Cecil Papers: September 1606, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp288-306 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp288-306.

"Cecil Papers: September 1606, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp288-306.

September 1606, 16-30

Florence McCarthy to the Earl of Ormond.
[1606, Sept. 16.] I have been always before the King's coming (by the working of Sir George Carew) so extremely restrained as I could not write nor seek for any help; and have been ever since his coming fed with such hopes of liberty as I thought it needless to trouble you. For his Majesty being shortly after his coming dealt withal for me by Sir John Ramsey, was pleased to grant my liberty, wishing only that the Earl of Salisbury might be made acquainted withal; who also promised to enlarge me shortly until Sir George, Lord Carew, got him to delay it for the peace of Spain. Which being concluded Sir Richard Boyle and others of mine adversaries procured or rather feigned letters from some undertakers and others there, signifying that they cannot inhabit there if I were set at liberty; which being preferred by Lord Carew hindered me a great while until my very good friend Sir Thos. Vavasour, the Knight Marshal, dealt earnestly with the Earl of Salisbury for me; at whose request his lordship granted me the liberty of the city of London and ten miles about it, upon good sureties. Whereupon I dealt with my Lord of Kildare, and the Lord Murray of Tilliberne, my special friend, who were both bound for me; whereof I sent word to the Knight Marshal and got him to acquaint my Lord withal, who accepted well of them: which when Lord Carew understood he persuaded the Lord Chamberlain and the rest of the Knight Marshal's friends that the Knight Marshal took the next way to undo himself by dealing for so dangerous a man as I am, that would disquiet all Ireland if I were at liberty, whereof he should bear all the blame: and so he got the Knight Marshal's best friends to persuade him not to speak a word more in the matter. I find no unwillingness in the King to enlarge me, and the Earl of Salisbury was never well dealt withal but would give his consent to set me at liberty and confess he had no matter against me; which moved me (understanding the King's and his lordship's favour towards you, by whose means I obtained my liberty heretofore) to beseech you to write in my behalf to the King and the Earl of Salisbury, that I may upon sureties and delivery of my son and heir who is here at school, for a pledge, have liberty to live in England if there be no matter against me; or if there be any matter against me that I may be brought to my answer. For at my coming hither about 4 years past having her late Majesty's pardon and protection under Lord Carew's hand, before the Council when I was sent over I refused the benefit of my pardon if ever I aided the Earl of Tyrone or James MacThomas, or wrote beyond seas or was privy to any practice thither or from thence. Since which time I have been still restrained by Lord Carew's means without so much matter as might bring me once to be questioned; whereunto he is wrought by Sir Richard Boyle and Patrick Crosbye. I now rest in the hands of Sir Thomas Vavasour, by whom I am very well used, to whom I would desire you to write that you accept well of his usage of me, and to continue in helping to procure my liberty, which I hope the King will grant upon your letters.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "This is a letter which Florence McCartye sent to the Earl of Ormond 16 Sept. Re[ad]." 1 p. (117. 118.)
Sir Charles Hales to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. [16]. This morning I came from Rose Castle, the Bishop of Carlisle's house, where the conductors of the Gremes [Grahams] which were at sea with them were returned. They took shipping on Saturday the 13th instant about four in the afternoon and had a good wind all that night and all Sunday both day and night: so as it is not doubted that they might come to Dublin the 15 of this month at the farthest. I am now on my way to York for his Majesty's service there, the sitting beginning this present day.—Appleby, [16] Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Brough under Stonemore 16 Septemb. 10 of clock Ch. Hales." ½ p. (117. 145.)
Sir Thomas Sherley the Elder to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 17. Being now in Sussex to take a little good air there is come to my hands 2 letters from my son Thomas directed to you, which because they come from foreign parts I thought fit presently to send you by this bearer. I thank God upon my knees for your lordship's good recovery.—At Wyston, 17 Sept., 1606.
PS.—The poor suit I have long made to you for obtaining of 200l. yearly of impropriations upon the same conditions that I passed the first touches me so near in respect of some bonds that I am entered into as it forces me beyond good manner to urge you therein. And because I find it so difficult to find you and my Lord Treasurer together at any good leisure, if you would intimate the same to my Lord Treasurer by any small overture I shall be most bound. I have been bold to inform Mr. Levinus of what I desire, and beseech you to receive it from him.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 119.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Same.
[1606, Sept. 17.] The most part of all these complaints are old and fit for Sir Julius Cæsar to answer; and for myself I dare say it cannot be proved that any of those were worth me one penny. And I think it were a good answer to the [French] Ambassador that for those former times our poor men could never have any justice in France, and I think little better now. You remember the agreement that was made that there should be commissioners here and all [also] there to make quick and good dispatches of depredations. The Queen's Majesty, our late and dear mistress, appointed her commissioners, and in France they never thought of any. but gave us a flap with a fox tail; and I think so we shall be served again. If I had thought you would not have misliked of it I would have "apostiled" upon these articles; but I shall be ready to answer some of these to be most false. And I think it very fit that Sir Julius Caesar should have a copy of those things that were in his time to answer. My Lord, I think the Ambassador takes a wrong way with me, for I will not deal but by the counsel of the judge and others that I continually retain for counsel to assist the judge, and have done so ever since I was Admiral, which never any did before me. I meant to do as I have ever done, though the law and justice had given it me. yet I would have given it freely again to the Frenchman, and so I told the Ambassador's secretary; but now if law give it me I vow I will be never a penny the better for it, but the poor shall. And so I send you the articles enclosed and wish you all happiness and myself now in my old years quietness.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "17 Sept., 1606." 1 p. (117. 120.)
George Tucker, searcher at Gravesend, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 18. Immediately after sending up those parties to you I sent down our boat into the "hoope" to review the French bark which was to carry away those parties; and even as he was ready to set sail they laid him on board, in whom they found these two boys whose names are underwritten, whom with the master of the bark I have sent to you, and was [sic] brought on board this morning by a wherry of London who immediately returned, so as we cannot learn their names. This last year we obtained my Lord Treasurer's letter to the Masters of the Watermen's Hall that notice might be generally given that none should pass by us here before we had first perused their passengers and gave our allowance of them, for the better restraining of these fugitives; but they little regard the same. If you would give redress in this case no doubt it would do much good.—Gravesend, 18 Sept., 1606.
Underwritten: Thomas Rample, John Rample. Holograph. 2/3 p. (117. 121.)
Donogh O'Conor Sligo to the Same.
1606, Sept. 18. The late letters addressed in my favour by your lordship to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland have not yet wrought any effect at all, but more extremity is shown by dispossessing me almost of the residue of my inheritance by a provincial order only established in this province; to the intent that all possessions lost in the late troubles should be restored and no question made whether the same was recovered or got by course of law in the beginning or no. And albeit I understand that they which encroach upon me or their friends report that I have a great living and cannot be contented, you shall understand that I bear the name but they have all the substance, having a division of this country as well as myself named Sir William Taffe, Sir Lionel Ghestes, knights, and Capt. John Baxter, besides the castle and lands of Ballymote belonging to Sir James Fullerton, knt., the castle of Bondrowise with towns quarters of land now held for the use of Tyrconnell, the towns and lands of Ardnery and Ballentogher, whereof I am wrongfully disseised, as also of divers other lands whereunto the Lord of Delvin and Sir Tybbot Dillon wrongfully did enter and detain. So I am in a manner quite put from all. only the ruinous castle of Sligo, which I do not wholly possess by reason the poor abbey or monastery therein, likewise broken down, is by a grant passed over to Sir James Fullerton, which in respect it is an ancient monument appointed for the burial of my ancestors and chief gentlemen of the country, and no other place to bury the dead but in the fields or far off their ancient burial, I beseech you to be a mean Sir James shall set the same over to me before another upon some reasonable composition; also to stand my good lord in all my lawful suits, and to address your letters to the Lord Deputy and Council to put me in peaceable possession of all lands mentioned in my letters patent and taken from me as well during my attendance in England as since by the said provincial order, and to maintain me therein till evicted by due course of law.—At Sligo, 18 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 122.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 19. It could not be to me but much comfort to understand by your footman that you had so much care of me as to command him to see me from you; but it gave me more comfort, having heard so heavy news of your dangerous sickness to hear your amendment, which yet since I heard has had some other evil accident, though through God's mercy you are yet of new recovered. Good my Lord, let now a poor well willer to himself and his neighbours a little speak foolishly in your wise ears; let not so much the world overtake you as that these "inchaunting" papists may work the endanger of this state; for certainly the life of no honest man is sure so long as they may work. But a word to a wise man is all sufficient. For my part if you mark my course I only fear you under the King and his progeny; though fear cannot give counsel it may give warning of danger. I have been sick and now am lame more than ever and with less hope in myself, though I will do my best to be sound, yet when I heard of your danger I wished more a licence to pass beyond seas than all the honour or wealth in this world. Because I desire to seek no new friends, but am now become a "spittle man" if I might find place and therefore have nothing to think upon but another life.—Bath, 19 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 123.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Same.
1606, Sept. 19. I have been much grieved to hear of your long sickness, whereto I have often wished a speedy recovery, and cannot be satisfied till by this bearer I hear the good news thereof. I need not entreat you to further the dispatch of my suit having seen your great forwardness therein, but since it has had since my coming down some more delay than I expected, give me leave to pray once again your help to the perfecting thereof.—At Garrowdon, 19 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (117. 124.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Same.
1606, Sept. 19. Having already troubled you with a tedious relation of the present state of the late borders I beseech your pardon if I now entreat somewhat in my own particular. The time of the Parliament approaching moves me, in regard of my decayed estate, to request my attendance may be spared for this time. Truth is, my manifold wants urge me to this suit, and not any backwardness to do my prince or country service. The exceeding charge of three Parliaments, besides the Conference, has brought me so low (to my heart's grief I speak it) I am neither able to discharge the duty of my place nor my credit with the world. Besides whereas since his Majesty's happy entrance he employed me as a commissioner at sundry times for the service of my country, others my associates of better ability have had liberal allowance from his Majesty, and myself (of them all least fit) have served at my own charge. It has ever been my desire to live and die a just man, rendering to every man his own, yet now the disproportion between my charge and my means to defray it causes my many broken sleeps. How this my distress can be relieved I see not, unless his Majesty will, in compassion of my poverty, remove me to a place of a little better maintenance. Howsoever, I am still ready to lay down my life wheresoever God and his Majesty shall dispose of me, whether it be in this comfortless country or any other. I trust you will conceive the necessity that enforces me, against all good manner, to discover my weak estate, and become, contrary to my own nature, so importunate a beggar for myself.—Rose Castle, 19 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 125.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 19. When I took my leave in Court you required me to write of the proceedings of those broken persons who have long troubled the peace of these parts. This has been so performed by joint letters of the Commissioners which resided here that my particular advertisement might have been judged needless. Now that they are returned every one homeward, and they that are sent away are in all likelihood before this time in Roscommon, I thought it my duty to inform of the state of things here. First, touching those that are sent, it is true they are all principal men of their rank or principal offenders in action, neither had sundry of them been conditioned for going into Ireland if by any means they could have been brought to justice, and the country rid of their daily spoiling. The greatest part of the chief ones stands indicted of murder, burning, burglary or some other capital offences not pardoned; yet whoso is least to be touched in his own person has made his house a den of thieves.
[In margin: An information against Walter Grame of Netherby.] Walter Grame of Netherby, the chief of that clan, has ever been reputed most harmless for matter of action, and yet his two eldest sons have been malefactors of worst note. Both fled from the Cautionary Towns and ever since continued outlaws. And a third brother, a dissolute young man, of late before his father's departure joined the two former; neither would the father, though often required by the Commissioners, cause his sons to accept his Majesty's favour, but answered they would not be advised by him. But his dissimulation therein is plain, for at a parley upon assurance, his son and heir made this offer, that himself and his two brethren with others of their kindred would submit to transplantation if thereby their father's stay might be procured: which condition being rejected his son returning left this message at the parson of Arthureth's house, Mr. Curwen a man of good worth for learning and courage, by whom this service has been much furthered, and against whom Walter Grame has a professed hatred, that he desired not to live if ere long he had not the parson's head from his shoulders. So that I fear the sons are only left as executioners of their father's malicious designs, and yet he hopes to prevail by friends in Court to be recalled from his deserved banishment, which I beseech you to prevent, that he and the rest may end their days in the place whereto they are sent without any return.
For William Grame of Rosetrees, whom you and the Council by your letters have referred to his trial, truth is I have not heard of any capital crime (not already pardoned) wherewith his life may be endangered. Only I have been informed that heretofore he has taken blackmail of some towns in England and has kept tenants and servants evildoers in both kingdoms. Besides, whereas he claims a great quantity of land upon the borders, about seven years since he made an incursion into Crawford Moor in Scotland and thence brought away a great booty of cattle, which were all or most of them bestowed upon him, whereby he might be enabled to buy a good part of that land. And that spoil is called "Rosetrees his rode" to this day.
[In margin; Outlaws upon the opposite border.] In the schedule enclosed are the names of such as yet remain outlaws. Their abode is very near us, upon the opposite border, whence any sudden attempt may easily be made; where I am well assured they could not so safely range had they not some connivance (I fear from authority) there. Now unless some severity be showed upon such as harbour them on that side, we are not in much better case than before.
[In margin: A proclamation to be published for not resetting the Graymes.] Would his Majesty out of his wonted care to these decayed parts, send forth his proclamations in print both into Scotland and to us, denouncing some sharp penalty against all who relieve or converse with them, and name therein the outlaws? I am persuaded it would stick such a terror into them that they would make haste after their friends into Ireland.
[In margin: Other dangerous surnames.] Other surnames of like condition though of less might yet live amongst us from whom no little danger may be feared, unless they be scattered by supplying the decayed numbers at Brill and Flushing, and a stricter course be taken to retain all hereafter sent over than has been heretofore. The Stories, Armstrongs, Hetheringtons, Bells, Fosters, Nixons, Nobles, Routledges, have been as offensive as the Grames though not so powerful.
[In margin: The ill service of the Captain of Beawcastle.] The four last sort the Captain of Bewcastle challenges to be within his jurisdiction, and protects them from the hands of ordinary officers by virtue of his privilege, which he extends far. For the good of the country I wish the gentleman better preferred in a more civil place.
[In margin: That the Scottish border might be purged.] For the Scottish border, chiefly Annerdale and Liddesdale, I only wish but dare not desire, that his Majesty (so well understanding the wickedness of the inhabitants) would purge it, as he has done Esk and Leven.
[In margin: Your lordship's assistance for procuring the remainder of the contribution ungathered.] In our letters of the 13th we advertised that only 300l. was disbursed for the Grames, and that the 200l. was almost all unpaid, and prayed your assistance for procuring the remainder. Let me desire the same, otherwise such as have already paid will be a scorn to such [as] refused. Besides a want thereof will appear when we shall have made any others ready to be sent the same or any other way. I hold it very material to name all the outlaws in the proclamations.—Rose Castle, 19 Sept, 1606.
Holograph. The marginal notes by Salisbury's secretary. 3 pp. (117. 126.)
The Enclosure:
1606, Sept. 19. The names of Grames fugitives.
Signed by Henry, Bishop of Carlisle. 1 p. (141. 290.)
Ordnance and Armour in store at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
1606, Sept. 20. Two papers:—
(1) "An Inventory of the munition remaining within his Majesty's store houses in his manor house within the town of Newcastle the 20th day of September, 1606." Also, "These parcels following are in a waste room on the Sandhill."
Signed: Lionel Maddison, Ro. Dudley, William Warmouthe, James Clavering. 3 pp. (117. 128.)
(2) "An Inventory of the Armour in the Storehouse belonging to the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne."
Signed as above. 1 p. (117. 129.)
The Earl of Cumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 20. Expresses his thanks for Salisbury's favours and pleasure at his amendment in health.
"I understand by Sir Charles Hales that they have sent for Ireland as many of the Grames as they could persuade to go. Yet if his Majesty's pleasure be absolutely to have the country quieted, and that place planted with civil and industrious persons, the matter must be prosecuted further. Many remain outlaws, refusing to enter, against whom some course must be taken. Those that be gone, if their return be not forbid under sharp pain, will return and infest the place again, and then will no honest man dare to dwell there. Now the matter is brought so well forward, I doubt not but the King and Council will see the good work continued, till it come to perfection, a matter I conceive now easy to be done. What I find, either by Sir Charles Hales's relation or otherwise, material touching this service, I shall acquaint you with at my return."—York, 20 Sept., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (192. 128.)
Sir Edward Wotton to his kinsman, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, Sept. 21.] I have to my grief heard of your indisposition. Your little finger cannot ache but the whole State has cause to be sensible; myself as much as any that am so exceedingly bound. This bearer has commission to inquire after your health, which by the goodness of God I hope you have ere this time recovered, the good news whereof to none shall be more welcome than to me.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1606 Sept. 21." 1 p. (117. 130.)
Sir Fulke Grevylle to the Same.
[1606], Sept. 21. I heard from my Lord of Shrewsbury as he passed down that you had been a little ill at ease, but were then perfectly restored. Now since my coming I find your distemper was both more painful and of longer continuance. I thank God for your health and hope your country shall be happy in it for many years.—From London, this 21 of September.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 131.)
Sir Henry Hobarte to the Same.
1606, Sept. 21. I lay this night at Kingston and am purposed to wait on you this morning before ten of the clock, except you appoint any other hour; therefore I have sent to know your pleasure.—Sunday morning, 21 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (117. 132.)
Geoffrey Davies to the Same.
1606, Sept. 22. I was the first that made the motion for the increase of the book of Rates for the custom of poundage, which motion I made about three years before the death of her Majesty; and although there was no liking taken thereof so long as her Majesty lived, yet after her decease and the King was established in the government it was one of the first things put in use. And whereas I expected a deserved recompense for such a service, instead thereof I found nothing but very hard speeches both of my Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue, and a burden both to myself and to my friends. Having now another motion to acquaint you withal, although far inferior to the former, yet it will be worth unto his Majesty 1000l. a year, without giving any dislike unto the generality or to be opposed by any other: but I hope you will pardon me if I be more provident for myself in this than I was in the other before.—22 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 133.)
Sir Robert Crosse to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 22. I have been let to know long since that the King has been informed that I should be made an instrument to accuse Lea, and that there was no such matter as I avouched; yet I forbore to excuse myself till I heard farther, thinking no man would inform his Majesty so great an untruth. Yet again I have been told so by a great councillor and others, which moves me to entreat you his Majesty may know how far off I was and still am, though my fortune be small, to be made an ill office doer or to accuse any unjustly for a great deal more than our late Queen would give or his Majesty at this time; for I will not be hired to do base or ill offices. Yet if the like should now come to my knowledge, which God forbid, I should be as ready to venture my life to do his Majesty service as I was then in the Queen's life to her; although I am not his servant I am his faithful subject. In this cause that then was no man better understood how that business was carried than yourself, for you had the examination of all. I again beseech you I may be by you freed to his Majesty of this heavy imputation.
PS.—I was in his Majesty's service in Scotland when he was but 4 years of age, and shall carry the mark to my dying day.— Marten Abbey, 22 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 134.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
1606, Sept. 23. I am very much bound to you for letting me receive so great a comfort by so express a means. Though I should ever continue lame I hope my heart will never be found lame towards you. I will not fail to pray for the continuance of your health as a jewel of inestimable price to others, besides the comfort to yourself, and so much to me as I will not tell you because I desire not to seem to flatter. My joy is as great as any man's for your recovery, and my service as ready at your command.—Bath, 23 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 136.)
The Bishop of Exeter to the Same.
1606, Sept. 23. Sir William Stroud's canvass against the Ecclesiastical Commission in Devon in the time of Parliament and your favourable respect of him made me fear the loss of your favour. I was the more grieved because I had reformed by the help of that Commission many factious preachers, and reclaimed many Papists. Within these 10 days I have brought 8 or 9 recusants to the Church; and within one year I hope to clear my diocese of that Popish faction, as I have done of the peevish. I am an honest man, and have lived hitherto without touch, and I am in the midst of a tough and unruly people, where the boldness of that person, so "faughtie" and factious, has made other in my diocese to speak and look big. But the continuance of your favour may easily scatter such empty clouds and bring me comfort in my poor place: which I have need of and pray for. If your servant has delivered you my plain and fair proceeding in this business of the escheated tobacco, you may find the force of such lines as it pleased you to write, which led me to do my duty as faithfully as I might. But I have now, for satisfaction of this surmise of weighty matters enfolded in the bundles, sent up my officer, to whom I have delivered my seal. But I pray you pardon my slight touch of that which I might not conceal, though I could never be brought upon so slender a report to believe anything.—Silferton, 23 Sept., 1606.
Holograph, signed: Willm. Exon. 1 p. (192. 130.)
R. Humfrey to Gervis Smith.
1606, Sept. 23. Your discourse has much troubled me, the rather because of your learning, ancient years and honest repute. Your opinions seem very strange. To begin with Merlin, the best antiquary we have says of him that he was incubi filius, even such a one as Tages the Hetrurian, and that his prophecies were mere Orestis somnia. 2, to trust in anything but the Lord is mere idolatry. 3, working of miracles and foretelling of things to come are gifts which were only for the times of the prophets and apostles. 4, though the Almighty be able to work miracles, it does not follow that He will raise up that dead E. 5, granting that sundry of those prophecies you speak of have been true in some part, yet it does not follow that we should believe them. Lastly, consider what is written Ecclesiastes X, 20.—23 Sept., 1606.
"Copy of a letter written to Mr. Gervis Smith, parson of Polisted in Suffolk, as near as I could remember the same."
1 p. (192. 133.)
Gervis Smith to Richard Humfrey.
[1606], Sept. 23. I have sent by this bearer your book which you left with me. As for the matter of your letter, I think not expedient to labour in for any man's satisfaction: let every man judge and credit as he thinks good. As for those kind of men, I range them in that number whereof they deserve to be, and your discourse in that point was needless to me. If anything fall out to the good of religion and the land, let us take it as it falls. That which I conferred with you in secrecy, I trust shall be buried in secrecy; neither need you to be troubled therewith. Whatsoever the instruments be, the providence of God guides all.—Polisted, Sept. 23.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "A letter from Garvis Smyth to Rych: Umfrey, Preacher and Schoolmaster at Deddam.
1 p. (192. 134.)
Florence McCarthy to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 24. Upon knowledge that McCarthy Keogh obtained letters to pass all the country of Carbrie to him and his heirs God knows how much it grieved me, knowing what little hope my children should have hereafter to recover anything against his Majesty's patent. And perceiving by your sending his petition to me to be answered that your and the Council's pleasure was I should have the benefit of law, I entreated Sir George Gifford to know of Lord Carew whether I might without offence sue McCarthy upon his bond of 10,000l., who sent me word that I might, whereupon I got him arrested, with no intent to hinder the surrendering and holding the country of his Majesty, or desire of his imprisonment, but only to draw him to such a division as was by the State made of every country there so holden, hoping your lordship and the rest (in regard of my long imprisonment and restraint from counsel or admittance to speak for myself) will commiserate me that I may have so much justice as every other subject of that realm had in like case: every country where the ancient custom was extinguished being by the state equally divided, as by the several "presidents" of those countries appears—the country of Thomond being divided between the O'Briens, whereof the Earl of Tyrconnell [struck through] is a second brother's son, the Baron of Insikovyne being the eldest and Sir Turlagh O'Brien the youngest brother's sons, and the country of Tirconell between the Earl thereof, the youngest brother's son, and Niel Garv the eldest brother's heir. The like end had the O'Sullivans of Berehaven, whereof the younger brother's son had as good a portion as the eldest; together with the O'Fearells, the O'Reylies, the McDonoghes, and Magouire that was here of late, and O'Sullivan More, whose brother had followed him had letters for a division. Which course if the state hold so beneficial as no country was surrendered but was divided I leave unto you to consider whether I ought to be denied thereof that am here upon his Majesty's and Council's commandment, a thing that requires rather justice and compassion than to be excluded from that measure willingly allowed to every other; considering that considerations which make the State desire those divisions, and equity and justice that moved them to give every other their portions of those countries which by lineal descent they were to inherit and wherein they were by custom to succeed, make as much for me as for any other; as also that McCarthy is by oath and bond of 10,000l. bound never to go about to disinherit me; having 4 sons for whose grandfather's lands I sued here until I consumed all my substance, and afterwards ventured my life to recover it of the rebels, which being for want of heirs males granted to others, my children must beg if I be disherited now in my restraint; where if it be thought fit I shall remain for ever, their cause in all equity requires to be the more regarded. My request therefore to your lordship is to be a mean that the Council and you will take order that the said country (which is 50 miles in length, and too much to be holden by one and the rest left to beg) may be equally divided between us, as every other country of the like quality was, whereby each of us may hold of his Majesty. And in respect the matter depends now in law here between us, and that McCarthy, having liberty to follow the cause, daily endeavours to discharge himself upon common bail of no worth, purposing to start over into Ireland without yielding me any right, that I also may be permitted to follow the cause with a keeper, during the suit; my restraint heretofore being my only overthrow and the cause of his coming over to work my disinheriting, who enjoying that country these 14 years never went about any such matter until my long restraint encouraged him and other adversaries of mine that set him on, in hope they might work me to be restrained until I lose my life, if he could get me disinherited; against which practice I have no other help but your lordship, to whom I have been known above 20 years, and for many years that I was here a suitor had partly of yourself and chiefly of her late Majesty by your means both my maintenance and dispatch. I told the Lord Carew in the rebellion time, that whatsoever you would command me I would do it; and now my children's inheritance, to have mine own life being sought, I will wholly rely upon your accustomed favour.—Marshalsey, 24 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (117. 135.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 24. Having received your letters the 20 of September bearing date the 2nd of the same, recommending to our care that our proceedings against one Huckes, servant to Mr. Denn a lawyer, for killing one Jacob might be according to justice, free from racking or improving matter against him, or for private satisfaction of any man's passion, we acknowledge this for a high favour as well for your premonition in a cause of this consequence, as that we may make our just defence if by any complaint you have been misinformed or we traduced. For your better satisfaction of whether the same be manslaughter or murder before we farther proceed we thought it our duties to advertise you of the state of the case. This offence was by the coroner's inquest found murder: and for some imperfection in the inquisition an indictment was preferred whereby it was likewise found murder; whereupon he is shortly to be tried. The cause of this quarrel seems to be by Huckes's confession that Jacob formerly spoke certain slanderous words of him; whereupon Huckes said to a maid in his master's house whom Jacob was to marry, that he would beat Jacob, and after Huckes having supped spake the like words to her again. After supper Huckes meeting Jacob at a buckler playing and returning home the maid said to him, "you met Jacob, why did you not beat him ?" His answer was he would not do it amongst so many. Immediately Huckes went to the house where Jacob was and called him forth to speak with him; and walking together Huckes drew his dagger and strake at Jacob, who stumbling in the channel fell down and Huckes fell upon him, and before his rising was stabbed, whereof he presently died. For your better information we have sent true copies of the depositions by an alderman of this city whom we have appointed to attend you.—Canterbury, 24 Sept., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (117. 138.)
Lord Cromwell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 24. I acknowledge your great favour for holding that portion of command I have of horse and foot in this country, where by reason of the bordering woods harbouring many ill neighbours, the remain of the late wars, insomuch as none can pass or keep their own in quiet but by strong hand, I have been enforced to hold my small companies about me, apportioning them to the needful defence of these parts where I live; thereby borrowing from your direction to lay my foot at the Newry, wherein I beseech your favourable interpretation. For the Newry is a place now held in quiet under the governor thereof, and is disjoined from me by the woods which harbour all the thieves that stand in open action within this kingdom that I can hear of, and those woods are so spacious that hardly can they be found, yea, they are so bold upon the advantage of the place that they will rob and take prisoners in open sight, as lately they did upon a footman of mine, and do usually elsewhere within this island without the more heedy prevention: wherein I have used all endeavour, having lately taken off the head of one of the chiefest of them and pursuing the rest by all the means I may. But as this country does not want such bad members to give new increase to their number, whereunto these growing nights are no small help, I pray I may still continue my small companies about me without sending any of them to the Newry, they scarce sufficing to the needful defence of my own borders.—Down, 24 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 140.)
Christopher Armstrong.
1606, Sept. 25. "The manner of the slaughter of Christopher Armstrong of Barnegleich, committed by John Musgrave, commander of the English garrison, the 25 of September, 1606."
Upon the said day or thereabouts John Musgrave of Plumton came to Christopher Armstrong's house at Barngleich by the break of day in search as was alleged of some outlaws, especially of one Sandie Graham called Georgdies Sandie; and entering with open doors after search finding no faulter nor fugitive they took Christopher himself, being a responsible man, and had laid in sufficient caution for his good behaviour. After his rendering, thinking to be carried to some of his Majesty's wards, they in most cruel form murdered him upon their own particular and old quarrels, to the great occasion of breaking of the Borders and special contempt of his Majesty's officers, and to their own great slander, who under pretence of his Majesty's service seek nothing but to revenge their own grudges.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "The Slaughter of Christopher Armstrong." ½ p. (117. 141.)
The Grahams.
[1606, Sept. 26.] A note of the last letters written from the Lords to the Middle Shires.
7 August. A letter reprehending the backwardness of the gentlemen to the contribution, and that the Greimes should be transported.
22 August. That William Greime of the Rosetrees should be at his choice to be transported, or stay and receive his trial by law.
26 Sept. A letter to the Lord Deputy, signifying the coming of the Grames thither to be planted by Sir Ra. Sydley in Roscommon; and recommending to his lordship's care to see the agreement made with Sir Raff in that behalf performed.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 60.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 27. I took the enclosed examination and recognisance upon suspicion this Walter Spurway had conveyed away a scholar coming as passenger with him from Spain, suspected for a seminary priest. Finding by him some guess that he has had employment by your direction I used him with all favour, taking only his confession and recognisance to show himself to you, which he was most willing to enter into and assures to perform. Acknowledging my inestimable debt for your abundant favours to both my sons in Court, I pray God for increase of your happiness.—From Godolphin, 27 Sept., 1606.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (117. 142.)
The Enclosure:
Examination of Walter Spurway, mariner, before Sir Francis Godolphin, a J.P. for Cornwall.
Walter Spurway, master of the Adventure of London, saith: He has dwelt in St. John de Luce 18 years, where his wife and children are at present. Arrived at St. Ives in Cornwall in said ship laden with sugar for Mr. Richard Aliworth and other merchants of London, and brought four passengers, one a mariner, an Englishman, which he left at Glandore in Ireland, another a Dutchman, another a Scotchman a dweller in Lisborne, the fourth a Welshman, being a scholar. This Welshman he sent to London with letters from the English Ambassador in Spain, one letter was to the Lord High Admiral of England. This Welshman he directed to repair to the Earl of Salisbury, but denieth that the said messenger had any letter to the Ambassador of Spain leger in London. Examinate is known, as also his affairs, to the Earl of Salisbury. Saith the Welsh scholar is no seminary nor Jesuit, nor any of the forementioned passengers.
Underwritten: Bond of Walter Spurway in 200l. to appear before the Earl of Salisbury at or before November 20 next to answer all matters objected against him in his Majesty's behalf.— 24 Sept., 1606.
Signed: Fra. Godolphin. 1 p. (117. 137.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Sept. 27. Thanks him for his last letter. Has more confidence in his word and favour than he can deserve. Will serve him with as much faith and as little trouble as any that Lord Salisbury ever did good to.—From Horrolds Parke this 27 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 102.)
William Udall to the Same.
[1606], Sept. 28. My Lord Chief Justice at his last departure from London gave me direction to attend you as well for the obtaining of certain printing presses in Staffordshire, to which end his lordship signed a letter and sent it to you. as also that you would vouchsafe me some allowance towards the supply of my former services and to enable me to further endeavours. All this long vacation I have attended but have received no direction from you. The particulars can prove that for these two years no one man has equalled my performances. I have only intercepted four several presses for printing; no books at all have been taken but what have been by my endeavours. Yet all these things are employed for other men's commodities and I have not received one penny benefit. There is now another print to be taken in Lancashire. It will trouble, if it be not prevented. Neither I nor any living can effect anything without means. I have not endeavoured so forwardly in this as I would have done, if either I had had any direction from you or if my Lord Chief Justice had been in town. I have devoted and directed all my endeavours to your favourable acceptance and now that I may be enabled to perform some matters which shall deserve good acceptance at your hands in short time, I presume to present this suit contained in this enclosed petition, in which, if you vouchsafe me favour, I shall be made able to deserve such a suit very amply. My hope is that you will favourably conceive of this suit, the man being brought in view and seeking nothing but in nature of a prisoner.—28 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 103.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Sept. 28. I had much rather do your lordship service than be so often troublesome to you. Yet must I now of necessity renew an old suit in the behalf of my poor aunt Katherin Cornwallis, who by your favour has hitherto lived free from trouble for her recusancy, but is now by malice likely to be indicted if you interpose not to help her. I can say no more for her than I have already done. She is an old woman that lives without scandal, and I am in expectation of some good from her. I assure myself she will take nothing so kindly of me as to preserve her from this danger. If therefore your lordship hold it fit and will help her it will be to me, I think, a very good turn.—28 Sept.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 104.)
William Waldegrave and Thomas Wakelin to the Privy Council.
1606, Sept. 28. By your lordships' letters of the 26th inst. we, amongst others, were commanded to apprehend Jervis Smythe, minister of Polsted, and to send him up under guard of some sufficient person, and to make search for writings and papers that concern casting of nativities and prophecies. For the speedy dispatch of this service, we, the 28th day of this month, went to the house of the said Jervys Smythe, apprehended him and immediately delivered him to the safe custody of the messenger and William Hodson, a man fit to be trusted in this business. We have likewise searched very carefully his study and all his books, papers, letters, notes, desk, and his bed-chamber and all other rooms in his house, and can find not so much as any one note-book or paper tending to casting of nativities or any prophecies, new or old, whereby it may be gathered that he has any knowledge in them.—From Polsted parsonage, 28 Sept., 1606.
Signed. Endorsed: "Justices of Essex to the Lords." ½ p. (118. 105.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 29. I first praise God for the good recovery of your health. I received a letter of late from you, wherein I find your disposition to right me against Delbridge for the wrongs that he has done me, if I can deliver any particular matter or ground whereupon you may justly in my behalf challenge him: for which I think myself much bound to you. The chief cause why I trouble you at this time is a letter I lately received from you and the rest of my Lords, importing that the French Ambassador had informed you by report of one Abraham Chamberlynne that in the year 1602 I had made stay of a French ship brought into this water by pirates, after judgment given for restitution; requiring me to send up some meet person instructed to satisfy the Ambassador and your lordships and to acquit myself of wrong doing. The man that most dealt for me in this matter is now in the north country, employed there by me so far as Kendal about the survey of that little portion of land my sister of Warwick gave to my wife and children; and before "Hollowmas" he cannot well return. In the meantime I have sent up one of my servants that can speak French and was privy to the most part of my dealings in that matter of the ship, that he without trouble to you may satisfy the Ambassador, and prove to him that I am innocent in this cause, and his countryman that sold me the ship the only wrong doer. If this will not content him my officer shall not fail to be in London the week after Hallowmas, upon his return out of the north, to supply all defects and objections that can be made against me.— Tawstock, 29 Sept., 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (117. 143.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Sept. 29. As my Lord Chamberlain has given order to Mr. Williams the K[ing's] goldsmith to provide plate to the value of 2000l. for this Count Vaudemont, and accordingly by my persuasion he has engaged his best friends for money to provide that plate, and no doubt has bought up plate and is making of plate fit for that present; [I pray] that you would remember my Lord Chamberlain to write his letter to Mr. Williams to discharge him of the said provision of plate, otherwise he will go on with these provisions to extreme loss and hindrance. This I am bold to remember to you, being now ready to depart to my sick wife.—29 Sept., 1606.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (117. 144.)
1606, Sept. 29. Two papers:—
(1) "A brief abstract of the accompt of coryinthes for two years ending at Michaelmas 1606."
For custom and imposition of currants for one year ending Michaelmas 1605. 8652l. 18s. 7d.
Whereof in ready money paid and money laid out the same year 8635l. 9s. 8d.
Item in debts and divers things remitted 1053l. 10s. 10d.
Total 9688l. 0s. 6d. [sic]
And so remaineth due to this accountant 1035l. 23d.
The second year, for custom and imposition. 8585l. 6s. 0d.
Debts received since last year 548l. 17s. 0d.
Total 9134l. 3s. 0d.
Whereof for surplusage due to the accountant upon the previous year 1035l. 23d.
Item paid and laid out this year 9557l. 17s. 6d.
Item depending in supra not yet answered. 485l. 17s. 6d.
Sum of allowances 11078l. 6s. 0d.
And then remaineth due to this accountant 1944l. 3s.
Memorandum, there is due to your lordship of good debt in both the years aforesaid 501l. 12s. 10d.
1⅓ pp. (117. 147.)
(2) £ s. d.
The first year 1236 tons 8652 18 7
The second year 1226 tons 8585 6 0
2462 tons
The medium 1231 tons 8617 0 0
The King's rent per annum 5322 0 0
Rest 3295 0 0
The charge of managing 450 0 0
Rest 2845 0 0
The farmers of the general farm having this farm may save the charge of the 450l. and so will the farm of corinthes be worth to them 3295l. allowing there come in no greater a proportion communibus annis than is above noted. But the trade is likely to bring in more than less.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Corinths." ½ p. (117. 146.)