Cecil Papers: 1628

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1628', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp239-249 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1628', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp239-249.

"Cecil Papers: 1628". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp239-249.


The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
1627–28, January 14. "I perceave that my sonne hathe abused yowr Lordship, him selfe and me to. He hathe exposed me to a great deale of trooble, to a great deale of disadvantage, and to a great deale of scorne. He hathe not dealt with me as I have deserved at his hands. Whoe soe ever they have bene that hathe bene the hissers on of this businesse in this sort, hathe donne yowr Lordship noe great peece of servis, to him lesse, when all things shall comme to light, be they men or women. If I had had a dawghter and yowr sonne had ingaged him selfe in this sort, I should not have trusted his words, or taken up upon credit what he had said, for nulla fides est in amore.
For yowr Lordships owen (sic) perticular, I confesse I beare noe mallise to yowr personne, nether doe I impute the wronges receaved from yowr father to yow, thoughe I fynd the wounds fresche smarting in my sydes to this day. Yett can not I in my judgement but find that ther is a great deale of difference betwene using a faier carriage and giving away all that I have: for his sonne shall be sure to be yowr dawghters sonne how soe ever.
Yowr Lordships noble offers of straining yowr selfe more towards me then any other subject slakes a littel the conceite that might have taken hold of the world of the capture of my sonne out of my hands ether by force or by cunning. The end will try all, for I have noe power left. All is in yowr Lordships hands and yow may doe or not doe according to yowr will. This is the disadvantage they [have] given me.
How things stand in perticulars emongest yow I know not. Poore lady, I feare, will have the least good in the bargain, how soe ever pleasing for the present. Loves will weare out and extinguishe when the knott that tyed them will not doe soe. Yowr Lordship as a carefull father shall doe well to forethink of theas things, and what a solytary lyfe she is lyke to suffer under an old man, whoes lyfe is not always best lyking to yong creatures that have lived in the smyles of good fortunes and not acquainted with the crosses of sutche as I am. I will not trooble yowr Lordship with any more of theas cogitations of myne."—Petworth, this 14 January, 1627.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (200. 11.)
Lady Anne Cecil.
[1627–28, January 25]. "I ame contented to give twelve thowsand pounds, the one halfe to be paid at the marriage, and the reste to be paid by twoe thowsand pounds at the end of everie six moneths untill it be paid.
For this I require for a joynture a convenient house and lands to the valewe of twoe thowsand pounds p ann, and that this and the reste may be settled upon my Lord Percie.
Alsoe I require that provisione may be made that if my Lord Percie die without yssue male and leave one or more daughters, that if but one daughter shee may have as much as nowe I give; if more, that then everie one may have five thowsand pounds a peece.
For preesente maintenance, I make noe doubt but your Lordship wilbe willinge to allowe them that which is fittinge and more then I can require."—Undated.
Endorsed: "25 Januarii, 1627. Concerninge my Ladie Ann." ¾ p. (200. 11a.)
The Earl of Northumberland to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1627–28, January 29]. I stayed your servant a day longe[r] than he was willing. I was full of pain and am so still, therefore cannot make any long discourse, which I hope you will excuse; but to the matter—thus:
I cannot choose but know what 120001 is in any of our purses of our qualities, and how little it is again in these times when we come to the spending it.
I have considered your Lordship's demands, and find two of them in mine own opinion unreasonable and such as I shall never grant to so long as I breathe; the one neither in part nor in whole, which is the portion for daughters that is not yet in being, a new device rarely used and very dangerous for them and fathers also, for it will seclude all obedience when they stand not at the father's will; it lays them open to all abusive needy persons, that if they can but gain a poor girl's good opinion, she is lost, and the father must pay for it whether he will or no. I will never be an instrument to breed that disobedience. I love not my son so evil as to thrust such a thorn in his hell, for believe me, I never saw marriages made with too great ties ever prosper, and obedience, be it in what sort so ever, either religious or moral, and it was ever bounded by reward or punishment, else came it to nothing nor did ever prosper. I mean not matter of jointures fit for the place, fit for dwelling, not too far dispersed for a woman's manage [menage], for so shall the heir be the loser in the end; but I mean such ties as shall make the wife insult upon her husband, or the sons or daughters neglect and be careless of their fathers. Therefore, my Lord, let us run in a straight line, without turnings and windings, as Henry Hotspur would have it when he and Mortimer divided England in a map.
Concerning your second demand, that I should assure all the land I have, 2000l excepted, upon my son. This demand I hold also unreasonable, but so much as is answerable to a portion of any nature as shall be offered, that I hold reasonable. For, my Lord, though the beauty of your daughter fettered my son, do not think to shackle me with 12000l, whereas if money were the only mark I shot at, I could easily carve myself of that sum out of 200,000l that I have at mine own disposing. Your Lordship is but a stranger to me, and perhaps knows me not to be one of these harsh natures, as they call me; and do they think that I will so easily put out of my hands the power God has put into, and make myself a slave to my son ? No, no, my Lord, you will find I can as easily leave a son as a son can leave a father. Perhaps some that seeks to heap all upon him and thinks the sweetness of his nature lies fitter for their mowing than mine does, are apt to persuade you to these demands, when they consider not that I may marry again, then must there be portions for other children, jointures for a wife, a son in being must be cared for, brothers I have many if I list to enlarge their means, grandchildren I am not without, and the sinews of my arm are not so stiff but that I may venture to give a blow for the service of my country, and by chance become a prisoner. Shall I be beholding to my son for my ransom or if I shall be in debt, shall I stand to his award ? Thus you see what I am resolved in these two points. If these you lay aside you may treat of the rest; if not lay them by, it it is but labour to treat further.—Petworth 29 January.
Holograph. Endorsed in a later hand: "1609." (sic) 3 pp. (126. 168–9.)
Ralph Pemberton, Mayor, and the Burgesses of St. Albans to the Earl of Salisbury.
1627–28, February 6. We understand by your Lordship's letter of his Majesty's writs shortly to be received by us for the election of our burgesses unto the Parliament, and your request unto us for nomination of one of the two burgesses for our town. We the Mayor and burgesses acknowledging ourselves much obliged unto you for many favours, do therefore profess ourselves very inclinable and ready to do any good office for you or whomsoever you shall commend unto our nomination or election; not doubting that you wish so well unto us that you will not propose unto us any but such a one as shall be completely qualified for such employment, and acquainted with our town and sensible of our occasions, to whom we may have easy access and whose election may pass the common suffrages and voices, both to himself without difficulty and without distraction to us.—St. Albans, 6 of February, 1627.
Ten signatures. 1 p. (131. 37.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1627–28] February 7. "Yowr Lordships free and noble dealing I confesse hathe brought me upon my knees, and shall make me ingeniously confesse that which otherwyse I would not have donne. All my estate is allready made sure upon him, and hathe bene soe this 12 years. I have never altered any thing, yett have I added more to it and shall daly. I am but tenant for terme of lyfe, and the reasons why I hold it better for him I shall telle yowr Lordship when I see yow. And if my reasons shall not be approved by yow, yowr Lordship and I shall soone agree. And to conclude this confession, I will say I love my house better then my selfe. As for the jointer to be allotted out, chuse yowr selfe where yow like best, Syon excepted, which I have long tyme, as Aulgernoun can telle yowr Lordship, determyned to sell and to lay it here; the reasons he can acquaint yowr Lordship with all. Wressell castell (a faiere house and sutche an one as H:8 said should be cauled Nonesutche if Nonesutche were not) I hold the fittest, but to yowr will I leave that. I thinke boeth to eschew yowr Lordship trooble and myne; if yow will command two of yowr officers to joyne with two of myne, it will give us boeth the best account what shall passe and where any stoppes may happen."—Pettworth, Febru: da: 7.
Holograph. 1 p. (200. 16.)
Sir John Heydon and others to Arthur Harris, Captain of St. Michael's Mount.
1627–28, February 15. According to the survey of the Mount made by the late Sir Richard Moryson, former Lieutenant of the Ordnance, it was certified amongst other defects that two platforms needed repairs at the estimated cost of £24. In order to carry out these repairs with all possible speed, they request Harris to perform the same with stone or well-seasoned timber, and to forward all expenses to them. The money will be paid over to any person accredited by him to receive it.—Office of thordnance, 15 Ffebr. 1627.
Signed: Jo. Heydon; Tho. Powell; Fra. Morice; Ed. Johnson. Endorsed: "Sir John Heydon and others to Mr Harris to repare the platformes at the Mount." ¾ p. (General 86/17.)
Copy of the above letter. (General 87/18.)
Speeches in Parliament.
1627–28, March 17 to 1629. "A book of Parliament speeches made in the third and fourth years of King Charles, beginning the 17th of March, 1627. Taken out by Phillip Shotbolt."
It contains the King's speech, 17 March, 1627; Sir Robert Cotton's speech, 1627; the King's propositions, 1627; The Petition for the Fast; Sir Thomas Wentworth, 22 March, 1627; Sir Thomas Seymour, 22 March, 1627; Sir Robert Phillips, same date; Sir Edward Coke, 25 March 1628; Speeches at the debates, 2 April, 1628; proceedings, 4 April, 1628; Lord Keeper's speech, 28 April, 1628; the King, 5 March, 1629. It contains also verses beginning, "The wisest King did wonder when he spied", ending "Else tonnage, poundage all shall be denied."; and another set of verses beginning, "A learned Bishop of this land", ending, "The scruple troubles all the rest." Also "Copy of a letter which the Devil sent to the Pope. 1629."
12½ pp. (253. 3.)
St. Michael's Mount.
1628, April 4. List of powder, shot and other war materials allocated to the Mount and loaded on April 2, 3 and 4, 1628.
At the bottom: "Recd this first of September 1628 all the powder and match above menconed into my custodie." Signed: Tho. Harveye.
"Recd this first of September 1628 all the rest of the provisiones within menconed into my custodie." Signed: John Slade, his m'ke.
1⅓ pp. (200. 12.)
The King to the House of Lords.
1628, May 12. As to the prerogative of imprisoning without caused assigned.—Westminster Palace, 12 May, 4 Car. 1.
Copy. 3 pp. (131. 46.)
[Printed in the Lords' Journals, I, 789; Rushworth's Collections, I, 560.]
Address of the Commons to King Charles.
[1628, June 15.]
34½ pp. (142. 212.)
[Printed in Rushworth's Collections, I, 619.]
The Rodamontados.
1628, June. Political verses. "The Rodamontados" "This was sent from his Gr. by the Lord Grymes to the Commons House of Parliament, from Nonsuch the 32 (sic) of June, 1628." Begins: "Avant you giddy headed multitiude." and ends: "The snarle on them that can but bark at me."
3 pp. (140. 126.)
St. Michael's Mount.
1628, August 2. List of ordnance, munition and weapons remaining at the Mount.
At the bottom: "Recd this first of September 1628 all the powder and match above menconed into my custodie." Signed: Tho. Harveye.
"Recd this first of September 1628 all the rest of the provisiones within menconed into my custodie." Signed: John Slade, his m'ke.
1½ pp. (200. 13.)
The Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham.
1628, August 23. This day betwixt 9 or 10 of the clock in the morning the noble Duke of Buckingham, being come out of a parlour into the house to go to his coach and so to the King, having about him divers lords, colonels and captains and many of his servants, was stabbed with a knife by one Lieutenant Felton through the lungs into the heart. At the blow the Duke cried "Villain !", but never spake more words, and he plucked out the knife himself making towards the traitor two or three paces, and so fell against a table, being upheld by divers near him; but instantly the blood came gushing forth from his mouth and from his wound so fast that his life and breath at once left that noble great person. You may easily apprehend what outcries were made by the commanders and officers, whereof the house and courts about it at that instant were full, every man present with the Duke bending their care to his wounded body. The murderer passed through, not so much as marked or followed, in so much that not knowing who or where he was, some came to keep guard at the gates, some to the rampiers of the town, in all which the villain was standing in the kitchen of the same house, and after hearing the inquiry made by multitude of captains and gentlemen that pressed into the house and courts about it, crying out "Where is the murderer ? Where is the villain ?" he most audaciously and resolutely drawing his sword came out amongst them, saying "I am the man. Here I am." Upon which divers lords had quickly their swords out to have killed him, but Sir Thomas Moorton, myself and some others with much trouble and difficulty drew him out of their hands, and by order from the Lord Carellton we had the charge of keeping him from any coming to him until the guard of musketeers were brought to convey him to the Governor's house, where we were discharged of him, the Lord Lynsey, the Lord Carellton and Mr Secretary Cooke being there to take his examination, of which I know nothing, only whilst he was in our custody I asked him divers questions. He said he is a Protestant in religion. He said he was discontended for want of 80l pay due to him, and for that he, being Lieutenant, the company was twice given over his head. Yet he said that did not move him to this resolution; but that reading the remonstrances of the House of Parliament it came into his mind that by committing this fact of killing the Duke he should do his country great service, and he said that tomorrow he was to be prayed for at London. I asked him at what place. He said at a church by Fleet St. Conduit; but I, seeing things falling from him in this manner, suffered him not to be further questioned by any, thinking it fitter for the Lords to find and know whether he were set on by any to perform this wicked deed. But to return to the outcries made at the blow given. The Duchess and Countess of Anglice, being in an upper chamber in the same house, came speedily forth into a gallery that looked into the hall, where she might see her dear Lord's heart's blood gushing from him. Such screeching and such distraction I never heard nor saw, and I hope I shall never see the like again. His Majesty's grief for the loss of him was expressed to be more than great by his many tears he hath shed for him, in which I end this tragic relation.
The murderer sewed a writing in the crown of his hat, within the lining, to show why he put this act in execution, thinking he should be killed at the same instant. The words are these to a syllable; "That man in my opinion is cowardly and base, and deserves neither the name of a gentleman nor a soldier, that is unwilling to sacrifice his life for the honour of God and the good of his King and country. Let no man commend me for it, but rather discommend themselves, for if God had not taken away their hearts for their sins, he had not gone so long unpunished. John Felton."
M D C Georgius Dux Buckingamre
X V V all the letters of enumeration is
V L 1 1 the year of the Lord 1628.
1 6 2 8
Then follows a verse of 22 lines. First line: "I that my country did betray" and the last line: "Why then hath Felton made the Duke his debtor."
The paper concludes with "The Duke's styles and offices", ending with a note: "I had this of Mr Burford the 2 of Septr 1628, at my chamber at the Angell in St Gyles in Holbourne."
2 pp. (253. 5.)
Algernon, Lord Percy, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1628] August 27. Although this late unexpected accident has made this a time full of business in the place where your Lordship is, and that you should not receive any diversion, yet finding this opportunity I could not but present you with my humble service. If I could think that by the death of this great man you had lost a friend, it would be a sufficient cause to make me sorry; but I cannot believe that he was ever friend to anything but his own ends, and so I leave him as yet unlamented. The eyes of all men are now upon the King to see how he will dispose of the places that are fallen into his hands, with expectation and hopes that he will confer them upon more deserving men. Your Lordship is designed both in this place and in many others for the man fittest to succeed him in the mastership of the horse; if the wishes of your friends and servants could effect it you should not long be out of possession. If it had been my good fortune to have met with you the day my father came to Sion, I had told you that which I must now ask leave for this letter to do. It is that I have put off my father for coming to live with me for this winter, but I am not yet certain whether he will furnish Salisbury House or no. The reason of my desire to be there was that I might have the happiness to be near your Lordship; if I fail in that I should be very unwilling to go farther from you, and therefore if it may stand with your liking I should think myself very happy if you would give us leave to be with you, so as it may be without either expense or other inconveniency unto you.—Hatfield, August 27.
PS. "My wife with the presentation of her humble service desires your blessing. Sir Richard Winne claims a promise of a burgess's place from your Lordship, and desired me to put you in mind of it, now Sir Charles Morison is dead."
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (131. 43/2.)
Ships in Mounts Bay.
1628, September. "The 5th came in 3 Fleminges of Amsterdam, theire loadinge salt and bound for Ireland.
The same daie came in two Rochell men of warr with 4 prizes, 3 of them loaden with French salt, the other with oyle and drie fish, and weare discharged sinight before the staie was out by virtue of Sir James Bagges warrant.
The 8th came in a Flemish hoigh, her loading mault, hoppes and rye, and bound for Ireland.
The 9th came in a man of warr of Lime which came from the southward with a prize, her loadinges sugers and bound homewardes.
The same daie came in a Londoner which came from Barbera, her loadinge goates skinnes, barbera hides and other comodities and bound homeward.
The 12th came in a man of warr of Weymouth and outward bound.
The 20th came in two men of warr, the one of Bristowe, the other of Topsome, and brought in with them one French man of warr which they two surprized. All these shipping remained in Mounts Baye untill the staie was out except the two Rochell men of warr and their prizes."
At bottom: Note of materials and work spent upon the castle. September, an dni 1628.
Unsigned. 1 p. (Legal 65/9.)
Philip Freher to — Collins.
1628, October 18. Thanks Collins for his letter of September 29 and the bill of exchange sent with it. He appreciates his care "which at this distance and in regard of the difficultie of payements at this time in France cannot bee superfluous". The first bill of exchange directed to Mr Calendrini in Geneva resulted in a great loss for them, so that they hope to stay no longer than next spring. "Mr Cecill is now, God bee thancked, in very good health after his recovery from the small pox, and mindeth nothing else but to perfect himselfe in the french tongue and other exercises during the tediousnesse of this winter, that hee may make one jorney or others towards the Spring as his Lordship shall give order for, consideringe with himselfe that the expenses in France are great and the time precious. All the newes I can tell you, sir, is that the peace with the Swedes is concluded, and the troubles at Paris are setled, the young french king being receaved againe with joye by the Parliament." Sends his regards to Mr Squibb.—From Geneva, the 18 of October, 1628.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 71/40.)
Cobham College, Kent.
1628, October. Rents due from Cobham College, co. Kent and other lands.
6 pp. (145. 151.)
1628, November 27. "A note of such monie as I disbursed for tuninge the organs and stringinge of the harpe siccal, 1628."
Imprimus, for tuninge of the organs. XXVs
Item, for stringinge the harpe siccall, and for making of new jackes. xiis
The summe is 37s
At bottom: Receipt, signed by James Hodgekinson, and dated 27th of November, 1628.
½ p. (Bills 210/9.)
"An Offer of Accommodation".
[? 1628]. The narration to stand thus as it doth, divers of the Kings Majesty's subjects have of late been imprisoned without cause showed and when for their deliverance they were brought.
The petition to be altered. And that no man be, for lending of money or for any other cause contrary to Magna Charta and the other six statutes insisted upon and the true intention of the same to be declared by your Majesty's judges in any such manner as is before mentioned, imprisoned or detained.
The King's answer according to his gracious intention may be thus:
Neither we nor our Privy Council shall or will at any time hereafter commit or command to prison or otherwise restrain the person of any for not lending of money unto us nor for any other cause contrary to the true intention of Magna Charta and those other six statutes insisted upon to be expound[ed] by our judges in that behalf.
We do humbly declare that our intention is not to lessen or impeach anything that by the oath of supremacy we have sworn to assist and defend.
1 p. (206. 108.)
[See Political History of England, VII, 149, etc.]
Refutation of a charge against the 1st Earl of Salisbury.
[After 1628]. "An Information in Mr Attorneies name against the now Earl of Salisbury for a fraudulent course plotted by the late Earl his father to deceave the late King. Sett forthe thus.
That the late Kinge about 3° of his reigne was minded to bestowe upon Sir Thomas Hamilton 2000l. Whereof the Earle of Salisbury, then High Treasorer, takinge notice, did undertake to sett him forthe lands of that value. But had a fraudulent purpose declared by these circumstances in the Information, viz:
To sett forthe lands of the greatest value but smallest rent of Assize, and procured particulars by the power of his place.
To joyne one Peter Bradshawe with Sir Thomas Hamilton in the suite upon pretence that he had done good service to the State, but meant him to be an instrument for himself, and made him be the sole patentee.
That the Earle procured lands worth 30,000l to be conveied to Bradshawe under pretence that they were but of the annuall valewe of 82l: 19s: 1d.
That the Earle persuaded Sir Thomas Hamilton to accept of 500l for his 2000l, pretendinge the lands allotted to his part be no more worth.
And afterward made Bradshawe sell the lands for 30,000l which came to the Earle's use.
This information is drawne on by some malicious relator that would wound the now Earles estate and his deceased fathers house, the relator all this while walkinge in darkenes. Ffor the suggestions appeare manifestly false in themselves.
(1) The late Earle was not Tresorer at that time nor divers yeares after as is suggested, nor Chancellor of the Dutchy who had to doe with the said lands convaied, being parcell of the Dutchy.
(2) Bradshawe, for ought the nowe Earle knoweth, a man merely nominated by Sir Thomas Hamilton and had no relation to the late Earle.
(3) The lands not purchased of Bradshawe by the late Earle, but by him convaied to others who surrendered to the Crown, and came after to the late Earle by a new graunt from K. James amongst other thinges. Some years after the said lands so supposed to be sold for 30,000l were sold but for 5700l.
About 5 yeares since the like Information was delivered to the late Duke of Buck[ingham] whoe after the busynes was thoroughly debated the Duke was soe well satisfied with what the nowe Earle did then make appeare, that the Duke conceived it not fitt the busynes should bee any further questioned."—Undated.
Unsigned. 1 p. (200. 15a.)