Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Nagy Kallo [Hungary], 331, 379.

Namur, Castle of [Belgium], 302.

Namptwich. See Nantwich [Cheshire].

Nancy [France], letter dated from, 361.

Nantwich (Namptwich) [Cheshire], 324.

Naples [Italy], 25, 173, 196, 225, 234, 241, 245, 308, 329, 333.
-, Councillor of State in, 173, 196.
-, kingdom of, 25.
-, troops levied in, 25.
-, letters from mentioned, 221.
-, letter dated from, 221(2).
-, Viceroy of. See Pimental.
-, fleet of, 226.
-, Jews trade with, 473.

Narberth (Nerberth) [co. Pembroke], letter dated from, 135.

Narborough (Narboro) [co. Norfolk], 256.

Narrow Seas, the [the English Channel], 234, 265.

Nassau, a Count of, 270.

Nassau, Count Ernest of (Count Ernesto), his marriage imminent [to Sophia Hedwig of Brunswick], 18, 40.
-, letter to, 79.
-, his wife mentioned, 294–295, 306.
-, expected to come to the Hague, 306.

Nassau, Count Henry of, 38, 40, 42.
-, General of the States Horse, 40.

Nassau, Count Maurice of, Prince of Orange, 54, 305, 384, 516.
-, "his Excellency," 80, 295.
-, letter from, 68.
-, -, mentioned, 334.

Nassau, Count William Louis of (brother to Ct. Maurice), 295.
-, letter to, 68.

Natholia. See Anatolia.

National Synod of those of the Religion, 133. See also Huguenots.

Naunton, Robert, letter from, 395.

Navarre, Chancellor of. See Calignon, Monsieur de.

Navarre, King of. See Henry IV, King of France and Navarre.

Nawarth. See Naworth.

Naworth [co. Cumberland], 259.

Nayen, Jhon [John]. See Neyen, Father Jan.

Naze, the [Essex], 483.

Nedham, Robert. See Needham, Robert.

Needham (Nedham), Robert, letter from, 7.

Needham, Sir Robert, Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire, 289, 304.

Negroes, 272.

Neile, Richard, Dean of Westminster, letter from, 94, 204, 513.
-, letter to mentioned, 97.

Nelson, W. (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Nephew, letter to, 184.

Nerberth. See Narberth.

Netherlands. See Low Countries.

Neufville, Charles de, Marquis d'Alincourt, French ambassador in Rome, 112, 123, 395, 482.

Neufville, Nicholas de, Seigneur de Villeroy, councillor of Henry IV, mentioned, 8.
-, signature, 56, 133.

Neuport. See Newport [Wales].

Nevile, Thomas, Dean of Canterbury, 180, 367, 382.

Neville, Charles, 6th Earl of Westmorland (d. 1601), his rising in 1569, 335.
-, stewardship of his lands in co. Durham, 505.

Newark [co. Notts], 156.
-, letter dated from, 264.

Newberry, manor of. See Newbury, manor of [co. Berks].

Newbiggin [co. Cumberland], letter dated from, 277.

Newbury [co. Berks], manor of, 19– 20.
-, Bailiff of, 19.
-, town bridge of, 20.
-, tolls within town of, 499.

Newcastell. See Newcastle upon Tyne.

Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastell), [Northumberland], 95, 378, 427.
-, letter dated from, 65, 95, 300, 307.
-, gaol delivery at, 95, 277.
-, list of prisoners tried at the assizes at, 96.
-, number of persons in prison at, 307.
-, mayor of, 30.
-, letter from mayor and corporation of, 516.

Newce (Nuce), Capt. [William?], 445.

New Forest [Hants], 62.

Newfoundland, 71, 357.
-, voyage to, mentioned, 240, 498.

Newhaven. See Havre [France].

Newmarket (Newmarkett) [Suffolk], 85, 330.
-, letter dated from, 335, 338, 342, 344, 346, 348, 357, 358, 360(2), 361(2), 362, 364(2), 368, 369, 371, 372.

Newport (Neuport) [Monmouthshire, Wales], 485.

Newport, Captain [Christopher], 202, 208, 219, 418–419, 455.

Newport, Sir Francis (Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire), 289, 304.

Newport Pagnell [Bucks], 521.

Newrie, the. See Newry [N. Ireland].

Newry (the Newrie) [co. Down, Ireland], 451.

Newton [co. Northumberland], 5.

Newton, Adam, letter from, 158, 447.
-, letter to mentioned, 447n.
-, letter to, 448.

Newton, John, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Newton, Mr., 415.

New Year's Gifts, 1.

Neyen, Father Jan, of Antwerp, a Franciscan [1560 – 1612], ("Doctor John Meyen," "Jhon Nayen," "the Friar," "the Cordelier"), visits the Hague secretly, 79.
-, letter from mentioned, 166.
-, enters Holland without warrant, 133.
-, return from Spain, 240.
-, further dealings with the United Provinces, 269, 273, 280, 285, 294, 302, 305, 316, 317, 328, 346.

Nicholas (Nichollas), Mr. 496.

Nicholas, Morris, 485.

Nichols, John, "Progresses of King James I" mentioned, 2, 136.

Nichols, Mr. Serjeant, Principal Commissioner [for Depopulations] in Northants, 226– 227.
-, suggested as Serjeant at law for the Prince, 347, 353.
-, his character, 347.
-, his warrant, 360.

Nicholson (Nycollson), Mr., 86, 390.

Nicols, Mr. Serjeant. See Nichols, Mr. Serjeant.

Nicolson. See Nicholson.

Nijmegen [Holland], 40.

Noble, Simon, 356.

Noell, Sir Andrew, 124.

Nonce, —, See Paul V, Nuncio of to France.

Nono, Country of [Italy], 117.

Nonesuch [Surrey], 215.
-, letter dated from, 158, 447.

Norbegno. See Morbegno [Lombardy, Italy].

Norfolk, 220, 343, 367.
-, property in, 163.
-, persons from, eligible as Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 407.

Normandy, High and Low, 67.

Norreys, Bridget, Lady, wife of Francis Norreys (Norris), letter from, 449.
-, niece of Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, 449, 464.
-, separation from her husband, (Norris) 464–465.

Norreys (Norris), Francis, 2nd Lord Norreys, his separation from and treatment of his wife, 464–465.

Norris, Lord. See Norreys, Lord.

Norris Walk. See Enfield Chase.

Norris, William, letter from, 146.

North, Sir —, 486.

North, Council of the Court of the (the Council at York), 24, 30, 203, 234, 278, 429, 442; Attorneys of the Court, 234.
-, Lord Presidents of. See Hastings, Henry; Cecil Thomas; (from 1603) Sheffield, Edmund.
-, secretaries to. See Ferne, Sir John; Gee, Sir William.

North, rising of the Earls in the. See Neville, Charles; Percy, Thomas.

Northampton, Earl of. See Howard, Henry, Earl of N—[1539/40– 1614].

Northamptonshire, 220, 223, 227, 423.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 220.
-, Commission of Depopulation for, 223.
-, jury of, 298.
-, "The late tumultous rebellions in," 343, 497. See also Agrarian rising.

Northaye, Ralphe, bailiff of Colchester, 138.

Northbrook (Northbrokes) [Warwickshire], 498.

"Northern Indias," 353.

North Hall [Herts], 176.

North Mimms [co. Herts], 93.

North Somercotes, manor of [co. Lincoln], 40.

Northumberland, 307, 431.
-, state of religion in, 3.
-, theft in, 44, 95.
-, gaol delivery in, 65, 95.
-, levy of 200 men in, 314–315, 350.
-, soldiers from, for Ireland, 374.
-, election of sheriff for, Sir George Selby proposed, 320.
-, county quieter since men were sent from there to Ireland, 390.

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy, Henry, 9th Earl.

North Wales, Judge of. See Barker, Mr. Richard.

North West [America], voyage towards, 26.

Norton [? Cumb.], 78.

Norton, Dudley, servant to Earl of Salisbury, 319, 487.

Norwich [Norfolk], persons from, to be preferred for Mastership of Caius College, Cambridge, 407.

Norwich, Bishop of. See Wm. Rugg, Bishop of Norwich [1536– 1550].

Norwich [Norfolk] Diocese, 407.

Nottingham, 196.
-, letter dated from, 198.

Nottingham, Earl of. See Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Admiral of England.

Nova Hispania Fleet, "Nova Spania" Fleet, 109, 216, 217, 243, 265, 267, 272, 312. See also "Terra firma" fleet.

Noventa [near Padua, Italy], 247n.

Nowes, John, 10.

Nuarke. See Newark [co. Notts].

Nuce, Capt. See Newce.

Nugent, Sir Richard, 15th Baron Delvin, later 1st Earl of Westmeath [1583–1642], 316, 377.
-, his confessions mentioned, 316n.
-, ordered to submit to the king's pleasure or he is to be prosecuted, 361.
-, his former benefits from the king mentioned, 361.

Nuncios [Papal], at Paris and Brussels, 244.
-, removed from Brussels to Spain before arrival of his successor, 146; arrival of in Spain, 214.
-, in Venice, 196, 226.
-, See also Bentivoglio, Archbishop of Rhodes, Nuncio in Brussels; Carafa, Nuncio to Spain; Gessi, Nuncio to Venice.

Nuns, Englishwomen become, 157.

Nuremberg [Germany], 380.
-, ambassador of mentioned, 380.

Nycollson. See Nicholson, Mr.

Nyminggam. See Nijmegen [Holland].


Oaks, 217, 354.

Oatlands (Otlands) [Surrey], letter dated from, 185.

Oats, 144, 266.

O'Brien, Donough, 4th Earl of Thomond [d. 1624], 160, 162.

Ockendo, Don Antony de, General of the Squadron of Biscay, 304.

Ockham (Okem) [Surrey?], 216.

O'Conor, Derby, 259.

O'Conor, Mr (nephew to Florence McCarthy), 444.

Odder [Connaught, Ireland], 143.

Oddstock [Wiltshire], 24.

O'Docherty (Odohorty), —, 164.

O'Donnell, Bridget, Countess of Tyrconnell, wife of Rory, Earl of Tyrconnell, 482n.
-, to be carried over to France or Flanders after flight of her husband, 429–430.
-, her mother mentioned, 429.
-, denies complicity in her husband's behaviour, 482.

O'Donnell, Rory, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell [1575–1608], 163–4, 258, 316, 429, 430, 481n.
-, proclamation made on flight of, mentioned, 243, 323, 378, 468.
-, "revolt" of mentioned, 425.
-, his wife, Bridget. See above.

Ogle, Lord Cuthbert [c. 1540–1597], 3.
-, his eldest daughter [Jane, m. Edward Talbot, later Earl of Shrewsbury], a protestant, 3.

Ogle, Sir John [Sergt.-Major-General in the Low Countries], letter from, 28, 38, 40, 147, 269, 294, 305, 317, 346, 369, 376, 384.
-, letter to, 488.

Ogle, Sir Richard, letter from, 104.

Ogle, family in Northumberland, 3.

Ogli, Callender (rebel in Anatolia), See Kalender Oghlu.

Ogli, Grampolat, late Bassa [= Pasha] of Aleppo. See Aleppo.

O'Hoan, Bartholomew, 288, 306.

O'Hoan (O'Hone), Richard, pensioner of James I, 288.

O'Hone, Richard. See O'Hoan, Richard.

O'Kearney (Carney), David, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cashel, 167, 260, 413, 414.

O'Kearney, Paul, Portreeve of Cashel, 414.

Okem. See Ockham.

Oldenbarnevelt (Barnevelt, Barneville), Johan van, Councillor of Holland and Pensionary of Rotterdam, "The Advocate," 8, 147.
-, accident to, 370.
-, disagreement with Count Maurice of Nassau, 384.
-, James I asked to write particularly to, 420.

Oldenzaal (Oldenzeel) [E. Netherlands], 295.

Oldenzeel. See Oldenzaal [E. Netherlands].

Oldsworth. See Houldsworth.

Olney, Henry, pass for, 2.

Olympus [Turkey] (correctly Mount Taurus), 376.

O'Multully (Tully, alias Flood), Matthew, information about, 480–1 and note.

Oneal, Oneale. See O'Neill.

O'Neill (Oneale), Con, 315.

O'Neill (Oneale, Oneal), Sir Cormac (Cormack), 377, 379.

O'Neill, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Tyrone (Terron, Tirone, Tirowen) [1540–1616], 150, 163–4, 319, 329, 347, 354, 395, 427, 430, 444–445, 477, 481n, 499.
-, proclamation made on the flight of mentioned, 243, 323, 378, 468.
-, his flight, 254, 258, 259, 260– 261, 263, 266–267, 278– 280, 313, 327, 329–330, 425.
-, -, reasons for, 291, 301–2.
-, son mentioned, 291, 371.
-, "treaty" with Richardot concerning, 291.
-, prevented from going to Spain, 342.
-, revolt of, mentioned, 451, 499.
-, letter from mentioned, 151.
-, letter supposed to be from him mentioned, 431.
-, plot to assist, 431, 451.
-, letter from, to James I, 482.

O'Neill (Onell), Shaen, 315.

O'Neill, Sir Turlough Luineach (Turlough Lenough), 451.

O'Neills (Oneales), the ancient land of, its possession disputed, 499.

Onelie. See Onley [Northants].

Onell, Shaen. See O'Neill, Shaen.

Onley (Onelie) [Northants], 423.

Onuye, Mr. Edward, an English gentleman, 16.

Opava [Czechoslovakia], 332.

Orde, Thomas, Captain of 100 men levied in Northumberland and Cumberland, 314–315.

Orford [Suffolk], customs officers of, letter from, 43–44.
-, Customer of. See Beamond, John.
-, Controller of. See Pootye, Richard.
-, Searcher of. See Cutler, Richard.

Orfoord [? Orford, co. Lancs.], 77.

Orkney (Orkeny), Master of. See Stewart, John.

Orleans [France], 150, 251.
-, letter dated from, 150.

Orme, Captain Roger, 48, 55, 61.

Ormond, Earl of. See Butler, Thomas, Earl of Ormond [1546–1614], Treasurer in Ireland [1603–1614].

Orphans, 252.

O'Rorke, Sir Teage, 167.

Orrell, George, letter from, 107.

Orsini, Antonio, 332.

Orsini, Virginio, Duke of Bracciano, 184, 201.

Osbern, Sir Robert. See Osborne, Sir Robert.

Osborne (Osbern), Sir Robert, 28.

Osborne, Thomas, letter from, 449.
-, a prisoner at the Counter, Wood St., 449.

Osley (Osely), Mr., 16, 312.
-, letter from mentioned, 216.

Otlands. See Oatlands [co. Surrey].

Oudesworth. See Houldsworth.

Oulchester. See Outchester [co. Northd.].

"Ould Davie." See Graham, David.

Ouseley, Sir John, letter from, 450.

Ouseley, Richard, letter from, 233

Outchester [co. Northd.], 431.

Outlaws, and fugitives on the Borders, general references to, 6, 44, 176, 269, 435?, 487.

Overall, John, Dean of St. Paul's, 349; signature, 180.

Overiisel (Overisel) [Netherlands]. 295.

Oviedo, Proveedor Miguel de, 10.

Ovington, Hen. See Hovenden.

Owen [Hugh], 273.

Owen, —, Lady Hawkin's brother, a pirate, 229.

Oxen, 398.

-, University of, 195, 368, 375, 397.
-, -, Chancellor of. See Hatton, Sir Christopher; Dudley, Robert.
-, -, College of, 391.
-, All Soul's College, Fellowship of mentioned, 292.
-, Exeter College, Fellow of. See Jewell, Wm.