Cecil Papers: July-December 1620

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: July-December 1620', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp119-140 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July-December 1620', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp119-140.

"Cecil Papers: July-December 1620". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp119-140.

July-December 1620

Sir John Ogle to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1620, July 10/20. The commission you honoured me with to stand in your place at the making Sir William St. Leger's son a Christian, I have performed, and so I will ever all your commands.
We attend the good hour of the Marquis Spinola's marching, which is said to be upon the day of their St. Iago, and the world is given to understand we shall follow them, notwithstanding Don Louis de Valasco stays upon the frontiers near Wesel with an army not less in strength than ours. If the Prince of Orange march into Dutchland, I dare freely say the Marquis will be taken in his own trap, for I know his providence so well that he will not quit these parts but upon good and sure ground, and coming to join his person and power with the army of the Princes (the Duke of Bavier having promised to use no hostility, but only send succours to the Emperor), he will put the Marquis to his best trumps; and sure it is there is nothing so much puzzles the advancement of their great design as the consideration they are to have of this army with such a chief. If it be true that is said that Bethlem Gabor be crowned King of Hungary, that will also stagger the great standards.
Here is yesterday morning suddenly (as it were by way of surprise) arrived out of France Monsieur de St. Luke. He was with the Prince before he went to sermon. What his errand is we yet know not. It is supposed upon these "garboyles" in France that the King there (under that pretext) will be so kind as to demand his 4000 men from this State, hoping thereby to stop the Prince of Orange his course in following the Marquis; for as things stand now these men are not to expect but courtesies of that nature from thence. Some think he has order to make overture of prolongation of truce, and to feel the pulse of this State whether it beat towards peace or war. But of these things I can give you no further than conjecture.—Haghe, July 10/20, 1620.
Holograph. Endorsed by the Earl of Salisbury: "From Sir John Gogle to me." 3 pp. (130. 3.)
Sir George Calvert to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1620, July 12. I have, according to his Majesty's commandment, examined this conference that was amongst your servants at the Maydenhead, and have reported to him as I find. First, the sense you had of it as soon as I acquainted you with it, which he took in very good part, and will I believe take notice of it to you. I told him the manner how that little libellous Puritan's book was dispersed among them by the means of one of your servants, with whom you were so displeased, though he were not any of them complained of by the Scottishman as not being present at that company, yet for his presumption you were resolved upon your return to put him away. For the parties accused so confidently by the Scottishman, I told his Majesty that all of them absolutely deny it; nevertheless, because it is so constantly maintained on the other side, you had removed them from any attendance on you, which I perceived was well taken. For the rest I refer you to this bearer. Sir Arthur Capell was with me last night about this business from you, which should not have needed, for I had meant this day to have sent to you, lest his Majesty should have taken you unprepared. I shall attend you this week at Theobalds.
The stirs in France is now old intelligence. The King with the Princes of Conde and Luynes come to Rouen and from thence to Caen, as they say to besiege the Chevalier de Vendosme, who holds the town against him. Longueville fortifies at Dieppe likewise against the King. The Prince of Piemont comes out of Italy with some forces also to the Queen's part, so as all is in confusion and ready to canton.—Whitehall, 12 July, 1620.
Holograph. Endorsed by the Earl of Salisbury: "Mr Ge. Calvert to me." 2 pp. (130. 5.)
1620, July 14. Agreement by Dame Elizabeth Peryam with the Master and Scholars of Balliol College, Oxford, to assure to them the Barrowe Farm in Hambledon and Medmenham, co. Oxon, for the erection and maintenance of one Fellowship and two Scholarships.
1 m. Damaged. (Deeds 99/4.)
George Marshall to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, July 20. Requests the Earl of Salisbury to command one of his keepers to send him a buck at his house in Stepney "from whence it maye be conveaed to the partie for whome I was so earnest a suter to your Lordship".—This 19 of Julye, 1620.
Holograph. ¾ p. (200. 187.)
Achatius Bourgrave et Baron de Dona to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, July 22. In his former letters he moved Salisbury, on behalf of his master the King of Bohemia, to recommend to the nobility and others of the country his just defensive war. By his Majesty's permission he has levied companies of Englishmen, depending on Salisbury and others of his quality for their transport and pay; but he has so failed in expectation that he renews his former request, and begs him to signify in what proportion and in what time he may expect some good effect of Salisbury's favour to the cause. He will be encouraged thereby in raising the full number of men licensed to be levied for the defence of the Palatinate.—Westminster, 22 July, 1620.
Signed. 1 p. (130. 6.)
Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, July 25. The excellent red deers you sent me the other day makes me presume I shall get fallow likewise for asking, when I had the other without. I pray you, if your many warrants have not drawn already too much upon your store, to bestow a buck of this season upon my brother Mynne at Hartingfordbury. I shall, I hope, wait upon you at Cranborne. Tomorrow I begin my journey towards the Court.—St. Martin's Lane, 25 July, 1620.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 7.)
Letters from Heidelberg.
1620, July 27. Extraict de lettres de Heydelberg et du Camp de Boheme d'Egemberg les 21, 22 et 23 Juillet, et de Prague le 27, 1620. Receues le 20 d'Aoust.
Monsr le Marquis d'Anspach, Lieutenant-Generall du Roy notre Maitre en l'Armee des Unis, est attendu ce-jourdhuy icy. Ses trouppes marchent pour s'aller camper de là le Rhin depuis Wormes jusques a Bingen; le quartier pour sa personne sera a Oppenheim. L'Armee est de ceste heure composée de 16,000 hommes de solde de pied, et de 5000 chevaux, 1,500 pour l'Artillerie et bagage a laquelle se joindra quand besoin sera la milice du Pays, bien armee et exercée selon la discipline des Pays Bas. Le secours de Messrs les Estats marche pour s'y joindre. Ce que feront aussy les Anglois conduits par le General Vere, ou les Comtes d'Oxford et d'Essex, et le Colonell Wentworth, etc, ont charge; ledit Marquis resolu d'aller rencontrer l'armee ennemy lorsqu'on aura sceu la route qu'elle prendra. Messrs le Duc de Brunsvic et le Landgrave Maurice sont de leur costé pour luy empescher le passage.
Spinola a plain pouvoir de faire la guerre en Alemagne selon qu'il luy semblera bon. Ce qui luy a esté confirmé par l'Empereur ayant escript aux villes Imperiales que c'est pour dompter les Rebelles et non pour molester lesdites villes et autres obeisants. Celles de Strasbourg et de Francford ont esté adverties, de divers endroicts et a diverses foys, de se tenir particulierement sur leurs gardes pour y avoir des desseins et entreprinses dessus.
Les trouppes assemblees en Bavieres, depuis l'accord fait entre les Unis et les Catholiques Romayns, marchent vers l'Austriche, et come ayant dessein d'attacquer Lints. Les trouppes du Comte de Lippe s'en sont desbandees, et quelques autres, pour n'avoir esté lever que pour la deffence des Pays de Bavieres, et non pour entreprendre sur la Boheme et l'Austrich. Le Comte de la Tour, avec une armée de 10,000 hommes de pied et 2000 chevaux, est sur la frontiere de Bohème de ce coste là, pour recontrer ladite armee Bavarienne, et sopposer à ses desseins, auquel se joindra la Cavallerie du Pays.
Le 2me de ce Mois l'Aga, Ambr du grand Turc et celuy de Hongrie qui laccompagne, ont este dipesché pour leur retour par le Roy notre Maitre lors à Prague, lesdits Ambrs monstrans d'estre fort satisfaicts du traictement qu'on leur a faict. Et celuy du Grand Sr d'avoir recognu la verité du contraire, de ce que le Baron de Moulard auroit fait entendre à la Cour dudit Grand Sr.
L'Assemble de Meusole des Estates de la haute Hongrie n'estoit pas encore finie lors des derniers advis que nous avons eu, bien croyoit-on qu'il s'en devoit ensuivre le couronnement de Betheleem Gabor, nonobstant les efforts qui s'y font de corrompre et divertir les affections des Deputez par ceux de l'empr, qui à ceste effect appliquent les deniers de lassistance d'Italie, ayant offert audit Prince de Transilvanie et Hongrie 100,000 ducats contans pour quitter la confederation avec la Boheme. Mais nonobstant tout cela, on s'asseure de sa perseverance, et qu'apres ladite Assemblée il assistera ses Confederez de toutes ses forces. Les Anglois conduits par le Milor Grey, en nombre de 2.500, sont arrivez en Lusace fort bien en ordre. Saxe se tient encor en la Neutralite, quelque instance qu'il luy ait esté faicte jusques icy de se declarer, de ce empesché par les Princes de sa Maison et autres du Circle Saxonique et des Estats propres de son Pays.
Il y a trois jours que l'ennemye fit une entreprise sur le quartier de nos Hongrois. Dampire, qui menoit l'avant garde, s'estant advancée à l'aube du jour avec les Cosaques et quelques Reistres. Mais ayans este salvez des Mousquetaires logees dans les redoutes, leur meilleur fut de se retirer.
Nos Hongrois furent incontenant à cheval, qui pousuivrent l'ennemie, qui avoit en outre pour dessein de les attirer en une ambuscade. Ce qui eust esté pour lui reussir, par l'ardeur modéree desdits Hongrois, si notre Generall Monsr le Prince d'Anhalt ny eust apporté la remede par sa presence, avec toute l'armée. Ce qui fit que l'ennemy se retira avec perte de 30 des siens, et vingt de prisoniers d'entre les plus braves.
Nous attendons en bref un beau secours du Prince d'Hongrie, si mieux nous n'aimons que ledit secours attaque l'ennemie à delà du Danube. Le courage et la resolution de ceux de ceste nation qui sont en notre armée ne se peut exprimer, et est notable entre autres l'action genereuse de l'un d'eux, lequel estant dernierement sorti de leur quartier et descendu jusques à Danube, auroit faicte rencontre de trois Polonois de l'armee ennemie, desquelles il en auroit porté par terre les deux, desarmé et faict prisoniere le 3me, despouillé les mors et ramené au quartier son prisonnier avec les 3 chevaux et ce butin gaigné en cest exploit.
2½ pp. (130. 8.)
Louis XIII and Marie de Medici.
1620, August 11. "Articles accordez par le Roy a La Royne, sa Mere, et en sa faveur a ceux qui l'ont assistée en ces dernieres mouvements."
La declaration d'innocence sera donnée a la Royne mere du Roy et descharges en sa faveur ceux qui l'ont assistée.
Le Traicte d'Angoulesme sera executé de part et d'autre en toutes ses pactes et conditions.
Les charges et Gouvernemens seront renduz excepté ceux ou le Roy a pourveu dont on a donné Memoire.
N'empeschera pourtant a La Royne sa Mere d'user pour ce sujet de supplication en la faveur de ceux qui sont contenuz au Memoire qui a esté donnee.
Seront aussy payez les Estats et charges qui appartienent aux Gouverneurs et autres establis en vertu des presentes articles de mesme façon que ceux qui ont servi le Roy.
Sera donné descharge de tous les deniers royaulx qui ont esté prins et levez.
Sera premis a toutes sortes de personnes de quelque qualité et condition quilz soyent, qui ont servi la partie de la Royne sa Mere d'exercizer librement la function de leur charge et Gouvernement, aller venir a la Cour, ou sejourner en leurs maisons avec entiere et pareille liberté que ceux qui ont servi et suivy le Roy.
Tous prisonnieres seront deliverez sans rançon de part et d'autre.
Sera rendu Vendosme a Monsieur de Vendosme qui fera oster les fortifications faictez depuis son absence de la Cour.
Ensemble la ville de Verneville au Perche Sablé a Monsr. le Mareschal de Boisdauphin, et le Ferté Benart a Monsr. de Mayenne.
Sera rendu Alençon et le Pont de Cé entres les mains de qui la Royne vouldra, et Dreux a Monsr. le Comte de Soissons.
Sera establis toutes sortes d'officiers en leurs charges et functions de part et d'autre, en vertu de la declaration de la Royne Mere s'ilz n'en demandent de particuliers ou des lettres de cachet sur la generalle.
Les Companies de Monsr. le Comte de Soissons et autres Princes qui ont servi la Royne Mere leur seront renduz comme avant les mouvements, et a ladvenir entretenues comme celles de ceux qui ont servi le Roy.
Depuis le premier de Juillet toute poursuitte et condemnation seron[t] cassées a l'esgal de ceux qui ne se sont deffendus.
Seront données a la Royne Mere trois cens mille livres comptant, et autres trois cens mille livres dans le commencement de l'année prochaine pour ayder a acquitter ses debtes.
Moyenant lesquelz articles de la part de la Royne Mere ceux qui l'ont assistée seront remis en leurs places, officiers, habitans des villes, Gentilzhommes et autres en pareil estat quilz estoient auparavant ledt premier jour de Juillet dernier.
Seront aussy payées les pensions de ceux qui ont suivy la Royne Mere du Roy doresnavant en la mesme façon de ceux qui ont servi le Roy, comme aussy leurs entretenements. Ffaict au Pont de Cé le xi d'Aouste 1620. Signe Louis, et plus bas, Potier.
Memoire des charges et places ausquelles le Roy a pourveu durant le present mouvement, et ne seront restablis ceux qui les avoyent en auparavant:
Le Gouvernement de Caen.
Le Chasteau de Vernevil demeurera raze.
La charge de Mre de Camp de la Cavallerie legere.
Tous les Capits qui sont allez a Metz ou ailleurs auxquelz le Roy a pourveu.
Le Gouvernement de chasteau de Gontier donné a Monsr. de Vasse.
Le Regiment de Suze.
Le vieux Palais de Rouen.
Ffaict au Pont de Cé, le xi d'Aoust, 1620.
Endorsed: "Articles betwixt the French King and his mother, 1620." 2 pp. (206. 76.)
The King of Bohemia.
1620, August 24 to September 9. Fourteen papers concerning contributions by the inhabitants of Hertfordshire to the cause of the King of Bohemia, in response to an appeal from his ambassador, Baron Dohna.
(1) A particular of the money collected in July, 1620, by Sir Thomas Pope Blunt within the parishes of Northawe, North Mimes, Ridge, Shenlye, St. Michaells, St. Peeters, Sandridg, St. Stephens. Sum, £89:13:2.
sheets. Endorsed: "27 August, 1620."
(2) A note of moneys collected by Sir Charles Moryson in 1620 within the parishes of Watford cum Hambllet, Bushy, Aldenham, Sarret, Rickmansworth, Abbotts Langley. Sum, £253:14:10.
4 sheets. Endorsed: "6 September, 1620."
(3) Particulars of moneys given by certain gentlemen and parishes within the half hundred of Hitchin. The parishes are Hitchin town and parish, Offley, Kings Walden, Kympton, Lylly, Purton, Ickleford and Ippolletts. Sum, £76:4:0.
1 p. Endorsed: "1620." Signed: "Sir Richard Spencer."
(4) List of contributors from the parishes of Bengehoe, Amwell parva, Brickendyne, Stapleford, Heartforde St. Andrewes, Heartingfordeberrye, Heartforde St. Johns, Tewinge. The money was collected by Beckingham Boteler and paid by him to the Earl of Salisbury on August 24, 1620. Sum, £24:11:8.
1 sheet. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(5) Contributions from St. Albans under the divisions of Middle Ward, Hollywell Ward, St. Peters and Ffishepoole Ward. The money was collected by the Mayor of St. Albans, John Clarke, and amounted to £55:9:6.
1 sheet. Endorsed: "9 September, 1620."
(6) Contributions from the parishes of Whethampsteed, Harpden (Harpeden), Redborne, Studham, Kensworth (Kenseworth) and Caddington. The money was collected by Sir John Garrad on 24 July, 1620, and amounted to £46:11:10.
5 pp. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(7) Contributions from the parishes of Cheping Barnett, East Barnett and Elstree collected by Thomas Coningesbye, Matthias Milwarde, Mr Blacke, rector of Elstree, and John Warren. Sum, £21:14:4.
3 pp. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(8) Contributions from the inhabitants of Ware parish, 30 July, 1620, collected by John Watts and Richard Wrothe. Sum, £30:13:6.
1 sheet. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(9) Contributions from parishes in the hundred of Broadwater. They are Weston, Baldock, Knebsworth, Stevenadge, Wimondlye magna, Wimondly parva, Willyan, and Gravely; and from the following parishes within the liberties of St. Albans; Codicote, Posswalden, Newnham, Shephold, and Norton. Sum, £41:3:9. —Undated.
2 sheets. Signed: W. Lytton.
(10) Money given by the inhabitants of the parishes of Stondon, Buntingford, Westmill, Braughinge and collected on 29 July, 1620, by Thomas Hanchelt and Richard Wrothe. Sum, £50:17:6.
1 sheet. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(11) Contributions from the parish of Thundridge collected on 30 July, 1620, by John Watts and Richard Wroth. Sum, £4:3:6.
1 sheet. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(12) Contributions collected by Sir Robert Chester, Sir John Caesar and Thomas Newce, J.P., from the parishes of Royston, Tharfeild, Reede, Sandon, Kelshall, Ashwell, Hinxworth, Caldecot, Wallington, Bygrave, Barley, Barkway cum Nuthampsted, Radwell, Yardley, Rusden, Cottred, Bradfeild, Anstey, Hornmead magna, Hornmead parva, Layston, Aspeden, Wydyhall, Throcking, Buckland, Pelham furneux, Pelham arsa, Pelham stockinge, Meeseden, Aldbury, Hadham magna, Hadham parva. The money was collected on 22 July, 1620, and the sum realized was £112:18:2.
Note: "Received more (collected by Mr Newce of divers defaulters within his divisyon, vl xis the particulars wherof cam not to my hands."
2 pp.
(13) Contributions from the hundred of Braughinge taken at Sabridgworth on 22 July, 1620, by Sir John Leventhorpe and Symon Brograve and within the division of Richard Dowsett, one of the high constables of that hundred. The parishes that contributed were Stortford, Sabridgworth, Thorley, Hunsdon, Geldston, Eastwick, Stanstead Abbott and Widford. Sum, £75:6:5.
sheets. Endorsed: "24 August, 1620."
(14) The names of those who are behind with their contributions in the division of Mr George Ffeilde, one of the chief constables for the half hundred of Heartford.
Robert Minne of Hartingfordeberry, esq.
George Bayleife of the same, gent, who answerethe he hathe payed at London.
George Allayne of Heartforde, doctor of phisicke.
Ffrancis Bowyer, gent.
John Slaynaye, gent, answerethe he hathe payed at London.
Thomas Ffinche of Brickendyne.
1 p. (Deeds 233/5.)
1620, August 30. "Monies receaved for the Kinge of Bohemia." A list of contributors, including knights and commoners of co. Herts.
Note at bottom: "Sum total 1305l 11s 8d. Paid unto the Ambassador and Agent for the Kinge of Bohemia, 5 October, 1620, in part of the said some 1100l, and received 205l 11s8d which was paid unto them the 11th of November 1620 as by an acquittance under both there hands for the whole some, 11 November 1620."
Endorsed: "30 August 1620. Monies received for Bohemia." 2 pp. (Bills 113/4.)
Free Gifts to the King of Bohemia from Hertfordshire.
1620, August 31. Moneys collected by Sir Richard Lucie and others of the inhabitants of Broxborne, Wormley, Bayford, Berkhamsted Parva, Amwell, Hoddesdon and St. Margarets, Essenden, Cheshunt and Waltham Cross, county of Hertford, as their free gifts to the King of Bohemia. (fn. 1) —31 August, 1620.
1 p. (211. 10.)
1620, August. 4 lists of expenses.
(1) Money disbursed for work carried out at Cranborne prior to the King's visit. The work consisted of: "helping to carrye and recarrye of the stuffe betweene the mannor and the parsonage, and helpinge to make readie the lodginge; attendinge att the cupbords; fetchinge beere and wyne and scrapinge of trenchers; makinge cleane the parsonage before and after the kings beinge att Cranborne, and for helping in the skullerie and washinge of lynnen; helping the slaughterman; keeping of the doores in severall places; dressing of floure and bakinge of the breade." The money paid out amounted to £16:14:11.
(2) The smith's bill for work done at the parsonage, 14/9.
(3) "A bill of those that did helpe in the kitchin and pastrie att his Mats beinge att Cranborne in August 1620." This amounted to £44:5:0.
(4) "Jonas Warde the slaughterman his bill for provisions bought att Cranborne att his Mats beinge there in August 1620." £112:16:7.
(General 131/9.)
1620, September 4. A list of contributors, 42 in number, to "the Boehma affayres". Money collected by the Mayor of Hertford, Edward Carde, amounted to £21:1:0.
Endorsed: "4 Septemb. 1620. A particular of the monies collected by the Maior of Hartford within the town of Hartford as their free gifte unto the Kinge of Bohema."
1 m. (Deeds 199/9.)
Sir Edward Cecil to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1620] September 4. The new English marched from hence upwards on Wednesday last prepared for their journey and accompanied and conveyed with all our horse, rather as an assistance to the Princes than otherways (for they are not to come these three months), who hath seen Spinola with his army in their faces ranged in battle twenty-four hours together and (we think) must fight with him; which in all reason (if he resolve upon it) he will force them unto before this secours come to join with them. So as you may (in likelihood) by the next hear of battle fought. Howsoever his first design, which was for Frankford, is interrupted and for this year (I think) lost. Our army in the meantime sits still here as Don Lewis de Velasquo with his troops does by Rinsberke, so that we go on [one] to anothers army till our six months of toil be ended. I was there the other day with my Lord Garratt and Sir Ed. Saxfilde, but we found a great difference betwixt our army and theirs. For ours is full of discipline and glory, theirs full of disorder, poverty and deadness. We look within these six weeks to return out of the field and I hope then to see your Lordship at London. So I rest your Lordship's and your noble Lady's most faithful servant.—At our camp before Wesell, this 4 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Ed: Cecyll to me." 1 p. (128. 71.)
[Printed in extenso in C. Dalton, Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Vol. 1, pp. 337, 338.]
Sir George Calvert to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1620, September 6. As to some business at Cranborne which Salisbury committed to him.
I have acquainted his Majesty with an examination taken by Mr John Butler of that which passed concerning those bearers at Hatfield whereof the Scottishman complained; and have so fully satisfied him that it was but a mere mistaking in his mishearing, the words that they then spake being against the Puritan author of that book and not against the nation, as his Majesty is pleased to acquit them of any ill conceit which he has hitherto entertained of them, and consequently of his displeasure; and that you, who had for this put them out of your service, may, if it please you, entertain them again. As I was the means of their being hurt by your disfavour, I entreat you to restore them both into your service again.
The Marquis Spinola had passed the Rhine with his army the 18 of the last month between Coblentz and Andernach, and finding, as it seems, the passage difficult that way into the Palatinate, whither we believe for certain he intends, is repassed again on this side the Rhine in some part of the Elector of Mentz's country, and by his help, so as he cannot have any other end now but that part of the Palatinate which lies on this side.
Saxony is not yet declared by any overt act, but is feared will fall into Bohemia, and renforces his army continually.
The Upper Austria is reconciled to the Emperor by the means of the Duke of Bavaria. Bethlem Gobor is proclaimed King of Hungary, not yet crowned, and comes in person with 25,000 men to assist the King of Bohemia.
I shall have the honour to kiss your hands, I hope, at Theobalds when the King comes thither.—St. Martin's Lane, 6 September, 1620.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Mr Se: Calvert to me." 1 p. (130. 10.)
Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, September 15. At Windsor I communicated to my Lord of Buckingham that which you and I had in conference at Cranborne, with an earnest desire and conjuration of secrecy, who did faithfully promise the last, but for the first and the main did assure me there was no means in the world to effect it; that he had endeavoured to bring in a special friend into that place, and could not bring it to pass; that the Prince had rather a willingness to make his number lesser in that place than to increase it; and so concluded with expression of much affection towards you. I advertise you so that you may be prepared to take notice of it as far as you please when you meet him.—Havering, 15 September, 1620.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 11.)
Achatius Bourgrave et Baron de Dona to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, September 17. He understands by Mr Williams, agent for their Majesties of Bohemia, how forward Salisbury has been in raising contributions in co. Herts, and that he has already a good sum in hand. Begs him to send in what he has already gathered, according to the example of the Clergy, the City of London and other provinces, to his lodgings at Westminster. This will in part hasten the sending away of the second troops.— Theobalds, 17 September, 1620.
Signed. 1 p. (130. 12.)
Achatius, Baron de Dona, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, September 23. He understands by Mr Williams, agent of the King of Bohemia, that there will be money to receive from Salisbury's county (co. Herts.) the day after tomorrow. Regrets he must be absent, and begs Salisbury to pay at least part of the sum to Mr Williams or to Mr Bourlamaqui.—23 September, 1620.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (130. 13.)
The Bohemian Ambassador.
1620, September 26. Extraict de l'Audience de l'Ambassadeur de sa Majeste de Boheme en Angleterre a Hampton Court, sur le 26me de Sept. 1620.
Le Roy ayant receu la lettre de Messrs les Princes de l'Union, et l'ayant leue diligement en ma presence, me dit qu'il estoit bien aise de voir la bonne resolution desdits Princes, et qu'ils avoient esperance de subsister encores et garder la rest du Palatinate. Que sa Majeste estoit bien marri du malheur arrive et des calamitez dudit Palatinat, mais qu'elle avoit dit desia a l'Ambassadeur d'Espagne ouvertement de ne vouloir point suffrir que le Patrimonie de ses enfans fust traictte en telle sorte, et qu'ainsi elle l'avoit mande en Espagne, et en divers autres endroits, comme elle feroit encores, et ordonneroit aussy une telle responce auxdits Princes, faisant une declaration ouverte pour l'approbation de leurs armes, et la deffense du Palatinat et de leurs propres terres et estats, ou sa Majeste desormais estoit tres resolue de s'embarquer entierement, priant lesdist Princes que jusques a ce que sa Majeste eust le moyen, par l'aide de son peuple, de se mettre en preparation suffisante pour leur assistance, ils voulussent cependant continuer courageusement en la defense du Palatinat [leurs entreprises (fn. 2) ], lesquelles pour seconder au present sa Majeste feroit des exhortations a Messrs les Estatz du Pais Bas, tant par leur Ambassadeur ordinaire aupres de sa Majeste, Monsr Caron, que par le sien aupres d'eux, Monsr Carleton, a cette fin qu'iceux Estatz, ayans desia une armee sur pied, resolus aussy de l'employer au cas de besoing pour le secours desdits Princes au cas [et (fn. 2) ] du Palatinat, selon que sa Majeste auroit entendu icy devant par ledit Sr Caron, desormais ilz ne voulussent plus arrester ains mettre en effect au plus tost ce qu'ilz trouveroyent pratticable pour ledit effect, soit par une diversion ou autrement.
2 copies. 1 p. (130. 15.)
The Marquess of Buckingham to the Comte de Gondomar, Spanish Ambassador.
1620, October 2. Le Roy mon Seigneur a declare, en son plein Conseil et generalement a tous, que ny le Roy d'Espagne ny votre Excellence, ny le Marquis Spinola ni aulcun de la part d'Espagne, luy a donne parole ny promesse quelconque que les armes du Marquis Spinola n'entreroyent dedans le Palatinat; ains qu'au contraire, tant l'Ambassadeur de sa Majeste en Espagne que celuy d'Espagne icy, ont tousjours asseure qu'il n'y avoit esperance qu'on feroit aultrement. Et moy j'en suis bon tesmoign et de la facon que Vre Excellence a parle tousjours en cela comme si bon Ministre de son Roy et si bon Chevalier; et le Roy Monseigneur non seulement a faict notoyre ceste verite, mais a declare qu'il se tiendroit pour fort offence de celuy qui diroit une faulsete si grande comme seroit le contraire; et ainsi m'a commande que je certefie a Votre Excellence, que Dieu garde.—De Theballs, 2 Oct. 1620.
Addressed at foot of letter: "A Monsieur le Comte de Gondomar, Ambr de sa Mate Catholique a Londres." Copy. 1 p. (130. 16.)
1620, October 19. Copy decree of Francis, Lord Verulam, Lord Chancellor, in the suit between the Earl of Salisbury and Christopher Manwaring as to the Cranborne estates.—October 19, 1620.
23 sheets (211. 9.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, October 25. The Palatinate, the ancient heritage of the Count Palatine, his Majesty's son-in-law, and to descend to his Majesty's grandchildren, is invaded by a foreign enemy, many principal towns surprised, a great part of the country in the possession of strangers, and the inhabitants forced to take an oath against their natural Prince. Whereupon his Majesty has declared himself in the course of an auxiliary war for the defence and recovery of the same. To provide treasure for the maintenance of the succours already sent, and reinforcing them, the Council have concurred to offer a voluntary gift, and doubt not Salisbury will cheerfully follow their example. If there were much alacrity shown to contribute when the Palatinate was not invaded, neither had his Majesty declared himself, Salisbury will much more do it, and in a better proportion, now those two so weighty motives concur.—Whitehall, 25 October, 1620.
Signed: Lenox; G. Cant; Fr. Verulam, Canc; Pembroke, T. Arundell; Ed. Wotton, T. Edmondes; Fulke Grevyll; G. Carew; Robert Naunton; Jul. Caesar. 1 p. (130. 17.)
Sir John Finet to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1620, October 27. The friendly respects I have heard you profess towards Mr Attorney, and the general curiosity to understand the issue of so notable a business, moves me to tell you what passed this day to his honour, and by likelihood to his advantage; whose cause coming to trial in the Star Chamber (where himself took a place in open view of a full Court amongst the ordinary pleading lawyers), it succeeded thus.
Sir Randall Crew opened the business, and particularizing all what Mr Attorney stood charged with in his bill, handled it in a modest fashion and without aggravation; as, how the charter was drawn and passed by his hand to the King's prejudice, whereby the City (that pretended but the establishing of their ancient privileges and enjoying some few new immunities), should by that grant have been possessed of sundry of his Majesty's Regalia, to the diminution of his prerogatives. Whereto it was urged that the City, by so large a charter, was made so independent of his Majesty as it should not need to regard hereafter his favours or benefit; and that of all this Mr Attorney, by his connivance, negligence or corruption, was the principal occasion. Whereto Mr John Finch, Serjeant Finche's son, made a witty and modest answer, without descending to disprove any of the particulars in charge, but only insisting (as one that understood what way the Attorney meant to walk) rather upon the submission and acknowledgment of his errors, than justification of his innocency. To which purpose he pleaded the confession of his weak judgment, that did not let him understand the dangers and prejudices which stronger judgments had made since apparent; and begged all might be taken, not as wilful and fraudulent errors, but as omissions or mistakings, since he was misled in point of judgment how far those newer grants were to be grounded upon more ancient, or such as tended to the reasonable profit of the City; and not that he intended to make the City a Hanse town and, as was charged, independent of his Majesty.
Mr Finch having made an end, Mr Attorney, being allowed to speak, said it might seem a wonder that he should enter into a confession that might bring his own neck under the stroke. This day made up his seven years' service of his Majesty. His Majesty had put him to his choice whether he would defend himself in Court, or put himself upon his mercy, and he had chosen the latter, but on the sudden he was proceeded against by way of complaint. He thanked God that howsoever he should and did confess his errors, yet they had crept in unawares and were not ushered in by his consent. For corruption, he praised God he had not had so much as a question of it by the counsel against him. He submitted himself wholly to the King's clemency, requesting the Lords to acquaint him with his submission before the examination of the cause. These he delivered in so grave and moving a manner (besides some tears he shed, which proved not his worst eloquence) as all the auditors seemed taken, and made my Lord Duke deliver so much of his knowledge of the King's inclination to mercy as, upon his motion that it be put to votes whether they should refer him to the King's mercy or pass to sentence, my Lord Chancellor called to Sir Edward Cooke for his opinion. Cooke answered he had never known the like granted, and such referrings would open a gap to many mischiefs, so he would not consent. Mr Chancellor passed a contrary opinion. Sir Lionel Cranfield leaned to Cooke the leader. My Lord Hubbard termed it a cause without example when the King's Attorney made his submission without being pressed; and that to refer it to his Majesty, as he would, was but to remit it to another day. The Master of the Rolls did the like, but so did not my Lord Chief Justice, who said that in the person of a private man he could willingly assent, but not of a judge. Mr Secretary Calvert said that so it might not be a precedent, he consented. Mr Treasurer did the like without exception. My Lord Bishop of Ely saidsomething, but so low as I could not catch hold of it, but those by me said it tended to the referring of it to his Majesty. My Lord of Arundell said his submission came out of season, and he was doubtful how he might alter the order of the Court by referring it, and said plainly, I dare not do it. My Lord Chamberlain inclined, so far as the order of the Court would permit, to refer it. My Lord Duke made good his first opinion and desire of referring it, but disclaimed particular knowledge of his Majesty's mind to that purpose, because (upon a word he had before cast out, how he came but yesterday from his Majesty) one or two of the Lords seemed to conceive that the King's inclination was that way, which he would not be charged with, only he knew the King's particular affection to mercy. My Lord of Canterbury said because he had never seen an Attorney General in that place make a confession and submission, it should the sooner move him to further all means to lead to the pardon of the penitent, and so referred him to his Majesty's mercy. My Lord Chancellor, to conclude, said it was his part to be constant to precedent, and for his assent he said it was not material, the cause being already overruled by voices.
While these opinions passed, and the most for the defendant, you would have wondered to have seen what a silence there was after any had given a negative, and how general an applause (with a "loud hem") there came from the auditory upon every affirmation. So his hopes are fair for not the worst, if not the best, success to which I leave him.
We have news from a good hand that the King of Bohemia, being in person in his army to resist the approaches of his enemies, within some 25 miles of Prague, drew out of every company of horse 10 to attend him, and went resolutely himself to view their countenances and encampings, as they were (and were not to be forced easily out) in woods and places of advantage; which his Majesty having performed bravely, before he returned to his own army, a part of the Hungarians addressed themselves to him, and commending his valour in so hazarding his person, desired him that he would see them do something for his service before he parted. So suddenly setting upon a quarter of the enemy's they drove them thence, slew 1000 foot and 350 horse, burnt a colonel in his tent and led away his wife prisoner, with much spoil and baggage. Of any battle we yet hear no further, and expect daily something of consequence. From the Palatinate we hear that Alzheim is recovered and Creuznach also from Spinola, who is now forced up with his only 10,000 men (his supply of 4000 being yet hardly come to him) to make good his fortifications at Openheim and upon the Rhine, where I hope the Princes will not suffer him to lie idle.—London, 27 October, 1620.
Holograph. 7 pp. (130. 21.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Privy Council (fn. 3)
[1620, October] "Haiving receaved your Lordships letters touching a voluntary contribution for the Defence of the Palatinate, it may please you to accept for answere thereunto, that as I am very sensible of the reasons that concurr to the persuasion thereof, so I have allredy ben forward to give a reall and large testimony in that kinde of my affection and desire to further and effect the same. And howsoever it was done uppon a motion by a foraine minister, yet I assure my self your Lordships will conceave that I cold not but reflect uppon the interest his Ma: hath therein. I must therefore intreat your Lordships excuse for any further charge in this nature, and the rather because I imagine that in the present assemblie of Parlament, there wilbe a course taken for the support of that service, wherein I shalbe ready to the best of my abillity to show how much I wish the prosperous success of that cause, both for it self and in respect of those princely persons whome it doth concerne."—Undated.
Raphe Jackson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1620] November 3. Wishes to answer certain charges brought against him in the management of Salisbury's affairs. Has not cut down any trees at Damerham, but only viewed them with intent to selling them on October 29th last "in the open view of the countrie" and not in private. In conformity with Salisbury's directive he has now left them to the discretion of Richard Sherfield. He had been prepared to collaborate with Sherfield in the sale of the woods, but was unable to do so because of the latter's absence from the county. However he is not prepared to "have him commander over me" since he considers himself to be proficient in the performance of his duties. "The countrie doth admire at his [Sherfield's] sudden intertainment into your Lopps service, that your Lopp will make farther inquire of him before you trust him over farr, or at the least soe farr as he reporteth himselfe to be; for he gives out that your Lopp hath given him leave to doe what he listeth in your Lopps estate, which if it be soe is doubted wilbe to your Lopps prejudice unles some other carry the greater hand over him. For it is ymagined that he will soone over rune his bounds which appeares something in his soe much strivinge for his owne gaine already, and the place of ymployment wherein he and I doe serve your Lopp must be performed by two men or else it will not be for your Lopps proffitt; but his plott is to gett all into his owne hands eyther by disgraceinge me or else to wearie me and soe to cause me to leave."
As for the sale of the coppice in question, the best time "had bine now before the leaves were all downe, and it had bine agreable with the anntient custome of the countrie, and the countrie were now readie to buye them".
Answers other accusations, and complains that the motives behind them can be attributed to the fact that he will not allow Sherfield liberty to do as he pleases in his own interests, nor submit his accounts to him. Again warns Salisbury of Sherfield's ambitions and practices, particularly as he has heard that he himself is likely to be removed from Salisbury's service in the near future. "But my assured hope is such that your Lopp will not disgrace me uppon his [Sherfield's] information." London, November the third.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (General 102/7.)
Thomas Brett to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, November 4. He has written to Salisbury about Blay and his lease of woods, and the manner in which he has been felling trees contrary to stipulations. As to Salisbury's lease of Canterbury, "I have this terme spoken with the prebendes and they tell me that they cannot abate any more of 260l for your Lordships fyne, at which rate your Lordship shall have your lease whenever you wilbe pleased to send the monye." By the enclosed, "your Lordship will perceave that heertofore your Lordship hath been pleased to geve me a Burgess place in Old Sarum, but my Lord Chamberlain prevented me therein the last Parlament. Yf your Lordship shall doe me that honour to conferr yt uppon me once agayne, yf there be a Parlement, I shall not fayle to reckon yt amongst your Lordships former favoures."—Stronde, 4 November, 1620.
Holograph. 2 pp. (General 81/8.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, November 13/23. Offers his services.
The world stands at gaze to see what you in that great Island will do in this important affair of Christendom. These countries, in my opinion (though I believe they will prepare), yet will they hardly embark themselves into a war again without the assistance of his Majesty, offensive and defensive, to which bargain I can gather by no circumstance that he has any great inclination. As for Dutchland, I imagine the war is already transported thither, and though they there be not esteemed the greatest fighting men, and so of their own disposition forward to continue a war, yet the greatest probability is that the seat of the war will be settled in those parts, to which then his Majesty and the Estates may send their succours as they shall find occasion, and yet themselves (for aught that can be gathered) remain in peace and outward friendship with the Spaniard, who now makes such levies of men and preparation for the wars against the Spring, that he is very likely to turn us to the worser end of the staff, if we be not as strong and as early up as he. For these two or three months there is no great expectation of anything to be done, but upon the return of the Estates' horse Spinola will begin afresh to play his "prises" with the cool and distracted Germans. In Bohemia we hear things go well, and we shall lose no hope if the new Hungarian King Gabriel lose not his faith.—Haghe, Novr 13/23, 1620.
Holograph. 2 pp. (130. 18.)
John Athill.
1620, November 18. Writ directed to Robert Redmayne in the matter of John Athill of Beswick, co. Norfolk, yeoman. (Much of the document is illegible).—Dated at Westminster, 18 November, in the 18th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 27.)
Henry Sherfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, November 20. "Mr Kightlie spoke to me to write to Salisbury about burgesses of Old Sarum, but I confess my cowardice that I am afraid to do unlawful things, and your Lordship will, I hope, think that I have just cause at this time to fear to do any such thing. I assure myself that if your pleasure were known, none would withstand you." His brother, through making a communication to Salisbury, has fallen into the malice of a great man, who has threatened him "a good turn". He justifies his brother's conduct, begs Salisbury's protection for him, and to make known that he esteems his services.—Lincoln's Inn, 20 November, 1620.
Holograph. 3 pp. (130. 19.)
Sir Henry Carey to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, December 7. Having made my desire known to you to be a knight for this Parliament and relied on you, I have been silent to everybody else, to some hazard of misconstruction. I now purpose to take advantage of the thaw and utter myself. If any except against my reservedness, afford me your defence and favour for the place, which I am determined to pursue. It is reported you purpose to be at St. Albans at the election. I would be glad to know the truth, because then it must cost you some venison, else will you not be so well entertained as becomes me.— Aldenham, 7 Decr, 1620.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 25.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1620] December 10. In these elections of burgesses I cannot conceive how you can claim any right, the nominating of them depending only upon their own choice, and that swayed by their affection. The dwellers of that borough have ever since my memory showed their respect to my father and myself in choosing those whom we have recommended unto them. Neither do I understand why your Lordship's having the Castle [of Old Sarum] or rather the stones, should make it a matter of right. If out of their respect to you they will choose whom you have recommended, I shall not take it unkindly; and if they will continue their former respect to me, in doing as they have done these threescore years, I know not why I may not receive it without wrong to you.—Moore Park, 10 December.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "My Lord Chamberlain to me." 1 p. (130. 26.)
Sir Henry Carey to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, December 11. I thank you for your favour and counsel. I have written to my Lord of Hunsdon and others; from some I have received kind answers, from others none at all. Some alarums we have of Sir Richard Lucy, Sir Harry Capell, or some of the Butlers purposing to stand, though I do not much believe it, and your declaration of affection makes me the more secure. Since you will not be at St. Albans, we who assemble will remember your health.—Aldenham, 11 December, 1620.
P.S. Sir Charles and I are agreed to join, and it is both our desires the country should not be troubled without cause.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 27.)
1620. Receipts and payments at Cranborne. Inter alia:
Paid for a dayes worke for a carter to carrie earthe and rubble out of the courts and about the howse at the Kings beinge to Cramborne howse. 0 2 8
Paid for 3 peeces of matting stuffe to mende the mattinge of the chamber at the Kings coming to Cramborne and for the cariage of the said matting to Cramborne. 0 8 0
Paid to Valentine Good, late constable of Cramborne, for composition mony for the Kings provition dew from his Lopp for a whole yeare last past. 0 3 8
(Bills 113./9.)
Benevolence for Bohemia.
1620. The Benevolence for Bohemia within the division of John Westwood, a high constable for the Hundred of Broadwater, received by Sir Robert Boteler.
Gives the contributors' names and amounts. Total 12l:13s:1d. —1620.
3 pp. (196. 75.)
Thomas Girlinge.
1620. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of Thomas Girlinge of Mendham, co. Suffolk, who was seised of a close of meadow land containing 5 acres in the parish of Wenhaston in the said county, where it has long been the custom to render to the vicar of the parish church or his deputy fourpence by the year on each acre of land in lieu of all tithes due. Notwithstanding, one Joseph Thetford, clerk, vicar of the parish church of Wenhaston, has sued the said Thomas in court Christian for non-payment of tithes. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 12th, in the 18th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 8.)
[1620]. "An account of all the deere in the house Parke at Hatfeild."
The list includes: "Deere of Antleer 96, wheerof of Bauckes 40, those that wilbe Buckes this yeare 20, cominge in Sorells this year 36, Rascalles 230 wherof Pricketts 30. Som totall 326."
Endorsed: "1620. A noate of all your lordships deere in the house Parke at Hatfeild." ½ p. (General 1/5.)
Arnold Lulls, Jaques de Best and Charles Hudgebant to the Privy Council.
[? c. 1620]. By reason of an advertisement given by the Spanish Ambassador here, order has been sent to Seville and St. Lucar to stay their commodities sent or to be sent there, on pretence that their goods belong to rebels of the King of Spain, and one of their factors and two seamen have been imprisoned. Can prove that the goods are their own and no rebel's. Pray the Council to deal with the Ambassador for letters for restoration of their goods and release of their men.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1099.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 119.]
Justices and Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer of Cashio Hundred to the King.
[? c. 1620]. Roger Sturgeon to whom was granted the gaol of St. Albans is unable, by reason of his minority, to execute the office, and by neglect divers escapes have been made out of the prison. Pray that the gaol be granted to William, Earl of Salisbury, who will repair it at his own charges and appoint fitting officers.—Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (P. 1729.)
William, Earl of Salisbury to the King.
[? c. 1620.] The keeping of the prison of St. Albans was granted to Roger Sturgion who is unable to execute the office whereby divers escapes have been made. Prays for regrant of the office to himself.—Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (P. 1768.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 164.]
1620–5. Accounts of rents and receipts from all the estates of the Earl of Salisbury, as produced by the respective bailiffs and collectors during these years, and examined by Christopher Keighley, the receiver-general. At the end of the book there is a list of payments for 1625 which includes the following:
Ffor the historie of the late Queene Elizabeth. vis vid
Ffor an engin to drawe water with and for sett (sic) it upe. cviiis
To Mr. Andrewes, lecturer of St Martines in the Feildes, as your Lordships whole yeares allowance unto him. vil
Ffor a diall plate for Hatefeild. vis
For sweeping the street before Salisburie house for one whole yeare. xvis
228 pp. (Accounts 160/5.)
Court of Roundhedge.
[Before 1621]. "The Earle of Salisbury having caused the Court of Roundhedge, being the Court for the Chace of Endfeild, to be warned on Wensday, 1 July last, when the Steward and country were assembled then a letter was shewed from Sir Ffulke Grevill (fn. 4) directed to the Chancellor of the duchy, expressing he had acquainted his Maty with a note inclosed in that letter, and that his Mats pleasure was that the Court should be adjorned.
That note saith: first, that this Court is a newe devysed Court.
2. That the keeping of yt wold be prejudiciall to his Maty.
To the first, this Court is not newe for yt is the Chace Court and called the Court of Roundhedge, of the place where it hath bin allwaies kept; and as all fforests and chaces have there Courts, wee knowe no reason why yt should be denyed to the Kings Chace of Endfeild.
And this Court was kept about 38 yers past by Ffleetwood, sometymes Recorder of London, and twyce or thryce since. And by reporte of anncient men present when the said Court should have bin holden, yt had bin a Court for the said Chace tyme out of mynd.
And by the Kings Letters Patents under the duchy seale dated 18 Junii in the xith yeere of his highnes raigne of England, it is recyted that the Court of Roundhedge is proper and peculier to the Chace for the well governing and ordering thereof, and for the inquyring, presenting and punishing by verdict of jury and otherwise of all abuses, misdeameanors and disorders comitted and done in the said Chace, and doth will and require the nowe Earle of Salisbury to keepe the said Chace Court as often as he shall thinck convenient.
And whereas that note expresseth that the Court should be prejudiciall to his Maty, but expresseth not wherein, the truth is that the same is verie useful for the well governing of the Chace.
Ffor these offences followinge, amongest divers others, are to be presented, punished and reformed there:
1. The destruction of the deare or game.
2. The insufficiency of the pales and fences about the Chace, and newe gates or passages into the same Chace, whereby cattle are brought in to burthen the said Chace.
3. Incrochments uppon the Chace by those which build uppon any part of yt or doe enclose or incroch uppon any part of yt.
4. Digging of the soile for turffe or other cause.
5. Destruction of vert, either by keepers or other officers taking more then there due, or that which is unfit, or by comoners or owners of newe erected cottages or inmatts or pillfarers and ffilchers."—Undated.
1 p. (General 67/9.)
[Before 1621]. "The names of all the copices in Chittered walke, who are the owners and in what parishes they lie."
Earle of Salisburie Parke Copice all in the parish of Rushton
Hoggstocke copice
Syncklies copice
Quenes copice in the parrish of Gussage St. Michael
Sir Richard Worsley (fn. 5) of the Isle of Weight Lauston wood alias Woodesend in the parrish of Lauston
Sir Edmond Uvedale, knight Weicklie copice in the parrish of
Hores copice Tarrant Monnckton
Lytle hill copice in the parrish of
Challcotts copice Rushton abovesaid
Staple Croft copice in the parrish of
Lytle Oakehill Moore Crytchell
The Lord Arundell of Wardor Yonge Kytemoore copice all in the parrish of Longe Crytchell
Old Kytemoore copice
Westwood copice
Honigrove copice
Greate Oakehill
Edward Wood, lessee for yeares of these Strawberie copice
Bayntons copice
Shorte copice
Mr Thomas Lovell Parke copice in the parrish of Shappwicke
Burchin copice
Rawston Stubbs in the parrish of Ranston
Belonginge in common to the freeholders of Wichampton Wichampton in the parrish of Wichampton
Parke copice
Slyotts copice
Mr Nathaniel Napper Lytle downe in the parrish of Moore Crytchell
To the parsonage of Longcrytchell Prysts copice in the parrish of Longcrytchell
Verso: reference to sale of some of the above coppices, and on the decayed condition of others.—Undated.
2 pp. (General 59/27.)


  • 1. The total sum was £127:7:6.
  • 2. In second copy.
  • 3. See supra, pp. 130–1.
  • 4. Created peer in 1621.
  • 5. Died in 1621.