Cecil Papers: 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp181-194 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp181-194.

"Cecil Papers: 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp181-194.


John Atwood to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before 1610]. Salisbury and the Earl of Northampton were feoffees in trust for Sir John and Lady Kennedy of a tenement at Stoke Orchard, in Gloucestershire. At their request, they conveyed the property to William Beale (fn. 1) on condition that if Beale did not pay £460, part of the price of the property, on certain days, the agreement would become null and void. Beale was unable to pay the money, and being indebted to petitioner in the sum of £463 entreated the latter to take over the arrangement. It was agreed between Sir John Kennedy, Beale and petitioner that Salisbury, Sir John Kennedy and Beale, upon payment of the £460 to Sir John and the discharge of the debt due by Beale to petitioner besides the payment of a further sum to Beale which petitioner is ready to make, should join in assuring the property to petitioner. This agreement was put in writing which was examined and approved of by Dackombe, and is ready to be sealed. Now Sir John Kennedy in collusion with Beale refuses to seal the said assurance, and has persuaded Beale to make him a deed of gift of all in his possession. He is also harbouring Beale in his house at Barn Elm so that petitioner is unable to arrest him. Petitioner is in danger of losing his bargain, as well as the debts due to him by Beale. Moreover, Sir John Kennedy intends to persuade Salisbury and Northampton to sell the property to others unless petitioner purchases other lands in Stoke Orchard for £50 more than they are worth. Petitioner asks Salisbury to summon Sir John Kennedy, and order that either the land or the money owed by Beale be surrendered to him, the petitioner. In the meantime he requests that the property be not passed to any other person until he has been satisfied in land or money.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 988.)
The manor of Sonning.
[Before 1610]. A survey of the manor of Sonning, Berkshire. It was formerly in the possession of the Bishops of Salisbury, but came into the hands of the Crown at the time of the forfeiture of his estates by Sir Francis Englefield, who held it by a lease. It became Crown property by an exchange of lands in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Petitioner, a lady, who desires a lease of the manor, (fn. 2) states that although large in extent it is not a profitable property, since the demesne land is let out or occupied by local and neighbouring tenants as common. The farms are likewise let out in reversion or possession, the manor house is in ruins, and the revenue derived from the surrender of copyhold tenements held for term of lives. If her offer of rent is considered too small by the King, she is prepared to pay as rent the sum paid by Sir Francis Englefield or any other lessee subsequently, together with as much money as was realized from the profits of fines received by the King in any one year since the beginning of his reign.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2381.)
George Marshall to the King.
[Before 1610]. He requests a grant of so much of the King's hereditaments and castles in Ireland in fee farm as will amount to the annual value of one hundred marks, with reservation of due rents to the Crown.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1016.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXI, p. 190.]
The estate of Gregory Price.
[Before 1610]. Details of an alleged conspiracy to deprive of her estate the daughter of Gregory Price, deceased, and former ward of the late Queen Elizabeth. It is stated that Lord Cobham first procured the wardship of the child and her land at the request of Sir David Williams, but promised to surrender them to the mother of the child for a sum of money. When pressed to do so, Cobham replied that he had undertaken to convey it to Sir David Williams, but it was eventually discovered that the wardship was bought off Sir David in the name of Sir Herbert Croft by Mr Rudhall, (fn. 3) Croft's uncle. Since that time Rudhall has received the entire profits of the wardship and estate, and has married one of his daughters to Thomas Price, son and heir of John Price, who is brother and heir male to the late Gregory Price. Rudhall has also procured all evidences relating to the ward's estate. Thomas Price has now brought an action against the ward for most of her property, and claims certain lands belonging to her as having been bequeathed to him by Gregory Price. The only person who can defend her is Rudhall himself, but it is doubtful whether he would prejudice the interests of his daughter and son-in-law to protect those of his ward.
The main factors in the plot are described as follows:
(1) Sir David Williams is uncle to Thomas Price, the nephew of the deceased Gregory Price. Price has married the daughter of Rudhall, nephew of Sir Herbert Croft, in whose name the wardship was taken, "being best able to satisfie the Mr of the Wards".
(2) Sir David Williams refused to meddle with the wardship until John Price, father of Thomas Price, had entered into bond to compensate him for any expenses or losses incurred if the ward should die or be taken from him before he had conveyed her wardship to Croft. This bond has been assigned to Croft and Rudhall to indemnify them should the ward die before they have been able to recoup their expenses from the wardship. The sole risk is borne by John Price, but he stands to inherit the whole estate, as brother and heir male, should the ward die.
(3) Mr Pye, a counsellor at law, who married another of Rudhall's daughters, is counsel to Thomas Price, and it is he who is responsible for initiating the suit against the ward. But he has now been retained as counsel by Rudhall for the defence of the ward, which has enabled him to consult all documents and evidences concerning her estate. "Nowe whether the childs or his brothers [brotherin-law's] title he would be willingest to help is noe way to be doubted, for that Price and Pie married two sisters, and the ward to Pie but a stranger."
It is added that all these facts could be substantiated by witnesses if a commission were set up to examine the case. If, after such an examination and verification of the facts, the ward's mother were awarded the wardship, she would offer as much as Sir David Williams disbursed in the first instance, which was £600. This is considered a reasonable enough sum in view of the exploitation of the estate during the past five years.—Undated.
2 pp. (P. 2166.)
The Manors of Spaldwick and Kennington.
[Before 1610]. A survey of the manor of Spaldwick in Huntingdonshire. The tenants are all either freeholders or copyholders, whose lands are not heriotable and whose fines do not exceed 3d an acre. The Crown has no land within the manor since, as was proved during an inquiry two years previously, all the demesne was awarded by the late Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Leicester. Its profits are derived solely from rents, fines and amercements, estimated to be little more than £54 annually, out of which are paid the fees of the steward and bailiff. The Crown has also in the parish of Lambeth a manor called Kennington in which there is only copyhold land. The tenants pay no heriots but their fines are discretionary, at the pleasure of the King. Petitioner is ready to lease Spaldwick manor at a higher rent than is being paid at present, and to pay more for the farm of the revenues of Kennington manor, whose demesne he already holds by lease. (fn. 4) In addition he requests permission to, "erecte a ferrye in some place convenient within the sayd demaines to conveye passingers into London", and to be leased the same for 60 years.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2205.)
Elizabeth Tuthill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before 1610]. She is the widow of Hugh Tuthill, of Cheshunt, late porter to Salisbury. (fn. 5) She appeals for assistance for, "notwithstandinge your Lordships bountie to us in his lyves tyme, by reason of longe tyme of sicknes, there was nothinge leafte when he was dead, no not a peny worth to my use".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1694.)
Robert Henlake to the King.
[Before 1610]. During the life of Guilliam Schets, and as his deputy, he attended to the tuning of the late Queen Elizabeth's musical instruments for sixteen years, to the satisfaction of her Majesty who promised that he should succeed Schets in his post. The latter is now dead, and petitioner requests that he should be given the post, particularly as his petition has been signed by a number of prominent people who can testify to his competence and conduct.—Undated.
On reverse: "We are well pleased that Robert Henlak, (fn. 6) instrument maker to our late dearest sister the Queene, that he shall continewe in his place according to his humble suite within expressed, and that his oathe be taken as is accustomed, and this our hand shalbe a sufficient warrant to commande the seales to pass the same for him."
Signed: J. Stanhope; D. Drury; T. Knyvett; W. Kyllygrewe; Edw. Darcy; Henry Sekeforde; Mich. Stanhope; F. Heyborn.
¼ p. (197. 6.)
Thomas Cooper to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[Before January, 1609–10]. For more than three years petitioner has been delivering a sermon for which he was promised remuneration by the magistrates of the city of Coventry. Nothing has been done in the matter, and he requests a letter on his behalf to the Mayor and Aldermen to the effect that he be paid for his labours, as his predecessors had been. (fn. 7)Undated'
½ p. (P. 897.)
Thomas Wilson to the Steward.
[1609–10, January 9]. "This bearer, Mr Benton, hath by my lords apointment made 3 pictures in collers for the glass of the chappell att Hattfeld, for which he demandes 40s apeece. But I thinke if you geve him three pounds for them all, and 6s 8d for cost and paynes in making a case of tynn to send them into France and for pasting the pictures upon cloth, he shall be paid sufficiently."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Martin Benton, painter, his bill for makeinge pictures for the glass windowes in the chappell at Hatfield. Suma iiil vis viiid. Receaved this 9th of January, 1609. Signed Martin van Benthem." ½ p. (General 12/21.)
[January 25, 1609–10]. Reference to certain lands in Devonshire which descended after the death of William Furst to his heir.—Undated.
Endorsed: "25 Jan. 1609. Ellis Rothwell." ¼ p. (P. 2288.)
Act of Parliament.
[Before February, 1609–10]. "An Act to authorise the Lord Chauncellor or Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England to award commissions for the survey of his Mats dominions of England and Wales." (fn. 8)Undated.
18½ pp. (214. 71.)
Hanslop Mills.
[Before February, 1609–10]. A request to the King's auditor of Buckinghamshire, and to the Queen's Auditor-General, to send particulars of Hanslop Mills and a malt mill (fn. 9) which have been leased to Thomas Matthew of Hanslop, and of a tenement leased to Thomas Bankes of Hanslop, which are all parcel of the manor of Hanslop.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2299.)
Thomas Wilson to Roger Houghton.
1609–10, February 25. "This bearer, Sir Edw. Cecills man, hath ben att Hattfeld, sent downe by his master to see 400 sicamor trees safly caried thether and disposed of as they requyre to be used. He brought them out of the Lowe Contryes, and hath taken care to bringe them harmeless. He hath ben 2 or 3 dayes att Hattfeld to looke to that which doth belong to planting them, and both Lyming and Jennings wrytes to me that they are the best and carefullyest brought that ever they saw." Advises him to use his discretion in deciding what remuneration to award the bearer.—February 25, 1609.
At bottom: Received this 28th of Ffebr. as my Lord Treasurers gifte to mee by his servant Rog. Houghton iiil. Signed: Thomas Hill.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Ffebr. 28, 1609. iii1 given in reward to Coronell Cecills man for bringeing of lyme trees out of the Low Countries." 1 p. (Box U/71.)
Lady Sidley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before February 28, 1609–10]. Salisbury has shown much favour to petitioner, as he did to her late husband, Henry Malby, who died in the service of the late Queen Elizabeth. She asks for a similar demonstration of good will towards their children, who have little means at their disposal for their maintenance and education. She suggests that the King bestow upon them an old debt due to their grandfather, Sir Nicholas Malby, and to their father, Henry Malby; its repayment has often been solicited in previous petitions to the Privy Council. Petitioner has heard that Sir Thomas Burke has put forward a claim to the debt, and has been promised satisfaction following his offer to discharge the King of it. She now requests that this arrangement be stayed until Burke, in petitioner's presence, has expounded his reasons for his claim.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1049.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1608–10, p. 395, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXI, p. 162.]
William Fawconer to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before March, 1609–10]. Towards the end of the late Queen Elizabeth's reign, in 1598–9, Thomas Felton obtained a lease of two parts of the land of William Fawconer, (fn. 10) petitioner's uncle, in Wiltshire because of the latter's recusancy. He offered a higher rent than it was worth in order to gain possession of the property, but was resolved not to pay any rent after his entry. Felton improved the land to a far higher value out of malice to petitioner and his uncle, and to the oppression of many tenants there, but withheld money for the rent despite the fact that he was £380 in arrears. During the past 4 or 5 years, the mansion house has been ransacked and spoiled by Felton's wife and children who have resided there, the ceiling has been torn down, and even the locks off the doors have been sold. Moreover, at Felton's entry all the recusant's goods were removed by the sheriff who has rendered no account for them. Petitioner requests that either his uncle or he (who still remains a Protestant) may be admitted tenant at the first rent which shall be paid regularly (unlike Felton who has paid none at all), and the goods valued and surrendered to pay the debt. —Undated.
1 p. (P. 1866.)
1609–10, March to September. Two receipts and a bill.
(1) 1609–10, March 12. Receipt by Nicholas Lanier of his half year's annuity of £10.
Endorsed: x1 paid to Nycholas Lanier for his half yeares anutie due at Our La. day, 1610." ½ p. (Bills 26/9a.)
(2) 1610, June 9. Receipt by Nicholas Lanier of his half year's annuity of £10 due at Michaelmas 1610.
Endorsed: "x1 paid to Nicholas Lanier for his quarters [sic] anutie due at Mych, 1610. ¼ p. (Bills 46/9b.)
(3) [1610, August 6]. "Nichlis Lanier and Henry Oxford their bill.
For bringing the viols and the leeroe. 3s
For horsse hir to Kengington. 3s
For our lodging. 3s
For cariing bake the instruments. 3s
For horses bake againe to Londone. 5s
Receipt signed by: Nich. Lanyer, Henry Oxford. Endorsed: Lanere & Oxfords bill of the 6th of August 1610." ¾ p. (Bills 46/9c.)
Sir John Cooper to the Earl of Salisbury.
1609–10, March 13. He is desirous of obtaining some employment in Salisbury's service, and for that reason requests him to bestow upon him the overseership of Cranborne Chase, should the present overseer, Sir Thomas Georges, die. "By your ho. dealing with mee in the state of Rockborne (which I shall ever acknowledge unto you) I shalbe next adioyning uppon it, and what in dewty shall appertayne for servyce unto you therin ther shall not be anny that with greater desier may perfoerme. The pleaseurs of deere, in hunting and hawking I confes mee much delighted in them, but all theese be nothing as to be on of yours."—Rockborne, the xiiith of March, 1609.
Holograph. ½ p. (General 26/1.)
[c. June 11, 1610]. Notes for a speech made to the House of Commons by the Earl of Salisbury as spokesman for a committee of the House of Lords requested by the King to convey to the Lower House his "princely thoughts and cogitations". The notes are principally concerned with two topics: the financial relief of the King burdened with debts and the supplementary expenses resulting from the creation of Prince Henry as Prince of Wales; and the personal safety of the King following upon the assassination of Henry IV, King of France. Another subject of comment is the possible reorientation of French foreign and military policy in the matter of the Jülich-Cleves succession.—Undated.
Notes corrected by Salisbury. 10 pp. (140. 217.)
[See Journals of the House of Commons, Vol. I, p. 437.]
Matthew Smith to John Dackombe.
1610, June 13. He desires to enter the service of the Earl of Salisbury, and to wear his livery. This would redound greatly to his (Smith's) credit in the shire. He undertakes to provide more evidence and knowledge concerning Elmsett than Dackombe has been able to collect.—Hadleigh in Suffolk, this 13 of June, 1610.
Holograph. Addressed: "Mr Dakecombe, secretary to the right. hon. the Lo. Treasurer, at the Savoye." ⅓ p. (General 71/9.)
[July 26, 1610]. "A not of such mony as I have layde out for my selfe and Nicolas Laneare.
For keeping of the learroe in repare one yeare. xls
For keepeinge of one vyole in repare three quarters of a yeare. xxs
For keeping of one other in repare one whole yeare. xxxs
For taking out the belly and mending of one voyile. vis viiid
som as iiiil xvis viiid
Signed: Henry Oxford. Endorsed: "Henry Oxfords bill for the instruments of the 26 of Julye 1610. Repairing of instruments, iiiil xvis viiid".
⅓ p. (Bills 57/6.)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury.
1610, July 30. "For that it is no smale parte of our care that the nobilitie of this realme be bred both in such sort as becometh their ranck and in so good instruction of the religion established in our kingdome, as that by receiveing the corruption of superstitious and daungerous opinions they be not made unservicable; wee have thought good to require you to whose charge it properly belongeth, to take out of the handes of the Ladie his mother the young Lord Mordant, and to deliver him into the handes of the Bushopp of London, whome wee have dealt with by certaine of our Councell to take care of the education of him, which he hath agreed to doe. And for such charge as shalbe belonging to the education of the young nobleman, wee will from time to time take order it shalbe defrayed."—Palace of Westminster, 30 of July, James I anno 8.
Endorsed: "30 July, 1610. His Mats warrant to my Lord for delivery of the young Lord Mordant into the Bushop of Londons handes to be educated." ½ p. (214. 66.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXI, pp. 36 and 231.]
Anthony Patrickson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before September, 1610]. He is of Woodgreen, Hertfordshire, and wishes to serve Salisbury. He has been resident at Woodgreen for five years, although he is a native of Cumberland. He is well known to Mr Ames, Mr Houghton and Mr Flint, (fn. 11) and to other persons in Salisbury's employment.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 811.)
John Southworth to John Dackombe.
[1610] September 9. "My Lord [Cranborne] when his Lordshipp was att London forgott to take order for the 2001 you procured him, and his desyre is that you would take order for itt till his retorne which his Lordshipp thinkes wilbe about 6 or 7 moneths after this present." (fn. 12) Callis, the 9 of September.
Holograph. ½ p. (General 74/35.)
[September 23, 1610]. "Thomas Dallom, organmaker, his bill.
For my owne worke on the portative to days. xs
For my man. vs
For making one wodden pipe. iis vid
the some of all 17s & vid
At bottom: "receyved by me Willi. Ffrost to the use of Thomas Dallom the some of 17s vid."
Endorsed: "Dallams bill for [? tuninge] instruments of the 23 of Sept. 1610." 1 p. (Bills 46.)
Ralph Low, Thomas Dickenson and Thomas Warye to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After November 2, 1610]. They are tanners working near Hesketh Bank adjoining Ripple Creek in the county of Lancaster. In November last they brought certain calf-skins and two dickers of cow-leather to Hesketh to be sold to William Garstang, who intended to convey them to Bristol or, if he could obtain a licence and pay the usual dues, to transport them overseas to La Rochelle. However Robert Hesketh, Justice of the Peace and Lord of Hesketh, acting upon information given him and before the leather was viewed or sold, confiscated it and still refuses to release it despite the offer of bonds not to transport the leather out of the country contrary to law. There is a danger that the leather will deteriorate in quality if detained too long, and petitioners request that Salisbury order the leather to be redelivered to them, or to refer the examination of the matter to Thomas Tyldesley, the King's Attorney for the county of Lancaster, Robert Hesketh and Hugh Hesketh, his brother, Justices of the Peace.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 921.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXI, p. 257.)
1610–11. Moneys disbursed by Robert Bell, merchant. They include the following items of interest.
l s d
1610, November 6. For 201 remayning dew uppon the accompt of Cane [Caen] stone. 20 00 00
More for a byll of exchange of 1001 delyvered Mr Docter Lyster and Mr Finyt in Venys the 7 February. 100 00 00
1611, February 12. More for 1001 for a bill of exchange delivered Sir Thomas Somerset in Fraunce. 100 00 00
March 18. More for 1001 pd Mr Bowdler uppon my Lord Cranborne his byll of exchange from Middelborough. 100 00 00
April 1. More for 1001 payd Mr Beacher in Fraunce. 100 00 00
More for 2011 payd Mr Freeman uppon my Lord Cranborne his bill of exchange from Anterpe. 201 00 00
More for "frontynack wyne". 031 09 06
More for fryght of 3 chests of glasses from Venys. 004 08 02
Receipts at foot for full payment of £945:15:0 to Bell on June 1, 1611 and July 4, 1611.
1 m. Endorsed: "Mr Bell the merchant his accompt of divers moneys disburssed by him according to your Honours direction, viz, for my Lord Cranborn and uppon other occasions." (Accounts 9/20.)
Vestry of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields.
1610, November 25. "Whereas the Ladie Susan Maynard, late wyfe of Sir Henry Maynard, deceased, dothe intend to obteyne leave of his Matie to use and convert fyve acres of pasture ground her fee simple lands and inheritance lying on the backside of the house within the parishe of St Martyns in the feilds in the Cittie of Westminster, which may be lyable to Lammas Commons, to a private use for the buildinge and makinge for a convenyent dwellinge for herselfe and some other persons of good quallitie by whose neighborhood some benyfitt and releife may hereafter growe to this parishe: in which petition the nowe Lord Bishoppe of Rochester and Deane of Westminster meaneth to joyne with the said Ladie Maynard intendinge hereafter by Gods grace to build himselfe a dwellinge house uppon part of the said fyve acres of ground, and yett is desirous to doe the same with all due regard had to the inhabitants of the Cittie and liberties of Westminster, to whome an interest of the said Lammas Commons out of the said fyve acres of ground should apperteyne; ffor which cause the said Lady Maynard is verie willing to yeild yearlie towards the releife of the poore of the said Cittie the somme of twentie shillings yearlie to be paid, tenn shillings to the Collectors for the poore of the parishe of St Margaretts in Westminster and tenn shillings to the Collectors for the poore of St Martins, to be paid yearlie at Midsommer. It is now by us the inhabitants of the said Parishe of St Martins in the fields, assembled in a vestrie, agreed unto and as farre forth as in us may be ordered and concluded, that for and in consideration of the somme of tenn shillings yearlie to be paid by the said Ladie Maynard, her heires, executors or assignes at Mydsommer to the Collectors for the poore of this parishe for the use of the poore, the said Ladie Maynard, her heires, executors and assignes shall and may quietlie inclose, have, use and enjoy the said fyve acres of land in severall without any interruption of any of us or others the inhabitants of this parishe of St Martyns aforesaid. And for the better contynuannce thereof in perfecte memory and record after to our posteritie, wee have agreed, ordered and appoynted this to be entred and written in our register booke of our Churche and vestrie. 25 November, 1610."
Endorsed in eighteenth century hand: "25 Novr 8 Jac. The consent of the Vestry of St Martins to the Lady Maynard for inclosing and building 5 acres near St Martins Lane payinge 10s p ann to ye poor there." ½ p. (Box U/89.)
1610, December 27. Thomas Piggott of Teweinge, co. Herts., bequeathes all his stalls in the market place of Hitchin to the use of the poor inhabitants of Tewin, and stipulates that the profits of the stalls should be annually distributed amongst the said poor persons by the advice of the parson and churchwardens of Tewin.
1 m. Seal. (Deeds 109/15.)
[After December, 1610]. Despite the exact instructions sent by the Lord Treasurer, the King's surveyors have shown much negli gence and incompetence in their work. This has been confirmed by Francis Thekeston at York Assizes who declared that "ther service was not worth 6d". He appends the following details:
"That yt is affirmed that Raythborne at Kirkbymoreside made a survey uppon the affirmation of the tenants what lands and of what qualitie, without going uppon the land to vewe and judg of the quantitie and quallitie, and being asked what money the tenants gave him for so favorable dealing, it was answered xx nobles.
The like survey was made of the manor of Sutton in Galtres by John Johnson and John Goodman, both deceased, without any jurie impanelled. Yet he (Thekeston) named a jurie to the number of 12 who do disclaime yt at this day, and wold gladlie take course to have the deale punished if it were possible. Yet Johnson, surveyor for woods, affirmed his father or he had made survey there, and theruppon Raythborne was inhibited to survey that manor and Nafferton.
That Raythborne made a survey of the manor of Ayton, com. Ebor., but he did yt in Stokesley two myle distant, where he took yt by the delivery of the tenants themselves without coming uppon the land as the tenants affirme.
That John Johnson sold the best part of the manor of Kirkbymoreside to Sir John Gibson, knight, for xx1 which was by estimation better than cc1. Question: whether he or his sonne have paid the xx1.
That Thomas Johnson sold Sir John Gibson xx trees in the woods of Kirkbymoreside and by coullor of them there was 80 felled and caryed away.
That Hughe Carr the woodward, as it is affirmed, sold Sir John Gibson certaine trees, by what warrant yt was not knowe[n] to the countrie. Question: and what money he paid the King for the same?
That some ffermors in the manor of Cottingham, com. Ebor., have converted woodland to pasture, affirming they had warrant so to doe, which woodland was most apt for wood.
That it is reported Thomas Johnson, surveyor of the woods, hath sold good quantyties of woods in diverse places, the particular names I cannot sett downe saveing as aforesaid, and at Wheldrake and Rokall as is affirmed.
11 September, 1602. That Henry Ferryby and George Hall of Barton uppon Humber affirmed they paid John Johnson xl1 for wood that was sold them for repaire of ther towne. Question: whether the xl1 were paid, for I have made serch in the Checker by Mr Wardours man but can find none paid.
If commission were granted men zealous in relygion and the Kings service, as namelie Sir Thomas Hobbye, Sir Stephen Procter, Sir Tymothy Whitingham and such others, these affirmations wold be made cleare and manifest.—Undated.
Unsigned. 2 pp. (132. 30.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–10, p. 652.]
Mrs Shelley to—.
[1610 or before]. A list of her requests:
"To go out of the lymitts of v myles from whence she is confynde.
To pass beyonde the seas with iiic1, two geldings and other necessaries for ten yeares or during her lieff.
To returne at the ende of ten yeares or at any time before or at any tyme during her lieff.
To pass and repass during the saide ten yeares upon occasion or at any time during her lieff.
To be free from the election of 2 partes of her lands, she paying xx1 every moneth according to the lawes, etc.
To be freed from all sutes, troubles and damages for all matters concernyng or by reason of her recusancy, both during her abode in Englande and beyond the seas.
That she be freed from judgments, indictments, convictions, excommunications now in force or hereafter to be made.
That she shalbe enabled to sue and implead any of his Mats subjects in any of his Mats Courtes of Recorde, and to take the benefitt of his Mats lawes accordingly.
The judges and all other his Mats officers to allow of these points. With a non obstante:
Notwithstanding the Statuts of Ric 2, H 4, 5, 6, 7, the Statuts of Queene Elizabeth or of his Mats to the contrary. And further as by her councell learned she shalbe advised."
Endorsed: "Mrs Shelley her requests." (fn. 13) ¾ p. (P. 942.)
William Coulricke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1610 or before]. He is the King's tenant of Burrington Mills, Herefordshire, by lease from the late Queen Elizabeth. The mills stand on the River Teme, and the flood waters of the river have damaged them and their weirs and cost petitioner much in repairs. Recently Richard Adams and John Lowke, of Burrington, and Thomas Gibbs, of Elton, and others have erected malt mills in those townships. Moreover, Richard Costin, of Bringwood, and John Taylor, of Richards Castle, each possessing a water mill, have been violating old customs by intruding with pack horses into Burrington, Elton and Aston, and transporting corn and malt to their mills. Adams, Lowke, Gibbs and the other inhabitants of the three abovementioned townships have hitherto ground their corn and malt at petitioner's mills, and by default are causing much loss to him and the King. He asks that Salisbury direct letters to Thomas Harley and John Blount, Justices of the Peace, or to Anthony Pembridge, (fn. 14) Under-Steward of the Lordship, that they summon the parties before them and take measures for the suppression of their mills and the prevention of unauthorized transport of corn.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 828.)
Sir Thomas Penruddock to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1610]. The coppice called Godshill Coppice or the New Coppice, in the bailiwick of Godshill in the New Forest, which is fit to be cut this year, is being damaged by being allowed to stand, a fact well known to the King's officers of that Forest. As keeper of the walk, (fn. 15) and to prevent unauthorized entry to the safest retreat of the deer, petitioner asks to be appointed farmer of the coppice upon payment of such profits to the King as an examination and an estimate of the coppice will justify.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 928.)
George Blaxton, Robert Blaxton and Humphrey Blaxton to the King.
[? 1610]. They submit the petition on behalf of themselves and their other brothers. Two parts of the lands of their eldest brother, Sir William Blaxton, have been sequestered because of his recusancy and are in the King's hands, and only one part left to him to maintain his wife and ten children. Petitioners state that they too are maintained by Sir William Blaxton, who is no longer able to provide for them, "by reason whereof your subjects, being gentlemen and so educated, are destitute of lyveliehoode and driven to a verie harde extreame". They are loyal to the King and his laws, and request that either his lands be restored to Sir William or they be allowed maintenance out of the two parts which have been sequestered.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1368.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 643.]
Daniel Doelan to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1610]. Prior to his present illness he had served Lord Cranborne (fn. 16) faithfully for the past four or five years. Upon his recovery he had wished to resume his duties, but Mr Lister had forbidden him to do so. He had submitted to this prohibition because of the sickness in Salisbury's house. He begs to be allowed to return to his former, or to any other, employment.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 10.)


  • 1. Probate of his will was granted in 1610. (See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1605–19, Vol. V, p. 48. (British Record Society.]
  • 2. The manor was granted by the King to Prince Henry in 1610. [See Victoria County History of Berkshire, Vol. III, p. 212.]
  • 3. Probate of his will was granted in 1610. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. V, 1605–19, p. 386.]
  • 4. Kennington manor was bestowed by James I on Henry, Prince of Wales, in 1610.
  • 5. He had died before 1610 and been replaced by one Thompson. [See CP. Bills 46.]
  • 6. Died in 1610.
  • 7. Cooper resigned as vicar of Holy Trinity, Coventry in January, 1610. [See D. N. B. Vol. XII, p. 151.]
  • 8. This projected act was the outcome of the negotiations between King and Parliament over the so-called Great Contract, which envisaged an annual financial grant of £200,000 to the Crown in exchange for the surrender of wardships and various onerous tenures, and the suppression of purveyance. Parliament, however, was dissolved on February 9, 1610, and the scheme allowed to lapse.
  • 9. These mills were leased to another party in February, 1610. [See Victoria County History of Buckinghamshire, Vol. IV, p. 352.]
  • 10. Died March 6, 1610. [See Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623, p. 63.]
  • 11. Humphrey Flint died before September 3, 1610. [See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 631.]
  • 12. Lord Cranborne left England on his tour of France, Italy, Germany and other countries in September, 1610.
  • 13. Probate of her will granted in 1610. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1605–19, p. 401.]
  • 14. Probate of his will granted in 1610. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1605–19, p. 347.]
  • 15. He was Chief Keeper of the walk in 1610. [See PRO, Special Commissions of the Exchequer, 3097.]
  • 16. William Cecil (later 2nd Earl of Salisbury) became Lord Cranborne in 1605.