Cecil Papers: 1615-1619

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: 1615-1619', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp231-237 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1615-1619', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp231-237.

"Cecil Papers: 1615-1619". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp231-237.


1615. A register book containing the names, professions and place of residence of persons licensed at the Quarter Sessions held at Hertford from 1604 to 1615 to be, "comon drovers of cattle, badgers, loaders, kidders, carryers, buyers and sellers of corne, grayne, butter, eggs, cheese, fish and other dead victualls".
52 pp. (211. 5.)
Catalogue of Books.
c. 1615. The first 72 pages of this volume include a list of books in the library of William, Earl of Salisbury. They are divided into (1) Biblical and theological works, (2) History, (3) Law, (4) Philology and (5) Orders and Offices. Other pages are used for sundry accounts in different hands (one being Keighley's) and all of 1615. Amongst names of interest, either as recipients of rents and annuities or payers of rents are: Lord Bedford, Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury, Dean and Chapter of Rochester, Bishop of Durham, Sir John Davies, King's College, Cambridge, Sir Thomas and Lady Walsingham, Lord Eure, Sir W. Bulstrode, Sir W. Hewett, Sir W. Fortescue, Lord and Lady Clifford, Sir T. Cheke, Sir A. Ashley, John Tradescant, Sir T. Gardiner, Sir T. Pope Blount, Dr Aubrey, Sir W. Gardner, Countess of Sussex, Sir W. Gerrard, Lord Wotton, Lady Burroughs, Roland Bucket, Sir W. Garraway, Earl of Montgomery, Sir Edward Blount, Sir John Gill, John Finet, Sir Henry Guildford.
Catalogue of Books 1.
Sir Thomas Egerton.
1616, November 18. Speech delivered by Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor, when he installed Sir Henry Montagu as Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Westminster Hall on November 18, 1616, followed by the reply of the new Chief Justice to the Lord Chancellor's speech.
Copy. fols. 17b–22b. (242. 6–7.)
Christopher Keighley to —.
[Before March, 1616–17] "I received a letter from Mr Steward wherein he willed me to send unto yowe twoe grantes of twoe pentions of ixl per annum made by the Deane and Chapter of Bath and Wells to my late Lord of Salisbury and my Lord that nowe is for their lifes, and which I have accordingly sent by this bearer inclosed in a box. My Lord hath present use of all counterparts of leases of all such shoppes in the burse as were letten by lease, which Mr [Nicholas] Salter (fn. 1) saith yowe did heretofore showe unto him in youre studdie. The farmers doe desire the counterparts of leases of diverse shoppes in the burse which were letten by lease, which Mr Salter saith yowe did once showe him there, for they denie to pay the last half years rent due at Midd [summer] last past untill they have them. And therefore my Lord would intreate yowe that he may receive them soe soone as possible yowe may, for he hath great occasion to use the money which they will not pay untill they have them."—Undated.
Draft in Keighley's hand. 1 p. (General 102/28.)
The Royal Prerogative.
[Before March 15, 1616–17]. A short treatise on the subject of "Prerogative Royall", in which Sir Thomas Egerton, (fn. 2) Lord Chancellor, discusses the nature of the absolute prerogative enjoyed by the King as the "Substitute of God"; to what extent it can be delegated to, and exercised by, judges, commissioners and other officials subordinate to the King's wishes; and the supreme importance of appointing men who are not only thoroughly conversant with the laws but act strictly in conformity with them.— Undated.
Copy. fols. 10–12. (242. 3.)
Sir Walter Ralegh.
1616–17, March 21. Letter written by Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Ralph Winwood, in which he describes the failure of his expedition to Guiana.
Copy. fols. 12–17b. (242. 4.)
[Printed in Edwards Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 350–358.]
Thomas Rashleigh to Robert Forrest.
1617, May 21. "This bearer, John Pattison, was this tyme 2 yeares questioned by Mr Cooper our Stewarde touching the poynt of beinge sunne to one (of the Howse of Alterrennys) called Allice Cecyll. Wheruppon he repaired to one Mr Delayhaye beinge then in towne, who wrote his letter and avowed it that he was so. My Lord and Master had for a good while before that given fortie shillings p ann to his said mother, and that time beinge neere when she died or very little after, his Lordship confirmed that annewitie to be paid quarterly to him, which he hath to shewe under his Lordships hand."—Wymbleton.
Holograph. 1 p. (Bills 89.)
Margaret Thurlo.
[Before September 15, 1617]. A certain Thetford claimed a contract of marriage with Margaret Thurlo, widow, "wherof making braggs in the countrye, and by that means keeping the said Margaret from others whoe were men of good sort that intended to be sutors unto hir for mariage". She sued Thetford before Sir Daniel Donne (fn. 3) for jactitation of marriage. In an effort to justify his action Thetford confessed to the charge, but alleged that he and Thurlo had contracted to be man and wife. He was given a commission to gather evidence and interrogate witnesses, and to summon Thurlo to depose on oath. But he merely procrastinated, and when called to account for the delay pleaded that business commitments in Devonshire had hindered him from proceeding with the work of the commission. Thetford has requested a new commission, but it is argued that there is no reason why sentence should not be delivered and the case ended without further delay. Not only could Thetford have delegated the work to a proctor or a proctor's deputy, but he was actually near the place where the original commission was to have met, and could have produced his witnesses if he had not deliberately delayed the holding of the inquiry.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2257.)
Patrick Comyng to the King.
[Before September 15, 1617]. He recently conveyed to him a letter from the Earl of Lincoln requesting the release of a fine imposed on petitioner in the Star Chamber. He begs that the fine be removed or that the matter be referred to the Lord Chancellor and Lord High Treasurer. He refers to his faithful service in foreign countries, and gives three reasons for the bestowal of the King's clemency in his case. First, the fine is one which the King has never been accustomed to take for such a reason as the demolition of an old house standing in the Earl of Lincoln's chase, and which only served for the stealing of deer and the spoiling of the game there. Secondly, in removing the fine, the King will be the gainer, as he will find when he grants petitioner an audience. Thirdly, the Earl of Lincoln has promised him some relief.
Note by Sir Daniel Donne: "His Matis gratious pleasure is that this petition be referred to the consideration of the right honorable Lord High Chauncellor and Lorde High Thresorer of England, and to be certified of theire opinions therein."
Note: "This is the coppie of the principall (referred by his Matie as heare appeareth) and presented to the Lorde Chauncellors hande by Mr Mauld and Mr Shawe his Maties servaunts in the gallerie when as his Lordship did take leave of his Matie last."—Undated.
Copy. 1 p. (P. 290.)
Thomas Hooper to William Dowthwaite.
1617–18, January 29. He has persuaded William Mander that he will come to no harm if he testifies on behalf of the Earl of Salisbury, and has obtained certain details from him concerning those who hunt in the Chase. But, "for that I was fearefull in respect of his povertie he might be overswayed by money and perswasions of his confederates and theire ffreinds to flye the cuntrie and never to awnswer, and therebie his confession to have bene turned upon me as made by my selffe and so bene discredited, I thought ffyt to have him examined by a justice of the peace". Hooper arranged to have him questioned by Mr Hastings, and to avoid the suspicions of his former associates, Mander was accompanied by an officer, "and the statute ffor hunting primo H:7 reade and daunger layd open and my selffe ther to charge him with everie perticular tyme of hunting and his companies, which I knew from him before, who to save him selffe ffrom daunger (as yt is pretended) confessed the trewth, which I set downe my selffe at lardge because I would not have Mr Hastings clerke acquaynted with the procedings". He encloses a copy of Mander's confession, together with the examinations of Charles Schovell and William Boden, and has sent the originals to the Earl of Salisbury. Most of the subpoenas have been served. The names of Edward Lovell and John Boyte can be inserted into the bill, since they are guilty of hunting, but that of David Lyllye can be omitted "for yt was Edward Gardiner, his servaunt, that mended the netts and did hunt, who is nowe upon goinge into Virginia, but I am promised by his freind that he shall make his confession to Mr Hastings er he goe". So far, "the officers can not, or will not, apprehend him. Thomas Lovell can not be taken, and George his sonne is in London, who maie be had there". Discusses further aspects of the business and the best way to proceed in it.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Maunders confession about Chitered." 2 pp. (General 86/24.)
Maidstone College.
[After April, 1618]. A particular of the leases of Maidstone College and of a tenement at Tovil, co. Kent. The former is demised to Sir John Dackombe, the lease to commence after the death of the Countess of Kildare, should Dackombe outlive her with his daughters Alice and Dorothy, of whom Dorothy is now dead. (fn. 4) The tenement at Tovil is demised to Thomas Peene and the lease is to commence at Michaelmas, 1628.—Undated.
2 pp. (145. 149.)
Giles Pene to William, Earl of Salisbury.
[c. June, 1618]. He is a merchant of Bristol, and has long been a suitor to Salisbury and the Privy Council for the King's protection in regard of the heavy losses which he has suffered on the sea, and particularly from the "Banck" of Ireland, to which the Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol have testified by certificate. He requests that since he cannot get any of the money due to him from the "Banck", the Privy Council will recommend him for the King's protection from his creditors. Some of the latter are determined to harass him, while others are prepared to accord him a respite of seven and ten years.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 254.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1611–18, p. 543, and Acts of the Privy Council, 1617–19, p. 184.]
[? 1618].
"As I went to Walsinghame, To that olde baudes shrine, Mett I Marquiss Buccinghame And a friende of mine.
Met Lo. beggar Hamleton And Hartfordes Scottish Duke, Fitz Howarde and close Walden, Sacrificing to St Luke.
As I went to Bedforde Howse, To that puritan shrine, Mett twise begger Hamleton And a freinde of mine.
Mett I weake Lorde Chamberlaine, Doncaster there was he, Mett I proude Lorde Arundell, Foolish Montgomery.
In counsell thease undertakers breake The Spanish matche and the truce.
The puritans offer golde and pearle With Sacrifices to St Luce.
As I went to Buccingham, To the queene mothers shrine, Mett I false Vicechamberlaine And a freinde of mine.
There mett that cowarde St Neot, Prelats to him did I see Paying golde for bishopricke, The cheefe was Dr Fotherby.
Mett I Lorde Tresillian Cooke, The greate seale in his hande, He made there a waxen nose, Farewell bothe life and lande.
Comme, offer up your daughters and faire wifes, No trentall nor no durge Will open goode Kinge Jeames his eyes, But sacrifice to St George." Undated
In William, Earl of Salisbury's hand 1¼ pp. (140. 125.)
[? c. 1618]. Robert, Earl of Salisbury, authorized Walter and Hugh Morrell to establish a trade at Hatfield to employ 50 persons from that parish, and if necessary from the parishes of Hoddesdon and South Mimms, to be instructed in the craft of weaving and making fustians. For the supervision of the industry he had appointed William Curll, John Hare, (fn. 5) Roger Houghton, (fn. 5) Thomas Wilson, Robert Abbott, clerk, one of his chaplains, Nicholas Salter, John Dackombe, (fn. 5) Edward Darby and Robert Carter to be his officers, overseers or deputies, to select the 50 persons and attend to matters concerning the enterprise. Since his Lordship is now dead, and some of the overseers have also died or are living at a considerable distance from Hatfield, William, Earl of Salisbury, hereby announces his decision to nominate others to take the place of these officers. They are Sir John Butler, William Curll, Edward Curll, Thomas Brett, Henry Raynford, clerk, Thomas Shotbolt, Robert Carter, Robert Abbott, clerk, and George Clerk. Any 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 of them (of whom Butler, William Curll, Brett, Raynford or Shotbolt to be one of the quorum) are to select and bring up the full number of persons to fifty.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "For Mr Morrells trade." 2 pp. (Legal 243/10.)
Walter Morrell to William, Earl of Salisbury.
[c. November, 1619]. "The cause of my not attending your Honnour of layte tymes was to free the suspition that might be conceived of the countrie that your Lordship should be an inducer of me to proceed in the former propotition of newe manufacture to be established.
Those that are against that publique service are soe darkened in knowledge that they cannot decerne the good thereof. But nowe within fewe yeares I hope it will make the benefitt appeare aswell unto others of wisdome as to your Honnour.
Ffor the complainte of the river, I humbly entreat your Honour to peruse the enclosed [missing] wherein is layd downe the cause of the annoyance and howe the same may be nowe and hereafter removed.
Ffor Mr Royston, whoe hath longe made a showe of pulling downe my little myll, doth nowe manyfest what he alwaies aymed att, but I perceived longe since what dyet he was of, and I hope yet, by your Honnors favour, to prevent his longinge. And I hope ere longe it shall be imployed in that service to which she [sic] was first intended by your honourable father. He [Royston] receiveth noe hurt by the said mylne, or if he doe himself is the cawser therof, for he hath beene offered more rente for his mylne by reason of myne then otherwise he could have if myne were away. And his rent paid him before hand which would content any reasonable men." Since he, Morrell, has spent so much in working for the general good, he hopes that the Earl of Salisbury will not allow anyone to injure his interests, but protect him against the designs of others.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Manufacture att Hatfeild. Walt, Morrell." 1 p. (General 102/6.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXII, pp. 105, 114.]


  • 1. Nicholas Salter, a farmer of Customs, was created knight in March, 1616–17.
  • 2. Died on March 15, 1616–17.
  • 3. Died on September 15, 1617.
  • 4. She died three months after her father in April, 1618. [See Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, Vol. V, p. 133.]
  • 5. Hare, Houghton and Dackombe had all died by 1618.