Cecil Papers: December 1607

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp126-137 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp126-137.

"Cecil Papers: December 1607". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp126-137.

December 1607

The Burgesses of the Liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Strand to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before December 23, 1607]. The prison of the Liberty commonly called the Roundhouse was demolished to facilitate the King's passage through London. Sir John Fortescue (fn. 1) accordingly ordered the steward, bailiff and burgesses of the Liberty to decide upon a convenient place for the erection of a new prison. They notified Salisbury's steward, Mr Houghton, that they were of the opinion that it should be built away from the street called Strand Lane, and requested him to seek Salisbury's views on this proposal. Houghton intimated to them that they could proceed with their plan, which they did. They were authorized by Sir John Fortescue to levy money for the purpose, and have already disbursed £40 on the building. In the meantime, however, Salisbury has declared his opposition to the proceedings, and Sir John has issued a directive for the demolition of the new building. Petitioners request that, "stoppinge upp all the lights of the saide house which give anie offence and pullinge downe such parte thereof as to your honour shall seeme fitt, the rest of the saide buildinge maie stande", inasmuch as so much money has been already spent on it, and there is no other convenient place available.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2003.)
James Anderton to—.
[1607, December]. He refers to the bill of complaint exhibited by him before "your Honour" in the Duchy Chamber last Easter term against William Orwell, of Turton, Lancashire. Orwell had concluded an agreement to sell petitioner the fourth part of the manor of Clayton. Petitioner paid part of the money demanded, and took bonds and sureties for the payment of the rest. Nevertheless, Orwell deceitfully tried to defraud him of both lands and money by arranging that he had only a life interest in the property, and was therefore not in a position to convey it to petitioner. He requests that, since the office of Chancellor of the Duchy is now vacant, (fn. 2) "your Honour" will compel Orwell either to convey the property to him and his heirs or indemnify him.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 158.)
Thomas Atkinson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or before]. He is in the King's service, and in the late Earl of Warwick's time had the charge of the Middle Park at Hatfield. After Warwick's death he was deprived of that office by Sir Thomas Heneage, and made to accept one hundred marks and six loads of wood annually for his fuel out of Hatfield from Sir John Fortescue. Now this has been stopped, as Sir William Fortescue (fn. 3) can inform Salisbury if he be sent for. Petitioner requests that the six loads of wood be restored to him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1688.)
Christopher Aubrey and James Hawkins to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. They are deputies to Sir Henry Brouncker for the issues of jurors. Several grants of these issues were made to Sir Henry by the late Queen Elizabeth, which have been renewed by the King. These have now been presented as grievances by the House of Commons. Petitioners advance arguments in defence of the patent. It has been approved by many of the Privy Council by the advice of the King's legal experts; it has provisions for the promotion of justice, including that for its reform should its execution lead to disorder or complaint; Sir Henry pays a farm of £1000 into the Exchequer annually, which is £500 more than has ever been paid in any one year previously; it has resulted in the return of better jurors. Petitioners ask that Salisbury extend his protection to the patent and to Sir Henry Brouncker, and obtain the King's favour in the matter.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 924.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 104–5.]
Frances Cecil to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. She prays him to continue to bestow upon her his paternal affection and blessings.—Undated.
P.S. "My lady of Derby commend [sic] her kindly to your lord shipe."
Holograph. Seal on green silk. Endorsed: "1607. Lady Francis Cecyll to my lord." 1 p. (200. 122.)
The Privy Council to the Council of Scotland.
[1607]. "Having found by these honest merchants that they have taken a journey hether uppon report of some information given against them for some partiall carriadge in the execution of that commission which was given to them and a couple more for collecting the true state of those priviledges which are enjoyed by the Scottish Nation in theire trade with France, wee thought it bothe just and necessary for us to accompany them with these our letters for these two purposes. Ffirst, to do them this right, to you with whome wee know they esteeme theire creditt at no small rate, as to declare unto you that as we have them in their generall carriadge, whensoever they have come before us, to be persons of civil and honest behaviour, so uppon exact examination of those perticular circumstances whereuppon those reports were grownded, we have not onely found them free from any ill carriadge but from the least suspition. Secondly, to doe our selfs this right, as to profes hereby, if wee could have found any proofe that any of theire fellowes had layd any suche malicious aspersion uppon them, wee would not have thought it sufficient to returne them to you with a testimonye of theire aquitall, but with that further adition of punnishement uppon those, of which we shall alwayes howld them as worthy, that shall go about to cast any blott uppon his Mats subjects of that kingdome as if it did light uppon those which are borne amongst us, to which not onely justice and honour bynde us, but the bonds of our infinite dutyes to the King our maister and our good affection to the whole kingdome."—Undated.
Draft with corrections in the Earl of Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "Mynute 1607. To the Councell of Scotland from the Lords in the behalf of certain merchants." 2¼ pp. (124. 127.)
[See Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, Vol. VII, 1604–7, pp. 377–8.]
The Drapers and Hosiers of Coventry to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. "The humble petition of the company of drapers and hosiers in Coventrie anciently called so, against whome a few mercers there have not onelie made an unjust complainte beinge them selves the doers of wronge, but also by ingrosinge your orators trade into their hands, have bene and are likely to be more and more the utter undoinge of them; beinge a company of 66 householders, who have not onelye heretofore lived well by their said trade but also by the same bene the mainteyners of 3000 persons at the least, as clothiers, weavers, dyers, spinsters, clothworkers, fullers, etc."—Undated.
On reverse: Details of the grievances of petitioners against the mercers, whose encroachment on their trade has resulted in the closing of shops and redundancies amongst the working people employed. Upon submission of a petition to the King, a grant of corporation was made to the drapers and hosiers, accompanied by an order prohibiting any one in Coventry from selling commodities which belonged to them as part of their trade. Petitioners request Salisbury that the prohibition be allowed to stand and the King's grant not called into question. They adduce other reasons why the mercers should be restricted in their trade practices.
1 p. (P. 2105.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, pp. 435, 438–9.]
The Merchants trading in the Levant to the King.
[1607]. Trade with the Levant has always been commended for the benefits it has brought to the realm and for its maintenance of shipping and mariners. It has also provided a market for the sale of cloth from which the King's Customs have profited. One of the principal commodities exported to the Levant is tin, which accounts for a quarter of the export trade that employs forty ships between 100 and 300 tons burthen. Petitioners pay in freightage and mariners' wages about £40,000 annually "besides the entertainment of ambassadors and consuls ". Petitioners have been informed that there is a danger of this commodity coming into the hands of a few private people, and state that such a monopoly would have a damaging effect upon the Levant trade. They request that the King grant to them the preemption of tin upon the same terms and conditions as those now being offered by the private people referred to above.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 2098.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., Addenda, 1580–1625, p. 498.]
— to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He is requested to stay the examination of the complaint made to the Privy Council by Philippe de Cartaret, socalled King's Attorney of Jersey, against the Bailiff and Jurats of that island, until the deputies whom they propose to send very shortly arrive in London. Salisbury is also asked not to bring it to the notice of the Privy Council, since the matter does not raise a legal point or question of custom, but is concerned with the disrespect shown by a particular person, on the grounds that he is the King's Attorney, to a judicial body.—Undated.
French. Endorsed: "Placet a Monseigneur le Conte de Salisbury." ½ p. (P. 2015.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, pp. 493–4.]
Christopher Lever to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He expresses his thanks and gratification that Salisbury should have accepted the dedication of Queen Elizabeths Teares (fn. 4) and begs him to make use of his services in any capacity he wishes. He has many friends who will testify to his aptitude for such honourable employment.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 938.)
Christopher Lever to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1607]. He lately presented his Queene Elizabeths Teares to him, and now thanks him for his reception of the work. "I freely give my selfe to any degree of service wherein your Honor may please to commaunde me."—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 1983.)
Thomas Atkinson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He is porter to Salisbury, and asks to be given the wardship of John Jemsen alias Morrit, son of John Jemsen alias Morrit, late of West Haddlesey, co. Yorks, he himself undertaking to prove the King's title to the same. (fn. 5)Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1341.)
Peter Beconsaw to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He is a prisoner in the Fleet. Some six years ago, he had a sum of money amounting to over £750 deposited in the house of Richard Parkins, of Uston, Berkshire. Sir Francis Knollys, with a number of men, forced the door of the house in the middle of the night, when Parkins was absent, and took the money away. Legal action followed, and petitioner gives details of the lengthy proceedings in courts of law between him and Knollys over the years, until his committal to the Fleet by the Barons of the Exchequer. He asks that he may be released and indemnified for the many wrongs done to him.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 568.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 172 and Acts of the Privy Council, 1600–1, pp. 171 and 173.]
Richard Simons to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Peter Simons, his uncle, had held the manors of Ingleby and Trinity Marsh by knight's service, and was also seised of a farm called Simons Water. He had promised that petitioner should be his heir and have the lands in fee, but had eventually declared by deed that they should be entrusted to the Lord Chief Baron, at that time Recorder of Winchester, and others for the purpose of erecting a hospital in Winchester. Since his uncle did not execute this deed in law, the property descended to petitioner who sold the lands to Higgons and Cooke. The Lord Chief Baron brought a suit against them in Chancery, but the matter was settled leaving petitioner in debt to the amount of £300 owing to legal expenses. He prays Salisbury to persuade the Lord Chief Baron (fn. 6) to allow him some money towards the discharge of this debt, and to reconvey to him the lands held in capite. (fn. 7)Undated.
¾ p. (P. 128.)
Katherine FitzGerald to the Privy Council.
[1607]. During the imprisonment of her brother, lately dead, (fn. 8) in the Tower of London, she petitioned several times for a pension to maintain herself which never materialized. While attending on him she contracted heavy debts which she cannot discharge. She requests the Council to intercede with the King for a pension or annuity, which would enable her to pay her creditors and maintain herself for the rest of her life.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 22.)
Katherine FitzGerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. She is the sister of James Desmond who died in the Tower. The lands of her father, Sir Thomas FitzGerald, now deceased, are in the hands of the King, but not because of any misdemeanour, for her father was a loyal subject in the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth. Petitioner has never married nor received any portion, and she has been a suitor to the King and Salisbury during the past four years for some form of maintenance which she has not been able to obtain. She is now in great debt and want, and begs Salisbury to "be a meanes that she may have a peece of money what your Honour shall thinke good, to pay hir debts and to relieve hir wants, and she will withdrawe hir selfe and never trouble his Matie or your Lordship hereafter".—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 736.)
Pierce Morgan to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He has already informed Salisbury that some five years ago, when he was an apprentice to Sir Baptist Hicks, he delivered to the late Earl of Desmond without his master's consent certain stuffs upon credit to the value of £63. Captain John Power engaged himself to pay this money, and signed and sealed a bond to that effect. Petitioner was forced to pay the debt out of his own means, with the result that, although he has completed his apprenticeship, he is still in the position of a servant. In his ignorance he has taken legal proceedings to recover the money from Captain Power, not knowing that the latter enjoyed Salisbury's protection. He prays that Salisbury will persuade Power to discharge his debt to petitioner.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 179.)
Margaret, Dowager Countess of Cumberland, to the House of Lords.
[1607]. At the end of last Hilary term, information was submitted to the Court of Wards on behalf of the King and Lady Clifford against Francis, Earl of Cumberland, entitling the Lady Clifford to the possession, and the King to the reversion, of certain lordships. The Earl has refused to reply to this information, and does so on the grounds of Parliamentary privilege. His servants have followed suit, and petitioner solicits the opinion of the House whether in fact Parliamentary privilege covers those of the Earl's servants residing in the North and not in attendance on the Earl.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 306.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, pp. 74–5.]
Sir John Skinner to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. "Through the fall of Markhams howse into which I matched", petitioner has suffered many losses due to legal suits and money bonds for the repayment of the family's debts. His attachment has cost him much in the way of lost opportunities to improve his fortunes. He is now proceeding to Ireland and offers his services to Salisbury. His son, whom he is leaving behind, is a page to the Lady (Princess) Elizabeth. Petitioner would like to settle his Berwick fee on him, which is £94 a year, but has great need of his arrears to settle his own debts. He begs that the arrears, which are four and a half years behind, be paid to him.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1439.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 574, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, p. 80.]
Edward Baggan to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He is a footman in Salisbury's service, and has been informed that Mr Dolman of Newbury, (fn. 9) Steward of the Queen's Hospital of St. Bartholomew in that town, is unlikely to recover from a grave illness. He asks that the post be bestowed upon him. —Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "Daniell Powell, Clerke of the Queens Council, is the man whome I knowe every way sufficient to descharge the said place."
1 p. (P. 1622.)
Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or later]. There is in the parish of Chipping Wycombe, co. Bucks, a common wood called St. John's Wood containing some 100 acres by Mr Hercey's estimate, but 401 acres by his own measurements. The wood was formerly leased at an improved rent of £25 per annum. The lessee allowed it to be spoiled, was indicted for his negligence, fined £600 which he paid, and later surrendered his lease. Since that time, some 12 or 14 years ago, it has remained unleased and open to be wasted or damaged, with the result that the soil has become barren, with beech, bushes and thorns growing on it. Petitioner is willing to undertake the replanting of the wood, paying a reasonable rent for the first 21 years, doubling it for the second 21 years, and trebling the rent for the third 21 years. If upon a second survey the wood is found to be bigger than his estimate, he will double the rateable rent for the extra acreage; if it contains less, he expects the rent to be proportionately abated.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1054.)
[See PRO, Special Commissions of the Exchequer, 455.]
John Bassett to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He is a merchant of Boston, Lincolnshire. Seven or eight years ago, he was requested by the Earl of Lincoln to undertake some work on behalf of the Privy Council. This was the conveyance by sea of certain red deer for the stocking of Salisbury's park at Theobalds. Petitioner carried out the work with care, but owing to contrary winds it took him sixteen weeks to do so at the cost of 20/- a week. He has not been paid, neither will the Earl of Lincoln pay him nor notify Salisbury that petitioner has received no payment, as Salisbury requested when a similar petition was submitted by him some time previously. Because of debts and losses, including that of his ship, petitioner is in need of money and asks that his case be considered sympathetically.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "I mervaile this Petitioner is so simple as to come to me for allowance that never bargained with him, and so have answered him; with which if he be not contented he shall have no better of me."
1 p. (P. 525.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1598–1601, p. 376.]
Richard Barker to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He is a Yeoman of the Guard. During his childhood he was brought up by Sir William Cobham deceased, whom he served for seven years before being recommended to his nephew Sir John Brooke. He became ensign-bearer to Sir John when he went to France, and served him in that capacity and as lieutenant for three years in France and the Low Countries. (fn. 10) He was seriously wounded during this time, being once shot through the head, and as a token of recognition and reward the late Queen Elizabeth bestowed on him a place as extraordinary Yeoman of the Guard, into which he was sworne by Sir Walter Ralegh. For nine years he has been trying to obtain admittance as ordinary Yeoman, but has failed to get anything more than fair words. Because of his reduced means he was forced to take service with the King of Sweden for four years and with the Duke of Brunswick for six months. Now that these wars are ended petitioner is unemployed and has no alternative but to approach his old friend, the Lord Deputy of Ireland, in the hope of finding some post or other. He asks Salisbury to provide him with a little money to pay his travelling expenses to Ireland, since he has spent his means in prosecuting his suit and in attendance at Court.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 954.)
Joan Seymour to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. In his last will and testament eight years ago John Seymour, (fn. 11) a former servant to the late Queen Elizabeth, bequeathed to petitioner, now the wife of John Seed, the sum of £400 in consideration of the marriage between them. The money was to be paid to her on condition that her husband provided her with a jointure equal in value. Sir Thomas Seymour, son and heir, was appointed executor, but hitherto he has refused to pay the legacy and retains all the goods of his deceased father. Her husband is prepared to make the stipulated jointure, and petitioner asks that order be given to Sir Thomas Seymour to pay the £400, so that in the event of her husband's death she and her daughter may have adequate means to maintain themselves.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 188.)
The Pinmakers of London to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. The craft of pinmaking is an ancient trade which has been allowed to decay, although it provides a livelihood for many thousands. The laws of the realm prohibit the import of foreign pins, and the King himself, to encourage the industry, has granted letters patent of corporation to petitioners authorizing them to confiscate all foreign pins brought into England. As a result petitioners, "notwithstanding our great povertie have byn encouraged to take divers hundreds of poore and fatherles children for smale or no reward but for Gods sake, and doe bring them up in our said trade, which before did wander in the streets a begging to the dishonor of God and scandall of this nation, which is not suffered in other parts for that mannuall tradesmen are there much cherished and succoured". By virtue of the letters patent, petitioners seized a small quantity of foreign pins, but inasmuch as they are forbidden to prosecute by law, foreign merchants have contemptuously brought in more pins in a few months than they have done in years "of purpose to glut this kingdome". Moreover, "to collour their fraudulent and deceiptfull ware [they] doe stick their pyns after the English fashion and counterfeit our names and markes which maketh their pins vendable". Petitioners have attempted to reach a reasonable agreement with these foreigners, but find that they are merely procrastinating while continuing to import their pins. If this is permitted any longer, petitioners will be forced to abandon their trade, turn the apprentice children on the streets once again, and thus ruin not only themselves but also those who, out of charity, have contributed towards their rehabilitation. They ask to be allowed to petition Parliament or to be granted leave by the Privy Council to prosecute according to the statute.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2091.) C.P. 197/43 is a duplicate of this petition.
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 346.]
The Burgesses of Hertford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or before]. Salisbury has intimated that he wishes to stay the suit prosecuted by the town on the grounds that he is not acquainted with the legal proceedings. Petitioners remind him that at the beginning of the suit they approached him at Theobalds with a request that he become the High Steward of Hertford. He accepted the invitation, informing them at the same time that he would recommend their suit to Sir John Fortescue (fn. 12) to whom it had been referred. Since then they have kept him in touch with their proceedings, except those matters which might prove dis agreable to him, and have used his name, to which he was not averse. Petitioners ask for the continuance of his favour "upon which we have alwaies relyed as our cheefest protectour".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2008.)
William Phillips to—.
[1607 or before]. His solicitor Hall was committed by "your Honor" for his disrespectful speeches against Sir John Fortescue. Hall is sincerely contrite, and since petitioner has no other solicitor to plead his case, he asks that Hall be released on bail.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1158.)
Sir James Perrot and Thomas Perrot to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. The Countess of Northumberland is making suit to them for £500 annually out of the lands of Sir John Perrot—whereas she is not entitled to more than £300—with authority to lease lands for 21 years. Petitioners state that if she were granted these concessions the King's interests would be prejudiced:
First, the leasing of Crown lands is usually reserved for the King's officials. The King would stand to lose a substantial revenue from fines.
Secondly, the Earl of Northumberland also claims £300 worth of land or more. He would be given possession of them by this grant, and the King's title to them so much the more weakened. [Marginal note by the Earl of Dorset: I did meself move my lord to geve bond for redelivery of possession before this suite unto which his lo. willingly yelded.]
Thirdly, all the King's tenants of these lands, about six or seven hundred in number, will suffer as a result of the grant. They are poor and already pay high rents. Now they will be liable to a heavy fine in addition. Moreover, all the present stewards and officials are in danger of being deprived of their offices.
Finally, the two castles of Laugharne and Carew, which are two of the best of the King's seats in that part of Wales, are likely to be ruined, and those who hold them by leases liable to be questioned about them.
Petitioners therefore ask that the Lord Treasurer, Lord Home, Lord Kinloss and Sir John Fortescue be appointed to examine the matter, and to decide upon the best way of dealing with the lands of Sir John Perrot.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 477.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, p. 449.]
— to the King.
[? 1607]. Certain patentees have been authorized to dig for saltpetre within the kingdom, and an obligation placed on them to deposit it in the Tower of London to be converted into gunpowder. The patentees, with a view to self-enrichment, have allowed unskilled persons, some forty or more, to do that work for them, and have retained a great deal of saltpetre for their private gain. Consequently the store at the Tower of London has received inadequate supplies and the King forced to purchase saltpetre from abroad. This represents a danger to the country and prejudices its security and financial resources, of which foreign states will take advantage unless the situation is rectified. Petitioners request that all former commissions for the exploitation of saltpetre be revoked, and an end put to the harmful activities of people like the forty referred to above. It is suggested that their number be reduced to eight, that they be experienced workers, that they be distributed throughout various counties to carry on their search for saltpetre, that their annual output be restricted to 80 lasts of saltpetre, and that it be conveyed to the King's store in the Tower of London as ordered by the Privy Council. Petitioners are convinced that only by these means can the corruption of the patentees be circumscribed and a regular provision of saltpetre be ensured. They are likewise persuaded that the King can economize to the extent of £2000 or more annually in the conversion of saltpetre into gunpowder, and produce figures to confirm their statement.— Undated.
Mutilated. ½ p. (P. 2082.)
A list of privileges, powers and authority granted by the old and the new patents for the exploitation of saltpetre.
1 p.
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, p. 412.]
Simon Read and Robert Jackson to the Privy Council.
[? 1607]. They understand that the Council is considering ways and means of stimulating the production of gunpowder and saltpetre. They profess themselves competent to deal with the reparation and restoration of abandoned and derelict saltpetre mines and, what is more important, to "enhable, make servisable and reare saltpeeter owt of earthes and groundes which in apparancye and judgment of men of that facultye have in them no saltpeeter nor substance of that nature". Petitioners request that witnesses be assigned to assist at their trials "in the acting of the same though not to the privuty of theyre secret therein", and to report on them. If these trials meet with the approval of the Council, they ask that they and their associates be given the monopoly of such exploitation for 21 years.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1769.)
Christopher Danby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. He is steward to Christopher Danby, esquire. On January 21 last, he was served with a warrant to accompany the messenger who delivered it and appear before Salisbury and the Privy Council. But his master had a case to be heard at York before the King's council there, concerning a part of his inheritance and involving Sir Stephen Proctor. Since petitioner was the only person competent to produce evidences and witnesses for the hearing, a respite of 20 days was requested so that he could perform this necessary task. He has now completed it and is ready to appear in London. But in the meantime, certain judgments and executions have been secretly issued against him, and he is reluctant to come up in case he is arrested. Petitioner requests that Salisbury order that he be not molested or interfered with when he makes his appearance in compliance with the first order.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1781.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, pp. 420–1.]
[? 1607]. Charges for entertainment, probably at Theobalds. Inter alia:
Delivered to Dover two ells of white tafyta sasnet for Mercurie.
More 3 quarters of white tyncell for the said boaye Jobson.
Delivered to Mr Kendall 5 yards of yewlowe tyncell for Januse (? Genius).
Mr [Inigo] Jones hath all the waxe lightes, torches and candlesticks.
More to Mr Kendall, 2 ells and ½ of beaser cullered ell broad riche tafyta for Latchesey (Lachesis).
More to Thomas Hunt, an ell of purple ell broad riche tafyta for the jenyous girdle.
Endorsed: "Singletons bill." 1½ pp. (Bills 386/1.)
[See Scott McMillin's "Jonson's Early Entertainments—new information from Hatfield House", published in Renaissance Drama, New Series 1, 1968, p. 155.]
John Anstey, Richard Montaigne, Elizabeth his wife and Philip Anstey her sister, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before 1608]. They refer to a previous petition concerning land in the Forest of Shipnam and Pewsey, formerly the property of Andrew Baynton, (fn. 13) and which is now being described as assart land. Salisbury had directed that Mr Nicholson should not permit any patent to be drawn up until he had been satisfied in the matter. However, Nicholson has acted contrary to that decision. They request that Salisbury stay the patent until such time as he is satisfied with the true state of affairs as regards the property upon which their estate depends.—Undated.
½p. (P. 410.)
[Before 1608]. A poem in Latin composed in honour of James I by Thomas Craig. (fn. 14)Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Craigs verses." 1 p. (140. 95.)
1607–8. Bailiffs' accounts of "my Lady's" property in Nottinghamshire, viz: Watnalls (Wadnal), Kemberley (Kimberley), Bulwell, Bronesbresley (? Brinsley), Bevall (Beauvale), Nottingham, Grasley Morgren (Greasley Moor Green), Gresley rectory (Greasley rectory) and Quidnall. These include detailed accounts of payments for coalmining at Basset pit, middle pit and deep pit.
(Box U/49.)
[1607–8]. Plan of Hatfield town with project for park wall. The entrance gate to the Old Palace is shown, and the palace itself represented by a space within a wall coloured red. This map was drawn before the construction of Hatfield House, and is probably contemporary with that calendared in H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 304.—Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 23.)


  • 1. Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, died on December 23rd, 1607.
  • 2. The Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster was vacant between the death of Sir John Fortescue on December 23, 1607, and the appointment of Sir Thomas Parry on the 30th of that month. [See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 391.]
  • 3. Sir William Fortescue predeceased his father Sir John Fortescue who died on December 23, 1607.
  • 4. Lever's Queene Elizabeths Teares, or her resolute bearing the Christian crosse inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steven Gardner, Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie, was published in London in 1607.
  • 5. Probate of the will of John Jameson alias Morrit, of West Haddlesey, was granted on March 22, 1607. [See Wills in the York Registry, 1603–6, p. 186.]
  • 6. Lord Chief Baron Fleming was made Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench on June 25, 1607.
  • 7. The background to this case is described in Tom Atkinson, Elizabethan Winchester, pp. 122–4.
  • 8. James FitzGerald, "the Sugan", son of Sir Thomas FitzGerald, joined Tyrone in his rebellion, was taken prisoner in 1601 and sent to England. He died in the Tower of London and was buried there on April 28, 1607.
  • 9. Probate of his will granted in 1607. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1605–19, p. 143.]
  • 10. Sir John Brooke commanded a company in France and Ostend from 1596 to 1598.
  • 11. Probate of his will granted in 1599. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. IV, 1584–1604, p. 373.]
  • 12. Died on December 23, 1607.
  • 13. Probate of his will revoked and granted to his grand-daughter, Elizabeth Montaigne alias Anstie in January, 1608. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Administrations, 1596–1608, p. 11.]
  • 14. Died on February 26, 1608.