Cecil Papers: 1614

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1614', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp15-17 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1614', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp15-17.

"Cecil Papers: 1614". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp15-17.


The Earl of Salisbury's Tomb.
1613–14, January 4. Note by Simon Basyll of stone required for the finishing of the intended tomb for the late Lord Treasurer, with an estimate of workmanship and setting up.—4 January, 1613–14.
1 p. (206. 62.)
Lands of the Earl of Salisbury in Kent.
1614, July 5. Lands and woods sold by the second Earl of Salisbury in Cobham, Shorn, Higham and elsewhere, co. Kent; with list of lands unsold.
7½ pp. (145. 139.)
Hundreds of Cashoe and Dacorum.
1614, November 3. Two papers:
(1) Note of the free gifts given to his Majesty by half the two hundreds of Cashoe and Dacorum, co. Herts, received by Sir Henry Carye. Several of the contributors are marked "no subsidy men".
8 pp. (142. 202.)
[? 1614]
(2) List of free gifts to the King in certain parts of the hundreds of Cashoe and Dacorum: collected by Sir Thomas Pope Blunt of Tittenhanger.—Undated.
7 pp. (206. 88.)
1614, November 25. "According to your Lordships refference I have amongst other thinges considered of his Matys title to certeyne parcells of grounds within the parish of Redereth (commonly called or knowne by the names of Pickering Nash and Shanskore alias Sanshore within the county of Surrey; and haveing called both parties before mee and perused their evidences, ame perswaded there is good cause to put the same in lease for his Maty to Richard Syrons who hath taken paynes in the discovery and prosecution therof. Novembr. 25, 1614. Signed: F. Bacon."
Note at bottom: "This is a true Coppy of the originall." Signed: (?) J. Bassano.
Endorsed: "A Copie of Sir Ffrauncis Bacons Certificate for Pickeringe, 25 November, 1614." ½ p. (200. 163.)
Thomas Mannynge.
1614, November 27. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, Doctor of Law, on the complaint of Thomas Mannynge, of Beighton alias Bacton, co. Suffolk, tailor. By statute of 45 Edw. III it was decreed that tithes should not be paid on large trees of 20 years' growth and upwards. Robert Drury, of Rougham, co. Suffolk, knight, for 30 years past has been seized as of fee of one close of land called the Gravill Pytt close and another called Worshipps in the parish of Beighton or Bacton aforesaid. The said Robert sold to Thomas Mannygne the tops and heads of certain oaks, ashes and elms which he removed and disposed to his own use. Notwithstanding, one Simon Ballard, clerk, rector of the parish church of Bacton, sued the said Thomas in court Christian for nonpayment of tithes, etc. Stay of proceedings in the said court (see infra 27 November, 1616).—Dated at Westminster, 27 November, in the 12th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 7.)
Robert Stocking and others.
1614, November 28. Writ of prohibition to Daniel Donne, knight, etc, official of the Court of Arches in London, or his deputy, on the complaint of Robert Stocking, John Cooke and Thomas Alchurche, parishioners inhabiting in the parish of St. James in the city of Norwich. Robert Stocking is owner and occupier of a messuage in a certain place called the Fryers in the said parish of St. James. John Cooke is owner and occupier of another messuage in the same place, and Thomas Alchurche owner and occupier of a third messuage there. Which messuages from time immemorial have been situated in the parish of St. James aforesaid and not in the parish of St. Martin. Notwithstanding, Richard Britiffe and John Allen, wardens of the parish church of St. Martin, and others, on pretence that the said messuages lie within the parish of St. Martin have impleaded the said complainants in court Christian, and presented them for nonattendance at the parish church of St. Martin. Stay of proceedings etc.—Dated at Westminster, 28th November, in the twelfth year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 19.)
Clothiers of the North Parts trading to London and also of Wales, Devonshire and Somerset to the Privy Council.
[c. 1614]. Through the late arrest made by the French King of all English cloth in his dominions, the merchants of London have been barred from their trading there, and petitioners have no vent for their cloths. The principal cause is by the staplers and others, who not only transport wools in great abundance into France, but buy wools upon the sheeps' backs so that petitioners cannot get sufficient wool under an excessive rate, which has risen from 16s the tod to 28s. They pray that the staplers and others be forbidden to transport wools to France.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2087.)
The export of wool was prohibited by the Privy Council on 6 September, 1614. See Acts of Privy Council, 1613–14, p. 546.
John Roberts to the Earl of Suffolk, (fn. 1) Lord Chamberlain.
[1614 or before]. Praying to be appointed one of the King's musicians instead of Robert Pylin, deceased.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 252.)
Raphe Jackson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1614–15, January 16. Refers to discrepancies between two inventories of the contents of Cranborne. He made a note of such things as should be in the house, but understands "that some of the same weare lost when the Kinge was here att Cranborne". Concerning the present condition of the house, "itt doth rayne in in many places whereby the sealing is in danger to fall downe if itt be not intended in tyme, and the playsterynge in the outt sid is much fallen downe. Ther is no thinge cane be donn to itt untill summer mor then is donn to itt. I have taken your Lordshipps parcke of Mr Swayne for the which I am to pay 11 by the yeare in keepinge the same greene as now itt is, the copices excepted, and the cropp of the meadowe which I am perswaded was better worth lv1 heretofore: for now no soyle beinge layd upon the land since the same was enclosed nor no cattell foddored or folded thereupon, hath caused the grownd to wax mosse and barren."—Cranborn thes 16 Janerye, 1614.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 71/11.)
Thomas Hooper to Robert Swayne.
1614–15, January 20. Encloses the confession of one of the poachers who has been hunting in Chetterwood. "My Lord hath pardoned John Schovell and Charles Schovell the elder at the suit of Buishope Thorneborough upon condition that they showld deliver up all theire nets and become bounden to the game, and in case they showld offend agayne, that then his lordship showld be at libertie to prosecute for these and other theire huntings. They have not performed theire promise in any sort." Discusses other things concerning illegal hunting in Cranborne Chase and estate matters.—Januarie 20, 1614.
Holograph. 2 pp. (General 71/12.)


  • 1. Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, was Lord Chamberlain from 4 May, 1603, to 10 July, 1614.