Cecil Papers: 1630

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1630', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp255-260 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1630', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp255-260.

"Cecil Papers: 1630". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp255-260.


Lands in Kent.
1629–30, January 10. Note as to lands and woods in Kent.
1 p. (145. 154.)
Thomas Avis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1629–30, February 7. For further allowance for building the stable at Hatfield. Appends list of payments made.—7 February, 1629.
3 pp. (P. 1834.)
Hannibal Newman to Christopher Keighley.
[Before February 21, 1630]. "Touching our laste conferens, if it maie please my lord to impose the goverment of the Mount upon mee, videlct, the comannd of the Castle, the Iland, herbadg, conies and all such persons as shall ther live, togither with the ancoradge, killage and mesurage due to my lord within the Mountes baie, curnows house, the shopp, stable, bruehouse, colehouse, a convenient seller, and twenty pound stipend yerlie, I will by Gods assistans take upon mee the keeping of the castle and secure my lord for all suche munition, provision and thinges as shall be comitted to my charge; and herupon to keepe a gunner, a porter and three able persons more."—Undated.
PS. "As for my loialtie and faithfull servis, Francis Bassett, esqr, vize-admirall of Cornwall and colonell of the western regiment, with anie other gentleman of accompt in these western partes, will inggadge themselves if it please my lord to require it."
Holograph. 1 p. (General 101/12.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to —.
1629–30, February 21. Has been informed that Mr Newman is most desirous of assuming the custody of St. Michael's Mount, and to do him [Salisbury] service wherever he can in Cornwall. He is prepared, upon certain conditions, to entrust Newman with the custody of the Mount, and has accordingly requested Mr St. Tabin to take part in the finalization of the agreement, to make an inventory at the Mount and to put Newman in possession of it.—Salisburie house, this 21th of Ffebruary, 1629.
Draft. Unsigned. ½ p. (General 87/23.)
Paul Downton to Philip, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain to the King.
[After April 10, 1630 (fn. 1) ]. For licence to arrest Richard and Thomas Bray, the King's servants, for a debt, or for order to Thomas Bray to pay the same.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1753.)
Thomas Seyntaubyn to John Latham and Christopher Keighley.
1630, April 26. "Accordinge to your letter of direction to me for the placing in of Mr Haniball Newman to be Captain of the Mount, I have on the 20th of Marche last settled hym in that office of Captainshipp, and have taken securitye of hym and my cosen Bassett by bond of 500l to my lords use." They have promised to give further security if this is not sufficient. "I have delivered to Captain Newman only such thinges as Lieutenant Harvey had in that charge with hym." Has ordered the rest of the soldiers to obey Newman. They refuse to deliver up their places until they receive back the bonds signed by them as security for faithful service to the Earl of Salisbury. Refers to unsatisfactory state of the payments of rents, etc, at the Mount.—Helston, this 26th of Aprill, 1630.
Holograph. Endorsed: "April 1630. Capt Newman admitted." 1 p. (General 88/5.)
1630, May 18. "An accompt of money disbursed by me Edward Hamond at London in Easter terme 1630 ffor Mr Arthur Capell, esquire."
li s d
Inprimis, payed to Mr Robert Dyxson by the said Mr Arthur Capell his appointement. 17 4 6
Payed to Andrew Morryson his tayler as by his bill appeares. 3 10 0
Paid to Mr Honner for gloves, etc, for him as by his bill therof appeares. 2 7 0
Given to Mr Ffreeman, Escheater the last yeare of this county of Hertford, for forbeareinge the findeinge of the office after the death of Sir Charles Morryson. 2 0 0
To Mr Roger Clarke for six yards of stuffe for a suite for him. 1 10 0
More to him for two ells of Taffatye for the dublett and pocketts. 1 4 0
To Mr Ffeakes a goldsmith for a gold seale for him. 1 2 0
To Mr Carter for a continewance of the lyvery uppon the death of Sir Charles Morryson untill Trinitye terme next. 10 0
For 8 ounces of hard waxe. 2 8
For 6 mackerells. 2 6
For 6 hartichokes 2 0
For 12 orenges and two lemons. 1 4
For new tynninge and new bosses for Mtris Capells bitt. 2 0
Given to Sir Edward Barkhams clarke when I receyved the silver porrenger of him which Robert Percye tooke awaye 2 0
Summe totall 30li 0s 0d
1 p. (200. 108d.)
1630 [July]. "An accompt of money receyved and disbursed by me Edward Hamond for Mr Arthur Capell, esquire, for Trinitye terme 1630."
li s d
Receipts. Inprimis, receyved of him before I went to London this terme. 100 0 0
Receyved from Mr Allington of the Pipe office for his rent issuinge out of the towne of Darby for a yeare ended at Michas last. 16 0 0
Receyved of Mr Brigham the cochmaker for the old coch sold to him. 8 0 0
Summe totall rec. 124li 0s 0d wherof disbursed as followeth:
Disbursments. Payd to Mr Brigham for the new coche as by his bill and acquittance appeareth. 40 0 0
For a blacke bever hatt for him without a band with a boxe to bringe it home. 2 18 0
To Mr Barker, Escheator of Nottingham sheire the last yeare for forbearinge the findinge of the office after the death of Sir Charles Morryson. 2 0 0
Given to Mr Caltropp for a ffee for his advise about the office drawen upp by Mr Bancks to be found after the death of the sayd Sir Charles Morryson. 1 0 0
To Mr Carter for contynewinge the lyvery after the death of the sayd Sir Charles untill Michas terme next. 10 0
For a booke intituled Burtons Melancholly. 9 0
For Wrights booke uppon the passions of the mind for him. 2 6
For exchanging Mtris Capells porrenger. 8 6
For a silver seale for Mr Capell. 4 6
To the clarke of the pipe for alloweinge the payment of Darby rent in the sayd office. 6 8
To Mr Allington for a ffee to him uppon payment therof. 6 8
For a bushell of peasecodds sent downe at my first goinge upp. 2 3
Summe totall disbursed 48li 8s 1d
li s d
Receyved in all 124 0 0
Wherof disbursed 48 8 1
Rem. to Mr Capell 75 11 11
1 p. (200. 108e.)
England and the Low Countries.
1630, August 13. "Copy of the proposition of the Lord Ambassador of his Majesty of England concerning a treaty with Spain, delivered and propounded to the Lords, the Deputies, of their Excellencies the States General, Aug. 13, 1630."
My Lords. Whereas it is very certain that the King his Majesty of England, my lord and master, hath entered into a defensive covenant with your Excellencies the 7th day of September, 1625, against the King of Spain, the ground of which conjunction was the reestablishing of the Palatinate and the security and freedom of your Excellencies' provinces; and that hereupon not long since the aforesaid King of Spain hath made known his resolution, insomuch as he doth condescend to satisfy himself [marginal note: But how he will satisfy others God knows.] as well in the one as in the other point, as also doth earnestly long and desire that it may please his Majesty to entertain a treaty with him, whereupon the King my master from time to time hath afforded particular notice and intelligence to your Excellencies concerning his purpose and intent therein, with a desire to receive your resolution and opinion in the same. Now by reason your Excellencies have not as yet hitherto fully manifested yourselves and declared your minds, his Majesty my master hath commanded me to make known unto your Excellencies that upon the first article [marginal note: Restitution of the Palatinate.], which chiefly concerns his Majesty, such proffer hath been made unto him on the behalf of the King of Spain that his Majesty hath thought good to make trial of the same; and concerning the other point [marginal note: Treaty of a peace or truce with the States] the King of Spain is of so good a disposition that he hath given a procuration [marginal note struck through: Quantus ille Rex qui alios Reges Procuratores suos habet ?] into the hands of his Majesty to treat with your Excellencies either of a peace or truce.
And whereas his Majesty hitherto hath done nothing without acquainting your Excellencies therewith, he doth earnestly desire from you a final answer unto the said King of Spain, to wit, your Excellencies' meaning and intention either for the entertaining or refusing the intended treaty. And seeing that the matter is already so well prepared that the loss of time might be prejudicial unto the same, his Majesty requires of your Excellencies a speedy and categorical answer. And for my discharge I entreat your Excellencies that the same may be delivered to me in writing. Finis.
To all which proposition I have heard their answer was that they could give no such categorical answer as was demanded until they knew the minds and dispositions of their allies, the King of France, the King of Sweden and the State of France.
Holograph, including marginal notes. Damaged. 12/3 pp. (131. 45.)
[Two abridged copies of the above in S.P. Holland, Vol. 193, under August 10.]
Francis Godolphin to Christopher Keighley.
1630, November 10. Has been prevented by the haste of the bearer from giving a detailed account of the Earl of Salisbury's affairs entrusted to him, "but this in generall that monye comes in verye slowlye". However since Michaelmas, "there hath happened a riche wracke niere the Mount Peere which hath kept all this cuntrye soe busye in saving of riche commodities and yet doth, as that there hath beene noe time to cale a Court and to gether in the rents and other monye due".—Godolphin, this 10th of 9ber, 1630.
P.S. "I wishe you would send mee downe powre for to sue suche as are slacke in paying in what they owe on specialltye or other wise."
Holograph. 1 p. (General 72/2.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Hannibal Newman.
[? After 10 November, 1630]. "I understand that there was a shipp came in neare unto the peere which was fforced to unloade by reason of some leake spronge, by which meanes you mad composition for a third parte for land leave." Requires him to inform Salisbury's servant of the quality and quantity of the goods and how they were disposed of; and also to accompany him to attend upon Salisbury in order to give him a true account of the same.—Undated.
Draft. Unsigned. ½ p. (General 103/19.)
St. Michael's Mount.
1630, December 16. "I William, Earl of Salisburie, knight of the most noble order of the Garter and one of his Mats most honorable privie councell, for the especiall trust and confidence which I doe repose in my servant Hanniball Newman, doe hereby give and grante unto him the said Hanniball Newman the custody, ffull power and commande of all that Castle called St Michaells Mounte in the county of Cornewall and of all that Iland, fforte and othere places neare unto the same which of right belonge unto me (except such thinges as I have already lett within the said Iland), ffor and dureinge my will and pleasure, and doe allsoe hereby give and grante unto him the said Hanniball Newman and his deputies ffull power and authority to aske, demaund, receave and take to and for my use all such rights, dues and dutyes as of right doe or ought to belonge unto me in respecte of the said Castle, Iland and other places neare unto the same, and allsoe to have and preserve to my use all such wracks, partes and proffitts and other casualltyes as doe or of right ought to accrewe to me by reason of the said comand or by any othere lawfull wayes or meanes. And if any shall refusse to pay and performe the same, that then you take speedy course not only to give notice speedie unto me of the same, but to use such meanes for the obteyneing of the same as you in your discretion shall think fitt. Given under my hand and seale this xvi of December, anno dni 1630.
Draft. Unsigned. Endorsed: "16 Decembr 1630. Coppie of a warrante to Mr Newman for the commaunde of the Mounte." 1⅓ pp. (Legal 67/12.)


  • 1. His brother William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, whom he succeeded, died on 10 April, 1630.