Cecil Papers: July 1605, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp295-322 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp295-322.

"Cecil Papers: July 1605, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp295-322.

July 1605, 1-15

Sir Julius Cæsar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 2. I have thought good to send to you this note of this day's justice and I hope it will not be offensive to my Lord of Suffolk, who is leaving, or my Lord Admiral, who is now reassuming the charge of these causes. The late pardon, at the French Ambassador's entreaty of a man adjudged to be pressed to death, has bred an exceeding evil, if present sharpness should not be shown to others of like boldness in refusing ordinary trial. And therefore I have appointed tomorrow the day of execution, not omitting to furnish them with preachers in the meanwhile to instruct them in matters of their salvation. I beseech you believe nothing what the Spanish Ambassador shall report of me, till you hear my answer. He bites and whines. God send me more credit or him less boldness to accuse an innocent. Craving my translation from this troublesome office of Admiralty to a quieter.—Do[ctors'] Co[mmons], 2 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 98.)
The Enclosure:—Pirates condemned in Southwark on Tuesday, 2 July 1605.
1. Philipp Ward arraigned for spoiling and carrying away the Meirmayd of Olona and her lading of iron belonging to Monsieur de Beaumarches and John Gueryn, Frenchmen, to the value of 1800l., stood mute and had judgment to be pressed to death.
2. Thomas Pyn arraigned for taking and spoiling of certain "sinamom" and other goods out of the ship the Francis of Jarsey, belonging to William Bullion, Frenchman, to the value of 757l., stood also mute and had his judgment to be pressed to death.
3. Nicholas Haydon, servant to Captain Thomas Pyn aforesaid, arraigned for the said goods, was found guilty by the jury and received his judgment to be hanged at Wapping.
½ p. (111. 97.)
Sir James Perrott to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 2. The King has referred to the Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Salisbury the petition, which he lately presented, to enjoy his poor estates free from all former encumbrances of Sir John Perrott or Sir Thomas Perrott's debts, and to possess so much of his lands as he holds by conveyance not yet recovered from him. The Lord Treasurer has answered that to be freed from former encumbrances, he thinks it reasonable; for the other, it cannot presently be granted, because it is put into the book of entail to be annexed to the Crown at the next Parliament and therefore it may not be altered in the meantime. If then his Highness think good to grant the said lands or somewhat else in lieu thereof and of his losses, it may be done then more conveniently than now. Prays that order may be taken for his quietness to enjoy this land, as he has done hitherto, until the next Parliament. If he can obtain his peace without further loss, his desire is to employ himself in the King's service. For this purpose offers for consideration a proposal for an office to be erected in Ireland of Cess-master and Receiver of the composition money granted or to be granted in lieu of the disorderly cess laid on the country by the captains and soldiers in time of the wars. This cess now needs not, some of the counties having already compounded for the same, and most of the rest will do the like, being assured to be well dealt with hereafter. If he may have authority with the direction of the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland to deal with the counties which have not yet compounded for a new composition to enhance the old and to levy and answer all such sums of money into his Majesty's Receipt as are or shall be due for the said composition, doubts not but to increase the King's revenues with good contentment unto the country and to find more certain means of paying the composition than hitherto. For this service seeks no other fee than Salisbury or the Lord Deputy shall think may reasonably countervail his charges in passing through the several parts of the country, as he seeks not gain but to merit somewhat in his Majesty's service. If Salisbury thinks this office will sort to good effect, prays he will communicate this to the Lord Treasurer and to the Earl of Devonshire, to whom he is yet unknown.—2 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 99.)
John Lanier to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 2. Was not long since a suitor to Salisbury for his goodwill in obtaining for his son Nicholas the reversion of old Piero Gaye's place as one of his Majesty's musicians for the flute. Now again beseeches him for his favour to this end. Has himself served these twenty years and more in the company of the flutes for the said Piero by reason of his impotency, so that it will be no prejudice to Salisbury's service if he, until the years which his son is bound to his lordship have expired, serve in his place. Having failed to find a convenient opportunity to attend on him has entreated Mr. Cormack, Salisbury's servant, to hear his son and report on his sufficiency for the flute. Prays that his forwardness may be excused in regard to a father's natural desire for his son's advancement, and as he has many other children to provide for and nothing to give them. Assures himself that, if it stands with Salisbury's good liking to speak to the Lord Chamberlain, the thing is as good as done.—2 July 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (111. 100.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Same.
[1605, July 2]. After your departing his Majesty had very good pastime, and says you were happy that brought him so good luck, for he killed a great stag, and for your coming to Oatlands has sent you half of him, to be given to my Lord of Northampton's wife and you, and the other half his Majesty has sent to my Lady of Suffolk to bestow where she pleases. His Majesty hopes, in your (sic) wife's absence, my Lady of Northampton and you will give my Lord Chancellor part of your present, and that you will all drink to him when you are at the venison. He says you are honest men; and this is my direction for this time. He is very well and very merry.— Oatlands, Tuesday.
Holograph. Endorsed: 2 July 1605." 1 p. (190. 119.)
Sir William Monson to the Same.
1605, July 2. Presently upon the receipt of your letter for the stay of Sir Robart Dudlay, Mrs. Southwell and Mrs. Rice, I divided my ships. One I have sent to ride in Callis road and there to search all vessels that shall pass in; the frigate I have appointed to keep betwixt Bullen and Deepe; the Quittanc of Margate for all such ships as shall come out of the Thames, for I hold that the place of most suspicion for their embarking; and myself will keep the sea. To address any ships for the coast of Flanders is needless, because the Hollanders will intercept any vessels that shall pass into any of their ports; but for the more surety, if I might know it stood with your liking to make it known to the Hollanders, no ship can pass the seas but that either they or I should be sure to speak with them.—2 July 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir William Monson from aboard the Vangard." 1 p. (190. 120.)
Postal endorsements:—"Abord the Vangard the second of July 12 a clok at noone hast hast post hast hast. Canterbery at past 3 in the afternowne. Seattingbourne the second of July hallfe onouer past 5 a Clocke in the afternone. Rochester at 7 aclocke at night. Darfor at 10 in the night."
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts, III, 332, 333 (Navy Records Soc.).]
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 2. This morning after his Majesty was ready, he called for me to command me to signify to you that yesterday he did not answer one part of your letter, which was your suit for his Collections, which now he has sent to you, with this remembrance, that the same were made when he was very young, and therefore to be judged of thereafter by you. That in the end of the book you shall find a table to direct you to the principal matters. By that little that I have read of it, it seems to have asked great pains and diligence in the doing. The language his Majesty doth also excuse, being neither good Scottish nor English, but lays that to the transcriber's fault.
This evening, or in the morning, I go toward Oxford, and will be returned on Tuesday. His Majesty is this morning very pleasant and merry, God be thanked, but doth not go forth as I hear, except it be in the evening to take the air.— 2 July 1605.
PS.—The King is pleased you signify his pleasure to Mr. Attorney that the pension which Sir Ro. Aston has of 200[l.] yearly shall be to him and to his wife, whose name is Cordell, during both their lives, upon surrender of his former patent.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 121.)
The Earl of Home.
[1605, between May 4 and July 3]. Two papers:—
(1) Petition on behalf of Earl Hume for grant of concealed lands to the value of 250l. per annum.—Undated.
Note at foot by Thomas Lake: The King, in recompense of Hume's services, directs the Lord Treasurer, the Earls of Southampton and Salisbury, and Lord Barwick, to settle how he may satisfy the Earl with least prejudice to himself and offence to others.
1 p. (191. 142.)
(2) His Majesty's progenitors granted lands upon estates in tail, the issues of which entails are spent, and the lands have reverted by right to the Crown, and yet are detained by the tenants. The E. Hume prays for grant of such lands to the yearly value of 300l.—Undated.
Endorsed: "L. Hume." ½ p. (114. 45.)
Lord Home of Berwick to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, between May 4 and July 3]. The Earl of Howme, whom I must respect as one of my best friends, will take my absence unkindly, not having yet effected his suit, if he find not some end in the matter he sues for. Seeing it is not possible for me to be present, I must needs have recourse to you, entreating your favour that this bearer may know that when he shall come unto you, you will make him welcome, and that he may know his Lord's errand shall have no need of my solicitation.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Barwek. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 109.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605, between May 4 and July 3]. I humbly thank you for his Majesty's letter. His Majesty shall know by a letter of mine how great comfort you have in his great wisdom. If Howme come to me, I will keep that course with him prescribed in the postscript of his Majesty's letter. I crave your pardon that this day I have not attended his Majesty's service in your company. I am preparing for a journey towards the north parts of Britain. There is here with me a servant of the Controller's of Scotland, and one for the Advocate, waiting for their money; so I would be glad to know your pleasure what answer I shall give them.— Undated.
Holograph, signed: Barwek. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 108.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605, between May 4 and July 3]. His Majesty is here in Whitehall returned from hunting, and is presently going to Greenwich. I have received his command to put you in mind of two things: to speak to the Lord Chancellor for the matter of justices of peace; and that you shall not forget to inform the Council of the matter of "Wayllis" [? Wales], and to take order as to your wisdoms shall seem good. I could not be with you this afternoon; and so I was directed to write to you.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Barwek. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 111.)
Captain William Bowyer to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 3. According to your commandment I have presently sent away your packet directed to my Lord of Barwick by a trusty servant of mine, because of the unreadiness of the new settled posts in Scotland and because his lordship going by here two days since went not the direct post-way. I hear he is about Edenb[urgh], so as this afternoon your letters will come to his hands. I received them this 3rd July at seven in the morning.—From Barwick, 3 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (111. 101.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1605, July 3. Your servant was very early with me this morning but his Majesty lay somewhat long abed, so as it is now past ten of the clock before he is dispatched. For the parts of your letters, his Majesty returns no answer about the first, touching the Queen; for the second has commanded the Lord Compton to go presently away towards you and attend your direction; and for the third he says that by this time your teeth will have judged of your prophecy for he commanded the stag he killed to be sent away to you yesternight, and instructed Sir Roger Aston with matter to accompany it. Of the books he has given no direction. The weather is here drowsy all this forenoon and to my seeming his Majesty a little conformable to it, who yesternight upon his return from hunting was very pleasant. He holds his journey to Wyndsor and hunts by the way. I have returned you all things that his Majesty signed concerning his service, and I received this morning from Sir Anthony Standen a licence for him to travel, which he wrote you were pleased should be offered to his Highness and indeed he signed it very willingly.—3 July 1605.
PS.—In the date of the letter to the French King his Majesty's style is repeated "Roy de la Grande Bretaigne, France et Irlande," whereas his Majesty made some doubt if it were the custom in writing to the French king to use the title of France and wished that good information were taken of it before it went. Although I think that in leagues and such public instruments we have used all our titles, yet I cannot remember how it has been in letters. It may please you to cause it to be looked in the copies of Sir Tho: Edmondes's letters, and if it be not the use, then these words must be blotted out or the letter returned to be new signed.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (111. 102.)
Sir Julius Cæsar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 3. When the King was last at Wilton it pleased him to promise me Baron Sotherton's place after his death for my brother Thomas Cæsar, now a Counsellor at Law of fifteen years standing. His Highness likewise required me to notify so much to you, to my Lord Treasurer and to Sir Thomas Lake, that nothing might pass to any other to contrary his promise. The motives were many but especially my brother's sufficiency for that place in the opinion of the Barons then being, testified to the Lord Treasurer by the then Lord Chief Baron at large by word of mouth and by the rest by writing under their hands, whereof I send you a true copy here enclosed. I imparted so much to you at your chamber in Wilton and you assured me of your favour. I offered then to his Majesty a patent in reversion, which he refused to sign because it was for the place of a judge, but he assured me that I should have it granted to my brother when it fell. The party, Mr. Baron Sotherton, as I understand, is now in present peril of death. I beseech you stay the passage thereof to any other till I have spoken with the King and put him in mind of his promise.— D[octor's] Co[mmons], 3 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 103.)
Doctor Ro. Marbeck to the Same.
1605, July 4. Duty requires after this long and tedious journey that I should present myself to you before any other. But for that there be certain imperfections in me, which constrain me for a time to forbear your presence, I beseech you pardon my absence for some days.—4 July 1605.
Signed. ⅓ p. (111. 104.)
R. Cocks to —
1605, July 4/14 At this very instant I have received your letter dated the 14th ultimo, perceiving thereby of the confirmation of our Spanish Company, chiefly by your occasion; yet notwithstanding I perceive their ingratitude in leaving you out, considering it was your pleasure to have been one of the Company. Truly it is not to be marvelled at if they leave out Wm. Palmer and me, when they are so forgetful of you, who have laboured so much in the matter. Yet I know not how they can put me from my freedom, considering I served a prenticeship for it as appears in the records of the City of London. But Mr. Palmer never served for it, neither was his master a freeman of the Company. Yet for aught I can perceive we shall be served both alike. Well no remedy but patience! Sir Charles Cornwales, my Lord Ambassador, who remains in Spain, is in good health. It should seem by your letter that you have writ me heretofore by Mr. Christopher Williams but I have not heard anything neither of him nor the letters. Days past our friend, Mr. Justinian Wescomb, came from the Court of Spain in company of a Fleming that married Mr. West's daughter of Bilbo. In the way a priest fell in talk with them and said it was reported that the Ambassador, who was to remain in Spain, was a Lutheran and pretended to have his ministers to preach in his house, which if it were true, no doubt but he and his ministers would be burnt. The Fleming and Mr. Wescomb seemed to be angry at his speeches and told him they would bring the matter in question to know whether it might be permitted such fellows to prate in this sort. But presently another priest took the matter in hand and desired them for God's sake to speak no farther in the matter, for the other was a fool and spoke he could not tell what. If they brought the matter in question, the other would be punished. In fine the matter passed in this sort and no more words spoken of it. Yet you may perceive hereby the malice and indiscretion of those people. Also there is much talk of a mariner or some other of my Lord's followers who died at the Groyn and the priests would not suffer him to be buried on shore, because he was not confessed and received the sacrament, but caused him to be conveyed aboard the ships and so to be cast into the sea. It is no marvel though they would tyrannise over poor merchants and such as come in their ships, when they durst presume to do such a matter in presence of my Lord Admiral, who came on such an embassage as he did. But keep this to yourself; little said is soon amended.
There is some flying speeches in Spain as also in these parts that there shall be a marriage betwixt the Prince of England and the daughter of Spain and that she shall have the Low Countries in dowry. I would it were effected for I had rather the Prince had it than hear tell of it. The French cannot abide to hear talk of it, neither the Flemings take no great delight to hear speak of it, yet all is in God's hands. Also here is much speech that Cibeer's fleet met with the Holland men of war near Dover and that all of them are taken except four sail, which got into Dover Road, into which place the States' men of war followed them thinking to have carried them out, so that the Castle ordnance was discharged against the men-of-war and slew divers of their men. Amongst the rest the General being a Flushinger was wounded in the arm, so that at his return to Flushinge he made a tumult with the garrison of soldiers, which was appeased by means of the burgomasters and justice of the town. God grant there may be a sufficient garrison kept therein. You may very well remember the speeches which were current at your last being in these parts. And so let this suffice for that matter.
For your friendly offer to assist me to procure the place of Consul, I give you humble thanks. My cousin Dorington has writ me about the same matter and says he will lay out for me for these parts of St. Sebastians and Bilbo and doubted not but you would procure his Majesty's and the Council's letters in my behalf if need required. The truth is that, if I did think the place might be beneficial to me, I would stay in those parts for three or four years. Otherwise I find trade bad and charges great, so that he which spends much and gets little, it will not hold out always. In fine I refer myself herein to you and Mr. Dorington, for I know that neither the one nor other would wish me unto the place, except you knew it were for my preferment. Therefore let me hear from you per the first, for I will not be long out of England, God willing, if that take not effect.
Some four days past here passed by my Lord Willoby and in company with him two knights named Sir Phillipe Cary and Sir John Gover. They are gone for Paris and so directly for England. My Lord is a very courteous nobleman. I had much talk with him as also with the two knights. They told me that all the reports of the great gifts which the King of Spain should give to my Lord Admiral are mere fables and that my Lord has given more in Spain than he has received. Within three or four days my Lord Norris will pass this way. If I understand of anything that is worth the writing, I will make you partaker. These gentlemen which passed told me that his Excellency departed from the Groyne about fourteen days past and in his company the Spanish Ambassador who must remain in England in place of Don Juan de Tasses. Your letter for Valadolid I will send away according to advice for I mean to return to St. ebast [St. Sebastian] to-morrow and as occasion shall be offered you shall hear from me continually. Our friend Mr. Edmond Palmer is now returned to Cybeboro. The poor man has got nothing yet says he still lives in hope. Truly the man is poor and has a great charge of wife and children. The Governor of this place is at Paris and Mons. Sansac remains in his place. All matters here are quiet and no speeches of any wars, only it was reported that there was some secret pretence against Valentia in Spain but was discovered and divers of the place put to death and a Frenchman or two taken prisoners. Also it is said the sickness is very hot at Bourdeaulx, so that none which come from thence may be suffered to enter into this town of Bayon. To make an end of my tedious letter, it is said that the King of Spain has given order that no more copper money shall be made, for copper is not so well sold in Spain as in times past.—Bayon, 14 July 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Cox to [my] Mr from Bayon." 4 pp. (111. 119 (2).)
The Syndics and Council of Geneva to Viscount Cranborne [Earl of Salisbury].
1605, July 4. They return thanks for his goodwill which has been made evident to them by the Sieur de Soully their Councillor of State. They beg him to favour the execution of a judgment which they have given in a cause between the Sieur William Blower of London, and their citizen Michee Gallatin.—Geneve, 4 July 1605.
Signed. French. Endorsed: "Concerning the contract of marriage of Mr. Blore." 1 p. (190. 122.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 4. Has received commandment from the King in behalf of the bearer, Wm. Lindsey, a Scottishman, to deal with the Archduke for the restoring of a ship of his which he pretends to have been taken out of the Road of Torbay by a ship of Dunkerk, but has not been able to prevail in that suit. It is denied that any wrong has been done to suppliant but that it was well known that divers loose persons putting to sea in the ship after his Majesty's coming to the crown committed sundry piracies upon Biscaine and French ships; that they were in chase of another French ship when the Dunkerker came to the rescue and took the Scottish ship and carried it afterwards to Sherbrooke in France, not being able to convey it to Dunkerk. Notwithstanding that, afterwards upon the suppliant's alleging that he was no way acquainted with the piracies committed in his ship, they gave order for it, the ordnance and furniture, to be restored him upon payment of certain charges due to those of Sherbrooke for the guard of the ship. These charges he refused to pay for the French had raised them to more than the value of the ship. The ship having remained ever since at Sherbrooke is now become altogether unserviceable, for which they deny him recompense. The Count of Aremberg refers to the report of Sir Julius Cæsar, who examined it with him at his being in England and, as he says, censured the matter as it deserved.
Has also dealt with the Council of the Admiralty on behalf of Captain Baynard, who complains that a great part of the Spanish prize that was taken from him out of the port of Torbay is still detained from him, but can procure no restitution thereof. —Bruxelles, 4 July 1605.
Copy. 1½ pp. (227. p. 41.)
[Original in Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
The Earl of Worcester to the Same.
[1605], July 5. His Majesty and your lordship will think it long until you receive some advertisement of the state of this country and of my particular employment, which I would have been glad to have performed more exactly than at this time the shortness of my being in these parts will admit. Yet because I hold it fit that his Majesty should be informed of the general state of the country, having by certificate conceived some doubt of disturbance of his peace by some disobedient persons, he will I hope be better pleased with a brief assurance of the quiet state of the country than to stay long for a more exact account of particular men's disloyal actions, of the suppressing and punishment whereof I hope in time to yield further satisfaction.
Upon Saturday the 29th instant (sic) I arrived at my house, where I summoned my Lord Bishop and all the Justices of the Peace of this shire to assemble on Monday morning, who accordingly came. I manifested unto them the zealous care his Majesty continually took for establishing of God's true religion and suppressing of Popish superstition, as being the religion he was born in, bred up in, and when he came to years of Government constantly professed. On coming to the crown of England he revived the laws that fortified the same faith, was so careful in the education of the young Prince and the rest of his children as he thereby thought to abandon all future hopes of alteration. Yet to his great grief he had of late received advertisement that these kind of people did mightily increase, especially in this shire, who were not contented to fail from true obedience to his Majesty and his laws, but by insolent and open profession would justify their unlawful actions, to the great discomfort of the good and dutiful subjects. The reason must proceed out of two principal grounds, either want of preaching and good instruction, or through negligence of Justices of Peace or inferior ministers. For the first my Lord Bishop was to yield his Majesty an account; [for] the other, the Justices of Peace were to give satisfaction. I told them that his Majesty conceived there were laws sufficient and the same laws gave them power and authority. And yet such was his Majesty's gracious care that if there wanted further force, he authorised me with his powerful commission to supply as in discretion should be expedient for his service and to that end had commanded my present repair into this country, where I would be ready to give assistance to whatsoever his service required. They all acknowledged that besides their duty and allegiance unto which they were bound, this care of his Majesty to preserve the peace of the country increased their affections, if it were possible, whereof they would be ready to give testimony even with hazard and loss of their lives.
We concluded that the Tuesday night following a general search should be made throughout the shire in all suspected houses for priests, Jesuits and obstinate recusants; which was done by the Justices themselves, everyone in his particular division, that the whole shire might at one instant be searched. The return is not altogether come to my hands.
Upon Monday next I mean by God's grace to go into Herefordshire and to leave such order that, if upon my coming thither these kind of people resort back, they shall be apprehended, intending when I am there to agree with the Justices there that both they and the Justices in this shire shall meet in one night upon the confines of both shires and search all suspected places of resort. This is all that can be done for apprehension of these disordered persons. Persons underhand I have laid to discover these priests, but I hear, notwithstanding the Bishop and Justice certificate, they dare not abide by it but are fled and some think that this (sic) James Moryce is gone to London. The sum of all our service hitherto you shall receive enclosed. My Lord President has very carefully written to his deputy lieutenants and to myself tendering their service and his own presence if there be cause, notwithstanding any infirmity. I wrote back that I hoped there would be little or no cause but that his lordship might take the benefit of his Majesty's leave to recover his health; if there were, I would with all expedition advertise him. And now serious affairs being past, it is good to be the first informer hoping that I shall the easier obtain his Majesty's pardon. I have of late conferred with a seminary priest, nay more I have been at confession with him, but though he confessed his knavery in being a priest, I sought for no remission of my sins at his hand. Thus it was, Sir Roger Bodnam coming to my house as being a deputy lieutenant in Herefordshire to know if I would command him any service, I desired him to endeavour the apprehension of those accused to be at the rescue and chiefly of seminaries and Popish priests that frequented that part of the shire. He told me there were some in the shire that went publicly and would say they were priests, which did great harm in the country. I desired him to apprehend them and bring them to me; and by chance as he returned he met with one of them and suspecting the man, questioned with him and he confessed he was a priest but pleaded my Lord's Grace of Canterbury's protection. No protection would serve but he sware he should go with him to me. When he came, I found him to be the priest that my Lord had acquainted me with before my departure. After I had rated him publicly I told him I had other matters to charge him with and took him aside, hoping to have received some intelligence at his hand; but he delivered no more than formerly I had received, saying that he verily thinks the priests are all fled. He is gone to Glamorganshire; if any be come thither, he has promised to give me intelligence. And so, noble Lord, fearing that I have been over tedious in my relation, being as weary with examinations of silly creatures as ever I was in my life, not having so much leisure since my coming as to view any of my parks, I will now conclude.—Ragland, July 5th at 10 at night.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 3½ pp. (111. 109.)
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 5. At my coming ashore at Callis I found the Governor not in town, and in no case his lieutenant-governor would be to know but that Sir Robart Dudlay was gone before Captain Bradgate's coming ashore, which I know to be otherwise, and am secretly and I think certainly advertised that he is yet in Callis, yea in the Governor's own house, and there shall abide until he have answer from the King, to whom he has written; and as the King shall direct him, so he will do in sending them for England or conveying them secretly away. Seeing there was no possibility for me to speak with him, or to understand more particulars, I am returned for England, where I am ready to attend your further order.
Count Buccoye is passed the river of Reayne [Rhine] with 8,000, and has built two forts of either side the river. Marquis Spindola is to follow him with the rest of the army, except those in Flanders, which Count Fredrick commands, who it is said shall remove from where he is to Odenburgh near Sluce. —5 July 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 123.)
Postal endorsements:—"Post hast hast Post hast hast hast. Abord the Vangard in the Downs the fifth of July 11 a clok in the night. Will. Monson. Sandwich the 6th of July past 2 of the Clocke in the mornyng. At Canterbury at 4 a Clock in the morning. Seattingborne the 6th day of July hallfe onouer past 6 a Clocke in the morning. Rochester at 8 a clocke in the morninge. Darford the — at past 10 — morning (torn off)."
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts, III, 334 (Navy Records Soc.).]
Bill of Mortality.
1605, July 5. The certificate of such as died and are buried within the liberty of Westminster and the Duchy at Strand in one week last ending 5 July 1605.
In St. Margarett's parish 2
In St. Martins the Feilds 3
In the Savoy and St. Clement's 3
Sum total 8
whereof the plague within St. Martin's 1
and in St. Clement's of the plague 1
Signed: Ra. Dobbinsonn. ½ p. (111. 106.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], July 6. I have wants, which, alas, I deny not, yet could be contented in a private life to hide them as much as might be, though in a public I am driven to confess them rather than men should think me so ignorant that I see them not. I fear I shall be the last lord of my name and I have no affection more strong in me than to leave it with honour. I confess I have no cause to doubt you as being honourable and knowing myself to deserve no evil. But where a man is tied to circumstances especially such a one who has many things in himself worthily to condemn him, common bruits work much, when they pass so publicly as these do. Yet did they not work with me to accuse you of unkindness but to press you more plainly to free me from a burden both to you and me. All this you may help by procuring me leave to live a private life. I thank you for the copy of the Earl of Worcester's commission. I acknowledge that considering the course taken there is as much done to preserve the President's place as may be. Yet can it not be so carried as speeches will not arise thereof, to which when they happen I refer myself. For my health I confess it is as it has been, but I have had an infirmity of a swelling in my legs long, which I find to increase upon me and therefore would be glad to use some means to amend them or make up the course of this life with least discomfort. But so do I not esteem ease from pain or life itself that I would not be ready to do anything his Highness should command me for his service. When I have appealed unto you as my chief help, I am better satisfied, whatsoever issue it has. I strive to let you know my mind that I may receive comfort from you and you service from me.—From the Bathe this 6th of July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1½ pp. (111. 105.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 6. I have enclosed a copy of my petition to the King and his reference, wherein I beseech your lordship's furtherance, beseeching that you will not think my request too great, comparing the same with what my travail and charge shall bring to the Crown, the project whereof I will show unto you and wait upon you at convenient time.—6 July 1605.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (111. 107.)
[Captain Power] to the Same.
1605, July 6. Whereas you willed me to inquire out where the son and heir of Florence McCarty is, I have found out that he lodges at one Mistress Brandon's house in Gardners Lane in Westminster. It was my hap this day to see one Justice Saxey, who was sometime Chief Justice of Mounster, whose departure our country much rues and have great want of him or some other of his disposition.—6 July 1605.
Signature torn off. Endorsed: "Captaine Power." ⅓ p. (111. 108.)
The Grahams.
1605, July 6. Names of the Grames sent to Flushing under William Brediman their conductor and William Nodder their Lieutenant, which are in the schedule. Total 72.—Carlisle, 6 July 1605.
Signed: Ro. de Lavale, Joseph Pennington, Wilfrid Lawson, Edward Gray. 2 pp. (114. 30.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 6. This matter concerning the counterfeiting of coin was first examined in the country, by a discreet gentleman, a justice of peace, by my Lord Chief Justice's warrant. For that the matter was of so great consequence, it was thought fit to have them brought up and reexamined, which was done, and I reexamined them myself, and took their examinations under my own hand. These and the former examinations I delivered to the aforenamed justice of peace the last term, the fittest man to prefer indictments at these Assizes, where I gave him direction to have them all indicted, for they cannot be indicted but in proprio comitatu. It was not thought fit, upon conference had with the Chief Justice, that any trial should be had at these Assizes; first, for that so great and capital offences are fittest for the King's Bench, whereupon if any difficulty arise the rest of the judges are at hand. 2, it is bruited that the principal and the greatest person and offender also shall be pardoned. The rest, being poor creatures, were fittest to be tried at London, and not in the face of the country, where they will rather be pitied than misliked for their offence. Considering all things, I think it were fit that all should be condemned this next term together at the bar, and then his Majesty may proceed as shall please him. If my memory do not much fail me, I acquainted you herewith about the beginning of the last term. But if you shall be pleased to direct it otherwise, so many of the prisoners as shall be thought fit may yet be sent to the Assizes. In what prisons they be I know not, for I committed none of them. I take it Sir Walter Cope knows where they are bestowed.—6 July 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 124.)
Sir Robert Delavale, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Joseph Penningtonn and Edward Gray to the Council.
1650, July 7. They refer to their letters of the last of June. They have but 72 of the 100 men for Flushing, whom they have now sent to Newcastle under the conduct of William Brediman and William Nodder. List of payments made to them.
Of the 7 principal men referred to in their last letters who have been denounced fugitives, 4 have submitted themselves, and are gone with the above 72; viz., Richard Grame, son to Walter of Netherbie: David Grame of the Bankhead; Alexander Grame of Kirkanders, alias Geordie Sandye: and Hutchin Grame of Rowcliffe. The other 3, Hutchin Grame of Gards, William Grame of Medopp, and George Grame of Burnefoote, still stand out. Two of their families have been expelled and the rest of their houses uncovered, for the most of them they had themselves uncovered. By Hutchin's example 16 more in the schedule are stayed from coming in, he still giving out that he has a pardon from the King for all his; whereas none but himself, and such as were upon the ground at the taking of Sandis Rinion, are spoken of in the warrant, which are, Rob alias Robs Robie, Rob of Langriggs, a Scotsman, Jock of the Peretre, Watt his brother since hanged, and Richie of Randelinton, now willingly gone to Flushing. They pray for directions especially as to Hutchin Grame and John Grame alias Jock of the Peretre: who are two principal evil men, and the greatest hinderers of this service. They detail the measures they have taken for the apprehension of the above. Enclose schedules. They can hardly find, of the surname of the Grames, which were within the submission, or dwelling between Leven and Sarke, enough to make up 150 fit for service, unless it be among the Grames of Redkirke and Leven, where dwell divers Grames, near kinsmen to those that are gone, and of as bad condition every way. There are besides other surnames, whose lives and conversations have been no better than the Grames, that the country might well spare. They ask directions therein. —Carlisle, 7 July 1605.
Signed: Ro. Delavale; Wilf. Lawson; Joseph Penningtonn; Edward Gray. Endorsed: "Commissioners for the Middle Shires of Britany." 2½ pp. (190. 125.)
Sir Robert Delavale, &c. to the Council.
1605, July 7. By theirs of the last of June they certified Salisbury that they had sent 50 of the Grames to Brill, and hoped to send the 100 for Flushing, but having but 72 of them, they have thought it best to send them to Newcastle. Hutchin Grame of the Gardes and Jock Grame alias Jock of the Peretre have much hindered this service. They trust the Council will not pass over the offence, but make them an example to others. There are many here besides the Grames inured to blood and theft, more meet to serve his Majesty elsewhere than to remain here; which they leave to Salisbury's wisdom.—Carlisle, 7 July 1605.
Signed as in the preceding letter. Endorsed: "Commissioners for the Middle Shires of Britany." 1 p. (190. 127.)
Wyllem Janssen to Jehan Bautista de Taxis.
1605, July 7. Taxis will have heard from Janssen's secretary, also from a gentleman of the Marquis Espinola's, that Janssen entered this port of Derthameu [Dartmouth], not being able to pass to Dunkirk for fear of the enemy's men of war, and besides having no provisions. He awaits his secretary, with the reply of "Messeigneur du Conseil." The Mayor of Derthameu has to-day informed him that no man of war can be allowed to remain more than 21 days in that port, without express permission of the King; he therefore begs Taxis to inform the Ambassador of the facts, and ask him to obtain the order to the Mayor to allow him to remain till he receives orders from "Son Altesse" what he is to do with his ship. He cannot depart without money, having been here a month with 120 men at great expense. He has on board the "Becamara" of the Marquis Espinola, which is of great importance, also a present from the Queen of Spain for their Highnesses, and must not endanger them without express orders from "Son Altesse."— Derthameu [Dartmouth], 7 July 1605.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (190. 128.)
Richard Orrell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 9. Is by his lordship's order to receive to-morrow for the wardship of Elizabeth Rydge the sum of 320l., which is not so much by 100l. and more as he has already disbursed. Yet he is enjoined to defend her traverse, which if never so well justified will cost him the greater part of the moneys awarded him by the Court. Prays that as he has spent three years and a greater sum than he will receive over this troublesome suit, his portion may come as clear to him as Mr. Flint's part, with whom he has dealt faithfully, will come to him. Prays also for the mediation of Sir Vincent Skynner and Sir William Bowyer and that they be desired to persuade an end without further suit.—9 July 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (111. 111.)
Edward Harrowdon to the Same.
[1605], July 9. Is encouraged by Salisbury's promised furtherance of his bold suit to entreat his remembrance. If he is importunate beyond his deserts or good manners, let it be imputed to the greatness of his desire to proceed in his intended travel. If he shall attain to better abilities there shall none living go before him in a ready will to do his lordship service. Cannot but think his suit is too troublesome but is assured by Salisbury's known noble disposition to men of his rank.—Harrowdon, 9 of July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (111. 112.)
The Earl of Kildare to the Same.
1605, July 9. Begs Salisbury to further the payment of a small remain of money due to him for his entertainments in Ireland. Notwithstanding the Council's letters and the Lord Deputy's warrant in his behalf, the Treasurer's ministers there put him off. If Salisbury has been informed of anything wherein he has not carried himself as becomes him, he begs he will let him know, and if he cannot satisfy him he will never hereafter be troublesome. If Salisbury's conceit against him proceeds from some words he spoke unadvisedly, he beseeches him to forget it.—9 July 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 129.)
The States General and the Spaniards at Dover.
1605, July 9/19. "Copy of the propositions made to the States by Mr. Winwood for their leave to transport the Spaniards at Dover into Flanders."
His Master, the King, has charged him to communicate to them a request which has been presented to him. As he does not wish to take any resolution without first seeking their consents, because of the interest in the matter of the United Provinces, with whom his Majesty is determined always to maintain good friendship and alliance, he has commanded Winwood to recommend seriously to them the affair, of the equity of which he makes them the judges. At first view the demand which Winwood has to make will seem disagreeable but their lordships, who will know from experience that great Kings are not wont to advance anything mal à propos, especially to their best friends, neighbours and allies, will give it good reception and foreseeing the good that the grant of it will bring the country will agree to it without making any difficulty.
Istud est sapere, non quod ante pedes est Videre, sed res longe ante futuras prospicere.
It is unnecessary to relate at length all the details of the last encounter at sea between the ships of the States and those of Spain. The States may be reminded that their captains and men-of-war, driven by too violent impetuosity, pursued the Spaniards into the harbours of England. There, forgetting their duty and respect to his Majesty and the laws of his kingdom, they committed a thousand ills and violences, and not content in the fury of the fight with throwing themselves pell-mell against them, they returned on the following day in cold blood and with unbridled licence, contrary to the rights of war and all honour, among other insolencies set on fire a ship of Scotland.
Corpora magnanimo satis est prostrasse leoni, Pugna suum finem, cum jacet hostes, habet.
Let their lordships mark the evil which has followed this misconduct of their people. The peace which his Majesty has but lately made is no sooner sworn than it is shaken and put in danger of being broken; the quiet of his realm is everywhere troubled; himself in doubt how to comport himself that neither his friendship towards his other allies be held suspect nor he be forced willy nilly to withdraw the affection he has for the Provinces; seeing that by this act of contempt his ordinances, which are sacred and published throughout the whole world, have been violated, his harbours intended for trade have been outraged by the ships of war of the States, and his ports stained with blood, even the blood of his own subjects.
His Majesty, knowing like a pious and religious prince that the shedding of blood is a thing displeasing to God, has wished to resent these disorders without any prompting. Neverthe less, the Ambassadors of Spain and the Archdukes with him have made lively remonstrance to him of the indignity of the deed, omitting nothing to magnify the atrocity of the crime, and have demanded the restitution of their ships, the surrender for exemplary punishment of those who committed the outrages and the conducting of the rest of their men under good guard to the ports of Flanders. But not having drawn any other response from his Majesty, either from his own mouth or from the meeting they had with the Lords of his Council, than the assurance of the transport of their men to Spain, they have at last begged him to intercede with their lordships to facilitate the passage of these people into Flanders, a thing which, in their opinion, would not be refused, being in no way important, little prejudicial to the service of the country and it touching so nearly the honour of his Majesty to do them justice and give them some satisfaction. To this the King, who finds that to demand exemplary punishment of the States' people, who are in their country adjudged worthy of reward, would be a matter too hard to digest, has promised to intervene and to make the best remonstrances he can to their lordships to this effect. Winwood therefore has been charged to find out whether at his Majesty's instance their lordships would let the survivors of this shipwreck pass freely into Flanders without hindrance from their ships; to say that less ill could come to their country by this expiation of all their crimes than by allowing a handful of miserable and contemptible people to pass, some wounded, some crippled, all either without hope and courage or overwhelmed with misery and sickness, who would on their arrival among their compatriots astonish the whole army by the relation of the dangers they had escaped and by singing the praises of the prowess of the men of the States.
To grant this request would show how little account is made in the States' country of the Spaniards and what respect is paid to his Majesty there. It would make it known that their love for their friends is stronger than their hatred of their enemies. His Majesty has made peace with the King of Spain and the Archdukes in good faith and all sincerity without espousing their quarrels and entering into war on their behalf. He is resolved always to do every good office of friendship and alliance towards the Provinces and hopes that their lordships will have his honour in recommendation without trying to make him guilty of fraud and prevarication. Since the making of the peace the opening of the ports of Flanders has not been forced nor freedom of trade too much sought after; "chose qui est fort considerable et qui merite d'estre reiglée de l'équité et prudence de vos Seigneuries de ne laisser pancher quelquefois de ce coste-là ès choses de si peu de consequence, c'est un coup d'estat, ee qui les rend moins querelleux pour les faveurs employées par deça, et oblige sa Majesté de continuer ses bienfaits et les redoubler au besoing."
Winwood does not say this as if it were his Majesty's intention to extort this act of grace but to let them know that the request being so well founded right of friendship does not permit refusing it to him who never demands more than reason and justice ought to command.—"Faict le 19e de Juillet 1605, stilo novo."
French. 4¾ pp. (227. p. 84.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to the Council.
1605, July 10. His brother Sir Charles Cornwaleys, now Ambassador Leiger in Spain, bought divers manors from Sir Thomas Southwell their nephew, for which he was to pay Southwell an annuity of 300l. a year, Sir William becoming surety. As his brother, through absence, failed to pay the last half year's annuity, Sir William was arrested in his coach yesternight in his way home to Highgate and brought to the undersheriff's house in Holborn. Southwell intends to seize all his lands and goods for this default of 150l. Begs the Council to call Southwell before them and take order to check his unnatural course.—From the Undersheriff's house in Holborne, 10 July 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (196. 113.)
The Earls of Suffolk, Northampton and Salisbury to the Earl of Worcester.
[1605, July 10]. Being here at London and the King at Windsor, we received your packet by Mr. Hastings, which presently was carried by me the Earl of Northampton to the King, who read it with the abstract enclosed to his great satisfaction, and willed us to return you thanks for taking so good a course to publish to his Majesty's subjects his great care to prevent all practices to the prejudice of the religion established; whereof as this your journey was intended to be a visible sign, considering your place and quality, so for your stay, or return, his lordship (sic) leaves it to your discretion. Other news we have none, but that the Lord Admiral is arrived with the Leger Ambassador of Spain: that the Emperor has sent an Ambassador to the King, whom his Majesty feasts at London on Sunday next: in which respect the "gistes" of the progress have some little change, whereof we sent you a copy, and are very glad to hear that you have no need of millions to wage battle against the Cambers, which is a cause that makes us in hope to be conjoined again in a merry progress.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "July 10, 1605." 2 p. (190. 130.)
R. Morrell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 10. My Lord Cranborne, having, according to your lordship's desire and his own promise, applied his book diligently ever since his last return hither, could be very well content, if you liked of it, to take the opportunity of the season to recreate and refresh himself with such sports and pastimes as you shall best like of and youth takes most delight in. Which desire of his I am the more willing to further, because I never knew him go to his book with more alacrity and cheerfulness than since his last coming. And this being a time of vacation and intermission of all public lectures and other exercises of learning generally throughout the whole University, all gentlemen of note and men's sons of worth, having elsewhere to repose themselves, do for the most part repair home to their friends, as well to solace themselves abroad after their long study as also to prevent those sicknesses, which, by reason of the extraordinary heat of this quarter, they were in great danger of falling into, if they should stay here.—From St. Jhons Coll. in Camb., 10 July 1605.
Holograph. ¾ p. (111. 113.)
Sir Edward Wyntour to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 10. Instead of the cast of hawks promised my Lord of Suffolk and yourself, I am forced to send your lordships a cast of tassels, my eyrie this year affording of four birds but one hawk, which is fore "ayred" and cannot be taken by any means. I stayed the longer before I set in hand to take them, because they should be full summed, fearing otherwise the bruising of their feathers in the carriage, and by that means was in doubt to have lost them all.—From my poor house at Lydney, 10 July 1605.
Signed. Seal broken. ¾ p. (111. 114.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1605, July 10. It has now been signified to him by the Count of Aremberg, accompanied with the Council of the Admiralty, that the Archduke, seeing that his Majesty was so much displeased with the accident of the outrage upon the person of the gentleman of Lithuania, has entered into a severe examination of the cause and cannot find that the offence was done wittingly unto the gentleman, after knowledge taken of his quality, but only to have fallen out in fury by the miscarriage of the gentleman himself, whereby it happened that himself only perished. Otherwise, if those of Dunkerk had so ill demeaned themselves as they were accused, he could not have failed to have seen the same severely punished. For the rest, to show his respect to his Majesty, he is content to give order for the restoring of all the goods taken in the ships before Hardwich and for setting the prisoners at liberty. Edmondes told them that concerning the pretended favour by those releases they cannot justify that which is taken to be good prize, seeing it was committed within his Majesty's ports, for which they are in justice to make restitution. And for the other matter that it no less touched his Majesty in honour to seek reparation for the greatness of the insolency and affront done him; and that it plainly appeared by the depositions taken out of the English Court of Admiralty that the faulty persons had foully demeaned themselves. Finds they have an opinion that the restoring of the goods which were taken will cease the other complaint and therefore they enforce as a great gratification the favour showed for the discharge of the goods. And yet therein also the poor men are like to receive great wrong by the embezzling of a great part of the goods, for which they deny to be answerable but only for so much as they pretend came to view. For the other former complaints of the Hollanders they refer to their previous answers and other resolution Edmondes cannot draw from them. They answer with recriminations against the Hollanders and say they are now to make trial what redress they shall find for their like complaints in requital of the restitutions they have made.
The Marquis of Spinola before his departure out of Flanders left the charge of the works for his camp and stopping the further progresses of Count Maurice into Flanders to Count Frederick Vandenberg and has increased the troops to remain with him, so that now he will be able with the assistance of the garrisons of Flanders to draw together 7 or 8,000 foot and 400 horse. On the other side Count Maurice is building a great fort to impeach the access to Isendonck and Ardemburg and consequently to Sluys. The Marquis stayed in Brussels only some three days. The Archduke at his departure sent him one of the four English nags with the furniture which was part of his Majesty's present. He has taken leave for a long absence and was accompanied out of the town by all the nobility of the Court. He visited Edmondes before his departure accompanied with Don Louis de Velasco and they both made great professions of service to his Majesty. The Marquis carries very good troops with him into Freezland, who are headlongly transported with the opinion of the prey of that country but have been much troubled how to govern themselves towards the neutral princes, the Bishops of Cullen and Liege and Dukes of Cleves and others, through whose country they must pass; but they endeavour by all means to assure them that no wrong shall be offered to their countries. The Count of Sores is newly dispatched to them to pray them to give order that their army be favourably assisted with victuals out of their countries for their money.
The Count of Buquoy went up as high as Cullen to avoid meeting with any of the States' forces over the Rhine and these passed the same between Cullen and Bonne, which was very welcome news in Brussels. He now writes that for the more easy passage of the army he is about to assure the passage near Orsey, and that Count Ernestus is lodged with the forces which Count Maurice sent out of Flanders near unto Berck to succour that place in case it be attempted.
They are now projecting to build some small nimble barques at Ostend for intercepting the Hollanders' trade. The chief undertaker of that work is one Fennick, an Englishman, a very base fellow and in the lifetime of the late Queen the most maliciously affected of all the fugitives on this side. They are the persons most trusted here and all the voluntaries of English which come over to serve here are forced to derive commendations from Baldwin the Jesuit and Owen the confidant for any favourable entertainments they obtain.
The Princes have lately complained to the French Ambassador of a book printed in France entitled Discours salutaire sur les affaires du Pais-bas whereof the argument is to persuade these countries to cast themselves into the protection of the French. The French King took care heretofore to withdraw from Brussels a subject of his called le Tarrail, a captain of good sufficiency and very industrious for the service of these Princes. He gave him a good charge in France of Lieutenant of the Prince's company but notwithstanding within these few days he is returned hither without the King's leave and has brought with him some young gentlemen of good houses to serve here; for which a good pension of 4,000 crowns yearly has been bestowed on him.
These Princes, taking offence for a dishonour done them at Rome by the Ambassador of Spain there, revoked their Ambassador, Tolleto, a churchman and Spaniard by nation, who is newly arrived here. He justifies himself by the insolency of the said Spanish Ambassador against whom he durst not contest.
There is lately come to Brussels Anthony Copley that was condemned at Winchester, who has been first at Venice and since in France, suing to those states for their mediation to his Majesty for the pardoning of his banishment and failing thereof. He found little encouragement in Brussels and came to acquaint Edmondes with his distress not being longer able to undergo the misery of banishment without exposing himself to starving. He was so ill advised as to desire a passport into England, but Edmondes not only let him know how much he was deceived in his expectation but advised him not to presume to return without licence. Upon this admonition he changed his resolution and confessed that he hoped he might find favour in his return in that he conceived Sir Griffin Markham's banishment to be remitted.
Sends a note of the last occurrences out of Germany. Has newly received Salisbury's letters of 28 June. Will not fail to impart the contents to the Archduke that he may know his great obligation to his Majesty in employing himself for the delivery of the Spaniards in England out of their present distress. Is desired by President Ricardott to give conveyance to his enclosed letters to the Archduke's Ambassador.—Bruxelles, 10 July 1605.
PS.—Thanks for the comfortable news that his Majesty so happily escaped receiving any harm by the fall from his horse.
Copy. 72/3 pp. (227. p. 43.)
[Original in Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 11. Addition or alteration in that which is perfect rather mars than mends, wherein if I have offended, you must blame yourself, who have made me too bold. Some few things I have observed to give you satisfaction, that you should see I would not pass over perfunctorie et oscitanter that which you command me. They be few and needless and subject to your pen, as I desire to be to your direction and advice.—11 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (111. 115.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, July 12. Your favour has preserved the small remains of my fortune. I esteem it as that hope of further grace, which wholly unto you I am bound for. Permit me to move your lordship touching my liberty. I can allege no cause of myself, why you should do it for me, yet I would be glad to use some arguments that might move you. I am descended from him that loved your worthy father above any man in the world. Your wife my sister bare your children, that before your eyes you see the continuance of your house, which is more than the world can yield you. Myself that shall receive the good by it will for ever truly honour and serve you. As in all thoughts you rightly have engrafted in you the virtues of your noble father, this shall not be the least. For he kept my poor house from destruction; it being now clean overthrown, your care does seek to preserve it, which is more. Good my Lord, think of me your poor friend, for I languish in this place.—From the Towre, 12 July 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. ¾ p. (111. 116.)
The Earl of Ormonde to the Same.
1605, July 13. Sends by the bearer a cast of goshawks and a tarsel to be presented in his name to the King. Sends Salisbury, of such small store of hawks as he had this year, one goshawk of a very good eyrie.—From my bed at Carick, 13 July 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (111. 117.)
Sir Ralph Coningesbye to the Same.
1605, July 13. I shall according to your Honour's letter perform the duty of my office at his Majesty's coming to Enfeild Chace, where he shall find the honest care of your keepers in preserving the game there, which is now very fair and had been much fairer but that the Chace is so overcharged with sheep, that the deer do much more than in times past fly out into the borders for fresh food. Whereby we have much loss and will be the destruction of the game, unless some restraint be made of the excessive number of sheep and sheep followers, which his Majesty at his last being in the Chace said he would have reformed. Be pleased to assist your officers and keepers herein, our pains now being much more to hunt in and attend the deer lying abroad to preserve them from spoil than to attend the walks.—13 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (111. 118.)
The Earl of Mar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 13. I am in great doubt whether to write unto you or be silent. Yet had I rather fall in the fault of an idle writer, for lack of good matter, than to be thought by my friends unkind. I know of the estate of this country your lordship is by my Lord of Berwik more particularly informed than I can write unto you and therefore I will cease to speak anything of that subject. I must entreat you to present my honourable service unto his Majesty. We have heard here of a dangerous fall he had at hunting. If, as we heard of the danger, we had not with the same lips heard he was not the worse, we had been aghast. If now in my absence anything shall occur that concerns me, I assure myself of your accustomed kindness. I pray you present my loving duty to my Lord Chamberlain.— Edinbruck, 13 July 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 119(1).)
Henry Lok to the Same.
1605, July 13. I understand by Sir Hugh Beston that you have no conceit of his Majesty's purpose to do me good. By his Majesty's letters to me; by his reference of my petition, James Hudson's and Barnard Linsey's; also by his speeches of me to Sir J. Ramsy; I hoped for better. If his Majesty may not be drawn to hear my justification, or if it be not fit for the State's concerns for a private person's cause to be ripped up, which respect has withheld me from pressing to his presence to declare my innocence: then have I no refuge but you, who know the truth of all my proceedings, all justifiable by warrant and instructions, and all held needful for the times. Mr. Bows and Lord Zowtch, reputed wise, faithful and well deserving, will have respect to my lamentable estate, with 7 children and a weak wife ready to perish; and all for my perilous endeavours, performed in all loyalty, as her Majesty of sacred memory graciously acknowledged, also your father, yourself, and divers other Councillors: and as appears by my instructions and many letters. Sir Hugh Beston gave me great hope of your pity. Give me leave to depend thereon, and to reveal my present extreme wants, and extend me relief.—13 July 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 132.)
Thomas Bywater, Minister, to the Council.
[1605], July 13. Begs for enlargement; this being the fifth month of his affliction lying upon him.—July 13.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 113.)
The Marquis of Winchester to the Same.
1605, July 14. Having received your letters touching his Majesty's pleasure for the letting my house to the Spanish Ambassador, wherein I would satisfy his Majesty, but having no other whereunto I should repair I hope his Majesty will pardon me therein. For I never intended to have let it, neither made offer of it to any, nor might conveniently, having but the third part thereof in my possession. I pray I may be excused to his Majesty, and that my true advertisement may be acceptable to you.—14 July 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (190. 133.)
The Bishop of Chester to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, July 14. In a long tedious visitation lately made to these countries in my charge, I find that in some places, where the ministers be modest and conformable, the people live and all things are carried with a quiet and commendable fashion; but in other parts, especially in Lancashire, where many Jesuits and Popish priests secretly lurk and are harboured, and where sundry refractory disorderly ministers likewise live, some giving themselves to will worship, and other some to wilful worship, the church is by one sort quite refused, by the other depraved, and by both disturbed and offended. The redress of these things to the best of my power I will endeavour, and have now hired a house in Lancashire, where I remain especially for this purpose. Although great difficulties arise, which may something thwart my resolution, as the excess of their numbers, the turbulent opposition of many great persons, and my own poor means, that am yet chargeable to his Majesty for my first fruits, equal in value to the revenue of my bishopric, yet these and what else notwithstanding, such is my care to perform my vowed duty to my Sovereign, and to manifest my love and zeal to the church and commonwealth, that although it were to my undoing, nothing should be left undone which [you] shall think behooveful and may by me be effected, for the establishment of soundness in religion and conformity among us. Neither doubt I but that my endeavours herein shall be employed to so good effect as the same shall find approbation both of his Majesty, yourself, and others of the best sort, when account shall be yielded thereof. Give me leave to deliver my opinion in a matter well worth consideration. Before and presently upon the decease of our late Queen Elizabeth, much provision was made by the recusants in these parts of armour and warlike habiliments, which still remain amongst them. If commission were directed to some of trust here, who might out of their hands gather up and safely bestow the same in some chief towns hereabouts, as Leverpoole, Lancaster, &c., it would be a good means to hinder any sudden attempt, which the great numbers of them may happen to contrive.—14 July 1605.
Holograph, signed: Georg. Cestren. 1 p. (190. 134.)
John Finet to [Thomas] Wilson.
1605, July 14. I received your kind letter of exchange (your news for news) and wish the happy continuance of so friendly a correspondence. I have passed these 4 or 5 days at Dover Castle in the company of the honourable Lady Dacre and that noble family to whose love I owe much service. In the meantime. out of my conference with Spaniards and others I have learned that after a long dispute about their abode here or elsewhere the conclusion now is that they shall reside at Dover till their next opportunity of transporting, whereof, for aught I see, they have more hopes than likelihoods. The report goes that a great part of them has already by stealth conveyed themselves into Flanders, but many disclaim it, and we cannot find it. I presume they would slip no advantages, but the Hollanders' eye is so fixed upon them as few such are either offered or entertained. They daily complain of the loss of so many worthy men in the last conflict, especially in the ship of Dunkirk, wherein was (as a Spanish commander affirmed to me) the flower of Spain's infantry. The rest here are for the most part old soldiers and such as know the "manage" both of peace and war. Howsoever the world be possessed with different reports, their behaviour hitherto (some one or two insolencies excepted, which are in such numbers hardly restrainable) has been very orderly; only they are condemned for the slack performance of their promises towards some that most relieved them, neither spare they to express their national haughtiness which even in this extremity is hardly suppressed. Sarmiento, their camp master, answered well for them, when some laying before him the rumours that went of their lascivious demeanour, these, said he, proceed from the town, who seeing the country people baulk their ordinary market to make it close by our ships in the haven, have invented these scandals, both to keep their fearful maidens and others from coming too near our soldiers, and to draw all to the accustomed place for the town's more direct commodity. The Spaniards now give out of a fleet their King is setting forth to fall on these coasts in August, of about 30 galleons and great ships, and 20 of ordinary burden, well munitioned, and with 10,000 men in them for sea and land service. The Hollanders say they expect as much and attend them, but we here think both are like to be deceived, for the year is far spent, and the Spanish supplies (as you know) are wont to be none of the forwardest. Yet a Scottish bark lately arrived here agrees thus far with this rumour that she set forth from Lisbon about mid June in company of 10 sail of Spaniards which were to make their rendezvous at the Groyne, and then with other ships to come for these coasts at the time before mentioned. The Hollanders' ships are no more than accustomed, neither mean they for fear of such threatened powers to augment them. They are, in all, dispersed along the seas fourscore and sixteen men-of-war which they have for some years past continually maintained. This morning one of his Majesty's pinnaces put into Dover roads and was immediately laid aboard, entered and searched by a long-boat from the Hollanders, wherein were 50 men wellappointed; how they can answer this presumption, or the captain of the pinnace has so gentle suffrance, we know not. Sarmiento in the meantime can say that when he was in Spain he made no question that the King of England was in these seas so all commanding, but now he sees the Hollanders have usurped a great share in that dignity, but his Majesty knows what suits best with his honour, and if he think aught amiss his pleasure may soon redress it. They report here that the Admiral of the Hollanders at the first (belike for his eminency) so magnified, has now witnessed the ill performance of his late service with the loss of his head in Holland.
This last night there came into the haven two scallops of Dunkirk undiscovered of their enemies. It is thought they will ere long adventure the conveying away of some of the Spanish companies. It yet holds current that D. Spinola is with about 8,000 men set down before Reinbergen and that he is not unlikely to carry it. This is all I can learn, and this accept as it is, with my love.—Dover Castel, 14 July 1605.
PS.—I am now for a fortnight to attend this honourable company: at my return (if not sooner) I shall be glad to hear of your welfare.
Addressed: "To the Worshipfull my very loving freend Mr. Wylson at the sygne of the Crowe neere my Lord of Salisburyes in the Strande or at my Lorde of Salisburyes or gelsewhere (sic) these—speed."
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (121. 132.)