Cecil Papers: February 1604

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp21-37 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp21-37.

"Cecil Papers: February 1604". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp21-37.

February 1604

Lord Cobham to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 2. May it please your lordship you must not construe this importunity my often pressing you to procure the dispatch of my licence; the cause of it I did acquaint you when I last spake with you; my now credit is small and therefore not available but now I will conjure you with the remembrance of your worthy father, the love my father professed unto you and your house, the dearness you please often to remember that my sister was unto you—all these remembrances I pray you move you to dispatch me, and as I know your affairs be many and great and time with me spent is but lost, yet I pray you to consent here but to spare but one half hour and let me have a way unto you at your next coming unto the town.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 2 of Feb. 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "3 June" (sic). Seal. 1 p. (97. 160.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to the King.
1603–4, Feb. 3. Without your Majesty's express letters to the Great Turk for my liberty I am like to end my miserable life in most wretched servitude. Your Highness is so gracious to all men, that I make no doubt of your relieving me, who have ever desired to sacrifice my life in your service.— Constantinople, 3 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 160.)
The Master of Gray to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 5. I have been long silent knowing to how little use my frequency should have served. Neither at this time am I to take answer to your last, only I thought meet to say that I am well, seeing I am well persuaded you wish I should be so. Shortly I am to send one of my own to let his Majesty know that since his parting I have very precisely observed and fulfilled his last commandments and am, I think, the most peaceable subject for one of this kingdom at this hour. Within this fortnight I have paid for his Majesty a thousand mark sterling, as his Majesty's Council here, I think, shall testify by their letter. Whereof I mind to seek repayment and of much more and am at this time only to know of you how far you may assist your old friend. I have found here at this town a distressed lady, the Countess of Atholl, whom I saw not now seven years past. She finds herself obliged to your lordship's favour. Let her preceding carriage have been what it will, she is hardly yet in a state, praise to God almighty, so calm as ours is. So the less can any man of honour be blamed to recommend her errand.—Edinb[urgh], 5 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1½ pp. (188. 58.)
Sir Edward Coke to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 6. I am moved in many respects to impart unto your lordship what have fallen out in the examination of Serjeant Heale's extent. It shall appear by the enclosed what a horrible forgery has been committed of a judicial proceeding which ought to be most sacred. The fault is laid upon his attorney. But seeing his extent in Kent and of the goods there falls out to be good, albeit he extended before the first day of payment, I thought good to acquaint you herewith that some exemplary punishment may be inflicted upon such as shall be found delinquents. I have also sent the commission for composition for marriages of wards.—6 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (97. 164.)
The Enclosure:
Examination of William Kyng, attorney of the court of Common Pleas, and clerk of Mr. Scott the prothonotary's office, taken before Sir Edward Phillippes, his Majesty's serjeant-at-law, Sir Edward Coke, attorney general. Sir Thomas Flemyng, solicitor general, and Sir Francis Bacon, knights. After Trinity term last and after Lord Cobham was brought in question for his treasons, Mr. Serjeant Heale sent for him to his chamber at Serjeants' Inn and required him to help him to writs of Elegit against Lord Cobham. Kyng answered that a writ of Elegit was awarded into Kent only, and desired Heale to move the judges to know whether the awarding the writ into one county would be sufficient for the residue. Heale answered that he would move none of them. Kyng then said that no writs of Elegit could be had unless there were writs of Scire facias returned as of the last term, and Mr. Serjeant said, "Sue them out and see if you can get the sheriff to return them, but do no more than you may do justly." Thereupon Kyng went to Mr. Scott, the prothonotary, and acquainted him therewith, and he said that it might be done, and thereupon signed eight several writs of Scire facias, bearing teste 24° Junii, and returnable tres Trinitatis. These writs so signed Kyng sent to the sheriff of Middlesex by Richard Kerby his servant, who brought them returned by one Bright the sheriff's deputy. Being demanded who made the entry of those writs into the Remembrances and who wrote the Rule in the margent, Nisi defendens aliquod allegaverit, Iovis, post levationem Curiae, fiat executio per defaltam, he confesses that he caused the same to be so entered, and was so entered after the term. Since that time upon conference with others, he has resolved never to do the like again, and confesses that thereupon he sued out writs of Elegit and carried the writs of Scire facias to Mr. Serjeant Heale. In the whole he sued out 48 writs of Elegit or thereabouts. Some of them he delivered to Mr. Serjeant Heale and some to his servants and others by his appointment. He wrote all the writs of Elegit himself and says that within the space of six days, or thereabouts, all this was done and performed.
Signed: Willm. King. 1¼ pp. (97. 163.)
Lord Zouch, Lord President of Wales, to Lord Cecil.
[1603–4], Feb. 6. I am glad you will give me time both to know your mind and to let you know mine. Meanwhile I heartily thank you for that letter and for your two last. I know you are an honourable friend where you take, and I can bear chiding and punishment for my friends' sake and pain for my master's sake, but when I might live a private life, which you know I have ever affected, why should I bear chiding for doing well, or give advantage to this distempered people to think that I serve here in disgrace. Concerning any offence done to his Majesty, God defend but I should be grieved to give cause and patient to receive condign punishment, and I rejoice that he is pleased to hear all men. For the abusing of any keeper or ranger, I protest to my knowledge I have not, but it is true that having received warrant from his Majesty, as you know, for certain deer in such grounds as has been usually allowed, I have sought to have this house served accordingly; wherein my Lord Barkley has been pleased as it seems to take dislike, and belike has complained. If I have done more than is usual in such cases, let me receive the shame, and if his Highness will give me leave I shall let my Lord know that I know as well to serve his Highness as my Lord Barkley, yet if he shall be pleased to respect his service better, I can bear anything he is pleased to command though not without feeling. From the other, what is, I know not, for I have not received any letter from my Lords as touching any such matters as yet, but do most heartily thank you for preparing me beforehand. For your censuring me, I would I were always so happy. I have long begged it at your hands. As I sent you the first grounds so I now send you how far I have proceeded. I am afraid to be counted too hot and that may make me too cold, but in truth I hate such manner of carriage amongst men to far meaner princes. How much more for my prince! I could have found in my heart to have sent for those justices named in those examinations for they neither committed, nor examined to the bottom, but I know not now what will be thought indiscretion, but my indiscretion might be helped by knowing my sovereign's pleasure. I commend to your favour this bearer, for whom I hope you have obtained a justiceship in Wales, if the malice of my Lord Chancellor have not prevented me. He is one for whom all my credit and estate shall willingly be adventured. —Ludlow, 6 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 3 pp. (97. 161.)
Lord Zouch, Lord President of Wales, to Lord Cecil.
[1603–4], Feb. 6. I received this evening by a poor man of Abergavenny two letters from my Lords of the Council, who said he received them of one Jones of the said town who brought them from Gloucester. I have made answer unto them, of which I have sent you a copy, and pray you to consider of the whole course taken against the ranger belonging to my Lord Barckley. I hope you shall find that it was not my meaning to take from the King's game to the prejudice thereof, if it be not fit to be taken of, but to let my Lord Barckley know that it was fit to certify upon the first warrant sent or at least to have let his keeper come at the second time to have made his excuse and not to show his power to take a man from the pursuivant whereat indeed I hold an offence. If you find my case fitting for you to speak in, let his Majesty know that nothing can be more displeasing to me than to displease him. I never desired a place so far beyond my reach, but I hope he will grace me in it, whilst he is pleased to have me serve therein.—Ludlowe, 6 Feb. late.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1½ pp. (97. 162(1).)
The Enclosure:
Copy of Lord Zouch's letter to the Privy Council of Feb. 7, (see below). (97. 162(2).)
The Earl of Montrose to the Same.
1604, Feb. 6. Having the occasion of my cousin Sir John Grahame repairing towards his Majesty, I send your lordship most hearty thanks for your kindness towards me, of which I hear from my friends and especially from this bearer, and which I carry a willing mind to equal as far as I may, if there is anything in these parts, which may pleasure you. I hope my acquaintance may be confirmed face to face; and as it has pleased God to call his Majesty unto his due right of kingdom I wish earnestly that all his subjects enjoy a mutual love and union to his Majesty's contentment and to the state and polity of the commonwealth.—Halyrudhous, 6 Feb. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (104. 7.)
Border Lands.
1604, Feb. 7. Warrant for granting to the Earl of Cumberland the lands between the rivers of Esk, Sark and Leven, lately inhabited by the Graimes and other disorderly persons.—7 Feb. in the first year of the King's reign of England, France, and Ireland.
Copy. 1 p. (104. 8.)
Lord Zouch to the Privy Council.
1603–4, Feb. 7. I have received two letters from you dated 1 Feb. this 6th of the same of two differing natures, and of contrary effects, for the one brought me grief that I should be censured of indiscretion by his Highness and by your lordships before I was called to yield account of that I had done, but the other put me in hope of means left to satisfy his Highness, since I am thought worthy to take part of that joy which belongs to me with many infinites of people. I praise God for the cessation of that sickness which held our minds from expressing so great joy as our hearts conceived, and I thank his Majesty that he gives me leave to come to be joined to that assembly and to prostrate myself at his feet. For this other matter whereof complaint has been made I have thought good to send copies of the whole proceedings that you may satisfy his Highness of my demeanour therein. Be mediators for his pardon and for my removing from this place of which I am not worthy; unless you shall conceive that all these courses have been taken by a neglect of this place in my Lord Barckley's men, and afterwards maintained by himself. Then I beseech you be a means that my Lord may see his fault, and the ranger be punished for his contempt here and unjustly complaining to his Highness. I do not deny but his lordship, at the first sending of the pursuivant wrote me a letter wherein he signified the detaining of his keeper being sent for and the offering of a brace of does from himself, but if your lordships think that the first warrant being sent and nothing answered thereto, and my Lord detaining of his man with the offer of a brace of does from himself was a good cause to be held, I submit myself to your judgments and desire to be held unworthy of my place that commit errors in so small matters, especially knowing his Highness's respect of his game, and my desire to satisfy him. If this plain course may work from your grave wisdoms a respective regard to this place, I shall acknowledge your justice and honour you much. I am willing to desist from what his Highness pleases to command me, yet I hope he will command comfort to me and honour to his service.—Ludlow, 7th Feb. 1603.
Signed. Seal. 1¼ pp. (97. 166.)
Lord Cecil to Sir George Harvy, Lieutenant of the Tower.
1603–4, Feb. 7. Whereas Sir Anthony Standen brought over divers things of superstition to have been presented here according to his instructions, and that of the same we find there is wanting one of the three Corone, I pray you let him be spoken with to know what is become of it, and where it is to be had, because his Majesty intends to send all things back again into France.—Hampton Court, 7 Feb. 1603.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (97. 167.)
The Earl of Mar to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 7. Being thus far upon my journey, I met the bearer, who entreated me to recommend him unto you. Your lordship knows him to be an honest man, and the particulars of his suit I remit unto himself. Present my service to my Lord Chamberlain and my Lord Harie [Harry].—Newcastle, 7 Feb 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (97. 165.)
The Count of Santa Mediana, Spanish Ambassador, to King James.
1603–4, Feb. 8/18. I hear that Antonio Perez has landed at Dover, and although he comes secretly and peacefully, giving out that he has been wholly dismissed by the King of France, yet knowing the man I judge it to be a plot laid between that King and him for their private ends; I beg your Majesty therefore not to allow him to enter the kingdom, and if he enters, to expel him. Even if he were to remain here without doing anything, the King my master must feel vexation that a subject banished by him should be allowed to remain in these kingdoms. I must therefore beg that a remedy be found for his boldness, and that he be at once expelled, as he deserves, which the King my master will appreciate.—London, 18 Feb. 1604.
Signed. French. 2 pp. (104. 34.)
The Earl of Mar to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 14. Writes rather to fulfil his promise at parting than for any matter of importance he has. All is quiet in that country. At his first arrival the only news he found before him was of Lord Cecil's accusation by one Eudall [Udall], a man of great worship, but the verity being known, that lie is vanished amongst the rest of the same nature whereunto Cecil has been subject. He will, according to his promise, see Cecil between now and the day of the King's entry in London.— Edinburgh, 14 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (98. 2.)
John Colvill to "Sir Robert" Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 14/14. I have presumed by these to accompany this bearer, by whom I have discovered to my Lord Ambassador the addresses of sundry practisers as one that has haunted amongst them now nearly three years and has been at all their rendezvous, except at St. Mallos. By him we have had this letter of Standen and a packet of Owen Chanoyn [Canon] of Mantz to his brother Owen at Brussels, whereof I am full sorry we kept not the original, as of the other. But now his master Dr. Daveson taking some suspicion of him, my Lord Ambassador thought it good that for avoiding of slander he should for a little absent himself and go over by Newhaven where he gave us to understand here is a busy priest called by a counterfeit name Jean Baptista and another called Schelbury, both ready to go over, and that the said Baptista was lately come from Mantz, and knoweth undoubtedly all the dealings between the two Owens and their cyphers, whose actions now we study most to try out, having established both there and at Rome such explorators, as the practices of other busy ones cannot be hid from us. So your Honour, I trust, will not take in evil part that this bearer is only addressed unto you, seeing that from the first time he was employed I did always 'supplie' my Lord Ambassador to present his service unto you as a testimony of my unfeigned devotion. Therefore give him the guerdon of his merits and employ him as you find him capable; for albeit my Lord Ambassador has given him his "viatique" very bountifully, yet his recompense is attended as it was promised to come from your hands. For myself, albeit my afflictions and miseries would make any Christian heart have compassion on me, having daily to nourish an household of eight persons at least; yet I dare not importune his Majesty knowing my own dismerits and naughtiness bypast. My only comfort is in his mild and merciful inclination, persuading myself that it shall be his gracious pleasure by your favourable means to see me (or I starve) paid of my debt and some maintenance established for me to enable me to his service, wherein what is my daily pain I refer to my Lord Ambassador.—Paris, 24 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (104. 43.)
Captain Bowyer to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 16. Observing an intention of lessening the King's charges at Berwick, especially by cutting off such as unworthily and fraudulently possess the same, he encloses a schedule of such matters as still continue chargeable to the King: either to be preferred or concealed, as Cecil thinks convenient. As he lives liked and outwardly beloved of all men there, with great quietness in the town (notwithstanding their forepast fury), he entreats Cecil to take course that the knowledge of these advertisements may not be discerned to proceed from him. If redress be taken therein, the King's coffers may be disburdened of 1000l. yearly at the least. He cannot as yet dismount and remove the ordnance, as he attends Cecil's answer to his last packet about his receiving the Palace, where Cecil has appointed them to be stowed. Mr. Crane is every day preparing to come up, but he lingers in the hope of hearing from Cecil an answer to his petition.—Berwick, 16 Feb. 1603.
Holograph, signature torn off. 1 p. (98. 4.)
Captain Bowyer to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 16. Recommends the bearers, Mr. Crane, late Controller of Berwick, and William Ourde, his deputy, for pension. Particulars of their services. Understands Mr. Crane would be very well contented with 100l. yearly.—Berwick, 16 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (98. 11.)
Mr. Baron [Robert] Clerk and Mr. Baron [John] Savill to the Lord Treasurer.
1603–4, Feb. 17. Since their late letters concerning Mr. Burcher, they have been informed by Sir Julius Caesar that the King has declared his pleasure that after the decease or surrender of their brother Sotherton, Mr. Thomas Caesar of the Inner Temple shall be a Baron of the Exchequer in his room, if the Lord Treasurer and the other Barons of the Exchequer think him not unfit. Being requested to deliver their opinions, knowing his honesty, learning and sufficiency every way, they not only signify the same, but wish they had such a one, notwithstanding their former letters concerning Mr. Burcher, of whom they also have a good opinion.—17 Feb. 1603.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (98. 5.)
Abel Pinson to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 19/29. I have often wished to show to you a little sample of my great misfortunes, which even a wiser man than I could not have avoided. I feel sure I can prove that my circumstances deserve the pity which I hope you will show to me. To avoid persecution I am come hither, and after God I call upon you alone for help.—Florence, the last of February, 1604.
Signed: A.P. French. Endorsed: "1603. Abel Pinson to my Master." Seal. 1 p. (104. 53.)
The Master of Gray to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 21. Although I received, since I returned, answer, I am well assured you will not attribute my silence to "incourtesy." I was with your first, quœ erat Philippi male consulti, as far grieved as ever I was through any such accident in my life, so was with your last quœ erat indeed Philippi bene consulti as far contented. And now it hath had annum probationis, in which time I doubt not, what could either be said or invented, ye have heard it: and yet, to repeat the words of my last, my mouth never pronounced the word that could tend either to your dishonour or disadvantage. As now having lived as quietly and having rendered myself as peaceable since his Majesty's parting as any the meanest subject of this kingdom, and amongst other things have disbursed of some old debt contracted for his Majesty's own use above a thousand marks sterling, whereof I have of the Exchequer sufficient allowances, besides some two thousand more, which at this time I am not to crave. I am to crave by your lordship's answer your opinion how I may be repaid and how far ye may further me but prejudice of your own credit, which I prefer to all trifle in the world. The Secretary here who is my friend will I think confer with you in my particular and on advertisement I am to send one of my own to attend on this errand; for his Majesty was never but very willing to see me satisfied, and now being the first disburser and to my very great honour, I put no question he shall be more willing than ever.—Edinb[urgh], 21 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (188. 71.)
The Earl of Mar to the Same.
1603–4, Feb. 24. On the 23rd inst. I received your letter of the 17th. I see notwithstanding your great and innumerable affairs you forget not your absent friends. There can nothing be more acceptable to me than to hear first of our Master's welfare, and next of my friend's well-doing. You must not look for any matter of great consequence from this part of the world. All is here in great quietness, and no doubt will so continue so long as things go rightly there. In the beginning of next month I am to take journey towards you, at which time you shall have my simple judgment of all things in this country. I am sorry I was not present to see my Lord Chamberlain's high flying tersall fly, but I am of that mind a man may see him without spectacles. I could like my Lord Chamberlain and your hawking very well if you wanted [? "vantitt"] a little of your purity in hawking, for I like neither Puritan falconers nor Puritan preachers, and in this point I believe I be somewhat of our Master's religion. In my last to you I forgot to acquaint you that, amongst many other news I found before me here at my first coming one was most frequent, that my Lord Cecil should marry Barbaray Ruthven. In truth this has been enquired of me by twenty sundry since my homecoming, and I cannot conceive what should move any man to imagine this, except perhaps some who think you would be even with Sir Thomas Kennetie, and take his mistress over his head as he has done yours. I pray you present my kindest commendations to my Lord Chamberlain and my Lord Hairie [Harry Howard].— Edinburgh, 24 Feb. 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (187. 8.)
Sir Ralph Gray and R. Delavale to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 26. They recommend to his favour Mr. John Crane, Controller of Berwick, and William Ourd, his deputy. Particulars of their services. Detailed reasons for the continuance of that office, the necessity of which is no less urgent now than before, since the King has allowed the whole number of men set down by the writers, being above 500.—Chillingham, 26 Feb. 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (98. 10.)
Lord Zouche, Lord President of Wales, to the Same.
[1603–4], Feb. 26. Having received a letter from the Council commanding him to make answer to a petition thereinclosed, he sends this post, wherein, though he has as he thinks sufficiently answered the petitioner's articles, yet he has thought good to send a more full answer to Cecil, so that if the answer to the Lords does not satisfy, Cecil will be fully instructed of all that he can say for himself. Is willing in his absence to be defended by Cecil.—Ticknell, His Majesty's House, 26 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (98. 12.)
The Enclosure:
Answer to Stephens's petition preferred to the Council 8 Feb. 1603. To Lord Cecil.
Stephens, undersheriff of Herefordshire, alleges that the King granted him the office of Keeper of the Wardrobe in the Marches of Wales, and an office of making bills of complaint for debts only in the Court there. Lord Zouche details the history of the latter pretended office and of the patents relating thereto, and claims that the office is proper to the counsellors, attorneys and clerks of that Court. As to the keepership of the Wardrobe, Ambler's patent was forfeited for embezzlement, and Stephens thrust himself into Ambler's pretended title. As to the third article, it is true the King wrote such a letter, but he and the Council, not knowing of any such mean profits due to petitioner, could not compel anyone to make him restitution. Stephens's debt to the King may be recovered against those whose deputy he was, or against his sureties. As to the fourth article, he explains his appointment of his servant Richard Badham to the office for subscribing to bills of debt, which is distinct from the office of making bills of debt. Stephens's negligence in the office of wardrobe keeper. Holds it to be "very unconscionable and monopolish" that Stephens should have to himself the making and drawing of bills, whereby many honest and experienced clerks and ministers of that Court have their maintenance: the colour whereof is his reward of services as wardrobe keeper, wherein he deserves nothing at all.
3 pp. (98. 13.)
The Townsmen of Berwick to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, Feb. 27. Request that John Crane, Controller of Berwick, and his deputy William Ourd, be continued in their places. Speak of Crane's 37 years service in the North parts, and in the time of the Desmond's rebellion. Also that Crane may have some allowance for his charges "in keeping a table for all men, as has been usual to all who executed the same place before him."—Berwick, 27 Feb. 1603.
Signed by Robert Carvill and others. 1 p. (206. 8.)
Lord Zouche to the Privy Council.
[1603–4], Feb. 28. Sends his answer to the petition preferred by Stephens. If what he has written seems not sufficient to satisfy their expectations, prays for their forbearance in condemning him until his coming to London.—Ticknell, His Majesty's House, 28 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." (98. 16.) ½ p.
The Enclosure:
Answer to Stephens's petition preferred to the Council, 8 Feb. 1603. To the same effect as the answer addressed to Lord Cecil.
1 p. (98. 15.)
Lord Cobham.
[? 1603–4, Feb.] Schedule of debts and assets. Lord Cobham's, there being a list of debts by "your lordship," and then a list of "Mr. Brook's" debts.
1 p. (141. 352.)
Roman Catholics.
July 1603—Feb. 1603–4. Notes of letters intercepted to Brussels, &c.
7 December. A letter from R. Latymer to his cousin Mr. Thomas Hethe at Bruxells, marvelling that he is not returned as Mr. Pagett and others who had more deeply offended, "being" him that his pardon is sued forth, and that he may come home in safety, which he prays him not to neglect for that his mother, his brother and sister are dead, and that his lands receive damage by his absence.
27 December. A letter from John Daye directed in French to Walter Warcopp gent. in Bruxells. He commends his duty to F. ["father F." struck out], and desires to be excused for not writing to F. B. Also he commends him to F. G. at St. Thomer, and to Robert Audley, with divers others of his friends.
February. A letter from Tho: Step', priest, to Father Gyles "Scondunct" Rector of the English Seminary Adomaropoli, written in Latin, giving him many thanks for his favours, and telling him that the Parliament is expected shortly, and that he works to his power in the common cause. It is most true that the Catholics et numero et Religione praestare.
26 December. A letter without name directed to his loving brother E. Wig': persuading him to persevere in his courses, and to do his endeavour to convert a brother of theirs that is a Protestant. He hopes to see him before Easter.
3 February. A letter from Richard Fullwood directed to Mr. Roger Higham at Dowa, writing unto him for certain money which ought to have been paid him; whereas he should have received from Dr. Worthington 100 catechisms, he had not yet received 50 of them.
6 February. A letter from Henry directed in Italian to Oliver Manners at Antwerp, but written in Latin. Dr. Rafe Bycley who remains in that Province would greatly advance their business, as he says, I do not accustom, says he, to name men that are to be employed in this business, sed totam rem D. Claudii aliorumque Pretorum judicio poenitus relinquo, he being formerly employed in the same, and therefore I beseech you that he may be sent unto us, unto the which I am sure he will be willing.
27 July. A letter from William Worthington to his brother D. W.: giving him many thanks for the relief he has received from him by his godson, and that he wrote a letter to his brother and received another from him in September last bearing date in July; he has received of his godson the sums of money specified in the said letter; and in March last received a letter from Thomas Lawthe who had been with his said brother and was to pay him 20l. He writes also that he received another letter from his brother by his nephew Robert Whale, wherein he wills him to have care of the said Whale. He desires his brother to relieve him with some money for the purchasing of his house, and that he would admit a young youth whom he names not into the College that he might have his portion of money which he should give for the said place. He writes that their nephew Thomas is lately arrived in England, with whom he has had conference.
15 December. Another letter from William Worthington to his brother Dr. Worthington. He thanks him for his late favours, and that he has no other means to write to him but by his godson, and that his godson had written to his brother in his behalf by Dr. Tayler, and that he prays for the conversion of Robert Whale, who is falling from the Catholic faith.
Another letter from William Worthington to his brother Dr. Worthington, of particular business with a note enclosed in the same.
30 January. A letter to Mr. Thomas Lancaster written by F. H. wherein he gives him notice of a letter sent to him from the Lady Rogers, whether he can receive into his charge youths to be educated. He wishes him to send catechisms and books, that will be well sold, and specially wishes him to send hither the Old Testament, and to write his letters for the dispersing of these books to Mr. John Gage, Mr. Edward Gage, Mr. Richard Carye, Mr. John Cotten, and to other gentlemen of Lancashire and the North, and also to certain priests, as Mr. Albane Dollman, Mr. William Bycelop the younger &c., and to Mr. Stillington a layman, and to Mr. Southworth.
6 February. A letter to Mr. Rafe Bycley about books, and that he will speak with Alab. about books left here from H.
31 January. A letter to Mr. Richard Smyth at Rhemes from Henry about particular affairs, wishing him to return, but not until the Parliament and the conclusion of peace.
31 January. A letter to Mr. Thomas Hungerforde from H. about particular business, concerning a cousin of his unnamed.
11 January. A letter directed to Mr. William Rogers in the superscription, but written by Ellen E. to one Mrs. Barber about money to be received of one Mr. Ollyver. She says she has spoken with Mrs. Elyzabeth, who tells her that she cannot be spared to go over as she intended.
4 January. A letter to Mr. William Rogers from a gentlewoman without name, who prays him to be good to a friend of hers without name that is in want.
28 December. A letter from Richard Washington to Mr. Dr. Webb giving him many thanks for the relief he had of him: commends his service unto Dr. Worthington. He sends him word that one Bestwick, a Catholic, was arraigned and acquitted by his jury, for which he is glad.
25 January. A letter from Katheryn Roper directed to the right reverend Fathers Mr. Blackwell, Archpriest, and Mr. Farmer, Superior of the Fathers in the Society for England, sent by Mr. Dr. Tayler touching her second son Thomas Roper who was to be brought up in the College at Dowa, praying their friendship to her son, to whom she gives 20l. a year exhibition. A postscript subscribed by George Blackwell, Archpriest, in the behalf of her son, and farther delivering his opinion that if the Bible be printed it will be well sold for many covet it. He desires to know the opinion of Marke therein.
1 December. A letter from P. Radclyff in Latin to his uncle Mr. Thomas Lancaster, declaring the perils he escaped in landing at Dover, and of his arrival at London, and that a long time he went unknown: that he received many favours of divers persons. He commends much one William Needam for the favours he did unto him. He commends likewise the family of the Cottons.
30 January. Another letter from that Radclyff to his uncle Mr. Thomas Lancaster, of compliments.
20 January, stilo veteri. A letter endorsed on the back side for Signeur Marco, subscribed by Ad. Ar, and under it Wynter Smyth. He repents that he was not acquainted with his fatherly Reverence when he was in foreign parts, acknowledging much love and duty unto him. He says further that now seeing that he has not been only admitted to make demonstration of his constancy, but to offer up himself by way of sacrifice, first of all to Christ Jesus, he craves his directions for performance of his happy course, and that he has stirred up another far more fit than he to receive so great a benefit, that he is desirous to further so pious an intent, and knows the party to be very virtuous and apt to dedicate himself; that his ability is able to do no more than that he has done, and that the party requests to have it made known to their Superior, and desires to be acquainted with his Reverence; and that both of us account you to be our common father. His letter to you I send hereinclosed, that your R. may see his fervent manner of his petition; the party who writes the postscript to his letter you know his hand, therefore you need not doubt to censure well of him. He concludes his letter with praying his R. to accomplish the party's desires.
18 December, stilo veteri. A letter enclosed in the former letter directed to nobody, subscribed by L. A. and written under, John Scroope. He desires him to speak to the Superior to accept him for one of his children. Of his qualities and conditions he refers him to the bearer, and charges him as he loves Jesus Christ to be careful in obtaining his earnest suit. As soon as he can he will come to him, desiring him to acquaint no man with it but Mr. A. Hoskyns and Mr. J. Reynolds. Mr. R. Olyson is gone to his father into Wales. Mr. W. Hudl', is my neighbour. He and Mr. Worceley do well. He rejoices much in his blessed patron S. W. Riche. A postscript subscribed by R. Robyns wherein are these words: I am most glad to be as I was for you a mediator, in so happy a business for so good a friend and so fit a member. He assures the writer of the letter as he is sure the writer of this letter will prove to the Church of God (sic).
20 January, stilo veteri. A letter directed to the Reverend Father Rich. Wall, subscribed John Bond, but it is written by the same party's hand that subscribed in other letter Ad. Ar. Wynter Smyth. He desires his father Wood to give his best assistance in Lawrens Rigbies suit, who is the party mentioned in the last precedent letter. In his going to Winchester he met with Peter Worthe, whom he calls brother, and relieved him for six weeks. He says Mr. John Reynolds is recovered of his health, and is his neighbour, that the common cause has ebbs and floods, but the flood he hopes will eat up the ebb. But of the events of these things he fears nothing. He ends his letter in commendation of Lawrens Rigbye.
3 February, stilo veteri. A letter directed in Italian to Sigr. Giovanni Antonio Frederico in Colonia written in English and subscribed Ortelio Renso. He says that he "wratt" at large the last month, that his factor Peterson has received three letters from him. The first part of his letter intreats of merchandise, but no ware specified. He informs him that in the King's general pardons priests are excepted unless they certainly set down where they be beneficed, which is to exclude seminary priests. He says that there is a speech that the articles for reformation of the Book of Common Prayer are disclaimed by his Majesty; that he has certain knowledge from men of good sort that something should be otherwise altered. He says that in London a popish house has been searched, some gentlewomen taken and committed to prison close prisoners. The penalty of two parts of such as pay not 20l. per mensem is severely prosecuted against the delinquents; that the Lord Chief Justice has given order to purge the Inns of Court of all popishly affected, and those that refuse to communicate once a month to be expulsed. The rest of the letter imports merchandise.
22 December. A letter directed to Mr. Dr. Worthington and subscribed Thomas Lister S.J. wherein he entreats his favour for the preferment of a youth whom he names not; he will give 10l. towards the same, and assures himself of his love.
10 February. A letter from Richard Fullwood to Mr. Thomas Lancaster at Dowa, wherein he writes that he has delivered to one Anthony 13l.
9 January. A letter directed to the Whyte Boye and subscribed your father R. W., wherein he gives him fatherly admonition, willing him to prosecute in the course he has entered into, and that he has sent him by the bearer two pair of "knyffs," two pair of gloves, and two pair of silk garters,
A letter directed in French to Mounsr. Henry Mountpesson, "gentlehome angloys" in Bruxells, and subscribed John Daye, wherein he writes that he has sought for the said Henry's mother but could not find her; himself and his estate shall be at the service of him and his best friend.
Ultimo January. A letter directed from Henry Fytton to Henry Lentrop, wherein he says that at his being in London he met with Richard, who delivered him a letter from him, to the which he "wratt" a present answer, and that his Lp., whom he names not, is now at London but his Lady is at Harfeld 18 miles from London, and he will not let any messenger escape but will write by him, to which end he has dealt with Rychard; he has sent him 10l.; and dealt with his mother by Thomas Smythe's means to pay his debts. He wrote him in his other letter his determination of his coming over and that his purpose was to travel into Spain, desiring him to stay his journey awhile for him, and he will travel with him, and that he stays for the Spanish Ambassador with whom he has acquainted himself.
12 February. A letter from John Gylpyn to his son wherein he reproves him for the ill courses which he hears he follows, admonishing him to forsake them.
12 December 1603. A letter directed to Mr. William Newman from J. N. being but matter of compliment or love.
12 January. A letter directed to Thomas Owen, subscribed J. S., wherein he writes that he has received his letters dated in March, and acknowledges himself much bound to God for the charitable care that he has had of his children; he will follow his counsel to his uttermost; his son Owen has again betaken himself to travel fully resolved to proceed in the course he began. He desires that his said son may be placed where he may prove sound from all contagion and perilous faction, and a grounded Catholic.
29 January. A letter directed to Dr. Worthington, President of the English College at Doaye, from Jo. Ba: in the behalf of two youths whose counterfeit name is Dixwells, that he would help him with some relief in the College; the letter carried by their grandfather. He hopes they will prove good instruments hereafter, and sends commendations to Dr. Webb and Dr. Harryson. In a postscript he writes in the behalf of one Francys Conyers, called there Browne or Butler. He understands of a letter to be brought to him from the said Francys by one Mr. Barlowe, but yet he has not received it. Another postscript, written in another hand, without a name, being but of small importance.
Ultimo January. A letter directed in Italian, Al Sr. Aurelio Crasso, the letter in Latin, subscribed H. The contents are of certain relics of the Cross, whereof one to a priest, and another to Aurelio; and likewise sends other tokens to Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Alyce.
4 December. A letter in Italian directed to the R. Father Flaminio in Myllayne from William Legge. He writes of the plague in London, that the Catholics pay still for their recusancy, and that there is little hope for a relaxation at the Parliament because the King is obstinate in his opinion.
8 February. A letter from Mr. Richard Peterson to one Mr. Flake. He says that he has received letters by Thomas Penne and Henry with the beard, and also 11 packs of ware and 50 books promised by Mark to be given to friends. He writes for primers and breviaries of the last edition. The rest of the letter contains merchants' wares and tokens sent to certain friends.
12 January. A letter enclosed in the former appearing by the hand to be written from H. to Mr. Flake, He says that Mr. Hughes desires to send to the Father Rector. One of his nephews Mr. Crowther desires likewise that a son of his may be sent thither. He requests the like for a nephew of Thomas Owens.
6 February, stilo veteri. A letter directed in French Au Mounseur Guilliem Lacque, no name subscribed, the letter English. He says that he has received his letters, and prays that he would have special care of Carye's son. He desires him to send him some books, and to commend him to Thomas Hall. In a postscript he writes that the younger son of 100m is now with him as he thinks and ready to go to a further place. His father's desire is that he should go to Marke, or else to Joseph; and further says that the Walkers father with his wife and children will presently go and live there, and tell Henry that he was sent from Marke.
31 January, stilo veteri. A letter directed al molto magco Sor. Gulielmo Flacquo, the letter in English written and subscribed by H. He prays that he would send him as many primers as he can and certain Conversions, having but 19 left. The rest of the letter of no importance.
Within the said letter enclosed, a note directed to Joseph, containing these heads following, viz. a brief note of such matters as were agreed by the King's Majesty and the Lords of his Council for the government of the Church of 10 January. The second head was for matters of jurisdiction concerning the Bishops' High Commission. The third was for preaching of the Word and maintaining of true doctrine. The fourth head, to be reformed by care of good magistrates than by straitness of the laws (sic). These are, says he, the conclusions of these conferences, wherein his Majesty sat as Moderator, who said, that a good "pollytian" was worth all the Protestants and Puritans there.
Endorsed: "1603." 9 pp. (140. 133.)