Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Haarlem :

fall of; 55.

slaughter at; ib.

troops sent from; ib.

Habbord (? Harbord), Gregory of Feversham; 42.

Hainault; 260, 342, 353, 456, 457.

Hakendeure; 194.

Hakket, George; 51.

Halewin; 369.

Halewyn, Fr. de; 16, 180.

Hallewyn. See Suevingham.

Hall :

Arthur, letter of; 324.

Edmund; 4, 207.

John; 17, 548.

— declaration of; 547.

Mr.; 136.

— his house near Grantham; 205.

Halton, Robert, Esq.; 246.

Hamburg; 139, 162, 163, 178, 296, 506.

trade to; 238.

license to city of; 499.

Hamilton :

Arthur, of Bothwellhaugh; 258.

David; 1.

James, of Bothwellhaugh; 1, 258.

Sir James; 109, 258.

Lord Claude; 256.

Lord David; 258.

Lord; 322.

the younger; 152.

Castle, siege of; 256, 257, 258.

Hamiltons, the; 256, 258.

Hammonshook Gate; 192.

Hampton; 53.

Court; 16, 28, 37, 69, 81, 84, 144, 146, 147, 172.

Hanworth; 519.

Handford :

Thomas; 190.

letter of; 187.

Haneray, Monsieur de; 14.

Hannibal, Count, of Ems; 313.

Hanon, abbot of; 369.

Hanse Towns, the; 82, 251.

Hanson, Mr.; 535, 536.

Hants :

county of; 62, 237, 248, 521.

Papists in; 36.

Harbord. See Habbord.

Harcourt, Seymour; 143.

Harding, —; 204.

Hardy, Monsieur, letters of; 380, 386.

Hare :

Michael, Esq.; 38.

—; 509.

Harkasyde; 536.

Moore, inclosures on; ib.

Harley; 75, 80.

Harmans, Thomas; 514.

Harmesworth; 332.

Harper, John, letter of; 523.

Harrington, co. Northampton; 38.

Harris, —, fruiterer to the Queen; 225.

Harrys, William, presentation for; 249.

Hart, John, mariner of Dover; 59.

Hartopp, Ellis, gent.; 527.

Harvey :

G., letter of; 528.

James; 91.

Sir James, Lord Mayor of London; 534.

Harvy; 76.

Harwich; 42, 61, 156, 215, 222.

Haryngton, Francis; 52, 53.

Hasius, Cardinal; 7.

Hassat, Mr.; 15.

Hastinge, Mr. John, severity of; 206.

Hastings, John; 126.

letter of; 184.

Hatcher, Dr. John, of Cambridge University; 199.

Hatfield; 99, 134, 147, 508

Yorkshire; 81, 533.

Hatton, Sir Christopher; 8, 38, 42, 49, 58, 69, 78, 156, 264, 267, 292, 321, 323, 324, 325, 329, 330, 331, 355, 448, 499, 500, 519.

letters of; 147, 174, 208, 210, 280, 340.

letter to; 54.

Captain of the Queen's guard, 120.

and Ely House, Holborn; 120.

grant to; 249.

Vice-Chamberlain; 273, 274.

the nephew of; 521.

Haure, Marquis d'; 180, 231.

seeks aid for the Low Countries, 165.

Haurech, Marquis of; 175.

Haulteterre, Monsieur de, letters of; 424, 449.

Hausdeterre, Monsieur; 411, 466.

Haussy, Monsieur de, Governor of Douay; 369.

Hautkercke, Count of; 157.

Havant; 318.

Havering; 208.

Havering Manor; 190.

Havers, servant of the Duke of Norfolk; 5, 12, 17.

Hawes, John, servant of the Earl of Shrewsbury; 547.

Hawkins, John; 156, 187, 217, 264, 420.

letter of; 340.

Hawkyns, Mr.; 37.

Hawys, James, Lord Mayor of London; 105, 108.

letter of; 87.

Haydon or Heydon, Sir Christopher; 61, 136, 227, 526.

Mr.; 523.

William; 526.

— letter of; 202.

Haye, de la, Lieutenant-General of Poictou; 286, 287.

Hayes, Mr. Robert; 207.

Hayward, Sir Rowland, Alderman; 207, 222, 224.

Healay Moore, inclosures on; 536.

manor of; 536.

Hector, Dr.; 216.

letter of; 206.

Heidelberg, 111; 120.

Heighington; 26.

Heighstetter, Daniel; 225.

Hele, John, letter of; 538.

Helling; 119.

Hellwise, Gregory; 61.

Hemp; 37.

Hempsted, co. Gloucester, rectory of; 538.

Henault, Monsieur de; 383, 384.

Heneage, Sir Thomas; 164.

Henry V., King of England; 241.

VI., King of England; 242.

— statute of; 146.

— commission by; 155.

VII., King of England; 295.

VIII., King of England; 5, 91, 101, 121, 146, 171, 182, 240, 244, 249, 250, 259, 311, 498, 499, 520, 537.

Herbert, Charles, Esq.; 247.

Sir Ed.; 66.

Hereford, Earl of, case of; 71, 72.

Lady Katherine; 71, 72.

Lord, son of the Earl of Essex; 142, 143.

Herefordshire; 111.

Herentalls, 511.

Heriot, —, letter of; 257.

Herle; 26.

plot of; 3, 8, 9.

Herley, William; 528.

Herlle, William, letters of; 101, 111, 137, 143, 511, 512, 516.

Hernandez, M., letter of; 191.

Heron, Sir George, death of; 101.

Herons, the; 43.

Hemes, Lord; 13, 35, 256.

Hertford, Earl of; 112, 227.

town of; 535, 537.

Castle of, diets of the Lord Keeper and others at the; 525.

—532, 533.

county of; 246, 523,

sheriff of; 107.

receivership in; 247.

Hervy, Mr.; 27.

Hesilrigge, Thomas, of Noseley, co. Leicester, gent.; 38.

Hesse, Landgrave of; 59.

cloths for; 326.

Heure, Monsieur de, Governor of Landerchy; 368.

Hewet, Henry, of London, merchant; 174.

Hewton Park; 524.

Heylford; 42.

Heywood, Christopher; 247.

John, letter of; 104.

Richard; 247.

Heze, Monsieur de, Governor of Menin; 157, 368, 369.

Hicks, Robert; 160.

Hides, export of; 154, 220.

drying, &c. of; 161.

Indian; 160.

Hierges, Monsieur de; 151.

Higford; 19, 551.

Higgons, Ralph; 513

Higham, Alexander; 247.

Higham, parsonage of; 237.

Higham-on-the-Hill, parsonage of, diocese of Lincoln; 248.

Highgate; 523.

Poor House of; 248.

Hilmerton, vicarage of; 246.

Hitcham; 124.

Hoddesdon, Christopher, letters of; 162, 177, 352.

Hogsdon; 522.

Hohenlohe (“Holoffz”), Count; 86.

Hoicroft, Sir John; 183.

Hollach, Count of; 158.

Holland; 49, 84, 86, 89, 90, 126, 127, 138, 143, 151, 152, 162, 260, 295, 296, 541.

William, petition of; 311.

Hollingshed, Lawrence, letter on behalf of; 199.

Holmes, William; 714.

Holstein, Duke of; 163, 178.

Holstock, William, letters of; 122, 137, 147.

Holte, Edmund of the; 239.

Holy Island, co. Northumberland; 239.

Hombrecourt, Abbey of; 417.

Hooling; 208.

Hooper, Henry, presentation for; 248.

Hooton-on-Derwent, co. York; 132.

Hopkins; 105.

Hopton, John, gent., pardon for; 248.

Sir.Owyn, 172, 340.

— letter of; 140.

Horncastle; 179.

Horner, Sir John; 219.

Hornes; 369.

Horsey, Sir Edward; 237, 289.

letter of; 531.

grant to; 174.

Horsley; 201.

Horsman, Thomas, letter of; 531.

Hoüe, M. de la; 45.

Hounde, Edmund, presentation for; 237.

Household, Lord Steward of the, office of; 146.

Howard, Lord Charles; 540.

Sir George; 179.

Henry; 104.

— letter to; 101.

Viscount, of Bindon, possessions of; 540.

Lord; 131, 132, 205, 262, 263, 266, 277, 278, 449.

William, esq., grant to; 135.

House; 549.

Howell, Walter ap, petition of; 62.

alias Smith, John; 156.

Howlande, Dr. Richard, letters of; 188, 212, 532.

Howtaine; 119.

Howth, Lord; 154, 155.

Hubbard; 144.

Hubberd, James; 194.

Thomas; 126.

Huckell, William; 248.

Huddersfield, co. York, tithes in; 248.

Hudson, Mr.; 64.

Huet, Arthur; 184.

Huguenots, the; 99.

Hulbert; 84.

Hull; 42, 173, 182.

Humberstone, Charles, letter of; 176.

Hume, Lord; 303.

Humphrey :

John, of Edmonton, labour 179

— examination of 191

William, letter of; 185.

Humphreys, Mr.; 523.

Humpstone, Robert, presentation for; 237.

Hungary; 163.

prior of; 254.

Hungerford, Lady; 26, 193.

Hunsdon :

Henry, Lord; 27, 157, 252, 273, 274, 292, 499, 500, 519.

— letters of; 107, 109, 115.

— letter to; 376.

— exchange of lands with; 175, 248.

Hunt, John, gunner; 248.

Huntingdon :

Earl of; 16, 17, 102, 114, 319, 320.

— letters of; 103, 109, 217.

county of; 136, 509.

Huntley :

Earl of; 50, 256.

— brother of; 50.

Hurleston, Mr.; 36.

—; 76.

Hursborne; 512.

Hurst; 43.

Huss, John; 152.

Hutchenson, William, letter of; 218.

Hutton :

Matthew, Dean of York, letter of; 60.

William; 528.

Hythe; 325.


Idenstowe, manor of; 227.

Ilsley (“Ildesley”) : inn at; 190, 215.

the parson of; 216.

Imokilly, Seneschal of; 304.

India; 128.

Indies, trade to the; 230.

Inglewood, forest of; 28,

Innsbrück; 105.

Inquisition, the; 97, 105, 129, 152.

Ipswich; 139, 339.

Ireland; 20, 41, 54, 55, 76, 90, 111, 142, 160, 161, 169, 173, 228, 251, 268, 308, 309, 317, 321, 324, 325, 339, 353, 355, 356, 359, 364, 374, 387, 388, 487, 488, 492, 493, 499, 501, 506, 516, 519, 521, 522, 526, 533, 536.

articles for Feaghe McHughe; 420.

captains in; 499.

the cess in; 161, 186, 433.

Chancellor of; 154, 155, 161, 177, 186, 235.

charges for, per month; 353.

charges of; 438, 439, 447, 498.

coin and livery in; 161.

the Council in; 154, 155, 170, 177, 186, 416, 439, 498.

discharged soldiers of; 123.

the English Pale in; 154, 339.

— committal of lords and gentlemen of, to Dublin Castle; 155.

executions in; 384.

foreign aids to; 385.

the garrison in; 82.

irresolution in government of; 380.

lands of rebels in; 297.

auditor in; 63.

Lord Deputy of; 63, 68, 94, 100, 104, 107, 123, 154, 155, 161, 170, 176, 177, 186, 187.

— wheat for household of; 102.

— (Lord Grey); 339, 340, 380, 416.

— letters of; 149, 353, 384, 387, 419, 421, 427, 428, 432, 443, 447.

— letter to; 498.

— minutes to; 438, 439.

the Lord Keeper of; 421.

Lord Treasurer of; 63, 124, 186, 421.

Earl Marshal of; 97, 142.

memorandum by Lord Burghley on; 62.

money for; 124.

money for the troops in; 387.

need of money for the troops in; 419, 420.

need of victuals for the troops in; 419, 420, 421, 428, 432, 447, 532.

plough-lands in; 18, 155.

policy in; 309.

provisions for coin and livery in; 170.

trials of prisoners in; 385.

troops for; ib.

victualling of; 107, 307.

victuals for the troops in; 264, 297, 330, 349, 384, 387.

want of victuals and munition for the troops in; 304.

Irish, Lord Grey's opinion of the; 421.

Irnham, co. Lincoln; 530.

Iron, prices of; 216.

Irving, Edward, of Boneschall; 230.

Isham, Eseby; 530.

Isle of Wight; 75.

Isleworth Mills; 139.

Issonnca, Jan de; 85.

Italians, the; 152, 164, 409.

Italy; 58, 83, 86, 99, 105, 114, 129, 167, 193, 255, 316, 399, 413, 460, 492, 511.

Itchingham, —; 339.