Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Aardenburg (Oldingborge) near Sluis [Zeeland, Netherlands], reference to plot to seize, 181 and n.

Abbots Ann, co. Hants, rectory of, 100.

Abbots Langley, co. Herts, 100, 195.

Abergavenny, co. Monmouth, 198.

Abergavenny, Lord. See Nevill, Edward.

Acklam, Peter, of Hunmanby, co. Yorks, deceased, mentioned, 172.

Adams, —, of London, 120.

Addison, Thomas, a messenger of the Chamber to Queen Elizabeth, petition to Cecil, 82.

Admiral, The (of France). See Damville.

Admiralty, Court of, 6, 122, 195.
-, letters of reprisal issued by, 163.
-, Judge of, 6, 7, 174, 195.

Adventure, The, of Queen Elizabeth's navy, 48.
-, Cecil embarks for England on, 74.
-, Commander of. See Clifton, Sir Alexander.

Adys, Martin, petition to Cecil, 105.

Aersens. See Aertsens.

Aertsens (Aersens), Cornelius, Recorder of the States General, held in high esteem by Dutch envoys, 54.

d'Afonse. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Aguirre, Fray Juan de, Spanish friar, 6.

Alabaster, Thomas, of London, merchant, petition to Villa Mediana, 192.

Alablaster. See Alablaster, William.

Alablaster, William, English Catholic priest, reference to his confession, 87.

Albert, Don. See Albert, Archduke.

Albert, Archduke of Austria, Cardinal and Regent of the Low Countries. See also The Archdukes, offers treaty of peace, 11.
-, French King discloses details of peace proposals of, 23.
-, Henry IV's reply to proposals of, 23.
-, fears of attack on towns of Picardy by, 30, 31.
-, 31, 45, 50, 60, 61, 62.
-, effect of English offensive against Spain on resources of, 33, 40.
-, his letters intercepted, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60.
-, French King replies to allegations in intercepted letters of, 59, 60, 61.
-, grants licences to Flemish merchants to trade in Lisbon, 154.

Aldenham, co. Herts, 100.

Aldermanbury, London, 2.

Aldersgate Street, London, letter dated from, 203.

Aldwark, co. Derby, 95.

Alicante [Spain], 163.

d'Alincourt (Allen Court), Charles de Neufville, Marquis, Governor of Pontoise, also known as Monsieur le Gendre (Jenure), 28.
-, English envoys lodged in his house at Fougères, 73.

Allen Court, Monsieur de. See d'Alincourt.

Allerton, John, member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, signs document containing opinions of Cambridge dons, 84.

Allington, co. Kent, manor of, 8.

Allington, Jane deceased, late widow of Sir Richard Allington, of Horshed, co. Cambridge (d. 1603), mentioned, 157, 158.

Alston, co. Lancs, 90.

Altham. See Alton.

Alton (Altham), co. Hants, Cecil dines at, 74.

Altyrynys, Walterstone, co Hereford, 74, 75, 114.

Ambassadors, Envoys, etc.
-, England:
-, to France. See Edmondes, Sir Thomas; Parry, Sir Thomas.
-, France:
-, to England. See Boissise; Beaumont; La Fontaine; Maisse.
-, to States General. See Roussel.
-, Scotland:
-, to England. See Erskine, John.
-, to France. See Stuart, Ludovick.
-, Spain:
-, to England. See Villa Mediana.
-, States General:
-, to France. See Madeny.
-, to England. See Caron.
-, Venice:
-, to France. See Contarini.

Ames, Mr. See Amyce, Israel.

Amiens (Amyons) [Somme, France], English forces at siege of, 19.
-, 50, 68.

Amyas, Mr. See Amyce, Israel.

Amyce (Ames, Amyas), Israel, surveyor and agent to Sir Robert Cecil at Theobalds, 86, 112.
-, surveys Cecil's estates, 87.
-, his map of Great and Little Parks at Brigstock, 97.
-, deals with plague at Waltham Cross, 112.

Amyons. See Amiens.

Anam. See Anjou.

Anaranches. See Avranches.

Ancel (Ansell), Guillaume, French diplomatist, visits Cecil at Orleans, 35.

Ancenis (Annsenix, Ansennys, Ansenis) [Loire-Inférieure, France], submits to Henry IV, 29.
-, English embassy lodges at, 57.

Anckitell or Anketil, Christopher, of Stour Provost, co. Dorset, 4.

Anderson, Alderman. See Anderson, Henry.

Anderson, Lord. See Anderson, Sir Edmund.

Anderson, Sir Edmund, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 80, 158, 209.

Anderson, (Sir) Henry, Alderman of London, 111, 192.

Andwerp. See Antwerp.

Angers (Angieres, Angliers, Argieres) [Maine-et-Loire, France], 26, 48, 56.
-, English embassy sails on Loire from Orleans to, 35.
-, English embassy arrives in, 35.
-, despatches dated from, 48, 56.
-, Dutch envoys arrive in, 48.
-, conference between English envoys and Henry IV's Council in castle of, 48.
-, Henry IV goes to Nantes from, 57.
-, English embassy leaves, 57.

Angerville (Egervaile) [Seine-etOise, France], English embassy lodges at, 34.

Angieres. See Angers.

Anglesea, 128.
-, Escheator of. See Rowland, Richard.
-, Feodary of. See David, Ieuan Lloyd ap.

Anglezark, co. Lancs, 90.

Angliers. See Angers.

Anglois, —, Provost of the merchants of Paris, Cecil receives information from, 33.

Anjou (Anam) [France], 35.
-, Governor of. See La Rochepot.

Anmonts, Marshal de. See d'Aumont.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, her entry into England expected, 111 and n.
-, reference to her lands in England, 120, 121, 126, 127(2), 129(2), 161, 164, 165, 166(2), 167(2), 168, 176, 197, 200, 201, 210, 217(2), 218, 221.
-, grievances of tenants of, 159.
-, her Council, 159.
-, petition to, 162.
-, petition to Cecil from artificers of, 164.
-, 167, 211.
-, Commissioners for leases of, 176.
-, Attorney to. See Hitcham, Sir Robert.
-, Auditor to. See Ewens, Ralph.
-, Chancellor to. See Wilbraham, Sir Roger.
-, Gentleman Harbinger to. See Proctor, John.
-, Servant of the Cellar to. See Roudes, William.
-, Sewer of the Chamber to. See Themyllthorpe, Nicholas.
-, Silkman to. See Henshaw, Thomas.
-, Surveyor to. See Evans.

Anne, consort of Sigismund III, King of Poland, contributes towards Sechei's ransom, 77.

Annesley, James, an officer of the King's Cellar, petition to Cecil, 129.

Annsenix. See Ancenis.

Ansell, Monsieur. See Ancel, Guillaume.

Ansennys. See Ancenis.

Answer (Answeare), The, of Queen Elizabeth's navy, conveys members of English embassy to Dieppe, 22.
-, 48.

Anthony, Thomas, of Sherborne, co. Dorset, brings action for debt against Meere, 89.

Antwerp (Andwerp) [Belgium], to contribute towards discharge of debts to England, 17.
-, political and religious acts of States General and Spanish King's Council of State at, 18.
-, 180.

Appleton, Mary, of Little Waldringfield, co. Suffolk, petition to Cecil, 165.

Aragon, genealogy of Kings of, 101.

Arabella, Lady. See Stuart, Lady Arabella.

Archdale, Thomas, of London, complaint against, 199.

Archdukes, The (Archduke Albert and Isabella, Infanta of Spain, his wife), joint Governors of the Low Countries, letter to, 153.
-, President of the Council of. See Richardot.

Arders. See Ardres.

Ardington, co. Berks, 90.

Ardres (Arders) [Pas-de-Calais, France], to be restored by Spain to France, 15, 23.

Argieres. See Angers.

Arnold, John, petition to Cecil, 173.

Arrandell, Thomas. See Arundel, Thomas.

Arrents, Cornelius, Master of the White Greyhound, captured with his ship by Troughton, 195.

Artenay (Arteny) [Loiret, France], English embassy dines at, 34.

Arteny. See Artenay.

Artois [France], 55.

Arundel, John, of Lanherne, co. Cornwall, and Chideock, co. Dorset, recusant, petition to Privy Council, 110.

Arundel (Arrandell), Thomas [? of Shaftesbury, co. Dorset], 86.

Arundell, Sir Matthew, of Wardour Castle near Shaftesbury, co. Dorset, 4.

Ashley. See Ashley, John.

Ashley, Sir Anthony, of Wimborne St Giles, co. Dorset, Clerk to the Privy Council, 199.

Ashley, Henry, of Wimborne St. Giles, co. Dorset, petition to Privy Council, 4.

Ashley or Astley, John, Master of the jewels and plate to Queen Elizabeth, his dispute with Baynham, 8.

Ashton, Richard, of Wigan, co. Lancs, signs petition to Cecil, 116.

Ashton, Thomas, of co. Lancs, signs petition to Cecil, 116.

Askwith, Robert, M.P. for York, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Assarts, Bill of, 146, 149.

Astell, John, Steward of the Court of the Liberty of the Tower of London, 153.

Asterley, Salop, 3.

Aston or Ashton, Sir Roger, of Cranford, co. Middlesex, later Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, M.P., warned by Lord Cobham, 111.
-, member of House of Commons Committees, 132, 135.
-, 186.

Aston Pigot, Salop. 3.

Attorney-General, The. See Coke, Sir Edward.

Atye, Sir Arthur, of Kilburn, co. Middlesex, M.P. for Beer Alston, co Devon, member of House of Commons Committee, 131.

Aucher, Captain, an officer at Berwick, 213.

Auchye, Viscount. See d'Ouchy.

Aulnage, 218.

d'Aumont (Anmonts), Jean, Marshal of France (d. 1595), Cecil entertained by widow of, 73.

Avranches (Anaranches) [Manche, France], English embassy stays in, 73.

Azores, Islands of the, reference to expedition to, 46.