Index: L

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Lacque, Mons. Guilliem, 37.

Lake (Laik), Sir Thomas, 55, 132, 138, 241, 245, 293.
-, letters from, 49, 50, 172 (2), 202, 206, 208, 209, 219, 222, 223, 225, 279, 366–368, 370.
-, letter to, 376.
-, attending on James I, 172, 173, 217, 292, 293, 374.
-, inspects a book, 242.
-, brother of, suggested appointment of, to the parsonage of Freshwater, 367.
-, and office of Remembrancer in the Exchequer, 387.

Lakes, Stephen, LL.D., 290.

Lakin, Thomas, 193.

Lambart, Col., commanding at Aardenburg, 115.

Lambeth, South (Surdt, Suydt), [Surrey], letters dated at, 173, 174, 269, 382.

Lancashire, Roman Catholics in, 33, 108.
-, gentlemen of, letter from, 108.

Lancaster, Duchy of, 465.
-, lands of, 171.
-, -, grant of, 187.
-, liberties of, deaths in 383, 387.
-, General Receiver of, application for post of, 387.
-, lease of profits, etc. of, 417.
-, manors of, 434, 458.
-, Chancellor of, see Fortescue, Heanege and Cecil, Robert.

Lancaster, Thomas, 33 (2), 34, 35.

Lanckton, see Langton

Landsey, M. de, 1.

-, Jo., letter from, 378.
-, Sir Robert, 318.
-, Sir William, 318.
-, -, letters from, 146, 317.

Langman (Lanman), Thomas, 193.

Langton (Lanckton), Dr., 193, 198.

Lanier, Captain Alphonso, 274.

Lanman, see Langman.

Latymer, R., letter from, 31.

Lawe, Matthew, 299.

Lawthe, Thomas, 32.

Lawyers, names of, 446.

Laxton, letter dated at, 233.

Lea (Lee) the River, 446.

Leache, Edward, 458.

Leases, commissions for, 426.

Leatt, Nic., 381.

-, Sir Henry, letter from, 355.
-, Sir Richard, Queen Elizabeth's Ambassador to the Emperor of Muscovy, 54.
-, -, letters from, 65, 74, 377.
-, -, letter to, 284.
-, -, as a seller of wines, 452.

Lees, see Leigh.

Leflande, see Livonia.

Legg (Legge):
-, -, LL.D., a master of Chancery, 440.
-, Thomas, 60.
-, William, 36.

Le Hunter, John, J.P., of Suffolk, 356.

Leicester, Castle of, 359.
-, Mayor and Company of, 409.

Leicester, Earl of, see Dudley.

Leicestershire, 465.
-, Commissary and Justice of, see Chippingedalle.
-, Lieutenant of, 387.

Leigh (Lees; Essex), letter dated at, 119.

Leighton, —, brother of Lord Knollys, 445.

Leix (Leyse; Ireland), waste lands in, 430.

Lennox (Lenox, Lennkes): Duke of, see Stuart.
-, Earl of, see Stuart.

Lentolo, Paolo, Dr., letter from, 299.

Lentrop, Henry, 35.

Leprevike, John, a chaplain, 256.

Lepton, Mr., of the Privy Chamber, 355, 372, 373.
-, and Primrose, suit of, 465.

Lesieur (Le Sieur), Stephen, late commissioner at Bremen, 431, 460.
-, letters from, 155, 235.
-, document endorsed by, 298.

Leueson, Leuson, see Leveson.

Levant, the, merchants trading to, letter from, 380.
-, -, names of, 381.

Leven, river, 25.

Levens, Captain Christopher, 321.
-, letters from, 319, 375, 447.

Lever, Martin, 62.

Leveson (Leueson, Leuson, Lewson, Luson):
-, Sir John, 43, 422.
-, -, letters from, 9, 256.
-, -, as Lord Cobham's friend, 193, 198, 244, 375, 409.
-, Sir Richard, 43.

Levet, Zacharye, 311.

Leving, Levinus, see Munck.

Lewes, Robert, his wife, see Chamber.

Lewisham, manor of (Kent), 466.

Lewkenor (Lukenor):
-, Sir Edward, 43.
-, Sir Lewis, letters from, 198, 201, 203, 205, 211.
-, Sir Richard, of the Council of Marches of Wales, 268.
-, -, letters from, 314, 337.

Lewson, see Leveson.

Lewys, Griffith, dean of Gloucester, letter from, 227.

Ley, Sir James, Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, letter from, 448.

Leyse, see Leix.

Leyster, see Dudley, Earl of Leicester.

Licence to import, a, 441.

Licensing of taverns, reform of, 461.

Lichfield [Staffs.], Dean of, 366.

Liederkercke, Vrouw Glaude van, 460.

Lieutenant, the, see Harvy, Sir George.

Limerick (Limbrick), 429.
-, letter dated from, 275.

Lincoln, Earl of, see Clinton.

Lincoln, diocese of, non-conformable ministers in, 379–380.
-, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Chaderton.

Lincolnshire, 465.
-, Queen's possessions in, 343, 353.
-, Queen's Receiver in, see Darnell.

Lindsay (Lyndsay):
-, Sir James, 204.
-, Patrick, 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres, and Rizzio's murder, 16.

Linroy, Mr., 249.

Lions, in the Tower, see under London, places in.

Lisbon (Lisheborne), letter dated at, 126.

Lister, Thomas, 35.

Littlecot (Lytlecott, Litlecote) [Wilts.], letters dated at, 217, 308.

Littleton, 337.

Litton, see Lytton.

Livonia (Leflande), 66.
-, ships from, 231.
-, goods from, brought into England, 315.

Llewenny, [Denbighs.,] letters dated at, 51, 178, 301.

Lloyd (Lloid):
-, Foulke, a murderer, 51, 177, 276.
-, -, evidence against, 286–288.
-, -, accusations by, 301.
-, George, Bishop of Sodor and Man, deposition of, 459.
-, Thomas, 51, 287.
-, William, 51.

Loane, Colonel, Governor of Ostend, 42.
-, death of, 47.

Loans, taxation by, see Taxation, and Privy Seals for loans.

Lochleven (Loghleven) [Kinrs.], imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots in, 18.

Lock (Lok), Henry, letters from, 100, 146, 154, 315, 448.

-, letters dated in, 1, 26, 154, 194, 225, 302, 305, 308, 312, 317, 341, 354, 374, 375.
-, letter to, 417.
-, postal endorsement at, 329.
-, James I's entry into, 12, 27.
-, -, audience with the Constable in, 209–210, 222.
-, -, presence necessary in, 399.
-, Recorder of, 43, 153, 154, 446.
-, -, see also Crooke and Montague.
-, plan to bring water to, 55, 417.
-, impost of wines in, 158.
-, Privy Seals for loans in, 180.
-, cloth dyers of, 216–217.
-, merchants of, letter from, 246.
-, the serjeant plumber of, 247.
-, weighing of hay and straw in, 274.
-, alnage of cloth in, 334.
-, City Companies of: taxation of, 340–341.
-, -, the Goldsmiths, 452.
-, -, the Stationers, Masters and Wardens of, 204.
-, -, -, letter to, concerning indiscreet publishing of books, 427.
-, port of, customs at, 348.
-, -, customs officer of, see Moore.
-, -, surveyor of, 348.
-, -, -, see also Carmarden.
-, -, daily shipping from, to Spain, 356.
-, former tradesmen of, settle in the country, 350.
-, armour and gunmakers of, letter from, 401.
-, Lord Mayor of, 457.
-, -, and Aldermen of, as nominators of Registraries for brokers, 56.
-, -, -, court of, 153.
-, -, see also Bennett, Spencer, Woodrofe.
-, journey of the Constable to, see under Velasco.
-, the plague in, see Plague.
-, see also Westminster.

London, Bishop of, 330, 344.
-, -, house of, letter dated at, 374.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Bonner, Bancroft, and Vaughan.
-, Archdeacon of, see Ailmer.

London and Westminster, places in:
-, Aldersgate Street, letter dated at, 183.
-, Arundel House, letter dated at, 359.
-, Baynards Castle, 96.
-, -, letters dated at, 291, 335.
-, Bedford House, letter dated at, 362.
-, Blackfriars (Blakfriers), letters dated at, 68, 135, 379.
-, -, Lord Cobham's house in, 452.
-, -, -, letter dated from, 21.
-, Botolph Lane, the "Chapeau Rouge" in, 443.
-, Charing Cross, 120.
-, -, letter dated at, 146.
-, Charterhouse, the, letter dated at, 386.
-, Cheapside, 194.
-, -, letter dated in, 115.
-, Compter, the, 460.
-, Doctors Commons, letter dated at, 325.
-, Fenchurch (Fanchurch) Street, 443.
-, Fleet Conduit, 337.
-, Fleet Prison (Flete), 187, 392.
-, -, letters dated at, 73, 120, 148 (2), 171, 180, 257, 333, 352, 385.
-, Fleet Street, letter dated in, 359.
-, -, the Unicorn's Head in, letters dated at, 334, 337.
-, Gatehouse Prison, the, 354.
-, -, letters dated at, 153, 165, 167, 337.
-, Gray's Inn, lawyers in, 446.
-, - Gate, 52.
-, - Lane, letter dated at, 159.
-, Gresham College, 176.
-, Holborn (Holburne), 52, 187, 221.
-, -, letters dated at, 38, 353, 354, 368.
-, Hyde Park, Earl of Lincoln's claim to, 70.
-, Inns of Court, to be purged of popery 35.
-, Ivy Bridge (Strand), letter dated at, 357.
-, -, Lord Cranborne's house at, 304, 415.
-, Leadenhall, 51.
-, Lincoln's Inn, lawyers of, 446.
-, Lombard Street, 455.
-, Long Ditch, 387.
-, Ludgate, "the best of London hells," 403.
-, -, letter dated at, 404.
-, Marshalsea, letters dated at, 42, 201, 302.
-, Newgate Gaol, 254.
-, -, letters dated at, 58, 443.
-, Nottingham House (Notyngam), 257.
-, Philip Lane, 40.
-, Poultry Compter (Counter), the, 75.
-, -, letters dated at, 76, 223.
-, Rolls House (The Rolles), letter dated from, 122.
-, St. Bartholomew's (St. Bartlemews), letter dated at, 168.
-, St. Catherine's, letter dated at, 352.
-, St. Clement's parish, deaths in, 186, 387.
-, St. James's, 222.
-, -, letter dated in, 173.
-, St. Margaret's parish, deaths in, 186, 387.
-, St. Martin's in the Fields, deaths in, 387.
-, -, letter dated in, 179.
-, St. Paul's Cathedral, Dean of, see Overall.
-, St. Paul's (Paules) Churchyard, 223.
-, Salisbury Court, letter dated at, 164.
-, Savoy, the, 75, 387, 404.
-, -, letters dated at, 48, 66, 74, 118, 120, 308, 377, 414.
-, -, ground belonging to, 169.
-, Serjeants' Inn, 22.
-, -, letters dated at, 43, 62, 73, 74, 108, 118, 165, 339, 350, 359.
-, Somerset House, 212.
-, -, prepared for the Queen, 182.
-, Southampton House in Holborn, letter dated at, 353.
-, Strand, the, 186, 245, 295.
-, -, letters dated from, 121, 235, 267, 310, 385.
-, -, liberties of Duchy of Lancaster in, deaths in, 383, 387.
-, -, Cranbourne's house in, see above Ivy Bridge.
-, Temple, the, letter dated at, 164.
-, -, Inner, 28.
-, -, -, lawyers of, 446.
-, -, Middle, letters dated at, 100, 175, 267.
-, -, -, lawyers etc., of., 446, 458.
-, Tothill (Tuttle) in St. Margaret's parish, 186.
-, Tower, the, 21, 439, 452.
-, -, letters dated from, 6, 95, 121, 122, 157, 162, 166, 193, 197, 198, 201 (2), 205, 208, 228, 248, 250, 252, 331, 334, 336, 362, 365, 375, 378, 437.
-, -, ordnance from Berwick garrison to be sent to, 171.
-, -, prisoners in, visitors allowed access to, 192–193, 362.
-, -, -, a permit for, 278 (2).
-, -, lions in, 206, 207.
-, -, the Artillery house in, 250.
-, -, gunpowder, etc. brought into, 278.
-, -, the Records in, letter dated at, 331.
-, -, -, not in custody of the Master of the Rolls, 346–347.
-, -, -, origin of office of, 346.
-, -, crown jewels in, 385.
-, -, armour store kept in, 418.
-, -, allowance for diet of a baron in, 440.
-, -, Lieutenant of, see Harvy and Peyton.
-, Tower Hill (Towerhall), letters dated at, 68, 377.
-, Westcheape, letter dated at, 338.
-, Whitefriars, letters dated in, 170, 347.
-, Whitehall (Whytehall, Quhythall), 47, 143, 328.
-, -, letters dated at, 52, 56, 94, 100, 110, 162, 163, 171, 278 (3), 288 (2), 305, 345, 353, 357, 358, 368, 376, 378, 391, 393.

Longe, —, 321.

Lords, House of, letter to, 401.
-, a report in, 145.
-, petition to, from owners of assarted lands, 402.
-, see also Parliament.

Lore, Peter van, 193.

Lorraine, princes of, 18.

Lothianshire (Lowdianshire), people of, 18.

Loughton (Lucton), [Essex], letter dated at, 307.

Louis XI, King of France, anecdote concerning, 221.

Louvain (Lovene; Brabant), 261.

Lovelace (Lovelas), Sir William, 73, 78, 267.

Lovell, Captain Thomas, letter from, 79.

Love's Labour Lost, to be acted before the Queen, 415.

Low Countries, see Netherlands.

Lowdianshire, see Lothianshire.

Lowe, —, 411.

-, Lancelot, Queen's Solicitor, letters from, 164, 171.
-, Richard, Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

L'Pine, Captain, 212.

Lubeck (Lubec), 231.
-, ships of, 284.
-, as a Hanse town, 297.
-, -, an assembly at, 298.

Lucton, see Loughton.

Lucy, Sir Thomas, and alnage of cloth, 334.

Ludlow, letters dated at, 11, 13, 24 (2), 26, 324, 337.
-, a trial at, 330.

Luffe, Captain Robert, 439.
-, letter from, 373.

Lukenor, see Lewkenor.

Lullin, the Marquis de, Ambassador of Savoy, letter from, 1.

Lumley [John], Lord, letters from, 68, 376.

Luna y de Roiag, Don Sancho de, 401.

Luneburg [Germany], as a Hanse town, 297.

Lupton, John, town clerk of Plymouth, 153.

Luson, see Leveson.

Luton [Beds.], 446.

L'Vine, Captain, of the Spanish troops in the Netherlands, 81.

Lyme Regis (Lyme) [Dorset], farm of customs at, 348.

Lyndsay, see Lindsay.

Lyons (France), 19.
-, letter dated at, 1.

Lytlecott, see Littlecot.

Lytton (Litton), Sir Rowland, 266, 313, 446.
-, letters from, 176, 186.