Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson (Jacson), Sir John, former King's Attorney at the Council of the North
-, recommended by Lord Sheffield for vacancy on Council, 230

Jacson. See Jackson, Sir John

Jackson, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Jamaica [West Indies]
-, 183

James I, King of England
-, 15, 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 48, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60, 74, 79, 82(2), 88, 90, 96
-, reported in Madrid to be favourably disposed towards Catholics in England, 18
-, requested by Archduke Albert to further peace, 19
-, his revenue in Jersey, 23
-, prorogues Parliament, 31
-, goes hawking at Theobalds, 31
-, refuses audience to Hobocque, 32
-, writes to Spanish Ambassador in Brussels, 32
-, intervenes on behalf of Yaxley, 36, 37
-, petition from western shires to, 37
-, Gorges argues that special attention be paid to Virginia by, 56
-, offended by Bishop of Winchester, 59
-, reported to be changing tenure of Earl of Tyrone's lands, 66
-, rejects Gunter's petition, 76
-, his attitude to grievances of English merchants in Florence, 81, 82, 87
-, interested in possible loan from London, 82, 120
-, nominates Montagu Bishop of Bath, 86
-, his opinion of the Duke of Tuscany, 87
-, approves of appointment of Lesieur as English Ambassador to Florence, 87
-, loan in London raised for, 88
-, orders stricter confinement of Tobie Matthew and Constable, 88
-, orders trial and punishment of Irish necromancer, 88
-, pleased with Earl of Salisbury, 89
-, his taste in meat, 89
-, his violent reaction to a petition, 89
-, recommends Blake for a Fellowship at Peterhouse, Cambridge, 89
-, disinclined to support Dutch in their attitude towards trade with Indies, 91
-, grants loan to tenant of his lodgings at Newmarket, 96
-, allots parcels of Duke of Suffolk's lands to claimants, 97
-, orders deer to be sent to King of France, 98
-, 102, 109, 111, 115, 118, 120(3), 121(3), 122, 126, 127, 128, 130, 133, 136, 141, 142, 143, 144, 150, 152, 153, 159, 180(2), 181, 186, 194
-, chosen as mediator by Sigismund of Poland, 106
-, proposes to unite all merchants trading with France into one corporation, 107
-, his grant to Elizabeth Somerville, 115
-, allows Willis to go to Rome, 117, 126
-, proposes to keep Cornwallis in his post for a further three years, 119
-, sups with Landgrave of Hesse, 120
-, gives instructions concerning lion cub, 120
-, expects word from King of Denmark, 121
-, concerned about Earl of Salisbury's health, 121, 133, 150
-, letter to Master of St. John's College, Oxford, 121
-, Willis justifies visit to Rome by referring to proclamation of, 126
-, grants and gifts by, 127, 128, 140, 174, 199
-, demands reasons for North's release, 130
-, his views on priorities in payment of pensions, 135
-, his opinion on proposed defensive league between England, France and United Provinces, 135, 153
-, involved in dispute over charter, 137
-, resents calumniation of Scotsmen, 138
-, criticises Chamberlain's conduct, 138
-, grants land to Earl of Salisbury, 140
-, scheme to deny his right to appoint consul, 155
-, at cards, 159
-, directives and warrants to Earl of Salisbury from, 165(2), 169, 182, 199, 221, 222
-, orders corn to be imported free of duty, 165
-, his favour to Kemerlingk, 165
-, authorises a grant to Shaw, 169
-, his grant to Murray, 174
-, treasonable speeches against, 177
-, permits export of plate to Russia, 182
-, takes action against banished Scottish ministers, 184
-, Cornwallis justifies Irish policy of, 185
-, grants £1,000 to Cornwallis, 188
-, his decision concerning lease of woods, 190
-, proposes to increase certain Customs duties to pay his debts, 191
-, reduces imposition on lead, 196
-, 197, 199, 200, 206, 210, 211, 216, 218, 226, 227, 230
-, exhausted after hunting, 205
-, permits transport of leather to Channel Islands, 206
-, Stanley's alleged disclosure of treaty between States General and, 207
-, Cornwallis's defence of Anglo Dutch league entered into by, 210, 211
-, hint that bad harvests in Spain would be useful weapon to, 218
-, copies of his correspondence with Dutch reported to be in Neyen's hands, 219
-, ostriches brought to, 223, 233
-, his attitude towards controversial book, 226
-, opposed to notion that Scotsmen in England be considered as aliens, 232
-, 235, 252, 257, 263, 267, 269, 271, 272, 275, 283, 295, 298, 301, 305(2), 307
-, ridiculed by Flemish pirate as a "King of peace", 236
-, alleged conspiracy in Flanders to assassinate, 236
-, prepared to intervene for continuance of Spanish-Dutch truce if invited to do so, 240, 252
-, to be asked to contribute to Breda orphanage, 244
-, Master of Gray denies charge of disloyalty in a letter to, 245
-, Lord Gray's account of alleged correspondence between Pope and, 248, 249
-, orders Privy Council to establish truth of charge of his alleged correspondence with Pope, 253
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 256, 261, 269, 287
-, advises Earl of Salisbury of importance of establishing Balmerino's guilt, 257
-, Balmerino addresses his confession to, 258
-, insists on answering polemical attacks against him, 266
-, letter of personal thanks to Privy Council for their part in Balmerino's trial, 261
-, Philip III reported to have appreciated intervention of, 268
-, highly appreciative of Earl of Salisbury's favourable disposition towards Scotsmen, 270
-, state of his debts, 271
-, scheme to provide money for, 272
-, resolves to curtail gifts and favours, 272
-, complains of sale of venison in London poached from Royal parks, 275
-, attempt to lay blame for ill success of peace negotiations on, 277, 285
-, acknowledges Earl of Salisbury's skill in law, 280
-, desires to restrain sale of arms to Turks, 280
-, his attitude towards trade with Turkey, 281(2)
-, gallops from Newmarket to Royston, 281
-, suffers from toothache, 281
-, insists upon Philip III's adherence to renunciation of sovereignty over Dutch, 285
-, letter to Henry IV, 285
-, thanks French King for his courtesy towards Viscount Cranborne, 285
-, Privy Council obtains loan from certain London citizens for, 288
-, his right to increase Custom duties, 293
-, petitioned to pardon Dacre, 294
-, petitioned to pay Gurlin's pension, 297
-, petitioned for grant by Le Grys, 297
-, suggestions for augmenting revenue of, 302, 307
-, 308(2), 309, 310, 312
-, petitioned for loan of guns, 312
-, directive concerning debts and gifts of, 312
-, sale of woods as part of revenue of, 315
-, Comptroller of household of. See Wotton, Edward

James, Peter, a London jeweller
-, provides jewels for members of the Royal Family, 10

James, William, Bishop of Durham
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 226, 281

Janin. See Jeannin, Pierre

Jaques, Colonel. See Franceschi. Jacomo

Jarrat, Lord. See Gerard, Thomas

Jarvis. See Jarvis, George

Jeannin (Janin, Jenning), Pierre, French representative at the Hague peace talks
-, called Rabbi of States General, 102
-, claims that he favours peace negotiations with United Provinces, 111
-, discusses projected marriage between Dauphin and Infanta with Richardot and Mancicidor, 187
-, confidence of Dutch treaty negotiators in, 261

Jeffreys (Jeffreyes), William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Jegon, Dr. See Jegon, Thomas

Jegon, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, dispute between Gurney and, 64, 65, 84
-, his college administration and family life commended, 84
-, background to dispute between Gurney and, 92–95
-, prepared to re-elect Gurney as Fellow, 95

Jemminer, Captain. See Jennings, John

Jenning, See Jeannin, Pierre

Jennings, John, an English pirate
-, seizes a ship from (Les) Sables
-, d'Olonne, 14
-, allowed to escape, 14
-, Dence captured by, 236
-, information about pirates given by, 236
-, declares his loyalty to Prince Henry, 236

Jennings (Jenyngs), Thomas,
-, English Catholic in the service of John Gurgeny
-, at Lisbon, 44

Jephson, Sir John, former captain in Irish army
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 266
-, his petition, 267

Jermyn[e], Alexander, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Jersey, Island of
-, 10
-, Royal Commission sent to, 23
-, export of leather permitted to, 206
-, plague infects youth from, 234, 235

Jervis, George, English Jesuit
-, executed, 153
-, his picture circulated with inscription, 203

-, refused passage by Venice, 16
-, introduced again at Donauwörth, 17
-, circulate rumours in Madrid, 18
-, Viceroy of Portugal under influence of, 45
-, French Jesuits settle in Orleans, 49
-, 52, 54, 81, 100, 109, 157, 173, 208
-, Sir Edward Baynham assisted by, 55
-, bring Barnard to Lisbon, 81
-, suspected of being behind ordinance for controlling foreigners in Spain, 109
-, their reappraisal and commendation of Henry IV of France, 220
-, intimidate counsel defending Willford, 243
-, Blount proposes to join, 244
-, circulation of information amongst, 246
-, abhorred by Cardinals at Rome, 249
-, reference to their influence on Pope Clement VIII, 249
-, their political use of alleged correspondence between James I and Pope, 249
-, lamentable state of King of Poland's affairs attributed to, 304

Jesuits, English
-, Spanish Ambassador in communication with, 18, 21, 22
-, their subversive activities in Lisbon, 44
-, English interests in Spain prejudiced by activities of, 45, 70
-, mortality amongst them at Valladolid, 55
-, new college to be built near St. Omer for, 111, 168, 179, 217
-, 113
-, Mayor of Lyme arrests member of, 130
-, proposal to remove their college to Watten, 153
-, execution of member of, 153
-, continually travelling via St. Lucar, 170
-, their movements between Rome, Spain and England, 170, 171
-, able to bribe officers of High Commission Court, 181
-, said to be working for the exclusion of their countrymen from Spain, 183
-, hope to exploit Spanish resentment towards Anglo-Dutch alliance, 208
-, settle at Watten, 222
-, their influence said to be increasing in Brussels, 225
-, Archduke Albert decides against allowing them to go to Watten, 232
-, alleged to have supported plot to assassinate James I, 236

Jesuits, Irish
-, 44, 55, 173, 181

Jewel House, The
-, 82

Jobson, Jane, cousin to the Earl o Salisbury
-, letters to the Earl of Salisbury, 148, 252, 270

John le Scot, Earl of Chester mentioned, 292

Johnes, Mr
-, conveys offer of Matthew's interest in Durham House to Earl of Salisbury, 79

Johnson, —, Master of a ship owned by Peter Hilles
-, sells the ship with ordnance to a Spaniard, 170

Johnson, Lancelot, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Johnson, Sir Robert, Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 153
-, congratulates Earl of Salisbury on his appointment as Lord Treasurer, 153

Jonson (Johnson), Jacob, a Flemish pirate
-, seizes ship of Barnstaple, 235
-, ridicules James I, 236

Jorret, James, a Scottish merchant
-, to be paid for corn brought by him to Spain, 53

Jülich (Juilliers) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, 146

Juilliers. See Jülich

-, negotiations for exemption from, 1, 2
-, commission for exemption from, 79

Justices of the Peace
-, impose oath of allegiance on recusants at Orford, 43
-, inform Privy Council of high prices of corn in Devon, 127, 250
-, their power to deal with abuses of corn laws, 154, 174
-, demand provision of corn for poor in Kent, 175
-, given directives by Privy Council to provide markets in Kent with grain, 226
-, 244
-, report on scarcity of corn in Cornwall, 261
-, report on furnishing of ships bound for Newfoundland with corn, 284, 285
-, quarrel with Earl of Hertford over question of trained bands and Muster-master's pay, 298
-, appointment of malsters entrusted to, 302

Justiniano, Stephano. See Giustiniano, Stephano


Kamper (Campheire) [Holland, Netherlands]
-, banished Scottish ministers forced to leave, 184

Kassa (Carsovce) [now Kosice in Czechoslovakia]
-, Haiducs threaten to take, 303

Kedgwin, Christopher, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Keere, Sir George. See Carr, Sir George

Keith, Andrew, Lord Dingwall
-, his pension, 305

Kelke, Sir Charles, Keeper of Sheffield Park
-, requests Crown lease of herbage at Sheffield Park, 222

Kellett (Kellit), Edward, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommended to Earl of Salisbury by Provost and Seniors of King's College, 77
-, 217
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 300

Kellett, Mr. See Kellett, William

Kellett, William, an official of the King's Wardrobe
-, his factor imprisoned at Malaga, 112
-, his factor sentenced to galleys, 140
-, Cornwallis obtains release of factor of, 178

Kelly, John, former captain in Irish army
-, reference to case between Sir John Egerton and, 18

Kemerlingk, Andrew, a merchant of Elbing
-, permitted to take his gold out of England, 165

Kendall, Walter, of Pelyn, co. Cornwall, J.P.
-, signs joint report on provisioning of ships fishing off Newfoundland, 285

Kendar, Abraham de, a London jeweller
-, provides jewels for members of the Royal Family, 10

Kennet, River
-, mouth of, 213

-, 51, 81, 199(2), 278
-, request for provision of corn for poor by J.P.s of, 175
-, state of grain market in, 226
-, survey of private stocks of wheat in, 300

Kenton, Peter, shipmaster
-, conveys present for Earl of Salisbury from Lisbon, 156

Ker, Mr. See Carr, Robert

-, new imposition on, 107
-, made in various shires, 294

Kilkenny, co. Kilkenny, Ireland
-, use of witches proved at, 164

King, John, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University
-, to represent University's difficulties to Earl of Salisbury, 35

King's Bench, Court of
-, 79, 305

King's Bench, The, (prison), Southwark, London
-, letter dated from, 25

King's Chapel, The
-, Dean of. See Montagu, James

King's College, Cambridge
-, Earl of Salisbury receives request from Provost and Seniors of, 77
-, letters dated from, 77, 84, 217
-, performance of Divinity Act for Earl of Northampton at, 231
-, 300

King's Lynn (Lynn), co. Norfolk
-, recusant family of Bacon at, 44, 100
-, 69, 80

Kingsmill (Kingesmill), Henry, of Sydmonton, co. Hants, nephew to Lord Saye and Sele
-, 92

Kingsmill (Kingesmill), Anne, Lady, mother of Henry Kingsmill
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 190

King's Pool, Chester
-, lease of fishing pool called, 291

Kingston, co. Surrey
-, letters seized by bailiffs of, 304

Kinloss, Lord of. See Bruce, Edward

Kinnersley (Kynnersley), co. Hertford
-, 199

Kinsale, co. Cork, Ireland
-, Irish rebels defeated at, 113

Kirby, Mr, of Kilbeg or Kilbeagh
-, appointed new archpriest for England, 111

Kirkham, Robert, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 43, 206, 237

Kirkpatrick, Sir Thomas
-, his pension, 306

Kirton in Lindey, co. Lincoln
-, Earl of Lincoln granted stewardship of manor of, 201

Kitchen, Henry, priser of Bristol
-, justifies exaction of prisage for wines imported at Bristol by London and Cinque Ports merchants, 223
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 223

Kittering, Richard, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Knatchbull (Snatchpoole), Elizabeth, of Marsham Hatch, co. Kent
-, enters a nunnery at Brussels, 199

Knatchbull, John, English Catholic priest in Brussels
-, mentioned, 199

Knight, Francis (Fraunces), Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Knight Marshal, The. See Wingfield, Sir Richard

Knights of the Holy Ghost, French Order of the
-, only Frenchmen to be received into, 72

Knighton Grove [? co. Leicester]
-, Sir Gawen Harvey in possession of Crown wood at, 315

Knockfergus. See Carrickfergus

Knöringen, Heinrich von, Bishop of Augsburg
-, in correspondence with Nuncio, 71

Kokenhausen [Livonia]
-, recovered by Poles from Swedes, 266

Knowsley, co. Lancs
-, letter dated from, 18

Knox, Andrew, Bishop of the Isles persuades Scottish rebels to yield, 225

Knyvet, Thomas, 1st Baron Knyvet of Escrick, Warden of the Mint
-, 239

Knyvitt, Lord. See Knyvet, Thomas

Krakow. See Cracow

Krakow, Duke of. See Zebrzydowski

Kreistag, (provincial Diet) of Swabia
-, meets at Ulm, 16
-, protests about situation at Donauwörth, 16

Kyffin, Maurice
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 176
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to be reinstated in his service, 176

Kynnersley. See Kinnersley

Kyrkham, William, prisoner in the Fleet
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 232

Kyrton, Josias, former Mustermaster of Somerset and Wiltshire
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 91, 300
-, confined in his movements and obliged to appear in Star Chamber, 91
-, requests to have his liberty restored to him, 300