Cecil Papers: January 1608, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1608, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp20-38 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1608, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp20-38.

"Cecil Papers: January 1608, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp20-38.

January 1608, 16-31

The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 17. I am a suitor to you in the behalf of this poor man, an old servant of my deceased uncle, that you would so favour him as to grant he may continue the keeping of Endfield House hereafter, as he did in his master's days.—Belvoir, 17 Jan. 1607.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (120 18).
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 18. Were there none other proofs, this enclosed were sufficient to manifest the correspondency between our Jesuits and the Spanish Ambassador. I shall not need to open the parts of it, you will collect the intentions and discover the ground. This other day I found him in a judge's house whither I had occasion to repair about the business of Mr Tybalt. In regard of the presence of the judge and others there could not pass much speech between us; only upon occasion given of the message I received from him by Mr Persall (whereof in a former letter I advertised you), I told him I hoped that gentleman had made a true report of mine answer, and myself would say no more unto him than what I then concluded with, viz; That in the Ambassador's packets there usually comes matter not only unfitting the place of him that gives them conveyance, or for a man of wisdom and learning, or that professes any religion, but for one endued with a reasonable soul, or that desires to be held worthy to be received into human society. I said I neither could nor would charge him in particular (although well I knew that by every dispatch he receives a packet), for I had always reputed him of good nature and loyally inclined to the King that now reigns, and strange it were that a man of his understanding would put himself in a black gown and commit himself to a cloister to perform the works of the world, and especially those of the worst condition.
This, although well known it is to me what malicious matter has proceeded out of his own mouth, I thought good to deliver with this reservedness, partly not to give him cause to enter into suspicion of my discoverer, and partly not to make him desperate in his wickedness, but with soft means to draw him and his dependents as well to leave their infectious whisperings as I have formerly their overt false writings, for which I have drawn so much shame upon them. He made me for the instant a most "seely" [silly, i.e. simple] answer: the words were so imperfect and seemed to come out of so doubtful a spirit, as I only gave to my memory the effect, which was a denial of receiving packets or of being acquainted with any matter of detraction; and would have proceeded into his usual common places. But I told him neither the place nor time was fit for further conference and so departed. It appears that he intended by this letter, which I send unto you, to repair what he thought defective in his speech. He sent it me yesternight by his confidant, Fowlar, and, as you may perceive, had after the Spanish fashion left me an ample margin wherein to answer. What the reason thereof was he also gives account, viz, to satisfy the Ambassador. Fowlar also importuned an answer in writing, which I absolutely denied, saying that to him with whom I held it not fit to use conversation, I thought it less becoming me to write, but desired him to deliver my answer by word, the substance whereof was this: That of Father Creswell himself I had conceived a very good opinion, that at my being at Valladolid I had by my letters to his Majesty's Council made large relations of the good offices he did for his countrymen, and of the loyal inclination he professed to our sovereign; that by many demonstrations I had found a good affection in him towards myself in particular, and therefore was most loth so far to disavow myself and disable mine understanding as now to change my reports of him; but must crave leave (had he been to me in the nearest degrees either of blood or friendship) to shake off all, at what time soever I should find him of evil affection either to the country that bred me or the Prince that with his bread sustains me, and has so far beyond my merit honoured me: that I much marvelled that Father Creswell (except he found himself in some part touched) should have so quick a sense of what I should write of the much money conveyed into England to the Ambassador, or of the secret whispered detractions of his Majesty and his government that come hither in his packets: that myself, according to my manner, had used plainness, having to Creswell's great friend, the Secretary of State, complained of the Ambassador's too much correspondency with our Jesuits, not becoming his place or the amity that both his King and himself profess: that Creswell himself I could not charge with more than with receipt of packets from the Ambassador (and that presently after these maledictions did usually come abroad), and therefore would not condemn him, but hope he would always have in mind what became him both in duty and nature to his prince and country. Hereunto Fowlar, out of the abundance of his love to that man, could not forbear to say somewhat, beseeching me not to have any such evil opinion of Creswell or of any of their devotion, who would ever be found faithful to their King and country, and, would his Majesty give them liberty of their consciences, would instantly return home and be as forward as any to serve him; that out of doubt the Ambassador in England had not received there so much money as it is said I have advertised, although his charge was such as he needed no small sums; that he kept in his house above 60 persons, was furnished with 3 coaches, and was enforced to relieve many of his countrymen that resorted thither in necessity.
I told him I was not ignorant what by those means he might spend, having experience by mine own charge here; that well it was known that I, every day, feed in my house above 30 persons which, the difference of the dearness between this place and that considered, is more than double so many there; that my expense with the two coaches and other horse that I keep here I thought was more than that of his three there, considering that I pay here more for a bushel of barley than he does there for a combe of oats, and for a load of straw (accounting the weight and proportion) more than he does for two loads of hay; that it is true I advertised the great sums of money that have been made over unto him and I hold it my duty so to do, knowing that in English soil there could grow no good fruit out of a seed of such corruption, and desired not that any satisfaction should by him or any other be given to the Ambassador or any other in this State in that matter; which I would avow as he who, although giving place to none in desire of the continuance of a good peace between these Kings, would not for any respect upon earth ever be drawn to conceal anything that might redound to the prejudice of the master I serve. And so without any more [I] dismissed him, much contrary, as I perceived, to his expectation, who thought to have gotten an answer in writing.
The messenger, who goes posting to St Sebastian, making haste, and myself weary of writing and at the instant not very well, I take my leave.—Madrid, 18 Jan. 1607, stilo veteri.
Signed. Endorsed: "Sir Ch. Cornwaleis to my lord. Re[ceived] 23 Feb." 3 pp. (120 19.)
James Fitzgerald to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1607–8] Jan. 19. I beseech you for the passion of Christ to have compassion upon me in regard of my poverty and that I am after the losses of all my goods, having not this hour in this world that I possess one penny; neither do I know where in England I might send to either friend or acquaintance to be relieved with a penny, and except you have compassion upon me I am a man during my life overthrown and shall never be able to help myself. I am not able to satisfy the Keeper for my charges this time I am in prison, and [if] there were nothing but my charges against me it is enough to keep me prisoner during my life, except you have compassion on me. Have a merciful consideration of my miserable estate and forgive my fault committed against you and the State, and I do faithfully promise never to commit the like whiles I live again.—From Gatehouse, 19 Jan. 1608.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. James Fitzgerald to my Lord." 1 p. (120 21.)
Sir John Peyton to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 19. About three years since, I received from you and the rest of the Privy Council three several letters touching the wardship of Philip de Carteret, Seigneur of St Owen, and Daniel Dumaricke, Seigneur of Samaris, and the mesne profits of their lands during their minority for the time of Sir Walter Ralegh's government. Whereupon his Majesty's "procuror" made his information in form of law and pursued the cause to judgment; from the which (the same being contrary to the law and greatly to the prejudice of his Majesty's interest in all causes concerning his wards) the said "procuror" appealed; which appeal has been presented before the Commissioners lately addressed hither, and by them left undetermined as a cause to be related unto the Lords. The like reference they have also made in a cause greatly concerning the state of his Majesty's revenues, touching the ministers' late usurpation upon his Majesty's dismes or tithe corn, the greatest part of his revenues within this island; in the which, if they should be maintained, it would detract from his Majesty's revenues above a thousand crowns per annum. My desire is that at such time as these Island causes shall be directed to examination and conclusion, you will require that such relations as have been here delivered to the Commissioners, and also such further allegations as his Majesty's advocate shall allege, may be produced before such persons unto whom the same shall be referred.
Touching his Majesty's prerogative and all other general causes concerning the government of this Island, there is such misconstruction of the Commissioners' orders, being (as I conceive) meant by them only as references unto the further consideration and determination of your Lordship and the rest of the Lords, and not intending to be binding conclusions, as almost all things concerning his Majesty's prerogatives and other services (in the which there has not been this hundred years any repugnancy) now grow into question. Upon the understanding whereof myself and other his Majesty's officers advising of the said orders made in his Majesty's causes and delivered by the Commissioners unto the bailiff, which came not to my hands until fourteen days after their departure unto Guerncey, I thought it expedient during their stay there to send them a proviso or saving in such causes as concern his Majesty's prerogatives or other proprieties, the which by my letters unto them I desired might be added in the end of their conclusions and relations to be made unto your Lordships. In the which and in all things my desire is to be governed by your directions.—Mountorguell, 19 Jan. 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (120 22.)
Robert Bell to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 20. I have of late received two several commandments, the one countermanding the other. One was to surcease providing any more Caen stone, the other to proceed in making provision of the whole number contained in your warrant from the French King; also that you purpose to send over a mason from hence to make choice of the stone. Therefore I shall attend to know your resolution herein. I shall be ever ready, thinking no time better spent than that wherein I may hope to do you any service.—From Leaden Hall, London, 20 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (120 23.)
Advertisements from Rome
1607–8, Jan. 20/30. The writing you sent me I have given up to the greatest persons, but what they will think or say of it I shall not so easily hear; yet it may be the advertisement you give me in your letters will not be with them without force. Of the Count Tyrone and his, the general opinion is here, his cause is most and chiefly for religion, and therefore the compassion of him is the greater; and for this opinion they have many reasons, both of his last withstanding the Queen and his flying now, which is held for an argument of due respect to his Majesty, in rather forsaking his own than in standing to offend him. And that [which] is said against him would have found more credit had not the bitter words against others been somewhat odious, for what affinity have sacrilege and impurity (which is imposed upon priests as though all were such) with this flight of his, in which none of them is said to be? These terms which seem to proceed of only contempt and hatred of Catholic religion, have a very bad sound in men's ears here; which I plainly write to you because you require me so.—From Rome, 20 Jan. 1608.
Endorsed: "30 of Jan. 1608." 2/3 p. (125 15.)
John Bishop to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 21. The true report of your virtues embracing the good of the State emboldens my intelligence unto you of a matter worthy your consideration for the good of his Majesty and my country. I am imprisoned at the King's Bench, from whence if you command me I shall think myself happy in revealing my intendments unto you.— From the King's Bench, 21 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (120 24.)
1607–8, Jan. 21/31. Certificate by Rolland de Neufville, Bishop of Leon, that at the prayer of William Dutton, an Englishman who had left country and relations that he might freely exercise the Catholic faith, he had reconciled, absolved and received the said Dutton into the bosom of the church in the chapel of his manor of Porrlech in Treffgarantec parish, and afterwards administered the sacrament of confirmation.—31 Jan. 1608.
Latin. Episcopal seal. Parchment. (222 19).
The Lord Treasurer to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1607–8, Jan. 21. My Lord Treasurer, touching Rath the Irishman, who is to use the name of Henry Richardson for conveyance of his letters, and to direct them to Mr James Brookesby.
My Lord Treasurer to James Rath to send his letters to Thomas Yong at Florence, who is to send them to Mr John Browne, for whom he is factor. The style of his letters to be carried as from one Catholic to another.
Abstract. (227 p. 343.)
The Privy Council to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1607–8, Jan. 22. Touching Mary Capeot, a young child to be brought over into England according to the father's will and the executor's desire.
Abstract. (227 p. 343.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Jan. 22.] It pleased you in the beginning of my Lord of Northumberland's troubles to remember me, when I little thought of myself, a favour not usual nor of my part ever to be forgotten. At this time, hearing of an establishment of officers intended in the Prince's house, I should acknowledge my old age to be much honoured if the place of cofferer in his Highness's house might be bestowed upon me, the charge whereof, consisting of no great bodily labour, I would hope to discharge faithfully in the trust of money incident to the same. In which kind it pleased your father to think me not unworthy of trust, which at this day stands truly discharged even to a penny. If this shall fail, I beseech your favour for my better credit some way, having long served in a place as you know. I required Sir Robert Osborne to acquaint you with my desire to be an undertaker in the forest of Sawsy (Salcey) in his Majesty's woods, whereunto my poor house of Horton is near adjacent. Lastly, touching Digby's case of wardship, I am advised by my counsel to procure a bill into the Parliament House for the explanation of those two statutes of Hen. VIII, whereupon the ambiguity of this case arises. Nevertheless, without your pleasure I intend not to entertain, but rather sit down with loss, though I know it to be a great service for the King.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607, 22 Jan." 1 p. (103 132.)
Sir Edmond Uvedale to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 22. Upon my receipt 21 December last by a foot boy of Sir George Morton's [of] your letter dated 5 November before, I am moved to address this unto you, the rather being charged to pretend a title to a lodge standing in your walk in Chitterid by reason it stands upon my ground of my manor of Tarrant Munckton, and thereby to detain the same. Then also Sir George Morton, by his letter since, informs me that you acquainted him of a lodge that was before of old upon the ground and pulled down by my father deceased, which he never had notice of before. I have a tenement upon parcel of my manor of Munckton long since erected by my father, being then master of the game in Chitterid under the Earl of Pembroke deceased, the keeping of which game became so troublesome to my father that he gave it over, and thereupon there were divers men of account and others who took upon them successively the charge thereof; as first, old Mr Lovill, then Sir Henry Ashley, after Mr Charles Arundell, and so others, all which upon request compounded with my father and took leases of the said tenement at a yearly rent, and so long as either of them had the charge of the game, as by the counterpanes appears. But when the young Lovill undertook the charge of the game under Sir Walter Ralegh (as it was said), then my father took the tenement into his hands and demised it for a yearly rent. After my father's decease about ten years since, I granted the same to a servant of mine, partly in recompense of my service and some fine, and twenty shillings rent for 21 years: who being married, having a wife and many children, possesses the same and has no other place of habitation. Nevertheless, in my due regard to you I have so far prevailed with my servant and tenant that if he may be provided of a reasonable habitation for him and his family, or otherwise have a reasonable composition for his estate, he is content to leave the same; and thereupon I will grant a lease of it to such as you will appoint, under the rent now reserved for the same, yet is there more ground added than before by myself.—Loverleigh, 22 Jan. 1607.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "Concerning Chittered Lodge." 1½ pp. (120 25.)
Sir William Browne to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 22. I can add very little to that which this bearer brings, although he has been here very near 14 days, shut up so with ice that it was impossible to get him any passage, and yet he can inform you I have done my uttermost endeavour. That which I have by tradition from reports, having lately received no letters from the Hague, is by an Englishman who arrived in this island this day, and came yesterday from the Brill, who to myself reported that for certain Spinola was to come on Thursday last to Dort and yesterday to Rotterdam, and so to the Hague. He speaks particularly of his train, that he has 60 persons of his own suite or followers, that the States had destined 80 "sleades" (sleighs) to fetch their baggage, and that the Marquis had sent for as many more. This he related particularly, so that I have little reason to doubt but that they are certainly arrived, albeit a good friend of mine has showed me since a letter from Dort, dated the 29th new style, wherein his friend writes unto him that Spinola being arrived at Gertrudenbergh, a post came for him in all haste to come again speedily to Brussels. But yet I rather do believe the Englishman's report.—Flushing, 22 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (120 26.)
Duke of Wurtemberg to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 23/Feb. 2. Letter of credence for the bearer, the Lord of Francquemont, upon the occasion of the death of the writer's father.—Stuttgart, 2 Feb. 1608.
Signed. French. ½ p. (147 161.)
John Dallwaye to the King
[1607–8, Jan. 24] Was granted by the late Queen the office of constable of the palace or storehouse of Knockfergus, with fee of 2/6 a day, and wages of 8d a day for 20 warders. The Lord Deputy now makes stay of the warders' pay. Prays for warrant confirming his own and the warders' pay.
Endorsed: "24 January, 1607." Report by Mr Auditor Gofton thereon Jan. 25, 1607. 1 p. (P. 1887.)
John Savage, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Chester to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 25. Having received letters from the Lord High Treasurer of England of December 9 last touching the impost of wines demanded of the merchants of this city, and for the taking of such of them bounden to appear before his Lordship as should refuse payment thereof, I, the Mayor, with the assistance of my brethren, did call them before us, and upon their refusal, grounded upon divers instances and reasons, did take them all bounden for their appearances according to his commandment. But because the time thereunto prefixed was with so small a limitation (being the first day of this term), the days yet being very short, we presumed to take them bound for their appearance the first of February next. Of which our proceedings we pray your allowance, and in respect some of the parties are so aged and infirm as not able to travel one day's journey, the snow in these parts very deep, the way bad, and the weather inclined to a very sharp and dangerous frost for travel, and some of the parties having not past 6, 4 or 3 tons of wine upon their adventure, you would allow of the coming up of these bearers, William Gamull, William Aldersey and Robert Berrie, who will attend your pleasure in the premises. And for that this city is seated in one of the remotest counties of this kingdom, in effect destitute of trade and traffic both at home and abroad, where in former times we had trade to Spain for iron (being then a profitable commodity), the benefit whereof is utterly taken away by the abund ance of iron made in the countries here adjoining, sold here at cheaper rates than can be bought in Spain; and that shipping in this port is so decayed that there are not belonging to it any barks but some few of very small burden, which only traffic for Ireland, and the merchants cannot freight any ship beyond the seas to arrive in this port but at extraordinary rates by reason of the danger of the river; we embolden ourselves upon your accustomed favour to this poor city and the trade within the same, which (as in others) is one of the greatest ornaments of this commonwealth, that you would be a means to his Highness for renewing her late Majesty's grant to the merchants of this city for their discharge of the impost of their French wines arriving in this port, which her Majesty for divers weighty considerations approved by you to bestow upon them.—Chester. 25 Jan. 1607.
Seven signatures including William Aldersey's. Seal. 1 p. (120 28.)
W. Maynard to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 25/Feb. 4. The honour I have in being known as a servant of your house, and particularly of yourself, would render my silence inexcusable if the quartan fever, which has long held me and only left me a few days since, did not soften my fault. This indisposition causes me soon to return into England, and I pray you to honour me with your commands. I hear no news here except of marriages, of which the first, the contract, which was made a few days since between the Duke of Orleans and the only daughter of Mons. de Montpensier at his house with great solemnity, was signed by the King and Queen, the Duke and Duchess, and by all the princes of the blood as relations of the parties, when the King granted M. de Montpensier a pension of 50,000 crowns to help disengage his estate (son bien); but there is little appearance that he will enjoy it long, being so advanced in a hectic fever that he cannot stand it long. For some time too a secret marriage is spoken of, of Mons. de Guise with the Marquise de Verneuil, and the King, they say, has been troubled about it and has made her come to this town to be assured of it; but she has denied it with such artifice, one can judge it is so rather than otherwise. The friends of this prince say she wishes to make her profit of him (elle s'en veult faire valoir), and that they know him to be a prince of too great purpose and courage to have done that. And in truth it is remarked that that house has been very careful to make good alliances. Thus I have ventured to entertain you with such news as can be learnt in a sick man's chamber.—Paris, 4 Feb. 1608.
Holograph. French. Two seals over silk. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (125 23.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 26/Feb. 5. The coming hither, the train and entertainment of the Marquis Spinola, I know your Lordship has in such particularities as it should be but a weak curiosity in me to speak of that whereof you are already much better informed. This day the Ambassadors have had audience in the assembly of the Estates General, the speech delivered by Richardot in French. The purpose, as I hear, after the compliment had his course, was that they were ready to embark into the business of treaty, when the Estates should find it fit. Upon their return from the Estates Count Maurice brought them to his lodgings, where they with some 8 or 9 of the Estates General were entertained with a dinner. The time before their going to table, which was somewhat more than half an hour, was spent in discourse, most betwixt the two Generals, Richardot being interpreter. If I should dare to judge of those that are so far above me, I should say that the Marquis is the more pleasing, but the Count seems to have the stronger powers. Your Lordship knows them both better than my character can represent them unto you. The Friar's countenance is somewhat dejected, and to their judgments that have formerly seen him, nothing suitable to the jollity of spirit he was wont to show here before. Whether it is that a greater light eclipses him or what other cause there may be, is too much for me to guess at. Mancedor spake little, so did the other two, yet might it be discerned in his face that he knew nothing of his wife's death, being drowned in her return from Leer toward Brussels. The news came but this day from the governor of Leer, Don Alonso de Luna, whose daughter ran the same fortune with the other's wife, and he writ it to the governor of Breda. The world talks diversely of this Marquis, some praising, some dispraising him, both for his inward and outward parts, but yet continually are multitudes pressing to see him in such fashion that they are like a guard to his house the whole day long. Great appearance of peace is brought from the other side; and yet (whether colourably or no I know not) greater doubts are here made of it by many than was before. Yet their reasons I cannot learn, for that which the Marquis (who comes from the Archdukes with consent of the King of Spain) brings with him is said to be sufficient for a peace, unless these men will willingly seek evasion; for they bring what is desired, and they have in charge from the Archdukes that they should not return (speaking so to them at their leave taking) till they had made a peace. This was delivered by Richardot the President to an old acquaintance of his at Dordrecht, the Colonel Groenvelt, whom he went to visit being sick. I writ to you in my last of an accord betwixt the French King and this State newly ratified, but I forgot to tell you of a particular, which precedent may some way tend to the better good of us, his Majesty's poor servants in these parts, that carry arms for his Majesty and the service of this State. The French King holds his troops entire in these countries whether it be war or peace, being at a rate in the one or other condition, how many thousand crowns yearly to disburse. Hereby the French are upon good terms, the King being their patron, the Estates forbear to make so bold with them in many several passages as they do with our nation, they distinguishing betwixt us, as of them for auxiliaries and of us for mercenaries. We hope to receive the like from his Majesty. If the occasion of State require otherwise, we must have patience; but I doubt not but if that English money shall at any time be sent hither either for maintaining a war or securing a peace, but that you will remember though not to change the essence of government yet to better the condition of his Majesty's subjects in matter of esteem and countenance, wherein we come now (generally) far short of the French nation. You will pardon me that I presume so far, and you will judge Herculem ex pede. You will better discern by this little I have said what I would say than I can tell how to say it myself; for I write not as a discontent, but could be glad to see so brave a nation upon equal terms of regard with others; which yet I fear will not be until we may say our gold is as current here as the French.— Hague, Feb. 5, 1608, novo stylo.
Holograph. 3 pp. (120 56.)
Thomas Talbot to Thomas Wilson
1607–8, Jan. 26. As to the property of his wife, and of her son.— 26 Jan. 1607.
1 p. (P.2226).
Edward Reynolds to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 27. Since the recovery of my late sickness, I have by reason of loss of much blood and the sharpness of the weather gathered strength very slowly. I therefore beseech you to dispense with my attendance in the Office of Privy Seal this next month, and to grant that this bearer, my brother, may wait upon you for the sealing of processes and all such bills and warrants as shall in the dockets pass your allowance. For the rest I will myself, here at my lodging, see that all shall be performed with diligence.—Westminster, 27 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (84 96.)
James Anderton, Alexander Standish and Richard Asheton to the Privy Council
1607–8, Jan. 27. By your letters dated the last of October last you write to us in behalf of Mr Henry Bolde, upon his information to you by petition that Sir Thomas Langton, late baron of Newton, did pass over unto Sir Edward Stanley and us his lands in co. Lancaster, with consideration that the money to be then paid for the same should be employed in payment of the debts of the said baron and advancement of his kindred. And where[as] also by the said petition you are informed further (and very true, as we conceive it) that the said Mr Bolde stands in nearest degree of kindred to the late baron, being co-heir to his lands, in which respect (as you further signify) Sir Edward Stanley (a feoffee with us in this case) has allotted to Mr Bolde the sum of 400l to be paid at certain days by him named; for the answerable performance whereof you vouchsafe in Mr Bolde's behalf to move us, unless we can show good reason to the contrary. The money we have in part received and are yet to receive towards discharge of the baron's trust in us reposed, extends in the whole but to the sum of 2,700l, over and besides a little portion of chantry lands purchased with the baron's money in another's name, whereof we are in hope to make 100l or thereabouts; whereas the baron's due debts by speciality amount unto above 3,000l, over and besides his other provable debts, which extend to 1,000l more. By reason whereof we cannot deliver to your Honour's probability of any remain to be left above discharge of the baron's debts, whereby (not violating the trust reposed in us in payment of his said debts) we may be able—as otherwise we are desirous—to pleasure any of the baron's kindred. Concerning Sir Edward Stanley, in regard of his absence out of this country and want thereby of opportunity to inform himself of the daily occurring particulars of this business, he has hitherto been desirous to spare himself and to refer the matter to our careful proceedings; so as we persuade ourselves his aforesaid allotment to Mr Bolde of 400l is but upon supposal of an answerable remain after the baron's due debts are discharged; whereof as for our own parts we hitherto conceive small hope, so upon late advice (by reason of other like occasions) taken of our counsel learned, we are informed of our own being chargeable, not only by the baron's trust reposed in us but also by ordinary course of law, to answer to the baron's creditors all such sums of money as we shall otherwise pay, the baron's due debts by speciality being left undischarged. All which notwithstanding, upon the late letters written to us for Mr Bolde by one of you, viz. the Lord Chancellor of England, we did in testimony of our due acknowledgment to his Honour's letters, deliver to Mr Bolde 20l of our own money without all known hope to have the same allowed to us back again out of any account or payment due for the baron or any his lands.—Lostock, 27 Jan. 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (120 29.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 27. As I had finished a letter, and was ready to send it away for your commendation to his Majesty of my readiness to do him service here in the country, if it might be his gracious pleasure to pardon my attendance at the Parliament, I received a proclamation for the proroguing thereof; and therefore will only yield you thanks for your former kindness towards me in that behalf. Touching the accomplishment of the service for the late impress and levy of one hundred men in this county for his Majesty's service in Ireland, I made it known to my Lords and your Lordship before Christmas last, promising to present them with a schedule of the charge incident to the service for coal, conduct and other defrayments the next term following; which now I send them, praying your furtherance for dispatch of my servant, whom I have appointed to receive the money.—Towstock, 27 Jan. 1607.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (120 30.)
Humphry Flint to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 28. I have received a hind from Sir George St Pol by his men; the hind is very well brought, and that horn that she had she has "mued" and she is "button" [i.e. budding or sprouting] again. The King did "mit" [?meet] his men when they brought her as his Majesty was going a hawking, and sent me away with her. His Majesty, I do think, had never better sport nor greater store of fowl; and all the deer within the parks be well, except there be some few "morlous" fawns that will die.—From his Majesty's house at Theobalds, 28 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (120 33.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 28. Treaty with the Archduke touching Didham, an English merchant robbed at Dunkirk; and touching Calley's imprisonment at Antwerp for debt, who had furnished the Archduke's army with 50,000l sterling in apparel and could get no money. Sir Thomas Edmondes made trial by discourse whether the Archduke had heard anything of the former conference. The Archduke took notice at the first only that the King had denied his Ambassador audience till his return from hunting, at which he seemed discontented. He afterwards spake of the conference, where he said some choleric speeches had passed wherewith he seemed little moved, because ministers of princes would expostulate matters warmly one with another, which was not to be taken offensively. The good usage of Tyrone performed by others, not by himself. This retorted again by Sir Thomas Edmondes by reason of many public demonstrations of favour, amongst others the erecting of a new company of Irish out of those which came with Tyrone, and bestowing the command upon him who came pilot in the ship that brought them. The Archduke seemed only sensible of his Majesty's refusing to give his Ambassador audience, the which point of supposed neglect of honour they are subject above all others to take most tenderly. The Archduke's Ambassador complains of want of respect in England, and his wife chiefly, who would needs come away from her husband in this respect.
Abstract. (227 p. 342.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to the [Earl of Salisbury]
1607–8, Jan. 28. Thanks to my Lord Treasurer for procuring the King to take knowledge of the good offices done at Brussels by the Spanish Ambassador, which he took so kindly that he came to acknowledge it to Sir Thomas Edmondes, and dealt freely in other matters touching the treaty. (I do find that in this "noviship" of his charge, having never been before employed in the like affairs, he often delivers things more naturally and less disguised than others would do). The nobility of the country discontented that they were not employed in the treaty, who had the greatest interest in it. The accident of the drowning [of] Madame de Manciscidor and Mademoiselle de Luna interpreted as an ill presage to the peace.
Abstract. (227 p. 342.)
Certificate of Mons. de la Boderie, French Ambassador
1607–8, Jan. 28. We certify his Majesty of Great Britain and his Council that on arriving in this country we found Jean de Haraveder, of St Jean de Lux, prosecuting payment of the sum of 15,000l which Mr Robert Basset had been condemned to pay him as caution for Captain John Thomasin, who had robbed him at sea, 22 Nov. 1601, of a ship laden with merchandise, among which was some quantity of ready money. And as Basset was a fugitive from this country for some reason of state, according to the law of the land all his goods movable and immovable were forfeited to the King of Great Britain, and he (Haraveder) could not proceed against them; he prayed therefore M. de Beaumont, heretofore Ambassador here, to intercede for him to his Majesty, that he would order that out of Basset's goods he might be satisfied of the said sum of 15,000l which had been adjudged him; seeing, moreover, that that was only the fourth part or less of what was stolen from him by Thomasin, the cost of the said merchandise with the ready money amounting to 55,000l, which the King promised, as is reported to us. And thereupon a commission was delivered to Haraveder under the Great Seal to summon Basset to return within a certain time, and that in default of doing so he should be declared guilty of high treason, and all his goods confiscated and sold to his Majesty's profit. Having done this at great cost, when he thought the said goods would be sold, a supersedeas supervened which Basset's wife had obtained on a false information. Whereupon he was constrained to let everything go; and although on many occasions we have spoken thereof to the King and his Council since our arrival here, nevertheless we have had no right herein. Which Haraveder seeing, and that he was here at great expense and losing time, he has required this present certificate of us, to serve and be of use to him when need shall arise; which we have not felt able to refuse him, and have signed it, sealed it with our seal of arms, and had it countersigned by our Secretary.— London, 28 Jan. 1607.
French. Copy. 2 pp. (120 34.)
Sir John Tyndall to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 29. Being put in trust by you for the preservation of the rights of the three ladies, the daughters of the late Earl of Oxford, deceased, concerning the lordship of Castle Heningham and other their lands in Essex, having been informed by the means of one Mr Paul Powle there was an office found in the time of the late Queen that one Thomas Purcas, late of Much Yeldham in Essex, died seised of certain petit parcels of land there, holden of her Highness as of her honor of Richmond, I perused such evidences as remained in my custody concerning the said Castle, and thereby found it very manifest that the land pretended to be immediately holden of the honor of Richmond was mediately holden of the Castle of Heningham, and that the Earls of Oxford held the same ever of the honor of Richmond; so as the wardship of the son of this Purcas in my understanding plainly belongs to you on the behalf of the said ladies, and they be the immediate tenants unto the King of the same lands. This has been showed to the said Powle and such other as have dealt in this cause, and I hoped they had been satisfied; but it is followed still (as I am informed) to the great charge of the poor young man, and in effect to the undoing of some other poor orphans, his brothers and sister, and to the prejudice of the rightful inheritance of the said three ladies. Which I beseech you in your wisdom to consider of, without putting the poor young man and his friends to greater charge than they be well able to afford.—Lincoln's Inn, 29 Jan. 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (120 35.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Jan. 29]. The grant of Sherborne required of him and others is fearful to them, because they thereby pass to the King things out of their power to perform, and those that join with him not only enthral their own estates, but his wife and son thereby forfeit their annuity.
Protests that he deals clearly in the business, and, as he has already delivered many things for the good of the lord that shall be, so will he make it appear that he will reserve nothing in his knowledge that may assure those lands to the proprietor. He only desires that as he would be glad never to hear the place named henceforth, so in parting from it he might also part from all future trouble concerning it, and that for those bonds and covenants entered into for the enjoying of estates and annuities by him and his, as appear just, he may be with them which have dealt for him clearly discharged.
Thinks it far better that such a grant be devised as shall not hold any dispute in Parliament than that the parties, which join with him therein, shall seek to be relieved in that Court, and so their desires retarded which would be glad of a free passage and expedition.
If Mr Thelwal has told Salisbury that he found Ralegh unwilling to be at any charge for the patents, it is true that he prayed that all might come free to them, but his meaning was for the future. For this charge is not great, and in lieu he is content to yield so much longer time to the farmers of Custom as the interest would amount to 40l. For as above 10l is demanded for the tallies, so the officers tell them that the fees going out of the 400l will be at the least 20l yearly, which if they had had a lease of land would have been saved, and to which he would have held himself had he not feared their Lordships' construction that he sought a prolongation of the business.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed by Salisbury: "29 Jan. 1607." 2/3 p. (120 36.) [Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, 11, 323–325.]
George Pye to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 30. This third time makes his request to him, out of a troubled spirit oppressed by the rage of griping creditors, for release from his imprisonment. Protests to pray as heartily to God for continuance of his Honour, as he does to Salisbury for release from his imprisonment. Extravagant compliments.—Counter, Wood Street, 30 Jan. 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (120 37.)
Th[omas] Hamilton to the Earl of Dunbar Lord High Treasurer of Scotland
[1607–8] Jan. 30. I caused make the proclamation discharging our merchants either to transport English goods forth of this realm under the pain of escheat thereof and of the transporter's "remanent gudes", punishment of his person and confiscation of the ship, or to sell them to strangers to be transported under the like pains. Whereof our merchants have made a grievous complaint to the Council, saying that they are every way in worse case nor they were before, seeing here they are "dischargit" to transport to foreign parts the English goods which lawfully they might have carried where they had pleased for their best advantage, paying only an easy custom, which they would rather be still content to pay nor to be "debarrit" from their accustomed trade. And upon the other part they say that they are "debarrit" in England from shipping of English cloth to be transported to foreign parts, which they affirm not to have been forbidden to them before the Union, albeit now some of their number had their goods almost "confiscat" for meaning to make such transport of late. Whereunto, albeit we answered that the Estates of this country would not consent that English goods coming to this country should pay any custom, seeing by the treaty such goods were made free of custom for the benefit of this nation, albeit the merchants thought they would rather pay custom for such goods nor want their former liberty to transport them to foreign parts; and that we "supponit" that the cloth which they were hindered to transport forth of England was only free to be transported by the Merchant Adventurers, yet they are not satisfied but still insist to have the Council to advertise his Majesty of their harm by their letter. I have thought it my duty to signify that which has passed to your Lordship to be considered of as you think the matter merits. I hope you will have remembrance of my father when you write to Court. And now seeing my laird of Stone's "comptes" are passed, whereby the occasion of any allowance of my precept by his Lordship is postponed, that you will have some care to recommend my turn to his Majesty at such time and in such manner as shall seem good to you.—Edinburgh, this penult. January.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "30 Jan. 1607." 1 p. (120 38.)
The University of Oxford to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 30. Those who cultivate letters or favour those who study them are very few; but he has shown himself so benevolent a patron that the streams of his goodness have flowed beyond the Muses of the Granta, and sometimes reached even those on the Isis. Pray his help in their present straits in a matter which the bearer, Dr. King, Pro-Chancellor of the University, will inform him of, which is of great moment to the University and city of Oxford.—From the Congregation House, 30 Jan. 1607.
Latin. Seal. 2/3 p. (120 39.)
James Fitzgerald to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Jan. 30. Where[as] I am holden in suspicion by your Honour for Tyrone and Tirconnell, I must confess that foolishly I have given cause to be suspected; but consider my case and the cause that moved me to enter into that which has brought me unto this suspicion with you. I declare before God from the bottom of my heart, utterly renouncing any favour but that any torment may be given me, if ever I had to do with Tyrone or Tirconnell or any other in my life in any matter against the crown of England, or any councillor in any of his Majesty's dominions, other than that I being in Lovan after I had lost all the goods I had by the fortune of the seas, having not a penny in my purse, one of my acquaintance which depended upon Tyrconnell brought me unto him; to whom I made my moan, and he pitying my estate wished his man to give me some money to help bear my charge towards my country. Being in this talk he demanded if I would do one thing for him, which should not be anything hurtful unto me. I told him I would do any thing for him that should not prove murder or treason to the King or State; and then he desired me to find the means to bring him his wife, which I promised him to do my endeavour if she were willing of herself. He caused a few lines to be written in a small piece of paper that she should be directed by me, which I brought her, and at my departure his man gave me seven pounds. For anything else but this I renounce favour; and as for wishing Tyrone or Tyrconnell better than the King of England I would then I were hanged, for they are both strangers unto me and by Tyrone I have had great losses, so that if it had pleased God I would he had never been born. This is the truth of any cause of suspicion against me, and before I should prove a traitor unto the crown of England under whom all my ancestors have been born subjects, my father having lost his blood in her Majesty's service, I myself being with body and purse as forward as any young man in Dublin in service also, and now to prove a traitor—I would I might be torn in pieces before it should prove true by me! Accept this as a faithful vow of loyalty all my life unto my gracious King and State of England, which if his Highness would but employ me in any service whatsoever, you shall find me faithful and trusty.—From Gatehouse, 30 Jan. 1608.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Jan. 30, 1607." 1¼ pp. (120 40.)
Sir John Ogle to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1607–8, Jan. 30/Feb. 9. I send your Lordship by this bearer, Henry Seager, 2 such monkeys as you desired. I doubt not but they will be to your liking, for they are the only ones and the best at this time to be gotten. I thought it best to send them by him because he helped me to them, and knows best to bring them safely thither. He tells me he is the man that brought over the last into England. At the spring I am given to understand there will be more choice. I will then see if I can fit you with some other to your liking, to dispose to some such friends as shall be desirous of them. It may please you that one of your men may give me notice of the receipt of them, for his discharge and my content.—Hague, 9 Feb. 1608, novo [stilo].
Holograph. 1 p. (120 74.)
Sir Robert Yaxley to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Jan.] It pleased the King to give me a promise of the first company should fall at Flushing or the Brille, and to ratify it both he and the Prince spoke to the Governors. There is lately a company fallen by the death of Sir Richard Warburton, which upon his death or something after he had liberty to sell. I know it was done for the good of his wife and children, whereof I am no way sorry, but would have been glad (notwithstanding the King's promise) to have given as much for it as is to be given, or that which should have given her better contentment, which is 100l a year out of it. If you should but ask Sir Edward Cecil or any other of the Low Countries how unworthily it is bestowed, I think you would do your best to revoke it; there was as great a kindness done to Sir Richard Warburton for the same company. The man is in the town, and the money unpaid; what you shall do herein you shall do for a thankful man, and I know both the King and the Prince will take it well and give you thanks.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Jan. 1607." ½ p. (120 41.)
Jacques, Comte de Clermont Talart, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, ?Jan.] Begs for his favour in a matter which the bearer will relate. His relations, among them the Comtes de Soissons and de Saint Pol, will endeavour to repay the obligation.—Undated.
Signed. French. Endorsed: "1607. Count of Clermont." 1 p. (124 6.)
The Comte de Clermont
[1607–8, ?Jan.] Account of his debts; bonds, notes of legal proceedings; charges of suit; and names of his bail before Sir Thomas Wamsley. The account is noted "Your Lordship has paid of this bill 94l 5s 4d, which is all you have undertaken; the rest are not of the first debts."—The latest paper is dated Jan. 24, 1607/8.
3 pp. (124 7–10.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Jan.] There is of late descended to my Lord Rosse, by the death of Mr Roger Mannours, the manor of Lynton in Yorkshire, for which I moved you at my last seeing you at Court that I might become tenant to the King during Lord Rosse's minority, as I am to the rest of his possessions that remain in the King's hands, which you seemed then willing I should have. I therefore renew my suit to grant me your warrant for a particular. I hope you will have some consideration for imposing the fine, the lease being only for three years, when Lord Rosse shall be of full age.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Jan. 1607." 1 p. (193 67.)
Inhabitants of the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, and the County of the City of Gloucester to the King
[1607–8, ?Jan. or Feb.] They pray to be disburdened from the pretended jurisdiction of the President and Council of Wales, it being, as they understand, against the ancient laws that they (being merely English) should be subject to such authority. Some, under colour of maintaining the King's prerogative, endeavour to advance their own particular by urging how necessary it is that the said jurisdiction should remain, insinuating that it is desired by the inhabitants, whereas none desires it but a company of relators and unquiet seditious spirits, who live by spoil of their neighbours. They beg that "we", who for the four counties attend his pleasure, may be heard by him or by such as he shall appoint.
A detailed list of grievances follows under the following heads; "Proceedings contrary to law", "Oppressing of the people", "Increase of suits and causes", "Burden of double laws", "Decay of the towns and people", "Loss to his Majesty", and "Grievance to the people."— Undated.
Petition. 1½ sheets. (196 117).
Cf. Cal. S.P.Dom., 1603–1619, pp. 398, 400, 405