Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Taddington, rent-roll of; 519.

Taffin, —; 158.

Tafter, councillor of Friesland; 178.

Tailor alias Ottorne, John, pirate; 538.

Tallis, Thomas, gentleman of H.M. chapel, petition of; 155.

Talbot :

Gilbert, son of the Earl of Shrewsbury; 65.

— death of son of; 160.

Tallow :

export of; 192.

— expected scarcity of; 215.

— scarcity of; 220.

Tamworth; 207.

Tancred; 441.

Tanndeane; 101.

Tardenois; 411.

Tarserys, island of; 408.

Tartars, the; 59.

Tatarsall; 320.

Tassis, agent of Philip II. of Spain; 410, 458, 493.

Taunton, hundred of; 147.

Tauris; 255.

Tavannes, Marshal de; 289.

Taverner, Roger, letter of; 203.

Tavistock; 202, 512.

Taylor, R., letter of; 330.

Taylor, servant of the Earl of Northumberland; 17, 25.

Teddington; 210.

Temple Hurst Park; 502.

Temple, a refugee; 87.

Terceira, Isles of; 420.

Tetlowe, Thomas, merchant; 346.

“T. G.,” letter of; 54.

Thames :

the river; 42, 80, 116, 160, 487.

— court for the conservancy of; 116.

— fish from, for the Queen's household; 248.

— preservation of; 520.

Thanet, Isle of; 225.

Theobalds; 110, 115, 132, 156, 340, 394, 524, 532.

Thexton, —; 202.

Thickyns, Mr.; 90.

Thirlemont; 194.

Thistelworthe; 157.

Thomas :

Edgar; 108.

John; 246.

— yeoman of the chamber and of the long bows, petition of; 65.

Thomcquin, Monsieur, letter of; 379.

Thomson, Laurence, letter of; 529.

Thore, Seigneur de; 126.

Thorley; 76.

Thornbury; 84.

Thornton; 209.

Captain; 149.

Thorold, Mr.; 136.

Thorpe, John, presentation for; 237.

Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas; 4, 166.

Throgmorton :

rebellion of; 8.

Thomas; 84.

Throkmorton, John, letter of; 226.

House; 226.

Throop :

Mathew; 176, 191, 192.

Thomas; 191, 192.

Thurland, Mr.; 193.

Thursford; 202.

Thymelby, John, of Irnham, co. Lincoln; 530.

Tickenhall, co. Derby; 132.

Tienloy, Monsieur de la, Governor of Bethune; 368.

Tigurensis, Walter; 81.

Timber, export of; 394.

Tilligny, Sieur de; 417.

Tipperary; 304, 498.

Tippett, Richard, gent., grant to; 237.

Tirlough; 417.

rebellious attempts of; 387.

Titchborne :

Mistress Elizabeth; 37.

John; 37.

Nicholas; 37.

Roger, gent.; 37.

Toledo, archbishopric of, offers money for war; 20.

“Tom Truth;” 56.

Tonstall, Ralph, letter of; 526.

Topcliff; 25.

Topcliffe, Mr.; 176.

Torbay; 42.

Torneham, forest of; 86.

Torres Vedras, Count de; 408, 414.

Toul; 111.

Toulouse; 354, 363, 391.

Touplain; 472.

Tournay, castle of; 323.

Tourris, Captain; 440.

Tours; 48, 331, 332, 391, 433.

Touson; 397.

Townley, Robert, comptroller, letter of; 51.

Townsend, Mr.; 213.

Toye, Mr.; 64.

Tracy, Mr.; 519.

Tramwell; 26.

Traver, —; 219.

Treagle, Stephen, master cook; 525.

Treaties, notes on; 11.

Tredway, Mr.; 106.

Trellecke; 536.

Tremaine, E.; 19.

letter of; 218.

Trent, Council of; 297.

Trento, Baptista di, letter of; 165–170.

Tressame, Sir Thomas, letter of; 521.

Tretowre; 171.

Trim, cipher name; 51.

Troy; 185.

Trymleiston, the lord of; 154.

Tuddington; 54.

Tunis, King of; 58.

Turenne, Vicomte de; 351, 352, 406, 414, 417, 418, 448.

Turk, the; 9, 73, 86, 91, 93, 99, 255, 294, 316.

English captives of; 108.

league between Spain and; 158.

preparations for war by; 163.

ambassador of; 426.

Turkey :

Court of; 129.

fleet of; 59.

preparations against; 86.

Turks, conversions of; 103.

Turner, Reynold, sergeant of the Queen's bakehouse, petition of; 135.

Tuscany; 254.

Twywell Manor; 42.

Tybalt's; 109.

Tymbarman, Myghell, petition of; 541.

Tynemouth; 314.

Tyomville, Monsieur; 382, 453.

Tyrwhit, Robert, letter of; 209.

Tyrwhitt :

Sir Robert; 529.

Lady; 529.