Cecil Papers: 1660

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1660', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp437-439 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1660', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp437-439.

"Cecil Papers: 1660". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp437-439.


The Countess of Carlisle (fn. 1) to [? the Earl of Salisbury].
[1660 or before]. "Hearing Mr Holles saye what I thought were resnable, and my desier being great to serve you bothe, maks me have a mind to tell it your Lo: which is that he is willing to refear all your diferences to my brother, though he is not unknowing the advantage your Lo: hase of him, bothe in frenshipe and alyence. If I be thought to talke to as letell purpose as my Lord Lincone ded, yet I beseeche you to beleeve that tis not from my inclinatione of being busie, but my earnest conserne in all that relats to your Lo:.—Undated.
Holograph. Only this last portion of Lady Carlile's letter has been preserved. 1 p. (200. 75.)
1660, July 18. Grant of the King's pardon to the Earl of Salisbury. Westminster 18 Julii, anno regni nsi 12.
Endorsed: "18 July 12 Car scdi. Wm Earle of Salisbury his pardon." Seal, broken. 1 m. (Deeds 26/2.)
The Countess of Devonshire to Lady Cranborne.
[? 1660] July 27. "I have left order with the housekeeper that whenever you send for my brothers pictur you shall be surer to have it." Assures her of her readiness to do any service. "I have sent you the Death heade I prommised you for your clossett. Pray give it a rome for my sake. I hope it will give you ocation some times to thinke upon me, and to sattisfie me that you doe so lett me have it under your hande to comfort me att the disstance I shall be att from all my frindes."—Lattemers, Julie the 27.
Holograph. Seal. Addressed: "For my Ladie Cranborne att Tienam with a boxe." 2 pp. (General 74/14.)
1660, September 29 to 1661, September 29. Household expenses, etc, in the hand of Samuel Perceval. Inter alia:
To Mr Brydall, goldsmith, for plate lost when the King was at Hatfeild. 0 17 0
To a mayde that helpd in the nursery when the nursery mayde was turned away by my Ladys command. 0 10 6
For sweetmeates delivered when the King was at Hatfeild. 20 00 0
To Mr Ware, goldsmyth, for a silver trenchar plate of my Lord Devonshires that was lost. 7 16 10
To the Kings fisherman for eggs of the outlandish ffowle in St James Parke and for carrying them to Hatfeild. 0 15 0
Given to the bonfire at the Coronation. 0 10 0
For Mr Robert Cecills children passage to and from London at the Coronation. 1 03 0
Given to the bonfire at the sitting of the Parliament. 0 10 0
June For carrying of water to brew ale from the Thames for 31 weekes. 1 11 0
For the charge of Lord Cranborns ffunerall. 44 18 4
For the charge of Mrs Penelope Cecills buryall. 7 2 2
For the charge of Mr Philip Cecills wives buriall by my Ladys order. 12 13 4
For the charge of Mr Edward Cecills being called to the barr by my Lords order. 10 0 0
For Mr Henry Cecills charge on removeing to the country after the small pox. 3 19 0
62 pp. (Accounts 129/12.)
1660, September 29 to 1661, September 29. Account of money spent on provisions, wages, wines, candles and carriage of goods. Inter alia:
February 10 Payd for 1 lb of louefe sugur and a quart of cream to macke wafares for my Lady Bedford when the King dined there. 00 02 04
March 13 Payd a wooman that cam out of Ittaly for 5 Gall. of Florence oyle att 9s the gall. 02 05 00
42 pp. (Accounts 129/11.)
Samuel Percival to Keilway Guidott.
1660, October 8. "My Lord is much satisfied with Mr Battisons paper about the 2 pattents, and resolves not to neglect his interest therin. To this end his pleasure is you should carry Judge Hales opinion to Sir Edward Turnor and advise with him what course is fittest to take in his application to his Mat about it, and of all other circumstances conduceing heereto, as particularly about the tyme, least comeing after the Dukes grant is fully confirmed he meet more difficulties then tis like hee shall before." —8 October, '60.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 18/3.)
Marriage Proposals (fn. 2)
[? 1660]. "My lord of Salsbury shall have with my daughter 90001 according as my Lord Lexington treated with his Lordship, 60001 wherofe to be payed on the day of maraige; the other 30001 six months after; and for joyntur expect 16001 per ann and that land to be for the present maintinance of the young people, that if it be found inconvenient there being in familie with parents, they may live by themselves. Out of this 16001, 3001 I desire for my daughters personall allowance made over to trustees for her as her sister Exeter hath. (fn. 3) For settlement of my Lord Salsburys estate, presume his Lordship will doe the best for the grandour of his house, and both sides referr to the usuall method of lawyers in the like cases. The estate in Scotland I would be satisfide what the revenue is and how settled upon the Lord Cramburne."—Undated.
Signed, but not in his handwriting: "J. Rutland." 1 p. (200. 69.)


  • 1. Died on 5 November, 1660.
  • 2. The marriage settlement between James, Viscount Cranborne, and Margaret, daughter of John Manners, 8th Earl of Rutland, was dated 1 October, 1661, according to Burke's Peerage.
  • 3. Frances, daughter of the Earl of Rutland, and wife of John Cecill, 4th Earl of Exeter, died on 2 December, 1660.