Cecil Papers: October 1611

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp314-318 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp314-318.

"Cecil Papers: October 1611". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp314-318.

October 1611

Feckenham Forest
[1611, before October) "The estate of the cause touching the assarts of Feckenham."
Descent given of the manor and park within the forest of Feckenham, with particulars as to the assarts: "by which it appears that the patentees of the manor have been always heretofore, and Sir Thomas Leighton (fn. 1) the now patentee is, the King's ancient tenant of the assarts, and is charged in accounts and hath allowance for it, and therefore prays to be admitted to compound for them." Undated
1 p. (P.2436)
Roydon Manor
1611, October 3 to 1612, October 16. The verdicts, amercements and presentments of the homage at the Court Baron of the manor.
Endorsed: "Roydon, 1611. The Jury's verdict." 3pp. (129 85)
— to Mr. Temple
[1611, before October 11] On behalf, apparently, of a minister imprisoned for marrying without licence; praying that his "Lordship" will give him his liberty, and that but half a year's suspension be put upon him, according to the last canons set down in Convocation at the late Parliament. "And besides having his liberty, I know my Lord cannot find a man in London that will sooner ferret forth the married couple than he, if it please him to use him." Dr. Cowell (fn. 2) has promised that if Mr Temple and Mr Reynolds will solicit "my Lord" for the poor man, he will get Mr Lampine to entreat his release also. Undated
½ p. (P.2323)
Docquet of Various Grants
[1611, October 14.] The office of Yeoman Tailor in the Great Wardrobe (void by the death of Nicholas Rowe) with the fee of 6d by the day, together with a yearly livery, granted to John Yonge for term of his life. By order from Sir Roger Aston.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay for the diet and lodging of Sir Robert Sherley and his train during the time of his abode here, all such sums of money as shall be thought fit by the Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Suffolk to be allowed unto him. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay unto such persons where Doctor Jonas Carisius was dieted and lodged, for the charges of his entertainment during his abode here, the sum of 1091 6s. And also to deliver unto two messengers come from the great Turk to each of them 301, as of his Majesty's reward. And likewise to pay unto Patrick Gordon in recompense of his charges sustained in his journey from Poland hither the sum of one hundred marks. Subscribed and procured ut supra.
Docquet Signet Endorsed: "14 October 1611." 1 p. (129 77)
Captain Roger Polkinghorne
1611, October 18. Docquet of a pension of sixteen pence per diem granted unto Captain Roger Polkinghorne during his life, in consideration of his service done in pursuit and taking of certain pirates. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor-General upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure by the Lords of the Council. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
¼ p. (129 78)
The Loan
1611, October 20. Three papers:
(1) "Order for the loan." Details of warrants, privy seals and letters which are to be issued. The management of the loan is to be committed to the Lieutenants of Shires, who are to certify the names of the lenders and the taxation of every particular man. The Lords are to subscribe the certificates sent in by the Lieutenants, and send them to the Lord Privy Seal, who is to issue the privy seals accordingly. The Lords, or any four of them, the Lord Treasurer being one, to have power to mitigate sums as they shall find cause.
There follows "Other points resolved upon at the Board concerning this loan." The twelve shires of Wales, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland to be exempted for reasons given. Baronets to be appointed collectors before any other. Various persons, named, are appointed to take charge of certain shires. Undated
2pp. (196 53)
(2) "Division of the Shires for the loan." Gives the names of persons appointed to take charge of the various counties. Undated
Endorsed: "20 Oct. 1611." 2pp. (196 54)
(3) Copy of the above with slight variations.
2pp. (196 55)
Docquets of Grants
1611, October 26. A grant unto Christopher Ranes and Anthony Norton of certain lands and tenements in Branneby, co. Lincoln, and of the manor of Sturton near Stowe in the said county, formerly conveyed by them unto his Majesty, at the nomination of Sir Tho. Mounson, knt, to be holden in free and common soccage. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General, by signification of his Majesty's pleasure by the L. Treasurer. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A denization for Theodore Mayerne, Margaret his wife and Henry their son. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
The office of Keeper of his Majesty's castle of Tickhill in the county of York and of the office of porter of the same castle with all fees thereto belonging, granted to Raph Hausbye, esq, one of his Majesty's servants, and to his assigns during the lives of William Wandesford and George Hungate and of the longer liver of them. Subscribed by the Chancellor of the Duchy. Procured ut supra.
The reversion of a prebend's place in Windsor to John Elly, Master of Arts and preacher, recommended by the Bishop of Durham. Subscribed by Mr Windebank.
A privilege for 12 years granted to Philip Onslowe, gent, of the benefit of a new invention of gilding and painting of leather called Coram D'oro. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure by the Lords of the Privy Council. Procured by Sir Roger Wilbraham.
A letter to the L. Treasurer bestowing the benefit of the recusancy of John Edwards of Chirk, co. Denbigh, upon Sir Hugh Carmichael. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Endorsed: "26 October 1611." 1 p. (129 79)
Docquets of Grants
1611, October 30. A pension of 30l yearly granted unto Captain Anthony Ravenscroft during his life; upon surrender of the same by the Lady Woodroe, being parcel of a pension of 50l formerly granted to her during her life. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from the L. Treasurer.
A pardon to Richard Turner of killing one Thomas Chirk, which extends only to life, without remitting either lands or goods. Recommended by the late Mayor and Aldermen of London. Subscribed by Mr Recorder. Procured by — Damport, footman to his Majesty.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, requiring that the Dean of Raphoe (who has been lately with his Majesty about some private business) may find countenance in his meet occasions. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pension of 2001 yearly granted to Henry Nasmith and James Nasmith (sons to John Nasmith his Majesty's chirurgeon) during their lives. Upon surrender of the same by the Lord Gourdon, and in consideration of divers sums of money which John Nasmith has paid for the debts of the said Lord Gourdon. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from the Lord Treasurer.
Docquet Signet Endorsed: "30 October 1611." 2/3p. (129 80)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury, Master of the Court of Wards
1611, October 31. It has been so usual a course for Kings and Princes of this realm to make use of their subjects' good affections by borrowing some such competent sums of persons able to lend, as might supply those present occasions for public service which cannot attend that length of time wherein it might be raised by contribution from the generality of our subjects; as we have not only present occasion to make the like trial by borrowing from some private gentlemen and others, but also of your endeavours in furtherance of the service, that is to say, in taking some course either out of your own knowledge and experience or by any other means you like best, to make collection of as many persons' names that are any way belonging or depending on our Court of Wards and Liveries as may be of ability to furnish us with several sums at this time, and thereof to return unto our Privy Council at the least within twenty days after the receipt of these our letters both the names of the persons, their dwellings and what sums you think they may spare; that thereupon we may direct our privy seals unto them according to the form enclosed. And because we could be glad to make it appear (if any of those persons have formerly lent, though repaid again) how well we conceive of their former readiness, yet can we not resolve to spare them any further at this time than by letting you know that we mean not to require of any of those so much as they lent by one third part. By which course of ours, though you may well perceive how much we desire to procure this without inconvenience to any, which is intended only for the service of the public, yet must we assure you that we had not greater cause at any time that now we have, to make use of your integrity in respect of the election and of your constant demonstration of diligence and affection to the service. Palace of Westminster, last of October, 9 James I.
Sign Manual Signetpp. (129 81)
Government of London, etc.
[1611, before October]. Speech to the Lord Mayor elect, (fn. 3) one of the Company of Goldsmiths. Undated
Some notes in Salisbury's hand at end 9pp. (140 212)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury, Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire
1611, October 31. To the same effect as the preceding, for a loan from persons in his lieutenancy, with the following addition: And for your further instruction in this case, on whose trust we do so much repose, we wish you to advise herein with your deputy lieutenants as those from whom we have special cause to promise ourselves all good offices of duty and affection. To which we must add thus much, that we do not intend at this time to deal with any nobleman nor with any of those gentlemen on whom we have conferred the dignity of baronets, neither are you to deal with any of the clergy, because we have reserved that direction to the Metropolitans of the several provinces, to proceed only with some special persons that are known to be men of wealth and ability in other degree than merely of those livings, which in most places are far inferior to that maintenance which we could wish them. Palace of Westminster, last of October, 9 James I.
Sign Manual Signet 12/3pp. (129 82)


  • 1. Sir Thomas Leighton was dead before 2 October, 1611. [See Cal.S.P.Dom, 1611–1618, p. 268]
  • 2. Dr John Cowell, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, died on October 11, 1611.
  • 3. Sir James Pemberton, of the Company of Goldsmiths, was elected Lord Mayor for 1611–12.