Theobald's House and Park, Cheshunt Park, and
Enfield. |
1650–62. |
41 papers—petitions, evidences, parliamentary
orders, etc, relating to the Earl of Salisbury's claim for compensation for offices, which he had formerly held under royal grants
at the above places. Inter alia: |
1651, December 25 |
The Committee of Obstructions for the sale
of the land of the late King, Queen and
Prince, reported to Parliament on the Earl
of Salisbury's claim to the above. It was
resolved that the Earl should be awarded
£5360:18:4 as compensation, and that
this sum should be allocated out of the
money derived from sale of delinquents'
lands. |
1652, November 18 |
Ordered by Parliament that the above sum
should be charged in course upon the growing revenue coming into Goldsmiths Hall
for two parts of the estates of papists not
being delinquents, and out of the rents and
profits of the estates of delinquents under
(Legal 100.) |
The Earl of Salisbury and others, executors of Philip,
late Earl of Pembroke, and Philip, now Earl of Pembroke,
to the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal. |
[1650 or later]. |
As to their cause against Henry Wolferyes
the elder and others. Pray for a new hearing.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1767.) |
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1650–51, January 14. |
"That your Lordship may not be
without the knowledge of what concerns your grandchilde, I take
the boldenesse to acquaint you with the reason of my not proceedeing in the treatie betweene my Lord Grey and me. When
we were allmost agreed upon the conditions, and that the young
gentleman came hither to make his addresses, we observed not
only a very strainge behavior in him, but such a disordered
melancolie as argued a minde not well composed. Whether this
proceedes from some distemper or a naturall weakenesse I can not
judge, being alltogether a strainger to him. But upon inquirie I
found that some few weekes before his comeing hither, his father
and mother had taken notice of a change in him, yet still hoped
out of their fondnesse of him that it would passe away. But I
shall not venter my daughter upon those uncertaineties. Your
Lordships approbation in this will adde confidence to [my]
inclinations."—14 January, 1650.
Holograph. Seal. 1¾ pp. (200. 20.) |
Theobald's, Cheshunt and Enfield. |
[1650–51, January 19.] |
"The Case of the Right honorable
William, Earle of Salisbury, as now it stands before the Committee for Obstructions touching his Lordships recompence for
his interest in Theobalds house and Parke, Cheshunt and Enfeild
Parkes. |
1. That Mr Garland, being by order of the said Committee of the
7th May last to report to the House the case of the said Earle,
presented to them in writeing under the hand of Mr Collins, his
Lordships auditor, together with the vote of that Committee that
his Lordship had not a distinct interest in the herbage and
pannage of the said parkes, the day that the report was made,
being the 14th of May, his Lordship presented to the house a
Petition with a paper of his demaunds for recompense, which
Petition and paper were committed to the said Committee to examine and report to the House. |
2. That the 17th May the Committee did referre the examination
and consideration of the said order of reference, Petition and
paper to a subcommittee to prepare the report as farre as they
could goe, and to make report thereof to the Committee. |
3. That the subcommittee meeteing did peruse and examine the
severall patents and compared the severall ffees therein mentioned
and those demaunded in the paper, and referring the casuall
and uncertain ffees demaunded to proofe upon oath, Maior Lister
did 28th May report the whole matter as it appeared by the
patents to the Committee. |
4. That the 11th June severall witnesses to prove the casuall ffees
were produced, sworne and referred to the subcommittee to
examine. |
5. The 19th June Mr John Goodwin reported the depositions of
severall of the said witnesses as to that point. |
6. The 2d July other two witnesses sworne and referred as aforesaid, and the 9th July Mr Edwards reports the deposition of one
of them; upon which day the report of the subcommittee and
the depositions of the witnesses being read and order taken to
insert the depositions into the said report, it was ordered that
Maior Lister should report the same to the House. |
7. That before the report made to the House, in regard the witnesses had sworne the casuall profitts to be more then his Lordship
demaunded, which being added the sume was greater then that
presented to the House, the Committee did resume the debate
of this busines and 23th July referred backe the same to the subcommittee to examine on the purchasers behalfe, as well that
which should be presented by way of charge as of benefitt. |
8. That hereupon the agent for the purchasers did present to the
subcommittee a paper conteyneing objections against the said
demaunds by reason of the charge of executeing the severall offices,
which was the 6th August by Mr Goodwin reported to the Committee. |
9. That the 27th August the Earle put in his answere to those
objections. And thereupon the agent for the purchasers, being
presently to march to Scotland, requested that by consent the
heareing and determineing of this busines might be respited till
the last of December, unlesse his Lordship would accept his
recompence elsewhere and not out of the Parkes. |
Now in regard his Lordship doth not expect his recompence
hence but elsewhere as the Parliament shall hereafter thinke fitt,
and that he hath not at all to doe with the purchasers herein, he
desires that the said report soe prepared, examined and proved
may be made to the Parliament to whom he referreth himselfe
Endorsed: "19th Jan: 1650. Earle of Salisburys case as now
it stands at the Committee of Obstructions." 1¾ pp. (Accounts
46/5.) |
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1650–51, January 28. |
"I have not neclected to acquaint
divers freinds with the occation of the breache of the treatie
betweene my Lord Grey and me. The unfittnesse and unworthinesse of the young man is sufficiently confessed in severall letters
from my Lord Grey, my Lady Grey and himselfe since his last
being here. I have neither had tyme nor knowledge enough of
him to discover what it is that troubles his weake braine, but I
beleeve it rather folly with some touch of a tame mopeish maddnesse then any thing of witchcraft, or love to his mothers chambermaide, as some report of him. I doubt not but he may passe up
and downe the streetes and other places without doing extravagant
things, but by that little which I have seene of him, if in the
actions of his life he ever shewes abillities, I am very much
deceaved. Your Lordship may be assured that what you say out
of favor to me or my daughter shall never passe further or be
made use of to your prejudice."—28 January, 1650.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (200. 21.) |
Cranborne Inventory. |
1651, May 24. |
Inventory of household goods at Cranborne on
August 26, 1639, reviewed on this date in the light of what the
mansion house had suffered from the depredations of the troops
of Prince Maurice and Lord Goring during the Civil War. Also
list of household stuff remaining in the Priory or parsonage of
Cranborne. |
Note at end by Samuel Stillingfleet: "All the householde stuff
before mentioned concerninge the parsonage of Cranborne in this
inventorie is there nowe remayninge, and likewise all the householde stuffe belonginge to the mannor house of Cranborne (except
what is sett downe in the margent of this inventorye, which was
not removed to Caresbrooke castle) and was plundred by Prince
Maurice his soldiers and a second tyme by Generall Gorings
souldiers. The lynnen is in a good condition and hath beene
latelye newe washt, so is likewise the householde stuffe consideringe the antiquitie of it. This was taken 24 of Maye, 1651."
10 pp. 2 copies. (Box C/22 and 27.) |
Books of Accounts. |
1651, September 19. |
Account book of Thomas Dixon, Clerk
of the Kitchen. It includes details of receipts, payments for
groceries, wines, corn, candles, etc, as well as of wages to the
domestic staff and other employees of the Earl of Salisbury at
Hatfield and Quickswood.
(Box V/2.) |