Cecil Papers: August 1604

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp162-179 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp162-179.

"Cecil Papers: August 1604". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp162-179.

August 1604

Bridget Ross to Lord Cecil.
[? Before August 16, 1604]. On July 27th, Sir Griffin Markham entered her husband's house with his wife and family, and took up residence there. He behaved most offensively, ordering her father-in-law, Charles Clapham, and a sister of hers out of the house under threat of violence. He also took advantage of the weakness and age of her husband to persuade the servants not to attend upon her, out of fear of his malice and anger. Fearing for her own life and that of her son, petitioner left the house secretly. She appeals to Cecil to intervene for the safety and education of her child, and requests him to entrust his person and education to some reliable person, she herself being ready to defray all necessary expenses. On the other hand, she would like to see her son become a page to Cecil; if that is not feasible, to see him committed to the care of Sir Robert Carey, who has shown some interest in the boy. She is very apprehensive that while the child remains with her, he runs the risk of being taken by violence from her and carried back to the country, and denied good education to his great loss, "he being almost of that oopenes that if learneinge be not geven him in thes good tyme, he will soone be past takeinge any".—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. The humble petition of Brigitt Rosse, the wife of Peter Rosse, esquire." ½ p. (P. 907.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 233.]
Charles Duinny to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 18, 1604]. He has been a student "in the Lawes and Sciences" these last 30 years, first at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was placed by Baron Burghley, and at Trinity College, Dublin, where he has spent 22 years, and of which Cecil is Chancellor. The Earl of Tyrone wasted his father's country out of revenge because petitioner was able to persuade some of the Irish nobility and other prominent people not to participate in his rebellion. Consequently his own means of livelihood now is a fee of £20 and the perquisites, some £6, issuing from the office of one of the Masters of the King's Court of Chancery in Ireland. To improve his estate petitioner proposes to ask the King and the Privy Council for the next vacancy amongst the judges of the King's prerogative court and "faculties in spirituall causes" which the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and Dr Forth now occupy. He requests Cecil to further his suit.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. Petition of Charles Duinny." ½ p. (P. 721.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 191.]
Robert Savage to the Privy Council.
[Before August 19, 1604]. Following upon the King of Spain's latest proclamation of friendly relations and usage, he sent a ship to the Canary Islands with goods to the value of £1500, most of which were sold in exchange for sugar. The sugar and the residue of the commodities were, however, stayed because of a report circulated by a Frenchman that the Spanish Ambassador and Frenchmen had been expelled from England. This has resulted in considerable financial loss for him. He requests the members of the Council who are now engaged in peace negotiations with the King of Spain's Commissioners, (fn. 1) to press the latter to direct the Governor of the Canary Islands to release his goods and indemnify him for all losses and damage.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 8.)
Joshua Havell to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 19, 1604]. He is a merchant of Plymouth. In 1602, Captain Edward Giles obtained letters of reprisal from the Court of Admiralty and seized a Spanish ship called St. John Baptist and St. Eleanor which he carried to Plymouth where it was declared a lawful prize. Petitioner purchased the vessel from Giles and altered it at his own expense. He freighted the ship with goods which he sold at Alicante and Valencia, and then reloaded her with commodities at Dania for London. But when he was on the point of leaving, the ship was stayed by the order of the Spanish King as being the Prodigal Son, his factor murdered, his crew imprisoned and himself forced to flee for his life. This was done at the suit of Anthony and Matthew Lamprize of Catalonia. Petitioner submitted six petitions to the King of Spain, the Duke of Infantado, the Viceroy of Valencia and others, and spent £60 in prosecuting the case in Spain. He has been denied redress and stands to lose £1500. Since he can prove that the ship was not captured by Frenchmen from Spaniards, as is alleged, but by Giles and an English company, he asks Cecil—as one of the Commissioners engaged in treaty negotiations with Spain, to press for either the restitution of the ship or adequate compensation for petitioner's losses.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1159.)
Nicholas Themyllthorpe to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604] (fn. 2). He is one of the sewers of the Queen's Chamber, and requests that the bailiwick of the Queen's manor of Selsye (? Shelley), co. Suffolk, now void, be bestowed upon him, or some other bailiwick if that has already been granted.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 1319.)
Hugh Lee to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He begs Cecil not to be offended with him, but to appreciate his preference for coming to him as a suitor rather than petitioning the King. He explains why it is not possible to show any bond of Cecil's as he has been asked to do. If the allegation made by Clarke is true, the bill for £600 from Cecil to Thomas Nicholson and by Nicholson assigned to petitioner's brother, Thomas Lee, was delivered by Clarke to Cecil for the latter's perusal, and is still in his possession. Moreover Thomas Lee, when he was alive, disbursed a great deal of money abroad on behalf of Nicholson as a result of Cecil's letters to him. He did so in order to favour Nicholson when he was in Cecil's employment, or at Cecil's direct injunctions. Petitioner again repeats his request for Cecil's favour towards him. Undated.
½ p. (P. 874.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVII, p. 560.]
The Queen's Artificers to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Petition submitted by the Queen's embroiderer, hosier, cabinet and looking-glass maker, coffer maker, perfumer, pinmaker and shoemaker. They have provided the Queen with goods and services since her arrival in England, but have received no payment. Now their credit is exhausted, and they urgently beg Cecil to arrange that the Queen's debts to them be discharged.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 550.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 238.]
The Bailiff of Northbourne to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He has been Bailiff of Northbourne, co. Kent, for the past twenty years by virtue of a patent granted him by the late Queen Elizabeth, and has regularly collected and conveyed all rents and profits to the Receiver of Kent. Since the proper control and conveyance of the rents, as well as the wide dispersion of the tenements, require the services of a person well acquainted with them and their history, he requests that he be granted a new patent of that office.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1531.)
Mary Appleton to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Recently the King granted her and her son-in-law, Robert Rice, the rectory of Little Waldringfield in Suffolk, together with the stewardship and bailiwick of the manor of Glemsford for the term of 21 years. Since no record has been made of the grant as yet, and Cecil and the other commissioners have not met to discuss and pass leases, petitioner requests that no fee farm be made of these two particular premises without referring it to the pleasure of the King and ascertaining his intentions in this matter.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1532.)
John Skinner to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is Deputy-Bailiff of the Queen's manor of Hitchin, co. Herts., and was appointed to that office by Cecil who directed his letters to that effect to the deputysteward of the manor, with the order that any one opposing petitioner in the execution of his duties should be bound over to appear before Cecil. The deputy-steward accordingly ordered Thomas Chapman, who claimed the office of deputy-bailiff, to do so, but he has refused to obey the order. Moreover, he has withheld the rental of the manor from petitioner who is thereby disabled from collecting the rents. He asks that a further warrant be sent to Chapman to appear before Cecil.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1563.)
Thomas Horner to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in Cecil's service, and asks for the stewardship or bailiwick of Bisley manor, Gloucestershire.— Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1564.)
George Hudson to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is employed by Cecil, and requests the grant of the stewardship or bailiwick of Whaddon and Nash, co. Bucks.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1565.)
Thomas Raynton to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in the service of Lady Susan Vere, after attending on Cecil's father for many years. He requests the grant of the bailiwick of Leominster, Herefordshire, which is now void.—Undated.
At bottom: "He must have the Reeveshipp of Hecham, co. Suffolk."
Signed: Su. Veare. 1 p. (P. 1566.)
John Dackombe to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in Cecil's service, and requests the grant of the bailiwick of the Queen's manors of South Stoke and Corston, co. Somerset, which was lately held by William Rowswell.—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "Corston graunted to this petitioner."
1 p. (P. 1567.)
William Trumbull to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in the employment of Sir Thomas Edmondes, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council, and has served him abroad and at home without any reward. To enable him to continue with the efficient performance of his duties, he asks for the bailiwick of Northbourne, co. Kent. He is the more induced to submit this petition "because he is of that country, and the like places are exercised by men of his quallitie". —Undated.
½ p. (P. 1568.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, p. 391.]
Henry Trussell to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He asks that the stewardship of Exmoor Roche and Mendip be deputed to him and his son John Trussell, as well as the bailiwick of the two manors and that of South Stoke. It will be necessary for one of them to be at or near those places to keep the courts and collect the rents. Petitioner resides in Winchester some 60 miles away.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1569.)
— Cormock to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is Cecil's servant, and asks for the grant of the bailiwick of Cranfield, co. Bedford, or that of Northbourne, co. Kent. Petitioner "is imboldned in this suite for that he hath not a long time receaved any benefite by wardships, his charge being greate".—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "Cranfeild granted."
1 p. (P. 1570.)
Henry Batten to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in the employment of the Earl of Devon, and asks for the bailiwick of the Queen's manors of Corston, co. Somerset, and Corsham, co. Wilts.—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "I have bestowed both these."
¾ p. (P. 1571.)
Sampson Calvert to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is one of the King's yeomen harbingers, and requests the grant of the bailiwick of Hitchin, co. Herts. He resides near the place.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 1572.)
Thomas Graves to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is Cecil's servant and asks for the bailiwick of the manor of Walsham, co. Norfolk.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1573.)
Bernard Moore to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Cecil has assented to two or three of petitioner's requests for wardships, but he has received no pecuniary benefit from any of them. He now asks that the bailiwick of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, be granted to Ezekiel Vyan.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1628.)
George Salter and Thomas Wagstaff to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They are two of the Clerks of the Rolls. Cecil sent them a warrant "in the tyme of sicknes when the same was very hoate" to attend Mr Hitcham, the Queen's Attorney, and Mr Evans, the Queen's Surveyor, and to show such records and make the necessary copies required by them for the Queen's jointure. They received no allowance for that service, and they request Cecil to grant them what he thinks fit and adequate in that respect.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1629.)
The Tenants of Walton cum Trimley to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They request him as the High Steward of the Queen's manor to investigate and redress the many wrongs committed against them, which they have communicated in detail to the Queen's Attorney-General.—Undated.
Note: "The orders sett downe by my late Lord Tresuror must be showed and then a copie of them taken with a letter to the Steward that it is my Lord's pleasure those orders should be contynued and remane as heretofore making a short recytall of them."
⅓ p. (P. 1630.)
Gifford Leake to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He has been employed in the Queen's affairs, and has disbursed £20 of his own money in expediting them. They concerned the engrossing and dispatching of all business to the Great Seal, and he has neglected his own interests in attending to these matters. Petitioner requests that, since he has received no allowance for his services, he be awarded some recompense.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1631.)
Richard Foulkes to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is the late Feodary, Bailiff and Collector for the Honour of Clare in the counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge, and was granted the office by the late Queen Elizabeth. After her death he obtained a further grant of it by the King. Since then the Honour of Clare in these two shires has been transferred to the Queen as part of her jointure. In the meantime, apart from the expenses incurred by renewing the grant, petitioner has accounted for half a year's rent to the King's Receiver-General, and has been forced to disburse certain moneys to the tenants. If he were to be dismissed from his office, it would be difficult for him to find means of having this money repaid to him. He therefore requests that Cecil confirm his tenure of office.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1632.)
Christopher Sergant to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He asks for the bailiwick, pickage, stallage and tollage of the town of Newbury for a term of 40 years. He has lived from his infancy in Newbury, and so is acquainted with all the ancient customs there. Also, "for his education in learning, conversation and estate, your Lordship may be enformed that he is apt and suffycient" for the office. He offers to pay the usual rent and to increase it by £10 a year.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1646.)
Robert Stileman, the younger, to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. In the time of the late Queen Elizabeth he was Feodary and Bailiff of the Honour of Clare in Norfolk. After her demise he obtained a renewal of the grant from the Lord Treasurer which, however, "by reason of the contagiousnes of the tyme of this late sicknes was not effectually proceeded in". He requests that Cecil confirm the grant.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1651.)
William Roudes and Christopher Glover to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Roudes is a servant in the Queen's Cellar and Glover a groom of the King's Bows. Petitioners have never submitted a request for recognition of their services, but now ask that the bailiwick of Northbourne and Cranfield be bestowed upon them.—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "If these were not disposed I wold willingly grant them."
1 p. (P. 1682.)
Philip Riddett to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is of Sturminster Newton Castle, co. Dorset. He asks that Cecil certify the truth of his examination by the Earl of Nottingham and Cecil at Basing concerning certain money and jewels belonging to Sir Walter Ralegh, which were left in the custody of Sir Thomas Freke for Sir Roger Wilbraham. Cecil's certificate would further the suit he proposes to make to the King for the bailiwick of Sturminster Newton Castle which is now vacant.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1715.)
Anthony Dent to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is in Cecil's employment, and requests that the bailiwick of Northbourne, co. Kent, be bestowed upon him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1633.)
Philip Brown to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. In recognition of his long service in the Irish wars, the Lord Deputy has bestowed upon him the office of Provost Marshal of Lough Foyle. The Lord Deputy is desirous of confirming this by letters patent, but needs a letter from the Privy Council for that purpose. Petitioner has spent much money on the Provost Marshal's house, and would be ready to disburse more if his office were officially confirmed. He asks Cecil to favour his petition which comes up for discussion at the Council table next Sunday.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1718.)
Sir Henry Billingsley and Dame Mary, his wife, to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They request that they be permitted to present to Cecil, and that he in turn peruse, various items of information relating to the case between them and John Killigrew in the Court of Chancery concerning certain legacies.—Undated.
Note signed by Cecil: "I desire that Mr Surveyor and Mr Atturny will consider of this petition and certifie me their opinions."
On reverse: Details of the dispute between the litigants.
½ p. (P. 1718.)
James Mascall to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He was recently Warden Clerk of the East Marches of England, and also served the late Queen Elizabeth nine years as a soldier in Captain Skinner's company at Berwick. He was cashiered last Christmas for being absent when the commissioners held their inquiry there, although he had appointed deputies to both the offices he held. Since he is dependent on these posts for his livelihood he proposes to submit a petition to the Privy Council for some compensation. He asks Cecil to support his suit when it comes up for discussion, "the rayther for that he hath the custodie of all the anntient treaties, indents, bookes and Rowles concerning the same Marches, whereby he may be enhabled to doe his Matie and countrey good service".— Undated.
1 p. (P. 1344.)
John Dackombe to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. In accordance with Cecil's instructions he visited and examined Edmund Hardikin of Baldham, co. Wilts, whom he takes to be a lunatic. He also enquired about the integrity and competency of Richard Burley, Joseph Oldsworth, John Fordam and John Sommer, who were nominated by Hardikin's wife to have the custody of the lunatic. Both neighbours and the lunatic's father testify that they are all fit men to be in charge of him and to be entrusted with his property. —Undated.
½ p. (P. 2115.)
Richard Ivenson to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is Cecil's porter, and requests the grant of the bailiwick of the rents and profits of the Honour of Clare within the counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge.— Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1645.)
Edward Billing and George Goodall to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They were formerly in the service of Sir Christopher Hatton and later employed by Lord Hunsdon as keepers of Brigstock Parks for 15 years. The parks have since come into Cecil's hands and been conveyed to Lord Mordaunt, who has removed them from their posts. They have no other means to support their families, and remind him of his former promise to see to their welfare when the parks came into his possession —Undated.
Note by Cecil: "Let fyfty pownds be payd to ye 3 keepers owt of ye money to be answered for ye wood."
½ p. (P. 1756.)
William Tooke to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He has been importuned by his friends to become a suitor to Cecil for the reversion of his father's office, in the court where he has been employed for the last sixteen years. "Now that my fortunes bee at soe lowe an ebb, and age and sicknes steales upon mee, when it is high tyme to provide for some certayne meanes to supplye the continuall wantes which those infirmities bringe ever with them", such a preferment by Cecil would be an unexpected and unforgettable favour as "I knowe ther are some that labore for it verye seriously".—Undated.
Seal. ⅓ p. (P. 1947.)
Michael Briskett.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Memorandum to the effect that Lord Cecil be reminded to speak to the Attorney-General on behalf of Michael Briskett, and asked to further his case at the Star Chamber. Also that Briskett's interests be not prejudiced during his absence.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2239.)
Francis Bussy versus John Thurbarn.
[Before August 20, 1604]. In answer to Thurbarn's petition, Bussy confesses that he (Thurbarn) has lands at Sysonby purchased from Mr Digby, but he is ignorant of its extent.
Mistress Pate was dead before petitioner commenced any suit, so that Bussy could not have confederated with her, nor she with him, to bring the matter before the Court of Wards. Neither is anything claimed for the ward from the land called Margaret Yard land which petitioner bought from Digby.
The matter arising between the ward and Thurbarn is as follows: for a long time, the lands now purchased by the latter from Digby were occupied by one person together with certain property of the ward's at Sysonby. They are now separate and petitioner, on the grounds that he has bought lands from Digby, claims parcels of meadow which belong to the ward, and has sued the tenant at the common law in an effort to try the ward's title to them during his nonage.
It was to preserve the interest of the ward that a bill was exhibited in the Court of Wards, and that the court stayed Thurbarn's action at the common law until it had examined the matter, which is now in the process of being done.
Bussy denies that he ever encouraged the tenant of the meadow land to deny petitioner his rent.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 553.) See P. 554. infra.
John Thurbarn to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is a native of Melton Mowbray and is seised in fee simple of land called Margaret Yard land at Sysonby, Leicestershire, which he bought from William Digby, its owner for the past fifty years. A certain Mistress Pate tried to purchase it from petitioner for her son, Edward Pate. Upon his refusal, she and her brother Francis Bussy devised a scheme whereby Edward Pate, who is a King's ward, laid claim to the property, although it was not included in the survey of his father's lands when the latter died. Bussy has procured an injunction from the Court of Wards, which is in possession of the ward's inheritance, to prevent petitioner from suing for his land at the common law. He has also persuaded the tenant of the property in question not to pay petitioner any rent but to give it to him. So that Bussy is actually prosecuting his suit with the help of money which rightfully belongs to petitioner. He complains also that a Richard Mitton, who is related to the ward, met petitioner in London recently and made a remark which showed too obviously that the scheme of the opposing party was deliberate and subversive of law. He asks Cecil to summon them to formulate their claim, as he has already done, or let the matter be tried by common law.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 554.)
Jane Lovell to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. She thanks him for his solicitude on behalf of her children and herself after the death of her husband in the Irish wars. She refers to the suits commenced against her by the mother of Mr Conell and by his brothers, who claim that certain lands bequeathed by her husband to his children are subject to gavelkind, a claim never put forward by them before. She asks that Cecil instruct the Attorney of the Court of Wards that all suits from the common law be stayed during the minority of the children.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1900.)
John Lemyng to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He informs him that the concealed wardship which Cecil bestowed upon him has been of no material benefit but, on the contrary, has involved him in financial charges. He requests that he be granted a bailiwick or some other sinecure that Cecil may have in his gift.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1251.)
George Walker and William Lippington to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They are both husbandmen of Hunmanby, Yorkshire. They declare that Peter Acklam, of Hunmanby, deceased, was lawfully seised of a messuage and forty acres and held it by knight tenure of the late Queen Elizabeth, as part of the manor of Hunmanby. He had a son and three daughters, and by his will devised the property to Walker during the son's minority for the education of his son and the provision of £10 towards the preferment of his daughters. Twelve years ago Acklam died, and Walker proceeded to receive the profits of the tenement and use them as stipulated in the will. The value of the land did not exceed four marks yearly, but by the procurement of one Charles Tutfield, they have been found by a more recent inquisition to be of the value of £6 annually. Petitioner protests that the second inquisition was held without his knowledge, and that no mention was made of the directions made in the will as to the uses of the land. Now process has been awarded against him as occupier of the property by the Court of Wards, Lippington being tenant of part of it under petitioner, and the sum of £73: 15 demanded which is more than the land would fetch if it were sold. The sheriff of Yorkshire threatens to distrain the goods and chattels of petitioners and dispose of them by sale. They request that a commission be set up to examine the matter, and that they be not molested or subjected to distraint until the facts of the case have been established.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of George Walker and William Lippington." ½ p. (P. 837.)
John Arnold to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. It has been ordered that the case between him and Cook should be referred to the arbitration of the Earls of Cumberland and Pembroke. The case has been heard by them, but is not yet finished. Since the matter has been awaiting a settlement in the Court of Wards for the past 25 years, and two juries have returned a verdict in petitioner's favour, the case now threatens to affect 300 families adversely. Both equity and possession are arguments in petitioner's favour, and during several hearings of the case order has been made for a fair and impartial trial, in which case matters of law need to be considered. Petitioner therefore asks that these matters be referred to the judges before he is forced to hazard the fate of so many people by assenting to a trial in a county not known to be impartial, contrary to the Court's decision and to equity. —Undated.
Note at bottom signed by Cecil: "If this be moved in Court when I am there, he shall have such satisfaction as in justice is fitt."
1 p. (P. 1618.)
— Rookes to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He requests that Nicholas Workman be ordered to come to an arrangement about his debt to petitioner, so that the Ambassador's business be not interrupted or impeded because of him. If Workman refuses to cooperate Rookes will be forced to neglect the Ambassador's private affairs and remain in England to take legal action against him. In this Workman would be acting contrary to his assurances to the Ambassador in France, when the latter directed that he should be provided with all necessities.—Undated.
Note: "Mr Rookes petition against Workman." ½ p. (P. 1039.)
William Tooke to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. A recent indisposition has prevented him from attending on Cecil, who showed him favour by bestowing on him the bailiwick of Hoddesdon. He understands, however, that Mr Flint accuses him of dishonest dealings and has rendered him suspect to Cecil. He protests that he has been as meticulous as possible in accounting for the rents, but confesses that he has retained £30 of fines which should have been paid in. "I did it not out of a dispositione to deceave or defraude your Lordship of a pennye, but rather constrained thereunto thorough myne owne wantes; for beinge grevouslye sicke by the space of twentie weekes and lyinge in a straunge place at a greate chardge, neyther father nor freinde once sendinge unto mee for a longe tyme, havinge noe meanes to supply the neede I was driven unto, I confess I disbursed your Lordships moneye; but yet with a full purpose as soone as ever I shoulde recover my health to make restitution of it, for not longe before your Lordship had given mee the prefermente of a lunaticke, of which I thought to have made my beste benefitt, and by that meanes to have repayd your Lordships moneye." However, Cecil had revoked that grant and awarded it to the Surveyor of the Court of Wards, so that Tooke had been deprived of the means of repaying the money. He requests that he be allowed time or authorized to convey the office of bailiff to some other who will give him good security, on condition that all arrears are discharged. He also asks for permission to attend Cecil at Court.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Mr Tooke to my lord." 1 p. (P. 2412.)
Hendrycke de Wytt and other merchants of Middelburg to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Recently he conveyed to Cecil a letter from Sir Noel de Caron, in which he enclosed a petition of his own concerning the freight of a ship seized by Captain Traughton in the Lyonesse of London. Cecil had told him to approach the Lord Admiral in the matter, but since it concerns Cecil in particular, petitioner asks that the Judge of the Admiralty be ordered to proceed to sentence, whether or not it be adverse to petitioner.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2059.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, pp. 154–5, and Vol. XVII, p. 261.]
The Queen's Attorney to [Lord Cecil].
[Before August 20, 1604]. He has found the patent, dated Elizabeth 35, concerning the right of St. John and his son to herbage and panage for the term of their lives. He is of the opinion that "my Lord" should surrender and take it for lives or years in reversion, since it is very profitable. He has attended on Cecil on three occasions but the latter's commitments precluded any meeting. He has left the information to be conveyed to Cecil by the Vice-Chamberlain who knows of the matter. Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. Note Q. Attorney." 1 p. (P. 2212.)
The Countess of Derby to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. She is writing on behalf of one of her officers, Sir Thomas Hanmer, who has an interest in the lease of a tenement belonging to lands now in dispute between George Haulford and Lady Cholmondeley. The latter has conveyed the lands to her son, Robert, of whom she has obtained the wardship, with deliberate intent to provoke an examination of the case by the Court of Wards. She has also preferred a bill against Hanmer to invalidate his interest in the above-mentioned lease. Hanmer's counsel has advised that the case between him and Lady Cholmondeley should be tried by common law, and petitioner asks Cecil to favour this course of action "for it concerneth a follower of mine very much".—Undated.
Signed only. Seal. Endorsed: "1604. Countess of Derby, the elder." ¾ p. (P. 1965.)
John Taylor to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He has served the Duke of Florence for five years and more, and recently came to England with those who brought a present from the Duke to the King. He now wishes to return to Florence, but prefers to travel by sea rather than overland. However, he cannot obtain a passage easily without a licence to travel signed by a member of the Privy Council, and requests Cecil's written permission to travel to Florence by sea.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. Mr Taylor." ½ p. (P. 857.)
Robert Liston and John Mitchell to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. They have been with the Lord Treasurer's secretary about the £80 granted to them as compensation for their losses by Cecil's intervention, but cannot get it paid to them. The matter has been deferred until Michaelmas, but if they are obliged to wait till then, the delay could result in their ruin. They ask that Cecil speak once again to the Lord Treasurer about the immediate payment of the money.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (P. 1848.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–10, p. 127.]
Angus Munroe to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is a Scotsman and informs Cecil that upon the submission by him of a petition to the King for the pension granted to him by the late Queen Elizabeth for his relief, petitioner being maimed and having lost a leg, the King allowed him the same pension of 12d a day, and referred his case to the Privy Council. For the past three years petitioner has had to rely upon the charity and assistance of his friends in the absence of the pension. He asks that Cecil make known his destitution to the Council, so that he may receive the pension without delay.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (P. 1884.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 122.]
Donald McCarthy to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. He is the son of Donald McCarthy, late Earl of ClanCarthy, deceased. He recently submitted a petition to Cecil requesting him to further his suit to the King, and Cecil directed Sir Roger Wilbraham to make a draft of a letter for that purpose. Because of Wilbraham's absence, however, it cannot be effected. Petitioner asks that, in view of his slender means which cannot maintain him indefinitely in London, another person be appointed to draft the letter, and suggests Sir Julius Caesar.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1709.)
Richard Orrell to Lord Cecil.
[Before August 20, 1604]. Six years ago petitioner leased from him a house called Pymmes at Edmonton with certain parcels of land at the annual rent of £103, together with the right to timber from Cecil's woods at Edmonton for any necessary repairs. Despite this, Cecil's surveyor and officials have refused him timber on the grounds that a restraint has been placed by Cecil on the same. Petitioner has been forced to buy the requisite quantity of timber for repairs to the amount of £200. He requests that he be granted some indemnification for these supplementary expenses, and that a lease of the house and lands for his life, his wife and one of his children, or for 31 years, at a reasonable rent be awarded him in view of the expenses in maintaining the property.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 105.)
Edmund Todd to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. He is charged with a privy seal for a loan of £30 to the King, but he has not the means to contribute such an amount. He has only a small living consisting of 25 inhabitants, of whom 17 are cottagers, and has many children to provide for. These facts are attested by four of his parishioners.—Undated.
Signed: Richard Deyer, George Wauboy, Edward Rolte, H. Goodrych. 1 p. (P. 726.)
John Jeanes to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. He is tenant of part of Cranborne's parsonage of Martock, co. Somerset. Recently he paid Cranborne a fine of £850 for that part, and to do so he was forced to borrow £400, which he is expected to repay within an agreed time. Some of the Justices of the Peace of Somersetshire, however, having heard of the transaction, have served him with a privy seal for the loan of £25 to the King which he is not in a position to pay. He asks to be discharged of the privy seal.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1424.)
John Proctor to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. Thomas Banks, of Hanslop, co. Bucks., is possessed of a tenement within the manor of Hanslop, paying £3 annually as rent to the Queen. Ralph Stacey of Hanslop has the possession of the mills there, as well as of a malt mill, demised to Thomas Mathew, paying a yearly rent of £6:3:4 to the Queen. Petitioner asks for a lease in reversion of the abovementioned premises, that he be commended to the Queen's Commissioners for leases, and that the auditors of Buckingham shire be instructed to send a particular of the premises to Cranborne.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Proctor, the Queens gent. harbinger to my Lord." ⅓ p. (P. 98).
The Tenants of the Queen's manor at Bisley to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. Cranborne has been pleased to interest himself in the case of the widow West, whose tenement has been granted over her head to another person. This reversion was procured by the Steward of the manor, Mr Rastall, by means of Richard Bird who holds the manorial court for him, although he has been convicted for defrauding the late Queen Elizabeth of many fines. Cranborne has enquired whether the custom of the manor permits the reversion of any copyhold tenement without the consent of the copyholder occupying it. Petitioners inform him that such a reversion is prohibited by the custom of the manor, and complain that Richard Bird is guilty of violating manorial customs and oppressing customary tenants. They request that the observance of the ancient customs of Bisley be strictly enforced.—Undated.
Fifteen signatures: ¾ p. (P. 1527.) See P. 1530 supra p. 160.
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 123.]
John Crane to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. He is the former Comptroller of Berwick garrison, and is under an obligation to Cranborne for having procured that position for him, and, later, for obtaining a pension for him out of the Exchequer. In regard of many considerations, including that of 26 years' service, he asks that he be allowed to convey his pension to another person, for the discharging of his debts, and so to avoid prison.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1427.)
Fulk Lloyd to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August 20, 1604]. Two years ago, in July, petitioner was indicted at a coroner's inquest as an accessory to the murder of John Lewis Gwyn. Most of the jury were tenants or servants of Sir John Salisbury, who is very desirous of annexing a parcel of petitioner's property adjoining to his (Salisbury's) house. Petitioner was committed to Denbigh gaol, but when the case was tried at the Assizes a grand jury of the most reputable and substantial gentlemen of Denbighshire acquitted him, although Sir John Salisbury personally conducted the prosecution. Since then, however, his adversaries have been watching their opportunity to fasten the guilt for the murder on to petitioner, and to circumvent their designs his friends thought it advisable to obtain the King's pardon, which was granted. For some reason, however, it has been stayed by Lord Zouche, and petitioner asks that it be made effective.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of Ffowlke Lloide. May it please your honor to be further satisfied in the premises by Sir Henry Townsend, one of the justices of Assize for the countie of Denbigh, who goeth out of towne to morowe." 1 p. (P. 1446.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 130, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, pp. 177–8, 286–8, 301.]
[c. August 27, 1604]. "The covenants betweene the Kinges Matie and the patentees contayned in the indenture of the former patent.
Ffirst, to delyver into his Mats stoare within the tower of London yearelie, allowinge twelve monnethes to every yeare, 120 lasts, that is to saie, 10 lasts of good and servicable corne gunpowder.
Item, a warrant unto the Lord Treasurer of England and Chamberlaines of thexchequer for payment of the monie uppon receipt of the monnethlie proportion.
Item, a nōie pene of fiftie pounds if the monnethlie service shalbee wantinge one monneth after the same shalbee due.
Item, a covenant that the patentees are to delyver such surplus of gunpowder for the service of his Matie as shalbee remayninge in there hands, besides the monnethlie proportion, as by the Lord Treasurer and Mr of the ordynance for the tyme beinge shalbee thought meete.
Item, a warrant for the overplus of the monnethlie proportion accordinge to the former at the rate of 10d.
Item, that all the gunpowder, the Kinges stoare beinge furnished, maie be solde and uttered to any merchaunts for the defence of any his Mats realmes or domynions or any other his Mats lovinge subjects.
Item, that the patentees have liberty to transport all such gunpowder as is overplus of his Mats service and furnishinge the merchaunts and other his Highnes lovinge subjects, in any his Mats realmes or domynions or into any other places beyonde the seas and in amytie with his Matie.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1592 [sic]. Patentees for Powder." ¾ p. (199. 127.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 278.]
Sir Anthony Forrest (fn. 3) to the King.
[After August, 1604]. In all the courts of Equity at Westminster and elsewhere, there is a known and sworn examiner only in the Court of Exchequer Chamber. There the office is executed by the Barons' men, who are now sworn, with resultant inconveniences to both King and subject, and who charge 7d a sheet copied or to be copied, which is the ancient fee due to every examiner. Petitioner requests that the office be conferred upon him or his assigns for term of three lives; and also that the Barons be prohibited from commissioning their men to examine witnesses in any case except where witnesses testify on oath that they cannot travel thirty miles outside London. All other witnesses to be examined by petitioner or his assigns, who shall be sworn and execute the office daily.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Tyrwit aboute a place in ye Exchequer." Faded. 1 p. (P. 1828.)
William Sharp to the Privy Council.
[After August, 1604]. He was Purser of the Phoenix of London, which met with a Spanish warship off the coast of Spain. The Spaniard "hayled and cryed amayne for the King of Spayne, whereuppon as was the custome of the seas wee strooke our topsailes and shewed our colors, and wee told them that wee were of England and bound for Cales [Cadiz] in Spaine with marchants goods for trade in peceable manner and that all was ffreinds to their King and them." (fn. 4) Despite this the Spanish vessel shot at them and continued to do so even when they submitted without resistance. The English ship received over 200 shot, one of which severed petitioner's right arm. The Spaniards proceeded to rob the crew of the Phoenix and ransack her cargo, and finally sailed away without attending to the English wounded. He begs for some compensation for the loss of his arm.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1210.)
Francis Verseline to Viscount Cranborne.
[After August, 1604]. Last August the King decided to hear the case between petitioner and Sir Jerome Bowes regarding the manufacture of Venetian glasses. Petitioner offered the King a rent of £300 per annum for the licence and it was accepted. As a favour to Bowes the King informed him through Sir Julius Caesar that, to end the dispute between him and petitioner, and although his licence had only three more years to run, Bowes was to receive the rent for his life time, and after his death it was to be paid to the Exchequer. Bowes has refused the King's proposal, and has obtained an order from the Privy Council that the case be heard in the immediate future. It transpires by Mr Wardour of the Exchequer that Bowes has paid no rent during the nine years he has held the licence, and actually owes one hundred marks a year. Petitioner therefore asks that the matter be not discussed by the Privy Council until the King be informed of Bowes's refusal to accept his proposal.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 765.)


  • 1. The Anglo-Spanish peace treaty was signed on August 19, 1604.
  • 2. Robert, Lord Cecil, was created Viscount Cranborne on August 20, 1604.
  • 3. Knighted on August 20, 1604.
  • 4. The Anglo-Spanish peace treaty was proclaimed on August 19, 1604.