s 4d
Jo. Streete 91 2s 6d
Jo. Stone 41 11s 3d
Rich. Rice 41 11s 3d
Servants to the late Queene of Scotts
Tho: Baldwyn 161 13s 4d
Rob. Tunstead 251
Anth. Rolston 251
Sir Charles Yelverton 121 10s
Lord Ffivie 1001
Lord Erskyn (fn. 1) 501
Lord Gordoune 501
Lord of Kinlosse 501
Wm. Stafford 251
Wm. Stafford jun. 271 7s 6d
Wm. Stallenge 151 4s 2d
Wm. Inglebert 161 13s 4d
Revells 51
Armory 1901
Clerks of ye Counsell 951
Keepers of ye Counsell Chamber 351 15s
Readers of phisick & Law lectures 401
Jewellers 3871
Grooms of ye stable 441
Posts 681
Harbingers 471 10s
Keepers of houses 1061
Gamme keepers 2081
Wardrobe keepers 621
Gonners and others in ye Towere 3801
Total 134701
Endorsed: "Pentioners." 4 pp. (211. 3c.)
Lewis Eynon to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before March 18, 1605–6]. He is a Yeoman of the Guard. A debt of £614:14 has been long due to him by the King, and it is the only means he possesses to support a wife and ten children, except his pay as a Yeoman. He has petitioned the Lord Treasurer for its payment, but lack of money has prevented it. Petitioner has consequently been in danger of finding himself taken and imprisoned by his own creditors, who have asked permission to do so from the Lord Chamberlain and Lord Dirleton, the Captain of the Guard. The debt represents money disbursed by him for the Treasurer of Ireland. He requests Salisbury to further the suit which he proposes to submit to the Privy Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1057.)
George Grimes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After March 18, 1605–6]. He is in the service of Viscount Fentoun, and informs Salisbury that hearing a certain Laurence Woodward of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields making defamatory statements about Mr Brian, one of Viscount Cranborne's servants, he "in friendly manner reproved him". For his pains he was insulted, attacked and beaten up by Woodward and one of his confederates, who also maltreated his wife. As a result he is confined to his bed, and cannot follow his master's business on the occasion of the progress. He is indignant that he has been so abused by "a base fellow that keepes a tiplinge howse and that very disorderlie", and asks that Salisbury summon Woodward before him and punish him in an exemplary manner.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1091.)
[After March 18, 1605–6]. "My Lord Treasurer was made acquainted with the matter of steel by one Ball.
Afterwards, my Lord Fenton was acquainted with it and imbraced it by means of one Kendal.
His wyf lyeth at the house of one Brabant, an atturney in Milford Lane.
Barkesdal is a merchant in London. He knowes not where he dwels, but his wyf doth.
Sir James Crighton is the party that deales with my Lord Fenton.
He hath a knyfe of this new kind of steele.
He hath acquainted one Mathew a cutler by Fleet Brige with this secret."—Undated.
Endorsed: "Concerning a new invention of steele." ½ p. (130. 178.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, pp. 393, 394 and 397.]
[? After March 18, 1605–6]. Notes on the different kinds of steel, the uses to which they are put, the variety of tools, instruments and domestic goods manufactured from them, and the expediency of converting certain iron products into steel.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Concerning the differences of steeles." 1 p. (130. 177.)
John Roper to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After March 31, 1606]. Concerning the misdemeanours of John Anderton, Justice of the Peace. When 30 persons committed a burglary in petitioner's house at night time, wounding him and two of his sons, he asked Anderton to assist him in arresting some of the guilty party and disclosed their names and addresses. Anderton refused, and so allowed the criminals to escape. Moreover, when the late Queen Elizabeth died, Anderton and four others "tooke the Bible and service booke out of Leiland church and bestowed them in an alehowse, and thereby hindred the publique service and prayers to God for his Matie, by which recusants taking encouragement twoe masses were said the next Sunday in that towne or parrishe". When a sermon was arranged for St. James Day, in honour of the King's coronation, one hundred people armed with guns entered the church and disturbed the preacher. A complaint was made to Anderton, who declined to punish the offenders. Petitioner adds that all these charges were proved by deposition under the hand of Sir Urien Leigh and other commissioners in the Court of the Star Chamber. He himself is 80 years old, and the prosecution of the case in that court has impoverished him. Besides, Anderton has been able, by means of his influence and wealth, to prevent any date being fixed for the hearing of the case. He requests Salisbury to intervene with the Lord Chancellor that a day be appointed for the examination of the matter in Michaelmas term next.—Undated.
1 p. (197. 52.)
[See PRO, Star Chamber Proceedings, James I, 252/2.]
Sir Edward Clere to the King.
[? March, 1605–6]. He requests him to accept satisfaction from Sir Thomas Parry as to his conduct towards the ambassadors, since he was present at the meeting. The honour which petitioner received in the presence of the French King was bestowed without the slightest reflection on or discredit to the allegiance he owed to his own sovereign. It was a recognition of Clere's relationship to the late Queen Elizabeth, revealed by Count Beaumont, of King James's favours to the French Ambassador, and of Clere's lineal descent from the Earls of Clermont. He asks to be released from prison, where he has been detained for three weeks and hindered from attending to his duties in Parliament.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of Sir Edward Clere, knight, prisoner in ye Marshalsea". 1 p. (P. 210.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 307.]
Michael Borstade to the King.
[Before April, 1606]. He is a native of Odislo (Oslo) and a subject of the King of Denmark. For a long time he has been a suitor to the King of England concerning his ship, the Spreadeagle, which was seized on the high seas with her cargo of masts in the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth. He produced letters written on his behalf by the King of Denmark, and was granted his suit on the condition that he produced irrefutable evidence that the ship was his. He has produced valid certificates to that effect for Sir Julius Caesar, (fn. 2) Master of Requests, and also proved that neither the ship nor the cargo was the property of a Spaniard and, therefore, not subject to confiscation. He requests to have his ship restored to him in accordance with the King's promise to the Duke of Holstein.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1061.)
Captain Francis Clayton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before April 3, 1606]. He has been forced to spend much money on surgical treatment for the wounds which he received on active service during the late Queen Elizabeth's reign, and has been driven to the extremity of having to pawn the patent of the small pension bestowed on him through the kind intervention of Salisbury. In regard of the service performed by his deceased father, Captain William Clayton, and his eighteen sons in the Irish wars, of whom 13 lost their lives, and of the 28 years' service completed by petitioner himself in Ireland, "I am an humble suitor in this Parliament for a small allowance of two shillings out of every Stage play that shalbe acted, and twelve pence out of every showe of strange beasts as Bavians [baboons] and such like within the citty and suburbs of London, to be paid unto mee or my assignes during my life by the owners and actors of those plaies and showes." He requests Salisbury's support according to the latter's advice "in your garden at Theobalds upon the motion I then made to your Lordship concerning this suite in the presence of the Earl of Devonshire". (fn. 3)Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1580.)


  • 1. Thomas Erskine, Lord Erskine of Dirletowne, was created Viscount Fentoun on March 18, 1605–6.
  • 2. Appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer on April 7, 1606.
  • 3. Died on April 3, 1606.