Index: Q R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Index: Q R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Queen Anne (the Queen). See Anne of Denmark.

Queenborough (Quinborough) [Kent], Castle, 47.

Quennell, Robert, 405, 406.

Questor, —, the postmaster, 379.

Quirck, Robert, 373.


Rabbet, Michael, parson of Streatham, 406(2).

Radclyff, Ralph, letters from, 489, 525.

Radclyffe, Edward, J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Raglan (Ragland) [Mon.], letter dated at, 306.

Ragusa (Ragousa), 567.

Rainham (Raynham, Kent), 26.

Rainolds, Dr. John, letters from, 422, 431.

Rainsford, Mr., 374.

Ralegh (Raleigh, Rawley, Rawlegh, Raughley):
-, Sir Carew, 601.
-, Sir Walter (Sir W. R.), 523, 551, 646.
-, -, letters from, 624(2).
-, -, letter from, protesting his innocence concerning the Gunpowder Plot, 480.
-, -, and Wine Office, 41, 624.
-, -, in the Tower, his treatment of new Lieutenant, 376.
-, -, -, privileges and occupation of, 378, 387.
-, -, -, persons allowed access to, 443, 444, 600, 601.
-, -, -, hints at his possible escape, 502, 505–506.
-, -, -, shows himself to the people, 548.
-, -, his estate, 242.
-, -, -, in Sherborne, 444, 506, 579, 624.
-, -, his debts in Isle of Ely, 452.
-, -, and a case in the Court of Wards, 573.
-, -, his trunk, 601.
-, -, a warrant granting his lands to his wife and children, 624.
-, -, his wife Dame Elizabeth, 444, 573, 624.
-, -, his son Walter, 444, 548, 573.

Ramelius, Dr. Henry (Hendricus), Danish Ambassador, 263, 408, 440–441.
-, letters from, 404, 445.
-, proxy for King of Denmark's installation, 409.

Ramsey (Ramsy), Sir John, 319.
-, letters from, 72, 447, 625.

Randale, John, solicitor, 520.

Randall, Mr., 104.

Randalls, recusant books taken at, 329.

Randell, Sir Edward, 406.
-, -, 435.

Rao, Jo. Franciscus a, President of the Court of Justice of Sicily, letter from, 167.

Ratcliff (Ratcliffe, Ratclif):
-, William, 406(2).
-, Mr., 97.
-, Mrs., 500.
-, Robert, 5th Earl of Sussex, 529, 594.

Raughley. See Ralegh.

Ravening, Thomas, 644.

Rawley. See Ralegh.

Raynarde, Myles, 529.

Raynham. See Rainham.

Raynsford, George, 26.

Read (Reade), Sir Ed., 602.
-, Edward, nephew to Sir Foulke Grevill, 493, 529.
-, Elizabeth, letter from, 625.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Sir W., 365, 552.

Readburn. See Redbourne.

Reading (Berks.), 607.
-, -, letter dated at, 470.

Read Kirke (Redkirk), Grahams of. See under Grahams.

Recorder, of London. See Montagu.

Records, Keepers of, warrant to, 524.

Reculver [Kent], 214.

-, alleged increase of, 12, 56, 112, 139, 305.
-, convictions of, 231.
-, lands of, commission for inquiry after, 235.
-, -, grant of, 232, 427.
-, recusancy money, 287.
-, -, grants of, 25, 49, 194, 280, 290, 327, 331, 348, 481, 532, 618, 625, 633.
-, statute of Recusancy, 294.
-, resolution to conform, 331.
-, See also Roman Catholics.

Redbourne (Readburn) [Herts.], letterdated at, 454.

Redesdale (Riddsdale, Riddesdale), [Northants.], 410.

Reddiche, Mr., 57.

Redreth. See Rotherhithe.

Redshawe, —, of Yorkshire, 514.

Reedkirke (Redkirke), Grahams of. See under Grahams.

Reeve, John, parson of Stoke d'Abernon, 406.

Reformer's plots, 141.

Reinbergen. See Rheinberg.

Reliefs for land tenure, 218.

Remembrancer, the King's, 568.

Remington, Lady, 610.

Renals, Capt. Humphrey, 416.

Rensey, —, 480.

Rents concealed, 218.

Renzi (Reyns), Mathew De, 593, 594.

Requests, Master of. See Caesar, Sir Julius; Wilbraham; Rookeby.

Revite, Thomas, letter from, 137.

Reynell, Sir George, letters from, 48, 217, 365.

Reynolds, Sir Cary, 107, 594.

Rheinberg (Rheneberke, Reinbergen, Rhineberg, Berck, Berke) [Germany]:
-, fortification of, 156.
-, to be besieged, 267, 316, 336.
-, Spinola at, 322.

Rhine, the, troops for defence of, 156, 307, 316, 336.
-, forts built on, 156, 307, 342, 369, 425, 554.
-, See also Palatine.

Rhineberg. See Rheinberg.

Ribbesford (Worcs.), 582.

Ribellii, Adrian, 104.

Ricardott. See Richardot.

Rice, Mrs., 297.
-, Rice ap, 258, 456.

Richard II, King, and grant of alnage, 274.

Richardes, Mr., a chaplain, letter to, 468.

Richardot (Ricardott), [Jean, senator and President of the Archduke's Privy Council], 103, 205, 207, 246, 317.
-, and the French Ambassador in Brussels, 173, 425.
-, and English trade with Flanders, 336, 341, 401.
-, his son-in-law injured, 371.
-, and apprehension of Hugh Owen and others, 497, 556–557.
-, and assistance of English regiments, 547.

-, John, 528.
-, Lewis, 528.
-, Richard, 490.
-, Thomas, 529.

Riche (Rich):
-, Lady Penelope, 66.
-, -, letter from, 230.
-, Thomas, 353.

Richie of Randelinton, 310.

Richmond (Rochmon) [Surrey], 288, 510.
-, letters dated at, 280, 281, 450.
-, James I at, 202.
-, the Prince ill at, 474.

Rickman, Harmen, 485.

Riddell, Thomas, mayor of Newcastle, letter from, 133.

Riddsdale. See Redesdale.

Ridsdale (co. Northumb.), 568.

Ripon (Yorks), 504.
-, college at, 84, 90, 343, 625.
-, the Council at, 192.
-, church, 343.

Rise, manor of (Holderness, Yorks.), 648.

Rivadavia, Count of, 233.

Riviere, La, —, physician, 454.

Rizzio (Erico), David, 273.

Rob of Langriggs, 310.

Rob, alias Robs Robie, 310.

Robartes, John, letter from, 257.

Robert, Nicholas, 613.

Robinson, Thomas, a recusant, 144.

Robiyo, letter from, 555.

Roch, Francisco de, a Portuguese, 169, 170.

Rochdale [Lancs.], vicar of. See Mudgeley.

Roche, David, 7th Viscount Roche of Fermoy, 568.

Rochelle, 400.

Rochester (Kent), 407, 626, 627.
-, letters dated at, 141, 142.
-, postal endorsements at, 298, 307, 408, 412, 417, 518.
-, Bridge, wardens of, 26.
-, (Roffen) Cathedral, 492, 505.

Rochester, Bishop of. See Barlow.
-, Dean and Chapter of, a lease by, 26.

Rochmon. See Richmond.

Rockwood. See Rookwood.

Rodderforth, Nicholas, laird of Hundeley, 168.

Rodenberg, Mr., agent from Hamburg, 446.

Roding, High (Hie Rooding, Essex), manor of, 450.
-, manor of Newhall Joceline in, 450.

Roe, Sir John, 522.

Roffen. See Rochester.

-, James, 578.
-, Lady Mary, 610.
-, William, 543.

Rohan, De, weds de Rosny's daughter, 53.

Roiston. See Royston.

Rollock, Peter, Bishop of Dunkeld, 487.

Rolls, Master of. See Cordell and Bruce.

Rolls, Mr., 377.

Roman Catholics (Jesuits, priests, papists), 68(2), 93, 157.
-, English letter to, 518.
-, prophecies concerning, 23–25.
-, alleged toleration of, 61–62, 101, 113, 293–294.
-, superstitious blindness of, 76.
-, laws against, enforced, 125, 254.
-, Lord Salisbury suspected of favouring, 125.
-, in the North, measures for suppression of, 189, 193; see also North, recusancy in.
-, -, leaving for London, 219.
-, Jesuits banished from Venice, 223.
-, a general search in houses of suspected, 305, 490–491.
-, possession of arms by, 320, 489, 528.
-, search and apprehension of printers and presses, 328, 329, 350, 363.
-, alleged promiscuous sale of traitorous books, 431.
-, secret oratories of, 475–476, 591.
-, and Gunpowder Plot, cause aided by, 488, 535.
-, -, risings of, suspected after, 496.
-, -, accuse Puritans of, 508.
-, -, See also Gunpowder Plot.
-, notes of haunts and residences of, 500.
-, to attempt no violence against the King, 518–519.
-, an outrage in Southwark, 511.
-, cause to be helped by King of Spain, 512–513, 534.
-, hindered by Queen Elizabeth, 526.
-, letter alleged from, threatening Lord Salisbury, 540.
-, finds at Huddington, 541.
-, cause of wars in Ireland, 542.
-, alleged plan of recruiting converts in the Low Countries, 545, 546.
-, reform of, 549.
-, a treasonable plot of, 620.
-, intelligence concerning, 626–627.
-, in Dorsetshire, 591.
-, in Lancashire, 320.
-, in London, in parish of St. Clement Danes, 177.
-, -, priests to be apprehended, 469.
-, -, plan to print books in, 545.
-, -, information concerning, 611.
-, in Staffordshire, 363, 493, 503, 529, 642–643.
-, in Wales and Herefordshire, 216, 235, 254, 258–259, 305–306, 360, 374(2), 389, 396, 455–456.
-, in Warwickshire and Oxfordshire, 331, 350, 363.
-, in Worcestershire, 559.
-, tried at Yorkshire and Lancaster assizes, 144–145.
-, See also Recusants.

Romans, King of, election of, 221, 371.

Rome, 157, 172, 317, 362, 415.
-, letters dated at, 203(2).
-, an advice from, concerning Papal pretenders, 207.
-, alleged seduction of English at, 262.
-, papal Jubilee from, 370.
-, Gunpowder Plot confederates in, 546, 557.
-, Port of, 567.

Romeny, Sir William, letter from, 503.

Rookeby, Mr., a Master of the Requests, 635.

Rookwood (Rookewoodde, Rucwood, Rukwood, Rockwood):
-, [Ambrose], 500, 502, 511, 565.
-, -, his house in Lambeth, 522.
-, -, letter concerning his capture, 531.
-, Thomas, 529.

Rooper. See Roper.

Roos (Ross), Lord. See Cecil, William.

Roper (Rooper):
-, Sir John, 152, 278, 399, 407.
-, -, letters from, 325, 445.
-, Mrs. Lucy, widow, 625.

Rosmarie, Mr., 155, 156.

Rosny, Mons. de, 30, 89.
-, his daughter weds De Rohan, 53.

Ross, Bishop of. See Lindsay.

Rosse [Roos]. Lord. See Cecil.

Roth, Robert, 464.

Rotherham, Jo., J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Rotherhithe (Redreth, Surrey), 406.

Rouen, 181.

Rowe, —, 24.

Rowghforde. See Rufford.

Roxburgh, Earl of. See Ker.

Rouen, serjeanty payment in, 142.

Rour, near the Rhine, letters dated at, 438, 439.

Roykeborne, letter dated at, 143.

Royston (Roiston, Herts.), 584.
-, letters dated at, 63, 65, 70(2), 71, 100, 446, 447, 467, 470(2).
-, postal endorsement at, 33.
-, James I at, 53, 65, 89, 90, 94, 115, 434.

Rucwood. See Rookwood.

Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. Davids, letter from, 458.

Ruddall, William, 236.

Rudolf II, Emperor of Germany (the Emperor), 135, 221, 249, 268, 439.
-, his Ambassador in England, 314, 370.

Rufford (Rowghforde, Rughford), [Notts.], letters dated at, 110, 141.

Ruislip [Mdx.], lease of woods in, for Cambridge University, 161.

Rukwood. See Rookwood.

Rundall, Mrs., 385.

Rushall (Staffs.), letter dated at, 503.

-, Sir John, 216.
-, Mrs., 114.

Russia. See Muscovy.

Ruthven (Ruthen), [Patrick], in the Tower, 388.

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners.
-, Lieutenant of, 603.

Rutlandshire, 451.

Rycote [? Oxon.], letter dated at, 471.

Ryder, John, deputy vice-admiral of Plymouth, letter from, 11.

Rydge, Elizabeth, 311.

Rydgway, 588.