Cecil Papers: February 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp200-206 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp200-206.

"Cecil Papers: February 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp200-206.

February 1610

Captain Throgmorton to the Earl of Salisbury
1609–10, February 1. I received your letter the 29th January, whereby I understand complaint has been made by the inhabitants hereabouts of many disorders committed by the soldiers here at Milton. I do assure you upon my credit they never offered offence to the town or country, more than at their first coming betwixt them and the thieves of the country there were some 30 or 40 muttons stolen. And whereas you tax us with ill-governing of them, the cause whereof your Lordship, it seems, has been informed our not residing with them, for my own part I was not three nights from them since I landed, and the last night was to visit a gent[leman] I brought out of Ireland, who is committed to Canterbury gaol for suspicion of robbing by the highway; in whose behalf I am suitor to you to direct your letters to Mr Levesie that com mitted him. or any others whom you shall think fit, to release him. He is a dangerous fellow and not fit to be left behinds. His name is Ardell McDowrie Mahon.
The second information to your Lordship much grieves me that I should be so much wronged. If I would have been false to the trust reposed in me by the Lord Deputy of Ireland, I might better have made merchandise of it there than here, but the dismissing of any was and is so far from any such purpose as that I ever detested any such motion; for I do so far understand this employment as that if I should consent to do so foul a deed, I should think myself not worthy to be reputed amongst honest men. I did not out of the woods and other places, as my Lord Deputy knows, collect 143 of them and kept them 5 or 6 weeks upon my own charges till they were shipped, with any purpose to dismiss any; and for 'caring' [sic, carrying] any English with me here is one from Mr Stalendge to see us shipped tomorrow can witness I had never any such intention. I know you will not upon any information censure of me otherwise than I deserve. Milton, this first of January [sic], 1609.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'primo Febr 1609.' 1 p. (126 143)
Sales of Manors and Lands
1609–10, February 5. Warrant signed by the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar. The contractors for manors and lands to be granted to them by way of sales in gross in fee simple or fee farm, complain of the too great value set down by the auditors for perquisites of courts. The warrant gives directions at length how the valuations are to be made. 5 February, 1609.
Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (195 98)
Sir Richard Oglethorp to the Earl of Salisbury
1609–10, February 7. His Majesty's will for Mr Baron Hasset is already performed here, and by your letters he has place of the second baron of the Exchequer in this kingdom where, for the increase of my time, we have done reasonable well since I have been twice chief and second of that Court. I have your letters of leave to do my duty in England and also to see my aged father, and my occasions moving. I have at this time no other suit, but where the Lord Deputy and Council by their letters heretofore for the Lord Dudley and others have written that I may have my part of lands in the province of Ulster, and Mr Treasurer to that effect will move again, I may the rather and the sooner receive direction for my portion by the soliciting of this gentleman, the bearer hereof, Mr Rob. Calvert, that I may pass letters patent for so much, and know my own; and so take benefit of your letters aforesaid by no longer delay of my coming over but against the next winter, as I writ before. I desire that I may be appointed one for that division in the North, and for the same bring account at my coming, which will not be easily obtained here without your warrant in my behalf. As I have been bound to your father for his own hand's admittance into Graie's Inn, I will not doubt to live in your favour. At Dublin, 7 February. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (126 174)
Viscount Mountague to the Earl of Salisbury
1609–10, February 9. Whereas in a letter of your Lordship's dated yesterday the 8th of this February you require me to send unto you for his Majesty's service one Belamy by John Stoning, the bearer of your letter, I do protest on my fidelity that I neither have or ever had a servant of that name or the like, nor do I know any man in the world that is so called or whom I conceive you to mean. Cowdry, 9 February, 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (104 13)
Edward Palavicini to the Earl of Salisbury
1609–10, February 10/20. The Palavicini of Genoa are sending an agent to London to obtain payment of the sum due to them by the King. Although confident that justice will be done to their claims, they have supplied him with means to give a handsome gratuity to any person who can expedite matters. I have thought well to inform you, and should be glad to know your intentions, knowing that you can bring matters to a satisfactory conclusion for those who deserve it. London, 20 February, 1610 [? N.S.].
Signed Seal Italian ½ p. (195 138)
Sir Thomas Phillips to the Earl of Salisbury
1609–10, February 16. At my coming to the ship, I found the captain, master and 'marrines' kept aboard by the Irish soldiers, who would not permit them to go ashore. The soldiers said it was to the end that Captain Throgmorton should not go ashore to hinder them of their due, which they allege they have not received to the full of 8d a day; besides they complain of the weights of their victuals and measure of beer. Also the cloth whereof the 'trowses' were made was so bad as they hurled some 3 or 4 pair over the ship's side for me to see. After parley I caused them to hoist out the boat, that the captains [sic], master and 3 or 4 of the ringleaders should come ashore. On examination, having the victualler with me, the captain clears himself, but affirms that they are short of their 'shortes', some 150, and that some of the cloth was naught, and that they have not victuals for above 10 days. I send this letter by the victualler, Somerland, that they may be supplied of their wants and victuals for 12 days more, which if presently supplied the master will set sail forthwith. I have sent into the country to inquire further of their misdemeanours, to the end that the principal offenders being found, both of that disorder and this mutiny, I might take a course for their punishment. Tilberie, 16 February, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 4)
Levynus Munck to Roger Houghton
1609–10, February 26. The Lord Treasurer wishes you to deliver to the bearer 501 for one whom his Lordship employs in Germany. Court at Whitehall, 26 February, 1609.
Holograph Receipt at foot for 501 by John Castle ½ p. (213 3a)
Imposition on Sugar
1609–10, February 26. Warrant to the Treasurer and UnderTreasurer of the Exchequer, with respect to the imposition on sugar. Palace of Westminster, 26 February, 1609.
Parchment 1 p. (219 9)
James Douglas to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609–10, February] The King has granted him the pardon of Sir Robert Basset, fugitive, if he shall conceive it to be grantable. Begs Salisbury's favour in the matter. Undated
Signed Endorsed: 'Feb. 1609.' ½ p. (127 6)
William Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609–10, February] I am sorry you hold that hard opinion of me showed in your late speech at the Star Chamber. I do not justify myself against whatever sentence shall be given by so honourable a Court, or by you alone, to whom, as chief magistrate of our University, I submit, acknowledging my fault and craving pardon. Because I do not know how much the gravity of this Court may prejudice me, I desire you (in regard I am yet a member of the University) to stay the proceeding here, and I shall obey what order you appoint. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'Feb. 1609.' 1 p. (127 7)
Proposition of the French Ambassador
[? 1609–10, February] The proposition of the French Ambassador tended to an overture of a league defensive and offensive to be made between his Majesty and the French King for the present defence of the States against the King of Spain and the Archdukes.
This proposition seemed grounded upon an opinion the French have that Spain will retract the yielding up of the sovereignty of those Provinces, and therefore the States must be assisted in the war or utterly perish.
The effect of this overture besides is to take away all jealousies and coldness growing daily more and more between Great Britain and France, and to unite and confirm them indivisibly together by taking away all dependency from others.
The circumstances considerable in this overture are:
1. That it is made in private upon particular confidence of each other's good disposition to their princes.
2. That it is only warranted from Monsr de Villeroy, and not directly proceeding from the King.
3. That the answer required thereunto is to be speedy and directly to the point itself, without further consideration as is necessary in a matter of that weight and import.
4. That if the proposition be but verbally approved by me, the Ambassador will procure sufficient authority from the King to proceed further in it.
And lastly, that for the interim it is offered that the alliance or marriage which Spain is to offer to France shall be directly rejected, if this proposition be but tasted here.
In all which these things fall to be principally considerable:
1. Whether this overture may be meant sincerely or be only a device to serve the French turn.
2. Howsoever it be intended, whether it be not fit to be entertained accordingly.
3. In the entertaining of it, these things are principally to be observed for the making of the answer accordingly.
4. Whether it be likely or not that Spain will not proceed in the course of pacification with the States, as now it stands.
5. Whether if Spain do retract the sovereignty the States are like to break the treaty or not.
6. If the States enter into war upon it, whether they cannot for a while support the same by their own means, as hitherto they have done, or must needs perish.
7. If they must be supported from abroad in the war, then to consider whether this cannot be done by an underhand assistance, which may be avowed or disavowed as occasion shall be offered.
8. Or whether it will be more expedient for the common good to enter into an open war for them.
9. If an underhand assistance be resolved upon, then to consider by what means it can be raised, great or small, on his Majesty's part.
10. If an open war be preferred, then which way his Majesty can support it, his affairs standing as they do.
11. But if Spain assures the States the sovereignty, whether it is likely he will not give them contentment also in the other inferior points, or whether the States will stand so peremptorily on these inferior things as with contentment to break for them.
And lastly, whether the States receiving such contentment from Spain, they will be induced to break their peace.
For the alliance of Spain with France, it is to be considered whether Spain will offer it or not.
And if he offer it, whether it be not past refusing.
Then, if the offer is like to be simply or conditionally with some advantage for Spain against the States.
And if the condition be of disadvantage to the States, whether France is like to accept it or not.
If it be simply offered, it must be considered also what prejudice such a match can bring to Great Britain, or whether the like contracts for their other children may not be interchangeably made hereafter amongst France, Spain or Great Britain, without prejudice one to another.
The Treaty defensive first offered to be made in Holland between his Majesty, the French King and the States was also conditionally depending upon the success of the peace between Spain and the States. It was to be defensive, one for another, against all foreign invasions and homebred stirs and rebellions, but in all other things answerable to his Majesty's treaty with the States which is now concluded.
The Treaty now come from the States is the original signed by all the commissioners, and is to be ratified within three days after the date of it, by the States General, and within two months after by the particular Provinces, and within the like time by his Majesty, to be delivered interchangeably at the Hague. Of the two months there is already now twenty-four days expired, so as it will be fit to be expedited out of hand here, because of the uncertainty of wind and weather that may hinder the transportation. Undated
Endorsed in Salisbury's handwriting: 'Considerations for France.' The following are amongst the notes written by Salisbury on the last page.
The States made known their demands and by that a judgment to follow.
The sum of all that his Majesty had equal care of the States with him, and would in counsel and action do all that should be thought fit, as far as might be.
Alincourt's negotiations with Venice for Jesuits. His protestation against Don Juan de Medicis.
For the States either they must live in peace or war. If a peace may be had upon the terms already spoken, much better than to struggle for a war uncertain in the issue.
For first it giveth repose while it lasts, and if it break, we may be better justified as we are now tied to begin our assistance of them.
The considerations are many which move for further deliberation. The arguments more likely for peace than war.
Don Pedro come.
4 pp. (128 90)
[See Cal.S.P. Venice, 1607–1610, pp. 419, 432, 446]
Arthur Jacksonne to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609–10, c. February] Your patient hearing of all and honourable usage of those who clear themselves from all suspicion of intended rebellion, is greatly to be commended. If I have deserved either to be cast out of my Prince's protection or his nobility's charitable conceit, I crave the law; if not, then liberty is my due. If you conceived how great my wants are, my trial should be short. I beseech your answer, and what service lies in my power, either here, at Rome, in Spain or Flanders, shall be at your command. Undated.
Holograph ½ p. (130 145)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 589]
Sir Henry Goodere to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609–10, February] He is suing for the escheat of John King and one Bennett and others, who have lately slain a man at Stepney, and begs Salisbury's furtherance. He has had no fruit from the two escheats and the recusants previously granted him. His chargeable service to the King (being 50001 worse than he was) has brought his estate very low. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Feb. 1609'. 1 p. (195 99)
The Countess of Montgomery to the Lord Treasurer
[1609–10, February] For the bestowal upon her of the ward which Mr Cercam has the note of. From your affectionate niece. Undated.
? Holograph Endorsed: 'Feb. 1609.' 1 p. (206 56)
Bossley Manor, Cheshire
[1609–10, February] The answer of Mr Edward Fitton concerning the manor of Bossley, Cheshire.
William, Earl of Derby, contracted with Sir Edward Fitton, of Gawsworth, and Francis Fitton, his uncle, to convey the manor to Francis; and there was a secret trust between Sir Edward and Francis that the latter should, after Sir Edward's decease, convey the manor to continue to the succeeding heirs of Sir Edward. Details of the steps taken to carry out this arrangement. Undated.
Endorsed: '1609.' ½ p. (P. 2276)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 587].
Bailiffs and Inhabitants of Great Yarmouth to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609–10, February or later] Pray him to further their suit to the King for confirmation of their ancient charters and privileges, and for some new additions thereunto. Undated.
½ p. (P. 2039)
[See Commons Journals, 1, pp. 400, 410]