Cecil Papers: 1637

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1637', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp290-293 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1637', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp290-293.

"Cecil Papers: 1637". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp290-293.


The Earl of Newcastle to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1637, April 30. The assurance that I am in your favour is a joy beyond my expression. I renounce compliment or courtship, your Lordship knows I am good at neither. The particular affection to serve you and the reality of my heart to perform it, were there an occasion, my actions should speak for me.—Welbeck, this last day of April, 1637.
Holograph. 1 p. (131. 54.)
St. Michael's Mount.
1637, May 16. Particulars of the Castle, late priory or cell of St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, belonging to the Earl of Salisbury. 3 pp. (143. 153.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1637, August 6. His Majesty calling to mind how necessary it is, especially in these stirring and hostile times, that there should be a fit proportion of gunpowder in the store of every county of the kingdom, to be ready upon all occasions as well for the exercising the trained bands as otherwise, did this day sitting in Council command that order should be forthwith given accordingly. Wherefore these are in his Majesty's name to require you presently to take effectual order that the magazine of that county be with all possible expedition replenished and furnished with the wonted and a competent proportion of gunpowder; and to cause the trained bands to practise and exercise their arms in parts where the infection of the plague is not as oft as may be with conveniency, that they may be the more ready and expert in the use of the same. And we pray you by the first of November next to send to this Board an account what proportion of powder and shot shall be then remaining in the store of that county.—From the Court at Oatlands, 6 August, 1637.
Eight signatures. 1 p. (131. 55.)
The Earl of Newcastle to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1637, October 1. I can suffer no longer your favours to be received by me at the second hand, but to give your Lordship thanks for them in my own name. 'T is true Sir John Munson, your most faithful servant and my noble friend, has laboured to make your Lordship and me at a nearer friendship, which I hope in God in his due time will be effected. Truly I both honour and particularly love your person. I will neither flatter, dissemble or stand at distance with you, for in good faith I am not a good market man in beating a bargain. The plain and direct ways I hold best, and ought to be held to such men of honour as yourself; and therefore I am not ashamed to confess I seek your Lordship's [aid] and by all the just ways I can, and truly did you know some passages of late you would say I both loved and honoured you, as well as for my own ends. And good my Lord, give me leave, for I beg it at your hands, that I may have no saint to pray to but yourself.—Welbeck, the first of October, 1637.
P.S. I am so unprofitably yours, yet if your Lordship would have a hare or a good hound, I think I could serve you. I beseech you command me, for I am confident I am very sufficient in those affairs.
P.P.S. My Lord, I beseech you do not think me so incivil as to hasten you or press you in any thing more than your own heart desires.
Holograph. 2 pp. (131. 56.)
Elizabeth Vaux to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1637] December 8. "I have a hart so senceball and over burdoned with your latt misfortun as my penn is not to be forbidden to expres a sence of the great and unmachlys los my sister and your Lordship at this time suffers. (fn. 1) I wish from my soull I could ether by my presance or my penn remove what only time and a christian discrestion can parfickt.—Bouten, this 8 of Desember."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "E. of Veaux to me." 1 p. (200. 37.)
The Earl of Kingston to Arthur Capell.
1637, December 12. "I understand you are now to present a vicar to your church of Gresley whereunto you have been a bountifull and religious patron, and that Mr William Hewitt wilbee a sutor to you for that place." Requests leave to testify to Hewitt's ability and "christian carriage" in his profession. He also wishes to refer to another matter. "I am, by the help of Mr Willoughby, a Counsellor of Grayes Inn, endeavouring to procure such records and helps as may att the Justice seate for Shyrwood Forrest (which in expectation approcheth fast) keep it within the antient and true bounds so often perambulated, which matter concerning you more than mee, I am bold to move you (if you can give Mr Willoughby any advise or direction where and what to search for) to be pleased expeditly to doo the same, least I faile in what I would for the generall good for want of assistance by them who know more." His wife sends her respects. "She claymeth kindred of you, both your grandmothers being systers and daughters of the Earle of Rutland."—12 Decembr. 1637.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "The Earle of Kingstone his letter in the behalfe of Mr William Hewitt to be vicar of Greasley." 1 p. (200. 110.)
The Earl of Newcastle to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1637, December 24. I am sorry there should anything drop from me that should give you the least cause of trouble since there was nothing less meant. Since it is your commands to deliver my opinion about the letter, besides the civility I hold it a duty to obey you. Truly I neither think counterfeiting your hand or any other knavery in it, but merely some little mistake in the lapping up of the letters which any [one] might have done, especially one so full of business as your Lordship; and further I do think the letter that came to my hands should have been with one of the Ambassadors at Paris, and I doubt one of them has mine. And more to confirm your Lordship in this opinion, according to your commands I send you here enclosed your letter.
Now for that great lady's report, I beseech you to let it die. I heartily beg it of you, and I hope you will grant this one of my first petitions. Truly she being a lady is one motive to let it pass, and then being such a lady, for she is and has been long resolved, though upon no ground, never to love me, God forgive her for it, but such sometimes is the malice of a woman; but I confess I thought it would not have followed to the third and fourth generation of those that loved. I beg it at your hands that you will not stir in it, for she is too easily heated against me, it will aggravate her too much, anger your Lordship and prejudice my daughter, make talk for the town of my indiscretion to acquaint you with it when my end was nothing but that malicious tongues should not prejudice me with you, but that I might stand fair there where I kist honour; and I hope neither her's nor anybody else's shall do it. I know you are too just.—Welbeck, 24 December, 1637.
P.S. My Lord, I thank you for your very kind letter to me. You love too well, yet God reward you for it.
Holograph. 2 pp. (131. 57.)
[? 1637]. A petition from the tenants and inhabitants of Greasley to Arthur Capell. "It so falling out that wee are lyke to loose our late Vickar, Mr Lemuell Tuke, by some crosses falne upon him, it is our joynt request unto your worthy selfe, and that with the full consente of the said Mr Tuke (as will appeare unto you), that you would be pleased to cast your eyes of favour upon one Mr William Hewett, and to present him to your said vickaradge. Wee have longe and good experience of the honesty, diligency, quiet disposition, pyety and conformity of this Mr Hewett, hee haveing lived longe a neare neighboure to us for the space of aboute ten yeares, which makes us the more bould to commende him that farr unto you." They beg him to regard this petition as a request for his favour, not as an encroachment on his rights as impropriator.—Undated.
Signed: William Greene; Robert Gregore; Patrick Cocke; Will. Cocke; George Lane; William Smith; Ffrancis Shipperd; Cha. Cocke; Charles Jamsonn. 1 p. (200. 111.)


  • 1. This is probably a reference to the death of Anne, eldest daughter of the Earl of Salisbury and wife of Algernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland, on 6 December, 1637.