Cecil Papers: May 1607, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp115-131 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp115-131.

"Cecil Papers: May 1607, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp115-131.

May 1607, 1-15

Hatfield Park. (fn. 1)
[Before May, 1607.] Whereas his Majesty has divers times found fault with the keeping of coneys within the Parks of Hatfield being a place so fit for his recreation [and] for the doing thereof expected that we that are officers under her Majesty whose pleasure it is likewise to have it so, should long ere this have taken order; we have thought good hereby to require you, all excuses set apart (if the same be not done already) to see them all destroyed and so much the rather because there shall also follow a view of all the deer that it may be known in what state it is. And where it has been moved that the rent which is answered to the Queen for the coneys may be defalked, we do hereby signify unto you that whensoever you shall make it appear in her Majesty's Court at Westminster that the same are removed, there shall be a decree for discharge of the said rent from the day and time of your performance of this order. Whereof as we doubt not but you will be very careful to give his Majesty satisfaction, so we do entreat you to return us such an answer in writing as may make it appear that we have not been slack in the intimation of both their Majesties' pleasures in this behalf.— Undated.
Draft. 2 pp. (129. 12.)
Sir Christopher St. Lawrence (fn. 2) to the King.
[1607. Before May.] His services in the late rebellion in Ireland. Is left destitute by the withdrawing of all entertainment. Prays for leave to bestow himself abroad in the service of some Prince in good league with the King.—Undated.
½ p. [Cp. Cal. S.P. Ireland 1606–1608, p. 94.] (P. 1517.)
News from the Grisons.
1607, May 1 to June 16. The Pope, the Count of Fuentes, and the Marquis of Como [Horatio Palavicino]. seeing that the Venetians were about to make use of their alliance with us both for the passage of Lorrainers, Swiss and others and for the raising of levies from our own people, have managed to raise the Catholic Communes in defence of the Pope's religion by the help of some of their adherents among whom the Bishop of Coira is named. These communes, yielding to the popular fury, have displayed their banners and come to Coira, and have seized the surrounding passes. Since then all the communes have been moved to come to Coira with banners displayed owing to the endless lies circulated against the government, the nobility, and the French and Venetian alliances. Some of the communes, however, have come with a good object. But no so general nor so virulent an outbreak has come to pass since the combination of the three Leagues into Rhaetia. The Venetian Ambassador has been treated with most barbarous indignity. The French Ambassador was at Thusis (Tosara), otherwise idem et illi accidisset. In the end they have denounced both alliances in principalibus, in mille dubii. About half the League of the Grisons was favourable. In the League of the House of God (la Cadéa), Bergell (Bregaza) Sottoporta, Upper and Lower Engadine, Poschiavo Turstena, Münssterthal (Valle di Monasterio) and Remüs (Ramus) were faithful. In the Third League [X Jurisdictions] only the lordship of Maienfeldt and Castels were good, the rest very bad. In the end they have established a Strafgericht (dritture) or Tribunal of fifty judges and about 1,200 guards, rustics to the last degree. Since all who have pensions from France or Venice are excluded as well as all who have ever been members of the 'Bitag' Diet or administration of the Republic. The object of this is the destruction on one pretext or another of the whole Rhaetian nobility, those who have done their country most service being the most persecuted. Those who are absent are cited ad dicendam causam. It is most dangerous to appear in the midst of all this fury, for there is no way of obtaining a hearing, but only torment, as has been proved in the case of some men of moderate fortune who have been abominably treated. If you do not appear, the guards are sent to take you by force, and in any case to rob you of your honour, your house, and your goods and do the worst they can. In this city of Coira there have been four Swiss Ambassadors from Zurich and Berne; they have not only laboured in vain, but have been explosi et exsibilitati a plebe. More than 2,000 rustics broke in the doors of the Archbishop's house, seized the Landvogt [George] Beli and took him away a prisoner to the Kaufhaus. But herein I see the just judgment of God. Capt. Gaspar Baselga and Gulielmo Scarpaletto [Scarpatetto] the first and principal movers of this multitude, who acted as colonels in leading the Banners to Coira, were the first persons seized in the Archbishop's house by 4,000 or more of these rustics and furiously dragged to the Kaufhaus. But being men of no condition they will probably fare better than any other man however honest. Still Exitus acta probabit. These two were two months in Milan, and no sooner had they come back than they set this deadly game on foot. And now there is no other help (under God) than the aid of the Swiss and the union of the nobility. The garrison of six Regiments (insegne) in the Valtelline and Chiavenna, has been so reduced by desertion in all these troubles that there are not more than 100 men per regiment left. So that the wretched churches of God in the Valtelline are in the greatest danger.— Coira, 1 May, 1607.
May 12. There has never been such a commotion as this in any Commonwealth. In summa omnes fere boni exulant, exulat justitia, fides publica prostituta, Legatus Venetus miris injuriis violatus, Oratores Helvetii indignissime a furore plebis tractati. Foedus Gallicum et Venetum violatum, ac in verba Hispanorum fere juratum nec est qui prae tanta rabie ne hiscere quidem audeat. Seditiosum istud facis plebeae Tribunal Strafgericht vocatur, omnem totius Reipublicae authoritatem sibi assumpsit, ac Ordinarios Triumviros [the Presidents of the three Leagues] cum senatu Rhetico pessundederunt. Sigilla publica violenta manu in suam pertraxerunt potestatem: adeo ut omnia agant ex arbitrio et libidine.
I have been in too much trouble to answer you before, because our friends came suddenly to cite Col. Guler [John Guler, "Landamann" of the Third League], and a peremptory citation was hanging over men. The citation was friendly, but manus violenta was preparing. Now though we might have found means to offer an effective resistance, which would have been heard of in Italy, we thought it better to yield to the popular fury. So, as our opponents had seized all the ordinary passes, we were constrained to cross Montirolo [? the Brenner], Tonale, Senale and Arlenberg [Arlberg] four very steep passes (montagne asperi) by way of the Valtelline, Val Camonica, Valle di Sole, Val Nono, the Country of Nono, the country of Trent, Zongadize [the Etschthal], Valle Venosta [Vintschgan], Inthal [Innthal] and the Country of Tirol. Finally we arrived at Sargans and Ragaz in Switzerland, our place of exile, whence these furious people still threaten to carry us off. They sent to take Captain Ridolfo and Vicario à Schawenstein. But they had warning and are here with us. They are looking for Capt Horsberg whom we expect momentarily. They have sent a hundred men into the Valtelline to take Sn. Sonnwig (Sonuigo). but, I think, in vain. They have compelled poor Burgomaster [Hans] Bavier (Baviero), Sr. [J. B.] Tscharner (Sciarnero) and the Town Clerk (il. Sr. Stattschreiber) of Coira to give security for their lives, goods and honour; if not they had the sergeants (Zaffi) ready to lead them away to prison. Dr. Ruinelle is here in the castle of Sargans. Indeed their fury has gone so far that not even the faithful ministers of God's word dare any longer speak against their atrocities. They have in fact ordained severe penalties against all preaching upon affairs of State. They have emulated the Moors (hanno fatto la Moresca) in order to get hold of the Rev. George Cassino; they went to his house at Tomins (Tamins) by night, but refrained. In short, arrests are constant. We hear of nothing here but imprisonments, decapitations, mutilations, confiscations, perpetual banishments. Und dem vögel in der lueft dass leben der obrigkeit erlauben [leaving the magistrates a prey to the vultures]. They have resolved to root out not only all the nobility, but all the Patrician families. Ambassadors have come from all the Thirteen Cantons und Zugewandten [Allies] sed frustra laborant. They not only pay no heed, but they treat them with the greatest indignity. So they have resolved to betake themselves to the Communes. But I know not what they can bring back, for the Strafgericht has deputed some of its members to answer them. Three days ago they rode to Ilanz (Janti) and were honourably received, with much applause. In our League [X Jurisdictions] men are possessed by the Devil, except in the lordship of Maienfeld, where they behave well for the most part. Adsunt etiam tamen ibi Scorpiones.
They have twice sent a hundred men to take the Podestà John Lucius Goghelberg [i.e. Guggelberg à Moos], but understanding that they would be opposed by the lordship of Maienfeld in arms, they thought better of it. However, they hope to trap him. They want to kill the whole Privy Council which they themselves appointed. To-morrow is the day (giorno peremptorio) for Sig. Guler's case, mine comes next, and so one after another (di mano in mano). Ambassadors have come from the Archduke Maximilian for the freedom of Sig. Beli, but up to now they have not had audience. No steps have yet been taken against those two scoundrels (tristi) Baselga and Scarpaletti, who were the prime movers of all this trouble. The only good thing is that I hope it may bind together our nobility and the other good families, which God grant. The Bishop of Coira was thought to have fomented this sedition to prevent the Venetians from using the passes and raising troops against the Pope, since the first banners were those of Popish Communes; but in this popular fury, not even he was safe, and was forced to procure a large guard. He is now trying to make what amends he can; etiam suae indemnitati, since they say the Strafgericht aims even at him. He has been advised to withdraw for the present from the city and has come here for us to have speech with him. I think he will go to the Abbot of Pfäfers (Fauera).— (fn. 3) Sarjans, 12 May, 1607.
16 June, 1607. The Strafgericht of the Grisons has pronounced the most cruel sentences against many. The rest of us expect the like, and apply daily to the Swiss Lords for refuge and help. They have accordingly held a general Diet of all the Cantons and allies and have been unanimously zealous to help us and to protect the innocence and justice of our cause. It is decided that if they [i.e. the Strafgericht] will not give a categorical answer to an ultimatum, they shall be forced to desist from their enterprize. Sed interim patitur justus. The revolutionaries have spent some 2,000 florins, and are trying to destroy us by their unjust sentences, to provide for their excess. The Valtelline is not very safe, partly because of the increased insolence of our subjects owing to our adversity, partly because of our unfriendly neighbour [i.e. Fuentes]. Besides which the reformed ballot (la ballotta della riforma) has made a gentleman of Bergell [Bergaglia] governor of the Valtelline, a most untrustworthy person and an agent of the Count of Fuentes. The Spanish faction prevails amongst the insurgents, and no steps are being taken against their prisoners. The garrison of the Valtelline is reduced to three regiments (insegne) of two hundred each. The ditch which was so well begun in the Valtelline has never been carried out, owing to the obstinacy of the subjects. Sig. Padovino [the Venetian Secretary], though he was in Lorraine, is now here in Zurich in order to see the end of our troubles. Sig. Vincentio [Vincenti] is at Norbegno [Morbegno], Sig. Pascala [Pascal] at Thusis (Tosana). A new French Ambassador M. [Eustache] de la Refuge is come to Soleure (Soloduro). The Bishop of Coira has been wise to withdraw to the baths of Pfäfers (Favera) and so has Dr. Ruinelli to retire to Sargans. Count Fuentes has almost disarmed most of the men whom he had raised against the Venetians.—Zurich, 16 June, 1607. O.S.
Italian (apparently translated from German). Endorsed: "Discorso de Grisons." 6 pp. (121. 83–5.)
Richard Stapers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 2. I have received a certain advice out of Spain, which I have thought it my duty to inform you of by this bearer, my son, desiring it may be very private from whence it comes. He will likewise deliver you such letters as I have this instant received for you—2 May, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (121. 22.)
Mary, Lady Stafford, to the Same.
1607. May 2. Pardon me that unacquainted I so boldly write to your lordship and crave your favour in my just cause, wherein I am likely to be oppressed if you and some other of my good friends assist me not against the malice of them that contrary to law withhold my right from me. Sir John Stafford, who detains a great part of my jointure confirmed to me by Act of Parliament, with whom I am now in suit for the same, perceiving his title to be bad, and that if law have his course, he is likely to lose his living, seeks now to deprive me of the benefit of law. Which to effect, he caused me to be indicted of recusancy and made two of his own men swear the same against me. My suit is that you would move Justice Yelverton and Justice Williams not to let the indictment be certified against me; and touching that matter I will be ordered by your lordship and my kinsmen and friends of the Privy Council.—Thornbury Castle, 2 May, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (121. 20.)
Sir Griffin Markham to the Same.
[1607], May 2. I have received letters out of England from my friends, by which I perceive small hope of present return, which gives me demonstration of my instant ruin, all things concurring by the death of my friends, and carelessness or malice of those which live and should do otherwise. All this grieves me not so much, as that I hear the nature of my fault should exceed the rest, theirs being grounded on a discontent only, and mine [on] faction. If you call to mind all the passages of that unfortunate action, you will find some of them charged to be guilty to bloody intentions, others to be privy to them, of both which you heard me sincerely cleared at the bar; and that, above a month after Mr. Watson and Mr. Brooke had hatched that unfortunate action, I could never be won, until my Lord of Rutland had got from me those unfortunate parks, which blinded my understanding and made me bewitched with a beastly blind, inhuman humour, which has ever since made me odious to myself. My Lord Cobham and his brother had nothing taken from them, my Lord Gray had a book prepared for him, Sir Walter was displaced but with recompense. I only had taken from me, and thus much I have heard his Majesty should himself allege for me, in the height of my miseries. Besides, by the favour done me in dooming me banishment, I have had opportunity to show by my honest carriage my sorrow for my fault. I understand that by your means, his Majesty has conceived a good opinion of my honest carriage. Take compassion of my distress, and help to prevent my ruin. If you think it not fit to give me a pardon to stay there, then be a means to obtain me a pardon, and some convenient time to dispose my businesses, upon vow or sufficient caution for my return at the time prefixed. Without the one of these my wife will have no means to live in England, and I may beg here, where I shall find charity so cold by the malice of my potent enemies, as I may fear to starve. My case cannot be dissembled, the death of my father-in-law, and neglect of my friends being apparently known.—Bruxells, 2 May.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (121. 23.)
Sir Charles Cavendish to the Countess of Shrewsbury.
1607, May 3. I pray you take good view of this plat, the convenience I cannot mend, and I know it will be a fair and easy house, the great chamber at the first height and all the principal lodgings at the same height. The one side may be a fit lodging for the King, the other for the Queen, and both to use the gallery. The kitchen is out of the house, the cellars for ordinary use lighted outwardly, and the noise of the Hall will be broken by the large stair and the fair lobbies before the great chambers, and the coming in of the windows high will send away noise and smell; your chapel very fair, coming to it without annoyance to other places or passages, your gallery most fair, and two vaults added thereunto, one open, the other to set open when you please, otherwise not things of great pleasure; no lodging annoyed with any stair except servants' chambers; upon the garden side below I have likewise given fair vaults, for without such singularities I think a house greatly defective. The seat I know not, and therefore I may err in placing the principal rooms; but the plat may be altered at pleasure, and I think a house whose square stands upon the 8 division is better than upon the 4 points of the compass, as your coming in to be southwest and not full south or west, so shall all sides of your house have the sun, and yet not in a direct line, and therefore not so violent, partaking of two points. Besides the sun comes later and parts sooner.—Welbeck, 3 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 24.)
Sir Charles Cavendish to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
1607, May 3. I have sent your lordship a plat, though unwillingly, being the first draft. There is some mislike in it. and something mistaken by the drawer in my absence; but if the general convenience be liked the rest will easily be amended, as windows, chimneys, doors and such like. I have kept myself to the proportion of lodgings you gave me, which was 6 or 7, only I have lodged the builder conveniently besides, which few think of. If you or my sister were to build, I would advise you to this plat, some small things corrected, and I will speak peremptorily, that there cannot be a sweeter house, keeping a form and the state of English building. I have much ado to get out of this matter, because I doubt this bringer (though he be most excellent in the bringing up of this house) has not the frame in his head, being only a looker on. The model your lordship writes of my Lord Lumley invited me to see, the inventor being present, and then I made certain questions, some whereof yet remain with me. The hall will fill all the house full of noise and smell, so many doors flanking one another, whereby in winter it will be uninhabitable; the other place to eat in, which in Italian they call tenelli, is fit for an Italian gentleman that keeps un pair di servitori and not for an English earl, their diet being but salads and frogs, that yield little vapour. His kitchen is fit for such a diet, besides it will annoy all the house; his great chamber is near as broad as long, and lighted but of one side, saving some odd lights that stand little to the use of the chamber; no gallery, nor chapel, with many other imperfections, as all his chimneys shall smoke, being under the louvre that lights his hall. I wish myself present to defend mine, and I think I could satisfy you by rooms in other houses that you know that these are well. Present my service to that noble Earl.—Welbeck, 3 May, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 25.)
Richard Cave to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 4. Since my being here at Venice I have received from his Majesty's Ambassador Sir Henry Wotton. so many courtesies for your Honour's sake, as I have now hazarded rather to trouble you with a few lines than to wrong the Ambassador by forbearing to certify the favours he has done me, amongst others in presenting me to the Duke, of whom I was received with much respect.—Venice, 4 May. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 26.)
Sir Edward Capell to the Same.
1607. May 4. I thank you for your favourable letter in my behalf to Sir Henry Wotton, at the delivery whereof I accompanied a kinsman of yours, Mr. Richard Cave, with whom I was presented to the Duke and State of Venice; and after having had the honour to kiss their hands, we were presented with presents from them, and feasted with commandment, and attendants upon us for that purpose, to show us whatsoever we should desire. My Lord Ambassador's favour towards us was much beyond the expectation of so private a creature as myself, contenting himself in anything wherein he might anyway pleasure us.—Venice, 4 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 27.)
News from Madrid.
[1607, May 5.] News has been received here the last of April, that the King of Spain has been totally defeated in the Straits of Gibraltar (Gilbartard) by the Hollanders, with the loss of all his soldiers and sailors. Thirty-six Dutch men-of-war attacked ten great Spanish galleons, the least of 500 tons burthen, and five common ships, which were in the Straits near the fort of Gibraltar, which could give them no help. Three or four of the galleons were sunk, the vice-admiral taken prisoner, and from one thousand to twelve hundred men or more destroyed. It is not reported that the Hollanders lost a single ship, but their admiral was killed. The Spanish general is dead, and his son, the viceadmiral, a prisoner. There was so much alarm at Calix and on the coast that all the inhabitants were minded to take to flight and abandon Calix, but the Duke of Medina Sidonia came to their rescue and secured the town. The Hollander forces are anchored in the Straits. The Spaniards have no ships to drive them away, and the Hollanders are waiting for the galleons at St. Lucquer, which are due to leave in May for the Spanish Indies. The loss of this army will deprive the King of Spain of ships, sailors, and ordnance. They hope to recover the three galleons or at least the cannon which they contain.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1607, 5 May." 1 p. (121. 28.)
The States General to the Privy Council.
1607, May 5. Pierre Hasselaer and others, merchants of Amsterdam, delivered to Guillaume Sautin certain merchandise for sale in Brazil, the proceeds to be brought back in sugars and other goods. Sautin loaded the proceeds at Bahia de Todos los Santos on the Damoiselle, Regnier Plagge of Hamburg. Master. The ship calling at Poole, was arrested on the requisition of the Spanish agent. Details follow as to proceedings in the Admiralty Court; and the writers beg for the restitution of the goods.— La Haye, 5 May, 1607.
Signed by order of the States General: Aerssen. French. 3 pp. (193. 103.)
Francis Michell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 6. I cannot be ignorant that my late misfortune at Rome, together with sundry imputations, have failed to be certified unto you adamussim. Men of affairs will, perhaps, not so much commend my affection to your Honour, in that from out that damned sepulture I found a mean presently upon my commitment to send unto you by the transport of the Lord Ambassador of France and Venice a little note, as the last lines I ever thought to write, as they will condemn my want of duty and judgment, in that I omitted after my escape to be the first relater of the whole proceedings, for the prevention of your misconceit. They know not where my shoe wrings better than I and therefore no marvel chi mal intende peggie risponde, and who sees not that Les plus sages faillent souvent en beau chemin. It is well known that till now that I am come into the confines of France it is dangerous to handle a pen, lest some spy of the country, or some Scottish-English-Italianated traitor be at the elbow to discover, or if he fail there, to be at the post to take survey; and yet I came not so little as 300 miles out of my way to escape the Pope's territories, and the Milan State, by the mountains of Sylano, the Voltulino, the Grisons, and the Swiss; besides my direction of my letter must have been to your lordship more hated in Italy than Beelzebub, the subject of my letter, must have been of the tyranny, which is lethal. It is now passed, I have endured it non puo tornare a dietro; in all I have behaved myself as an honest man and a loyal subject, culpa vacare magnum est solatium, as will well appear, la verita non pue stare sepolta. All wise men know that de peu de chose vient grand noise. I confess it impossible de complaire à tous. sed conscia mens recti, famae mendacia ridet. I am gotten out of the hands of devils, out of whose fingers chi totua fa bon viagge. I thank you, for if it be true that the traitor Sweet reported at Liones to one that sometimes was your servant, you called for him and schooled him well, and in that your reprehension of his damned courses objected my imprisonment, naming me one of yours. Howbeit, afterwards to others he perverted all that you said, bragging what lies he told you, and your answer, and that he had told you I was your intelligence, and defended the tyranny of these Roman inquisitors, with many other scandalous reports by him and his companion (one of the Ambassador's people I take it), that I was employed by you, and therefore to take heed what they did or said in my presence. I cannot deny that the passport you gave me at my departure out of England I kept as a great jewel, and left as I thought out of reach; but they of the Inquisition (sent for by what authority I know not) got it, and tare it in two before my face, and the testimony his Grace of Canterbury gave me, they burnt as a heretic in my view. Alas, my Lord, it is not here fit to deliver the miseries I endured, my accusers, the causes, the tortures, the stratagems against our nation, the tricks to retain and employ without suspect the multitude, increased since his Majesty had the crown, and their means still to augment, their manner of getting intelligence even out of the Privy Chamber, their combinations with foreign parts to do us mischief, and yet doing all must seem to do nothing. The prison of Inquisition is a strange school, howbeit to some they give all liberty, to others all torture, to others conference, to others smothering, to others death by physic and poison; some setting free upon abjuration, some recantation, some upon bare promise, some one way, some another, and in all for the most part contrary to their directorium. I shall be ready every hour to come hence, if not, to spend a fourth year in France and the Low Countries over again; and so, being newly arrived in these parts, I purpose to pass higher, where is better language.—Lions, 6 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (121. 29.)
Sir Fulke Grevill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], May 6. I do not presume to wait upon you in my own business, fearing the time may be unseasonable; so as if by my absence I lose nothing in your favour, then my heart and fortune are at rest in your hands, by whom I never found any man a loser that understood what became himself.—From Edmonton, 6 May.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 31.)
Lord Harington to the Same.
[1607], May 7. I understand of your special favour to me for the lieutenancy of Rutland, which gives me testimony of your good esteem. I have been careful in the choice of deputies for the lieutenancy. I have made offer to the place to Sir Andrew Noell, but he desires to be spared, for he is resolved to live for the most part in Leicestershire; besides by his speech it seems he has engaged himself by his promise to the Earl of Huntingdon, who, he ever conceived, should have had the lieutenancy. There is besides Sir Ja. Haryngton, Sir W. Bulstrod and Sir Guy Paulines, very honest and discreet gentlemen, and such as the country well account of. If you allow of these three or any two of them, I shall be glad if they be nominated in the patent as my deputies.—Burley, 7 May.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 32.)
Henry Lok to the Same.
1607, May 9. Finding so little hope of present employment, and my especial care being to bring up my children fitly, I have resolved to send two of them to Leydon, now by Mr. Andro Hunter, whom I caused lately to acquaint Levinus [Monck] therewith, to crave your pass if needful. He being now ready to depart, and they as well fitted for it as my poor ability can, as my son Henry desires I recommend his service to you now at parting, who I trust shall one day discharge some part of the many duties I owe you.—9 May, 1607.
PS.—In my last letter I craved your allowance of my petition to his Majesty, without which all my assurance and your favour by these leases will not help me to a penny.
Holograph. ½ p. (121. 33.)
Camillo Rinuccini to Girolamo Merli at Constantinople.
1607, May 9/19. I am glad to hear from you and surprised to find you no longer at Rome. I would accept your offer to act as my agent were I a merchant; and were I not out of town I would communicate it to my friends. I shall do so when I return. Meanwhile you can tell me how you are doing and under whose protection you live. I should like to know whether you could get me a pair of those fine greyhounds (levrieri) with drooping curly ears, and a head like a sheep, and what they would cost. I had some when I was young, and should like a pair now if I could afford them.—Villa dall' Impruneta, 19 May, 1607.
Holograph. Italian. Endorsed: "Florence, 19 May, 1607. Reed. 19 March. 1608." 1½ pp. (193. 106.)
Roger Houghton to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, May 10. I thought fit, having time, to write to your lordship of my Lady's health and the success of our journey. Her ladyship is very well, and brooks her travel fare better than I did expect. It much troubles her to lodge in an inn, and sometimes she calls to mind her friends at the Charterhouse, and thereupon grows melancholy and falls to weeping. These two are the chief which most discontent her ladyship. We endeavour by all means to put her out of it and then all is well. The first night we lodged at Saint Talbones [St. Albans], by reason I could not persuade the coachman to go to Dunstable, for he said he had rather drive his horses 30 miles the second day than 20 the first, but it fell out so troublesome journey betwixt Saint Talbones and Tosyter [Towcester], that it not only tired all the company but almost spoiled all the horses; yet were we driven to go through thereby, to avoid the towns infected. A worse coachway have I seldom seen, yet we got thither in good time betwixt 5 and 7 o'clock at night. The next day, being Thursday. we went from Tossyter to Coventry, and on Friday to Lyttchfeild, where we are constrained to stay Saturday and Sunday, by reason that two of the coachman's and the sumpter horse fell very lamed, being "surbated" with the heat of the weather and hardness of the way, that they were not able to travel any further without rest. We have endeavoured to get the best cure for them we can, and I doubt not they will very well carry us to the end of our journey, which will be on Wednesday next.—Lytchfeild, 10 May, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 34.)
Pedro de Zuniga, Spanish Ambassador, to John Ball.
1607. May 10. I have seen your letter and had no need to receive the others which you sent me formerly, though I always held them dearer than the sun, and now am sure thereof, by hearing from the mouth of the King of Great Britain on two occasions that I have spoken to him of this matter, when he told me they were not to blame. Therefore I am determined to meddle no further with it, neither to his Majesty nor his ministers. There is need of patience, but if you require money or aught else, let me know and I will have it sent.—From my house, 10 May, 1607.
Signed. Spanish. ½ p. (121. 35.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 10. With compliments.—Towstocke, 10 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 36.)
[The Grand Turk] to Henry IV of France.
[1607], May 10. The English Ambassador has intimated that foreign nations are under English protection and owe them obedience; and in renewing the capitulations has added that article to them. Your Ambassador here has informed us that such nations have for a long time come under French protection, and that that which the English Ambassador intimates is entirely false. We find your Ambassador's statement correct, and desiring to confirm our friendship we have renewed the capitulations, whereof we send you a copy. We have informed our governors that, if capitulations containing the said article are brought them on behalf of the English, the article has been added by deceit, and the capitulations are to be seized and sent to us. Assurances of friendship and good will.—Notre ville imperiale de Constantinople, 10 Mai l'an de Mahomet 1015 [1607].
French, contemporary copy. 2 pp. (192. 91.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [the Commissioners of the Middle Shires].
[1607, May 11.] We find in your two last dispatches of the 19 and 27 April directed to me, the Earl of Salisbury, some particulars requiring special direction from hence. Concerning the three condemned prisoners, Flory Story. Thomas Sanderson and Fargy Grayme, his Majesty, well considering the quality of their offences, is pleased to stay the execution of Story and Sanderson, whom he graciously pardons. Because the other is a person to whom his Majesty has heretofore showed mercy, the benefit whereof he has now lost by his disobedience in returning from the place whence he was confined, his Majesty is no way inclined to admit such an example, as to pardon him a second time, lest it should encourage others to attempt the like both in the Cautionary Towns and in Ireland. For the rest of the Graymes and others, which you have lately caused to be transported into Ireland, there is order given to the Lord Deputy to dispose of them in some convenient places within the kingdom, whereof we have required him to have a care from time to time as they shall be sent from you. Because it is not intended that the future plantation of them shall be committed to the charge of any private man, we have thought it convenient that those contributions that are derived from the country or allotted unto them by any other means for their settlement and relief, should be sent over to the Lord Deputy and Council; of which course we have already advertised the State there, and require you to see it observed accordingly. It appears by some letters received out of Ireland, that those families that were planted in Rosecomen under Sir R. Sydney have made complaints unto the State, pretending not to receive that contentment which they expected, and declare how ill they are used in not obtaining since their arrival any satisfaction for those goods of their own, which they left behind them to be sold; for which purpose they have been earnest suitors, that some three or four of them might be suffered to come over to take order for the rest. We have given leave to some two of them to return, with these cautions, that they shall upon arrival in the nearest parts to their former habitations, acquaint some principal officer with their coming over, and afterwards with as much speed as may be tender their appearance before you, his Majesty's Commissioners, from whom they are to receive warrant for such convenient time of abode as you shall think fit. Beyond which time, if they make any stay, either within this kingdom or Scotland, his Majesty will disavow them and leave them to the hands of justice. There be likewise 3 other prisoners, namely, Quintine Foster, whom, because he is aged, and not held to be pernicious, his Majesty is pleased to pardon so as you take bonds of him for his good behaviour. The second is Thomas Grayme of Loggan, who is to be banished into Ireland with the rest of his fellows. As for Armstrong alias Whiteclooke, though he have had his trial already for the treason and is acquitted, yet considering how bad a man he is known to be otherwise, his Majesty thinks fit you retain him in prison until you receive some new direction upon examination of some new information, which as we are informed will be proved against him.
For those women that remain behind, whose husbands are in Ireland, we concur with you in the opinion, that so long as they abide there they do but give continual occasion for their husbands to return, who perhaps will rather adventure to put themselves within the danger of law, than live separated from them. In which respect we think most fit to compel them to go after their husbands, for which there would be order taken as you see opportunity.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "11 May 1607. Middleshires." 6 pp. (121. 38.)
Paul de la Hay to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], May 11. The oppressions suffered by Mr. William Vaughan of Tretower, as well by taking away of his son-in-law. young Walbies, and detaining him this two years from his father and father-in-law, as by sundry suits very hardly prosecuted against him to his exceeding charge, whereof general notice is taken in these parts, move me to pray for your favour in his just cause. The said oppressions may tend greatly to the undoing of my son-in-law Vaghan, your servant, altogether depending upon the means of Mr. Vaughan, and that so ancient a house as Tretower and such honest causes may not sink under the burthen of undue courses.—Alterenes, 11 May.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 37.)
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 12. I am sorry my good hap was not to see you to-day. I should then have troubled you, as I do often. The matter is this. My son Heughe was a suitor to his Majesty for the reversion of the office which Sir Ed. Dyer held, and had then a hopeful answer, as it was related to him. Sir Ed. is now dead: my son Heughe is to renew his suit. It is not meet I should entreat you to commend this his suit, but if you will hold it apart until I speak with you, I shall have better opportunity to acquaint you with the reasons why I desire it for him.—12 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 41.)
Ed: Casse to Mr. [George] Mountaigne, Chaplain to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 13. I pray you deliver this enclosed letter, with the signification of my Lord's duty to his lordship. I think we shall meet Lavente shortly, and therefore still desiring you to bless our endeavours, both by your prayers and advice, desiring you to return the passages betwixt my Lord and you upon this letter to me well sealed up.—13 May, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (123. 178.)
At foot:
Geo. Montaigne to Lord [Salisbury].
This abstract I have drawn out of divers authors, so brief as it may soon be expounded and taught, and yet being a little unfolded it is of large contents.
Sir Thomas Edmondes to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, May 13. The Archdukes' discontentment touching the ill proceeding of the peace. Falling out betwixt Sir Griffin Markham and Baldwin the Jesuit. A letter from my Lord Treasurer, May 13.
Abstract. (227. 335.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Bishop of Carlisle.
1607, May 13. Although I join in the letters from the Council to you and the Commissioners for answer to those advertisements of their proceedings; yet because you wrote to me particularly concerning one Pickering, I return you answer by private letter, desiring you to hold me excused for my long silence, which proceeds not from want of care to correspond as becomes me with all his Majesty's ministers, and particularly with you, whose zeal and pains his Majesty approves, but to the different opinions which often fall in deliberation of things of this nature, and can receive no end till his Majesty, upon conference with his ministers, declares his own resolution. Which as he has done in the rest, so has he commanded me in this to answer you, that he so much mislikes this theft, which not only savours of necessity but of insolency to a known and public officer, as he had rather be a means to terrify others by suffering justice to take his passage, than by his impunity to encourage other men to offend. And therefore has plainly answered me that he has no intention to give him his pardon.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "13 May, 1607; My Lord to the Bishop of Carlisle." 1 p. (193. 102.)
Doctor William Bruce to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607. May 14. I received lately in this town by Mr. Ramelius, Chancellor to the King of Denmark, the Privy Council's commandment to assist him in his adoes in this Court, where I have not appeared since these troubles in this country are fallen out; not willing by my presence to move any suspicion of our Majesty's favour to any of these factions, who both would have builded high enterprises upon any little appearance or hope thereof. Now at Mr. Ramelius's next advertisement I am to pass thither to effectuate the same, but am not well provided of money to make the charges required at this Court to such a great King's servant as I am, being nothing supported by the merchants here, whose affairs I have put to such quietness as they were never at in this King's time, yet always new occurrences fall out daily in their trade that continual solicitation is to be done, which I cannot well fulfil without order be taken with them for the supplying of my expenses; which failing I hope you will not impute it to me if they fall in some great inconvenient, as I have written to my Lord of Kinloss to confer with you touching it. I writ to you of the new league lately pretended betwixt the Hanse Towns and great cities of the Empire with the Swisses. By the "moyen" of the French King it is stopped and hindered by contrary practices, to the which I did open the way, thinking that confederation prejudicial to his Majesty's estate. Now these Hanse Towns are in terms of a new league with the King of Spain. You may consider if any prejudice may follow to his Majesty or his subjects. Likewise I advertised you and the Earl of Dunbarre as Treasurer of Scotland of the transporting of money out of the realm to this country by our Scottish merchants against his Majesty's laws. They continue yet daily in the same, which is prejudiceable to the country and his Majesty's customs. Your Honours may ordain by exchange they receive their money here, which will be helpful to the company of London there, who are the most deal constrained for the transport of the price of their cloths received in base money, and of small value, to buy unprofitable wares at a high rate, which might be remedied by an exchange or bank established in Scotland. I wrote also of the apparent pacification of this country, but their King by deferring to confirm the articles I sent you has commoved the factious nobility of new, who lies now in the fields with their power to the 28 of this month of May, at the which day is ordained this King shall swear to keep those articles, which if he refuses, apparently some great alteration of estate is to follow; this nobility by great charges being almost in a desperate case, if the King take not some course to remedy their poverty by employing them in some foreign wars, or bestowing on them liberally new benefits in the country. It is hoped that if they agree at this parliament, they will employ all their forces against Sweden or Muscovy, but rather against Muscovy. Duke Charles of Sweden is crowned king, and has written to the town of Danskine [sic] and to the nobility of Pole-land, that they declare whether they will maintain peace and accord with him, as they used to do with his predecessors and that all Swedens [sic] who follow their King Sigismund be delivered to him as traitors to his crown, or put away out of these dominions. His ships are already spoiling poor merchants in these seas and the King of Denmark takes no order with it, as he is obliged by the great customs he takes for the defence of merchants in these seas. He has not this year meddled with any of his Majesty's subjects, either because he has "rencontred" not any, or because he is shortly to send an Ambassador to the King.—At Danskine, 14 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (121. 42.)
George Talbott to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 15. I have occasion to send the bearer, my servant Jerome Rone, into England upon report of my brother's decease, for ordering some my business there. I thought it better to appear overbold rather than anything unmindful of my duty, or unthankful for your honourable disposition towards us.—From Pontamousson in Lorraine, 15 May, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (121. 43.)
Sir George Carew to James I.
1607, May 15. I have received your Majesty's letters by my Lord the Archbishop of Glasgow, addressed unto me on his behalf, touching the delivery of another of your letters to this King, and insisting for the recovery of such jewels and evidences appertaining to the see of Glasgow, as the late Archbishop Beatoun deponed in the hands of the Chartereux monks here. I was very ready to have accomplished your Majesty's commandment, and so had done, save that my Lord of Glasgow thought it expedient to use first certain other means for the obtaining thereof, before he employed your Majesty's letters therein. When his lordship shall think fit to put the letters into my hands, I shall use my best endeavours for performing your gracious direction.—Paris, 15 May, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (121. 44.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Cranborne.
[? 1607], May 15. Criticisms and advice upon his letter writing. You must not think I am angry with you for these toys, but take them as omissions. For your faults will be only when I shall find you drunk in those sports which divert you from learning, and which I plainly tell you, (especially for keeping running horses I will no more allow) the misfortune having appeared too lately in Hyde Park, what hangs over those goodly pastimes: and therefore take it from me that for a while, (till you appear to profit better in your learning) I will allow you to keep no hounds, only you may keep your horse to take the air; for it is not only imputed to me as a folly to suffer you to live at such liberty as you do, but as a pride that you must do those things which your betters at your years do not, nor durst not: and therefore let it not trouble you to hear this by myself, who loves you so well as you shall want nothing that is fit for you when you do that which pleases me. I must defer your coming up at this time, considering how it has pleased God to visit my house with sickness, which makes me fearful of all my family.—London, 15 May.
Signed. 1 p. (228. 19.)


  • 1. Hatfield was conveyed to the Earl of Salisbury in May 1607.
  • 2. Succeeded as Lord Howth in May 1607.
  • 3. A little city of refuge 4 leagues from Coire.