Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Mac-Art, Brian, nephew to the Earl of Tyrone
-, his death, 66

McKonel or MacKonell. See MacDonald, Angus

MacDonald, Angus, Keeper of the Castle of Dunnyveg
-, surrenders with his son to King's forces, 225

MacGuire. See Maguire, Cuconnaught

Maclean, Lauchten, of Duart
-, surrenders with Macdonald to King's forces, 225

Macllyn. See Maclean, Lauchten

Maddock, Roger, in the employment of the Customs farmers at Faversham
-, his deposition, 217

Madestone. See Maidstone

Madinhead. See Maidenhead

Madreele. See Madrid

Madrid (Madreele, Madreill) [Spain]
-, newsletter from, 2
-, letters dated from, 19, 23, 55, 78, 112, 122, 123, 141, 164, 168, 170, 173, 179, 186, 195, 203, 208, 211, 212, 219, 221, 273
-, 103, 170, 235, 241
-, unknown disease attacks people of, 179

Magdalene College, Oxford
-, Earl of Salisbury's chaplain resigns his Fellowship at, 297

Maguire (MacGuire), Cuconnaught, Lord of Fermanagh
-, reported to have been sent to Rome by Tyrone, 5

Maidenhead (Madinhead), co. Berks
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Maidstone (Madestone), co. Kent
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Malacca [East Indies]
-, Spanish ships sail for, 45
-, setback to Portuguese at, 69
-, reported captured by Dutch, 101, 132, 166

Malaga [Spain]
-, English factor imprisoned at, 112
-, ships lost in storm off, 116

Malaspina (Malespine), Francesco, Marquis of Castenole, Florentine Ambassador to England
-, arrives in Brussels on his way to London, 258

Malespine, Marquis of. See Malaspina

Mallaccas. See Moluccas

Mallory, Thomas, Dean of Chester 292

-, proposal to augment King's revenue by taxing malsters upon their appointment, 302

-, Chevalier de Guise made General of the galleys at, 49
-, The Bonsegno lost on her way to, 124
-, Turkish vessel captured by ships of, 157

Malta, Grand Master of. See Vignacourt, Aloph de

Man, Isle of
-, legal proceedings concerning property in, 269
-, Lord Chandos receives profits of, 277
-, 282

Mançedor. See Mancicidor

Mancezedor. See Mancicidor

Mancicidor (Mancedor, Manciscidor, Mancezedor), Don Juan de, Secretary for the affairs of Spain in Brussels
-, nominated to treat with Dutch, 3, 19
-, his wife's death by drowning, 29, 32
-, discusses projected marriage between Dauphin and Infanta with Jeannin and Richardot, 187
-, his secretary goes to Spain, 245
-, his secretary returns to Brussels with Philip III's decision, 267
-, wishes to retire, 270
-, Secretary of. See Orquini

Manciscidor. See Mancicidor

Maney, John
-, his heir a ward, 296

Manners (Mannours), Roger, of Uffington, co. Lincoln, 3rd son of Thomas Manners, 1st Earl of Rutland
-, Lord Ros inherits property from, 37

Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 20, 282

Mannours, Roger. See Manners, Roger

Mansell. Sir Robert, Treasurer of the Navy
-, in consultations with Lord Admiral on state of Navy's stores, 241

Mansfeld, Bruno, Count of
-, sent by Archduke Matthias to Archduke Albert. 85
-, arrested by Archduke Ferdinand at Ratisbon, 101

Mansfelt, Joachim Frederick, Count of, Swedish general
-, 265

Mantua [Italy]
-, San Georgio sent by Duke of Savoy to, 63

Mantua, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Vincent

Mantua, Prince of. See Gonzaga, Francisco

Manwood, (Sir) Peter, of Hackington, co. Kent, J.P.
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine, John

Marescotti, Lanfranco, a merchant of Rome
-, letter to secretary of British Ambassador at Constantinople, 266
-, 302

Marennes [Charente Inférieure, France]
-, English pirates seize ships from, 14

Margarita, Queen of Spain, wife of Philip III and daughter of Charles, Archduke of Gratz
-, receives gifts from King of Persia, 54
-, assists professed English pilgrim, 55
-, sends gifts to King of Poland, 64
-, death of her mother, 167

Margate, co. Kent
-, 218

Margitts (Margetts), George
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 173, 229
-, his suit for the bailiwick of places in London, Westminster and Southwark, 173
-, 228
-, recommends plan for solving problem of corn supply in England, 229

Marie (de Medici), Queen of France
-, signs contract of marriage between Duke of Orleans and Marie de Bourbon, 28
-, her ballet, 49

Markham, Sir Griffin, soldier and conspirator
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 116
-, protests his fidelity to King, 116

Marseilles [Bouches-du-Rhône, France]
-, French ship captured by English pirates between Soria and, 63
-, Turks plunder French ships on their way to, 73
-, 73
-, Mustapha Aga requests passport to travel to England from, 97

Marshall, John, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Marsham, —
-, wardship of, 140

Martin (Martyn) co. Wilts
-, parsonage of, 58

Martin (Martyn), Sir Richard, Master of the Mint
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 236
-, warns of serious consequences of permitting export of gold and silver, 236

Martin (Martyn), William, Recorder of Exeter
-, requests Earl of Salisbury that Exeter merchants be allowed freedom of trade with France, 107
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Martin, William, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Mary, Queen of England
-, mentioned, 113, 120

Mason, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

-, warrant for preparing a, 272

Massa, Prince of. See Cibo, Alberic

Massam (Massome, Messam), William, a London merchant
-, manufactures and exports ordnance at Cardiff, 170
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Massome Mr. See Massam, William

-, purchased in Danzig, 7

Mathews, Richard, shipmaster of Shoreham
-, discharges ordnance at San Sebastian, 170

Matthew, Tobias, Archbishop of York
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 46
-, requests that his son be kept prisoner than banished for recusancy, 46, 47
-, his request refused by Earl of Salisbury, 70

Matthew, Tobie, son of Archbishop Matthew
-, to be banished for recusancy, 46
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 50, 79
-, agrees to live abroad, 50
-, refuses to take oath of allegiance, 70
-, sells his interest in Durham House to Earl of Salisbury, 79
-, King orders stricter confinement of, 88

Matthias, Archduke of Austria, later Emperor
-, arrives at Pressburg to attend Diet of Hungary, 62, 64
-, his conduct at the Diet, 71
-, Protestant delegates at Ratisbon demand Emperor's ratification of all done by, 77
-, justifies his actions to Rome and Madrid, 77, 78, 85, 156
-, sends Mansfeld to Archduke Albert, 85, 101
-, objectives of policy of, 78
-, 85, 86, 114, 124, 156, 157, 158, 163
-, accepts election as King of Hungary, 106
-, marches towards Bohemia, 114
-, refuses to treat with Emperor without his adherents, 114, 124
-, concludes peace with Turks at Castelnuovo, 125, 145
-, estimate of forces under command of, 125, 145, 171, 187
-, arrives with army at Tabor, 145
-, refuses audience to Archbishop Forgacs, 145
-, reports of his intention to become Emperor, 153
-, reported to be near Prague, 158. 165
-, said to be aiming at deposing Rudolph, 171
-, Pedro de Toledo to compound differences between Emperor and, 173
-, breakdown of conferences between Estates of Bohemia and delegates from, 181
-, offered conditional government of Moravia, 182
-, his agreement with Emperor welcomed in Spain, 185
-, comment on his indecision, 187
-, reported to be supported by Archdukes Albert and Ferdinand, 187
-, his suspicions of Shirley, 189
-, name coupled with Arbella Stuart, 245

Matthieu, Pierre, French poet and historian
-, his book on the life of Henry IV, 104

Maund. William
-, his death in Spain, 273

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, brother of Ferdinand, Archduke of Gratz
-, executes Grisons, 63
-, meeting between Archduke Ferdinand and, 114

Maxwell, Lord. See Maxwell, John

Maxwell, John, 8th Lord Maxwell
-, 227
-, arrives in Brussels, 268

Maxwell, Peter, of Meer, co. Stafford recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Maxwell, Sir Robert
-, his pension, 306

Maxwell, Mr
-, 281

Maynard, Mr. See Maynard, William

Maynard, William, in the service of the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 28
-, recommended to Carew by Earl of Salisbury, 75

Mayne, Renée de Lorraine, Mademoiselle de, sister of the Duc d'Aiguillon
-, Marquis de Rosny enamoured of, 49

Meade, Edward
-, witness of brawl at Waltham Cross, 242

Medici, Catherine de, eldest daughter of Ferdinand de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany
-, marriage projected between Prince of Piedmont and, 72

Medici II, Cosimo de, Grand Duke of Tuscany, son of Ferdinand de Medici
-, reviews his warships at Leghorn, 124
-, Lesieur accredited as English Ambassador to, 146
-, sends galleys to protect Genoa against pirates, 147
-, buys ordnance from England, 170
-, distrusts Sir Anthony Shirley, 189
-, his impending marriage with sister of Archduke Ferdinand of Gratz, 233
-, chases the pirate Ward from Straits, 236

Medici, Ferdinand de, Grand Duke of Tuscany
-, 72(2)
-, projected marriage of his daughter to Prince of Piedmont, 72
-, his treatment of English merchants at Florence, 82, 87
-, James I's opinion of, 87
-, English ships taken by orders of, 87, 107
-, death of, 105
-, professes friendship for James I, 246
-, his support canvassed for granting cardinal's hat to William Chisholm, 259

Medici, Don John de, natural son of Cosimo de Medici I, Grand Duke of Tuscany
-, leaves Paris for Italy, 123
-, reported as intending to serve Emperor in Hungary, 146
-, in Venice, 157

Medina Sidonia, Alonzo Perez de Guzman, Duke of
-, welcomes Dutch merchants, 169

Meer (Meere), co. Stafford
-, 199

Melchbourne, co. Bedford
-, proposed purchase of the manor of, 103

Mellini, Giovanni, Cardinal
-, appointed Legate to Germany, 156
-, receives gift of chain of gold from Cardinal Montalto, 156

Melvin, Sir Robert
-, his pension, 306

Melwood (Mellwood), co. Lincoln
-, letters dated from, 10, 20

Mena, Don Francisco de, a Spanish judge
-, 6

Mendoza (Mendozze), Don Antonio, Spanish commander
-, summoned by Viceroy of Naples, 72

Meoli (Merli), Girolamo or Giovanni, secretary to Sir Thomas Glover
-, protests against violence of his treatment, 159
-, under protection of French Ambassador, 159, 302
-, letter to Borghese, 192
-, Marescotti's letter to, 266
-, authors and contents of letters written to, 302

Merchant Adventurers
-, their transport of English cloth abroad, 35
-, at Middelburg, 109
-, Spanish opposition to their reestablishment at Stade, 176

Merli, Gironimo. See Meoli

Mespelbrun, Julius Echter von, Bishop of Würzburg
-, in correspondence with Nuncio, 71

Messam, William. See Massam

Metzne, Jerson, of Amsterdam
-, newsletter addressed to, 303

Mewtys, Captain. See Mewtys, Thomas

Mewtys, Thomas, captain in the service of the States General
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 166

Mexico (Nova Spania, Nova Espagna)
-, Spanish fleet prepares to sail for, 61, 116(2), 168, 171
-, departure of the largest Spanish fleet for many years to, 168, 183, 185, 198
-, news from, 183

Mexico, Bay of
-, 61

Michau, M[ichel], a merchant of (Les) Sables d'Olonne
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 14

Michell, Francis
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 134
-, his comments on Willis and his relations with him, 134

Michell (Mychell), Gilbert, of Bodmin, co. Cornwall, J.P.
-, signs joint report on provisioning of ships fishing off Newfoundland, 285

Michell, Susan
-, commits incest with John Pleydell, 128

Middelburg (Middleburgh, Midelboro) [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, 2
-, letter dated from, 42
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury from Merchant Adventurers at, 109
-, used as cover to send ordnance from Wales to Spain, 170
-, English merchants instructed not to keep banished Scottish ministers at, 184

-, Earl of Salisbury's argument for bestowal of share of City of London's wealth on, 213
-, 214

Milan [Italy]
-, reports from, 63, 72, 124, 147
-, soldiers levied in, 72, 122
-, 111
-, letter dated from, 136
-, Earl of Tyrone received with honour at, 144

Miller, —
-, his pension, 306

Mills, Arthur [? Groom of the Privy Chamber]
-, receives grant from King, 284

Milton, co. Kent
-, 199

Mineral and Battery Company
-, engaged in a dispute over water, 298

-, of silver in Scotland, 4, 74, 75, 239

Mint, The
-, serious effects of export of gold and silver on revenues of, 236
-, 239, 245

Miranda, Juan de Cuniga, Duke of, President of Council of State of Spain
-, retires from conduct of affairs, 102, 112
-, obtains annual pension of 18,000 crowns, 157

Mishaski, Signor. See Illeshazy, Stephan

Misselden, Edward, English economist and merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 224
-, complains of opposition to his glass-making schemes, 224

Mitcham, co. Surrey
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Modbury, co. Devon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Modena, Duke of. See d'Este, César

Modena, Prince of. See d'Este, Alfonso

Modena [Italy]
-, ceremonious entry of Prince of Modena and his bride into, 146

Mohun, (Sir) Reynold, of Boconnoc,
-, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain, 261

Molesworth, Bevil (Bevell)
-, signs joint request to Earl of Salisbury, 299

Molton Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Moluccas (Mallaccas), The
-, Portuguese galleys leave for, 45

Moncaleri. See Montcalieri

Monington, Richard, of Sarnesfield. co. Hereford, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

-, sent to Earl of Salisbury, 36, 58

-, always included within jurisdiction of the Council of Wales, 314

Monnox, Edward, assistant to officers of the Admiralty
-, buys masts at Danzig, 7

-, in the starch-making trade, 50

Monson, Sir William, Admiral
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 280

Monson (Munson), Sir Thomas, of South Carlton, co. Lincoln, brother of Sir William Monson
-, 279

Montagu (Mountagu), Sir Henry, Recorder of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 88
-, concerned with raising loan in London, 88

Montagu (Mountagu), James, Dean of Rochester
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 86, 260
-, nominated Bishop of Bath and Wells, 86, 89
-, solicits Earl of Salisbury's help in keeping his post as Dean of the Chapel Royal, 86
-, criticised in a controversial book, 226
-, assists King in answering polemical attacks, 260

Montaigne, George, Chaplain to James I
-, certifies that Walker is fit to be presented to church of Slaxby, 182
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231
-, requests free election of Master of Queen's College, Cambridge, 231

Montalto, Cardinal. See Peretti, Alessandro

Montcalieri (Moncaleri) [Piedmont, Italy]
-, Seigneur d'Albigny dies at chateau of, 63

Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Philip

-, Lord Eure recommends Mr Tannett to be Muster-master in, 20

Montorgueil (Mountorguell), Island of Jersey
-, letter dated from, 24

Montpensier, Henri de Bourbon, Duke of
-, contract of marriage between Duke of Orleans and daughter of, 28
-, granted a pension by Henry IV, 28

Montpensier, Henrietta de Bourbon, Duchess of
-, signs contract of marriage between her daughter and Duke of Orleans, 28

Moore, Sir Garret, a chaplain in Ireland
-, accused of necromancy, 88

Moore, John, agent to Robert Savage
-, letter to Savage, 7

Moore, Richard, later Receiver of the County and City of Lincoln
-, granted rectories and chantry lands, 128

Moorlinch (Murlinch), co. Somerset manor of, 305

-, signs of discontent in, 105
-, summons to Diet of Prague of deputies of, 106
-, supporters of Archduke Matthias in, 106
-, postponement of Diet of, 113
-, Archduke Matthias on his way to, 114, 145
-, Hungarian incursion into, 125
-, Brünn to be meeting place of Diet of, 125
-, forces for Archduke Matthias raised in, 145
-, Emperor attempts to placate Diet of, 146
-, Archduke Matthias offered conditional government of, 182

More, George
-, reports on fencing of coppices in Surrey, 270

More (Morre), John
-, seeks Deanery of Worcester for his brother, 89

Moressini, The, of Soria
-, arrives at Leghorn, 147

Morgan. —, a keeper at Cran borne Park
-, beaten up by poachers, 224

Morgen, Augustine, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

-, threat by Spanish Government to liquidate, 185, 186

Morley, Lord. See Parker, Edward

Morrel, Hugh, of Exeter, merchant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 286
-, requests help to keep people employed at Hatfield, 286

Morrell, Walter, of London, merchant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 286
-, undertakes to maintain employment at Hatfield, 286

Morris, Mr, a chandler in Chancery Lane
-, 142

Morton, Sir George, of Melborne St. Andrew, co. Dorset
-, corresponds with Uvedale, 26

Moryson, John
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199

Moscow (Muscovy)
-, news from, 106
-, Zuski concentrates his forces near, 107

Moselle, River
-, ice on, 72

Mountagu, Sir Henry. See Montagu, Sir Henry

Mountagu, Dr James. See Montagu, James

Mounteagle, Lord. See Parker, William

Mountford, Thomas
-, granted rectories and chantry lands, 128

Much Yeldham. See Yeldham

Muller, Daniel
-, his pension, 306

Munck, Levinus (Levynus) de, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, letters to Houghton, 64, 101
-, countersigns Signet order, 183
-, 274

Munson, Sir Thomas. See Monson, Sir Thomas

Munster, Ireland
-, 46
-, reference to the President and Council of, 245

Murcho, John
-, his pension, 306

Murkey, James
-, his pension, 306

Murlinch. See Moorlinch

Murray, David, Lord Scone (Stone)
-, his accounts passed, 35

Murray, Sir David, Keeper of Prince Henry's Private Purse
-, his pension, 306

Murray, Sir James
-, his pension, 306

Murray, Sir James
-, his pension, 306

Murray, James (? Master cook)
-, his pension, 306

Murray (Murrey), John, Groom of the Bedchamber
-, granted lease of Catterlen manor, 174
-, his pension, 306

Murray, John
-, his pension, 306

Murray, Sir Patrick
-, his pension, 306

Murray, Thomas, tutor to Prince Charles
-, warrant from King on his behalf, 199
-, granted concealed debts, 200
-, his pension, 306

Murray, William, Captain
-, King grants money to, 301

Muscovy. See also Russia and Moscow
-, news from, 106
-, bell metal and plate transported from England to, 182

Muscovy, Lord of. See Zuski

Musgrave, Christopher
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 256
-, on Earl of Salisbury's business in Northumberland, 256

Musgrave, John, of Catterlen, co. Cumberland, attainted
-, 174

Musgrave, (Sir) Richard, Master of the Ordnance in the North
-, Earl of Salisbury desirous of buying property from, 256

Mussheron, Daniell, Captain
-, Englishmen serve in West Indies under, 45

Mustapha Aga, Chamberlain to the Sultan
-, requests passport to travel from Marseilles to England, 97

Mychell, Gilbert. See Michell, Gilbert

Myddelton, (Sir) Thomas, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Mynors, Henry, Sergeant of the King's carriages
-, his book of recusants, 303